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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Divorce/Annulment in The Philippines

By Dutch expat in the Philippines JAN VAN DAM
Philippine law does not allow divorces (the only country in the world, next to the Vatican) but it does allow legal separation, annulment and marriage “voids” under the Family Code of the Philippines.
  • Annulment, covered mainly by Article 45 of the laws, applies to a legitimate marriage that has a valid ground to undo it
  • while a marriage, being declared void is considered invalid from the beginning.
The above terms are important, and you should know the difference between them.
The following article is derived from a story from someone who wanted to share his ‘adventures’ of having a marriage annulled. I re-wrote it the way it is now so it is understandable and gives a good idea of the difficulties one has to face when starting an annulment procedure. And I added some facts, definitions and quotes from different sources.

Why couples separate

Many Filipino men and women have been thinking it was the right thing to do – marry after college or high school, have a family, and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, the union does not always last.
There are many reasons for a separation:
  • Sometimes one of the spouses has enough of it, leaves the house and never returns, leaving the partner and eventual children alone.
  • A man often leaves his house for another woman and moves in with her.
  • Sometimes the separation is because of a continuing physical abuse.
  • And sometimes it is a mutual agreement to split up. Both spouses know that a divorce is not possible, so re-marrying will not be possible unless an annulment case will be started.

    Definition of separation

    A legal separation is an agreement where both parties split their properties and start living separately. They can not re-marry but may call themselves: legally separated. 
    If the spouses have been married in church, which is very common in the Philippines, a civil annulment needs to be followed by a church annulment or separation if the spouses like to get married again in church. But that’s another story. This posting is about the civil procedure only.

    Annulment Procedure

    Of course lawyers are involved to start an annulment procedure. You need to find a good one who is specialized in this kind of procedures, more special in Family Law. A foreigner should not show his face to this lawyer because it might raise the price a lot. Foreigners have to pay the so-called ‘white skin’ tax; and believe me or not, the moment a lawyer notices that a foreigner is involved, his price goes up multiple times.
    Let the ‘to be divorced’ person handle it alone. Ask a few lawyers about their rates, how much the whole procedure might cost, ask for possible time frames and what steps are to be taken and how much each step costs.

    Many steps to follow

    divorce in the philippinesWhen the procedure starts a psychological evaluation of both spouses needs to be done. If the other spouse cannot be traced new problems arise. Your lawyer will know the procedure in such case. The example below is about two people who do not live far from each other and even see each other from time to time because of the children involved.
    Several meetings will be held, many court hearings need to be attended and if you are lucky the annulment will be granted after a few years.
    Psychological it might be a stressful period, not only of the long time it takes, but also because of the endless repeating same stories and paperwork what needs to be done.

    Costs of the procedure

    You probably have heard stories that filing for annulment is expensive and only those with money can afford it to get out of that so called ‘marriage’. If you cannot afford the money or you do not like to wait a few years, you are stuck in it.
    But be careful in living together with your girlfriend!
    It happens a lot that a couple was married, but after some time the man runs away and lives somewhere else, most of the time with another woman. They call themselves separated, but are not able to legally marry again; they are often not even officially separated. If you meet such a woman and you want to marry her, you will have some problems to solve first.

