You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Das Auswärtiges Amt gibt bekannt

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Philippinen: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise (Teilreisewarnung und COVID-19-bedingte Reisewarnung)


Letzte Änderung:
Aktuelles – COVID-19 (Einreise, Reiseverbindungen, Beschränkungen im Land, Hygieneregeln, Empfehlungen),

Einreise und Zoll (Visum)

Lagen können sich schnell verändern und entwickeln. Insbesondere die COVID-19-Bestimmungen unterliegen laufenden Änderungen.
Wir empfehlen Ihnen:

- Verfolgen Sie Nachrichten und Wetterberichte.
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- Erkundigen Sie sich vorab bei den Behörden/Botschaften Ihres Reiselandes zu den aktuell geltenden, verbindlichen Einreisebestimmungen sowie bei Flug- und Bahngesellschaften nach den geltenden Beförderungsbestimmungen

- Beachten Sie unseren Haftungsausschluss und den Hinweis zu Inhalten anderweitiger Anbieter.


Die Ausbreitung von COVID-19 kann weiterhin zu Einschränkungen im internationalen Luft- und Reiseverkehr und Beeinträchtigungen des öffentlichen Lebens führen.

Vor nicht notwendigen, touristischen Reisen in die Philippinen wird gewarnt.

Epidemiologische Lage

Die Philippinen sind von COVID-19 stark betroffen und sind als Hochrisikogebiet eingestuft.

Aktuelle und detaillierte Zahlen bieten das philippinische Gesundheitsministerium und die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO


Die Einreise für vollständig geimpfte Ausländer ist für touristische Aufenthalte und Geschäftsreisen bis zu längstens 30 Tagen möglich, wenn sie unter Executive Order No. 408 (s. 1960) fallen und durch diese von der Visumspflicht befreit, sowie bei Einreise im Besitz eines noch sechs Monate gültigen Reisepasses sind und einen Flugschein über einen Rück- oder Weiterflug (hiervon ausgenommen sind ausländische Ehepartner und Kinder philippinischer Staatsangehöriger sowie ehemalige philippinische Staatsangehörige mit „Balikbayan Privileg“ und deren mitreisende ausländische Ehepartner und Kinder) sowie eine in den Philippinen anerkannte Reisekrankenversicherung mit Mindestdeckungsschutz in Höhe von 35.000 USD für den vorgesehenen Aufenthaltszeitraum vorlegen können. Die Staatenliste kann auf der Webseite der philippinischen Botschaft in Berlin abgerufen werden. Deutschland gehört derzeit zu diesen Ländern. Ausländische Kinder unter 12 Jahre müssen nicht voll geimpft sein und auch keinen Nachweis über ihren Impfstatus vorlegen, wenn sie ihre vollständig geimpften Eltern begleiten.

Für länger als 30 Tage geplante nicht-touristische oder nicht-geschäftliche Aufenthalte der Visumskategorie 9 (a) ist ein „Entry Exemption Document (EED)“ erforderlich.

Die Einreise für vollständig geimpfte Inhaber von Langzeitvisa anderer Kategorien ist unter den unten genannten Bedingungen ebenfalls möglich.

Nicht vollständig geimpften ausländischen Reisenden wird die Einreise verweigert.

Als vollständig geimpft gilt, wer einen Impfnachweis über eine in den Philippinen erfolgte vollständige Impfung oder einen von den Philippinen anerkannten ausländischen Impfnachweis vorlegt. Deutsche Impfnachweise in Form des gelben WHO-Impfbuches oder das Digitale COVID-Zertifikat der EU werden anerkannt. Kreuzimpfungen werden akzeptiert, eine einfache Impfung nach einem durchgemachten Infekt ist hingegen nicht ausreichend.

