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There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Sunday, July 29, 2018

EU and UN hail Rody's Bangsamoro Law

By Helen Flores, Pia Lee-Brago (The Philippine Star) 
MANILA, Philippines — The European Union and the United Nations hailed President Duterte’s enactment of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) which, according to the EU, represents an opportunity for the Filipino people to embrace peace and stability after decades of conflict, and which the UN called a “landmark achievement on the road to lasting peace in southern Philippines.”
European Commission for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations spokesperson Maja Kocijancic on Friday said the signing of the BOL comes after 21 years of formal talks after the first ceasefire agreement between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).
“It underlines both parties’ commitment to peace and their ability to tackle a variety of complex matters through a comprehensive and inclusive law,” she said.
The regional group also hailed those involved in the negotiation and adoption of the law who have undertaken important work to bring stability and well-being to the people of Mindanao.
Kocijancic said the EU remains a staunch supporter of the Mindanao Peace Process and is prepared to support the implementation of the BOL in the future, in view of long-lasting peace, development and prosperity in Mindanao and for the Filipinos.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres yesterday congratulated negotiators of the Philippine government and the MILF, the Bicameral Conference Committee, the Bangsamoro Transition Commission and civil society groups for their efforts.
“The United Nations will continue to support the Philippines in the implementation of the law and to help build the capacity of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority as an effective conduit for peace, democratic governance and human rights,” the UN said in a statement.

‘Important step’

Japan also welcomed the enactment of the BOL for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono said “the enactment of this law is an important step toward the establishment of the new (Bangsamoro) autonomous government in Mindanao.”
“Japan sincerely commends the efforts of the government of the Philippines, the MILF and all others concerned,” Kono said.
Japan strongly hopes that the transition process toward the inauguration of the Bangsamoro will be steadily implemented, including ratification of the organic law and establishment of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority.
Japan has been supporting the peace process for many years under the conviction that peace in Mindanao will contribute to regional peace and stability, as declared in the Japan-Philippines Joint Statement on Bilateral Cooperation for the Next Five Years announced in October 2017.
Kono said Japan would enhance its support for the development of Mindanao in a wide range of fields, in accordance with progress in the peace process.
The House of Representatives approved the proposed BOL, which the administration and its authors said is the key to promoting lasting peace in Mindanao.
The BOL will create a new Muslim regional entity and replace the current Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Are LED lights making us ill?

My column in Mindanao Daily and BusinessWeek Mindanao


OVER the last decade, much of Europe and the US have changed the way they illuminate city and town streets. Not only there, also in the Philippines. And while checking my monthly electric bill, I followed many councils and local governments having replaced high-energy sodium bulbs (the warmer, yellow ones) with energy-saving LED bulbs (with a blue light emitting diode, which can feel harsh in comparison).

As well as street lights, most of us are exposed to blue light through smartphones, computers, TVs, and in the home.

Only an hour ago, I came across a short BBC-article written by Lucy Jones saying that earlier this year, the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry published a paper by a group of prominent psychiatrists that warned of the potential effects of LED lighting on mental illness.

It raised concerns about the influence of blue light on sleep, other circadian-mediated symptoms, use of digital healthcare apps and devices, and the higher sensitivity of teenagers to blue light. Indeed, using my tablet while already in bed during nighttime gave me some problems in getting to sleep.Or does my brain making a fool on me?

“My concern about LED lighting followed from a larger, earlier concern about the relationship between light exposure and the occurrence of manic and mixed symptoms in bipolar disorder,” said John Gottlieb, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago and an author of the paper.

“I had already clearly seen that supplemental light exposure - in the form of bright light therapy - was extremely helpful to patients with depression. What I was slower to realize was that excess and poorly-timed light exposure could have adverse effects on manic states and the sleep-wake cycle,” he said.

And here we are: the paper has implications for the treatment of mental illness. If a person is prescribed a self-monitoring app, and instructed to use their smartphone to document mood changes, for example, and they do this before bed, it could have an adverse effect on their sleep, circadian rhythms and health.

“Because they are ubiquitous, smartphones represent the larger public health hazard,” said Gottlieb. “Streetlights, though, are not benign and together with the entire set of nocturnal lighting for entertainment, traffic, reading, etc contribute to the phenomena of light pollution, which we are becoming increasingly sensitised to.”

As BBC-Lucy Jones explained in her article: studies of the impact of blue light on healthy adults show it inhibits Melatonin secretion which disrupts sleep and can affect quality of life, physical and mental health and susceptibility to illness. Previous studies of sleep disorders in children and adolescents show a clear and consistent relationship between sleep disorders and frequency of digital device usage.

