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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Duterte-Cayetano Tandem Push for Decentralization

Office of the Senate Majority Leader
Alan Peter S. Cayetano
Rm. 603 GSIS Complex Senate of the Philippines Roxas Blvd Pasay City

09 December 2015
Duterte-Cayetano tandem push for decentralization, spreading growth to other regions

In an effort to address the metro's worsening traffic congestion and to achieve inclusive growth throughout the country, Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte and Senate Majority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano are pushing for the decentralization of government power to spur development in the countryside.
"For the longest time, the drive for development is mainly focused on the National Capital Region (NCR), while the other regions are left to tend for themselves. This is not only unsustainable, it's also inequitable. It's time to think out of the box and overhaul this unequal development paradigm," Cayetano said.
Cayetano said the country's NCR-centric economic growth also contributed to the worsening traffic situation.
"NCR is perceived by many as the only place where there are real economic opportunities. Thus, people unnecesarily flock to the region creating problems such as traffic, unemplyoment and housing woes. But if development is spread evenly to the regions, we can solve these problems ," Cayetano explained.
Cayetano noted that his call for Decentralization is perfectly aligned with Duterte’s advocacy for federalism.

“This is one of the reasons why there is a strong clamor for a Duterte presidency. The mayor not only symbolizes order, he also stands for the empowerment of regions which have long been neglected by the national government," Cayetano said.
Cayetano said decentralization will change how the budget is allocated across the country’s 18 regions and 81 provinces. He pushed to allocate 1 billion per region to institutionalize a capital-lending scheme for local Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
The senator also called for the creation of a Philippine Decentralization Committee (PDC) that will be tasked to enhance the delivery of services in the countryside as well as to study the relocation of several government agencies to different parts of the country. This may in turn provide better opportunities for Filipinos to work and live in other regions, Cayetano noted.

"This is the real change that we speak of - a change that moves people because of opportunities made possible by a strong brand of leadership," he said. "We need to create alternative corridors of development outside NCR. This will not only decongest the already overcrowded capital but will also extend growth throughout the rest of the country. This is the foundation of the proposals that Mayor Duterte and I have long been advocating," he added. #


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Cayetano: Davao City Values Human Rights

Office of the Senate Majority Leader
Alan Peter S. Cayetano
Rm. 603 GSIS Complex Senate of the Philippines Roxas Blvd Pasay City

07 December 2015
Cayetano: Davao City values Human Rights
Human rights is about protecting life and liberty. It is about respect, justice, and equity.
This is the bedrock upon which Davao City stands. It is a city where peace, rule of law, and economic prosperity exist, it gave birth to the first progressive gender code to protect the rights of women and children, it offers a safe haven, a humane and equitable environment that respects the diversity of Christians, Muslims, and indigenous people. No matter how long they've lived there or how fleeting their visit was, Davaoenos and visitors alike share a very safe and comfortable time in the city that refreshes their idea of urban Philippines.  This is why Davao is perceived by many as one of the safest cities in the world. 
This is what Mayor Duterte wants to replicate in the whole country. Mayor Duterte symbolizes radical change. His leadership gives importance to the rights and interests of people, long-neglected by government. Most importantly, Mayor Duterte stands for order, not violence. Beyond Mayor Duterte's tough-talk is a humane, peaceful and progressive community. 
I hope Amnesty International  and all other international agencies and non-government organizations will open their eyes to what the Filipino people found inspiring in Mayor Duterte. Despite his self-confessed imperfections, Mayor Duterte's vision and achievements command respect and engender hope among a people longing for a better Philippines.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Baby HIV-positive Among 344 Diagnosed in Cebu City This Year