    Of course, you can just live with her and act if you are married, but if the original husband finds out, he can make many problems for you. He could demand for all your money because he will claim that he was only away to find work or something like that and upon return finds his wife committing adultery. In such cases, the richer party (mostly the foreigner) will have to pay him off to agree in an annulment or he will report you to some friendly (and willing for a share of the money) police officers so you might end up in jail (and maybe your girlfriend too). So be careful when you do something like this.
    divorce in the philippines
    Articles 333 and 334 of the Revised Penal Code (Marital Infidelity laws) define adultery and concubinage. According to these articles, a wife may be found guilty of adultery if she has sexual relations with a man not her husband. In contrast, a husband would only be guilty of concubinage by meeting certain specific conditions. The punishment for adultery is heavier than concubinage. The law implies that husbands can get away with infidelity so long as they don’t meet certain conditions, making it discriminatory against women.
    In general the one who files for the annulment is paying for it. For the above mentioned psychological evaluation one should prepare something between 40 and 50 thousand. After finishing this, both partners will be psychologically incapacitated, which is an acceptable ground for annulment.
    (There are now more legal grounds for annulment, being mentioned at the end of this article)
    A civil annulment, which is completely different from legal separation, voids the civil marriage and allows both parties to remarry in civil ceremonies.
    Once you have an acceptable ground for annulment: you are psychologically incapacitated, it is time to file the annulment case in a Family court where you live. Civil annulment cases are always handled by family courts.
    In this stage, it is necessary to have a good and caring lawyer who is able to listen to you and is able to get you a good and acceptable settlement.
    The ‘still a couple’ will be asked to reconsider the procedure by the Office of the Solicitor General and to try to keep on living as a married couple. It is their task to try to make the spouses reconsider their decision by asking them to go to counseling, therapies and retreats. They take their time hoping that the couple decides to give the marriage another try.
    Cost for this step is more than thrice the psychological evaluation. Count an amount of 150,000 pesos or more.
    Always keep in mind that, even if you have spend already a lot of money, the annulment might not be granted and be prepared that it might take several years to have a final decision.
    But let’s say that, after waiting a long time you receive the message that the annulment is final and granted, many practical problems only start at that moment. Getting married in a civil procedure will be possible now, but not in a church. To be separated in church is a different long-lasting (and costly) procedure done through the diocese where you have been married.

    Name Change

    divorce in the philippinesOne of the ‘court orders’ is that both spouses are not allowed anymore to use each other’s name. Therefore, many papers and documents need to be ‘fixed’.
    All documents you have, like passport, bank accounts, id cards and more of that, have the name stated of both spouses, or just the wrong spouse’s name. To change these is also a time-consuming process. If properties, like a house, are involved, the title needs to be changed.
    Your bank, for example, needs a copy of the annulment papers. And because this might be a thick file of papers, start making copies! An easier way is to close the account and open a new one (in another branch).
    Also BIR, SSS, Pag-Ibig and if you have a job: your employer; all need to change your married name into your single name. Be prepared to give them copies of the annulment file.

    Cancelled marriage certificate

    To change the name in the passport you should not forget to go to a NSO office and get a “cancelled marriage certificate”. In this certificate, it states that the marriage never happened. The moment you have this, you may apply for a new passport.
    The same certificate is needed to get married again.
    A general advice: try to be ‘friends’ with the ‘ex’. It will make the procedure easier and much faster. Make peace first with him or her.

    More possible legal grounds for annulment

    As spoken of earlier in this article, there are more possible legal grounds for annulment in the Philippines.
    The following text was published on the website of Foreign Assistence Center to make annulment a little easier.
    The Supreme Court (SC) has relaxed its own rules regarding the annulment of marriage on the ground of psychological incapacity, describing the rules it had in place for 18 years now as “rigid.” In a 25-page decision penned by Associate Justice Lucas Bersamin, the high court, through its First Division, reversed a September 2011 ruling in an annulment case where it had affirmed a Court of Appeals (CA) decision upholding the marriage of two individuals.
    “After taking a second hard look” at the facts of the case, the high court said it had to reverse the 2011 ruling which involves a petition for annulment filed by a husband whose wife constantly plays mahjong and displays narcissistic behavior. The high court said Article 36 of the Family Code, which points out psychological incapacity as a ground for annulment of marriage, should not be too strictly or literally applied. In keeping with the provision, the high court set guidelines in 1997 for nullification of marriage due to psychological incapacity, which include: the root cause of the psychological incapacity must be medically or clinically identified, alleged in the complaint, sufficiently proven by experts, proven to be existing at the time of the celebration of the marriage, and clinically or medically incurable, among others. “The foregoing guidelines have turned out to be rigid, such that their application to every instance practically condemned the petitions for declaration of nullity to the fate of certain rejection,” the latest decision read. The high court stressed that courts should rule on every annulment case not based on “assumptions, predilections or generalizations, but according to its own facts.” In the case involved, the high court said that the wife’s duties to her husband and children are primary, and that taking her children with her while playing mahjong exposes them to a culture of gambling. The high court clarified that it is “not demolishing the foundation of families but is actually protecting the sanctity of marriage, because it refuses to allow a person afflicted with a psychological disorder, who cannot comply with or assume the essential marital obligations, from remaining in that sacred bond.” Ample safeguards remain in place to ensure that petitions for annulment of marriage are decided with extreme care, the high court added. Instead of being worried about the stream of annulment cases that may be filed following the ruling, the high court said that it would “rather be alarmed by the rising number of cases involving marital abuse, domestic violence and incestuous rape.”