Currently, the British National Sleep Foundation guidelines suggest not using technology 30 minutes before bed and removing technology for the bedroom. I’ll try to follow the advise. However, there are currently no specific guidelines for people with an underlying mental illness or sensitivity to circadian disruption. We should give it a try, though I remember several decades ago, when we got the advise banning all electric alarm-clocks, radios and TV from our bedrooms.

As LED technology has rapidly spread across the globe, the focus has been on the visual element and the energy-saving element. Now, scientists, health professionals and the LED industry are working to minimize the blue light in LEDs and create customizable lights that won’t harm those suffering from psychiatric disorders.

Friday, July 20, 2018

More rain as 'Inday" to leave Philippines by Saturday

(The Philippine Star) - July 20, 2018 - 

MANILA, Philippines — The southwest monsoon, or habagat, will continue to bring rain over the western section of Luzon — including Metro Manila — as Tropical Storm Inday moves northwest, PAGASA said.
In its morning press briefing, the weather bureau said that Inday was 995 km east northeast of Basco, Batanes early Friday morning and is forecast to move northwest at 15 kph. It has maximum sustained winds of 85 kph near the center and gustiness of 105 kph.
The storm is not expected to make landfall and is forecast to be outside the Philippine Area of Responsibility by Saturday morning.
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PAGASA said the storm will continue to enhance the southwest monsoon over most of Luzon.
As It Happens
LATEST UPDATE: July 20, 2018 - 11:31am
The low pressure area monitored east of northern Cagayan has developed into a tropical depression Wednesday morning, state weather bureau PAGASA says.
The tropical depression has been named Inday. This is the ninth tropical cyclone in 2018.
It packs maximum sustained winds of 55 kilometers per hour and gustiness of up to 65 kilometers per hour. “Inday” comes a day after Tropical Storm Henry left the country.
No tropical cyclone warning signal has been raised over any part of the country.

July 20, 2018 - 11:31am
State weather bureau PAGASA says that “Inday” has intensified into a severe tropical storm Friday morning.
It packs maximum sustained winds of 90 kilometers per hour near the center and gustiness of up to 115 kilometers per hour.
Moving northwestward, “Inday” is expected to exit the Philippine Area of Responsibility between tonight and tomorrow morning.
July 20, 2018 - 9:46am
Bad weather has led to some flights being cancelled while others have had to be diverted, the Manila International Airport Authority says.
In an advisory, it says the following flights scheduled to land at NAIA Terminal 3 had to be diverted to Clark International Airport:
  • Cebu Pacific 5J 752 Saigon-Manila (ATA 0704H)
  • Cebu Pacific 5J 679 Shanghai Pudong-Manila (ATA 0750H)
The following flights scheduled to take off from NAIA Terminal 4 have been cancelled:
  • Air Asia Z2 438/439 Manila-Puerto Princesa-Manila
  • Air Asia Z2 773/774 Manila-Cebu-Manila
July 20, 2018 - 7:55am
"Inday", last seen 995 km east northeast of Basco, Batanes early Friday morning, is forecast to move northwest at 15 kph. It has maximum sustained winds of 85 kph near the center and gustiness of 105 kph.
The storm is not expected to make landfall but will continue to enhance the southwest monsoon over most of Luz

American Chamber celebrates Philippine American Friendship Day

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The year climate change hit



IT has been the year 2017. The devastating effects of climate change are becoming apparent — and the world has begun taking action. But, sad to say, the frequency of extreme weather events has shown, and - we are starting to run out of time.

I remember my Facebook-friend in Spain emailing me last year about the sweltering heat with 48 Celsius degrees in Seville.

Unprecedented heat waves swept across the globe in 2017, leading to droughts, wildfires and even deaths. Australia started the year with temperatures near 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit), the “Lucifer” heat wave brought the mercury above 40 degrees Celsius throughout Southern Europe in July and August and scorching heat hit India’s most vulnerable people. Get ready for next summer... .

“Crazy” weather has been a hot topic for elevator conversations this year — and yes, extremes are starting to become the new normal - also this year 2018. No continent was spared in 2017 when it came to extreme weather. From droughts to hurricanes, from smog to forest fires, these events killed thousands of people — and have been directly linked to climate change. Yes, extreme weather on the rise in Europe - a headline making me as German national speechless.

