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There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Monday, June 18, 2018

Negativity kills

My column in Mindanao Daily Mirror and Mindanao Daily:


Sometimes, we feel our life is turning miserably. Our negativity doesn't allow us to keep our eyes, ears - and, most important! -  our minds, hearts and souls opened. Were reaching our breaking point.

As I said several months ago here: this breaking point can be the prelude to our strongest moment. It is when we reach our breaking point, that we discover our real strength. Allow me to ask you, my dear readers, "What happens to you or with you when you reach your breaking point?" Do you face it or do you run away?

I'll be giving you a very simple answer: If you face it - you break it. If you run away (and/or close your ears, eyes and mouth) - it surely breaks you!

Everyday - a dull reality! Many of us will answer this question with a big YES! Actually we do like to cover a newborn day already with grey veil? Each day has a new face, but sometimes we don't have the strength to watch its countenance. Of course, not every day has adventures and highlights.

But we enjoy quarreling and arguing. With other people and even with ourselves.

Contrary to what might be expected, I look back on experiences that, at the same time, seemed especially desolating and painful with a particular satisfaction. Indeed, everything I have learned, everything that has truly enhanced and enlightened my existence, has been through affliction and not through happiness. 

If it ever were to be possible to eliminate affliction from your earthly existence, the result would not be make life delectable, but to make it too banal and trivial to be endurable. 

By observation, we can feel that many of us need help to manage the everyday life. We need something that would keep us going as we journey through life. Many times we can also learn from other people and their experiences.

Blue eyed or very philosophical but so very true: If the world is to be brought to order, a nation must be first changed.  If  nation isn' t be changed, my home town is to be reordered and must be first set be right, my dear brothers and sisters. And, one step further: If my family is to be regenerated, I MYSELF MUST FIRST BE!

And here is one more thing: Affection is the humblest love - it gives itself no airs. It lives with humble and private things: soft slippers, old clothes, old jokes, and the thump of a sleepy dog's tail on the kitchen floor. The glory of affection, the disposition of mind, the good will and tender attachment, is that it can unite those who are not "made for one and another", people. Who, if not out down by fate in the same household or community, would have nothing to do with one and another.

For me life has been a thing of ups and downs in approximately equal measure. I don't have something sensational to report every day about my progress. Often, I wonder if fulfillment in life is necessarily tied to change for the better.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Over 200 schools file tuition hike petition

By: Janvic Mateo (The Philippine Star) - 

MANILA, Philippines — Over 200 private colleges and universities are seeking government approval to increase tuition and other fees this year due to the impact of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law and the migration of teachers to state-funded tertiary institutions.
In a press briefing yesterday, Commission on Higher Education (CHED) officer-in-charge J. Prospero de Vera said their regional offices have endorsed the applications for tuition and other fee increases of 248 private higher education institutions (HEIs).
The data do not include applications from Region 4-A, which are expected to be submitted to the commission next week before the board tackles the requests for increases.
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“The regional offices have completed their work on evaluating the applications. There is no decision of the commission en banc yet but there are some preliminary data,” De Vera said.

“This number may go down depending on the decision of the commission en banc next week,” he added.
Of the 248 HEIs, 211 are asking for increase in both tuition and other school fees, 27 only on tuition and 10 only on other school fees.
Asked for reasons for the increase, De Vera said the HEIs cited the impact of the TRAIN law and the migration of faculty members to state-funded colleges and universities (SUCs) that offer better compensation.
“Some are saying (these are) effects of the TRAIN law,” he said. “Also, because cost of education has really gone higher. Remember, one of the problems being encountered by private universities now is they are losing their good faculty to SUCs.”
The CHED official noted that private schools have to be competitive in terms of salary for them not to lose teachers to the public sector.
“Private universities are losing a lot of their very good faculty because they cannot pay them competitive salaries. Tuition increases (are) the number one way of making the salaries competitive because 70 percent of any tuition fee increase must be given to salaries,” he said.

In addition to new faculty items in SUCs, he noted the Department of Education has created a lot of items for senior high school teachers, which offer higher compensation than some of the smaller private universities.
De Vera, however, stressed that the number of private HEIs seeking increases in tuition and other fees is just a small percentage of the over 1,600 private tertiary institutions nationwide.
“Majority of private universities are not increasing fees. It’s only a small percentage, only 14 percent of HEIs have applied for tuition increase,” he said. “The impact of this overall may not be as bad as speculated.”

