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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Prejudices can be deadly

Prejudices can be deadly

Prejudices against our beloved president? Against US-president-elect Donald Trump? Against your lot-neighbor or your co-worker? Yes, unlimited and unrestricted, we do have prejudices! Everyone of us. Prejudices give a sense of pride in our one and only world.
Try to make a fundamental and common definition of “prejudice”: It’s an opinion, of course, favorable or unfavorable (more often the latter!). Many times; it’s an opinion formed without fair examination of facts. Prejudice creates biases, bad influences, and inquiries. Do you still remember the latest election campaigns? What a shame sometimes!
A possible correction afterwards is seldom given or will be even rejected. Very often prejudices become coarse, rude and gross generally.
In all parts of our globe, we find an ethical hierarchy. It’s an indirect status with fixed judgement and points of view. Social distance and discrimination predominate and make it easier to use categories such as “race”, “nation” or “culture”. Social differences have been built up.
Gays and lesbians are “unnatural” (?), all black people are “dirty” (?), all white people are “rich”? – Heaven forbid! But I experienced it myself many times: I stayed in Israel sometime in 1978 and was not really welcomed by the people, because of my   “Nazi-roots” (though I was born in 1953!). Later, I have been rejected from the Golan Heights, because I came from (enemy!) Israeli territory. Staying in South Africa sometime in 1980, I experienced the terrible racism and fascism of the former apartheid government and its painful effects and consequences. Yes, I mentioned such things already earlier in the corner.
Most racial prejudices have its roots from the heritage of colonial supremacy. Justification of slavery goes back to the 17th century. In early colonial history skin color was not the main reason, it was the paganism of original inhabitants in America, Africa, and Australia.
Terms such as “Indian” and “Negro” can be even found in the literature: the good-natured Indian variant “Winnetou” (Karl May, 1842-1912, Germany) or “Friday” (Freitag), the noble savage in “Robinson Crusoe” (Daniel Defoe, 1660-1731, England), or how about “Uncle Tom” (Harriet Beecher-Stowe, 1811-1896, USA).
Political conflicts between “white colonial supremacies” and “colored subjects” have been explained and described as racial segregation – many times instigated by Christian missionaries. Innumerable examples in world history proved brutal force and power up to genocide.
Prejudices? “Love your neighbor as yourself!” (Leviticus 19:18). “When an alien lives beside you in your land, do not mistreat him. The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born!” (Leviticus 19:33,34). Integration, ecumenical movements, support of especially discriminated and disadvantaged groups are keynotes for future. They should be!
The “stranger in media” or “the strangeness – a feigned difficult standard” … we could really really live together easier and more respectful of each other. Let’s honor each other more in future. If there is a will, there is also a way!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Maxine on back-to-back win: We can do this!

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MANILA, Philippines - Maxine Medina, the Philippine bet to Miss Universe, clearly has her eyes on the prize.
The 26-year-old model and interior designer appeared confident of a back-to-back win for the country come Jan. 30 at the Mall of Asia Arena when reigning Miss U Pia Wurtzbach passes on the crown to her successor.
Pres. Rodrigo Duterte is reportedly attending the pageant finals.
“I’m very honored that our President will be there because he will be witnessing a back-to-back (victory),” Maxine said at a presscon hosted by the Bb. Pilipinas Charities, Inc. (BPCI) last Tuesday.
“Since our president will be there, the whole government will be supporting me and the Miss Universe,” she added in reaction to a question about Duterte’s strict directive that the government will not be spending for the private sector-driven third staging of Miss U in the country.
From the time she won in Bb. Pilipinas up to the present, which is less than three weeks away from the Big Day, Maxine said there has been no let-up in her training. “After I won (in Bb. Pilipinas), I’ve been texting everyone for help ‘coz this is something new for me. The world of pageants is a big thing not just for myself but also for the whole country. I really need to work hard at it,” she shared.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Society's Social Weaklings

Society’s social weaklings?