A SEVEN-MONTH-OLD baby boy is the youngest patient seeking treatment for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) at the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center (VSMMC), along with a two-year-old boy, a nine-year-old girl, and a 16-year-old boy.
They join 680 other individuals living with HIV, including men who have sex with men, commercial sex workers and people who inject drugs, who visit the government hospital regularly for free medication.
On the observance of World AIDS Day yesterday, officials of the Department of Health (DOH) 7 and the Cebu City Health Department (CHD) highlighted the importance of regular HIV testing among vulnerable individuals so they can be treated immediately and reduce the chance of passing on the infection to their partners and unborn child.
Dr. Ilya Tac-an, head of the CHD’s Social Hygiene Clinic, said early detection is crucial in preventing the spread of HIV in Central Visayas, which now ranks third among regions with the highest number of persons with HIV. In terms of prevalence rate, the region ranks first, she said.
In Cebu City alone, 344 individuals were diagnosed with HIV so far this year, bringing to 1,720 the total number of HIV and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (Aids) cases recorded by the CHD from 1989 to November this year.
Act quickly
Of the 1,720, only 680 are enrolled in the treatment program.
To keep the number from increasing, VSMMC and the CHD give free HIV screening and antiretroviral drugs to individuals admitted to the government’s antiretroviral treatment program.
“It’s very important for a person to seek treatment immediately after he or she is diagnosed with HIV so we can control the virus na mugamay siya so there is a lesser chance to get sick and a lesser chance to pass on the infection to others,” said Dr. Chamberlaine Agtuca Jr., a member of the VSMMC HIV/Aids Core Team.
“This is a lifetime medication and if a patient stops taking the medicines, mugrabe na sad ang HIV infection (the infection will worsen),” he said.
Agtuca said there is a high success rate for their patients who are on medication. Of the 684 patients diagnosed with HIV, less than 10 percent have advanced to Aids, most of whom were diagnosed late.
He said pregnant women with risky sexual behavior should get tested and seek treatment immediately, as this brings down by 96 percent the chance of passing on the virus to the child. 
In VSMMC, 41 mothers who were diagnosed and treated during pregnancy gave birth to children who all tested negative of HIV.
“As for the four children with HIV, they are doing well under medication and they are healthy, but that doesn’t mean they no longer have HIV. The moment they stop taking the medication, infection will worsen,” he said.
During the Association of Government Information Officers (AGIO) forum at the DOH 7 yesterday, Agtuca said the number of patients in VSMMC’s treatment center has been increasing.
In 2011, there would only be one to two new diagnoses a month and 14 to 20 consultations.
This year, there are some 35 new diagnoses and 350 to 375 consultations per month.
Of the 684 being treated, 94 percent are male and only six percent are female.
In Cebu City, Tac-an said that based on their surveillance of a sample of 450 individuals with HIV, 44 percent are people who inject drugs. Some 51 percent are men having sex with men and only about five percent are commercial sex workers.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Duterte's Anger and Frustration Directed at Government Failures but NOT at the Pope

Office of the Senate Majority Leader
Alan Peter S. Cayetano
Rm. 603 GSIS Complex Senate of the Philippines Roxas Blvd Pasay City

01 December 2015

Duterte's anger and frustration directed at government failures not at Pope Francis – Cayetano

"Pope Francis is a man of God. He is loved and respected by millions of people, from different religious affiliations worldwide, Mayor Duterte included. But even Pope Francis would never allow people to suffer at his expense."

This is what Senator Alan Peter Cayetano said in response to attacks against Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte over his statements at the PDP-Laban proclamation yesterday.

"Traffic ang minura ni Mayor Duterte hindi si Pope Francis. He was not directing his anger and frustration at the Pope, he was expressing the people's frustration over the government's incompetence in handling the metro's worsening traffic situation and the daily suffering and inconvenience it causes," Cayetano said.

"It is unfortunate that the Mayor's statements were grossly taken out of context. Mayor Duterte deeply respects religious beliefs and the Filipino's spirituality. Those who know him can attest to this. He himself has a deep relationship with God. He doesn't talk about it publicly but I know this personally having discovered this through my constant engagement with him," Cayetano added.

Cayetano said he understands Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) President Archbishop Soc Villegas statement on Duterte's alleged remarks against the Pope.

"Mayor Duterte's environment and experience brought him up speaking tough, rough and uncensored. The Mayor came from a time and place of great conflict and suffering. While the Mayor's words and statements were stronger than what is deemed socially accepted by some, and may rub some in the wrong way, the most important thing is, he is authentic and his heart is in the right place. He is who he is. He will always fight for the people and never allow them to suffer," Cayetano said.

Cayetano reminded the public that the national debate should focus on how to change the country for the better. "We are here to change the country, not to change him."

