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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Sunday, December 27, 2015

What is Becoming Filipino?

#BecomingFilipino is an adventure. It is the journey of a 26 year old Canadian trying to “Become Filipino”. Simply put, I am not Filipino. I don’t have a Filipino passport and it would be almost impossible for me to get one. Truth is I will never be able to say “I am Filipino” (and never deserve/would have the right to). But there are so many simple beautiful things that I have experienced and witnessed that make up Filipino culture… Things that I would be honoured to learn from, and be honoured to share with the world around me.
I love the Philippines and would be honored to be able to call myself “part Filipino.”
I am asking for help. I need help creating a list, but not just any list… a list that will help me in #BecomingFilipino. I need to experience Filipino things. I need to better understand the People, Environment, Food and Culture. I need to better understand what it means to be Filipino. What it takes to be able to have those simple beautiful things that make up the heart of a Filipino. I have decided to make lists… The lists will be focused on those four things… and well anything that will help me learn from this culture and these people that have inspired so much happiness in my life.
Super Apir!

Stagers Mount Riotous Show at the Big Dome

 (The Philippine Star) 

The Philippine Stagers Foundation (PSF) celebrates its 15th anniversary with a ‘fun, fun, fun’ show at the Smart-Araneta Coliseum
MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Stagers Foundation (PSF), a musical drama company headed by Vincent Tañada — director, actor, singer and not incidentally a lawyer — with Pipo Cifra as resident composer, staged a concert in November last year at the Smart-Araneta Coliseum.
I was amazed at the big turnout, mostly students, close to 15,000. Vince, as his friends call him, had made good his threat to fill the Big Dome to capacity or near capacity, thanks to social media, an aggressive marketing team, and PSF’s contacts with students, schools and educators through the years.
For that concert, Vince did away with his Filipino musical advocacy and presented highlights from Broadway-West End musicals like Miss SaigonCats and Starlight Express. The youths were impressed but not really captivated. What saved the day were the visuals, AVPs, jokes and antics, and an OPM segment.
And at the end, the audience joyfully sang and danced along with the performers.
And PSF does it again. Just the other day, the foundation celebrated its 15th anniversary at the coliseum and again there was a mammoth crowd. And this time the emphasis was on fun, fun, fun — pop, rock, disco, hip-hop and what have you — while not forgetting Vince’s nationalist and inspirational advocacy.
Dancers worked the crowd over with limbering-up exercises that kept them entertained and fired-up. There was political campaigning which had nothing to do with the concert, and over which the organizers had no control. The girls screamed when Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo appeared — on the screen.
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Finally, after a 50-minute wait, the show got on the road and the audience went wild over the precision dancing, energetic choreography and pulsating music. Vince and the other lead singers were foundation regulars; the rest of the talented ensemble were students who were products of the PSF’s free summer workshops, there were all triple threats, good in singing, dan-cing and acting.
The next segment was more sober: A brief history of the company, along with highlights from hit musicals, recent as well as current, like Filipinas 1941 and Pope-pular, a highly-successful production, a tribute to Pope Francis which has been playing in many venues. The last stop was Cebu City, and the next is Naga City.
As the scenes were flashed, singers interpreted the songs that were being performed on the screen.
At one point, at a given signal, the audience turned on their cellphone lights. And it was a sight to see, all those hundreds of pinpricks of light dancing in the dark, cavernous coliseum.
A screamingly funny segment was when PSF singers, young and handsome — JV, Jomar, Johnrey, Kenneth, Paul, Patrick and finally even Vince — one by one descended, singing and holding a rose which they were supposed to give to a girl of their choice.
At first this worked well but soon the girls became more aggressive. They screamed and rushed to the hapless singer, treating him like a rock star, and the hefty bouncers even had to intervene.
The production staff (lights designer, choreographer, etc.) also stole the show. They became performers and cross-dressers, rein-vented themselves as torch singers caparisoned in sexy costumes, tossed off their wigs and ran wild through the audience, creating pandemonium.
It was a riot.
At the end, things settled down and it was time for more serious, patriotic and inspirational songs climaxed by the iconic song This is the Moment from the hit musical Jekyll and Hyde.
After the show, in a chat with media, Vince, citing the success of Pope-pular, said the company now has a third objective, apart from entertaining and educating, and this was to evangelize and maybe change people’s lives. “But,” he declared, “we are not promoting (religion) but humanity!”