Southern Europe, Canada and the United States were among the areas worst hit by devastating wildfires. Both in California and Portugal, 2017 has been the deadliest year on record for wildfires. Even icy Greenland wasn’t spared. Climate change, along with the dangerous combination of a lack of sustainable forest management and careless — or malicious — human activity, has been to blame. About Greenland later in this write-up.

Major storms were also responsible for the year’s most catastrophic events. Hurricane Harvey in the US, Irma and Maria in the Caribbean and Katia in the Gulf of Mexico left destruction in their wake. While hurricanes aren’t unusual in tropical regions, the frequency and intensity of these most recent storms — fueled by warming oceans — were out of the ordinary. But they may be a sign of things to come, if the world doesn’t take action to limit climate change.

At the same time, at this worry me a lot as resident in the Philippines, global sea levels reached a new high in 2017, with the polar ice caps melting at an accelerating pace. Warmer ocean temperatures contributed to the breakaway of a 1 trillion ton iceberg from the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica in July, at 5,800 square kilometers (2,200 square miles) one of the largest icebergs ever recorded.

Flooding caused the death of hundreds of people in the Philippines, Greece, Germany and Vietnam, to name just a few countries. Meanwhile, drought is increasing the pressure on regions of Africa and Asia, such as Somalia, South Sudan and Pakistan, where armed conflicts are already making daily life a struggle for survival.

Often forgotten, the struggles of the world’s oceans also increased this year. Despite several initiatives protecting the Great Barrier Reef, coral bleaching has continued at an alarming rate. Ocean acidification, meanwhile, is on track to make the seas uninhabitable for many aquatic creatures, endangering entire ocean ecosystems.

Governments across the globe are taking action to address current and upcoming climate threats, and leaders like French President Emmanuel Macron, who took office in May 2017 and pledged to fund climate research, have been a source of hope for many. But I won’t go so far calling Emmanuel Macron, Europe’s climate hero!

But 2017 will also, unfortunately, be remembered for the US withdrawal from the 2015 Paris climate accord, along with President Donald Trump’s other moves away from the fight against climate change. It’s not his only try to shock the whole world as we could experienced during his London-visit just yesterday and the day before.

Flooding caused the death of hundreds of people in the Philippines, Greece, Germany and Vietnam, to name just a few countries. Meanwhile, drought is increasing the pressure on regions of Africa and Asia, such as Somalia, South Sudan and Pakistan, where armed conflicts are already making daily life a struggle for survival.

And, the Great Barrier Reef coral bleaching even worse than expected.

Climate change will bring some surprising effects: Bumpy plane rides, greater mood swings and more volcanic eruptions are just a few of the things we can expect over the decades to come. And yes, even more lightning.

We’re already familiar with some of the more evident effects of global warming such as melting glaciers and more extreme weather events. But few people are aware of some of the other, less obvious - and completely surprising - impacts of our changing climate, which could have a serious impact on the way we live.

I experienced it during my last trips. Airplane turbulence will get worse. Unfortunately, we can expect air travel to become even more stressful - thanks to the effects of climate change.

A recent study by researchers at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom looks into the relationship between clean-air turbulence and anthropogenic climate change. Using the popular flight corridor between Europe and the United States as an example, they examined various strengths of turbulence and how each will change in the future if carbon dioxide levels were to double.

The results showed that severe turbulence is likely to dramatically increase by up to 149 percent as a result of stronger wind shears within the Earth’s jet streams. These are narrow, fast-flowing, meandering westerly currents found near the tropopause, which are frequently used by commercial airlines as a means of saving time and fuel.

Icebergs will clog up shipping lanes. While icebergs are common in these waters, their number and timing is unusual. Experts say climate change could be to blame. The icebergs begin their journey after breaking off a glacier in Greenland, which is influenced largely by winter weather, especially storms accompanied by strong winds. Rising temperatures also lead to the melting of ice sheets, causing more chunks of ice to break off and float into the open ocean.

Lightning will strike more frequently. Heat energy acts as a form of fuel for storm clouds. So as global temperatures continue to rise, we can also expect more active thunderstorms. Although there are a number of downsides to this phenomenon - including a probable increase in wildfires - lightning actually produces a powerful chemical reaction that can be beneficial for Earth’s atmosphere. Lightning creates a special form of a greenhouse gas called nitrogen oxide, which indirectly regulates other potentially harmful greenhouse gases, like ozone and methane.

