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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Wer alles mehr Geld bekommt: Das ändert sich im Juli für Rentner

Im Juli 2024 treten einige Änderungen der deutschen Rentenversicherung in Kraft, die unter anderem die Hinzuverdienstgrenzen regeln. Alle Neuerungen im Überblick.

Berlin – Ab dem ersten Juli dürfen sich Rentnerinnen und Rentner hierzulande über steigende Bezüge freuen. Darüber hinaus gibt es einige Änderungen bei der Hinterbliebenen- und Erwerbsminderungsrente. Ein Überblick darüber, wer mehr Geld ab Juli bekommt. 

Erhöhung der Rente um 4,57 Prozent

Zur Jahresmitte gibt es 4,57 Prozent mehr Geld, wie die Deutsche Rentenversicherung auf ihrer Homepage mitteilt. Für Rentner dürfte sich diese Erhöhung im Geldbeutel besonders bemerkbar machen, liegt sie doch das erste Mal seit zwei Jahren wieder über der Inflationsrate und das dritte Mal in Folge oberhalb von vier Prozent. Es handelt sich außerdem um die erste bundeseinheitliche Anpassung, nachdem sich die Rentenwerte in Ost- und Westdeutschland mittlerweile angeglichen haben. 

Person hält mehrere Geldscheine in den Händen
Für Rentner gibt es ab Juli deutlich mehr Geld. © Zacharie Scheurer/dpa-tmn

Zuschlag zur Rente: Erwerbsminderungsrente steigt

Damit aber nicht genug. Nach Informationen des Fachportals Ihre Vorsorge erhalten zudem etwa drei Millionen Rentner im Juli einen Extra-Zuschlag, der bis einschließlich November 2025 in Form einer monatlichen Zusatzzahlung gewährt wird. Wie genau das funktionieren soll, zeigt das folgende Beispiel. 

Ein Rentner erhält im Juli 2024 nach Berücksichtigung der Erhöhung von 4,57 Prozent eine Rente von 1600 Euro monatlich. Außerdem hat er vor Juli 2014 bereits Erwerbsminderungsrente bezogen und bekommt nun zur Monatsmitte eine Sonderzahlung von 7,5 Prozent. Der Zuschlag beläuft sich somit auf genau 120 Euro und wird voraussichtlich bis November des nächsten Jahres gezahlt.

Nicht jeder Rentner kann mit einem Zuschlag über die normale Erhöhung der Rente von 4,57 Prozent rechnen. Gezahlt wird er laut Ihre Vorsorge denjenigen, die vor dem Jahr 2019 Erwerbsminderungsrente bezogen hatten. Der Zuschlag soll als Ausgleich dafür dienen, dass die EM-Rente zuvor mehrmals von Verbesserungen ausgenommen war. Die konkrete Höhe des aktuellen Zuschlags ist abhängig davon, in welchem Zeitraum die Erwerbsminderungsrente gewährt wurde. Für alle Zeiträume zwischen Januar 2001 und Juni 2014 beträgt der Zuschlag 7,5 Prozent, für Zeiträume zwischen Juli 2014 und Dezember 2018 erhalten Rentner dagegen nur 4,5 Prozent.

Der große Renten-Ratgeber

Laden Sie sich HIER unseren Renten-Ratgeber kostenlos herunter. Darin enthalten sind wertvolle Tipps zur Altersvorsorge und alle wichtigen Informationen, die Sie über die Renten wissen sollten.

Laden Sie sich HIER den großen Renten-Ratgeber kostenlos herunter.
Laden Sie sich HIER den großen Renten-Ratgeber kostenlos herunter. © IMAGO / Bihlmayerfotografie

Hinterbliebenenrente: Höhere Hinzuverdienstgrenzen ab Juli

Neu ab Juli ist zudem, dass bei der Hinterbliebenenrente höhere Hinzuverdienstgrenzen gewährt werden, ohne dass es zu einer Kürzung kommt. Der Freibetrag für das eigene Einkommen erhöht sich von bislang 992 Euro netto auf 1038 Euro netto im Monat. Änderungen gibt es darüber hinaus in puncto Pfändungsfreigrenzen. Beträge dürfen ab dem ersten Juli nur dann gepfändet werden, wenn ein Rentner monatlich über mindestens 1500 Euro Nettoeinkommen verfügt. 