Earthquake in Surigao

Metro Manila (CNN Philippines) — A 5.2 magnitude earthquake hit Siargao island on Sunday morning (December 27), the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) reported.
The quake occurred at 6:11 a.m. with its epicenter at 29 kilometers (km) northeast of San Isidro town, Siargao Island, Surigao del Norte.
With a depth of 51 km, the tremor was felt by residents and tourists in Siargao, also in Surigao and Butuan.
According to Phivolcs, the quake was caused by movements along a local fault in Surigao Island. The tremor was tectonic in origin.
Surigao del Norte Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (PDRRMC) said there were no damages or casualties reported due to the earthquake.
No aftershock was registered and no tsunami alert was raised by the state agency.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas! Frohe Weihnachten!

To our my dear readers.

An alle meine lieben Leserinnen und Leser.

26 Million PesosProject to Boost Cacao Production in Davao City

by Alexander D. Lopez

DAVAO CITY – Cacao production in Davao region recently received support as the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) approved a P26-million enterprise development project aimed to further boost the industry in this city.
image: http://www.mb.com.ph/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/cacao.jpg
Cacao fruit-bearing tree / Photo by Uveedzign (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Cacao fruit-bearing tree ( Photo by Uveedzign [CC BY-SA 3.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons)
In a statement to the media, PRDP said that the National Project Coordination Office (NPCO) of PRDP has issued a No Objection Letter (NOL) last December 9 which signals the start of the project implementation of the project.
The enterprise project dubbed as Cacao Production and Marketing of Dry-Fermented Beans of Davao City will be implemented by the Subasta Integrated Farmers Multi-purpose Cooperative (SIFMPC) as the lead proponent group through a cluster-type operation.
The project will be implemented in the areas of Marilog, Baguio, Calinan and Tugbok districts that will benefit around 15 other cooperatives with an estimated 495 members who are cacao farmers.
The enterprise project that will be supervised under the Investments for Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Productivity or I-REAP component of PRDP will help strengthen the existing marketing arrangements between SIFMPC and cacao buyers like Coco Dolce and Filipinas Oro de Cacao for the local market and Askinosie for the export market.
“We are optimistic to jumpstart the first cacao production enterprise project of PRDP with the approval of the business plan of the SIFMPC,” said PRDP national deputy project director Arnel De Mesa.
He added that SIFMPC was able to comply with the requirements of the project including the proposed enhancements to the business plan that aims to focus more on giving support to production for cacao farmers.
De Mesa added that PRDP’s main intervention to the project is to provide support to production that will lessen the cacao farmer’s dependency to traders and consequently enhance their income.
Provision of postharvest facilities to ensure that the cacao production quality meets the required market standard and increase SIFMPC’s production of dried fermented beans will also be ensured by the PRDP.
PRDP will also facilitate the implementation of support infrastructure project to the cacao production in the city.
The regional project advisory board (RPAB) of PRDP has recently approved around P432-million worth of infrastructure projects that will support the cacao production efforts in the region.
Meanwhile, the city council, through the committee on agriculture welcomed the approval of the said project’s implementation.
The expansion of cacao production areas particularly in Paquibato and Marilog districts will benefit mostly the indigenous peoples in the area, said city councilor Marissa Salvador-Abella.
“The P26-million assistance will not just expand production but it will also empower the farmers to compete in the bigger market,” the pointed out, adding that the project will also improve the technology in cacao beans and chocolate production in the city.
Data from the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) says that as of 2013, cacao bean production in the country was recorded at 4,831 metric tons.
Ninety percent of cacao production in the Philippines comes from Mindanao with Davao region considered as the top producing area.

In Photos: Pia Wurtzbach Sizzles at 2015 Miss Universe Glamour


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Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach, Miss Universe Philippines 2015, poses for a photo inside Planet Hollywood on Wednesday December 9th. The 2015 Miss Universe contestants are touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the DIC Crown in Las Vegas. © Miss Universe L.P., LLLP/Matt Petit  
MANILA, Philippines - Pia Wurtzbach is already showing what she's made of in Las Vegas.
The Filipina beauty queen recently participated in a number of pre-show events at the 64th Miss Universe, including photo shoots in the evening gowns, Yamamay swimwear and fashion photography, among others.
"I absolutely love love LOVE my official glamshot photo," Pia said in an Instagram post on Friday.
Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach, Miss Universe Philippines 2015 poses in Yamamay swimwear upon arriving to Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. © Miss Universe L.P., LLLP/Darren Decker
Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach, Miss Universe Philippines 2015 poses in her evening gown upon arriving to Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. © Miss Universe L.P., LLLP/Matt Petit
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Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach, Miss Universe Philippines 2015 is photographed by fashion photographer Fadil Berisha upon arriving to Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. © Miss Universe L.P., LLLP/Fadil Berisha
Pia, along with the other 78 other contestants, will participate in a number of pre-pageant activities leading up to the 64th Miss Universe live show at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas on December 20 (December 21, Philippines time). The preview and contestant interviews are set on December 14, while the preliminary and national costume shows are set on December 16.