In places like Iceland, volcanoes and glaciers have coexisted for thousands of years. However, as glaciers melt due to rising temperatures, the pressure on the Earth’s mantel decreases, which in turn increases magma amounts while reducing stress on a volcano’s magma chambers. This leads to higher volcanic activity, along with the travel chaos that often follows.

There is a historic precedent to this prediction: 12,000 years ago, Iceland was covered by a glacier as thick as 2 kilometers. When that glacier abruptly melted due to a warming trend, a huge surge in volcanic activity followed.

Even our mood isn’t immune from climate change. Researchers in social psychology have long highlighted the link between warmer climates and higher levels of impulsive behavior and even violence. This has been shown in regions closer to the equator - if global temperatures continue to rise as expected, we could also begin to see behavioral changes in areas further north.

In addition to having to contend with warmer weather, there is also evidence that climate change will further fuel global conflict by adding stress on natural resources like food and water. We can expect our oceans to gradually become murkier as the effects of climate change become more apparent over time.

While climate change is often associated with higher temperatures and drought, it is also expected to increase annual rainfall in some areas of the world. This will create faster-flowing rivers, which in turn churns up more silt and debris before this water meets the ocean.

This phenomenon has already been observed along the coast of Norway, where the ocean water has become increasingly darker due to an increase in precipitation and melting snow. Talking about our health: Allergies will worsen. As if getting angrier wasn’t enough: If you’re one of the many people who suffer from springtime allergies in Euope, you should probably start stockpiling your medication. Warmer temperatures also mean longer and earlier blooming seasons for allergy-triggering plants like dandelions and ragweed. Pollen counts are likely to double over the next three decades in the United States - and “sneezing season” will also kick off in the future as soon as the first week of April.

Believe it or not, deserts are actually teeming with life - also in the form of bacterial colonies. These colonies grow so large, in fact, that they form strong layers known as “biocrusts” that prevent soil erosion.

But different kinds of bacteria thrive in different temperature ranges. So as the climate continues to change quickly, these bacteria could find it difficult to adapt. If the desert soil could become more prone to erosion, it would not be fertile enough to support plants and feed animals.

Ants play a more important role in the planet’s ecosystem than you may realize. In spite of their status as a pest, ants helps plants by controlling other insects, circulating vital nutrients and turning over the soil, among other things.

But ants appear to be ill-equipped to handle the rising tempertatures caused by climate change. A study carried out at Harvard Forest in Massachusetts revealed a susceptibility of ants to even slight temperature increases, with the most important seed-dispersing species essentially shutting down and retreating to their underground nests until conditions improved. Think about it, if ants are around you....

Latest news on my desk: Authorities warned shore-side residents of Innaarsuit Island in Greenland they were at risk of being flooded, after a 100-meter (300 feet) high iceberg was spotted drifting off the coast on last Thursday (July 12, 2018!). The police are on high alert and have moved a search-and-rescue helicopter closer to the remote village, which has about 170 inhabitants.

Climate change and its results. Meanwhile, all of us become victims of it.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

GRAB PH to file appeal ...