    Family law, a few articles

    A few valid reasons for legal separation are:
    • One of the spouses is sentenced to jail for more than 5 years
    • A spouse physically abuses the husband/wife or a child in the household
    • A spouse attempts to marry another person (= left the house and moved in with another person)
    • If one spouse has a drug or alcohol problem or is homosexual
    • Adultery
    • Aggressive attempts by one spouse to get the other spouse to change religions, or adopt political views or to prostitute herself or a child in the home
    If one spouse leaves the other spouse without having a reason held as valid by the court, the abandoned spouse can file for separation after a year has passed. The spouse must file within five years of the qualifying event, and the court can deny the petition for various reasons, including evidence the filing spouse consented to the qualifying event.

    Valid reasons for annulment

    A marriage can be annulled if one spouse was not mentally sound at the time of the marriage or was forced into it, unless they continued living as husband and wife after regaining mental competence or the threat of force disappeared. Fraud on behalf of either spouse when agreeing to marry is grounds for annulment, as well as the discovery of an incurable sexually transmitted disease or permanent impotence. If either spouse was over 18, but not yet 21, and got married without parental consent, the marriage can be annulled if the parties no longer lived together as husband and wife once the spouse turned 21.

    Voided marriages

    All marriages between persons under 18 are automatically voided by law, as well as a marriage performed by an unlicensed official. However, if at least one of spouses believed the official had authority, the marriage is still valid.
    Polygamous, bigamous and incestuous marriages are invalid. If one spouse was incompetent at the time of the marriage but his condition didn’t present itself until after the ceremony, the marriage might be voided on those grounds under Article 36.
    According to Article 46, fraud that can lead to annulment includes a spouse who hid a drug problem, an alcohol addiction, homosexuality or a sexually transmitted disease. Deception involving chastity, money, station in life or moral character isn’t grounds for annulment under fraud. If a person remarried because she believed her prior spouse was dead, the bigamy void might not apply, and the second marriage could be upheld. The prior spouse must be absent for at least four years for the second marriage to be valid, but only two years is needed if there’s reason to believe he’s dead, such as an accident. To preserve the marriage if the missing spouse reappears, the remarried spouse must also have had the first marriage declared annulled or voided in court during the prior spouse’s absence. Article 213 places a custody stipulation on legal separation cases. Unless the mother is an unfit parent, she receives custody if the child is under 7. Otherwise, the innocent spouse, or the spouse who filed for separation, gets custody, providing she is fit.
    A few Questions and answers
      What if no marriage certificate could be found at any CSO?
    • Justice Sempio-Dy, in the “Handbook of on the Family Code of the Philippines” (p. 26, 1997 reprint), says: “The marriage certificate is not an essential or formal requisite of marriage without which the marriage will be void. An oral marriage is, therefore, valid, and failure of a party to sign the marriage certificate or the omission of the solemnizing officer to send a copy of the marriage certificate to the proper local civil registrar, does not invalidate the marriage. Also the mere fact that no record of marriage can be found, does not invalidate the marriage provided all the requisites for its validity are present.” (Citations omitted)
      LINK: Family Code of the Philippines
    • How is “legal separation” different from “annulment”?
    • The basic difference is this – in legal separation, the spouses are still considered married to each other, and, thus, may not remarry.
    • If you’re separated from your spouse for 4 years, is that a sufficient ground for annulment?
    • No. De facto separation is not a ground for annulment. However, the absence of 2 or 4 years, depending on the circumstances, may be enough to ask the court for a declaration of presumptive death of the “absent spouse”, in which case the petitioner may again re-marry.

    Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Cayetano Dares Escudero to Debate on Duterte's Vow to Solve Crime, Drugs and Corruption

    Office of the Senate Majority Leader
    Alan Peter S. Cayetano
    Rm. 603 GSIS Complex Senate of the Philippines Roxas Blvd Pasay City

    5 April 2016

    Cayetano dares Escudero to debate on Duterte's vow to solve crime, drugs and corruption in 6 months 

    Vice Presidential bet Senate Majority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano challenged fellow Senator Francis "Chiz" Escudero to a one-on-one debate following a statement made by the latter that Davao City Mayor Rodrigo "Rody" Duterte's six-month target to stamp out crime, drugs and corruption is not realistic. Cayetano said that whoever loses in the debate should withdraw.

