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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021



So I see myself trying too – it’s difficult to write about any topic in our daily life without mentioning COVID-19. I observe it within my own family in the Philippines.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many young people to move back in with their parents. Their lives have been turned upside down, and they’ve had to come to grips with feelings of failure and guilt. Being forced to move back home can lead to depression for some young people. 
Boomerang children, or boomerang kids, are terms used to describe the phenomenon of an adult child returning home to live with their parents for economic reasons after a period of independent living.

In my own family, the elderly tried to help as much as they  could. The strong family ties are really amazing for me as a German expatriate living in the Philippines for good since 23 years now.

Some of my inlaws are staying abroad and trying to survive as much as they can.

Young people were hit particularly hard by the pandemic — especially those who had to move back in with their parents. For them the pandemic has meant a hit to their studies, more stress and a total loss of autonomy. 
Homeschooling has students at their limits. 

The situation varies across Europe i.e., when it comes to young adults choosing to live with their parents. That was the state of affairs before the pandemic as well: whereas early independence is the norm for Scandinavians. EU statistics show that a different culture exists in southern and southeastern Europe. Every region has its own financial and cultural conditions.

Still teaching many times I feel like a man giving a lecture in an empty room, filmed for broadcast online, standing next to a TV screen while interacting and communicating with my students is very difficult. Bad or no internet connections makes it more difficult. 

Various factors can have an impact on when and how young adults choose to set out on their own, from the job market, the familiar comforts of home and even tradition. But regardless of the circumstances, it’s clear that one group has suffered disproportionately during the pandemic.

Marginalized people, for instance those belonging to the LGBTIQ+ community, find it more difficult than others to cope with the situation at home. Similarly, lower income families living in small quarters have had to come to grips with the increased potential for conflict.

India i.e. fears ‘lost generation’ of students. Jennifer Caputo, a sociologist at the University of Chicago who has surveyed “boomerang kids” in the United States, found that those who were forced to return due to COVID, in particular, more frequently showed symptoms of depression.

Economic and social independence, as well as the simple fact of living in one’s own space, she voiced out, are seen as important steps for a successful transition to adulthood. If those goals aren’t achieved, she said, those affected may suffer from feelings of failure.

For some of my nieces and nephews, being back home wasn’t easy. It certainly was a stressful situation. The biggest challenge “was the simple fact that they’re my parents. In their eyes, you’ll always be their child, no matter how old you are.”
How to deal with this new situation: Accept that we’re all adults.

Do Tagalog-speaking Filipinos use the expression "Hala"?

 Yes, “Hala” is an expression that is mostly used during chaotic situations, it’s similar to (“Oh my God”) in English… (It could also mean, “you’re in trouble”, depending on the context of the statement).

  • (“Hala!, gumigiba ang gusali”) = (“Oh my God!, the building is collapsing”).

This expression could have originated from the Islamic expression (“Ya Allah”) which translates to (“Oh God”)… This is because pre-colonial Filipinos have been influenced by Islam prior to colonization.

  • The modern Filipino word for thank you (“Salamat”) was originally a greeting of Islamic origin, but the meaning of this word had obviously changed over time, and this may have also been the case with the expression (“Hala”).

I’ve also discovered that there is also a Spanish term (“Ojala”) which is derived from the Arabic term, (“Ma sha Allah”), this is because most of what is now Spain was once under Islamic rule… this could also be another possible word of origin for the Filipino term (Hala).

  • It must be noted that in Spanish (“J”) is pronounced as (“H”) so (Ojala = Ohala).

I would like to remind people that these are only my speculation about the origin of the Filipino expression (“Hala”).

Duterte: Face shields are out, but face masks are forever

by Argyll Cyrus Geducos, Manila Bulletin

President Duterte said he has approved the recommendation to lift the mandatory wearing of face shields in almost all areas in the country but said face masks will forever remain while the coronavirus (COVID-19) is still around.

Duterte made the statement after Malacañang issued an order that limits the use of face shields to areas under enhanced community quarantine (ECQ), Alert Level 5, granular lockdown, and medical and quarantine facilities.

In his pre-recorded address on Monday evening, November 15, Duterte said that the public can now do away with face shields but not with face masks.

“Ang desisyon ko is, okay tanggalin na ninyo yung shield. Pwede na ninyong (My decision is okay, you can now remove your shields), you dispense the shield but not the mask,” he said.

“Yung mask will forever remain and it will be part of our day-to-day safety measures kasi matagal pa itong virus na nasa hangin lang (because the virus which is airborne will be here for a long time),” he added.

