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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Friday, May 12, 2017

Global environment voices

Global environment voices

If I meet people fighting for our clean environment, you might find me at their site. Activists have started a eight-day push to get individuals and institutions to divest from oil, gas and coal corporations. Investing in the fossil fuel industry equals pumping money into climate change, they say.
Fossil fuels seem to be losing their unquestioned position as the world’s primary source of energy, particularly after the Paris climate agreement. Even so, governments and private investors continue to sup-port fossil fuel businesses worldwide.
The Global Divestment Mobilization (May 5 to 13, 2017) will draw together thousands of people from across 39 countries on six continents to push forward divestment from fossil fuels, in favor of renewable energy. In other words, to convince investors to withdraw their financial support fossil fuel companies – and in doing so, protect the climate.
Environmental activists and concerned individuals ask for an immediate freeze of any new investment in coal, oil or gas companies. The movement has spread across the world over the past five years. It’s based on the argument that investing in fossil energies fuels the climate crisis.
As a project of the environmental nonprofit organization 350.org, the Global Divestment Mobilization started in United States universities in 2012. But the movement has now reached global dimensions. “Everything is growing very rapidly,” Melanie Mattauch, Europe communications coordinator told international media.
The network includes now countries from Asia, Latin America and Africa. The development of the movement in Brazil, for instance, has been particularly exciting for Mattauch. “There, many bishops and Catholic groups are engaged,” she said. “They want the Vatican to react as a great moral authority – and a great investor.”
And the movement has also been very successful, Mattauch said, pointing to its growth. More than 700 public institutions worldwide have already committed to divest, including educational institutions, philanthropic foundations and governments. Just last week, the German city of Göttingen has become the fourth German city withdrawing investment in coal, oil and gas companies. As German citizen I am happy to learn about it.
Faith-based organizations represent around 20 percent of the total divestment reached yet.
“Christians in the Church have a particular moral and religious obligation to speak out on climate change,” a spokesperson from the Christian Climate Action group told German media. She didn’t want to be named, out of professional reasons.
This is indeed all about raising awareness and making pressure.
Some accuse fossil fuel companies of only surviving thanks to governmental subsidies. Oil Change International issued a 2015 report that G20 governments provided more than $400 billion (360 billion Euro) per year to fossil fuel production, including some of the world’s most carbon-intensive and polluting ones. Let’s face it: unless governments stop propping up fossil fuel companies, divestment will be limited, even with clean energy becoming ever cheaper.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Summer 2017: Tarsier sanctuary-turned-resort shows a different side of Bohol

By: Jeeves de Veyra

Abs Cbn
A view of Tarsier Botanika from offshore. Photo by author
When one thinks of Bohol, images of beaches and Chocolate Hills immediately come to mind. An image of a forest paradise is probably not on that list. And yet, that is exactly what Tarsier Botanica is: a resort situated in the middle of a forest.
Tarsier Botanika is an exclusive resort nestled in the forests of southern Panglao. It used to be a tarsier sanctuary until the local government moved the endangered creatures to their facility in Bohol. With only 14 villas in the entire complex, this resort guarantees privacy and a place to really get away from it all.
This resort was dreamed up by its architect owners. There is a museum that houses collectibles and objets d’art that they have brought home from their travels. The curated collection in the museum reflects the European and Asian aesthetics that has made its way into the resort.
Birds diving in and out of the water can sometimes be seen at the swimming pool. Photo by author
Everything in the resort was made according to the owners’ designs: the resort layout, the villas, the restaurant, and special furniture in the buildings.
As a guest in Tarsier Botanika, you don’t walk through claustrophobic hallways to get to their rooms. Rather, you wander through lush forest paths to get to your villa with the soundtrack of the wind rustling through the leaves and birds chirping in the trees.
Every step inside the resort is a picture waiting to be taken. Photo by author
A Balinese reclining Buddha in the forest pathways. Photo by author
A Santorini-inspired deck. Photo by author
With every step on the paths is an Instagram moment waiting to be captured. There’s a sleeping Buddha from Bali, there’s the Santorini-esque cliffside walkway that leads down to a private beach, the swimming pool which occasionally has birds diving in and out of the water,
And then, there are the villas themselves.
The grand interiors of a Tarsier Botanika villa. Photo by author
The villas, which resemble large nipa huts, dwarf a standard hotel room. It can easily house an entire family. The bathroom is massive with storage space for luggage. A comfortable king size bed adorns the main room with a classy desk and a breakfast nook in a corner, which comes with a CBTL Caffitaly espresso machine with a complete selection of espresso pods.
The coffee nook has its own espresso machine. Photo by author
Tarsier Botanika is not shy about the construction of the villa as the massive structures that support the roof are there to see when you lie down on the bed. The supports are an imposing sight and yet, it just shows how well made these houses are. Little touches like a foot wash outside the villa and various drying racks show how much thought was given to the design of these levelled up huts. The villa just invites guests to cocoon themselves inside for the duration of their stay.
And yet, there is a lot more to do and see in Tarsier Botanika. There is a mini-zoo that houses all sorts of birds and animals from the island. There is a stable with horses and ponies that guests can ride though their Tarsier Equestria package. Professional equestrian athletes from Cebu regularly come here for dressage and Show Jumping practice.
Tarsier Botanika has a stable and equestrian grounds. Photo by author
There is also a Tarsier Aquatica package that includes boat trips to nearby islands for scuba diving guests.
Though Tarsier Botanika has its own beach, guests can catch a boat and sun themselves at the beaches of nearby Pamilacan Island. The resort occasionally hosts beachside barbecue brunch for guests which also features snorkeling at the nearby marine sanctuary to check out Bohol’s marine biodiversity.
Barbecue brunch at Pamilacan Island. Photo by author
For those looking for a party atmosphere, the resort provides a shuttle to Panglao Beach. The resort’s shuttle station is located at its similarly named sister restaurant. The beachside branch’s menu is more down-to-earth than the gourmet menu of the resort.
A sample of desserts from the Tarsier Botanika branch at Panglao Beach. Photo by author
Tarsier Botanika is an emerald in the sea of Bohol’s beach resorts. It offers is not just a resort offering a place to stay, it is a complete experience for the world-weary who’re looking for a couple of days of disconnection from the world and a place to enjoy peace and quiet.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Google warns of phishing scam that impersonates Google Documents