Die Quarantänevorgaben richten sich nach dem Nachweis des Impfstatus der Reisenden:
• Vollständig geimpft mit anerkanntem Impfnachweis, negativer PCR-Test nicht älter als 48 Stunden vor Abflug → keine Quarantäne, Selbstbeobachtung auf Symptome für sieben Tage. Verpflichtende Kontaktaufnahme mit den lokalen Gesundheitsbehörden bei Auftreten von Symptomen.
• Vollständig geimpft, aber kein anerkannter Impfnachweis, negativer PCR-Test nicht älter als 48 Stunden vor Abflug → Quarantäne in Quarantäne-Einrichtung, Buchung muss bei Abflug vorliegen, PCR-Test am fünften Tag, nach negativem Ergebnis Entlassung und Heimquarantäne bis zum 14. Tag.
• Die Quarantänevorgaben für Kinder unter 12 Jahre, die nicht geimpft werden können, richten sich nach den Vorgaben für begleitende Sorgeberechtigte/Eltern.
Nähere Informationen können bei der philippinischen Botschaft erfragt werden.

Alle Reisenden (ausgenommen Diplomaten) müssen sich vor Einreise über das Portal „One Health Pass“ registrieren. Der Nachweis in Form eines QR Codes ist den Fluggesellschaften beim Einchecken vorzulegen.

Durch- und Weiterreise

Reisen zwischen den Provinzen sind eingeschränkt möglich. Es müssen Gesundheitszeugnisse, gegebenenfalls ein negativer PCR-Test oder philippinische/anerkannte ausländische Impfnachweise vorgelegt und in der Zielprovinz im Einzelfall Quarantäne abgeleistet werden. Die Nutzung öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel ist zunehmend nur noch für geimpfte Personen erlaubt. Dies betrifft auch Inlandsflug- und Fährverbindungen.

Die Ausreise ist Ausländern, die sich im Land aufhalten, jederzeit erlaubt. Viele Fluggesellschaften verlangen für den Reiseantritt in den Philippinen einen negativen PCR-Test oder einen Impfnachweis.


Für die Einreise über die Flughäfen in Manila, Clark und Cebu bestehen Kontingente. Fluggesellschaften erhalten ihre Kontingente mit geringem zeitlichen Vorlauf, was zu kurzfristigen Umbuchungen oder Flugstornierungen führen kann.

Beschränkungen im Land

Die Quarantänemaßnahmen sind regional unterschiedlich. Derzeit gilt im Großraum Manila eine Quarantänestufe mit Einschränkungen in der Versorgung und der Bewegungsfreiheit. Stadtbezirke können diese Einschränkungen eigenständig verschärfen.
Die zwischenzeitlich unterbrochenen regulären Verkehrsverbindungen zwischen den Inseln des Landes wurden wieder aufgenommen, können jedoch jederzeit kurzfristig wiedereingestellt werden.
Die touristische Infrastruktur ist eingeschränkt, zahlreiche Hotels und Resorts sind geschlossen.


Im öffentlichen Raum (in Gebäuden, aber auch im Freien) gilt die Pflicht, einen Mund-Nasen-Schutz zu tragen, in medizinischen Einrichtungen zusätzlich einen Gesichtsschutz (face-shield). Es gibt das Gebot, sozialen Abstand zu wahren. Massenansammlungen sind verboten. Verstöße sind mit Geld- bis hin zu Gefängnisstrafen bewehrt. Im Fall einer Infektion erfolgt die Isolierung grundsätzlich in staatlicher Unterbringung.


• Seien Sie bei allen Reisen weiterhin besonders vorsichtig und beachten Sie unsere fortlaufend aktualisierte Infobox zu COVID-19/Coronavirus.
• Achten Sie bei Einreise nach Deutschland auf die geltenden Einreisevoraussetzungen zu Anmelde-, Quarantäne- und Nachweisregelungen (vollständige Impfung oder Genesenennachweis oder aktueller negativer COVID-19-Test).
• Achten Sie auf die Einhaltung der AHA-Vorschriften und befolgen Sie zusätzlich die Hinweise lokaler Behörden. Bei Verstößen gegen die Hygienevorschriften können hohe Geldstrafen oder Gefängnisstrafen verhängt werden.
• Informieren Sie sich über detaillierte Maßnahmen und ergänzende Informationen der philippinischen Regierung.
• Erkundigen Sie sich bei den philippinischen Behörden, in Deutschland z.B. bei der Philippinischen Botschaft, über die aktuellen Einreisevorschriften.
• Erkundigen Sie sich bei Ihrer Fluggesellschaft über die genauen Vorgaben.
• Bei COVID-19 Symptomen oder Kontakt mit Infizierten kontaktieren Sie das lokale Gesundheitsamt.
Sicherheit - Teilreisewarnung
Vor Reisen in folgende Regionen oder Gebiete wird gewarnt:
- Zamboanga Peninsula (Region IX)
- Northern Mindanao (Region X)
- Davao-Region (Region XI) mit Ausnahme des Stadtgebietes von Davao City
- Soccsksargen (Region XII)
- Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
- Inseln des Sulu-Archipels
- Süd-Palawan mit Ausnahme von Puerto Princesa
Von nicht erforderlichen Reisen in andere Regionen von Mindanao und in der Mindanao-See wird abgeraten.

𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐧𝐢 𝐆𝐨𝐯. 𝐉𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐞 𝐓𝐲𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐔𝐲 𝐬𝐚 𝐦𝐠𝐚 𝐏𝐆 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐮𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐚 𝐒𝐏 𝐃𝐝𝐎

Concurred na kon giuyonan sa SP DdO sa pagpanguna nila ni Vice Gov. Maricar Zamora ug Papa Gov Senior BM Arturo “Chiongkee” Uy ang appointment ni Gov. Jayvee Tyron Uy sa mga reappointed, newly appointed/promoted nga mga Provincial Government Department Heads sa PLGU Davao de Oro nga maoy resulta sa “Newly Concluded Total Reorganization of the Provincial Government”.

Ang Concurrence sa ilang appointments nahitabo kagahapong adlawa(Pebrero 14,2022) atol sa 136th Regular Session nga gipanguluhan mismo ni Vice Gov. Maricar Zamora diha sa SP Session Hall sa kapitolyo.

Sa mga reappointed concurred ang mga appointments nila PA Virgila S Allones, PHRMDO Head Lara Zaphire Kristy N Bermejo, PGSO Head Arceli Timogtimog, PBO Head Eva Jean Licayan, PASSO Head Engr.Abenir Labja, PLO Head Atty. Neil John Villarico, PHO Head Dr.Antonio Ybiernas Jr., PSWDO Head Josephine Frasco, PVO Head Dr. Rolando Simene, PEO Head Engr. Rhoderick Digamon, PDRRMO Head Joseph  Randy Loy, ug PEEMO Head Dr.John Edward Coloma.

Concurred sad ang appointments sa mga Newly Appointed PG Department Heads nga sila PPDO Head Raymundo Pajarito, PACCO Head Ariel Mandawe, PAGRO Head Jaime Anter, PICTO Head Joyzel Odi, PIAO Head Placido Alcomendras Jr., ug PLGU PENRO Marilyn Perlas. (Gilbert Magadan Cabahug PAO-IPRD DdO, Photos from Sangguniang Panlalawigan Davao de Oro)

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

What is the difference between Mexican and Filipino adobo?


Profile photo for Dayang C Marikit
Dayang C Marikit
My Quora account is mainly focused on promoting and educating people about the pre-colonial period. Below are some of my articles and as well as some informative videos.

I would like to inform people that “nothing is set in stone” because we are constantly gathering information and learning about our history, somethings may change in the future, but for now the things that I publish are the things that we currently “know about.”

Other than their name there’s nothing the same about them.

  • “Filipino Adobo” is of pre-colonial origin. When the Spaniards encountered the dish, it reminded them of a similar method of preparing food back home, so they dubbed the indigenous dish “Adobo de los Naturales” which translates to “Adobo of the Native Peoples.” Eventually the name of the dish was shortened to “Adobo.”

Basically, Filipino Adobo is an independent development before Spanish contact.

  • The pre-colonial name of the dish could have been “Kilaw” because the primary ingredients were vinegar, salt, peppercorns, and garlic where various meats would be stewed for preservation… eventually Chinese influence introduced soy sauce as an additional ingredient to the dish.

