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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Rentenerhöhung 2024: Rentner müssen ab Juli mehr für Krankenkasse und Pflegeversicherung zahlen

Zum 1. Juli 2024 steigen die Renten in ganz Deutschland. Doch mit der Rentenerhöhung müssen Rentner auch mehr Geld an die Sozialversicherungen zahlen.

München - Gute Nachrichten für Rentner und Rentnerinnen: Ab 1. Juli 2024 kommt mehr Rente aufs Konto. Die Rentenerhöhung von 4,57 Prozent liegt über der aktuellen Inflationsrate, sodass die Kaufkraft erhalten werden kann. Allerdings weist die Rentenversicherung darauf hin, dass Auszahlung der neuen Rente nicht für alle gleichzeitig geschieht. Einige erhalten das Rentenplus schon Ende Juni, andere erst Ende Juli. 

So oder so erhalten Altersrentner mehr Geld. Allerdings müssen sie auch beachten: Das Renten-Plus kommt auf die Brutto-Rente. Das bedeutet also, dass auch die Sozialversicherungsbeiträge und die Steuerabgaben steigen.

Steuern und Abgaben auf die Rente: So viel müssen Rentner zahlen

Rentner und Rentnerinnen zahlen auf ihre Brutto-Rente folgende Abgaben: 

  • Krankenversicherung: 8,15 Prozent (weitere 8,15 Prozent zahlt die Rentenkasse)
  • Pflegeversicherung: 3,4 Prozent für Rentner, deren Kinder jünger als 23 Jahre sind; 4,0 Prozent für kinderlose Rentner und Rentner mit Kindern älter als 23 Jahre
  • Steuern: Je nach Renteneintrittsjahr wird ein Teil der Rente besteuert (z.B. wer 2022 in Rente ging, zahlt auf 82 Prozent der Rente Steuern). Wer weniger als 11.604 Euro (Grundfreibetrag 2024) im Jahr zur Verfügung hat, zahlt keine Steuern.

Nachdem all diese Abgaben von der Brutto-Rente abgezogen werden, steht das Netto fest. Das ist das, was am Ende aufs Konto überwiesen wird.

Beispiel: So berechnen Sie ihre Netto-Rente nach der Rentenerhöhung 2024

Wer wissen will, wie viel mehr Geld er oder sie ab Juli 2024 als Netto zur Verfügung haben wird, kann es also auch selbst ausrechnen. Hier ein Beispiel, wie das geht: Rentnerin Barbara

Barbara bezieht aktuell (vor der Rentenerhöhung) eine Brutto-Rente in Höhe von 1150 Euro im Monat. Sie zahlt daraus monatlich 93,73 Euro an die Krankenkasse, als kinderlose Rentnerin dann noch 46 Euro monatlich an die Pflegeversicherung. Barbara ist seit 2015 in Rente, zahlt also auf 70 Prozent der Bruttorente Steuern, also auf 805 Euro im Monat. Das passiert im Nachgang bei der Abgabe der Steuererklärung, da wird dann auch entschieden, ob sie Steuern zahlen muss, oder nicht. Pro Monat stehen Barbara also vor der Rentenanpassung 1010,27 Euro netto zur Verfügung.

Nach der Rentenanpassung im Juli erhält Barbara wie alle Altersrentner 4,57 Prozent mehr. Bei einer Brutto-Rente von 1150 Euro sind das zusätzlich 52,56 Euro, also wächst ihre Brutto-Rente auf 1202,56 Euro im Monat. An die Pflegeversicherung zahlt Barbara jetzt 48,10 Euro und an die Krankenkasse 98,01 Euro im Monat. Ihr werden also ab Juli 1056,45 Euro überwiesen.

Für besonders viel Ärger sorgt die Rentenanpassung bei denjenigen, die durch die Erhöhung am Ende in die Steuerpflicht geraten. Das heißt: Sie überschreiten durch die gesetzliche Rentenerhöhung den Grundfreibetrag und müssen jetzt Steuern zahlen. Damit bleibt ihnen durch die Erhöhung tatsächlich weniger netto übrig, als vor der Rentenerhöhung. 2024 betrifft das laut Sozialverband VdK rund 114.000 Rentner und Rentnerinnen.

