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Sunday, September 8, 2024

2 LPAs form outside Philippine area of responsibility; possible to become tropical cyclones



  • Both LPAs are expected to maintain strength over the next 24 hours, but their possibility of developing into tropical cyclones in the coming days cannot be ruled out.

  • The next tropical cyclone names on PAGASA’s list are “Ferdie” and “Gener.”

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said two low pressure areas (LPAs) had formed outside the country’s area of responsibility on Sunday, Sept. 8.

PAGASA Weather Specialist Grace Castañeda said one LPA is located east-northeast of extreme northern Luzon, while the other is located far east of Mindanao.

She said both LPAs are expected to maintain strength over the next 24 hours. However, the possibility of developing into a tropical cyclone in the coming days cannot be ruled out.

The next tropical cyclone names on PAGASA’s list are “Ferdie” and “Gener.” 

By Monday, Sept. 9, Castañeda said the LPA east-northeast ng northern Luzon could either enter the PAR or approach the northern boundary.

She added that if this happens, the LPA may slightly enhance the southwest monsoon (habagat) and increase the likelihood of rainfall in the western sections of Northern and Central Luzon.

Meanwhile, Castañeda said the LPA east of Mindanao could also slightly enhance the habagat if it moves closer to the country’s area of responsibility by the second half of the week. 

This could lead to rainfall in the western parts of the Visayas and Mindanao as a result of the enhanced habagat, she added.

Over the next 24 hours, the weak habagat may bring cloudy skies with scattered rains and thunderstorms to Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Batanes, and Babuyan Islands.

PAGASA warned of possible flooding or landslides due to moderate to heavy rains.

The habagat may also bring partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rain showers or thunderstorms to Metro Manila and the rest of Luzon.

Meanwhile, the rest of the country may experience partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rain showers due to localized thunderstorms.

PAGASA also warned of potential flash floods or landslides during severe thunderstorms.

Enhanced literacy promotes peace, better quality of life


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Literacy is a fundamental human right.  It is a foundation for people to acquire broader knowledge and skills to enable them to seek more opportunities to have better lives.

Most people may think literacy is a fading problem because worldwide, governments have strengthened education programs and technology has made it possible for many to get educated through online classes.  

Contrary to that, the United Nations said that according to latest reports in 2022, at least one out of seven adults aged 15 and above – or 765 million – still lack basic literacy skills. “Additionally, millions of children are struggling to acquire minimum levels of proficiency in reading, writing, and numeracy, while some 250 million children of six to 18 years old are out of school.”

Literacy is not only about knowing how to read and write.  In the present situation, the UN defines “literacy” as “beyond its conventional concept as a set of reading, writing and counting skills.”  Literacy is now understood as a means of understanding and communication in an increasingly digital world.

“Literacy is a continuum of learning and proficiency in reading, writing, and using numbers throughout life and is part of a larger set of skills, which include digital skills, media literacy, education for sustainable development and global citizenship as well as job-specific skills.”

Skills such as computer literacy, information literacy, and media literacy will empower people, and in particular youth, to develop critical thinking to build resilience to disinformation. 

The need to spread literacy has become more important today because literate parents will guide family members to pursue education to upgrade skills and to have better paying jobs. 

In the national setting, literacy has the “transformative potential for promoting mutual understanding, social cohesion, and peace,” a UN statement said of its goals in relation to the observance of International Literacy Day on Sept. 8 of every year.

The annual celebration of International Literacy Day (ILD), which started in 1967, aims to “remind policy-makers, practitioners, and the public of the critical importance of literacy for creating more literate, just, peaceful, and sustainable society.”

The UN program to promote literacy in formal and non-formal settings focuses on four priority areas: strengthening national strategies and policy development on literacy; addressing the needs of disadvantaged groups, particularly women and girls; using digital technologies to expand and improve learning outcomes; and monitoring progress and assessing literacy skills.

“Literacy skills themselves are expanding and evolving as people engage more and more with information and learning through digital technology,” the UN said.

