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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Palawan's Ed Nido under rehabilitation

Robertzon Ramirez (The Philippine Star)

No total shutdown; 22 establishments closed

MANILA, Philippines — After Boracay, the government has launched a rehabilitation program for another top tourist destination, the resort town of El Nido in Palawan.
The rehabilitation starts with the shutdown of 22 tourism-oriented establishments found violating various environmental laws, including being built too close to the  sea, Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat said yesterday.

Unlike in Boracay, however, there will be no total shutdown of El Nido, where several of the high-end resorts of Palawan are located.
The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) urged the government to study carefully the proposal to close tourist spots in El Nido and Coron in Palawan for rehabilitation.
Puyat told a press conference in Quezon City that although a total closure of El Nido may not be necessary, the government is looking at the possibility of imposing limits on the number of tourists to be allowed in the resort town. 
“The local government in El Nido, Palawan said they closed 22 establishments,” Puyat said.
Local officials of El Nido met yesterday with Puyat, Natural Resources Secretary Roy Cimatu and Secretary Eduardo Año of the Department of the Interior and Local Government at the DILG office in Quezon City. 
Their three departments were tasked to rehabilitate Boracay when it was closed to tourists at the height of the travel season this year. 
Boracay was shut down in April and reopened on Oct. 26.
Puyat said the Palawan Interagency Task Force composed of DOT, DENR and DILG is set to conduct rehabilitation efforts for El Nido to prevent the looming pollution problem from getting worse.
Yesterday, the task force started its consultation with stakeholders and the local government of El Nido to chart the course of action in rehabilitating the town.
Año said what will be discussed or agreed upon in the series of meetings with the local government, environmental organizations and others will be the basis of the recommendation that the Palawan Task Force will submit to President Duterte.
The President had previously ordered the six-month total closure of Boracay in Aklan province, to give way to rehabilitation following massive water pollution and waste disposal problems.
Año said the overcrowding situation in El Nido is not as massive as it was in Boracay, thus the total closure of the town to tourists while undergoing rehabilitation may not be necessary. 
“With the help of the local government units, we can also come up with a security task force to guard El Nido. It has 45 islands and we must secure all of those if we want to preserve El Nido as a top tourist destination,” he added.
For his part, Environment Secretary Cimatu said he had already ordered an increased presence of DENR personnel in El Nido and the nearby municipality of Coron, to ensure environmental compliance of business establishments operating at the two tourists destinations.
“We have to be very strict in El Nido and Coron. We will dedicate a big portion of the DENR presence there to focus on environmental compliance,” Cimatu said.
Cimatu said ensuring the environmental compliance of the business establishments, particularly when it comes to the disposal of their solid and water wastes, is among the aspects of Task Force Palawan’s rehabilitation program.
“We are still finalizing the timeline for the rehabilitation program, but there will be three aspects. The environmetal compliance aspect, the DILG aspect which involves the issue of business permits and building constructions, and the tourism side,” Cimatu said.
As far as the meeting is concerned, Puyat said she is pushing local government officials to create a local ordinance that would limit the number of boats entering the lagoon. 
Puyat said the officials have promised to implement the ordinance by December this year. 

Dialogue for rehab

PCCI said the government should hold a dialogue with key stakeholders to map out rehabilitation plans before considering the closure of resorts.
In addition, the PCCI said concerned local government units should take a more proactive role in identifying and cleaning up their respective illegal waste disposal and sewer problems instead of waiting for the national government to come in and intervene.
“Closing El Nido and Coron will not be good for business, particularly for the legitimate industry stakeholders who will suffer the most from cancellation of bookings and reservations for the coming months,” PCCI said.
It added the move would affect the local communities and many jobs.
Instead, the group said the government should shut down or impose heavy fines only on establishments that are proven to have committed violations of environmental codes.
PCCI also said erring officials should be charged or removed from office.
About a million tourists visit Palawan every year, with the bulk going to El Nido and Coron.
Tourist arrivals in El Nido in particular reached 200,000 last year.
Given the six-month closure of Boracay island for rehabilitation, tourist arrivals in El Nido are expected to be higher this year.

