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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Saturday, February 8, 2020

German Language Course Davao City @ Ateneo de Davao soon

Meeting with Dr. Benedict V. Omblero, Director of Ateneo de Davao Language Center, Humanities and Letters, School of Arts and Science. Finalizing German language course - starting expected April 13, 2020 (Mondays - Thursdays 1 to 3 pm). Thank you so much Ateneo de Davao for giving me the great opportunity to teach German language (again!). Thank you for your time this morning Dr. Omblero, and thank you Ateneo de Davao President Father Joel.

Reaping the fruits

Progress follows when peace and order dominates. After seeking the potentials of the baguio-like barangay of Araibo, Pantukan Davao de Oro, the Sarayon and Radio-room Livelihood Farmer's Association reaps the fruits of their hard work. These farmers are the beneficiaries of the Provincial Government and the 66th Infantry Battalion who spearheaded the creation of the association where people live in peace and harmony and generates income rooted from the Army's Core Purpose "Serving the People, Securing the Land. (photos by Jasteen Abella ID Davao de Oro)  

Davao de Oro holds 2019 nCoV-ARD awareness forum

Davao de Oro Province---The Provincial Health Office (PHO) led by Provincial Health Officer Dr. Antonio Ybiernas Jr. of the province of Davao de Oro in partnership with the Department of Health (DOH) conducts "Provincial Inter-Agency and Stakeholders Forum on 2019 novel Corona Virus-Acute Respiratory Disease (2019 nCoV-ARD) at the New SP Multi-Purpose Hall, SP Building Ground Floor, Cabidianan, Nabunturan, Davao de Oro on Friday February 7.

Among the topics are the Overview and Background of 2019 nCoV-ARD, DOH Interim Guidelines, 2019-nCoV Surveillance Guidelines, Health & Promotion, DILG Guidelines, Role clarification of each agency ang Agreements, and the Update Organization of Provincial Inter-Agency task Force on Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Disease.

The forum discussed awareness on the prevention and control of the disease as well as the Decision Tool for 2019 nCoV-ARD assessment for Bureau of Quarantine and Hospitals for the case category and intervention, for the Patient Under Investigation (PUI) and Person Under Monitoring (PUM).

According to Jayson Mayang-RESU Surveillance Officer, that anyone who came from other parts of the world with confirmed 2019-nCoV-ARD infection except China, has no history of exposure, but with fever and or cough, is considered PUI and is advised to go on self-quarantine for 14 days.

He added that the Centers for Health Development will strictly monitor those who are self- quarantined especially with history of exposure include close contact who took care, handled specimens and or lived with a confirmed case of 2019-nCoV infection, visiting or working in a live animal market in China and direct contact with animals in China with circulating 2019 nCoV in human and animals.

The forum were attended by the head of the national and local government agencies, health officials from the Municipal Health Office of the eleven municipalities of the province, different stakeholders, Barangay Health Workers, Hospital personnel from 4 government hospitals and private hospitals of the province and the municipal and capitol employees.

(Rey Antibo, ID Davao de Oro)

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Coronavirus no effect on Misamis Oriental tourism


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Philippines — The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) acute respiratory disease has no effect yet on the tourism industry in some parts of Northern Mindanao as health authorities prepare personnel and facilities in case it reaches the region.

In Misamis Oriental, there is no report yet of individuals having 2019-nCoV symptoms either from local residents or foreign nationals who are visiting the province, said lawyer Jeffrey Saclot, provincial tourism officer, on Tuesday (Feb. 4).

The 2019-nCoV originated in Wuhan, a city in Hubei province, China, and was first detected last December.

The coronavirus has since spread to other countries, including the Philippines where the Department of Health was able to confirm that a Chinese national died from the disease, the first fatality outside of China.

Saclot said that since foreign travelers form only a fraction of tourist arrivals to the province, the ban, especially on travellers coming from China, has no impact on the local tourism industry.

Another factor is that the Laguindingan Airport in Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental, does not have international flights yet, he said.

He stated that foreign tourists constitute only five percent of the total number of arrivals in the province.

“Most of our tourists are locals. That’s why our tourism industry has not been affected by the travel ban due to the novel coronavirus,” Saclot said.

He added, however, that once the Laguindingan Airport caters to international flights, tourism officials will expect more foreign tourists to visit Misamis Oriental.