In an interview, Duterte said he was merely expressing the people's outrage. He said it was never his intention to hurt sensibilities or disrespect the Holy Father. He said his anger is directed at the government and the 18 years of systemic neglect that has resulted in the suffering of the people.

Cayetano also questioned the sincerity of Press Secretary Edwin Lacierda in defending of the Pope. The senator said Lacierda himself justified the whitewashing of the hiding of the poor during the Pope's visit in the country. He also said the government's lack of action in defending the public from problems like the tanim bala scam and the pilferage/taxing on balikbayan boxes is a great disservice to the people.

"Sec. Lacierda obviously wanted to anger the people by using Pope Francis to score propaganda points. Pero ang tanong ko, tingin ba ni Sec. Lacierda ay sang-ayon ang taumbayan noong tinago nila ang mga pulubi at mga palaboy noong bumisita ang Papa? Tingin ba niya na pabor ang tao na bumiyahe at maipit ng 5 oras sa traffic noong nandito ang Papa kung pwede naman pala pag handaan para maiwasan ito?" Cayetano asked.

"Before Sec. Lacierda points an accusing finger at Mayor Duterte maybe he should look at his own backyard and see how the government's flawed policies and inaction have greatly disadvantaged the people,"Cayetano concluded.###

Monday, November 30, 2015

Christmas at home - Weihnachten zu Hause

Christmas at home. Weihnachten zu Hause.

Matina Enclaves Hosts Dinner for Duterte/Cayetano Team

Facebook: boon or ban?

Facebook: boon or ban?

IinmyopinionN MY OPINION
I have asked this question already many times in several columns.
Right at this moment, another case from my home country Germany is in the news. “Facebook must ban abusive content” , says German Justice Minister Maas. And he is so very right. Heiko Maas wants Facebook to better enforce its community standards to rein in abusive users. Given the recent rise in anti-migrant and xenophobic posts, he has called for a meeting with Facebook’s European managers.
In an open letter seen by German daily “Tagesspiegel,” which he links to on his Twitter account, Maas tells Facebook that “we need to talk.”
In the letter, which he sent to Facebook’s European head office in Dublin as well as to its German subsidiary, he says the social media site’s community standards needed to be more efficient and transparent.
In the wake of the recent openly xenophobic and hateful attacks on and protests at refugee camps in Germany, Maas said that the Justice Ministry had received many complaints about abusive content not being banned on Facebook.
Often, users get a message saying that the posts they reported did not violate Facebook’s community standards without giving any further explanation “even in very obvious cases,” according to Maas. Since most of us are in Facebook, I am sure, everybody got such messages after reporting something.
Maas also says this standard response had become a “farce” and that users were struggling to understand why Facebook is quick to ban nudity, for example, referring to its community standards, but often fails to ban xenophobic and racist posts.
The implementation of its community standards, Maas says in his letter, “can apparently not be relied on, even though many posts contain comments that constitute the criminal offense of incitement to hatred.” He reminds Facebook that it is legally obliged to delete illegal posts.
Maas emphasizes that his demands do not go against freedom of speech. “But the Internet is not a lawless space where racist abuse and illegal posts can be allowed to flourish.” He stressed that there can be no “misunderstood tole-rance,” and that Facebook urgently needed to enforce its existing rules and assess whether further measures are needed.
In recent months, Germany has seen tens of thousands of refugees and migrants arrive at its borders, with many communities struggling to provide adequate care and shelter. There have been persistent protests and attacks from far-right groups, often coordinated on sites such as Facebook. The attacks drew widespread criticism from polticians, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel calling the incidents “despicable and shameful.”
And here we are: in reponse to Maas’ letter, a spokeswoman for Facebook said they were taking the justice minister’s position seriously, but did not confirm that they would meet with him. I am speechless. And many others too … !
Email: doringklaus@gmail.com or follow me in Facebook (!) or Twitter or visit www.germanexpatinthephilippines.blogspot.com or www.klausdoringsclassicalmusic.blogspot.com .