Read more at https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2018/06/15/1824852/over-200-schools-file-tuition-hike-petition#UhyE9XxsL2z6FAdx.99

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Philippine Independence Day 2018

From left: Klaus Doring, Consul a.h. of the Federal Republic of Germany, Michael Ang, Consul a.h. of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Yoshiyaki Miwa, Counsellor, Davao Consular Office of the Embassy of Japan (soon to be elevated to Consulate General), Issam ElDebs, Consul a.h. of the Republic of Syria, Acting Assistant Secretary Robert O. Ferrer, Jr., DFA Mindanao, Peter Faistauer, Consul a.h. of the Federal Republic of Austria, BIMP-EAGA Signing Minister and Chairman of Mindanao Development Authority (MINDA) Abul Khayr Alonto, Berlian Napitupulu, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia, Director Manuel Luis Ochotorena of the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, Maria Lourdes MonteverdeMalou Monteverde, Consul a.h. of the United Mexican States, Undersecretary Luzviminda Ilagan, Department of Social Welfare and Development, National Intelligence Coordinating Council (NICA) Director Jerome Marquez, Regional Director Ma. Lourdes Lim of the National Economic Development Authority. Not in picture: Mr. Vicente Lao, Consul a.h. of New Zealand, Mr. Guilbert Go, Consul a.h. of the Czech Republic, Mr. Li Lin, Consul General-designate, soon-to-be Consulate General of the People's Republic of China, Davao City Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Arthur Milan and Vice Consul Saifulnizam of Malaysia

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Trade War or Not?


European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini doesn't want to use the word "war" when speaking about EU-US relations. It's true that the EU has to defend its interests, she says, "but we're not at war with anyone."

Fine. But fact is, the EU caught between desire for retaliation and calm. No wonder! The EU doesn't want to just put up with Donald Trump's higher import tariffs and is mulling retaliatory measures. But German firms, in particular, fear that no one would profit from an escalation of the situation. And that's indeed true.

While being off to Manila due to several events (Philippine Independence Day is just around the corner!), I got this in mind: Is Trump's Korea policy calculated chaos? As the US scrambles to reorganize a summit with North Korea, positive outcomes are far from certain. Rather than a calculated strategy, the Trump administration's disorganized diplomacy is leaving the world in suspense. Latest news on my desk: June 12 is final for the Trump-Kim meeting. Who knows?
Fact is also: the European Commission is hopping mad, and it's ready to fight back. For its president, Jean-Claude Juncker, the higher US tariffs are "protectionism, simple as that." The US, he says, leaves the EU with no other choice than to initiate a WTO case. However, a ruling by the world trade body is likely to take months.

Also, US President Donald Trump has already signaled his country would withdraw from the World Trade Organization, should it side with the EU in its ruling. In other words, Europeans shouldn't pin too much hope on the WTO.

Juncker said the EU executive would come up with an adequate response nonetheless, as retaliatory measures such as higher EU import duties on US products had been prepared ahead of the US decision. Among the American items to be targeted would be ships and other products made with steel, whiskey, peanut butter, Harley-Davidsons and Levi's jeans worth €2.8 billion ($3.27 billion).

That's far less than the EU steel and aluminum exports to the US - worth €6.4 billion annually - which are affected by the Trump administration's decision. EU countertariffs could only be implemented after June 20, and it's unclear whether they will come at all. The bloc's member states will have to come to a joint decision, but positions currently differ widely.
Higher US tariffs on cars would be a blow to Germany's auto industry. That's for sure!

Of course, some EU states are not affected at all. Good for them. The managing director of the Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA), Gerhard Handke, told Reuters that not all EU member countries were affected by the higher tariffs to the same extent. He said there are nations that do not export steel or aluminum to the US at all. Handke argues that those nations are not interested in retaliation. Fine, but where is the spirit of an UNITED Europe? Yes, I know. It's gone already - as many Europe critics voiced out.

By contrast, Germany is hit hardest. "Against this background, keeping the EU's ranks closed despite different national interests among the 27 members will be a tall order," Handke commented.

