To gear up for the Miss Universe pageant, the Philippines’ bet Chelsea Manalo embarked on a personalized fitness plan, which she knows is crucial for pageant success. By targeting specific areas such as posture and muscle tone, she aimed to enhance her stage presence and stand out from the crowd.
At Surge Fitness + Lifestyle gym in Glorietta 3, Manalo utilized a 3D Body Scanner to obtain precise measurements of her lean muscle, body fat, weight and posture. The analysis revealed a weak upper back and core, resulting from a “tech posture.”
Despite being a newcomer to the gym, Manalo’s fears were eased by coach Karlo Marcelo’s motivations. The program focused on optimizing upper body muscle definition and adding curves to her derriere through such exercises as squats, hip thrusts, walking lunges and kettlebell swings. She was also introduced to dance fitness and spinning classes.