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Showing posts with label Is ß still used in German?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Is ß still used in German?. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2024

Is ß still used in German?

Profile photo for Angelika Davey
Angelika Davey
German tutor & translator, native German speaker living in the UK
189 following

My German teacher told me they no longer use it, and have 'ss' instead, so I wanted to confirm the validity of that statement.

You’ve already received lots of correct and good explanatory answers, so I just want to vent my anger. Not at you but your teacher!

I cannot believe that after over 20 years some non native German teachers still think that the ß has disappeared. Where have they been all this time?
I have lost count about the amount of times I had to explain it to people that the rules have changed but the letter is still there. I can understand the confusion in 1995 when it might not have been too clear what exactly changed. But not 23 years later.

Any German teacher who still says that the ß has gone clearly has not had a proper look inside a textbook lately or any German books, magazines, newspapers or websites. Shame on them!

Rant over, thanks for listening ☺