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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

CHIX: We're going in!

CHIX: WE'RE GOIN' IN! (A mini dance concert)

July 20, 2013 - 9:00PM - Fchord Bar DacudaoAve, Davao City

Do you have your tickets now?

Tickets available at:
... Fchord Bar Davao, Dacudao Avenue, Davao City
New Jersy Studio, 2F, NCCC Mall, Maa, Davao City
Beefit Gym, Mt. Apo Street, Davao City

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Philippine Vicepesident Binay in Germany

After representing President Aquino for the Asia-Pacific Week 2013 in Germany, Vice President Jejomar Binay returned to the Philippines after his 7 days stay in Berlin.

Binay was able to talk to German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle and Herman businessmen to strengthen the Philippines' bilateral ties with Germany.

The Vice President welcomed cooperation with German stakeholders in the maritime sector to enhance the capacity of maritime training centers in the Philippines. 

Moreover, he thanked Westerwelle for Germany's "confidence in and high regard for Filipino nurses", saying he is looking forward to the early implementation of a labor-agreement signed by Germany and the Philippines in March.

Further, he urged the German business community to take a second look at different investment opportunities in the Philippines. 

Germany is the Philippines' largest trading partner in Europe, with 10 billion Euro in trade in 2012.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Silverio Couture - Official

 Silverio Couture - Official

The page serves as a venue for passions of dress designer, photographers, models, hair stylist, make up artists, cutters, even sewers and all the other creative minds working behind the desired outfit presented or yet to be presented. The outfit is not available for sale but only serves as an avenue of what the designer wants to express.


Silverio Couture was founded by the year 1984 in partnership with another industry proficient in dress making. It originally started by the year 1991 with the official name of Silverio Couture named after its founder Silverio Anglacer. The founder believed that it is easier to make a dress if he has a good rapport with the clients himself. He considers dress making as his life inspiration, it is basically what he breathes in and out. Its not about making something new but realizing the thought of it makes the best out of it. Mr. Silverio deems dress making and designing as his Opium or as a drug because it is natural for him to conceptualize and eventually actualize a design. It was his innate talent.

At the age of 10, Mr. Silverio was mesmerized by the glamorous images of men and women in their sophisticated outfit from newspaper headlines. He considers the elegant gowns of Imelda Marcos and the distinguished barongs of the late President Ferdinand Marcos, as his most iconic figures. He also watched Beauty queens in their classy gowns particularly that the Ms. Universe was held in the Philippines at that time. From then on, he supposed that fashion is larger than life and that he was more than willing to pursue his interest in that profession.

In order to enhance his skills, he did personal research, scanned through the magazines including the Manila Womens Wear, Vogue and GQ and these serve as his bible. He even attended summer classes about paintings, Sunday school government and several other workshops just to enrich his passion. Subsequently, he hired an artist to be able to understand the human anatomy. He got his strong foundation from the sewers and cutters who worked with him through the years. He always find his ways, conventional or not, because he truly believes that it will be a good factor to become a more proficient fashion designer.

Silverio Anglacer was the official designer of the Ateneo de Davao University school uniforms specifically the boys and made an improvement of the nursing uniforms as well as the official girls uniform.

Monday, June 10, 2013



Passengers who were aboard Cebu Pacific Flight 5J971 last June 2, 2013 who wish to seek assistance regarding their complaint against airport authorities are advised to text or call 0908-3819130 or visit www.davaocity.gov.ph or www.facebook.com/davaocitygov or go to the Help Desk at the City Mayor’s Office.

Passengers are required to provide their names, mailing addresses and contact numbers.

Passengers should write down their complaints regarding the incident of the night of June 2, 2013 at the airport.

Please email to davaocitygov@gmail.com or submit to the Help Desk at the City Mayor’s Office.

Passengers are advised to keep their original boarding passes and tickets.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Davao City's Ordinance

Here's a piece of advice to smokers who are about to go or planning to visit Davao City in the coming days - DON'T SMOKE!

The stricter and stiffer Ordinance No. 0367-12 or the New Comprehensive Anti-Smoking Ordinance of Davao City officially took effect last Friday on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of the anti-smoking campaign in this city.

Under the new ordinance, smoking will be only allowed inside residences, private vehicles, and in specified or designated areas.

Individuals caught outside the areas face stiffer penalties. Smoking is prohibited from now on in accommodation and entertainment establishments, workplaces, enclosed or partially enclosed public places.

Smoking is also strictly not allowed in public conveyances, government-owned vehicles, public buildings, and public outdoor spaces, including cemeteries, markets, terminals, and in even in sidewalks.

I quit smoking 16 years ago... .

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Flugzeugunglueck in Davao City

Aquaplaning: A320 schiesst über Landebahn hinaus

DAVAO CITY (PHILIPPINEN) - Ein Airbus A320 der Fluggesellschaft Cebu Pacific legt bei strömendem Regen eine Bruchlandung hin. Die 165 Passagiere bleiben unverletzt. 

