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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Monday, October 15, 2018


My column in BusinessWeek Mindanao

Global hunger relief back-tracking, especially in war zones.

World efforts to lower hunger to zero by 2030 are being negated by warfare and climate change, warn nutritionists. Their latest global index categorizes 51 nations, mainly in Asia and Africa, where hunger is alarming.

It's hard for me and my family to believe and understand  that millions of people worldwide are dying because of hunger. What a crazy world.
Germany's Welthungerhilfe (World Hunger Relief) aid organization published the Global Hunger Index (GHI) in Berlin Thursday, warning that gains made since 2000 have gone into reverse, with 821 million people, many of them children, undernourished.

Zero hunger by 2030 is one of 17 UN-agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Data from 119 countries, including child stunting, was used to calculate the placing of each nation on the GHI scale.

"Without political solutions the battle [against hunger] will not be won," Welthungerhilfe President Bärbel Dieckmann said, adding that the African Union, the UN and the EU were primarily responsible, not non-governmental organizations.

One of the most known reasons of hunger: land losses threaten indigenous communities. Data on undernourishment, child wasting, stunting and mortality, which last decade showed average improvements, began receding early last year.

Warfare as well climate change are the key factors.

"And this is mainly due to war zones: where there are armed conflicts and some areas that are suffering massively from the consequences of climate change.

Yes, it's painful to accept reality, but hunger double in war zones.

Hunger was twice as prevalent in war-torn countries. Drought in eastern Africa, once at 10-yearly intervals, now struck every two years. Corruption and poor governance were also factors.

Worst-placed on the GHI hunger severity index was as we could learn in today's news (October 12, 2018) the Central African Republic - where inter-militia conflict lingers despite a French-led UN intervention - followed by Madagascar, Chad, Zambia and war-torn Yemen.

Sixteen nations exhibiting no improvements and even regressive trends were identified in the data sets from 2016 and 2017 analyzed by the International Food Policy Research Institute, the Irish entity Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe, which is based in Bonn alongside numerous UN agencies including its climate secretariat.

Strong improvements in tackling hunger were, however, recorded in Angola, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Myanmar, said the authors of the GHI report.

Child mortality and undernourishment due to insufficient calorific intake prevailed in Africa south of the Sahara. South Asia exhibited stunting and wasting among children under five, in part due to  lack of essential vitamins and minerals, the report concluded. 

Gerd Müller, federal development aid minister and Bavarian conservative in Chancellor Angela Merkel's Cabinet, the resurgence in world hunger was a "scandal because our planet has the potential to feed all people." Yes, the German minister is very much right. I strongly agree. It's indeed a scandal.

The Honorary Consulate of Hungary in Davao opens

The Honorary Consulate of Hungary in Davao opens

Suddenly, Durianburg is closer to the world with the establishment of the Honorary Consulate of Hungary in Davao in a simple reception last October 12 at the function room of Verdon Parc.
The third Honorary Consulate of Hungary of the Philippines after the establishment of Honorary Consulates in Angeles and Cebu, the new office provides a live local connection between Hungary and the Mindanao region of the Philippines. The establishment of the new Honorary Consulate is part of  The Embassy of Hungary in the Philippines thrust to be closer to the Filipino. Reopened in March 2017, The Embassy of Hungary in the Philippines is bridging a gap of more than 21 years since the closing of the Embassy back in 1995.
Appointed as the new Honorary Consul of Hungary is businesswoman, advocate, mentor, and tourism advocate Mary Ann “Baby” Montemayor.  Well known in local circles, Baby holds several managing director positions in hospitality and tourism industry, supports local and regional arts and crafts, mentors indigenous initiatives and eagerly participates in the bustling business and tourism activities of Davao.
Officiating the ceremony was Ambassador to of Hungary to the Philippines H.E. Ambassador Dr. József Bencze, who previously served as Ambassador of Hungary to Skopje, Macedonia between 2011-2016 and was Hungary’s National Chief of Police between 2007-2010. Ambassador Bencze presented his credentials to President Rodrigo Duterte on 6 December 2016.
In attendance were members of the diplomatic corps including Hon. Li Lin of China, Hon. Endah Yuliarti Farry of Indonesia, Hon. Maria Lourdes Monteverde of Mexico, Hon. Guilbert Go of the Czech Republic, Hon. Klaus Doring of Germany, Hon. Joji Ilagan-Bian of Bangladesh, Hon. Vicente Lao of New Zealand, and Mr. Ariel Decena representing the honorary consul of South Korea; business leaders; friends from the tourism industry; as well as members of the local government unit with Assistant City Administrator Atty. Tristan Dwight Domingo representing Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte.
A toast to warmer Hungary-Philippine relationships and congratulations!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Philippines wins seat in UN Human Rights Council