According to the President, while the COVID-19 positivity rate in the country continues to come down, it was up to the people to make sure it will stay that way.

"It’s up to us to take care na ‘di tataas uli (that our cases will not increase again),” Duterte said.

“You have to obey what the government will tell you to do because it’s for the good of the country and for you. Sumunod lang kayo (Just obey),” he added.

Based on a Palace order signed by Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea, the following guidelines on the use of face shields are to take effect immediately:

For areas under Alert Level 5 and granular lockdowns, the use of face shields in community settings shall be mandatory

For areas under Alert Level 4, local government units (LGUs) and private establishments are given the discretion to mandate the use of face shields

For areas under Alert Levels 3, 2, and 1, the use of face shields shall be voluntary

Meanwhile, as the government is yet to fully implement the Alert Levels System nationwide, LGUs that are not yet under the new pandemic response system shall have the discretion to mandate the use of face shields except in areas under ECQ and those under granular lockdown where it shall remain mandatory.

Regardless of community quarantine classifications, the use of face shields will remain mandatory in medical and quarantine facility settings. Medical workers are also still required to use face shields in healthcare settings.

In June, President Duterte said he preferred that people only be required to wear face shields in hospitals but eventually decided to keep it due to the Delta variant.

In September, Duterte finally lifted the mandatory requirement on the use of face shields outdoors, except in closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings.

God cannot be outdone in generosity

By Fr. Roy Cimagala *

          THAT’S right! The more generous we are with God and with

others, the more generous God will be with us. This is just a simple

law of ‘we reap what we sow.’ We usually sow just a seed, but with the

generosity with which we take care of that seed, we are bound to get a

lot of fruit.

          This truth of our faith is highlighted in that gospel

parable about a nobleman who went off to a distant country to obtain

the kingship, leaving his ten servants with ten gold coins with the

instruction to engage in trade until he returns. (cfr. Lk 19,11-28)

          He was happy with those who carried out the instruction and

gave them charge of big cities. “Well done, good servant! You have

been faithful in this very small matter; take charge of ten cities,”

he said. He punished the servant who did nothing with the gold coin.

          Later on, he told the servants that the gold coin of the

servant who did nothing with it be given to the one who gained ten

more with his trading. When the other servants commented that this

productive servant already had ten gold coins, the nobleman who

personifies God said: “To everyone who has, more will be given, but

from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

          All this only show that we are meant to be fruitful and

productive with what God has given us and that we would be receiving

more graces and blessings the more fruitful and productive we are with

all the gifts God has given us.

          Everyday, we should be keenly aware that we need to be

fruitful and productive. That’s simply because even from the beginning

of our creation in Adam and Eve, this has always been God’s will for


          “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and

subdue it,” (Gen 1,28) God told our first parents, clearly outlining

his mandate to them. It’s a mandate that continues to be repeated up

to now.

          That should be fair enough. If one is given a lot of gifts,

blessings, privileges, opportunities, etc, then a lot should also be

expected of him. Christ himself said so. “Much will be required of the

persons entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the

person entrusted with more.” (Lk 12,48)

          He reiterates the same idea a number of times in the parable

of the talents, the parable of the seed, the tenants in the vineyard,

and the different images he taught about the Kingdom of God. Even on

the basis of common sense alone, that idea should be a given.

          We have always been taught to trade with our talents, to

make the most of what is given and entrusted to us, to be generous in

the way we spend our life. Our life here on earth, after all, is a

test of love, the real love, which is love for God and others, and

never just self-love.

          We have been repeatedly assured that if we are generous with

God and with others, we will also be the object of a greater

generosity from God and from others as well.

          Christ said so. “Everyone who has left houses or brothers or

sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will

receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal

life.” (Mt 19,29) Yes, God cannot be outdone in generosity.

* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE),Talamban, Cebu City

Email: roycimagala@gmail.com

Monday, November 15, 2021

5Star Story from Philippine Star



Singles Day

Coverage by Catalina Ricci S. Madarang

Almost everyone now knows the much-awaited 11/11, the largest online shopping event in Asia and the counterpart of the massive annual Black Friday sale in the U.S. Leading e-commerce platform Shopee released early data showing 11 million items sold in the first five minutes of November 11.

Zoom out: While online shopping is getting a larger share of shopping malls' original foot traffic, it relies on footprints more heavily than malls.