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Sacramento Man Charged for Using Filipino Kids for Porn Shoot

Associated Press / INQUIRER.net U.S Bureau
November 26th, 2015 02:26 AM
SACRAMENTO, California — A Sacramento man has been charged with paying Filipino guardians for temporary custody of their children and using them to create pornography.
Michael Carey Clemans, 55, was indicted on four counts related to conspiracy to produce child porn, the Eastern District of California U.S. Attorney’s Office said.
According to court documents, Clemans worked with a woman in the Philippines starting in June 2014 to produce the sexually explicit photos of children. At the time, Clemans lived in Bangkok, where he worked as an airline pilot.
When he moved back to Sacramento in April, Clemans allegedly continued to work with the woman by working out various strategies to find young girls to engage in sexually explicit actions, court documents said.
Clemans allegedly gave the woman thousands of dollars so she could buy photo equipment and set up the photo shoots with the girls, according to court documents. During some conversations, Clemans expressed “his desire to have sex with girls as young as 8 years old.”
Court documents show Clemans paid the guardians of the Filipino children so he could get temporary custody of the kids and produce child pornography.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office said Clemans was arrested in July. (U.S. Customs agents, on a tip Clemans may be possessing child pornography, also detained him last April after flew into San Francisco International Airport from Tokyo. Agents found 18 images on his iPad and he was arrested immediately.) If convicted, he faces a maximum punishment of life in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Bad days

Bad days

inmyopinionIN MY OPINION

Well, one of my expatriate friends here in the Philippines admired the “Five Tibetans Monks”. I mean – not the personalities… . Every morning, my friend does these exercises entitled “Five Tibetans Monks”. Since my friend started with that, he hasn’t become sick any more. He also felt mentally balanced. I can’t guarantee it. He kept on swearing it to me.
Another (German) friend, meanwhile 75 years “young” can’t enjoy his breakfast without first jogging for an hour or even more starting at 5 a.m. If he’s not able to practice it, he becomes moody, intolerable, aggressive and frustrated. Bad days…!
Others have to swim three times a day. Good for those, who have a swimming pool or live near a beach or sea shore.
I love a glass of red wine (don’t get me wrong: I said ONE glass!), a good book (what ever that means for you, my dear reader!), and relaxing (old!) classical music. So, each one of us is looking for his or her special ways on being comfortable.
But, some of our dear fellow creatures can’t really get some peace. They heave a sigh and utter a groan all day long! The Five Tibetans Monks have been blurred. Jogging is unhealthy; green tea is putting out and forces ill-feeling; swimming in a pool supports logical ring worms! Heaven forbid!
I’m sure, my red wine is never digestible and instead reading a good book while listening relaxing music weigh heavily upon our minds.
A couple of years ago I met an expatriate who loved to swing a pendulum to and fro. Billy occupied himself with astrology and the esoteric. I will never forget one of his first questions regarding my birth time. He warned me immediately: “Days followed by full moon periods are very bad for you!” This was something new for me. To be honest, I really don’t care about such stuff. Sorry! I messed up with Billy. Sayang! He was a really good friend.
I traveled a lot. I stayed in more than 60 countries. I experienced in some Western countries, that travel agencies recommended trips to Mexico for “Leos” or to Turkey for “Capricorns”. I went to both countries and didn’t feel anything wrong or bad. I estimated roughly, which dramatic misjudgements, accidents, and sickness outbreaks or losses have happened in my life during days followed by full moon periods.
Which day is today? I always write most of my columns for this daily and my websites on Saturdays. It’s really a great day. Joking apart: allow me to quote Th. Campell (Lochiel’s Warning), “Coming events cast their shadows before”. Bad days for most all places on this globe and its people right now. “Mourning becomes Elektra!” – as E.O. Neill entitled his drama stage play…. But, we should never stop praying for peace!
Comments, suggestions, questions? Email me: doringklaus@gmail.com or follow me in Facebook or Twitter or visit www.german expatinthephilippines.blogspot. com or www.klausdorings classicalmusic.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What's Next for FHM Philippines after UK - closure

By: ABS-CBNnews.com

Actress Ina Raymundo. Photo from the magazine’s Facebook page
MANILA -- Men's magazine FHM Philippines on Monday assured its readers that it will continue operations despite the decision of FHM UK to cease its print and digital publication.