Zuvor hatte die Grenze noch bei 1409 Euro gelegen. Berücksichtigt werden muss zudem die seit Januar dieses Jahres geltende Hinzuverdienstgrenze von rund 37.117 Euro pro Jahr, die bei Renten wegen teilweiser Erwerbsminderung greift. Im Falle der vollen Erwerbsminderung sinkt der Wert auf 18.558 Euro.

What do foreigners think about Filipinos when they are with a group of them?


Profile photo for Matthew Lee
Matthew Lee
4 following

Filipinos are a unique people group in several ways.

  1. they are highly social very interpersonal people.
  2. They are very emotional in that they feel things stronger and more profoundly then the average person.
  3. They are very observant interpersonally. They will notice small social cues that the average person misses. (See 1 )
  4. Thy place a higher value on romance than the average person. Again a reference to 1
  5. They tend to be very overacting to what you may be used too.
  6. They have a culture of amalgamation. What I mean is that’s a mixture culture. Spanish plus Japanese plus American plus native culture for a very rich healthy dynamic culture.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

'Pulang Araw' to release on Netflix 72 hours before GMA airing

Jan Milo Severo - Philstar.com

June 11, 2024 | 10:20am

MANILA, Philippines — GMA-7 released the teaser of the action-drama series "Pulang Araw" as it will premiere on Netflix on July 26. 

It will be available on the streaming platform 72 hours ahead of local airing on GMA on July 29. 

"I am seated for the biggest Pinoy historical action-drama set in World War. Barbie Forteza, Sanya Lopez, David Licauco, and Alden Richards with Dennis Trillo star in Pulang Araw, streaming first on Netflix. July 26," Netflix announced on Facebook. 

In the series, Barbie stars as Adelina, Sanya as Teresita, David as Hiroshi and Alden as Eduardo, with Dennis as Col. Yuta Saito. 

According to GMA, the series "traces the intertwined lives of four childhood friends—Eduardo, Teresita, Adelina, and Hiroshi.” 

“As war ravages their homeland and Japanese forces occupy the country, their dreams, friendships, and loyalties are tested, leading them on a journey of self-discovery and resilience,"  GMA added.

What are some reasons why foreign guys travel to the Philippines?

Profile photo for Jennifer Collins
Jennifer Collins
0 following

Jennifer Collins is a Quora user with a passion for social media, digital marketing, entrepreneurship, and digital healthcare. She is an experienced marketer and digital health specialist, who has worked with leading companies in the sector, such as American Well and In-Home Connect. Jennifer is a passionate advocate of using technology to improve healthcare access, and regularly shares her insights on Quora.

The Philippines - a tropical paradise that has captured the hearts of many foreign travelers.

You see, beyond the stunning beaches and vibrant cities, there's a complex mix of cultural, historical, and economic factors that make this Southeast Asian country an attractive destination for visitors from abroad.

For one, the Philippines is one of the most Westernized countries in Asia, thanks to its American colonial past, which has led to a unique cultural identity that's a fascinating blend of East and West.

This cultural adaptation has resulted in a population that's remarkably adept at speaking English, making it an easy destination for foreigners who want to explore the region without the language barrier.

Additionally, the country's archipelago geography, comprising over 7,000 islands, offers a diverse range of landscapes and experiences, from lush rainforests to pristine coastlines and vibrant urban centers.

Another significant draw is the relatively low cost of living in the Philippines, which makes it an attractive destination for digital nomads and retirees seeking to stretch their budgets further.

The country's tropical climate and laid-back lifestyle also appeal to those seeking a more relaxed pace of life, free from the rigid structures of their home countries.

Furthermore, the Philippines' rich cultural heritage, which is a mix of indigenous, Spanish, and American influences, offers a unique cultural experience that's hard to find elsewhere.

