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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Friday, October 11, 2024


What does quintessence mean? It is the fifth and highest element in ancient and medieval philosophy that permeates all nature and is the substance composing the celestial bodies.The essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form.

The quintessence of something is its perfect, ideal example. Some people say that the quintessence of American cuisine is the hamburger. Vegetarians may beg to differ. Ancient Greek philosophers claimed there were five elements: earth, water, air, fire, and a fifth substance that made up objects in the heavens. 

Quintessential can also describe a person who is the perfect example of something, like a salesperson or athlete, but the adjective consummate may be a better choice in this context. The noun quintessence refers to the most typical or perfect representation of something.

Almost 40 years ago, a good friend of mine gave me a book written by the establisher and founder of the Scottish Free Church, Thomas Chalmers, who lived from 1780-1847. I resided already in the Philippines for
good and did some marketing work in the former Bishop Thibault Media Center near the San Pablo Church in Juna Subdivision in Davao City, while writing a column for the Catholic Herald and hosting radio shows for the former DXGN 89.9 FM "Good News Radio".

Chalmers treated life's quintessence with plenty  flowering words. Yes, don't be afraid and live for something... !

Human beings live, move and have to pass away - free from worries, but unknown and unnoticed. They live such an irreproachable life - reputable, but so incomprehensible and inscrutable. Chalmers was very right... .

Why do people live like that even knowing they have to leave the platform of life one day? Why are people sometimes afraid to live and allow something or someone to block themselves? Still in my mind is one statement of Brother Francis Castro from the Little Brothers of Jesus. I quoted it several times already and it really became my life's motto: "I feel the burning flame inside me that makes me jump out of the bed ... and hurry to work!"

Life's quintessence can be also this: Kindness, by helping the blind man crossing a street; hospitality, by practicing generous reception of strangers and guests (my very first impression, when I stepped on Philippine soil in June 1976!); helpfulness, by taking care of somebody, who is weak and dependent... .

Believe me: your moment of virtue will never be destroyed by time's storm. Henri Nouwen, a devotional writer and speaker, whom I also admire very much, spent two hours daily bathing, shaving, dressing,
and feeding a man, who was so profoundly  able to speak or walk. Very clear, in that daily act of loving, Nouwen exemplified the compassion and sacrifice of Christ.

Love and merciful actions shared with people, who cross our path -  and nobody will forget us. In our daily life, we do have plenty of situations, where we could show our real calling. Good deeds are shining like stars from heaven. Deeds of love and service may not seem to be an efficient use of time and energy, but they are never wasted. Our life doesn't run clock-counter-wise. The clock's hands are the time dictators of everyone. So: do live for something!

TV-Comeback trotz Parkinson

Frank Elstner wagte sich zu dem wilden Bären in den Käfig

Frank Elstner wagte sich zu einem wilden Bären in den Käfig. Das Tier wurde für einen Eingriff betäubt


Trotz seiner Parkinson-Krankheit bleibt er immer in Bewegung. „Wetten, dass ..?“-Erfinder Frank Elstner (82) dreht derzeit eine neue Folge seiner SWR-Reihe „Elstners Reisen“. Er plant damit sein TV-Comeback! 

Seit 2012 wurden zwölf Folgen der Reihe produziert, in denen Elstner über bedrohte Tierarten auf der ganzen Welt berichtet und sich für den Artenschutz starkmacht. Zuletzt wurde im April 2023 eine neue Folge im TV ausgestrahlt.

Für die dreizehnte Folge bleibt er diesmal in Deutschland und besucht Bären, Elefanten und Greifvögel in speziellen Tier-Altersheimen. Eine TV-Ausstrahlung ist für 2025 geplant.