Älteres Ehepaar: Mann und Frau sitzen auf einer Bank im Freien.
Rentnerinnen und Rentner können sich ab Juli über eine höhere Rente freuen. (Symbolbild) © Sven Simon/Imago

Ebenfalls gut zu wissen: Viele Rentner und Rentnerinnen erhalten im Juli 2024 von der Rentenversicherung doppelt Geld. Denn ab Sommer gilt für Personen, die vor 2015 eine Erwerbsminderungsrente bezogen haben, ein monatlicher Sonderzuschlag von 4,5 bzw. in einigen Fällen sogar 7,5 Prozent mehr. Diesen Zuschlag gibt es jeden Monat bis Dezember 2025. Danach wird der Zuschlag auf die normale Rente berechnet und zusammen überwiesen.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Lea Salonga, Dolly de Leon to star in Franz Xaver Kroetz's 'Request sa Radyo'


Jan Milo Severo - Philstar.com

June 25, 2024 | 10:03am

MANILA, Philippines — Lea Salonga and Dolly de Leon will star in the stage play "Request sa Radyo" by Franz Xaver Kroetz. 

The strictly limited engagement with 20 performances will begin on October 10 until October 20 in Samsung Performing Arts Theater. Lea and Dolly will perform the solo piece in scheduled alternating performances.

“Request sa Radyo” (Wunschkonzert / Request Program) is Franz's landmark theatrical piece that captures the poignant solitude of a woman through her meticulous evening routine. As she navigates her quiet, solitary life, her actions and her favorite radio program reveal the profound loneliness and yearning for connection that lie beneath. 

“I’m so looking forward to coming back to my first love, the theater after five long years and I am equally excited that it is in 'Request Sa Radyo' – a play that is relevant and timely,” Dolly said. 

“When I was asked by Clint and Bobby if I was interested at all in this project, an experience that told a probable and possible story that absolutely applies to our people, I said sure, even before knowing the details. It will be a challenge though, but hopefully will lend a figurative voice to those who are suffering,” Lea said.

This masterpiece of modern theater promises to transform the mundane into a powerful exploration of isolation and the human condition through silence, and leaves you contemplating the depths of solitude long after the curtain falls.

“Request Sa Radyo” is produced by Clint Ramos, Bobby Garcia, and Christopher Mohnani for Ayala Land and GMG Productions.

"We are thrilled to bring this groundbreaking piece of art to life in Manila. Blurring the line between theater and performance art, Franz Xaver Kroetz’s wordless play speaks to the silent struggles of isolation and the deep human need for connection. Through its minimalist approach and profound storytelling, grounded in a specific Filipino lived experience, this production invites audiences to find extraordinary meaning in the everyday. Featuring Tony and Olivier winner, Lea Salonga and Golden Globe and BAFTA Nominee, Dolly De Leon, two of the most internationally celebrated actors of their generation, 'Request Sa Radyo' is the can’t-miss event in international theatre in 2024,” the producers said in a joint statement. 

The play is the coming together of some of the country’s (and world’s) bests. All multi-awarded and all considered sources of Philippine pride, this project delves on their vision and dedication in bringing the powerful and compelling narrative to the Philippine audience. 

A visionary designer and advocate of diversity and representation in theatre and film, Ramos is a six-time Tony Award nominee and the recipient of a Tony Award for his designs for "Eclipsed" - making him the first designer of color to win in this category. 

In this special project, Ramos, the Creative Director and Producer expressed, “I have always been so moved by this play as a piece of modern theater. Its intimate package belies the vastness of exploration of the human condition. When we got the blessing to bring it to Manila at the Samsung Theatre and have it speak to a specific Filipino condition, we could only think of two of the Philippines’ premier actors, Lea Salonga and Dolly de Leon, to star in it. Together with director and pal, Bobby Garcia, I cannot think of a better piece for all of us to collaborate on and be of artistic service to the motherland and our people.”