    “To those who lack political will, nothing is possible. But to those who have a clear vision for real change and the strength of character to do what is right, any goal can be accomplished,” Cayetano said as he defended their tandem’s anti-crime and -corruption agenda. 

    In an interview, Escudero told reporters that Duterte could not possibly fulfill his pledge of ending crime and corruption in just six months. “It can’t be done. Not within his term... The problems are too serious and deeply rooted that these cannot be easily defeated,” Escudero said. 

    Cayetano, however, stressed that Escudero’s cynical attitude is an illustration of his “lack of conviction” to end the country’s pressing problems. 

    “With all due respect to Sen. Escudero, I’d like to reiterate what I said before. Failure is guaranteed for those who do not even want to try,” Cayetano noted. “It’s frustrating to see our fellow public servants lack the passion and optimism to change the country. All the while, they continue to offer the same solutions that failed miserably in the past,” he added. 

    Cayetano said amid the criticisms, he and Duterte stand firm on their commitment to fight crime and corruption in their first few months in office. “It will not be easy, but Mayor Duterte and I are ready to do it. Through our bold solutions, in six months’ time, we can make our streets safe again and cleanse our government of corrupt officials,” he stressed. 

    This was not the first time Cayetano defended their tandem's proposed policies against Escudero’s criticisms. Back in January, Escudero also expressed disapproval of Duterte’s call for federalism. He said it would not work well in the Philippine setup, a statement which Cayetano dubbed as a “classic Manila-centric” attitude. 

    "The very essence of Federalism is to ensure that growth and prosperity are spread to every part of the Philippines, not just in Manila. It's a pity that Senators Poe and Escudero are against this. Kawawa naman ang ibang parte ng bansa kung sila ang mamumuno," Cayetano earlier said. #