Bruchlandung in Davao City.
Sonntagabend am Flughafen von Davao City: Eine Maschine mit 165 Passagieren an Bord setzt zur Landung an. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt regnet es heftig auf den Philippinen. Der A320 schiesst über die Landebahn hinaus und landet im Rasen.
Ein Passagier, Jun Narciso, erzählt dem philippinischen Portal «Rappler»: «Der Pilot bremste abrupt. Danach stellte er sofort die Triebwerke ab.» Er behauptet, eines sei bereits vor der Landung in Brand gewesen. Ein anderer Passagier widerspricht: «Wir konnten zwar Rauch riechen, aber gebrannt hat nichts.»
Bei der Bruchlandung wird niemand verletzt. Die Fluggesellschaft erwähnt nichts von einem defekten Triebwerk, sondern schiebt die Schuld auf den «heftigen» Regen. «Alle 165 Passagiere wurden sicher zum Terminal gebracht.»  
Die Passagiere rügen das Verhalten der Crew. Nach der Bruchlandung seien die Türen verschlossen geblieben, die Passagiere seien nicht über das Vorgefallene informiert worden.

Alle Kommentare (3)

  • Hans  Leemann
    In Kloten wäre das Flugzeug bei einer Landung auf der Westpiste in der Glatt.
    • gestern, 11:19 Uhr
    • 1
    • 4
  • Haerdi  Roger , via Facebook
    Der Pilot hat sicher den Reverse nicht eingeleitet. Könnte ich mir vorstellen.
    • gestern, 11:17 Uhr
    • 2
    • 6
  • Werner  Rüttimann , Emmenbrücke 2
    Was wollt ihr noch mehr - es hat keine Toten gegeben, in einer solchen Situation hat ein Kapitän eine grosse Verantwortung auf sich und er hat gut reagiert! Dankt ihm, er hat es verdient
    • gestern, 10:37 Uhr

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Philippine Pesos Slides Again...

The Philippine peso weakened to a nine-month low on concern the Federal Reserve will scale back its monetary stimulus, reducing the flow of funds to emerging markets. Government bonds fell for a third day.
The Dollar Index advanced for a second day after U.S. data yesterday showed consumer confidence climbed to the highest level in more than five years and home prices increased by the most in seven years. Foreign funds sold $85 million more Philippine equities than they bought in the last three days, exchange data show. The Philippine Stock Exchange Composite Index fell 3.8 percent since reaching a record high on May 15. It was 0.2 percent higher today.
“People are expecting a tapering of quantitative easing in the U.S.,” said Joey Cuyegkeng, an economist in Manila at ING Groep NV. “The relatively richer valuation in the stock market has also prompted some offshore profit-taking from the Philippines.”
The peso declined 0.9 percent to 42.335 per dollar as of 10:05 a.m. in Manila, the lowest level since Aug. 30, according to prices from Tullett Prebon Plc. The currency dropped 2.7 percent this month, taking this year’s loss to 3.1 percent. 

The Dollar Index, which Intercontinental Exchange Inc. uses to track the green back against currencies of six major U.S. trading partners, added 0.17 percent to 84.244. The Fed purchases $85 billion of bonds monthly.
The yield on the government’s 8 percent bonds due July 2031 rose 15 basis points to 4.15 percent, according to prices from Tradition Financial Services.

Good of you? Good for us? Good for whom?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Professional Ethics

Re-published Editorial in MINDANAO DAILY MIRROR with friendly permission of the Publisher Marietta Siongco - May 25, 2013

As early as 7 a.m. last Wednesday, several Davao City journalists trooped to the burning Department of Psychiatry of the Southern Philippines Medical Center (SPMC), also referred as the Mental Hospital in Davao City, for coverage. It was certainly a newsworthy incident, not least because the facility is 95 years old and is the only public mental hospital in Mindanao. However, it also turned out to be a most unfortunate for two photo journalists and a television cameraman who were blatantly harassed by hospital personnel as they were performing their jobs.

The hospital men, including a nurse, doctor, clinical Lebbe, and a security guard heaped verbal and physical assault on the three journalists yelling at them, grabbing their cameras and holding their arms as they ordered them to forcibly delete all the photos and videos they took.

Aside from undermining the right of freedom of expression and editorial independence of the journalists, the hospital men deliberately deprived the journalists  of respect as persons of self-esteem and pride.


The basic value of respect was obviously not of importance for the ill-mannered hospital men as as well as Chief Dr. Leopoldo Vega quickly apologizing for his men's behavior. Journalism is regulated solely by the criteria of professional ethics, a basic journalism, a basic journalism principle that makes the journalists undeserving of such harassment. Those who elbow their way into the journalists' rights should be slapped with appropriate administrative and legal and sanctions.