Refusal and compassion characterize society’s attitude as regards social weaklings and handicapped people. It’s a topic which one gladly drives out, represses or tries to forget. I have written about this topic many times, although I have missed more about it.
Even in different groups, some segments of society are distant from them. The socially discriminated and handicapped people don’t correspond to performance, work, capacity, stress and competition in our daily surroundings. Opinions like these – well, that’s how people do it!
The anti-social slum inhabitant has not accepted his responsibility, and the antisocial confidence trickster, certainly not blind and without having difficulty in walking, doesn’t believe in us. That’s it! Finished!
The “bobo”, the alcoholic, the without means “gentleman of the road” – so what! Did everybody not choose his own living condition? In plain words: the ideals of success, ability, efficiency, and competitiveness in our performance-oriented society and its business life describe such fringe groups as “standard violators”, such as in failure, flop or slacker. But remember: a tax evasion or corruption is more costly than a social welfare client.
Do you have a social weakling or handicapped people in your surroundings – in your company? Mostly, these persons appear as a monotonous mass through the glasses of prejudices. How very painful!
Honestly, but true: hindrance and handicap drive into poverty many times. Prevailing opinion is that poverty is going for a fault. The affected people draw back themselves with a sensible sense of shame. And, have you given notice already: most handicapped people feel isolated in their surroundings. Meeting such people sometimes becomes even a bashful situation, while giving the appearance of normality. In my opinion: this must not be happened!
Sometimes we try to avoid any communication, because we might say something wrong. Then – just put a smile on your face, as I often did. I really plead for more integration. Let’s give “such people” autonomy and acceptance starting in school or kindergarten yet. Let’s increase more livable offers for organizations. Social weaklings and handicapped people don’t hinder, hamper or prevent us from living in a society with a much philanthropist face. We are all human beings.
Email: doringklaus @gmail.com or follow me in Facebook or Twitter or visit www.germanex patinthephilippines.blogspot.com or www.klausdorings classicalmusic.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

German Ambassador to the Philippines since December 2016

The Ambassador/Der Botschafter

Ambassador Gordon KrickeEnlarge imageAmbassador Gordon Kricke(© German Embassy Manila)
Curriculum Vitae:

Dr. Gordon Kricke
Born 18.12.1962 in Kiel, married
1982General qualification for university entrance
1982 - 1983Military service
1984 - 1989Law school
1989First state law examination
1989 - 1993Junior barrister
1991Doctorare in law
1993State bar examination
1993 - 1994Foreign service traineeship
1994 - 1995Ministry of Foreign Affairs, desk officer
1995 - 1998Embassy Buenos Aires, desk officer
1998 - 2000Embassy Maputo, Permanent Representative of the Ambassador
2000 - 2002Ministry of Foreign Affairs, desk officer
2003 - 2005Embassy Port-au-Prince, Ambassador
2005 - 2007Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Head of Division
2007 - 2008Political Adviser to the EU Special Envoy to Sudan, Juba
2008 - 2009Embassy Khartoum, Permanent Representative of the Ambassador
2009 - 2011Embassy Mexico City, Head of the German Information Office for Latin America and Spain
2011 - 2013Embassy Niamey, Ambassador
2013 - 2016Head of the EU Delegation Luanda
December 2016Embassy Manila, Ambassador
(During Day of United Celebration in Manila October 2016)

Boat Races and Building Your Own Shelter

Boat races and building your own shelter: An island-hopping Philippines adventure challenge