Frank Elstner am Montag mit einem Bussard in der Vogelauffangstation Paasmühle in Hattingen (NRW)

Frank Elstner mit einem Bussard in der Wildvogel-Auffangstation Paasmühle in Hattingen (NRW)

Foto: DOCMA TV Produktion GmbH

Frank Elstner zu BILD: „Man hat mich gefragt, warum ich nicht auch mal einheimische Tiergeschichten erzähle, die vor unserer Haustür passieren. Das passte zu unserer Überlegung, dass wir für unsere Sendung auf lange Flüge verzichten wollen, weil das alles andere als nachhaltig ist.“

Frank Elstner und Thomas Gottschalk in der Jubiläums-Show von „Wetten, dass..?“ 2021 in Nürnberg

Frank Elstner und Thomas Gottschalk (74) in der Jubiläums-Show von „Wetten, dass ..?“ 2021 in Nürnberg

Foto: Getty Images

Erste Station: Bärenpark

Im Bärenpark in Bad Füssing (Bayern) finden Bären aus Süd- und Ost-Europa eine neue Heimat, für die es kein Auswilderungsprogramm gibt.

Elstner: „Die Bären haben vorher unter unwürdigen Bedingungen gehaust und werden jetzt unter behördlicher Kontrolle versorgt. Es geht hier auch zu wie in einem Altersheim mit geregeltem Tagesablauf, regelmäßigen Essenszeiten und medizinischer Betreuung.“

Bei seinem Besuch begleitete der Moderator auch eine Kastration. Das Tier war zuvor in Italien aufgegriffen worden, weil es abgemagert in ein Dorf gelaufen war. Jetzt bleibt es bis an sein Lebensende in Bad Füssing.

Frank Elstner (l. oben) wohnt der Kastration des Braunbären bei

Frank Elstner (blaue Jacke) ist bei der Kastration des Braunbären mit der Kamera dabei

Der Kopf des Bären wurde während des Eingriffs abgedeckt

Der Kopf des Bären wurde während des Eingriffs abgedeckt


Hatte Elstner im Käfig Angst? „Nein. Ich war ja von Profis umgeben, die den Bären unter Betäubung hielten. Aber natürlich hat man als Mann ein seltsames Gefühl, wenn man so einer Entmannung beiwohnt. Der Grund für die Kastration ist, dass die Bären sich im Heim nicht weiter vermehren sollen, denn es ist nur für 17 Tiere Platz.“ 

 Super-Papa, Oliver Pocher soll DAS weniger gefallen.

Wie geht es Elstner mit seiner Parkinson-Erkrankung?

„Wenn mein Zustand so bleibt, wie er jetzt ist, wäre ich sehr glücklich. Ich bin immer noch zuversichtlich, dass man den Verlauf der Krankheit mit dem richtigen Sport und Physiotherapie verlangsamen und vielleicht in absehbarer Zeit medikamentös ebenfalls bremsen kann. Und vielleicht wird es auch irgendwann einmal eine Heilung geben.“

Boxen gegen Parkinson: Frank Elstner trainiert mit Box-Weltmeisterin Dilar Kisikyol

Boxen gegen Parkinson: Frank Elstner trainiert mit Box-Weltmeisterin Dilar Kisikyol (32)

Foto: © Wolf Lux

Eine TV-Rente ist vorerst kein Thema: „Solange ich kann, werde ich weiter TV-Projekte verfolgen, die mir wichtig sind und an denen ich Spaß habe.“

Ohne Schutz schwamm Frank Elstner (Mitte) 2019 mit Ammenhaien auf den Bahamas. Mit dabei waren Karlsruhes Zoo-Direktor Matthias Reinschmidt (l., 60) und Hai-Schützer Josef Baron von Kerckerinck (84)

Ohne Schutz schwamm Frank Elstner (M.) 2019 mit Ammenhaien auf den Bahamas. Mit dabei waren Karlsruhes Zoo-Direktor Matthias Reinschmidt (60, l.) und Hai-Schützer Josef Baron von Kerckerinck (84)

Foto: SWR - Südwestrundfunk

BINI fashion: Fun, sustainable, evolving

Raoul Chee Kee

Dressed in an assortment of cropped tops, shrunken cardis, asymmetrical pleated skirts, and patchwork trousers, the P-pop group Bini look like young girls playing dress-up with whatever they can get their hands on. That DIY vibe when it comes to their looks has persisted since their launch as teens back in 2021.