Posted at Oct 13 2018 01:16 AM | Updated as of Oct 13 2018 06:22 AM
The Philippine Delegation to the United Nations led by Permanent Representative Teodoro T. Locsin Jr. with Maria Fernanda Espinosa, President of the UN General Assembly, after the Philippines won its bid for a seat in the UN Human Rights Council during elections in New York on Friday. Handout
MANILA (UPDATED) The Philippines on Friday won a seat at the United Nations Human Rights Council despite strong opposition from an international human rights group, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said.
The Philippines garnered 165 votes of 192 votes cast by member-states, the DFA said in a statement.
With the victory, the Philippines will get to serve another three-year term in the 47-member Council based in Geneva from 2019 to 2021.
“Our election to another term in the Human Rights Council would not have been possible without the support of other UN Member-States who clearly understood where we are coming from,” DFA Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano said, after he was informed of the election results by Philippine Permanent Representative to the UN Teddy Locsin, Jr.
The New York-based Human Rights Watch earlier said the Philippines, along with Eritrea, should not be given seats at the council because of its "egregious human rights records."
“Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte’s abusive ‘war on drugs’ has been a killing frenzy that has left thousands dead. In Eritrea, the authorities persecute and jail government critics and force citizens into indefinite national service," the group said in a statement.
At least 4,854 drug suspects have been killed in police anti-drug operations, but human rights groups and government critics said the figure is understated.
The Philippine government has several times denied involvement in summary killings, saying drug suspects slain in police anti-drug operations had put up violent resistance.
Malacañang, meanwhile, has defended the Duterte administration’s human rights track record.
“Our successful bid to keep our seat in the Council is proof that many in the international community remain convinced the Philippines respects and protects human rights and have seen through the efforts of some to politicize and weaponize the issue,” Cayetano said in a statement. 
He described it as "a vindication of President Duterte’s campaign against illegal drugs".
Aside from the Philippines, the other Member-States elected by the General Assembly were Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Czech Republic, Denmark, Eritrea, Fiji, India, Italy, Somalia, Togo, and Uruguay.
The Philippines is serving a fresh three-year term in the Council after its election in 2015. It is serving as Vice President representing the Asia-Pacific Group, according to the DFA. The Philippines first served in the Council from 2007 to 2009 and then from 2012 to 2014.
Philippine Permanent Representative to the UN Teddy Locsin, Jr. and Maria Fernanda Espinosa, President of the UN General Assembly. DFA handout​
Hours before the vote, Cayetano lashed out at HRW and other non-government organizations.
He accused human rights groups of criticizing the human rights record of the Philippines "in order to solicit more funds from donors", according to the DFA statement.
“Why moral bankruptcy? Katulad ngayon, budget season sa Europe. Kaya sila maingay, kasi gusto lang kumuha ng additional budget,” he said. “If you want to talk human rights, we’re here. Upuan natin. But [if] you just want to criticize us from afar and don’t want to give solutions, and just keep saying kayo tama kami mali, it’s helping no one except you and your finances." 
Cayetano, who is leaving the DFA to run as congressman of Taguig in the 2019 elections, also took a swipe at Iceland, which has criticized the Duterte administration's campaign against illegal drugs.
“Even yung pinakamaingay sa atin na Iceland. Alam mo ang number one problema ng Iceland sa human rights? It’s domestic violence,” Cayetano claimed. “Ang ingay-ingay nila sa atin. Samantalang ang sa kanila the kind of violence is at home, which is the worst kind of violence kasi your home is supposed to be your castle.” 
Locsin is set to replace Cayetano as DFA secretary.
The Philippines' seat was virtually assured in Asia Pacific regional group, because there were only five countries vying for the five seats

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Shabu floods Metro Manila streets and prices drop

Romina Cabrera (The Philippine Star)

MANILA, Philippines — While prices of basic commodities have been rising, the cost of methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu has dropped by more than a third as a ton of the drug that slipped into the country through magnetic lifters has “flooded” the streets of Metro Manila, according to the head of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA).

