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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Neverheard? You should NOW!

My life as an expat in the Philippines is indeed very colorful (as I just stated in my weekly column in Mindanao Daily Mirror). I met a lot of people - and, my hobby, the music, has become also my "job" several times, i.e. as radio host for several years in Davao City.

I love to support local Philippino talents, i.e. NEVERHEARD. These young talented boys were born and raised in the lands where many and mostly talented people are, in Davao and Digos City. Please correct me, if I am wrong. They are presently studying in exclusive colleges and universities. This band (Alternative, experimental -!- and hard rock!)  may not be your real alternative rock band. They may jove to the sails (as they said) where the waters bring them. But, believe me, give them a try. 

Jediver Pontilar - vocalist, Richmond Damag - guitars, Simon Guillen - bass, Francis Dy - keyboards, Rav Estores - drums are the band members.

For more info please contact Joveth Gabutero Tubiano (also my Facebook friend), the band manager and event organizer of NeverHeard at 0942-7828030 or 0939-2242991.

Believe me, I seldom use this site for any promotions. NEVERHEARD is one of the very rare examples... .

Friday, July 29, 2011

Again: You Like to Study in Germany?

Signing of Memorandum of Agreement after the orientation of German Scholarship and Grant Opportunities at the Social Hall, University of Southeastern Philippines, Obrero, Davao City on July 25, 2011 hosted by DOST (Department of Science and technology) assistant regional director Miss Elsie Mae Solidum.

Signatories: Dr. Anthony Sales (DOST regional director Region XI) and new appointed DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, German Academic Exchange Service) representative and consultant "yours truly" Klaus Doring,

witnessed by Mr. Shadin Paulo Kitma, Project coordinator Goethe Institut (German Cultural Center), Manila, Mrs. Natalie Lange, DAAD main office Philippines, UP Diliman and Mr. Elmo Dela Cruz, DAAD Alumnus, present city planning officer in Davao City.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What A Small World - Was fuer eine kleine Welt...

My wife and I love to take time out in a very special beach resort on Samal Island. Years passed by, sometimes even a whole decade... suddenly we meet friends here never having seen for quite a long time. What a small world.

Meine Frau und ich lieben es, ab und zu in einem ganz speziellen "beach resort" auf Samal Island auszuspannen. Jahre vergehen, manchmal eine ganze Dekade - und tja, ploetzlich sieht man sich wieder - nach vielen, vielen Jahren. Was fuer eine kleine Welt.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Cool Advocate: Jesus "Jess" Dureza

"He is a cool guy!" That has been one of the first comments of one of my FACEBOOK friends after posting a photo and mentioning about Jess' visit in my residence a couple of days ago. Yes, he is indeed a cool guy - he's a cool advocate.

That's why I entitled  my today's post like this.

I met him several times before - a couple of months ago in General Santos City during a lunch break in the hotel before my friends and I were leaving for Sarangani and Lake Sebu.

We are "friends" in Facebook. During our dinner in my house he testified, that he has a lot of friends. Friends in its real meaning. No wonder... .

Jesus "Jess" Dureza, an enigmatic character being a great friend and personality at the same time with short but very clear and understandable answers to all my questions.

Davao City's mayor Sara Duterte's punching incident is human, but must not be accepted and tolerated by some people. My "green solidarity sign" has been accepted by him. Democracy and free opinion in the Philippines...?

Jesus "Jess" Dureza, leaving the political stage... . He likes to be "involved in other things" - maybe. Dureza, now publisher of the Davao City based "Mindanao Times" (by the way, my column tabloid before for many years), tells his opinion in many other publications, also in Mindanao Daily Mirror - the daily with my presently weekly Friday column "In my opinion".

Questions regarding the present political situation in the Philippines, Jess has a lot of very understandable answers. Honestly, I agree with them very strongly. Why are people asking to replace the present government in the Philippines? Crossing the line? I quote Jess: "Whether we are happy or unhappy with the present state of affairs under the PNoy presidency is of no moment. Whatever it is, that doesn't justify another "adventurism" to take place."

Jess Dureza "loves to live in Davao City, visit Cebu City from time to time and do business in Manila".

Living abroad? No question. NO!

God and religion is very important for him and his family. Family and its bounds  are to be described as primarily. 

Is Dr. Jose Rizal still his (national) hero? Of course, NOT. Rizal is history. His idol has been his father - a simple bus driver, who feed the whole family with this little income. 

Foreigners in the Philippines are still very welcome... .

And, fears in life? Not at all. Live your life as it is!

Jesus "Jess" Dureza, a "cool guy" with simple but very meaningful answers to all questions. Jesus "Jess" Dureza", Press Secretary during the administration of Gloria Arroyo from 2008-2009... . Not only during that time - a cool advocate.

International Harvardian University Alumni in Davao City

Saturday, July 23, 2011

PAGCOR Launches Search for Miss Casino Filipino 2011

Be the first MISS CASINO FILIPINO! It's opened to all single Filipinas, aged 18-25, who poses poise, personality, intelligence,  and charm.

The winner gets 300,000 Pesos plus in-kind donation  to the charity of choice.

You can download application forms at http://www.pagcor.ph or visit Casino Filipino in Davao City (Tel. 082 - 234 3997.

Deadline of submission of entries is July 29, 2011. Hurry up!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

You Like To Study in Germany?

Then you should not miss the orientation on German Scholarship and Grant Opportunities at the Social Hall of the University of Southeastern Philippines, Obrero, Davao City on July 25, 2011.

At 9 am Mrs. Natalie Lange, from the DAAD Philippines head office will speak about "The German Academic Exchange Service, the study and research in Germany and the DAAD Scholarship Program".

At 10 am, my friend Mr. Helmut Frielinghaus, from the Goethe Institute Philippines, Manila will speak about "Language Courses and Certificates as well as Teacher Trainings and Cultural Programs".

At 11 am, Roberto Alabadao III, City Planning Officer of Davao City is going to testify about his practical experience as a DAAD Alumnus regarding study and research in Germany.

By the way: I have been suggested and appointed being the Davao/Mindanao DAAD consultant with office in DOST, Bajada, Davao City. More details will follow soon - and, you can contact me any time now already. 

PLDT (Philippine Long Distance Telephone) Best Philippine Managed Company

No wonder. Every time I got a problem with my telephone line or internet connection, all problems have been solved within minutes. 

Don't get me wrong, this is not a promotion post for the PLDT, the Philippine Long Distance Telephone... .

Fact is, PLDT has been named the best managed company in the Philippines, not according to me, but according to the annual poll of Asia's top companies by FinanceAsia, aleading financial publication in Asia.

PLDT led in four out of five categories covering large market capitalization companies based on the results of tallied votes from more then 300 investors and analysts across the region. FinanceAsia announced the winners of its 11th annual poll last week.

PLDT maintained its lead as Most committed to a Strong Dividend Policy for the thrid consecutive year. PLDT also climbed to the top of the list of Philippine companies in the Best Corporate Governance category after placing third in 2010.

PLDT was also recognized as one of the top companies in the Best Corporate Social Responsibility Category.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011