A respected figure in the world of theatre, Garcia’s career is marked by numerous acclaimed productions, both in the Philippines and internationally. In his homecoming project, “Request sa Radyo’s” Director and Producer shared, “The last show I worked on in Manila was 'The Band’s Visit,' which sadly never got to open because of the pandemic. It was a poignant musical about loneliness, isolation and the need for human connection. It feels almost like fate that I now return to Manila after 4 years to direct 'Request Sa Radyo,' a chilling and haunting piece of theatre about those very same issues, but completely different in approach, form and style. I am thrilled to be working with two of the country’s finest performers, Lea Salonga and Dolly De Leon, who will alternate in performing this unique theatrical experience about our universal need for human contact and the global crisis that is loneliness. I am also thrilled to reconnect with Manila audiences after some time away and re-engage with them through the art of storytelling."

BI now shares with PRA data for issuance to foreigners of resident retirees visa



The Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) can now check if foreigners applying for Special Resident Retirees Visa (SRRV) have derogatory records, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) said on Monday, June 24.

In a statement, the BI said it signed a data sharing agreement with PRA last June 21. 

Commissioner Norman Tansingco said: “This electronic data exchange system would allow for better monitoring, assisting the PRA in the implementation of their mandate, as well as allowing the BI to intercept foreign nationals with derogatory records attempting to reside in the country."

The PRA is mandated to process applications for SRRV to be issued to foreigners who are eyeing to retire or permanently reside in the Philippines.

“The Data Sharing Agreement introduces an advanced online/electronic system designed to facilitate the seamless exchange of information between the BI and PRA,” Tansingco said.  

“This allows the PRA to access travel histories and facilitate the verification of any derogatory records,” he also said.  

At the same time, Tansingco said the agreement bolsters the implementation of  Republic Act No. 11032, also known as the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018.

The agreement will  be valid and effective for five years and, afterwards, subject to renewal after every two years, he added.

8,000 LGBTs join Duaw Dabaw Festival Pride Parade


DAVAO CITY – Almost 8,000 members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) community here marched during the Pride Parade of the first-ever Duaw Dabaw Festival from Roxas Ave. to Rizal Park at San Pedro Square here on Sunday, June 23.


Harold Quibete, Pride Parade organizer, said that the event featured 111 LGBTQIA+ groups, seven bands, and seven floats and witnessed by 15,000 to 20,000 people. 

Quibete thanked the participants, the people, the city government, for supporting the event.

He thanked the city councilors and Vice President Sara Z. Duterte for gracing the event.

“We are happy that they were present, and it is a nice way of showing that the government is opening its doors, that the LGBTQIA+ community is accepted and valued here in Davao City," Quibete said.

Duterte said that Pride Month serves as a reminder of the power of love against hatred, discrimination, and the lack of respect for the LGBT community, which historically has been subjected to ridicule, oppression, and unequal life opportunities. 

Quibete said the overall security during the pride event was generally peaceful.

He added that people enjoyed the performance of the drag performers in the Hugyaw Davao: Night of Fun and Colors at Rizal Park.

What are the fruits that will cleanse your kidneys fast?


Profile photo for Nasim Ullah
Nasim Ullah
Food Science and Nutrition.
Former Managing Director. at Hayat Sweet.1993–2024

What are the fruits that will cleanse your kidneys fast?

Fruits That Will Cleanse Your Kidneys Fast: A Natural Approach to Kidney Health

Maintaining kidney health is crucial for overall well-being, as these vital organs filter waste and excess substances from the blood. Incorporating certain fruits into your diet can help cleanse your kidneys and promote their optimal function. Here are some fruits known for their kidney-cleansing properties:

1. Cranberries

Cranberries are well-known for their ability to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) by inhibiting bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract walls. This property also makes them beneficial for kidney health, as they help reduce the risk of infection and inflammation in the kidneys. Cranberries are rich in antioxidants, which support the kidneys in filtering out toxins more efficiently.

2. Blueberries

Blueberries are another antioxidant powerhouse. They contain compounds that reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which can help protect kidney cells from damage. The high vitamin C content in blueberries also supports the immune system, aiding in overall kidney health.

3. Apples

Apples are rich in fiber and antioxidants, which can help detoxify the kidneys. The high pectin content in apples binds to toxins in the intestines, facilitating their elimination and reducing the burden on the kidneys. Additionally, apples have anti-inflammatory properties that support kidney function.