FHM Philippines also announced its upcoming projects for 2016.

READ: Despite UK announcement, FHM PH to continue operations

One day after the UK magazine's announcement, FHM Philippines already announced that it will continue catering to the "diverse interests of the Filipino man."

Despite this, the magazine came out with an official statement on Monday.

"We at FHM Philippines would like to clarify that this suspension is specifically for the UK edition and that the brand will continue its operations in the Philippines," it said in a post on its Facebook page.

FHM Philippines, which has been operating in the country for 15 years now, also pointed out its continued market growth. According to the magazine, its website FHM.com.ph has an average of 2.5 million monthly users, while its Facebook account has 3.5 million followers and has a reach of over 7 million.

"Our combined audience for the magazine and the website has never been bigger, and our social media community experiences exponential growth and unparalleled engagement," it added.

According to the statement, FHM Philippines will be redesigning and developing its website to give it a "cleaner interface" and more content. It will also make it more mobile-responsive for a "seamless" reading experience for readers who use mobile devices.

FHM also announced its projects for the remaining of the year.

Next month, FHM Philippines will launch a photo book featuring the most iconic photos they have taken for the past 15 years.

"The photo book is a visual celebration of how the brand has evolved, and continues to innovate to cater to the dynamic tastes of Filipino men," it said.

FHM also thanked its readers for their continued support.

"We’re thankful for the support that everyone has extended to FHM Philippines the past years and we’re excited to move forward and be part of every Filipino’s life in the years to come," it said.

OTS Men face Probe over alleged Drug Smuggling in NAIA

By: Raoul Esperas, ABS CBN

MANILA – Several Office of Transportation Security (OTS) personnel are being investigated by the Manila International Airport Authority after a huge amount of cocaine was smuggled out of the country through the country's premier airport.
A high-ranking airport official told ABS-CBN News that airport officials were alarmed by the series of drug smuggling incidents at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

These include the arrest of four Filipinas who were caught with 2.5 kilograms of cocaine in their luggage after arriving in Hong Kong.

READ: 4 Pinays slip out of NAIA with kilos of cocaine

Over the weekend, Thai Customs officials arrested two Thai nationals, identified as Siriwan Yodteerak and Aaew Wijit, after 2.6 kilograms of high-grade cocaine were found in a secret compartment in their luggage.

A report by the Bangkok Post said Siriwan left Manila through an AirAsia flight to Kuala Lumpur and boarded another plane at the Malaysian capital for a flight to Krabi, a southern province in Thailand. She arrived in Thailand on Sunday.
The report added that Siriwan's luggage which contained the cocaine was brought to Thailand on another flight. Siriwan was arrested when she came to claim her luggage, while Aaew was arrested at a hotel in Krabi.

Siriwan claimed she was paid 60,000 baht (P78,935) by Aaew's African boyfriend to smuggle the cocaine from the Philippines to Thailand. She said she had been offered several times by the African to become a drug mule but she declined all the offers.


The reports of illegal drugs slipping out of the airport come as the OTS, an agency under the Department of Transportation and Communications, is under fire due to the series of alleged ''tanim-bala'' (bullet planting) incidents.
"How come OTS security screeners can detect a single bullet hidden in the luggage of OFW and other passengers but they mysteriously fail to detect the kilos of drugs inside hand-carried luggage of suspected drug mules?" asked the airport official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

READ: How victims are spotted in 'tanim-bala' modus

EXCL: 4 layer ng extortion ng 'tanim-bala'

The MIAA is now reviewing the closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage at the airport to observe the movements of the 2 Thai nationals while they were at the NAIA Terminal 3.

During a Senate hearing this month, OTS administrator Roland Recomono explained that their x-ray machines at the NAIA cannot detect cocaine. He said the cocaine will only register as an "organic substance."

The screeners' expertise, on the other hand, is only limited to the prohibited items based on the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), he said.

Senator Alan Cayetano, however, said the OTS can actually add items to ICAO's list, based onExecutive Order No. 311.