Variety without soy sauce

Variety with soy sauce

NCR retains Alert Level 2 status; Alert Level 3 in 7 areas from Feb. 16-28


The government’s pandemic task force has decided to keep the National Capital Region (NCR) under the coronavirus (COVID-19) Alert Level 2 while it placed seven other areas under Alert Level 3 from February 16 to 28, 2022.

In a statement, Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles said that the following areas will be under Alert Level 3:

Iloilo City, Iloilo Province, Guimaras, Zamboanga City, Davao de Oro, Davao Occidental, South Cotabato.

Christian leaven and the Metaverse

By Fr. Roy Cimagala *

WE have a tremendous challenge with the coming of the new digital platform called the Metaverse. It is supposed to be the internet’s next frontier focusing on virtual and augmented reality, which is really quite a development. Like any development in the world, Metaverse offers us tremendous advantages, but we should also be most wary of the huge dangers it can give us.

Are we ready for it? And by “we,” what is meant is everybody, of course, but especially the young who are easily seduced by its immediate conveniences without knowing how to make good use of these advantages and conveniences.

Do we exactly know what to do with it to help us achieve what is truly in good in us? In the first place, do we know what is truly good for us? Do we have a clear idea of what would comprise dangers arising from its use?

Somehow this kind of wariness was expressed by Christ when he warned his apostles about the leaven of the Pharisees. (cfr. Mk 8,14-21) At first, the apostles did not get what Christ meant, something that can also happen to us due to our poor understanding of Christ’s will and words. But when they did, they knew they had to be most faithful to the teachings of Christ which is what is truly good for all of us.

We have to realize that any development, especially in the technologies, would require an upgrade in the virtues, especially of prudence that helps us to judge and make choices and decisions properly. We just cannot enter into a new phase of development without the proper preparation, not only in terms of skills, but also and most importantly, in terms of the virtue of prudence.

Otherwise, there is no other way but to be swallowed up by the very strong pressure to fall into self-indulgence and into simply making knee-jerk reactions that can only satisfy our immediate but shallow needs while undermining our more important needs, especially our moral, spiritual and supernatural goals in life.

We need to see to it that the use of the Metaverse, as in any development in the world, should fuel our duty to be more coherent in our Christian identity and our duty to be Christian leaven, consistently radiating the Christian spirit all over.

In other words, for the Metaverse to be of real use to us, it should bring us closer to God and to everybody else. It should foster greater love which in the end should make us all a better person. If, on the other hand, it would make us more self-indulgent, self-centered, vain, arrogant, etc., then it is nothing but a sweet poison, a replication of the Tower of Babel.

We have to institute ways of educating everyone on the proper use of this new technology. I wonder what is being done in this direction. While it’s nice to hear that in many centers of education and formation, there is concern for up-skilling people, we should have more concern regarding how to prepare everyone to be consistent in his Christian identity as he immerses himself in this new technology.

The Metaverse can be a tremendous means for us to be true Christian leaven in the middle of the world if we only know how to use it properly.

* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE), Talamban, Cebu City


Monday, February 14, 2022

Travelers should remain cautious amid COVID-19 threat —WHO rep

by Analou de Vera, Manila Bulletin

An official of the World Health Organization (WHO) urged the public to be responsible and still follow the health protocols to avoid possible rise in coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

WHO Acting Country Representative Dr. Rajendra Yadav made the statement as the Philippines already reopened its borders for fully vaccinated international tourists.

“We encourage de-risking travel which means that we have to take necessary steps to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection during the travel and after the travel. Blanket travel bans can give a false sense of security and destroy economies,” said Yadav during a public briefing on Friday, Feb. 11.

“However, we must be cautious about interpreting these easy travel restrictions and quarantine requirements,” he added.

Yadav emphasized the importance of maintaining adherence to minimum public health standards.

“Easing travel restrictions and quarantine requirements does not mean that anyone can travel anytime, anywhere they want,” he said.

“We need to follow the minimum public health standards like masking and physical distancing while traveling. Travel only when necessary and keep our safe travels as small as possible,” he added.

Ridiculous Facts

With around 200 countries and more than 7.8 billion people (plus plants, animals, and other organisms), the world is full of interesting, fun, and fascinating facts. In the land of the Kiwis, for instance, you'll find the highest concentration of pet owners on the planet. And over in Nicaragua, you'll find one of the only two flags in the world to feature the color purple.