Forget fly-and-flop beach breaks, a new breed of holiday pits you against other travellers and pushes you to the limit
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The Independent Travel
It started with just one drop, then very quickly a million more followed. The sound of rain hurtling through palm trees and thudding into the sand beneath my hammock was as effective as any alarm, and before I knew it, at 3am, I was wide awake. 
It rapidly dawned on me that the shelter I’d built for myself wasn’t quite up to scratch - and I was getting seriously wet. Unsure how to react, I looked around for inspiration and realised I wasn’t alone. It turned out most of the group I was travelling with were equally useless at building a shelter. On this island in the Philippines, in this most unfamiliar of predicaments, we all reacted the only way we could - we laughed. 
This abrupt awakening was the conclusion to a long, testing day - the third of nine spent sailing around the practically untouched islands off the popular tourist destination of Borocay in central Philippines. The day had started with nine teams made up of varying nationalities, backgrounds and ages racing from one palm tree-covered island to another, sailing aboard a traditional tri-maran boat called a paraw, which skimmed over turquoise blue seas. 
Paraws moored at the beach (Simon Rice)
The Philippines Sailing Challenge is the creation of Large Minority, a company which has been organising tuk-tuk races across Sri Lanka and Cambodia, and from March this year will also have groups boating down the Amazon. The concept of their trips sees teams not only race, but compete against each other over various other challenges that test competitors and encourage interaction with the local community. Points and times are totalled up during the trip and a winning team is crowned at the end.
That third day, we arrived on a picture-postcard white-sand beach thinking the day’s race was over, only to be informed the clock was still ticking. We still had to locate the market and bring back ingredients to make ourselves a traditional dinner. So off we went - no map, little money and some optimism. 
Having just enjoyed a cool breeze aboard the paraw, it was easy to forget the humidity and searing sun baking the Philippines. Sweaty, confused and dirty, a ride into the nearest town on the back of a local’s motorbike was agreed. We haggled over unrecognisable vegetables to make a dish never before cooked and returned to camp, where the clock was eventually stopped. But still the challenge wasn’t over. 
The group gathers for a beach bonfire (Beaumerrr)
It was then time to make a bed for the night - stringing hammocks between palm trees, ensuring they were adequately covered (which, as it turned out, most weren’t) and decorating them. One team built a bamboo structure that looked as though it could withstand a storm (a test which it successfully passed later that night), however most teams focused on style over substance. One spent their time building a bar made from a surfboard and another constructed a bowling alley with coconuts for balls and empty beer cans for pins. 
What just a few hours earlier was little more than a clutch of palm trees on a beach had become a humming village that could sleep 25 people. The shelters were then judged and points awarded, before an assessment of the dinners (of greatly varying quality), which had been cooked over little fires under nothing but the moonlight and glow of mobile phone screens.
Sleeping under the stars (Beaumerrr)
This was how the majority of the nine days of the trip were spent - race, challenge, relax, drink, eat and sleep (when not getting wet). 
The adventure travel market is among the fastest growing in tourism, perhaps thanks to TV shows such as The Island and I’m a Celebrity, in which participants are pushed to their limits - both physically and mentally. It seems for increasing numbers of people lying on a beach for two weeks just doesn’t cut it anymore. They want to be tested, and pushed.
Among the lures of such getaways is the promise of getting under the skin of a country. Each team on this trip - made up of either two or three people - had a designated paraw manned by a local captain and three members of crew (which meant, thankfully for me and most of the others, no sailing experience was required to take part). 
paraw off Borocay island (Simon Rice)
The time at sea together - usually three or four hours, depending on the wind - led to genuine friendships being formed. The bonds were then reinforced when teams stayed at the home of their captain. One team slept in a small house on the beach, another in a treehouse-like construction overlooking paddy fields, while I was welcomed into a simple home buzzing with the energy of the captain and his family’s unbearably cute young children. It allowed those on the trip to better understand another way of life - almost certainly one that was simpler than their own.
Then there is the adventure itself. Sailing conditions varied wildly - switching between tranquil, when one could marvel at the clarity of the blue water and admire the beauty of the islands from afar, to rough, when high winds and huge waves meant holding on tight - or risk being swept from the boat. 
On the green islands we jumped from rocky cliffs into the clear water below, caught fish for our dinner and for those who dared (I admit, my partner took one for the team) ate a balut - a local delicacy consisting of a hard-boiled egg with a fully formed chick in it. Fancy dress days and imaginative photo and video tasks only added to the brilliantly organised chaos. 
The brave among the group jumped from cliffs (Simon Rice)
This kind of travel isn’t for everyone - some might not like the exhaustion, uncleanliness and uncertainty of what’s in store. But the rewards that come with challenging oneself, immersing yourself in an unfamiliar culture and daring to try new things is worth it.
Travel essentials
Getting there
Manila is served by carriers including Philippine Airlines, Emirates, Malaysia Airlines and Turkish Airlines.
From there take an internal flight to either Caticlan on Cebu Pacific or Kalibo on Air Asia. Local transfers can be arranged upon arrival to take you to Borocay.
Adventuring there
Large Minority’s next Philippines Sailing Challenge takes place 22-30 April. The price starts at £1,452 per person (based on a team of three), including accommodation, most meals, boats, crew, training and sailing lessons, plus all essential equipment.
More information

Happy New Year 2017!

Happy New Year 2017!

Sweet words are easy to say; nice things are easy to buy; but good people are different to find. Life ends when you stop dreaming; hope ends when you stop believing; friendship stops, when you stop sharing. A good friend of mine sent me this quotation. I commented back: So very true and very well said!
A new year has just begun. We’re thinking back. We deleted friends and connections. Some mutual friends – not only in Facebook –  didn’t remain as mutual. Some good new relationships have begun and made possible because of a mutual acquaintance.  Or, we’re looking forward renewing relationships. Some season greetings brought back special memories.
Keep in mind, our life is borrowed – from God.This is going to be a little bit complicated now, so keep going. No rental charges are collected from us. Many of us have forgotten this and live life at his fullest. Our life is equal to a book from a library that lends one. But how insatiable and unbearable are we in disdainful acting towards life and therefore to ourselves?
Life seems to be nothing, just being ready to riddle one with bullets. Life seems to be nothing, just being broken through the indifference and unreliable and immoral behavior. Life seems to be nothing for those people who don’t understand cries from the heart of other people around them – cries for their hearts and families, for justice and for many other things.
Life with all its ups and downs, is just a loan, but for many of our fellow creatures it just seems to be nonsense to be littered like dump. And, if people try to survive, especially during these days, and if they just experienced (once more!) indifference, arrogance, ignorance or cheating by whomever – they will give up!
I can assure you that every one of us can at first help in prayers and, in reading the Bible. “Proverbs” is the probably most down-to-earth book in the Bible. Its teachings prepare you for the daily life, the street and the market place, but not for the schoolroom. The book offers warm pieces of advice you get; practical guidance for making your way on earth. Proverbs covers any kinds of questions you might have right now. Anybody can relate to the generalities of Proverbs, because this book simply tells how life works most of the time.
“Let’s enjoy every single loophole in law?” What a sad and fatal attraction! This shouldn’t be the beginning of the new year 2017!