The theme for this year’s observance of International Literacy Day is "Promoting multilingual education: Literacy for mutual understanding and peace.” 

“Literacy empowers and liberates people. Beyond its importance as part of the right to education, literacy improves lives by expanding capabilities. As a result, it reduces poverty, increases participation in the labor market and has positive effects on health and sustainable development.”

Government and private sector support for education should find more ways to spread literacy to all its citizens. It is the foundation of better lives, mutual understanding, and peace.

Gillian Vicencio hopeful her edgy look will bring her more success in showbiz



  • "Talahib" is one of the officialentries to the 2024 Sinag Maynila Film Festival from Sept. 4-10. Theawards night will be held at the Metropolitan Theater on Sept. 8.

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Gillian Vicencio (Instagram)

Gillian Vicencio opted for an edgy look as she attended the screening of the slasher film "Talahid," in which she played her first lead role.

During an interview at Gateway 2 Cinema in Araneta City on Sept. 5, Gillian decided to cut her hair short to get noticed with her new look finally.

"Feeling ko kapag naka-long hair ako, hindi ako nag-stand out. So I try to do the other na usually hindi ginagawa ng mga tao. So baka doon mag-standout ako," Gillian said. 

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Gillian added: "Sana magustuhan ng mga tao yung movie kasi every movie has a deeper meaning and message."

The actress expressed her belief that each project presents an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

"Hindi ko masasabi na comfortable ako sa kahit na anong project kasi bawat project is a challenge na hindi siya ganon kadali gawin talaga, kinikilala mo pa rin yung character," she added. 

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"Talahib" is one of the official entries to the 2024 Sinag Maynila Film Festival from Sept. 4-10. The awards night will be held at the Metropolitan Theater on Sept. 8.

Directed by Alvin Yapan, the movie also stars Kristoff Garcia, Joem Bascon, Jess Mendoza, Kate Alejandrino, Dax Alejandro, Angellie Sanoy, Timothy Castillo, Yam Mercado, Iyo Canlas, Mercedes Cabral, Sue Prado and Johnny Revilla. "Talahib' is produced by Feast Foundation and Est N8.


"Talahib" is a slasher film, in the tradition of the franchise A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), and other local massacre films. A ghost killer preys upon hapless victims who happen to pass by this talahiban (large weeds with razor-sharp edges) in an abandoned subdivision. 

Their bodies are always found asphyxiated before being disposed of in the same talahiban. The story is told from the point of view of PO2 Bong, the police investigator. 

Gillian Vicencio and Kristoff Garcia

He does not believe in ghost killers; even though at one point he will have a close encounter with the killer, shooting him at close range, and slashing through the wild grass that bleeds. 

However, Bong begins to reassess his belief when he encounters a band of friends, all in their 20s or early 30s, conducting a spirit quest at the talahiban, or so they say.

The leader of the group is Mario. He is joined by Vernie, Paul, Patrick, Ria, and Joyce. As it turns out, this band of friends are children of a group of parents who killed the ghost killer (who used to be a hired assassin) and buried his body in the talahiban of that subdivision. 

Now, to stop the violence, the band of friends is trying to exhume the body. But the ghost killer, intent on continuing his killings even in the afterlife, will not let them. He enjoys killing too much. The band of friends will be killed off by the ghost killer one by one, leaving only Joyce behind. 

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The cast of 'Talahib'

The movie will be mostly chase scenes among the bleeding grasses of the talahiban which seems to have a mind of its own.

To keep Joyce alive, Bong together with his police partner, PInsp. Roman, will encounter a mysterious character in Stephen, caught loitering in the talahiban. Bong thinks Stephen is only pretending to be mentally deranged to avoid suspicion. 

But as it turns out, Stephen is the son of a real estate mogul who used to hire the killer to do assassination jobs for him. Stephen will become the key to the origin story of the ghost killer.
The movie will be about the problem of forgiveness and the legacy of violence being passed on from parents to their children.