No weapons

Meanwhile, Malacañang yesterday defended Duterte’s decision to bar other countries from stockpiling weapons in Palawan, saying it would protect the province from being a “flaming collateral damage” in case conflict escalates in the South China Sea. 
Last week, Duterte said he would not allow other countries to store firearms or ammunition in Palawan, the western Philippine province nearest to the disputed areas in the South China Sea. 
Duterte, who has been accused of being soft on China on the maritime row, has said there is a “great risk” that Palawan might be caught in the crossfire between feuding parties in the area. He has also stressed that the Philippines is not ready for a war over the disputed areas.
Reacting to Duterte’s pronouncement, American analyst Anders Corr said the restriction would leave Palawan militarily vulnerable to China’s advantage.
But presidential spokesman Salvador Panelo maintained that Duterte’s decision reflects the Philippine leader’s “acumen and diplomacy in dealing with the issue.”
“The President has embarked on a cautious, pragmatic, diplomatic yet independent stand on how to deal with the favorable arbitral ruling. The President has a wealth of information at his disposal, which is not readily available to ordinary citizens or foreigners, hence he is in the best position to decide on international matters that affect the welfare of the nation,” Panelo said.  – With Elizabeth Marcelo, Louella Desiderio, Alexis Romero, Catherine Talavera

Monday, November 12, 2018

Should we really stop flying?

Since more then 50 years, I used to be a frequent flyer. I almost visited 106 countries worldwide. We all know (and please count me in!)  that climate change is happening – but there are plenty of things individuals can do to help mitigate it. Here’s your handy guide to the most effective strategies.

In a new report published in September 2018, according to Diego Arguedas Oritz, the world’s leading climate scientists made their starkest warning so far: our current actions are not enough for us to meet our target of 1.5C of warming. We need to do more. No question about it. 

It’s settled science that climate change is real, and we’re starting to see some of the ways that it affects us. It increases the likelihood of flooding in Miami and elsewhere, threatens the millions of people living along the Brahmaputra River in north-eastern India and even disrupts the sex life of plants and animals.

So we don’t need to ask whether climate change is happening – or whether humans are causing it. Instead, we need to ask: “what can we do?” Or is it really already too late?

What is the single most important thing humanity has to do in the coming years – and what does that mean for me?

The number one goal? Limiting the use of fossil fuels such as oil, carbon and natural gas and replacing them with renewable and cleaner sources of energy, all while increasing energy efficiency. “We need to cut Co2 emissions almost in half (45%) by the end of the next decade,” says Kimberly Nicholas, associate professor of sustainability science at the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), in Sweden.

The number one goal is to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources.

The road towards that transition includes daily decisions within your reach – like driving and flying less, switching to a ‘green’ energy provider and changing what you eat and buy.

Of course, it’s true that climate change won’t be solved by your buying or driving habits alone – although many experts agree these are important, and can influence others to make changes too (more on that later). Other changes are needed that can only be made on a bigger, system-wide basis – like revamping our subsidy system for the energy and food industries, which continue to reward fossil fuels, or setting new rules and incentives for sectors like farming, deforestation and waste management.

Changing how industries are run or subsidised doesn’t sound like anything I can influence... can we?

We can. Individuals need to exercise their rights both as citizens and as consumers. Putting pressure on our governments and on companies to make the system-wide changes that are needed.

Another way, increasingly undertaken by universities, faith groups and recently even at a countrywide level, is to ‘divest’ funds out of polluting activities – such as avoiding stocks in fossil fuels, or banks that invest in high-emission industries. By getting rid of financial instruments related to the fossil fuel industry, organisations can both take climate action and reap economic benefits. 