4. Lemons

Lemons are well-known for their ability to prevent kidney stones due to their high citric acid content. Citric acid binds to calcium, preventing the formation of calcium oxalate stones. Drinking lemon water regularly can help flush out toxins and reduce the risk of kidney stones.

5. Watermelon

Watermelon is a natural diuretic, meaning it helps increase urine production, which can aid in flushing out toxins from the kidneys. It is also hydrating and rich in antioxidants like lycopene, which protect kidney cells from damage.

6. Grapes

Grapes, especially red and purple varieties, are rich in antioxidants, including resveratrol, which helps reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the kidneys. Consuming grapes can support kidney health by promoting the elimination of waste products and reducing the risk of kidney disease.

7. Strawberries

Strawberries are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, all of which contribute to kidney health. Their anti-inflammatory properties help protect the kidneys from damage, while their high water content aids in detoxification.

8. Pomegranate

Pomegranate juice is known for its high antioxidant content, which can help protect the kidneys from oxidative stress and inflammation. Pomegranate also has diuretic properties that promote the elimination of toxins through urine.

9. Oranges

Oranges are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which support immune function and help reduce inflammation in the kidneys. Their high water content also aids in keeping the kidneys hydrated and functioning optimally.

10. Cherries

Cherries have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can benefit kidney health. They help reduce the risk of gout and kidney stones by lowering uric acid levels in the blood, which can otherwise crystallize and form stones in the kidneys.

In summary

Incorporating these fruits into your diet can provide a natural and effective way to cleanse your kidneys and promote overall kidney health. Remember to consume these fruits in their natural form or as fresh juices without added sugars to maximize their benefits. Along with a balanced diet, staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are key factors in supporting kidney function and overall wellness.

Monday, June 24, 2024

BINI eyes global stage

The girls of Bini are launched as the new endorsers of fast food giant Jollibee during the event, ‘Cheesy Yumburger Best Fest,’ at Trinoma. The eight-member group — composed of Jhoanna, Aiah, Colet, Gwen, Maloi, Mikha, Sheena, and Stacey — have also expressed their heartfelt gratitude to their fans, also called Blooms, whose strong support has been instrumental in their three-year journey to becoming the leading P-pop girl group.

Photos by Anthony Abad

Lyka Nicart - The Philippine Star 

June 24, 2024 | 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines — BINI is more proud than pressured to represent Original Pilipino Music (OPM) on a global stage.

The eight-member girl group — composed of Jhoanna, Aiah, Colet, Gwen, Maloi, Mikha, Sheena, and Stacey — recently expressed their heartfelt gratitude to their fans, also called Blooms, whose strong support has been instrumental in their three-year journey to becoming the leading P-pop girl group.

Debuting in June 2021 after two years of training under ABS-CBN’s Star Hunt Academy, they have since been dubbed by fans as the “Nation’s Girl Group.” They would become a nationwide success after releasing Pantropiko in November 2023. The song went viral and launched a dance craze on TikTok and other social media platforms.  

By March this year, they were recognized as the first Filipino pop group with the most monthly listeners on Spotfiy and the first to top the Billboard Philippine Songs chart.

Early this month, they scored a more impressive Spotify record after becoming the first Filipino act to break into the Global Top Artist chart at the 193rd spot. They currently enjoy 6.8 million monthly listeners. 

Besides Pantropiko, their other hits are Karera, Salamin, Salamin and Lagi.

“We just want to say thank you so much to our Blooms and to everyone supporting our songs. We couldn’t have gotten here if it weren’t for you guys,” said Mikha. “And to be representing OPM, it’s such an honor. We promise we will not disappoint and we will continue to take OPM into the international scene.”

Mikha also said that they intend to handle the pressure positively, using it to get better. “We make sure that the pressure doesn’t get to us, but we use it in a way where in we’re able to improve,” she added. 

Gwen, another member, stressed that they’ve always tried to incorporate Pinoy culture into their music and performances. To recall, their pre-debut song was their dance version of the Smokey Mountain hit Da Coconut Nut.  

“From the beginning, we always try to show Philippine culture in our songs, performances, and style,” Gwen said.

She is happy that their efforts are being noticed, which helps Filipino talent get more recognition.

“We’re very happy na ngayon nare-recognize na siya. And if naka-contribute na po kami ‘dun, we’re thankful kasi mas lumalawak na po ‘yung naabot ng Filipino talent.”