Cayetano slams Escudero and other Duterte Critics

Office of the Senate Majority Leader
Alan Peter S. Cayetano
Rm. 603 GSIS Complex Senate of the Philippines Roxas Blvd Pasay City

24 November 2015

Senate Majority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano on Monday slammed the critics of Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, stressing that those who are maligning the mayor’s decision to run for president are afraid of losing to him in the 2016 presidential election.

"Takot na takot na sila. Parating na ang tunay na pagbabago," Cayetano said.

The Senator was reacting to recent statements issued by the camp of presidential candidate Senator Grace Poe and her running mate, Senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero, that Duterte was merely using Poe’s disqualification case as an excuse to run, since he had long decided to seek the presidency.

“Klaro sa amin ni Mayor Duterte na hindi pwedeng tumakbong presidente ang isang hindi natural born citizen. Tama po ba na ang isang nanumpa sa Amerika, babalik dito, gusto maging Pangulo? Hindi pwedeng palampasin ito. Lalong hindi ito drama," Cayetano said.

"Kung gusto ninyo ng drama at pagkukunwari, nandyan ang Poe-Escudero. Kung gusto ninyo ng matapang na solusyon at mabilis na aksyon, nandito po ang Duterte-Cayetano. Basta kami, we will not cheapen the presidency," Cayetano added.

Cayetano said Poe should answer directly the issues raised against her instead of hiding behind the back of Escudero.

“Hindi maaari na hindi marinig ang tinig niya lalo na kung gusto niyang maging presidente ng bansa. If this early she is already hiding behind a person, who at best is only muddling the issue lodged against her, what more if she becomes president?” Cayetano quipped.

Cayetano also defended Duterte against insinuations that the local executive may not be allowed to run as a substitute for Martin Diño, the standard-bearer of Partido Demokratikong Pilipino-Laban ng Bayan (PDP-Laban), of which Duterte is a member.

“To those nitpicking at the legal issues surrounding Mayor Duterte’s planned candidacy, set your sights elsewhere. Aside from Mayor Duterte being a natural-born Filipino with a long track record of public service, there are no outstanding legal issues in his bid. Under the law, substitution is allowed. The filing of the PDP-Laban is valid,” Cayetano added.

Cayetano acknowledged that the months leading to the elections could be tough for both him and Duterte, as influential individuals and groups who are afraid of the mayor’s inclusion in the race may try to launch smear campaigns against their ticket.

“We are certainly expecting it. May mga grupo na maraming pera gaya ng mga drug lords, smugglers at crime syndicates na balak magsama-sama para hadlangan ang tambalang Duterte-Cayetano sa gobyerno. Alam nilang liliit ang mundo nila. But I have faith that the people, who are sick and tired of crime and corruption, will support us all the way. Panahon na para sa matapang na solusyon at mabilis na aksyon,” he concluded. #. #

Friday, November 20, 2015

Tropical Storm expected again to enter Philippines

 (The Philippine Star) | 

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Shelly Ignacio, weather forecaster of the Philippine Atmospheric, Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), said yesterday the storm with international name Infa is likely to intensify into a typhoon before it enters the Philippine area of responsibility by Sunday or Monday. from pagasa.dost.gov.ph
MANILA, Philippines - A tropical storm spotted over the Pacific Ocean is expected to enter the Philippine area of responsibility this weekend or early next week and bring rains over the eastern section of Luzon and the Visayas.
Shelly Ignacio, weather forecaster of the Philippine Atmospheric, Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), said yesterday the storm with international name Infa is likely to intensify into a typhoon before it enters the Philippine area of responsibility by Sunday or Monday.
The storm will be locally named Marilyn once it enters the Philippine area of responsibility.
Ignacio said the storm was not expected to make landfall in any part of the country.
PAGASA was looking at two scenarios for Infa, one where it enters the Philippine area of responsibility on Sunday or Monday and grazes the eastern section of Luzon, particularly the Bicol region and the Visayas, while the other scenario is the storm would veer north and spare the country, Ignacio said.
As of yesterday noon, the storm was moving west northwest at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour.
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“The possibility that it will enter the Philippine area of responsibility is high,” Ignacio told The STAR.
As of 2 a.m. Thursday, the eye of Infa was located at 2,980 km east of Mindanao.
She said partly cloudy skies with chances of isolated thunderstorms would prevail over Metro Manila in the next three days.