Other than that, what’s the best daily action I can take?

One 2017 study co-authored by Lund University’s Nicholas ranked 148 individual actions on climate change according to their impact. Going car-free was the number-one most effective action an individual could take (except not having kids – but more on that on that later). Cars are more polluting compared to other means of transportation like walking, biking or using public transport.

One ranking found that going car-free is the most effective action one person can take 

In industrialized countries such as European nations, getting rid of your car can reduce 2.5 tonnes of Co2 – about one-fourth of the average yearly emissions (9.2 tonnes) contributed by each person in developed countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

I read about it again and again: Solar energy is now the cheapest source of electricity for many households. Why can't I apply for it in the Philippines?

The cost of utility-scale solar panels has fallen 73% since 2010, for example, making solar energy the cheapest source of electricity for many households in Latin America, Asia and Africa.  In the UK, onshore wind and solar are competitive with gas and by 2025 will be the cheapest source of electricity generation.

Some critics argue that these prices disregard the price of integrating renewables on the electricity system – but recent evidence suggests these costs are ‘modest’ and manageable for the grid.

The main question is this: Could I make a difference by changing my diet?

That’s a big one, too. In fact, after fossil fuels, the food industry – and in particular the meat and dairy sector – is one of the most important contributors to climate change. If cattle were their own nation, they would be the world’s third largest emitter of greenhouse gases, after China and the US.

Back to my previous question: How harmful are my/our flying habits?

Planes run on fossil fuels, and we haven’t figured out a scaleable alternative. Although some early efforts to use solar panels to fly around the world have had success, we are still decades away from commercial flights running on solar energy.

A normal transatlantic round-trip flight can release around 1.6 tonnes of CO2 – almost as much as the average yearly emissions of one person in India.

A normal transatlantic round-trip flight can release around 1.6 tonnes of CO2, according to Nicholas’s study – almost as much as the average yearly emissions of one person in India. This also highlights the inequality of climate change: while everyone will be affected, only a minority of humans fly and even fewer people take planes often.

But if I eat less meat or take fewer flights, that’s just me – how much of a difference can that really make?

Actually, it’s not just you. Social scientists have found that when one person makes a sustainability-oriented decision, other people do too.

Here are four examples:

Patrons at a US cafe who were told that 30% of Americans had started eating less meat were twice as likely to order a meatless lunch.

An online survey showed that of the respondents who know someone who had given up flying because of climate change, half of them said they flew less as a result.

In California, households were more likely to install solar panels in neighbourhoods that already have them.
Community organisers trying to get people to install solar panels were 62% more successful in their efforts if they had panels in their house too.

Social scientists believe this occurs because we constantly evaluate what our peers are doing and we adjust our beliefs and actions accordingly. When people see their neighbors taking environmental action, like conserving energy, they infer that people like them also value sustainability and feel more compelled to act.

What if I just can’t avoid that flight, or cut down on driving?

If you simply can’t make every change that’s needed, consider offsetting your emissions with a trusted green project – not a ‘get out of jail free card’, but another resource in your toolbox to compensate that unavoidable flight or car trip. The UN Climate Convention keeps a portfolio of dozens of projects around the world you can contribute to. To find out how many emissions you need to ‘buy’ back, you can use its handy carbon footprint calculator.

Whether you are a coffee farmer in Colombia, a rice farmer in the Philippines, or a homeowner in California, climate change will have an impact on your life. But the opposite is also true: your actions will influence the planet for the coming decades – for better or for worse.