 (Associated Press) | 

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Google says it has disabled offending accounts, removed fake pages and updated its Safe Browsing feature, which issues warnings when users visit dangerous sites.
SAN FRANCISCO — Google is warning users to beware of a phishing scam spread by a fraudulent invitation to share a Google Doc.
According to online reports — in particular, a detailed user thread on Reddit — clicking on the share link was taking users to a site that asked permission for a fake app calling itself "Google Docs" to access their accounts. If they agreed, the app would then send additional phishing emails to the users' contacts.

Google says it has disabled offending accounts, removed fake pages and updated its Safe Browsing feature, which issues warnings when users visit dangerous sites. It encourages affected users to run its security check feature.
One telltale sign: The attack email appears to be directed to the address hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh@mailinator.com, and only blind copied to the recipient.
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Statement of Senator Cayetano on vote to Gina Lopez

Office of Senator
Alan Peter S. Cayetano
Rm. 602 GSIS Complex Senate of the Philippines Roxas Blvd Pasay City

5 May 2017

Statement of Senator Alan Peter Cayetano on vote to Gina Lopez

Good evening everyone! Greetings from Geneva. 

I will always decide on what is right and not what is popular. 

I'm not surprised to see so much support and so much opposition to the voting of the C.A. re DENR Secretary Nominee Gina Lopez. I thank those who are open minded and asking why? I'm not surprised that Sec.Gina and her group will go so low as to cast aspersions on why I voted the way I did and even accuse me of being in the pockets of the mining industry.

Since the 2007 campaign my stand on responsible mining and the strictest,highest standards for industries that affect the environment has been consistent.

At the time of the voting, I felt that for me to explain my vote at that time would be like rubbing salt in a wound, because I would have to enumerate all the reasons why she is not fit to be DENR secretary. I felt it would be cruel to reject then put her down. 

Yet she now singles me out when a vast majority of the CA voted to reject (after giving her a year to prove herself) her appointment.

I want to clarify that I gave Ms. Lopez enough chances to dispel fears that she would not observe the legal process in regulating the mining industry. I supported her in closing down mining sites that were not compliant with the highest standards. Moreover, illegal mining and logging continue to proliferate,while other sectors that need both strict regulation continue to destroy the environment.

Unfortunately, the Secretary was adamant in defending her illegal actions. If she had carried on with her mindset, it would have embarrassed the Duterte Administration sooner or later. She would have placed the administration in a predicament that would be hard to defend. 

I respect Ms. Lopez's passion as an advocate for the environment, but she fails to understand that she cannot arrogate unto herself Constitutional powers reserved exclusively for Congress. 

Many officials have invoked good intentions when they violated our anti-graft and corruption laws, and President Rodrigo Duterte was left with no choice but to terminate them. Ms. Lopez's recent acts already bordered along these lines. Going by her unwillingness to comply with institutional processes, she is not fit to head the DENR. She would have embarrassed the President in no time. 

We are all for alleviating poverty and the strict enforcement of our laws, but we cannot and should not do so by being whimsical in imposing regulations that violate Constitutional processes. 