BINI got to share their thoughts on OPM representation internationally when they were launched as the latest brand ambassadors of the homegrown but global fast food chain Jollibee.

They were officially introduced as the new faces of the brand’s Double Cheesy Yumburger last June 17 at the TriNoma Mall Activity Center in Quezon City. During the event dubbed as “Cheesy Yumburger Best Fest,” attendees and guests got a first look at BINI’s 47-second music video commercial for the fast food brand, which reworked and featured the group’s viral hit Pantropiko.

“It’s about feeling good, having fun, and enjoying the moment, which is what our music is all about, too,” said Jhoanna of their new endorsement project. 

For BINI, teaming up with a proudly Filipino brand feels like a dream.

“It’s a brand that’s just as much fun and as vibrant as we are. Also, being a proud Filipina group, we’re so happy that we get to be part of the Jollibee fam,” Jhoanna also said.

Meanwhile, BINI enthralled fans with live performances of Salamin, Salamin and Karera during the Best Fest event hosted by Robi Domingo.

The girls, sans Aiah, also interacted with fans in a mini dance-off on stage, highlighting the key choreography from BINI’s TV commercial.

Blooms are in for exciting treats as the latest collaboration — a fusion of food, fun, and fandom — is set to bring “plenty of surprises” such as special appearances and exclusive content.

BINI is set to hold their first solo three-day concert, titled “BINIVerse,” at the New Frontier in Quezon City on June 28, 29, and 30. Tickets are already sold out.

I am speechless

PEOPLE use speechless in these cases to show how stunned or moved they were, even though they were probably still capable of speech. “I’m speechless” often really means “I’m shocked!”

If you are speechless, you are temporarily unable to speak, usually because something has shocked you.

Is speechless positive or negative? Oftentimes, “speechless” has a negative connotation, because of its connection to anger, jealousy, etc. For example, “My mom was speechless when she heard me cuss out my grandmother.” In such a sentence, “tongue-tied” wouldn’t be appropriate.

Anyway, sometimes there is no sense in crying, but we feel paralyzed. A good friend of mine told me that a couple of days ago. Words cannot describe it and words fail me, but I wouldn’t be a writer, if I couldn’t express the right words at the right moment.

After the long talk with my friend, I must confess that, many times, I also felt speechless and paralyzed.

Look at this: follow ups seem to become the new national character. Indifferent people in our surroundings let us feel like that every day. Indifference seems to become one of the vagaries in today’s new society.

We try to get an appointment, but the other side seems to be very busy – every day of the week! Of course, we don’t want to encroach on other people’s time. Let’s try again tomorrow! How do you feel, if you observe certain employees, who should be in service of the people, instead of reading a magazine, doing private telephone calls, doing (important!) text messages and getting down-right cheeky, if we started uncounted follow ups. Then, suddenly, we have to learn that “the boss is out of town” or so… GRABE!

Yes, I might fall out of favor with some readers with today’s column, but guys, what’s the difference between being busy, making a good deal of money out of something and just being indifferent or “not in the mood” to entertain people.

I can tell you frankly: Many people feel paralyzed and experience a terrible loss of power of movement or sensation while dealing with uselessness, if indifference, arrogance and ignorance determine the different situations in our daily life.

If the promise has been given to help or support someone, it shouldn’t be broken by endless excuses and terrible stalling tactics. A “YES” is a “YES” and a “NO” should be a “NO” and not “MAYBE”, if a promise can’t be held understandable and comprehensive.

I don’t like to let somebody wait for an answer or during an appointment. I try to look after it or take care of it. If I have been informed that somebody tried to contact me, but missed me, I really do everything to find him or her. What’s bad about it? Sorry, I really don’t like being late or “remaining silent”.

How many good ideas and highly appreciated business deals had gone with the wind because of uncomprehending, unsympathetic and unappreciated everyday deals between fellow creatures? Can you get the hang of it?

Yes, sometimes I also feel uncomfortable while observing lost chances. Remember; we don’t get anything for nothing in the whole word – sure! But first, we should learn how to keep promises, to help each other, to be honest and to be one of the leaders of national stabilization and consolidation.