ComVal hosts biggest women gathering in Davao

The members of the Philippine Federation of Local Councils of Women (PFLCW) convened at SMX Convention Center, Davao City for the council’s 16th General Assembly on Nov. 7 – 9, 2018.
Hosted by the Provincial Women Development Council of Compostela Valley Province, this year’s gathering bears the theme, “Strengthening Women Leadership in the Locality.” It aims to support the development of women leaders at the local level and attain common visions of various women’s group in the country.
“Dapat meron tayong strong women na nandoon talaga sa grassroots because they are the one who’s there and we will be the one to help address the issues existing in their locality,” said Ms. Lim.
Ms. Sholai Lim, the PWDC chair of Comval and PFLCW Vice-President for Mindanao emphasized the importance of strengthening the women leaders in the grassroots level. This way, identifying and addressing the issues that exist in their own localities would be much easier.
“That is why we are bringing this event here in Davao city, together with our leaders from all over the country, more than the friendship more than the links that we can actually get from attending seminar or assembly like these, what we really want here is for our women to learn,” she added.
The PFLCW is the biggest network of women’s organization with a total membership of about 500 groups compose of more than 50,000 women from government organizations, non-government organizations, people’s organizations and private sectors. It is the national coordinating body of all the local councils of women in mainstreaming gender and development (GAD) in pursuit of women empowerment, gender equality, social justice, lasting peace, fulfillment and protection of human rights and sustainable development.
“Nong itinayo natin ang PFLCW, ang atin pong hinahangad ay ma empowered ang mga kababaihan especially sa economics,” said Ms. Myrna Yao, the founding chairperson of PFLCW.
The assembly focused on the topics on Women in Climate Change, The Role of LGUs in Peace Building, Introduction of Information and Technology, Utilization of Social Media and Technological Advancement, Digitalization of Government Departments Processes, Growing MSME through Technology, Women’s Human Rights and Strengthening Women Leadership in the Locality.
Sen. Cynthia Villar, Atty. Harry Roque, Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio and Mayor Lani Mercado-Revilla were among those who graced the event.
The Fellowship Night, hosted by the City Tourism of Davao and the Governors Unity Night hosted by the provincial government of Comval showcases the city’s and province’s rich culture and tourism.
To add, the council unveiled the new PFLCW logo and launched the PFLCW application. The PFLCW app is an innovative mobile app that geared towards women development.

Its features include the inspiring stories of Filipino women who made it at the top of their chosen fields. Women Helpline, a directory of Provincial Police Offices' Women and Children Protection Desk contact numbers are also available in the app. WCPDs are open 24/7 to accept calls for assistance on any committed abuses concerning women and children.

On the last day, the delegates went on into an eco-educational tour at different sites in Davao City and Comval. (Sheldane Mahinay // ID ComVal)

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Deadly smog returns

My column in Mindanao Daily

I am still in touch with one of my previous German language students, an Indian doctor, who turned back to India before starting his work as a doctor in my home country Germany. He sent me an email:

Residents awoke  to find the city blanketed in a toxic fog! A really shocking news.

Of course, we all know that air pollution in the Indian capital has risen to hazardous levels after firecrackers were set off to celebrate Diwali despite a court ban. The Supreme Court had restricted the time frame for setting off firecrackers to only two hours in the night, but the order was openly flouted.

Diwali, the most important Hindu festival in north India, celebrates the victory of good over evil.

The levels of tiny particulate matter (known as PM 2.5) that enter deep into the lungs reached as high as 999 microgramms per cubic meter in some areas of the capital on today's morning, according to reports.

The US embassy tweeted that the air quality measure in Delhi had soared to 526, putting the pollution in the "severe" category and posing a serious health risk to residents.

Last month, the Supreme Court said it wanted to test if banning fireworks would make a difference to Delhi's air quality, ranked among the worst in the world. But despite the restrictions and the two-hour deadline on the night of the festival, residents of Delhi continued to burn firecrackers until late.

People took to social media to express their frustration over residents flouting court orders with impunity.

India is one example. Maybe the worst. I don't know. How about the Philippines? How about the whole world? Fire crackers or not? In my opinion: no fire crackers any more. Here and where ever? Or is it already too late to save our climate and our surroundings? Peak Delhi is people bursting crackers while wearing pollution masks. Wow. I have no words.