PDEA director general Aaron Aquino, in an interview with “The Chiefs” on Cignal TV’s OneNews, said shabu prices are now at their lowest at P1,600 to P2,000 per gram in the National Capital Region.

Shabu prices in Metro Manila peaked at P6,800 per gram at the height of the government’s war against illegal drugs, but prices have gone down as the P6.8-shabu shipment that made its way to a warehouse in Cavite is now circulating on the streets.

“It just shows (that) there is too much supply. Prices have gone down since the discovery of the magnetic lifters. The shabu is now on the streets, being used,” Aquino said in a mix of English and Filipino.

Aquino said there are indications that the shabu shipment was downloaded only in Metro Manila as shabu prices in adjacent regions, Central Luzon (Region 3) and Calabarzon (Region 4-A), remain high.

The PDEA chief earlier said they were able to track down the shipment but operatives were only able to recover a kilogram of shabu, as well as plastic, aluminum foil and other wrappings used to hide the drug.

Aquino said the P6.8-billion shabu shipment should not be denied by the Bureau of Customs (BOC), whose leadership claimed that the empty magnetic lifters did not contain drugs as these allegedly tested negative during a swab test.

Aquino also hit BOC Commissioner Isidro Lapeña’s for not ordering a full-blown investigation on the shipment.

“Never did I hear the commissioner (warn) that he will sack his employees (or) he will conduct a full-blown investigation on (who facilitated entry of) these particular magnetic lifters, which got out of customs. I never heard that,” Aquino added.

Aquino said he has talked to President Duterte and cleared up their contradicting statements when the Chief Executive said the presence of shabu in the empty magnetic lifters was “pure speculation.”

The National Bureau of Investigation is probing three individuals who figured in the controversial shipment, namely former PDEA deputy director general for administration Ismael Fajardo, BOC intelligence officer Jimmy Guban and dismissed Senior Supt. Eduardo Acierto.

Aquino said they are waiting for the committee report of Congress before charges are filed against the suspects.

A most down-to-earth book

When tragedy strikes, it's easy to harden our hearts and cry out, "God, why did you let this happen?" Maybe then, we started praying. Before, when everything goes smooth, we would not even think a minute about praying... .

"To be a Christian without prayer, "said Martin Luther, "is no more possible than to be alive without breathing." Prayer is the only way of becoming what God wants us to be. This is the reason, why Jesus spent many hours in praying.

Unquestionable, our needs bring us to a place of prayer. Confronted with danger or tragedies, as I mentioned earlier, we look for God's help. Difficult times always cause the hearts of men to turn to God into prayer. 

Let me ask you: How long has it been since your're brought your burdens to God? Since you asked His forgiveness for your shortcomings? 

In his very interesting book "People in Prayer", Dr. John White reminds us that prayer is a divine-human interaction and it is always God who takes the initiative. White write: "God speaks and we respond. God is always speaking. To hear his voice is not usually a mystical experience. It consists merely of a willingness to pay heed to God who lays a claim to our lives."

Yes, God always speaks. It is up to us whether we will listen and respond to Him. Many think we are the ones who initiate prayer. But prayers begin and end with God. 

There was a time, I wasn't in the mood to pray any more. It seemed that God didn't listen my prayer any more. I didn't get what I prayed for. Of course, not... ! That's not the meaning of praying to God. All my wishes will be granted? Heaven forbid!

Sometimes, after we have prayed, God's answers may puzzle us. But as time times goes by and as events unfold we see God's purpose in his answers. We might get a larger vision, what HE likes. Not what WE like... .

Think about it for a moment" How does the idea that prayer begins and ends with God affect me now? Do I have the habit of listening to god? How do I respond to Him? How do I usually pray?

I confess that long time ago I have been trying to persuade God to change other people in my surroundings or circumstances. Nothing changed. Of course not, what a fatal attraction? I got confused because God never granted my requests. Meanwhile I got God's answers to my prayers. Maybe very simple: I was willing to let God change me... .This is how each one of us should start. Happy endings. Because I prayed according to His will... .

Talking about prayer, we also have to mention the probably most down-earth book in the bible which is  Proverbs. Its education prepares you for the street and the marketplace, not the schoolroom The book offers the warm advice you get by growing up in a good family. It covers small questions as well as large: talking too much, visiting neighbors to often, being unbearable cheerful to early in the morning. Proverbs simply tells how life works most of the time. 

