Celebrating a Philippine Transmarine Carriers Party!

To hear Ambassador Carlos Salinas recount PTC’s origin story, it was 45 years ago, in 1979, that he had a dream of setting up a company that would shine a light on, and upgrade the skill set of, the Filipino seafarer. It was clear to him how much the Filipino seaman could offer global shipping, and he wanted to explore how he could help them achieve their true potential. From only around 2,000 Filipino seafarers in 1979, we can now proudly say that 35 percent of the global seafaring workforce is composed of Filipinos.

And PTC has grown, expanded, and diversified in so many ways. Beyond seafarer education, training, and placement, the conglomerate is into logistics and cold storage, insurance, real estate development and management, sustainable energy, the aviation industry with a flight academy, the travel agency business, agriculture, and nutrition, plus the guiding force behind the soon to rise Museo de Galeon at the SM Mall of Asia complex. There really was so much to celebrate that evening, as it was 45 years of PTC and a shimmering Christmas party that was fun and interactive in an astounding way.