Grimly predictable. And I can still hear fireworks going off now, after midnight, in clear contravention of the Supreme Court ban. Said another Indian friend of mine ... .

The Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP), an emergency government initiative to try and improve conditions, has also launched around Delhi. It bans activities like rubbish burning to try and improve air quality.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Masterpiece - Dragon Boat Team Qatar in Davao City soon


MASTERPIECE DRAGON BOAT TEAM QATAR (“MDBT OR MP”) is a non-profit organization that has been initiated primarily to encourage and inspire the Overseas Filipino Community to enhance human potential by promoting the importance of good health by means of exercise, support, friendship and fun through the sport of dragon boat. The team was formed in June 2016 with 11 pioneer paddlers and has since grown steadily in terms of its members and supporters. At the present the team comprises 70 members. MP strives to build a core squad who will train and paddle together. The team aspires to compete successfully in the local and international front; hence, its members continue to dedicate themselves to a rigorous training regime that focuses not only on the technical and endurance aspects of the sport but also on the collective team work. For the love of the sport, MP fosters its players to develop its competitive edge, whilst maintaining the spirit of camaraderie among the entire dragon boat community. Fueled by their relentless passion to train, fully ignited by their unyielding desire to win, this never-say-die team shall continue to dominate over the world class talent of Filipinos.

MP is an official member of Qatar Dragon Boat Federation which is the specific governing body for the sport of dragon boat racing in Qatar.         

Masterpiece is COMPETITIVE TEAM. This means that we take training seriously. We demand from each member of the team their time to attend training sessions whether boat, pool and land. Attendance is key. We ask the members for their commitment and sacrifice to be strongest team in the league. We train hard, we push ourselves to the limit that is why we are champions.

MP aims to provide support assisting unfortunate and distressed OFWs and the general Filipino Community both here in Qatar and in our home country, The Republic of the Philippines. The team was recently awarded a Certificate of Recognition last 25 January 2017 making them a Bonafede member of the United Filipino Organizations in Qatar (UFOQ).

The team is also a member of H.E.R.O Qatar (HELPING, EMPOWERING, RECOGNIZING OFWs Qatar). Another social group that envisions to build a strong group and solid foundation for OFW’s in Qatar which is inline with UFOQ’s Mission and Vision.

CALENDAR YEAR 2016 – 2018

Date: November 2016
Race Venue: Ras Al Khaima, United Arab Emirates
Brief Description:
       It was the first international exposure for most of its players who valiantly fought a good fight against UAE’s toughest and well-experienced clubs.

Date: 10 March 2017
Race Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotels and Residences Doha, Qatar
1.    Premiere League – Standard Boat 200 Meters OPEN Category – Champion
2.    Premiere League – Standard Boat 200 Meters MIXED Category – 1st Runner Up

Date: 03September 2017
Race Venue: Busan, Korea

Date: 24 November 2017
Race Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotels and Residences Doha, Qatar
1.    Premiere League – Standard Boat 200 Meters WOMENS Category – Champion
2.    Premiere League – Standard Boat 200 Meters OPEN Category – 1st Runner Up
3.    Premiere League – Standard Boat 200 Meters MIXED Category – 1st Runner Up

Date: 18 December 2017
Place: Doha Qatar

Date: 01 January 2018
Place: Katara Beach, Doha, Qatar

Date: 13 February 2018
Mock Race Venue: Katara Beach, Doha Qatar
Brief Description: QDBA held a mock race in Katara Beach

Date: 31 August 2018
Race Venue: Katara Beach, Doha, Qatar
Brief Description: Onslaught Dragon Boat Team Qatar organized the mock race.
1.    Small Boat 200 Meters WOMENS Category – 1st Runner Up
2.    Standard Boat 200 Meters OPEN Category – 2ndRunner Up
3.    Standard Boat 200 Meters MIXED Category – 1st Runner Up

Our team will be joining Davao International Dragon Boat Festival to be held from 30th November till 2nd of December 2018.  We will be competing in the first Davao International Dragon Boat Festival.