    Filipino Products Shine at World's Largest Consumer Goods Fair

    By: Anne A. Jambora, Philippine Daily Inquirer
    FILIPINO National Artist for Dance Alice Reyes was noticeably missed at the recent Ambiente 2016 in Messe, Frankfurt, Germany, but her signature handcrafted home accents brand, Chrysara, stood out among the 4,387 exhibitors packed inside the compound’s 27 halls.
    Ambiente 2016, now the world’s largest consumer goods fair, covered an area of 308,000 square meters of exhibition space. That’s a distance of around 47 kilometers just to visit each booth, we were told. With visitors from over 150 countries, Ambiente is now more international than ever.
    But it was the first time in about six years that Reyes, the visionary founder of Ballet Philippines, did not attend this annual event. That did not stop trade show habitues from trooping to her booth, though.
    Chrysara—named after her two children, Chris and Sara—attracted European buyers with its new avian collection, a line of handmade and hand-painted designs inspired by 16th- and 18th-century bird illustrations.
    There were cats and dogs as well—such as the Seated Pug Box made of wood, resin and wire; and the Carl Cat Single Drawer of resin and wood, part of Chrysara’s charming vintage cat collection inspired by 19th-century cat prints.
    Its Coastal theme collection of fanciful curios, such as the Fat Lady Drawer made from hand-cast resin and wood, is wrapped in vintage red stripes like those in tiny beach cabanas in the 1920s.
    The classic Mannequin collection, antique-style santo with cage-like legs, remained among the major draws.
    This vintage look, in fact, was one of Ambiente’s prominent themes, from color schemes to product designs. Leading the way was this year’s partner country, Italy, whose renowned designer, Paola Navone, brought to life inspirations from Federico Fellini’s most famous film, “La Dolce Vita.”
    Navone—who has designed for several brands, including Poliform, Crate and Barrel, and Poltrona Frau—recreated snippets of the critically acclaimed movie as backdrop for quintessential Italian brands like Fratelli Guzzini plates, Alessi kitchenware, Bialetti coffee makers, Domo cookware, Ballarini Paolo & Figli houseware, Decora-Karma bakeware, Graziani candles, Antique Mirror tableware and the textiles of Brandani.
    The piece de resistance, located at the end of the booth, was a red Vespa scooter with white polka dots designed by Navone.
    Biggest strength
    This utilitarian motorcycle—the ride of choice of “La Dolce Vita’s” symbol of unbridled sensuality, Anita Ekberg—is still among the most coveted brands today.
    Italy soared with its cutting-edge kitchen and tableware and modular furniture, while the Philippines tickled imaginations with its charming handcrafted, hand-painted product line and ingenious use and treatment of materials.
    “Our biggest strength is still in design and in our artisanal skills,” said Arturo Cruz Dimaano, project director of the Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions (Citem). “We may have the same materials used by other countries, but our treatment and combination of materials will always be unique. That’s why we will never go out of style.”
    Bringing together local design companies under the Lifestyle Philippines brand, Citem prides itself in highlighting materials such as bone, buffalo horn, shagreen, ebony, and natural fibers alongside indigenous materials like capiz shells, tikog grass and mother-of-pearl to create home decor and accessories, boudoir furniture, jewelry and bags, and lamps and lighting.
    This year’s Ambiente marked Citem’s return after more than a decade of absence. Curating its team of 18 exhibitors was the German designer and master florist Detlef Klatt, with the young Rachel Dagnalan as junior designer and visual merchandiser.
    Together they synthesized colors and patterns from natural materials such as wood, abaca and rattan, and created warm earth hues that recalled the simple charms of the rustic countryside.
    Quirky, unorthodox
    Among the headliners was the Cebu-based Arden Exquisite Home Decors, whose husband-and-wife team created delightfully quirky and unorthodox conversation pieces.