Now in their early 20s, Aiah, Colet, Maloi, Gwen, Stacey, Mikha, Jhoanna, and Sheena have a string of catchy songs under their belt including “Salamin, Salamin,” “Pantropiko” and “Karera,” with the accompanying music videos that have been listened and danced to countless times.

Stylist Ica Villanueva, the group’s visual director, is responsible for whatever the girls wear in public, whether the event is big or small. In an interview with Lifestyle, she talked about how she landed the styling gig, her bid for sustainability, and what she has planned for Bini as the girls grow up and mature. 

Pinoy pride at Paris Fashion Week

Raoul Chee Kee

Filipino design artistry was on display at a one-night event held during Paris Fashion Week last month. To mark its second anniversary, Vogue Philippines chose 23 designers who were instructed to come up with miniature creations that incorporated local weaves or textiles made with natural fibers.

“Primarily, we wanted a representation of the Philippine archipelago for Vogue Threads… a celebration of craft and form,” said Gino Gonzales, who curated the exhibit held at the Palais Galliera.

Gonzales is a well known scenographer and was recently awarded the Gawad Parangal for design and allied arts by the Cultural Center of the Philippines.

“We also limited them to a color palette of ecru or unbleached cotton or linen in shades of amber, camel, gold, copper, and bronze to keep things cohesive… So it’s not just an individual effort but a unified statement.” 

Which country is more Westernized, mixed-blooded and diverse, Indonesia or the Philippines?

Profile photo for Harya Dony Pratama
Harya Dony Pratama
Indonesian, Fanfiction Writer, Work for the govt.
553 following

Interested in culture, people, history and geopolitics.

More Westernized : Philippines

The country has huge amount of English speakers that easily pick up the latest global trend around the world. Also colonial history of Philippines that being colonized by the Spaniard then American that play huge of part of westernized Philippines (if you compare Philippines with its neighboring countries)

Mixed Blooded : Tie

Now when people talk about the Eurasian people in Southeast Asia they think about the entertainment scene, famous people, rich entrepreneurs etc. This is very similar to Latin America countries where the famous people are white, castiza, or with Arab ancestry. At the surface both countries display such mixing but in the real life common people are mostly indigenous who are indeed very diverse among themselves. Now if you are really going into the details, Indonesia have Malay-looking indigenous, Papuan/Melanesian indigenous and people in between who mostly live in Central Indonesia. They would produce different kind of mixed people more than Philippines. I like to mention about the oldest Eurasian community in Southeast Asia which is the Mardjikers or the freed people also known as black Portugese in Batavia now Jakarta.

 They were Asians (Sri Lankan, Indian, Malay) with Iberian heritage. The very first Eurasian people that settled in Southeast Asia in the huge group with distinct culture and language, later when the Dutch set up the biggest European colony in SE Asia in then Dutch East Indies, they slowly merged with newborn and new wave of Eurasians people who got Dutch or West European heritage. The Netherlands was always been a small country with small population, in fact it still is, when they colonized Indonesia they hired Europeans as administrators, soldiers and engineers from various countries like Germany, Norway, Denmark, and many other. This is just an illustration that mixed heritage history in Indonesia and SE Asia has many interesting layers.

More Diverse : Indonesia

One can't deny the fact that Indonesia is a vast country with 17,504 islands scattered from Indian to Pacific ocean, according to Indonesian National Statistics Beareu the country is home for 1,340 ethnic groups ( including Chinese, Arabs & Eurasian) with 742 distinct languages.

 Indonesia is also the biggest home for Chinese oversea worldwide.