A mistaken belief accompanies us each and every second of our life. Incorrect decisions and wrong doings are part of our daily life.

It is almost a ridiculous fact that man wants to know certain truths about mundane things. But really, he seems least interested in even mundane truths as can be read many times in our daily newspapers or online for example. There seem to be too many rash judgments, and the readers absorb these and make these their own. A fatal attraction!

This is sometimes referred to as journalistic mentality wherein accusations are generously made without proof. Evolution started this trend, when scientists stated for example that man evolved from the apes -  without proof. The only proof they had was the missing link, and, if I am not mistaken, it's still a missing proof until now.

To look for proofs is a mental activity, which is no longer a common thing nowadays, because it takes really time, effort and is too serious to think about. Yet in Christian education, thinking right is very important.That's why Philosophy is important in Christian life. To avoid error in thinking, the rules of right reasoning must be studied and mastered. Is it really totally neglected in today's modern education?

Thinking is actually an enjoyable activity but when one is pressured to get a good job for one's sustenance, then the other more mundane becomes attractive. After all, great thinkers often do not get (good?) jobs... .

Spiritual writers like the British Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) noticed that mankind had stopped thinking even two centuries ago. Wow. That was during his age.

Man probably stopped thinking even earlier. He has ceased many times to search for the truth. It's easier to listen to gossip and believe in it. What a sign of weak minds!

Too often we are blind to the truth. As a consequence, we easily believe in lies; we only have to like it. Too bad, if people always like to close their eyes and ears especially while experiencing the delusion of error.

The question of Christian belief


By Fr. Roy Cimagala *

WHILE it’s true that we believe what we want to believe, we should also remember that before wanting to believe, there should be an objective basis for that belief. And that’s because we actually do not choose what to believe. We have to believe what ought to be believed. What is clear is that we simply do not make reality itself. We are part of the reality created by God, and we just have to conform to it in the best way we can.

It’s not an easy thing to do, of course. Especially in our case, since we are gifted with the spiritual powers of intelligence and will that enable us to be both free and responsible, passive and active elements in the over-all reality of things, we need to see to it that we are exercising our powers well and fulfilling our duties properly. Yes, we are being formed and conditioned by the reality on the ground, but we also help in forming and keeping that reality.

To top it all, the reality that concerns us is not simply the reality of nature. Due to our spiritual powers, we are poised to enter not only into the spiritual realities of things, like our ideas and understanding of things and the ways of freedom and love. We also enter into the supernatural world. Thus, among the creatures on earth, we are the only ones who can talk about God and grace and eternal life, about the distinction between time and eternity, etc.

It is for this reason that we need not only our natural powers to handle this supernatural dimension of our life. We need something supernatural itself, which is the grace of God. As described by the Catechism, grace is “a participation in the life of God,” (1997). It is given to us by God’s gratuitous initiative, but it demands our free response. (cfr CCC 2002)

And this is where some problems can start. Because of our freedom which we can misuse since we can have a wrong understanding of it, making it our own creation rather than being a gift of God that has to be used according to God’s will, we can choose not to believe in God but rather in something else, in our own creation.

This problem was highlighted in that gospel episode where some Pharisees asked Christ for a sign to test him. (cfr. Mk 8,11-13) In spite of the tremendous amount of things to point to them about the divinity of Christ, they chose to stick to their own ideas of how the expected redeemer ought to be. And so, Christ just left them without giving them any sign.

We have to understand from this episode that for us to be able to believe in Christ, all we have to do is just to go over his life story, his teachings, miracles, and ultimately his passion, death and resurrection, that would definitely prove his divinity and redemptive power beyond doubt.

But for this to take place, we need to humble ourselves since something supernatural takes place whenever the Christian faith starts to take root in us. Without this humility, we would not be receptive, but rather be resistant, to God’s grace that brings with it our Christian belief.

We really have to work out our humility, as Christ himself strongly encourages us to do, giving us his very own example.

* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE), Talamban, Cebu City

Sunday, February 13, 2022

More foreigners, balikbayans coming to Philippines


Rudy Santos - The Philippine Star 

MANILA, Philippines — More foreigners and balikbayans have been arriving through the country’s main gateway since the government reopened the Philippines to international travelers last Feb. 10.

Personnel operating at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) terminals observed that more foreign tourists are now coming in from France, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, China and other Asian countries.

Airlines also reported a noticeable increase in passenger arrivals at the NAIA.

Yesterday’s Gulf Air flight GF 154 from Bahrain, for instance, arrived with 214 passengers. At the height of the pandemic, this flight only had about 50-60 passengers on board.

“We are slowly on the edge of recovery,” an airline officer told The STAR.

Dana Sandoval, spokesperson of the Bureau of Immigration (BI), said foreigners from visa-free countries who wish to visit the Philippines must be fully vaccinated or they will be denied entry.

This requirement, along with a negative RT-PCR test 48 hours before boarding the flight from the country of origin, applies even to overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and returning overseas Filipinos or balikbayans.

The BI said an arriving balikbayan and his/her spouse and children who are traveling with them are now exempted from presenting an outbound ticket.

But they should be registered online with One Health Pass prior to boarding their flight to the Philippines like all other inbound passengers.

Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente said the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) recently exempted the outbound ticket requirement for returning overseas Filipinos and their families.

“This adjusted policy allows those arriving under a balikbayan status to better enjoy their one-year visa-free privilege,” explained Morente.

Balikbayans, as defined by the BI, are former Filipinos who have been naturalized to any of the 157 countries under Executive Order No. 408, s. of 1960 as amended.

Balikbayan is entitled to a one-year visa-free entry, which they can extend to their spouse and children if traveling to the Philippines together with them.

Family members of Filipinos not included in the list of visa-free countries, on the other hand, are required to secure an entry visa prior to their arrival.

Saturday, February 12, 2022


A friend of mine started talking with me and mentioned the good old days. Yes, those were the days my friend! Well, we all know: times have changed. More natural disasters, more wars, more people all over the world who are losing their faith. 

Faith, like love, is an element that bonds together relationships. And we lose faith like we lose love — for many reasons. Loss comes from misunderstandings, personality conflicts, tragic circumstances, ill treatment and our own ignorance, to name a few.

Some may lose faith because they disagree with religious teachings on current issues, or because the doctrine lacks strong evidence, doesn't make sense to them anymore, or because it simply does not add up. Others may become disillusioned following personal trauma; unanswered prayers; the existence of natural disasters, diseases and evil; the conflicts caused by religions; or the questionable morality of religious leaders and religious people.

Others say they dislike organized religion and want to make their own decisions rather than listening to somebody else. Still others become distracted by materialism, or find that they're too busy to participate.

People who walk away from religion usually say, “I shall be just fine. Please do not worry about me.”

To be or not to be. Sein oder nicht sein. Shakespeare. To say it clearly: without faith, we're really nothing.

Faith is belief; believe in us, in our works, talents and our personalities. We should also believe in our parents - or much better, in our whole family including the black sheep, which can be found everywhere. We should believe in our friends, even though it seems to become very difficult many times.

Please remember, my dear readers: without faith will we reach the rock bottom. Don't say, it's a likely story.

The German poet Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1815) has mentioned in his drama "Maria Stuart": "Even the word might be dead, but faith keeps it alive!" Chapter I of Second Thessalonians gives encouragement to all Christians, who were undergoing persecution for or because of their faith. Yes, faith is really not everybody's thing, or "not everyone has faith".

"If I have faith, that can move mountains" (First Corinthians 13,2).

Faith is a tantamount to convincing and conviction. Richard Wagner (German classical composer and poet, 1813-1883) found the following lyric: "Blessed are those people, who know how to live their life in humility and faith."

So, let's even continue believing in our governments or the institution church. Faith means also a belief specially in a revealed religion. Faith is trust or reliance. Faith is indeed a pledged word. Yes, I know.

Faithful love is loyal, reliable, exact and honorable love. Faithful love means even to love your enemy.

Allow me to close this column with a Chinese proverb: "People without faith in themselves cannot or will never survive!" - Worth to think about it!