The province boasts of some of the most-visited tourist sites in the region, including the Divine Mercy Shrine in El Salvador City, the Flight 387 memorial park in Gingoog City, and the healing pool in Binuangan town.

Meanwhile, Misamis Oriental Gov. Yevgeny Vincente Emano has announced that he will provide thermal scanners to various points of entry in the province and in Cagayan de Oro.

According to the provincial information office, thermal scanners will be distributed to the Laguindingan Airport, Mindanao Container Terminal sub-port in Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental, and the Macabalan seaport in Barangay Macabalan, Cagayan de Oro.

The devices will be used to scan passengers entering the province and city.

In an interview, Emano said he will use the provincial government’s emergency funds to buy the scanners, although the gadgets’ cost is not yet specified.

Emano said he has included the Macabalan port among the ports that will be provided with thermal scanners because many of the passengers who disembark from ships coming from different parts of the country pass through or go to Misamis Oriental.

The governor said the thermal scanners will be distributed within the week to the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, the agency that manages the Laguindingan Airport, the Philippine Ports Authority, and the entity that handles the day-to-day operations at the Mindanao Container Terminal.

Carlo Dugaduga, the provincial information officer, said the amount allocated to obtain the scanners will be made known once the provincial health office (PHO) has already made the purchase.

Dugaduga said the PHO is still in the process of gathering prices of the thermal scanners.

On Monday, officials from different government agencies in Cagayan de Oro formed the Task Force Novel Coronavirus to address the threat posed by this deadly virus. (davaotoday.com)

Davao de Oro girds for DAVRAA 2020

Davao de Oro Province--- After Governor Jayvee Tyron L. Uy and former Schools Division Superintendent (SID) Dr. Reynante Solitario of the Department of Education Division of Davao de Oro accepted the Davao Regional Athletic Association (DAVRAA) 2020 hosting last February 2, 2019, the province is now up for the challenge.
The hosting comes in time for the province's renaming through a plebiscite  held last December 7 and will be one of the biggest event for the province to hold. This is the time for Davao de Oro, a province of great endowments to prove its capabilities reflected on the theme “Our Golden Moment”.
The Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU) together with the DepEd Division of Davao de Oro, LGUs and other stakeholders fully exerted efforts to concretize plans in preparation for the big event. 

On January 28, 2020 a Stakeholder’s Forum was held, aiming to raise funds for the prestigious gold medals which will be infused with pure gold. A total of P3.5 million pesos was raised coming from the stakeholders comprised with small-scale miners from Mt. Diwalwal, barangay Bukal of Nabunturan, Sitio Napnapan, Diat and Kingking of Pantukan together with the Municipal Mayors, Sangguniang Panlalawigan Members, Executive Committees and other private personnel.
“It will be the first grand event of our province as Davao de Oro and it is the time to showcase who we are.” said Governor  Uy during the forum.  "The idea of infusing gold to the medals was inspired from the tradition of Mt. Diwalwal in rewarding their honor students with pure gold medals. "This proposal was made para mainspire nato atuang mga atleta ug sigurado ko nga maningkamot gyud sila ug maayo, sa tanang atleta sa DAVRAA 2020, we have prepared a special treat for all of you.” Governor Uy added.
The big event will take place this coming March 15 to 22, a week-long activity and will be hosted in the municipality of Montevista with 11 divisions who will be competing in various games and thousands of guests expected to witness every event.
Davao de Oro will spread it’s dynamism towards other neighboring provinces proving that the land doesn’t solely possess gold reserves, but with people of golden hearts which truly are the treasure of the province.
 (Jasteen Abella, ID DAVAO DE ORO).    