I hope that the President will appoint another Ms. Lopez with the same zeal, yet still mindful of the requisite that one must be faithful to the mandate and dictates of our laws and processes.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thirty pieces of silver

Thirty pieces of silver

The apostle Judas, probably also called Thaddeus or Jude, being a brother of James and Jesus, started as a fervent follower of Christ. Then, suddenly he changed. He felt that Christ didn’t  satisfy his worldly expectations. The church, like Christ, is always loved by its true followers and is always hated by its apostates.  Till today – no matter what belief you are in….
Judas didn’t leave the apostolic community to become a Pharisee or a critic  of Christ. He  leaves to become a traitor! Such a traitor will always find fault or a misinterpretation of human teaching. Judas gathered reasons that he, himself, had heard  and witnessed  to justify  his betrayal. Yes, we all also know such people who betray us and sometimes a whole nation.
A Jewish mob tried to throw Christ down a cliff, but nothing happened. Soldiers tried to arrest Him, but nothing happened. The Pharisees tried to  entrap Him to no effect. It needed a friend -maybe a good friend! – to betray Him. He escaped from all, but not from the treason of a friend. “It would have been better for that man if he had not been born!” No such sentence was hurled, for example, to Pilate or Herod.
The lesson for all of us is very clear. A bad politician or one of our neighbors can be the foulest thing on earth. A bad pagan cannot be a 1/10 corrupt.
“Do not betray another man’s confidence!” the Bible teaches us. But Judases can be found everywhere. Just as fire is not born from snow, so is the seeker after worldly honors not seeking heavenly ones. Or have you ever seen the snow catches fire?
The maladroit politician named Judas betrays his voter and elector thru beautiful soft promises while corrupting a whole nation. The neighbor, who declares how much he loves his family while going on unhindered destroying the environment is also named Judas….
Judas’ sins are really not rare. We commit it every day. Someone who have changed his ideals away from the ideals of the church and declares it to the world, anyone who leaves the church or the religious order and proclaims it to the world, “night had fallen on his soul!”
When Julius Caesar was being assassinated what hurt him was not the stabs of Caius but the presence of his friend Brutus. We might never know it, but we could be carrying on our lips the kiss of Judas or very ready to pay the thirty pieces of silver.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Turkey - the end of press freedom

Turkey – the end of press freedom


Turkey’s telecommunications authority has said that access to Wikipedia is being barred due to entries alleging the country supports terrorism. It was not clear which specific posts had run afoul of Turkish rules.
Authorities in Turkey offered up an explanation on Sunday (April 30) for suddenly barring access to the popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia, saying it was over certain entries that hadn’t been removed from the site. “Despite all the efforts, the content that falsely claims Turkey’s support for terrorist organizations was not removed from Wikipedia,” Turkey’s telecommunications authority stated in a tweet.
The authority said the content was “not allowed to be edited with accurate information” and that it is not possible to selectively block content on Wikipedia. The entire platform was therefore blocked in Turkey.
The statement added that “Wikipedia editors must do what is necessary” regarding the content.
On Saturday, Turkey’s private NTV television network, which has been criticized for censoring anti-government content, said the block was put in place over entries “placing Turkey on the same level as the ‘Islamic State'” despite requests to remove the content.
Not only this. Turkey also issued a decree on Saturday imposing a ban on popular dating programs on Turkish television channels. The Turkish government has blocked thousands of websites and has placed restrictions on social media platforms, including YouTube and Twitter. Authorities in Turkey are also able to block specific Twitter accounts.
More sackings across the country were shocked on Saturday when they could no longer access the website from within Turkey without using a virtual private network. The site contains encyclopedia-like entries on a broad spectrum of topics written in several languages. Anyone can register and propose changes, but the changes can be undone by others.
Turkey issued a set of decrees Saturday, one announced the firing of 3,974 officials while the second imposed a ban on popular dating programs on Turkish television channels. Another decree gazetted also reinstated 236 people to their jobs, according to the Associated Press.
The online encyclopedia’s founder Jimmy Wales tweeted that he would stand by Turks over their “fundamental” right to access.
Saturday’s public service expulsions included 1,127 justice ministry employees, including wardens, some 1,000 army personnel and 500 academics. That lifts to 100,000 the number of people purged in the nine months since last year’s coup attempt. Some 47,000 people have been arrested.
Freedom House, the independent rights watchdog, says over 111,000 websites were blocked already as of May last year, shortly after the coup attempt. Turkey is listed as “not free” on the organization’s Freedom on the Net index.
A democracy named – Turkey. Turkey – the end of press freedom for sure!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Philippine-German Relations (V) - Deutsch-philippinische Beziehungen (V)

Jose Rizal - the Initiator of Philippine-German Cultural Relations

After considering the diplomatic exchange of the British and Spanish government in Manila, Father Hermogenes E. Bacareza described in his book now a cultural link between individual Filipinos ad Germans.