Interestingly, the country's historical ties with the United States have also led to a phenomenon where many foreigners, particularly Americans, seek out Filipino spouses, often through online dating platforms or social networking sites.

This curious trend has resulted in a significant number of international marriages, with many foreigners drawn to the warmth and hospitality of Filipino culture.

Lastly, the Philippines has invested heavily in its tourism infrastructure in recent years, with many airports, seaports, and tourist facilities undergoing significant upgrades.

This increased accessibility, combined with the government's aggressive marketing efforts, has helped raise the country's profile as a prime tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the world.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Rain showers, thunderstorms to prevail across parts of the Philippines

Two weather systems prevailing across the country may bring isolated to scattered rain showers or thunderstorms in the next 24 hours, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Monday, June 10.

Be still and know


“Be still and know that I am God,” the first half of Psalms 46:10, is a popular verse used to encourage believers to be still and silent before the Lord. This interpretation promotes a healthy rest in the presence of the Lord.

This command—“Be still…”—is written in a time of trouble and war; therefore, we should consider the verse with that context in mind. The phrase “Be still and know that I am God” calls us to pause and reflect. It reminds us that God is still in control no matter what happens in our lives.

Like many Bible verses, this one  is often ripped from its context to declare something not intended in the passage itself. Well-meaning Christians may use this as a consolation in times of worry and frustration – as if God is saying, “relax, I got this.”

In other words: Be still and stop your running to and fro. Slow down. Slow down long enough!

We have been conditioned to feel guilty whenever we are not “productive.” Stillness, even for the purpose of rest or prayer, can feel like wasted time to someone who lives in a world that values wealth, competition, high productivity, full schedules, and general self-importance.

Why is it important to be still? Being still is like replenishing the stores. It allows us time and space. It gives us time and space to self-reflect and actually hear our thoughts.

Yes, we are living in a noisy and hectic world. We also become noisy and hectic, many times. No time for rewinding and turning off the daily din and racket. We all become noisy people and troublemakers. Have you noticed it already?

Making time for moments of stillness can have powerful mental health benefits. 

Today, stillness can be hard to come by. There’s just so much going on. So much noise both inside and outside our brains, so many tasks on our to-do lists, and at least several screens within reach.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, stillness is “the quality of being quiet and not moving.”

Moments of stillness are possible even on the busiest of days. They are within our reach whenever we need them.

So many times, our relationships with partners, friends, relatives, work mates and neighbors get cracked.

Be still and know. Slow down long enough to hear God's voice too. There is indeed so much God if we only would slow down long enough to hear His voice. We are so overwhelmed with our earthly desires that all we think of is. Yes, God, I want You to do this for me, and I want it now!

What a fatal attraction! Learn to wait quietly on Him. When you begin to grasp something of our Lord's true greatness, you will be truly amazed.

Be still and know.

The GMA Gala is back: A spectacular celebration for GMA’s 74th anniversary



  • Sparkle GMA Artist Center announced the exciting news on their Instagram account with a teaser video featuring the Network’s biggest stars, igniting a buzz online and thrilling fans.

Alden Richards and Heart Evangelista.jpg
Alden Richards and Heart Evangelista

Following its resounding success last year, the “GMA Gala”—the glamorous and dazzling gathering of the biggest and brightest Kapuso stars—returns to celebrate the 74th anniversary of GMA Network.

Sparkle GMA Artist Center announced the exciting news on their Instagram account with a teaser video featuring the Network’s biggest stars, igniting a buzz online and thrilling fans. 

Sparkle's post read, "Lights, camera, action✨The GMA Gala is back! The moment we’ve all been waiting for is here – the grand return of the biggest event in the Philippine entertainment industry, the #GMAGala2024! Get ready to witness the stars shine like never before ��"

The inaugural GMA Gala in 2022 served as a fundraiser, with all donations and pledges supporting the construction of a new school building for Magallanes Elementary School in Limasawa Island, Southern Leyte through the GMA Kapuso Foundation (GMAKF).