    Its Insecta collection, for example, included Bantam Scutler, made of two silver-plated ants with kabibi shells; Legacy, a trinket box with a silver-plated rhino beetle with a cracked red pen shell body; or Jewel, a dragonfly in silver with four wasay-wasay shell wings.
    A wall decor called Orb Weave was made of two silver-plated spiders with a snake’s head and lynx cowrie shell body, hanging on cobwebs.
    These elegant metal sculptures combined with natural shells were made possible by the artist’s extensive knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering.
    There were also metals combined with ostrich eggs, cattle bone, fish, animal and snakeskin, and other organic materials.
    Another Cebuano hit was Finali Furniture and Home Accessories, which used natural materials like metal, wood, rattan, resin, abaca and crushed stone.
    It featured the curved Ralliu candleholders made with arorog poles and two silvery metal sides.
    A tabletop piece showing a man with both arms bent backward into an “O” shape was another piece featuring creative use of arorog and metal.
    An intricate wall decor was made of abaca weave and natural shells.
    Just a few steps away was one of the Philippines’ pioneers in hand-carved wood decor, Celestial Arts Inc., whose play of colors and textures did not go unnoticed.
    Celestial Arts, which counts Pottery Barn among its clients, exhibited wooden bowls with burnt rims hand-painted in warm oranges, reds or bright yellows. The home and decor pieces were made of capiz, mother-of-pearl, coco wood, shells, carahorn, carabone and stone.
    “I enjoy developing new ways of treating wood and other natural materials. That has always been one of our strengths,” said Pinky Hidalgo, creative director of Celestial Arts.
    The Philippines also showed that it wasn’t behind in ethical design, a practice that incorporates social responsibility in product development and manufacturing. These are executed in energy-efficient, environment-friendly factories. Each year, Ambiente reminds its visitors of the importance of sustainable consumer goods.
    Upcycle and recycle
    The multi-awarded Nature’s Legacy, another gem from Cebu that manufactures home furnishings and garden accessories, upcycles and recycles materials, and does not go beyond a 50-km radius of its factory when sourcing to reduce their carbon footprint.
    Its lamps, wall decor, extra-large vases, home accents and even jewelry line were handmade, some of crushed natural stones, old newspaper and recycled paper, carton dust collected at the shop, dead shrubs and fallen bark.
    It was awarded the Ethical Design stamp at Ambiente, so that buyers looking for sustainable products could easily spot the brand.
    The Ambiente regular, Pradora Inc., came out with elegantly hand-tooled black iron metal wall decor and candleholders. The black iron metal was either in an antique copper wash, chrome-plated, gold-plated, or copper-plated, consistent with Ambiente’s theme colors of copper and gold.
    These were often combined with natural fiber, glass, wood and fine bone china. The inspirations were drawn from nature; one wall decor/candleholder was called the Tree of Life, with branches reaching out to the sky.
    There was another popular design, akin to sunbursts in gold and copper, but which was being photographed illegally. Only those with press IDs were allowed to take photos to avoid design imitations. Ambiente has a solid campaign against imitations, highlighted in an annual exhibit called “Museum Plagiarius: Innovation vs Imitation.” This year, the most blatantly copied design, from appearance to the technology employed, was the bladeless electric fan.
    CSM Phils., which was receiving its hefty share of visitors, reacted swiftly and put up “No Photos” signs around its booth. CSM grabbed attention with its finely handcrafted bone china home decor. It offered vases, candleholders, planters, figurines, lamps, bedroom and bathroom sets, bowls and even Christmas ornaments.
    This year’s Ambiente drew the largest number of visitors so far, with more than 80 percent coming from outside Germany. It attracted around 137,000 buyers representing 143 countries.
    Next year, the United Kingdom would be the next partner country.