Updates China: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise

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Letzte Änderungen:
Aktuelles (Coronavirus, Merkblatt)


Seit Dezember 2019 sind in der Stadt Wuhan in der Provinz Hubei Fälle einer Lungenerkrankung aufgetreten, die wahrscheinlich mit dem Besuch eines lokalen Geflügel- und Fischmarkts in Verbindung stehen. Im Verlauf wurde eine Infektion mit einem neuartigen Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) nachgewiesen. Aktuell steigen die Fallzahlen deutlich an und es sind inzwischen zahlreiche Todesfälle aufgetreten. Die Erkrankung breitet sich in China weiter aus. Die Quelle und Übertragungswege der Infektion sind nicht abschließend geklärt, die Übertragung von Mensch zu Mensch ist aber inzwischen wissenschaftlich gesichert. Das Risiko für deutsche Reisende in Wuhan und der Provinz Hubei wird als hoch eingeschätzt.
Die chinesischen Behörden haben seit 23. Januar 2020 für Wuhan und andere Städte der Provinz Hubei Reisebeschränkungen erlassen. Eine Ausreise mit Zug, Flug, Bus Fähre oder Auto ist derzeit nicht möglich. Auch andere Provinzen Chinas haben Einschränkungen der Reise- und Bewegungsfreiheit unterschiedlichen Ausmaßes verhängt, insbesondere in Wenzhou, Taizhou und Hangzhou in der Provinz Zhejiang. Davon kann zunehmend auch der Fernreiseverkehr betroffen sein.
Allgemein ist derzeit mit erheblichen Einschränkungen der Mobilität innerhalb Chinas zu rechnen. Bei Ein- und Ausreise wie auch bei Kontrollen bei Überlandreisen im Land sind Fieberkontrollen möglich; bei Symptomen ist mit Quarantänemaßnahmen zu rechnen.
Nachbarländer, darunter Russland, können Grenzübergänge vorübergehend schließen, mehrere Fluggesellschaften haben den Flugverkehr vorübergehend eingeschränkt oder eingestellt.
Durch die enorme Beanspruchung des Gesundheitssystems kann es zu Einschränkungen bei der allgemeinmedizinischen Versorgung kommen.

Aufenthalte in China können sich auf Einreisemöglichkeiten in andere Länder auswirken, bei USA z.B. bei Aufenthalten innerhalb der letzten 14 Tage vor Einreise.

• Vor Reisen in die Provinz Hubei wird gewarnt.
• Von nicht notwendigen Reisen in das übrige Staatsgebiet der Volksrepublik China mit Ausnahme der Sonderverwaltungszonen Hongkong und Macao wird bis auf weiteres abgeraten.
• Registrieren Sie sich in unserer Krisenvorsorgeliste
• Sollten Sie sich in China aufhalten, erwägen Sie in Anbetracht der zunehmenden Einschränkungen Ihre vorübergehende bzw. vorzeitige Ausreise.
• Halten Sie zu möglichen Änderungen im Flugplan engen Kontakt mit Ihrem Reiseveranstalter bzw. Ihrer Fluggesellschaft.
• Halten Sie sich an die Anweisungen der lokalen Sicherheitskräfte.
• Lassen Sie sich vor Reisen mit dem aktuellen Nordhalbkugelimpfstoff gegen Influenza impfen. Eine Influenza-Impfung kann zur Vermeidung unnötiger Verdachtsfälle beitragen.
• Beachten Sie die Informationen im Merkblatt nCoV sowie auf den Seiten der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO und des Robert-Koch-Instituts RKI.
• Beachten Sie bei beabsichtigten Reisen in andere Staaten im Anschluss an Aufenthalte in China die aktuellen Einreisebestimmungen der jeweiligen Zielländer.
Sicherheit - Teilreisewarnung

Vor Reisen in die Provinz Hubei wird gewarnt.
Von nicht notwendigen Reisen in das übrige Staatsgebiet der Volksrepublik China mit Ausnahme der Sonderverwaltungszonen Hongkong und Macao wird bis auf weiteres abgeraten siehe Aktuelles.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Das Auswärtige Amt gibt bekannt

Philippinen: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise

PhilippinenStand - 03.02.2020

(Unverändert gültig seit: 02.02.2020)


Die philippinischen Behörden haben wegen des Coronavirus 2019-nCoV eine Einreisesperre für Reisende aus China und die Sonderverwaltungszonen Hong Kong und Macau verhängt. Betroffen sind auch Transitpassagiere. Ausnahmen gelten für philippinische Staatsangehörige und Reisende mit einer längerfristigen Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für die Philippinen. Diese unterliegen jedoch nach Einreise einer 14-tägigen Quarantäne. Diese Regelung gilt bis auf Weiteres.