Instead of coming up with comprehensive realiatory mesasures, he suggests the EU keep negotiating with the US.  He fears that otherwise there may be a devastating, psychologically induced impact on the market alongside the damage that businesses stand to incur.

The head of Germany's steel and metalworking industry group WSM, Christian Vietmeyer, doesn't beat about the bush. "Any EU response that could lead to a further escalation and more trade barries would do even more damage — Brussels should stay calm," he said.

German carmaker Volkswagen agrees that a spiral of sanctions and countersanctions would see no winners in the end. Donald Trump has already threatened to impose higher import tariffs on cars, which would deal a serious blow to Europe's powerhouse.

So, trade war or not? And please accept by apologizes for using the term "war".

Bernd Lange, who heads the European Parliament's INTA trade committee, is trying to combine a certain readiness to compromise with what he believes is the need to counter Trump's latest move with determination and resolve.

"Trump is attempting to blackmail us, and that's why we have to initiate an adequate response without provoking further escalation," he told German public radio. He suggested the EU should also raise import tariffs, but not to the same extent as the Trump administration. And that's what will most likely happen next.

Lange criticized German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier, who he said wanted to strike a deal with Donald Trump at all costs. "But no, we shouldn't negotiate a dirty deal under duress."

Altmaier himself said people should remain level-headed. He told German public broadcaster ARD (the first German TV channel after WWII) he hoped a process of contemplation would kick in in the US given that many goods would become more expensive there with the imposition of higher import duties. The minister added that people should not be fooled by Trump's threats toward German carmakers, calling on Europeans to stand and act together and possibly teaming up with Canada and Mexico, which have already announced countermeasures.

But not eveyone is willing to stay calm and treat the trade spat as a purely economic conflict. French President Emmanuel Macron took a look back in history. "Economic nationalism leads to war, and that's exactly what happened in the 1930s," he said. Gabriel Felbermayr, the director of the ifo Center for International Economics, sees "a Cold War in EU-US trade relations" on the horizon. Strong words, indeed!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Duterte Boasts Anti-Corruption Drive: 30 fired so far!

By Genalyn Kabiling, Manila Bulletin

SEOUL — At least 30 government officials have been fired by President Duterte as part of his intensified anti-corruption campaign so far.
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivers his speech during the meeting with the Filipino community at the Grand Hilton Convention Center Seoul in South Korea on June 3, 2018. ALFRED FRIAS/PRESIDENTIAL PHOTO
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivers his speech during the meeting with the Filipino community at the Grand Hilton Convention Center Seoul in South Korea on June 3, 2018. (ALFRED FRIAS/PRESIDENTIAL PHOTO/MANILA BULLETIN)
Addressing the Filipino community in South Korea last Sunday, the President said he has removed officials involved in certain irregularities including excessive foreign travels.
Duterte said he was hurt that many of these sacked officials convinced him to run in the last presidential elections.
“To date, I have fired almost lahat kilala ko and sadly, ito ‘yung mga tao nag-udyok sa akin — nandoon ako sa Davao, pinupuntahan ako, pinepeste ako [To date, I have fired almost everyone I know and sadly, these were the people who convince me to run. I was in Davao then and they went there and pestered me],” Duterte said in his remarks.
“So to date, I have fired about 30,” he said.
“I’m fighting corruption. You know that. Pati sila. Sinabi ko talaga sa kanila na even a whiff [Even them. I told them even a whiff],” he said about his presidential appointees.
Duterte admitted that he has dismissed some government officials for engaging in more than 10 foreign trips.
He said one official traveled 21 times abroad, including trips to China, Canada, and Brazil. He did not identify the person.
“What have you achieved? You’ve wasted money. Lahat ng nag-travel more than 10, tinanggal ko sa gobyerno [I removed in government those who traveled more than 10 times],” he said.
“What made you think that itong pera ng Pilipinas iyo [What made you think the money of the Philippines is yours?]” he added.
Duterte said he has already imposed some travel restrictions for government officials to prevent abuse of public funds. He said they must now get his permission before they could travel abroad.
“Now I have this instruction, walang travel. Before you go — except the, ‘yung gaya ng Foreign Secretary hindi mo na… Others, clear it with me. Gusto kong malaman na paano mo gastusin ‘yung kwarta [Now I have this instructor, no travel. Before you go, except the likes of the Foreign Secretary, others clear it with me. I want to know how you will spend the money],” he said.
Among the former officials recently removed from office are Customs Deputy Commissioner Noel Patrick Prudente, Government Corporate Counsel Rudolf Philip Jurado and Transportation Assistant Secretary Mark Tolentino.
Duterte said Jurado committed a mistake when he issued a legal opinion allowing the Aurora Pacific Economic Zone and Freeport Authority (APECO) to issue gambling permits outside its area of jurisdiction. He insisted that APECO had no authority like the Philippine Amusement Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) that issues gambling permits across the country.
“He interpreted the law beyond its normal proportion by farming out — nagbigay rin siya ng lisensya using the mother franchise. Eh para rin siyang PAGCOR [by giving licenses using the mother franchise. You’re just like PAGCOR (Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation],” he said.
Apart from the APECO controversy, Duterte slammed Jurado over the proposed 75-year lease contract for a foreign firm in Nayong Pilipino.
“Although it was not in the contract, in its final form, but to suggest na 75 years is totally stupid,” he said.
“Ilang presidente magdaan kung ganun 75 years? Parang ibinigay mo na ‘yung isang kumpanya, isang tao. 25 years, renewable 25 years. But 75 years — talagang… Lumayas kayo dito [How many presidents will pass in 75 years? It’s like you’ve given one company to one person. Twenty years, then renewable for 25 years. But 75 years? You better leave],” he added.