I always love to quote proverbs, which express truth about life in an elegant, witty kernel. You should not hunt through it for proverbs you might like. You should study the whole book to get its overall point of view. This takes time, for Proverbs covers dozens of subjects in the subtle detail.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Philippines ready to help disaster-hit Indonesia

INDONESIA. Residents take a bath amidst remains of toppled homes and structures at the earthquake and tsunami-hit Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia on Friday Oct. 5, 2018. As the sun slipped behind the mountains and a gentle breeze blew onshore, hundreds of people gathered on an Indonesian beach Friday to chant a Muslim prayer and remember those they lost one week after a massive earthquake and tsunami ravaged the area, killing more than 1,500 people. (AP)

THE Philippines has expressed its sympathies to Indonesia, following the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that killed over 1,500 in Sulawesi Island.

President Rodrigo Duterte assured disaster-stricken Indonesia that it would receive assistance from the Philippine Government.

“The Filipino nation extends its most sincere sympathies to our Indonesian brothers and sisters affected by the recent earthquake and tsunami,” the Chief Executive said in a statement released Friday, October 5.

“The Philippines stands with Indonesia during this most difficult time and is ready to provide assistance to Indonesia,” he added.

“The Philippines will do its part, no matter how modest, to help ensure that the challenges Indonesia currently faces, will be overcome,” he stressed. (SunStar Philippines)

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Pia Wurtzbach first Filipina figure in Tussauds Hong Kong

By: Helen Flores (The Philippine Star)

MANILA, Philippines — Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach will join other famous celebrities who have wax models in Madame Tussauds Hong Kong.

Wurtzbach is the first Filipino to get a wax figure at Madame Tussauds, a wax museum that first opened in London over 200 years ago.

The beauty queen announced on Instagram that her figure would be available for viewing starting next year.

“When I found out, I was so excited. I couldn’t believe it! In my head, this is something that only happens to big stars,” Wurtzbach said.

“I go to Madame Tussauds, so I know what it’s like and how fun it is there. And now, thinking that I’m going to be one of them, I’m very honored, I’m very grateful and I can’t wait to see it,” she said.

Wurtzbach recently went through the measurement process – also known as a “sitting” – for her wax figure, with a team from London.

“It was really quite a process and it’s so high tech! One second they were only taking a photo of my face then next thing I know, I see my face from different angles so instantly. It’s amazing,” she said.

Wurtzbach will be joining the likes of Taylor Swift, Jackie Chan and Choi Siwon.

Madame Tussauds HK described Wurtzbach as “a queen in every definition of the word.”

Wurtzbach’s wax figure will be joining those of the greatest from around the world throughout history in 2019, it said.

Madame Tussauds general manager Jenny You said Wurtzbach’s inclusion in the famous museum is their way of showing their appreciation to the Filipino community living and visiting Hong Kong.

“With Pia’s sweet, positive and fun personality, we really could not have imagined having anyone but her to represent the Philippines in this way and what better way to share this milestone but on her birthday?” You said in a statement.

Wurtzbach’s victory became controversial after host Steve Harvey initially announced the wrong winner of the Miss Universe 2015 pageant.

Madame Tussauds has opened museums in major cities all over the world. – Charmie Joy Pagulong

Standing by myself?

My column in Mindanao Daily and BusinessWeek Mindanao

While being a columnist of "Tinig ng Bayan" (published in Abra) during the 1980's, I even remember nowadays Taiwanese coordinator Cristina Lising-Geronga, who expressed herself in innumerable write ups about the topic loneliness. Sure, "Tinig ng Bayan" has been a publication or Filipinos abroad. Loneliness, borne by Filipinos living abroad while missing their families in the Philippines became a very "normal" expression.

During that time my late mentor Monsignor Professor Dr. Dr. Hermogenes E. Bacareza, Chaplain of the Philippine Community in Berlin, started together with me publishing "Ang Mabuhay". Believe me, "loneliness" became a main topic in many write-ups.

How comes that loneliness is still a general topic in so many families nowadays all over the globe? 

Loneliness has been called one of the main diseases of this and last century. It really doesn't strike not only the Filipinos abroad and their love ones back home. Too often loneliness is being followed by alcoholism, drug abuse and even suicide. Yes, loneliness becomes a modern day plague.  I observed several people trying to surround themselves with so-called "friends" only to find that such relationships are often shallow and unsatisfying.