Erkundigen Sie sich ggf. bei der für Sie zuständigen philippinischen Auslandsvertretung vor Reiseantritt und setzen Sie sich ggf. vor Reiseantritt mit Ihrer Fluggesellschaft in Verbindung.
Seit dem 12. Januar 2020 zeigt der 60 km südlich von Manila gelegene Taal-Vulkan erhöhte vulkanische Aktivität. Aktuell haben die philippinischen Behörden die  Warnstufe 3 (von 5) ausgerufen.  Eine Sperrzone im Umkreis von 7 km um den Taal-Hauptkrater wurde eingerichtet.
Bei Exposition kann es zu Reizungen von Augen, Atemwegen und Haut kommen, siehe Gesundheit.
Der Flugbetrieb am Flughafen Manila musste zeitweise eingestellt werden und kann im Falle weitere Aschewolken erneut beeinträchtigt werden.

Meiden Sie die Umgebung des Taal Vulkans.

Are you a worrier?

My column in Mindanao Daily, BusinessWeek Mindanao and Cagayan de Oro Times

 February 1, 2020


LIFE is better than ever, so, why so many people seem to be unhappy? Whenever I hear people saying that everything is bad, I think of my late grandmother, born in 1899 (!) into a really awful world in Germany and its surroundings. Yes, I wrote about it already several years ago.
 The so-called "Golden Twenties" between the two World Wars (now 100 years ago!) have been everything but golden for her, my relatives and millions of people. "Lola" never complained, even during the sorrowful time in the former East Germany, the "German Democratic Republic". Lola reached the ripe old age of almost 86.
We hardly count our blessings. I really count them daily. And praise the Lord for everything!
Most people enjoy counting their crosses. Instead of gains, they count our losses. Actually, they don't have to do all that counting - computers do it for us. Information is easily had.
Just remember this: Opportunity doesn't just knock - it jiggles the doorknob, and "your friend" - the worrier, is with you day and night, at every corner, following your every step. Complaining and grumbling are good excuses, aren't they? We have time and opportunities to do almost anything. So why haven't we done it? We have the freedom of bondage or restraint, every one of us in his or her very special way - but, we're still our old inferior selves.
The job is boring! I don't find a good job! The house is an unpleasing mixture of tidy and dirty things. It's a mess! I am not in the mood to arrange my garden. I can't afford a gardener. That's life. How sad! No, it's not MY fault. Of course not!
The whole world is an awful place filled with dreadful and horrible negativism. No wonder, if you look around right now. Yes, I confess, I am also surrounded by many worriers who put their fears into me! Politicians, i.e., many times love to search for some grave alarm that will cause individuals to abandon their separate concerns and act in concert, so that politicians can wield the baton. Calls to fatal struggles and fights are forever being surrounded.
The over-bearing person, who tyrannizes the weak, the person, who wants to domineer and to bluster, is simply nothing else than a worrier, who might claim to be a friend. But he isn't! Really not! The bullying of fellow citizens by means of dread and fright has been going on since Paleolithic times. The night wolf is eating the moon. Give me silver, and I'll make him spit out.
Well, when will we start counting our courage and not our fears, or enjoy instead our woes? Worrying itself is pointless. Of course,  no society has achieved perfectly rules of law, never-ending education or unique responsible governments. Let's seek out the worries but avoid the worriers, because they try to avoid liberty.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Foreign Minister Maas on the evacuation of Germans from Wuhan

Federal Foreign Office logoFederal Foreign OfficePress release

Foreign Minister Maas on the evacuation of Germans from Wuhan

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas issued the following statement in Berlin today (31 January):
logoWe now have all the permits from the Chinese authorities that we need to evacuate our citizens. As I speak, a Bundeswehr plane is setting off for China, to fly the German nationals out.

I am relieved that we have got to this stage, that an end will now be put to the difficult situation in which our citizens find themselves in Wuhan, that the people who want to leave can now be flown out by us.
We’re talking about over 100 people. None of them has been infected. None of them is even suspected of having the virus. To guarantee the health and safety of the population in Germany, the people who have been evacuated from China will be quarantined for two weeks on Bundeswehr premises in order to be absolutely sure that none of the evacuees is carrying the virus.

I would like to thank the Chinese Government for working together with us on this. My thanks also go to the Crisis Response Centre, the authorities involved and our consular teams in China. We hope that everyone who comes back will be in good health and will stay that way - regardless of the fact that they will be monitored by medics here.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Coronavirus: Death toll rises ...

