On Nov. 16 (Nov. 17 Manila time), Sheynnis will crown her successor during the 73rd Miss Universe Competition in Mexico. Can she finally go home after her reign?

Reigning Miss Universe, Sheynnis Palacios of Nicaragua, expressed her longing for her home country, emphasizing that she is not a beauty queen who cannot return.
In a recent interview with the New York Times, Sheynnis stated that her busy schedule as Miss Universe prevented her from going home, as she visited 31 countries in 2023, organized by the Miss Universe Organization (MUO).
"It's been a really beautiful experience. It made me grow as a woman. It made me see different opportunities that I didn't know could occur, like seeing the other side of the world,' said the first Miss Universe from Nicaragua.
Sheynnis said she has plans to return to Nicaragua "to enjoy the beautiful beaches of my country, the biodiversity we have, and to spend time with my people."
The New York Times article also quoted Sheynnis stating that she was not in exile.
"My country hasn't closed the doors, nor have I received any documentation or information or email where they tell me I'm not welcome," Sheynnis said.
This is in contrast to the post of Anne Jakrajutatip, co-owner of the MUO, who wrote on social media in May that Sheynnis was in indefinite exile. The post was later deleted.
Hanny Javier Falcon, a close friend of Sheynnis, said in a telephone interview with the New York Times that Nicaraguans are hoping to celebrate her victory when she returns to Nicaragua soon. "It's what we're all waiting for."
Sheynnis and some of her supporters were allegedly under crackdown for taking part in anti-government protests in 2018. She declined to address the issue that her grandmother and younger brother reportedly went to the US in April after being granted humanitarian parole, according to the report. The 24-year-old beauty queen also said she has other family members and friends in Nicaragua.
On Nov. 16 (Nov. 17 Manila time), Sheynnis will crown her successor during the 73rd Miss Universe Competition in Mexico. Can she finally go home after her reign?
Sheynnis said she is not afraid to return home. "I have a lot of faith. I have represented Nicaragua with a lot of pride and honor. I don't represent any political flag."
The New York Times also recalled the visit of Sheynnis to the Philippines, where she cried after a fan handed her the Nicaraguan flag as she sat atop a convertible during a parade.
"It fills me with a lot of emotion, happiness, and pride to see Nicaraguans all over being successful, following their dreams, careers, and goals," she added.