... to lift P10-M fine imposed by LTFRB

By Alexandria Dennise San Juan
Ride-sharing company Grab Philippines said it will file an appeal to lift the P10 million fine imposed on them by transport regulators for overcharging their riders through its “P2 per minute travel time.
At a press conference in the LTFRB main office in Quezon City, board member Aileen Lizada and Chairman Martin Delgra present documents that led to the reassignment of 44 ranking personnel, including LTFRB-Metro Manila Director Rodolfo Jaucian, to Mindanao due to allegations of irregularity and corruption. (FEDERICO CRUZ) | mb.com.ph
LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada and chairman Martin Delgra (FEDERICO CRUZ) | Manila Bulletin file photo
“There is no basis for the fine being imposed by LTFRB. We disagree with the Board’s decision and we will file an appeal to protect the ride-sharing industry in the country,” Leo Gonzales, Grab Philippines Public Affairs Head said in a statement.
The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) released an order asking Grab to “pay the penalty of P10 million” citing that its imposition of the travel fare rate is “invalid and without authority from the Board, for which the Respondent is to suffer its consequences.”
The Board also directed Grab to reimburse the riders who were charged with P2 per minute fare from June 5, 2017 to April 19, 2018 through rebates.
This order came after PBA Partylist Representative Jericho Nograles accused Grab of amassing at least P3.2 billion from its riders for “illegally” imposing the P2 extra travel time charge on top of its government-approved fares resulting to a series of hearings and the cancellation of the per minute rate.
However, the transport network company maintained that its travel time component is legal as stated on Department Order 2015-011 which authorized TNCs to set their own fare.
Gonzales also said that the per minute fare was part of the presentation and discussions during their technical working group meeting with the LTFRB in July, 2017, and was also communicated to the Chairman through e-mail in August 2017.
“This DO is binding when Grab implemented the P2 per minute component last June 2017,” Gonzales said.
“This DO is valid despite the position of the LTFRB to the contrary. LTFRB has no authority to declare DOTr order invalid. Only the courts, not LTFRB, can rule on the validity of an order especially one issued by DOTr, which has direct supervision and control over the LTFRB,” he added.
This was also what LTFRB member Atty. Aileen Lizada pointed out as she disagrees with the Board’s decision of slapping Grab with a P10 million fine.
Based on Lizada’s dissenting opinion, the P2 travel time charge on top of Grab’s P40 base fare and P10 to P14 per kilometer rate has legal basis.
“The authority given to transport network companies to formulate their fare structure can be clearly seen in the Department Order 2015-011 of the Department of Transportation and Communications,” the statement said adding that the order only gives them the power to “oversee” the fare rates.
But LTFRB Chairman Atty. Martin Delgra maintained that there is a violation on Grab’s P2 per minute charge.
“If you are going to ask me, we will stick on the majority rule na may paglabag doon sa pag impose ng P2. We respect the opinion of each of the members of the board,” Delgra said in an interview.
Delgra also explained that Grab’s communication to his office is not valid as the Board should decide if they can impose a fare increase.
“The communication to my office is not something, or you cannot equate it as an authority from the Board because the Board is going to decide as to whether you are going to grant a fare increase or not,” he added.
The LTFRB Chairman also said they do not just exercise its oversight function but also its regulatory power over the whole public transport vehicles including fare adjustments.
Delgra also strongly denied that there are political pressures on their basis of the order being Congressman Nograles as the complainant.
“No [political pressures]. I have to say that. We have based our decision on the merits,” he explained.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Germany presents new, more restricitive migration plan

Germany presents new, more restrictive migration plan
(Associated Press) - July 11, 2018 - 5:00am
BERLIN — Germany's top security official on Tuesday unveiled his new plan on controlling and limiting migration, which he called a "turning point" in the country's asylum policy.
The main goals of the 63-point "migration master plan" include the quick deportation of people living in Germany whose asylum applications have been rejected, who already registered for asylum in another European country or who have a criminal record, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer told reporters in Berlin.
Seehofer, who has long pushed Chancellor Angela Merkel to take a harder line against migrants, said the new plan also envisions placing all asylum-seekers in big centers to have their applications processed there. Asylum-seekers currently are mostly distributed to small asylum homes across the country, though some states have already introduced centers where hundreds of applicants need to stay for months while awaiting decisions.
The new plan also foresees that asylum applicants who previously registered in another EU country will be taken directly back to where they first entered the EU — primarily Greece and Italy.

That issue had led to a clash between Seehofer and Merkel, who repeatedly insisted that Germany shouldn't act unilaterally by sending back asylum seekers to other European countries that would then have to bear the biggest burden of the influx. The controversy ended last week with a compromise in which Germany will have to make agreements with affected countries before sending back asylum seekers there.
"We prefer European solutions, but national solutions are not necessarily superfluous," Seehofer said.
More than 1 million migrants entered Germany in 2015-2015, most of them from war-torn countries like Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. While they initially received a friendly welcome in the country, the mood has turned and led to a backlash against migrants and helped fuel the rise of the nationalist Alternative for Germany. In the last two years, however, the numbers of newly arriving migrants in Germany have gone down sharply.
Seehofer's office reported Tuesday that the country saw a 16.4-percent decline in asylum applications in the first half of 2018 over the same period last year.
There were 93,316 formal applications from January through June, 18,300 fewer than in the first half of 2017. The largest group seeking asylum was from Syria, with 22,520 applications, followed by Iraq with 9,015 applications and Afghanistan with 6,222.

In the first six months, German authorities decided on 125,190 applications, down nearly 70 percent from the same period of 2017, an indication that the backlog of cases is starting to be cleared.
About 40,000 people were granted asylum or related protection, 45,000 were rejected and 40,000 cases were otherwise resolved, such as being withdrawn or sent to another European country for review.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

On the bring of a trade war?

My column in Mindanao Daily.

I asked this question already several times in my previous columns. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Fact is, the European Union fears divisions as China woos Eastern European nations.