Loneliness can be painful but being lonely or alone at that is not always a bad thing. Ask yourself, how do  you use your time, if you are really alone? Do you simply let the time pass without doing anything  at all? Why not use such time productively? There are many worthwhile activities to engage in, even if you are alone, such as reading, writing, listen to good (light) music, play an (forgotten?) instrument, gardening... .

Reading the bible can be also very particularly beneficial.  The Word of God is "alive and exerts power" and can take our minds off ourselves. 

To break the cycle of loneliness, one must be a giver. Let's keep an eye, not only and always on our personal interests but also on the interests others. Look around and watch out who needs help, or who needs a real friend or good listener. Once you have spotted such a person, act! Thus, in order to have friends, you must act like a friend. Luke 6:38 says, "Give to others, and God will give to you!" Besides, "There is more happiness (and less loneliness) in giving then receiving", says Acts 20:35.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Comval Governor Uy delivered his 2nd SOPA

Compostela Valley Governor Jayvee Tyron Uy delivered his second State of the Province Address (SOPA) on Tuesday, September 18 at Monkayo Dome, Comval.
Gov. Uy reported the province’s accomplishment in line with his “One Comval, One vision” highlivghting the4Ps of his administration; Planet, Prosperity, People and Peace.
In planet, the governor centered his speech in the effort done by the province in partnership with the Municipal Local Government Units and other partners in regards to the environment. One of which is the ongoing rehabilitation of the Diwalwal.
“Amid all the talks and noises covering this issue, let me restate my official position: Our priority is the rehabilitation of the Diwalwal,” the governor said.
With all the problems surrounding the shortage of rice supply, Gov. Uy proudly shared that Comval is 98% rice sufficient as drawn from the report of nine (9) rice-producing municipalities. In fact, the province is a consistent recipient of Department of Agriculture’s Rice Achiever Award.
For people, he mentioned the programs of the province that are innovative and participatory. The success of the Bayanihan Para saKalusugan – KusinangKalinga (BPsK – KnK) program had inspired the province to bring the BPsK-KnK into a new level. The PLGU plans to conduct a universal feeding, wherein elementary pupils, regardless of their nutritional status will be fed for 120 days during lunchtime in five pilot areas in the province, namely; Upper Ulip ES in Pantukan, Anagase ES in Monkayo, Lono-Lono ES in Mawab, LS Sarmiento ES in Laak and Libuak ES in Maco. The activity is set on October, this year.
The province peace agenda covers two important pursuits, the reduction of crime and curbing agency. The PLGU continue to strengthen the anti-drug abuse councils of every LGU and actively worked for the social and economic reforms in the geographically isolated and disadvantaged communities.
The governor ended his SOPA giving thanks and acknowledging the people behind the province’s achievements and encouraging his fellow public servant, particularly the Sangguniang Panlalawigan members to continuewhat they have started.
“Victories should not stop. It should continue. I intend to keep the bayanihan spirit alive to witness more victories. I intend to keep the vision of our province to see more triumphs. I intend to connect and reach out to more people. I intend to keep the unity. I intend to bring more peace, deliver more progress and change more lives. So that by the time that we rename our province’s name to Davao de Oro by next year, we will be stronger than before,” he said.(Sheldane Mahinay// ID Comval)

Compostela Valley Governor Jayvee Tyron Uy delivered his second State of the Province Address (SOPA) on Tuesday, September 18 at Monkayo Dome, Comval. the SOPA centered on the province’s accomplishment in line with his “One Comval, One vision” highlighting the4Ps of his administration; Planet, Prosperity, People and Peace. (Maryel Lasaca// ID Comval)

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mango Trees are blooming

Blooming mango trees in my garden ...

Let's wait and pray for another good harvest ...

Comval holds HIV Summit 2018

By Rey Antibo

Compostela Valley Province--- The provincial government through the Provincial Health Office (PHO) in partnership with the Department of Health (DOH) holds HIV Summit 2018 with the theme: “Right to Health, Getting to Zero, Ends Aids,” on September 7, 2018 at the Social Hall, Capitol Building, Cabidianan, Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province.

Attending the summit were the officials from the PHO headed by Dr. Antonio P. Ybiernas Jr.,- PG Department Head, Placido Alcomendras Jr.- Assistant Provincial Administrator representing Governor Jayvee Tyron L. Uy, and Atty. Niel John A. Villarico – OIC Provincial Legal Officer.