... as virus spreads to every Chinese region

Woman wearing a face maskImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionThe WHO warns the virus holds the potential for a much larger outbreak
The death toll of the coronavirus has risen to 170 and with a confirmed case in Tibet, the virus has now spread to every region in mainland China.
Chinese health authorities have said there were 7,711 confirmed cases in the country as of 29 January.
Infections have also spread to at least 16 other countries.
The World Health Organization (WHO) will meet on Thursday to discuss whether the virus constitutes a global health emergency.
"In the last few days the progress of the virus, especially in some countries, especially human-to-human transmission, worries us," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Wednesday, pointing to Germany, Vietnam and Japan.
"Although the numbers outside China are still relatively small, they hold the potential for a much larger outbreak."

What is the coronavirus?

The virus is thought to have emerged from illegally traded wildlife at a seafood market in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province and where most cases and deaths have been reported.
Though there have been a handful of cases where it is thought to have spread between people - most of the confirmed cases are people who are from Wuhan or had close contact with someone who had been there.
While there is no specific cure or vaccine for the virus, many people who contract it have only mild symptoms and do recover from it.
It can though cause severe acute respiratory infection and lead to death.
Like the similar Sars and influenza viruses, the new coronavirus is thought to be particularly a risk for elderly and people with pre-existing illnesses.
Media captionLike others who've been in Hubei province, the BBC's Stephen McDonell is staying away from the office for two weeks
The city has effectively been sealed off and China has put numerous transport restrictions in place to curb the spread of the virus.
People who have been in Hubei Province are also being told by their employers to work from home until it is considered safe for them to return.
The Chinese Football Association has announced the postponement of all games in the 2020 season.
Several international airlines have stopped or scaled back their routes to China and companies like Google, Starbucks and Tesla have closed their stores or stopped operations.

What are other countries doing?

Voluntary evacuations of hundreds of foreign nationals from Wuhan are underway to help people who want to leave the closed-off city and return to their countries.
Two flights to Japan have already landed at Tokyo's Haneda airport and the passengers are being screened at medical institutions. So far, three have tested positive for the virus, Japanese media report.
Japanese aircraft at Tokyo airportImage copyrightAFP
Image captionJapan's first flight with evacuees arrived on Wednesday
Around 200 US citizens have also been flown out of Wuhan and are being screened in the US.
A group of Singaporean citizens has also already been flown out while people from Wuhan stranded in Singapore due to flight cancellations have been flown back to China.
Flights to take British and South Korean citizens out of Wuhan have both been delayed after relevant permissions from Chinese authorities did not come through.
According to the UK government, the arriving passengers are to be put in "supported isolation" for 14 days with "all necessary medical attention".
Australia plans to quarantine its evacuees on Christmas Island, 2,000km (1,200 miles) from the mainland.
Two aircraft are due to fly EU citizens home with 250 French nationals leaving on the first flight.
Canada, the Philippines and Malaysia have also announced plans to fly their citizens out of Wuhan.
A growing number of countries are advising their citizens to avoid all non-essential travel to China.

Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte in U.S.

[A] Mayor Sara Duterte in US Capitol as IVLP will kick off this week together with other 271 international visitors from 105 countries who will participate in 26 diverse and fascinating projects by the US Department of State.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Davao de Oro donates 6.1 M for the victims of earthquake in Mindanao

Davao De Oro Province---A total of 6.1 Million pesos financial assistance from the Davao de Oro province under the leadership of Governor Jayvee Tyron L. Uy was formally turned-over to the province of Mindanao particularly in North Cotabato and Davao del Sur which were hit by the series of earthquake late last year.

The said budget was approved during the joint Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (PDRRMC) - Provincial Development Council (PDC) meeting chaired by Governor Uy with his Executive Assistant Dr. John Edward Coloma, Planning and Development Officer Romeo Celeste and PDRRM Officer Joseph Randy Loy.

The joint meeting was held at the provincial capitol last January 7, 2020.

On January 21, 2020, Governor Uy personally turned-over the financial assistance amounting to P3.9M to Governor Douglas Cagas of the province of Davao del Sur and to the local chief executives of the City of Digos and eight (8) municipalities namely; Bansalan, Matanao, Magsaysay, Malalag, Hagonoy, Padada, Kiblawan and Sulop which was affected by the 2019 earthquake.