Why Pinoys are happy?

By Johannes L. Chua and Mae Lorraine Rafols Lorenzo, Manila Bulletin

SUNNY DISPOSITION — Filipinos are known for their ability to smile through their troubles, and to find something to laugh about even in trying times. (Kevin Tristan Espiritu)
SUNNY DISPOSITION — Filipinos are known for their ability to smile through their troubles, and to find something to laugh about even in trying times. (Kevin Tristan Espiritu)
If there’s one trait that the Filipinos are known for, aside from being hospitable, it’s our ability to be happy and stay positive no matter the circumstances. Whether we’re weathering strong typhoons or simply surviving the horrible Metro traffic – Filipinos still find a reason to smile.
Early this year, the Philippines was named the third happiest country in the world by Gallup International, scoring a “plus 84” which made us third after Colombia and Fiji, the leader.
Aside from the general sentiment, we also ranked fifth in the economic optimism index, which translated to 42 percent of Filipinos believing that 2018 will be a year of economic improvement for their household.
Presidential Spokesman Harry Roque Jr. in a statement can be remembered welcoming the results of the study, saying “we Filipinos are known as a happy, resilient people. We even manage to smile amid difficulties. It is therefore not surprising that we rank high in the global happiness index.”
Mid this year, the United Nations’ annual World Happiness Report showed that the Philippines ranked 71st among 156 countries included in their studies. The outcome was based on six key variables: Income, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, trust, and generosity. The report is a major survey of the state of global happiness, which ranks participating countries based on their “happiness levels.”
But what makes Filipinos truly happy? History shows that Pinoys generally attribute their happiness to two reasons: Food and faith.
“Food is very important to Filipinos. It’s ingrained in the Filipino psychology where having food on the table is equated to survival. Which is why it is very important for most households to ensure that their family gets to eat at least three times a day. To enjoy a meal five times a day is like the ultimate happiness, which makes Filipinos feel like they are being given a bonus,” said Dr. Shiela Marie Hocson, Far Eastern University Guidance and Counseling Director.
Hocson, who is also the president of the Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association, shared that a satisfied hunger brings out a general positivity among Filipinos which helps them establish a positive connection with the family and the community.
“This is also a big part of the reason why Filipinos are generally happy. We want to connect with our family, with society as a whole because we want to make sure that we have people to lean on to during difficult times. This trait makes us friendlier and open to people around us, which makes us better neighbors compared to other nationalities.”
Power of faith
Filipinos, who are mostly Catholics, can also attribute the general sense of happiness to their faith. In a way, challenges faced can be overcome as long as they have faith, with a higher power watching over one’s well-being, believing that all obstacles are tests of faith and overcoming it will be the ultimate reward.
A major testament of this belief are the various colorful town fiestas celebrated all over the country, where most celebrations happen after a long and difficult ordeal, while the positive results are rewards attributed to God.
For example, in Lucban, Quezon, their colorful town fiesta is a part of their culture and livelihood, connecting it to good fortune and reason for celebration.
“Lucban is famous for its colorful San Isidro Pahiyas (which means ‘to decorate’) Festival, the town’s festive way of giving thanks for a bountiful harvest. Lucban, like the rest of Quezon, is considered an agricultural town, blessed with rich soil thanks to 288 days of rain a year. Farmers would bring their produce in the church so they can be blessed by San Isidro Labrador, the patron saint of farmers. Through the years, the tradition has become so big that it was decided that instead of bringing the harvests in the church, they would just hold a parade for San Isidro and bless the houses of the farmers,” said Fr. Noel Cabungcal, parish priest of San Luis Obispo Church.
The Pahiyas Festival has become so big, and brought in so much joy to the town folks, that they decided to “spread” the happiness by showcasing the colorful event almost 365 days a year.
Though Filipinos are indeed a happy bunch, experts have also pointed out a reason that could dampen the air of positivity.
“Stress is a big factor that can affect the general happiness of Filipinos. Financial issues, in particular, is a major issue that can put a strain in relationships and our positive outlook in life,” said Hocson.
Despite the obstacles, Filipinos seem immune to whatever challenges life throws at them. There will always be a reason to smile, to be happy, and to face life head-on.