Thank you very much and looking forward to meeting you soon with the team.

Comval Gov delivers Local State of the Children's Report

Compostela Valley Province---  ”What we do now will surely make or break our children. There is no other choice but to ensure that the environment they live in is an environment that fosters hope, nurtures their talent and encourages growth,” this was part of the message of Governor Jayvee Tyron L. Uy during the celebration of the 26th National Children’s Month (NCM) 2018 at the Provincial Capitol Lobby, Cabidianan, Nabunturan Comval on November 5, 2018.

This year’s NCM theme is “Isulong: Tamang Pag-aaruga, Para sa Lahat ng Bata.”

Highlights of the Celebration are the Local State of the Children’s Report of Governor Uy and the kick-off ceremony.

Governor Uy reported the child welfare and development agenda that highlights the five core areas: civil rights and freedoms, family environment for care and alternative care, basic health and welfare, basic education, leisure and cultural activities and special protections.

“Under civil rights, we conducted the Provincial Children’s Congress. Annually, we gather our child development workers to tackle the most pressing issues and problems concerning our children. This is also chance for our child development workers to express their concerns and grievances, a chance we hear the sentiments of our frontlines in the field-our child development workers,” said Gov. Uy.

Meanwhile, during the program Provincial Director Noel C. Duarte of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) gives the rationale of the NCM 2018.

He explains that this celebration is for the victims of violence, every country’s culture, social level, abuse, neglect, exploitation, and also for the streets, home, school and institution.

“The celebration is by virtue of Republic Act 10661, an act declaring November every year as NCM. The NCM celebrates successes of children, to campaign to end violence against children and promote their physical, emotional, moral, spiritual and intellectual well-being,” said Duarte.

Attending the program were the provincial officials, employees of the provincial government, students and personnel from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

“As part of the community that believes in the capacity of the young to make positive change, it is our sworn duty and solemn obligation that they access opportunities that they deserve. As governor that belongs to the generation of the young, I vow that I will dedicate every single day in making sure that our children live in an environment that protects their rights and puts their welfare at the center of our priorities,” ended Governor Uy. (Rey Antibo, ID Comval)

Philippines and China set to sign P175 billion railway loan deal

Pia Lee-Brago (The Philippine Star) 
MANILA, Philippines — President Duterte and Chinese President Xi Jinping are set to sign this month the P175-billion Philippine National Railways (PNR) South Railways project, a 639-kilometer standard gauge railway line between Manila and Bicol.
The project, a component of the PNR Luzon System program, is among the big-ticket infrastructure projects to be funded under an Official Development Assistance (ODA) agreement, a Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) official who asked not to be identified said yesterday.
The official said Xi’s visit will take place after the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit from Nov. 12 to 18 in Papua New Guinea.
Albay Rep. Joey Salceda, the project’s original proponent, said the modern railway project would be a major backbone of economic development in Southern Tagalog and Bicol with spillover benefits to other regions of the country.
“The PNR South Railways project, which we have tediously designed as a key that will unlock the economic potentials of the vast Southern Tagalog and Bicol areas, is now finally coming to realization,"  Salceda said.
Once completed, the project will enhance the connectivity between major airports and seaports in Southern Tagalog and the Bicol regions and as well as serve untapped areas along the route, he said.
The PNR South Railway segment is expected to cut Manila-Legazpi travel down to less than five hours. It runs from Manila to Matnog in Sorsogon with nine major stations – Manila, Los Baños, Batangas City, Lucena, Gumaca, Naga City, Legazpi City, Sorsogon City and Matnog.
Its construction is set to start in the second quarter of 2019 and will be partially operational by the second quarter of 2022.
The DFA said the project forms part of the massive “Build, Build, Build” infrastructure program of the Duterte administration.