Davao del Norte Governor Edwin Jubahib and his team also joined the turn-over of the financial aid to Gov. Cagas.

While on the same day, the P2.2M pesos was formally turn-over to Governor Nancy A. Catamco of the province of North Cotabato together with the chief executives of the City of Kidapawan and the municipalities of Magpet, Tulunan, Makilala and Mlang.

Hon. Jose Nelson Sala Sr. representing Gov. Uy with the provincial government heads of Davao de Oro led the turn-over of cheques to Gov. Catamco.

"Two months after the devastation, we continue to stand with our brothers and sisters in Davao del Sur and North Cotabato until they totally recover," said Governor Uy.

(Rey Antibo, ID DDO)

DONATIONS--A total of 6.1 Million pesos financial assistance from the Davao de Oro province under the leadership of Governor Jayvee Tyron L. Uy was formally turned-over to the province of Mindanao particularly in North Cotabato and Davao del Sur which were hit by the series of earthquake late last year. On January 21, 2020, Governor Uy personally turned-over the financial assistance amounting to P3.9M to Governor Douglas Cagas of the province of Davao del Sur and on the same day, the P2.2M pesos was also formally turn-over to Governor Nancy A. Catamco of the province of North Cotabato together with the chief executives of the City of Kidapawan and the municipalities of Magpet, Tulunan, Makilala and Mlang.(Photo by. M Lasaca, PS DDO)


Schon 106 Tote und rund 4500 Infizierte in China – jetzt hat das Corona-Virus auch Deutschland erreicht. Das bayerische Gesundheitsministerium hat bestätigt, dass sich ein Mann aus dem Landkreis Starnberg (Oberbayern) mit dem Corona-Virus infiziert hat.

Der Patient befinde sich nach Angaben des Landesamts für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit (LGL) „klinisch in einem guten Zustand“. Er werde medizinisch überwacht und sei isoliert untergebracht.

Die engen Kontaktpersonen des infizierten Mannes würden „ausführlich aufgeklärt und über mögliche Symptome, Hygienemaßnahmen und Übertragungswege informiert“, teilte das Ministerium ferner mit. Das Risiko für die Bevölkerung in Bayern, sich mit dem Erreger zu infizieren, werde vom zuständigen Team des LGL sowie vom Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) „derzeit als gering erachtet“. Weitere Details wollen das bayerische Gesundheitsministerium und das LGL am Dienstagvormittag bei einer Pressekonferenz bekanntgeben.

Virus-Alarm in China – jetzt reagiert die Bundesregierung. Ein Krisenstab entscheidet, ob Deutsche ausgeflogen werden.

Die Sorgen vor der weiteren Verbreitung des Corona-Virus haben dem Dax auf Talfahrt geschickt.

Das bayerische Gesundheitsministerium und das LGL wollen die Öffentlichkeit am Dienstagvormittag bei einer Pressekonferenz informieren. Der Ministeriumssprecher betonte: „Das Risiko für die Bevölkerung in Bayern, sich mit dem neuartigen Coronavirus zu infizieren, wird von der „Task Force Infektiologie“ des LGL und vom Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) derzeit als gering erachtet.“

Das neue Virus stammt ursprünglich vermutlich von einem Markt in Wuhan, wo es wohl von dort gehandelten Wildtieren auf den Menschen übersprang. China hat im Kampf gegen eine weitere Ausbreitung drastische Maßnahmen ergriffen: In der Provinz Hubei wurden mehr als 45 Millionen Menschen weitgehend von der Außenwelt abgeschottet. Fern- und Nahverkehr wurden gestoppt.

Nach derzeitiger Einschätzung von Experten verläuft die neuartige Lungenkrankheit offenbar in den meisten Fällen mild, möglicherweise sogar ohne Symptome. Von den in China registrierten Todesfällen gehen die meisten nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen auf ältere Patienten mit schweren Vorerkrankungen zurück.

Der neue Erreger ist dem Virus hinter der Sars-Epidemie 2002/2003 sehr ähnlich. Damals hatte es nach Daten der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) zwischen November 2002 und Juli 2003 lediglich neun Nachweise in Deutschland gegeben. Todesfälle gab es hier nicht.

(C) Bild 2020