One of the very first Filipinos who admired the Germans in the Philippines and abroad was Jose Rizal, the Philippines' national hero. More than anybody else, it was he who, "initiated the cultural relations between Germany and the Philippines and the German-speaking scholars" - as Dr. Celio Lopez wrote in "Rizal and the beginning of German-Philippine cultural relations: The Joint Enterprise, Manila Enterprise Publishing.

Lopez, a Professor Emeritus of Linguistic and Oriental Studies at the University of the Philippines wrote:

"With his inquisitive nature and thirst for knowledge, particularly in what concerned his country, Dr. Rizal sought out these scholars, exchanged ideas with them, and nurtured friendship to the end."

One of the German scholars and scientists whom Rizal befriended was Dr. Alexander Schadenberg, who became his personal friend. Schadenberg took great interest in Rizal and even made his the recipient of all his writings. Another scientist friend was Dr. Adolf Meyer, the director of the Royal Ethnographical Museum in Dresden. It was with Meyer and Blumentritt that Rizal discussed. 

Why Rizal chose to study in Heidelberg instead of Berlin. Hamburg or Munich seemed to find no definite answer. Maybe it was really the beauty of the place that attracted the Spanish poet Rizal.

(To be continued!)

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Zamboanga Cuisine Shines in Savores 2017

Zamboanga cuisine shines in Savores 2017

Kara Santos
Posted at Apr 27 2017 05:16 PM
Paellas from Alavar Seafood Restaurant are served to guests. Kara Santos
ZAMBOANGA -- The unique and diverse flavors of Zamboanga took center stage at Savores 2017 which opened last Saturday, April 22, in Zamboanga City. Fourteen local restaurants showcased their specialties in the culinary event that highlighted the region's vibrant and progressive foodscape to more than a thousand guests.
Savores, a Chavacano term meaning “flavors,” was organized by the city government, the Department of Tourism regional office and the Hotel-Restaurant Association of Zamboanga City. Currently on its second year, the event highlighted the melting pot of culture, history, and fusion of Spanish, Chinese, and Malay influences presented by nine old-generation restaurateurs and four emerging culinary entrepreneurs in Zamboanga. 
Zamboanga's iconic Alavar Seafood Restaurant served dishes using its three-generation heirloom recipes such as curacha (spanner crab) in Alavar sauce, mangga con bagon gata (mango with bagoong and coconut milk), and baked imbao (mangrove clams) in Alavar garlic sauce.
Bay Tal Mal Restaurant prepares the native Tausug dish Piyassak. Kara Santos
Bay Tal Mal Restaurant offered a taste of Halal Moro cuisine and spicy Tausug dishes including Piyassak, a native Tausug dish made from beef liver and cooked in coconut milk and burnt coconut; and Beef Kulma, a Tausug dish similar to beef curry cooked in coconut milk and peanut butter.
Young food trendsetters also brought new tastes and flavors with their innovative dishes.
Curacha is normally steamed and served with sauce in traditional seafood restaurants, so the Curacha Pasta from Bistro Fellini’s and Tribeca Modern Kitchen and Bar, where flaked meat from the crab was mixed into a traditional Italian Seafood Aglio Olio pasta, was a hit. 
Curacha pasta from Bistro Fellini's was a hit. Kara Santos
The Bureau by Chef Mikoy served fried curacha in a bento box and “Zambalaya Rice” (a wordplay on Zamboanga and the Cajun-inspired rice pot Jambalaya) infused with local spices.
Chinito’s Asian Kitchen also had a creative take on Tausug cuisine, serving Beef Kulma con Pasta generously topped on noodles instead of rice; and Pastel de Chicken Pianggang, which incorporated the Sulu dish of grilled chicken cooked in coconut milk in a baked pastel dish with a flaky pie crust. 
Chinito's Kitchen goes playful with Pastel de Chicken Pianggang. Kara Santos
Other participating establishments included New Antonios Restaurant, Mel's The Grill King, Ritchoy Marketing, Anuka Beverage Company feat. Monin, Garden Orchid Hotel, Boz Cafe and Kitchen, Greens en Grill and South Avenue Diner Grill.
Acording to DOT Region IX director Antonio Fernando Blanco, the local cuisine is one of the best reasons for tourists to visit Zamboanga City. 
Traditional Muslim delicacies. Kara Santos
Savores 2017 aims to promote the city's tourism in terms of culinary experience. The event was coupled with food demonstrations of iconic Zamboanga specialties including traditional Muslim delicacies prepared during Eidl Fitr and a media familiarization tour organized by Tourism Promotions Board and DOT regional office.