Mt. Candalaga "Mars attack" Visit Davao Summer Fest


Four days of different activities. Three festive nights. Two different trails. One summit to conquer.
“The experience was great. We got what we expected. We got what we came for,” said Melfrance of Mindanao Outdoor Enthusiast.
Indeed, an event worth remembering as 332 adventure-seekers across the country gathered during the 39th  Mountaineering Federation of the Philippines, Inc. National Annual Congress Climb on May 24-27, 2018 at Aguakan Cold Spring Resort, Maragusan, Compostela Valley.

Dubbed as Mars Attack!, the event is part of Davao Region's 2018 Visit Davao Summer Festival (VDSF), with the theme, "LongFest and WideFest."
The goal is to climb the Mt. Candalaga Peak at 2,100 meters above sea level. It is without a doubt, a challenge that would surely test the hikers’ physical and mental stamina.
On May 24, the participants were welcomed during the Mayor’s night, sponsored by the Local Government Unit of Maragusan.
In the early morning of May 25, the cold weather did not extinguish the excitement that filled the air as the climbers get ready for their most awaited adventure. A total of 150 participants have joined the trek; 75 of which are going into the summit via hardcore trail while the remaining 75 are via beginners trail.
The hardcore trail features 15 waterfalls upstream; Maranging falls as their jump-off point. Since their location is farther than that of the beginners, the group spent the night at Camp 1 and continued their way the day after.
Only 22 individuals had successfully reached the summit. Joseph Ian Bancale, Charlie and Mark Lawrence Gallarde of Damul Mountaineers were the first three climbers to arrive.
On the other hand, the jump off point for beginners is at the Tagbibinta falls wherein they have to experience an all assault trek going to camp 2. They are given only a day to reach the summit and go back to the host resort.
Though the trail was intended for beginners, some climbers doubt it, “sure sila beginners ni? Hasta mang lisuda.”
Sixty four years old Federico Reyes, Jr., the oldest participant of the National climb, is a participant from Earth Island Outdoor of General Santos City.
“Sus! May lang gani wa ko nag hardcore. Lisod naman gani diri sa beginners unsa nalang didto sa hardcore?” said Tatay Federico, as he stopped to catch his breath. As soon as he regained little of his energy, he started to make his way up again.  Unfortunately, even before reaching Camp 2, Tatay Federico decided to raise the white flag.
Nevertheless, he was still happy and thankful for the experience.
“Nalipay ko nga nakaapil ko from Gensan team. And we hope that more mountaineers will come next year for this kind of activity. This is really a good thing to refresh,” he ended.
The top 4 climbers for beginners category were all members of One Two Trekkers; Henry Seron, Eric Angeles, Miller Cascaro and Quirico Cajegas.
As all the climbers have gone down from the peak on May 26, they enjoyed another night of booze party, chill out with new friends, and be inspired with music. This time sponsored by the Provincial Government of ComVal.
On the last day, a tree planting activity was held as a way of preserving nature. (Sheldane Mahinay // ID Comval)