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Do you always count the days up to the next legal holiday without being on duty? Or do you start as early as September longing for Christmas? And do you wish the weeks or months to hopefully pass by like an assault up to the next possible salary increase?
Many times we are really too much in a hurry while feeling uncomfortable if we noticed how time flies. We have no time for someone or something, or even for ourselves. We don’t make time for some one of something or even for ourselves.
When I was still a teenager, I was longing for the time to be a grown up already. Later, I enjoyed listening to my grandmother’s stories such as “Once Upon A Time” or ‘When I Was Young” from her “yesterday’s life”.
After a couple of years, especially while observing that time really flies like a rocket to the moon, I always have the same question in my mind: Are the present hours and days less valuable?
These days between Christmas and New Year, between yesterday and tomorrow, I used to slow down and to relax. I even ignore my cellphone most of the time. I hide at a secret place to unwind.
The next turn of the year is just around the corner. For most of us it’s the time  to come to our senses. The future prospects smile at us already. What might the New Year 2017 bring us? Another hectic schedule of course! But hopefully also happiness, joy and health. Hopefully more peace.
Is life in future easier, nicer, more charming and being more fulfilled compared to the present? Many of us retreat into the past and forget their present existence. A possible topsyturved world of a golden youth tries to let us forget that also the past have had its share of disappointments, pains, tears, darkness, as well as desperate days. Dreamy and sleepy days – yes, lost days, irretrievable time….
I am glad and happy being able living a wonderful life as an expatriate here in the Philippines – together with my family and many very good friends. It hasn’t been easy during the first years. Now we stand on our own feet, because we worked hard and adjusted very well.
Very personal: Six years ago, I got the chance to write a regular column for the MIRROR. More than 300 write ups have been published here already. My deepest gratitude to publisher and Chief Editor Marietta F. Siongco  and Ana Theresa F. Basilio-Williams and the whole MIRROR staff.
Happy New Year to all of you and May God bless us!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Yes, indeed: during the Christmas holidays, we tend to be caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season, that we sometimes forget the essence of Christmas.
I am glad looking forward to a two weeks vacation “between the years” – meaning to say between December 22 and January 8. No teaching at University of Southeastern Philippines, although most students wish to be prepared for their January exam in Manila; no office hours in my agency….

(City Hall Davao City)
Christmas and vacation: Speaking about myself – I want to bring back Christ to the holiday season and indeed wish to share my blessings with the less fortunate. One of the best-known religious poems is “The Hound of Heaven” written by Francis Thompson, who tried to run away from God. He wanted to have a vacation from God. In reality it is Thompson’s own life. His poem shows clearly the fact in this world that we can have a vacation from physical and mental activities, but never from God.
As I stated before: according to the book of Genesis, after God created the universe in six days, he rested on the seventh day. In other words, he took a vacation. So if God rested after working for some period of time, there is no reason why man, who is finite and limited in his physical strength, should not take a vacation.
Vacation is freedom or release from tension or pressure of work. And, believe me, I learned already from my students, that they will enjoy Christmas and vacation. Many of us feel tired and weak. Some are stressed, overwhelmed, depressed worried about the future – the enumeration, in any order whatever, could be incessant.
Relaxation, meditation, and reinvigoration are badly needed for most of us nowadays. Life, affected by the “burnout syndrome” needs to be animated with energy and strengths.
Yes, Christmas has always been equated with all these worldly ways. Sure, there is indeed no-thing wrong with this. Let’s don’t only focus on non-stop merrymaking and count-less gifts. Let’s take a break, and let’s try to imagine and enjoy the real meaning of Christmas. Merry Christmas again to everyone – also from this corner…
Make sure that during this season Christmas is in our hearts and do not allow this heart to be like a crib, full of dirt, broken glass and nails. Time out from our busy schedules and seemingly endless work and tasks – to take a pause should be really important for all of us.
Praying in the quiet chapel or somewhere in your surroundings, time to forgive and mend a broken friend- or relationship, time to think about people, who we need in life, time to do good deeds.