As the world prepares to tackle trade tensions and tit-for-tat tariffs, the summit between leaders of China and Central and Eastern European nations offers a chance for Beijing to present itself as a free trade champion.

Yes, China's Li Keqiang pushes trade with Eastern Europe amid EU concerns. The Chinese premier is meeting with leaders from Central and Eastern European countries at a summit in Sofia as he aims to boost Beijing's trade interests in the region. But let's face it:  Li cannot afford to offend the European Union.
The Chinese Prime  seeks to expand business and trade ties with Central and Eastern European countries at a summit in the Bulgarian capital yesterday. But Li must reassure the European Union that Beijing is not trying to divide the 28-nation European bloc.

Li's participation in the seventh "16+1" summit coincides with an escalating trade row with the United States. Last Friday, the US and China slapped tariffs on $34 billion (€29 billion) worth of the other's imports.

China also threatened it could launch "the biggest trade war in history." Well, is the world really at the brink or are well all already in the middle of all mess?

China, which seeks the EU's support in its trade battles with US President Donald Trump, has thus been careful in its dealing with Central and Eastern European nations.

"The 16+1 cooperation is by no means a geopolitical platform. Some say such cooperation may separate the EU, but this is not true," Li told a joint press conference on last Friday with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov.

"We hope that through our cooperation, we will improve the development of all countries involved and help them better integrate into the European integration process," said Li, who will visit Germany after the summit.

The 16+1 summit brings together China and 16 Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC), including 11 EU member states.

Besides China, the 16 countries that participate in the summit include EU members Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, as well as non-EU states Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

Ever since its launch in 2012, the format has been viewed by Western critics as an instrument for Beijing to divide and undermine the EU by dangling the CEE states closer trade and investment opportunities with China.

But analysts say that in Sofia, the Chinese premier will try to avoid issues that might irk western capitals and the European Commission in Brussels. Let's hope and pray for it.

"I think that Premier Li Keqiang will adopt a low profile on the issues that might infringe on community affairs of the EU this time around," Francois Godement, director of Asia and China program at the European Council of Foreign Relations, told Reuters news agency.

Despite the substantial rise in Chinese investment in CEE nations in recent years, the region accounts for less than 10 percent of total Chinese money inflows into Europe. Most Chinese investment still goes to Western European countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy.

The EU and the United States, meanwhile, account for around 90 percent of investment flows to the CEE region, highlighting their far greater importance to the region.

Interesting is to know more about the question if  China is  on course with 'Made in China 2025' amid trade row with US? China –really a free trade champion?

With Trump adopting protectionist trade and economic policies, China is increasingly positioning itself as a proponent of free trade.

Li said on Saturday that Beijing will stay on the path of economic reform, and would be more flexible about allowing foreign products to enter its domestic market.

"For foreign products which meet Chinese consumer needs, we will open the door wider to them to come into the Chinese market," he told the 16+1 summit participants. "We will lower overall import tariffs to the Chinese market," adding that his country would uphold free trade agreements.

Again: regarding this topic, my today's column can only end up with 'TO BE CONTINUED'!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Super Typhoon to enter the Philippines

Super typhoon to enter Philippines on Monday
Helen Flores (The Philippine Star) 

MANILA, Philippines — Heavy rains are expected in many parts of Luzon including Metro Manila this weekend due to the southwest monsoon, which will be enhanced by Typhoon Maria located east of Central Luzon, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) warned yesterday.
As of yesterday, the US Joint Typhoon Warning Center has categorized Maria as a super typhoon.
Maria is forecast to enter the Philippine area of responsibility on Monday and will be given the local name Gardo.
image: https://video.unrulymedia.com/native/images/unmiss-close-button-dc13fd35130ef93fcd271ef2cd1f1739.svg
image: https://video.unrulymedia.com/native/opt-out-icon2.png

PAGASA senior weather specialist Samuel Duran said Maria is expected to gain more strength as it hovers over the sea.
“We’re not discounting the possibility that (Maria) will become a super typhoon,” he said.
PAGASA considers a cyclone with maximum sustained winds of more than 220 kph as a super typhoon.
As of 3 p.m. yesterday, the center of Maria was spotted at 2,060 kilometers east of Central Luzon, packing winds of 185 kilometers per hour and gustiness of up to 225 kph. It was forecast to move north northwest at 15 kph.
Based on PAGASA’s latest forecast, Maria is unlikely to hit any part of the country.

Read more at https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2018/07/07/1831266/super-typhoon-enter-philippines-monday#GrVLrrdj5hF0pA2p.99