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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Capital1 battles Cignal in PVL knockout quarters



  • And Capital1 hopes to bank heavily on the team’s new-found confidence when it battles No. 2 Cignal while Farm Fresh looks to do the same against the top-seeded Akari in the Premier Volleyball League Reinforced Conference knockout quarterfinals Saturday, Aug. 24, at the FilOil EcoOil Centre in San Juan City.

In do-or-die matches, records and rankings are cast aside. What truly counts is resolve, poise and resilience.

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Capital1 is hoping to catch a big fish in the PVL quarterfinals. (PVL Images)

And Capital1 hopes to bank heavily on the team’s new-found confidence when it battles No. 2 Cignal while Farm Fresh looks to do the same against the top-seeded Akari in the Premier Volleyball League Reinforced Conference knockout quarterfinals Saturday, Aug. 24, at the FilOil EcoOil Centre in San Juan City.

Capital1 Solar Spikers coach Roger Gorayeb is convinced they can give Cignal a run for its money in their 6 p.m. showdown. 

The Akari-Farm Fresh showdown is set at 4 p.m. with the former to repeat its previous victory over the Foxies, where Oly Okaro, the league’s second-leading scorer with 183 spikes, led the Chargers with an 18-point performance.

Although the HD Spikers defeated the Solar Spikers in four sets during the eliminations, Capital1 has shown significant improvement, winning five matches compared to their single victory in the All-Filipino Conference.

Known for his tactical acumen, Gorayeb is expected to devise strategies to disrupt Cignal’s defensive and offensive patterns.

“It’s hard to stop MJ (Perez), but we’ll try to limit her production,” said Gorayeb. “We’ll have to tighten our defense not just against MJ but also against the locals.” 

Conversely, Gorayeb emphasized the need for his locals to step up and share the offensive load to prevent Tushova from getting overworked.

“Everybody must step up offensively to prevent Marina (Tushova) from getting worn out,” he added.

How to avoid the worst of jet lag and maximize your travel time


LONDON (AP) — It's the bane of many travelers: jet lag. Nobody wants to lose out because they're too tired to enjoy the delights of their vacation spot.
Here are some tips on how to handle jet lag, wherever you might end up.


What is jet lag? 

Scientists define jet lag as the effect on the human body of traveling across different time zones. Our bodies have biological clocks programmed into almost every cell in the body, according to Sofia Axelrod, who studies circadian rhythms at Rockefeller University in New York.

“The clock is set by the 24-hour light and dark pattern,” Axelrod said. “Every morning when we wake up, specialized (light) receptor cells in our retina receive a daylight signal, which is transmitted to the brain and from there, the whole body.”

When we travel to another time zone, our eyes receive the daylight signal at a different time than usual, causing our internal clocks to reset. But that process can take awhile — and it’s during that adjustment period that we feel the effects of jet lag. 

Is jet lag preventable?

Yes, but that can come at a cost. Malcolm von Schantz, a professor who specializes in circadian rhythms at Northumbria University in Newcastle, said that flying in premium cabins where travelers can stretch out and properly rest, can ward off sleep deprivation, but he acknowledges that isn't an option for most people. Still, he said that timing your flights can help. For example, he suggests flying from Europe to North America during the day, so that it’s evening when passengers land and they can get a proper night’s sleep.

“If you take the evening flight instead, you’ll be woken up at midnight to be served breakfast and land an hour or two later, when both jet lag and sleep deprivation will hit you hard and simultaneously,” he said.

Von Schantz also said flying in newer models with a lighter frame, like the Airbus A350 or Boeing 787 Dreamliner, would help. That’s because those planes can maintain a more comfortable cabin atmosphere, which should help travelers feel less worn out by the end of their flights.


What should you do when you arrive? 

Experts say getting exposure to sunlight is critical to resetting your internal body clock. That can mean either avoiding morning sun or deliberately seeking it out, depending on where you’ve travelled from. Getting light in the morning will advance your body clock, while light exposure in the early evening will delay it. Naps are OK, but scientists warn against taking long siestas later in the day, as that might compromise your ability to sleep through the night.


Are there supplements or medicines that might help?

Melatonin, a hormone that the brain naturally produces when the body thinks it’s night, can be helpful. But it’s not available everywhere and in some countries like the U.K. and France, a prescription is required. Von Schantz of Northumbria University said that one of the advantages of melatonin is that you can start taking it before your journey, to reset your internal clock quicker.

“If you’re in a part of the world where melatonin is available over the counter, you can combine the effects of light and melatonin to achieve the advance or delay (in your body clock) that you need,” he said.


What can you do to deal with the effects of jet lag?

Business travelers might want to consider arriving a day or two ahead of any important meetings or events, said Russell Foster of Oxford University, who has authored a book on circadian rhythms.

“You should just be aware that if you’re jet-lagged, you’re more likely to make unwise decisions, be less empathetic and unable to multitask,” he said.
Tourists might not need to be as alert as business travelers, but they should still be careful, he said. He advises tourists to get caught up on their sleep before doing anything potentially risky or that requires concentration, like driving.

Foster said he tries to maximize his light exposure when he arrives at a new destination to offset jet lag. But he also has a fallback strategy: coffee.

“I’m not suggesting it’s an ideal thing to do, but caffeine will help override the sleepiness and cognitive impairment you might be feeling as a result of jet lag,” he said.