Dr. Ybiernas explained about the difference between Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

According to Ybiernas that “HIV is a person that has the virus in the body with no symptoms, it depends on the immune system to combat the virus while AIDS is a person already with the disease, having problems with lungs, with the immune system, the person is very sick because of the huge amount of the virus.”

Also present during the event were the different youth associations of the province as well as the LGBT group, high school and college students with the Municipal Health officers and employees of the Rural Health Units (RHU).

Meanwhile, Raffy Ardemil from Cagayan De Oro City a person living with HIV (PLHIV) shares his experience of fighting HIV for almost 3 years of survival.

He also inspired others to undergo HIV counseling and testing to prevent future damage for those who have risky behavior and with multiple partners.

He encouraged others by helping his advocacy and the society and willing to commit for the HIV and AIDS Advocacy program.

Ardemil challenged the participants to hug him in person because a PLHIV needs a hug.

“Let’s fight HIV not a person living with HIV,” Ardemil said.

During the program, the RHUs HIV counselors and representatives shares their best practices on how to prevent and control the HIV as well as a Lecture on Republic Act 8504 also known as the Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 by Atty. Villarico.

The presentation of Strategies Formulated during the Breakout Sessions of the 11 municipalities was also held with the Signing of the Pledge of Commitment, Message of Commitment and Support by the partners and the awarding of Certificate of Appreciation was also done. (Rey Antibo, ID Comval)

Blogger apologizes to deaf community ...

... over latest controversial video with Mocha

By: (philstar.com) 

MANILA, Philippines — Blogger Andrew Olivar apologized on Monday for making fun of deaf people on his latest video with Presidential Communications Assistant Secretary Mocha Uson.

"Binababa ko po sarili ko, nagpapakumbaba. Alam ko mahirap, alam ko mali ako e. Hindi ako magri-reason out. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry po. Patawarin nyo po ako sa pagiging insensitive ko, sa pagiging childish ko," Olivar said in a Facebook post, which generated more than 58,000 views on its first two hours.

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"Humihingi po ako ng tawad po sa mga (sic) deaf community," he added.

The video was also shared by Uson on her Facebook account, with a caption, "Sorry po."

Uson and Olivar drew flak for their latest video uploaded last Thursday and which was viewed as highly offensive of the deaf community.

The video starred Olivar and Uson promoting their new radio show. At the start of the video, Uson, who was taking the video, can be heard laughing on the background after Olivar obliged to mimic the sign language at her directions.

"Para kang unggoy diyan," Uson told Olivar in the video after the latter's attempt to do the sign language.

Several quarters, including Sen. Nancy Binay, have criticized Uson and Olivar for the video.

"Hindi nakakatuwa ang huling video ni Asec. Mocha Uson at Drew Olivar. It is disrespectful to the sizable deaf/mute community who already struggle in airing their concerns and aspirations," Binay said in a statement.

In his apology, Olivar claimed to be an advocate of persons with disabilities and said he "was also hurt" by the video he helped made since he also has friends who are suffering from disabilities.

"Yung sorry siguro nakakapagpagaan ng loob, pero 'di nakakatama ng mali. Nasa sa inyo na po kung ano pong desisyon niyo. Kung tatanggapin niyo po ito," Olivar said.

This was not the first time that Uson and Olivar drew flak for their videos. In August, the duo was slammed for making fun of the federalism campaign, a key initiative of President Rodrigo Duterte to spread economic wealth concentrated in Metro Manila towards the provinces.

The now infamous video has been dubbed as "Pepederalismo," a play of the words involving women's private parts and federalism. It was coined from Olivar's lewd dance in the video, with the lyrics: "Ipepe-dede-ralismo!"

Uson, a former sexy star, was slapped with a "written reminder" regarding ethical standards applicable to public officials. Two weeks ago, Duterte himself said that Uson, who has been his supporter since his presidential campaign, went overboard.