Last year’s GMA Gala, held in July 2023 at the Marriott Hotel in Newport Pasay City, also doubled as a fund-raising event. The glamorous evening raised P1 million for the benefit of the GMA Kapuso Foundation (GMAKF). 

Atty. Felipe L. Gozon.jpg
Atty. Felipe L. Gozon
Atty. Annette Gozon-Valdes, Ms. Judith R. Duavit-Vazquez and Ms. Laura J. Westfall.jpg
Atty. Annette Gozon-Valdes, Ms. Judith R. Duavit-Vazquez and Ms. Laura J. Westfall

The Network’s most prominent celebrities graced the event, including Marian Rivera, Dingdong Dantes, Heart Evangelista, Alden Richards, Dennis Trillo, Jennylyn Mercado, Bea Alonzo, Barbie Forteza, David Licauco, Bianca Umali, Ruru Madrid, Julie Anne San Jose, Rayver Cruz, and many more.

Additionally, ABS-CBN's top executives, along with Kapamilya personalities Vice Ganda, Anne Curtis, Jhong Hilario, Vhong Navarro, and Joshua Garcia, were in attendance

The GMA Gala 2023 was a perfect occasion for the artists, executives, media partners, and collaborators to come together for one special, sparkling night.

While GMA Network has yet to announce the venue and theme of this year's gala, anticipation is definitely building for another event featuring the country’s biggest celebrities and personalities.

Check out images from 2023:

Marian Rivera and Dingdong Dantes.jpg
Marian Rivera and Dingdong Dantes
Dominic Roque and Bea Alonzo.jpg
Dominic Roque and Bea Alonzo
Allen Ansay and Sofia Pablo.jpg
Allen Ansay and Sofia Pablo
Anne Curtis.jpg
Anne Curtis
Beauty Gonzales.jpg
Beauty Gonzales
Bianca Umali and Ruru Madrid.jpg
Bianca Umali and Ruru Madrid
Cory Vidanes and Carlo Katigbak.jpg
Cory Vidanes and Carlo Katigbak
Gabbi Garcia and Khalil Ramos.jpg
Gabbi Garcia and Khalil Ramos
Herlene Budol.jpg
Herlene Budol
Isko Moreno.jpg
Isko Moreno
Janeena Chan, David Licauco, Ms. Rikki Escudero-Catibog, Barbie Forteza and Tim Yap.jpg
Janeena Chan, David Licauco, Ms. Rikki Escudero-Catibog, Barbie Forteza and Tim Yap
Jennylyn Mercado and Dennis Trillo.jpg
Jennylyn Mercado and Dennis Trillo
Jessica Soho.jpg
Jessica Soho
Julie Anne San Jose and Rayver Cruz.jpg
Julie Anne San Jose and Rayver Cruz
Sanya Lopez.jpg
Sanya Lopez
Megan Young.jpg
Megan Young

‘Bagong Pilipinas’ hymn, pledge now in flag rites

 PAST AND PRESENT | Preparations are underway at the Aguinaldo Shrine for the celebration of the country’s 126th Independence Day on Wednesday. President Marcos on Sunday said the struggle for independence continues in upholding “our freedom in our territory and sovereignty.” —Photo by Richard A. Reyes, Philippine Daily Inquirer

By: Melvin Gascon - Reporter / @melvingasconINQPhilippine Daily Inquirer / 05:55 AM June 10, 2024

MANILA, Philippines — President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has issued an order to government offices and public schools to include the singing of the “Bagong Pilipinas” (“New Philippines”) hymn and reciting of the pledge during their flag rites, “to further instill the principles of the Bagong Pilipinas brand of governance and leadership” among state personnel and employees.

Marcos issued Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 52 on June 4, a copy of which was released to the media on Sunday, directing “all national government agencies and instrumentalities, including GOCCs (government-owned and -controlled corporations) and educational institutions, such as SUCs (state universities and colleges)” and encouraging local government units (LGUs) “to integrate the recital of the Bagong Pilipinas Hymn and Pledge in the conduct of the weekly flag ceremonies, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations.”