    Monday, April 4, 2016

    NAIA Manila Airport Outage Causes Chaos


    SHARES: 807
    , Philippine Daily Inquirer
    By: Jeannette I. Andrade, Karl Angelica R. Ocampo Philippine Daily Inquirer, 
    The bag carousel area at the NAIA Terminal 3 is enveloped in darkness in this photo taken at 12 am, Sunday, April 3, 2016. Only one carousel is working. PHOTO BY ‪@sheenapedrieta THROUGH MIGUEL CAMUS / INQUIRER BUSINESS
    The bag carousel area at the NAIA Terminal 3 is enveloped in darkness in this photo taken at 12 am, Sunday, April 3, 2016. Only one carousel is working. PHOTO BY ‪@sheenapedrieta THROUGH MIGUEL CAMUS / INQUIRER BUSINESS
    It was due to one broken generator, said an airport manager, but a senatorial candidate called the incident a “national shame.”
    A five-hour power outage at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia) Terminal 3 over the weekend canceled 82 domestic flights and delayed 79 international and local flights as of 3 p.m. on Sunday, affecting more than 15,000 passengers.
    Affected passengers and netizens said the incident once again highlighted the incompetence of the airport management and Transportation Secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya.
    Others wondered why Naia 3 didn’t have an uninterruptible power supply.
    Some even doubted the airport’s capacity to withstand terrorist attacks following the Brussels bombings. Netizen @raymtweets said “a power outage can cripple Naia … what if it were something worse? Unbelievable.”
    “It took a terrorist attack to shut down Brussels airport. In Manila’s Naia Terminal 3, it took a … Uhhhh … A random power outage,” said Chiki (@chikinonymous).
    The blackout hit Terminal 3, which services mostly domestic flights, late on Saturday and power was not restored until early on Sunday.
    Exhausted, long queues
    Exhausted passengers sprawled on the floor as check-in counters and luggage carousels shut down. Long queues formed outside the terminal as entrances were closed until power was restored.
    Terminal 3 handles an average of 350 domestic and international flights daily, according to data from the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC). It is one of four terminals in a complex that was once dubbed by the travel website Guide to Sleeping in Airports as the world’s worst due to leaking toilets and creaking facilities.
    Naia 3 manager Octavio Lina said the terminal’s electrical system suffered problems when power supplied by a Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) substation serving the area in Pasay City tripped at around 8:45 p.m. on Saturday.
    Lina said that even when power was restored less than a minute after, for most of the areas serviced by the Meralco substation, electricity still had failed to kick in at the Naia.
    Genset broken
    What prolonged the power outage, he pointed out, was the failure of one generator set to work. “We have 10 generators at the terminal and one of them, which was supposed to provide electricity to the main building, did not work,” he told the Inquirer.
    The Naia 3 manager said the gates of the main building were immediately closed and no one was allowed entry because of the power outage. “We had to close the gates and prohibit entry because none of the X-ray security screening machines had power,” Lina said, explaining that the move was meant to fully secure the facility.
    The closure resulted in heavy passenger congestion at the terminal.
    Cebu Pacific Air said it canceled 78 domestic flights due to the power outage, affecting nearly 14,000 passengers. These flights were scheduled between 8:30 p.m. Saturday and noon Sunday.
    Power at the terminal was fully restored around 2 a.m. on Sunday.
    Lost belongings
    Luis Arevalo and Jc Aala tagged Naia’s official Twitter account to complain about lost belongings, adding that the airport management is an embarrassment for Filipinos.
    Others were forced to buy new plane tickets after their flights were canceled, like what happened to Louise Pasadilla’s father.
    Ian Sta. Maria’s father wasn’t able to fly home from Cagayan de Oro City after suffering the same delay.
    Netizens Ram Lopez-Vito Bucoy and George M. Macua said they were made to pay P1,620 for travel tax and an additional P500 for airport fee (for international flights) only to be given such a poor service.
    @HotCoco described the incident as “nakakagalit,” especially after paying the fees.
    Raymond Reteracion asked asked why there was an absence of back-up supply when there are fees and budget to support services.
    Abaya was not spared criticism. Arvin Zurc finds the outage “ridiculous,” adding that the situation only “shows the incompetence of the airport management and the DOTC Sec.”
    Cesar Chavez (@sarchavez) tweets that Abaya is “the worst and most incompetent DOTC secretary.”
    A parody account of broadcaster Luchi Cruz-Valdez flooded the timeline with tirades for Abaya, demanding in all caps that the secretary do his job.
    “Apparently, Naia has around 10 Power Generators. Drained nga lang, according to Jun Abaya. Edi *applause emojis*,” the account added.
    Before the incident, passengers had been complaining about poor maintenance of the terminal, citing collapsed floors, dilapidated facilities and leaks.
    Two lawmakers from Metro Manila called for heads to roll after the power outage. One of them even branded the incident at the country’s main airport a national shame.
    Valenzuela Rep. Sherwin Gatchalian said Abaya and Manila International Airport Authority general manager Jose Angel Honrado should be sacked for “sleeping on their jobs.”
    “This is no longer a laughing matter,” said Gatchalian, a member of Sen. Grace Poe’s senatorial ticket and of the Nationalist People’s Coalition.
    Another senatorial candidate on Poe’s team, Pasig Rep. Roman Romulo, said the incident was a national shame, expressing disbelief at what happened at Naia 3.
    “I am appalled by the fact that Naia 3 had no contingency or back-up plan for such an event,” he said in a separate statement.
    “It has shown the highest level of incompetence and lack of foresight on the part of the DOTC, which had all but declared it would take a direct hand in running our airports. It’s shameful to say the least,” said Romulo, a member of the Liberal Party.
    Romulo said the incident firmed up his resolve to push for the enactment of an airline passenger bill of rights to impose penalties not only on airlines but also on responsible government agencies.
    The DOTC noted that there was a maintenance operation at the airport terminal when a trip occurred at the Meralco main line.
    Lina assured the public that the Naia 3 management was looking into why power supplied to the airport by Meralco failed to kick in and why its generator set connected to the passenger side, considered a critical part of the terminal, failed to work.
    “Our power lines and electrical facilities are being checked. I am meeting with Meralco and our technical personnel tomorrow (Monday) to determine what needs to be done to prevent this from happening again,” he told the Inquirer.
    Meralco said a transmission line tripped briefly but was restored in minutes, suggesting that the problem could be with the airport’s systems.
    The four Naia terminals were designed for 17 million passengers annually, but overuse has made the airport notorious for flight delays.
    Plans to build a new airport outside Manila have not materialized under President Aquino. An excruciatingly slow infrastructure overhaul has led to chronic commuter train breakdowns and traffic jams.
    The Manila International Airport Authority (Miaa) issued an apology to the public. The Miaa said “[m]easures are now being worked out to make sure that a power outage does not occur again in the future.”
    In a statement, Cebu Pacific said, “We sincerely hope for our guests’ understanding, as this situation is beyond our control.”
    The budget airline gave affected passengers the option of a full refund or a rebooking within a month of the departure date.
    Flag carrier Philippine Airlines (PAL) said some of its flights were canceled or delayed but could not immediately say how many. It said it was waiving rebooking fees and offering refunds to passengers affected by the power outage.
    The passengers have the option to refund or rebook flights without charges within 30 days from their originally scheduled flight date, according to PAL spokesperson Cielo Villaluna. With reports from DJ Yap and AFP