Pop icons Tiffany and Debbie Gibson bring the party to Manila

By: (philstar.com) 

(As released) Oscar Wilde once said that the secret to remaining young is to have an inordinate amount of passion for pleasure. Others claim that music—older songs, in particular—are memories that can take you back instantly to a place where you'll forever be youthful.
Luckily enough, two of the biggest female pop music icons and worldwide musical chart-toppers from the 80s are heading to Philippine shores this third quarter of 2018 to kick-start both the memories and the good times. Tiffany and Debbie Gibson are bringing the party to us! And we know you and the entire young-at-heart gang are going to get a kick out of this "electrified" and "so beautiful" stroll down memory lane.
Happening on September 15 at the SM Mall of Asia Arena, this is a show for the entire family and for people of all ages who take having fun very seriously.
The sing-alongs from the Filipino audience are expected to be massive, since there are literally so many hits to choose from: Debbie Gibson's smash power ballads ("Lost In Your Eyes," "Sure," "No More Rhyme," "Foolish Beat" "Only In My Dreams") and dance-infused anthems (like "Electric Youth," "Shake Your Love," "Anything Is Possible" and "We Could Be Together…") and Tiffany's characteristically pensive and heartbreaking love songs like "All This Time," "If Love Is Blind," "Hearts Never Lie," "It's The Lover" and retro-tastic pop radio singles like "I Think We're Alone Now" and "Radio Romance."
It's the perfect match, as both Gibson and Tiffany – despite coming from the same era of radio-friendly anthems and despite the rumored rivalry from years ago – are finally teaming-up for their legion of loyal Pinoy music fans, and are respectively bringing their A-game of musical style and swagger. After all, it is THE musical spectacle that took over three decades in the making!
Produced and presented by Random Minds (one of the country's premier concert and events companies), "Debbie Gibson and Tiffany: Live in Manila" is definitely the hottest ticket in town for music fans who will forever be young-at-heart and still know how to have a good time.
It's the chance to show the kids how it was done back in the day. After all whoever says adults can no longer "party like it's 1989" is about to be proven wrong in a major way! If you're that cool parent, or tito/tita, who always buys tickets for your kids to shows, this time, it's your time!
We guarantee that this is one show you do NOT want to miss! Tickets are now on sale at all SM Tickets Outlets, and for inquiries, their hotline is (02) 470-2222. And for details and information on the latest and best shows in the country, don't forget to follow @RandomMindsInc on Facebook and @RandomMindsPH on Twitter and Instagram.
"Tiffany and Debbie Gibson Live in Manila" is presented by Random Minds with Solaire Resort and Casino, and CTK Inc with official media partners.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Assertions to bear

My today's column in Mindanao Daily Mirror

We love to complain! Many times we don't have reasons at all to do so - but, we love to complain. Especially nowadays. Our world is full of mess - isn't it? Of course, somehow it is indeed if you look around.

We bring many more assertions to bear: first, in the past we have been thriftier and economical, more religious and devout, more patriotic, industrious, more hard-working, keen and obedient. And, second, above everything and all: in the past we had more idealists. Third, nowadays we have (mostly?) material things in mind - what a disgrace. 

Materialists or idealists? Materialism or Idealism? Whom or what do you love? Love most?

I just quoted Vox Populi... .

A "materialist" has indeed become a swearword. I don't mean with "material" the accumulated data out of which a writer creates a work of literary, historical, or scientific value. A materialist is being easily described as someone with an attitude, who ignores spiritual values, compared with an idealist, who has the tendency to seek the highest spiritual perfection.

Idealism means the doctrine that appearance is purely the perception, the idea of subjects, and that the world is to be regarded as consisting of mind. The coquetry of higher philosophy makes it difficult to bear the ups and downs in our daily life.

Sure, we all know, that "our last earthly dress has no pockets  any more". Striving for earthly and terrestrial possession, property and estate might be the hit-man of idealism. That's how we have been taught. "Wine, women and song", having the unpleasant feeling of fullness, egoism and bragging as well as showing-off - are these the materialist's real attitudes?

Is the idealist, many times not being able stand on earth with both feet, the only one who occupies himself with religion and virtuousness - so to speak, with celestial and heavenly things? Is that really so? Can we make such a distinction? Sure, it's easy to so so: it's manageable and comfortable. But well, why is the enjoyment having a tasty meal BAD, and listening a recital composed by Johann Sebastian Bach BETTER? Why should art be better than roasted pork and a bottle of wine? Value judgements and moral concepts... .

Owning a house and lot and a car  - or even more then one - are earthly properties, as well as bank saving accounts, profitable insurances, and invest advantageously stocks. Is a terrible underpaid nurse or a book author an idealist, because he or she doesn't work for the filthy lure but for higher values? 

Has Jesus been an idealist, because He accepted renunciation and died without terrestrial possession? Has Jesus been a materialist, because He fed thousands of people on the breadline? Are we idealists, if we bequeath nothing to our families and might die without a single centavo, because earthly things are bad?

Worth to think about it ... .