The circular, signed by Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin, takes effect “immediately” and contains a copy of the said hymn and pledge.

“For this purpose, the heads of all national government agencies and instrumentalities shall ensure that the Bagong Pilipinas hymn and pledge, which are annexed to this circular, are properly disseminated within their respective institutions and offices,” Bersamin said.

The Presidential Communications Office was asked to implement effective measures to communicate and disseminate the Bagong Pilipinas hymn and pledge to all government agencies and the public.

In his directive, Marcos invoked Republic Act No. 8491, or the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines, which required all government agencies and LGUs to conduct flag-raising rites on Mondays and flag-lowering on Fridays.

The law authorizes the Office of the President to issue rules and guidelines for the proper conduct of the flag ceremonies, the President said.

He also cited his MC 24, which launched his administration’s Bagong Pilipinas brand of governance and leadership and directed all agencies and instrumentalities, GOCCs and SUCs “to be guided by the Bagong Pilipinas principles.”

“Bagong Pilipinas is characterized by principled, accountable and dependable government, reinforced by unified institutions of society [and] envisioned to empower Filipinos to support and participate in all government efforts in an all-inclusive plan towards deep and fundamental social and economic transformation in all sectors of society and government,” the President said.

Echoes of ‘New Society’

In Congress, Sen JV Ejercito said Malacañang’s order does not seem to be “a very good idea.”

“Lupang Hinirang, Panatang Makabayan and Panunumpa sa Watawat are more than enough to instill nationalism and love for country,” he pointed out.

“Adding a hymn and another pledge will already be too much,” he added.

House Deputy Minority Leader France Castro on Sunday urged the President to rescind the directive, calling it “self-serving and [a] martial law remnant.”

Castro, the ACT Teachers party list representative, claimed that Mr Marcos’ MC 52 was an attempt at indoctrinating government workers and the youth on the “Bagong Lipunan” (“New Society”) branding and revisionism of history. “Bagong Lipunan” was the predominant theme of the President’s father and namesake during the martial law regime in the 1970s.

Senators Alan and Pia aid over a thousand Cebuanos in two-day support initiative



June 9, 2024

 Senators Alan and Pia aid over a thousand Cebuanos in two-day support initiative

The path to recovery from difficult situations became clearer for more than a thousand Cebuanos when the offices of Senators Alan Peter and Pia Cayetano provided support to residents on June 5 and 6, 2024.

Barangay Health Workers (BHW), Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS), Day Care Workers (DCW), and women’s group leaders in Catmon and Mandaue were the primary beneficiaries during the two-day support initiative.

On June 5, 2024, the Cayetano siblings' offices visited Catmon to assist a total of 500 individuals to bolster their income.

“This will help them buy rice, ayun talaga ang kailangan nila dito,” former Vice Mayor Earl Oyas said when asked where the beneficiaries will use the assistance given.

“Makakatulong din ito pambili ng school materials for their kids, kaya salamat po talaga,” he added.

The aid can also be utilized to cover daily expenses and meet the essential needs of the beneficiaries, providing them with crucial financial support.

Along with Oyas, former Mayor and Incumbent Councilor Dan Jusay and Barangay Captain Karem Joromo played important roles to ensure that the residents of Catmon receive the much-needed support.

On the second day, June 6, 2024, 512 residents of Mandaue received aid from the offices of the sibling senators.

During this visit, the offices of the sibling senators also met with women's groups from an earlier event held by Senator Pia on March 7, 2024 in Cebu.

The success of the Mandaue event was made possible through the efforts of local government units and Representative Lolypop Ouano-Dizon.

The two-day program in Catmon and Mandaue was a partnership between the Cayetano siblings and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) through its Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) program.

AICS aims to assist individuals facing difficult circumstances by providing a range of support services tailored to their specific needs. This includes educational aid, food, transportation, medical support, burial services, and financial help.

Dedicated to their advocacies, the Cayetano siblings strive to support Filipinos in need, helping them recover from challenging situations.###