Let’s always be compassionate and merciful

By Fr. Roy Cimagala *

          THAT beautiful gospel story of Zacchaeus, the rich but short

chief tax collector who was privileged to have Christ stay in his

house, (cfr Lk 19,1-10) teaches us precious lessons about why and how

we should be friendly, compassionate and merciful with everyone,

irrespective of whether they are rich or poor, saintly or sinful.

          Our Christian faith tells us that God’s love for us is

eternal. It’s a love that goes all the way to showing mercy for us in

the form of his Son becoming man and taking up all the sins of men by

dying on the cross. No greater love can there be other than this love

of God for us.

          St. Paul drives home this point when he said in his Letter

to the Romans: “He that spared not even his own Son, but delivered him

up for us all, how has he not also, with him, given us all things?”


          That’s why, in spite of our proclivity to sin and make a

mess of our own lives, we can always have reason to be hopeful,

because God never gives up on us. The problem is that we can give up

on him and go our own desperate ways which we try to sweeten with all

sorts of defense mechanisms.

          While we should try to be most aware of our sinfulness, we

should also try to strengthen our conviction about God’s mercy. That

we are sinful is not hard to see. We see our weaknesses and

vulnerabilities quite openly. Temptations are also abundant.

          We should try our best to fight and cope with them as best

that we can, using all the means that Christ himself and the Church

now are giving us. We have a very precious treasure in fragile vessels

of clay. (cfr. 2 Cor 4,7) We may have a lot of talents and other

brilliant endowments, but let’s never forget that we have feet of


          This realization should make us most careful and ever

vigilant, and should elicit in us great desires to follow Christ as

closely as possible and to learn the art and skills of spiritual

combat to tackle the unavoidable weaknesses, temptations and falls we

will have in life.

          On top of all this, and since our best efforts may still be

found wanting, let’s never forget the abundant and ever-ready mercy of

God whenever we find ourselves in the worst scenarios in life.

          We have to continually check on our attitude towards others

because today’s dominant culture is filled precisely by the viruses of

self-righteousness, that feeling that we are superior to others, and

that would prevent us from being compassionate and merciful with

everyone. We have to do constant battle against that culture.

          That’s why we need to douse immediately any flame of pride

and egoism that can come to us anytime. We have to learn to understand

others, to accept them as they are, warts and all, while praying and

doing whatever we can to help them. It’s not for us to judge their

motives which will always be a mystery to us.

          We should not fall into the trap of putting justice and

mercy in conflict. Both have to go together. Their distinction does

not mean they are opposed to each other. Any appearance of conflict is

only apparent.

          But obviously the way to blend them together is to follow

the example of Christ, and not just to rely on our own lights, no

matter how brilliant these lights may appear.

* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE),Talamban, Cebu City

Friday, November 12, 2021

PH places 44 countries in green list, 2 in red


THE Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) has placed at least 44 countries in the world under the “Green” list category, while two others have remained under “Red” list for November 16 to 30, 2021.

Green has been used for countries that are low risk to coronavirus disease (Covid-19), while Red is for those classified as high risk. Yellow means moderate risk.

Included in the Green list are American Samoa, Bhutan, Chad, China (Mainland), Comoros, Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Federated States of Micronesia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China), India, Indonesia, Japan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Malawi, Mali, Marshall Islands, Montserrat, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Northern Mariana Islands, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Paraguay, Rwanda, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sint Eustatius, South Africa, Sudan, Taiwan, Togo, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Faroe Islands and The Netherlands are the two areas that are currently in the Red list, while the rest of the countries, territories, and jurisdictions not mentioned are under Yellow list.

Fully-vaccinated travelers entering the Philippines from areas under the green list no longer need to undergo a facility-based quarantine upon their arrival provided that they yield negative RT-PCR test results taken within 72 hours prior to departure from the country of origin.

They also have the option to undergo a facility-based quarantine until the release of their negative RT-PCR test result taken in the quarantine facility upon arrival in the country or not to undergo quarantine, so long as they get a negative RT-PCR test result within 72 hours prior to departure from the country of origin.

Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals, as well as those with unverified vaccination status and those who failed to comply with the “test-before-travel requirements” need to undergo a facility-based quarantine until the release of their negative RT-PCR test taken on their fifth day in the country.

or fully-vaccinated passengers departing from countries under Yellow list, they need to undergo facility-based quarantine until the release of their negative RT-PCR test result taken on their fifth day in the Philippines.

Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated will have to undergo RT-PCR testing on the seventh day of a facility-based quarantine.

Inbound passengers from Red countries will be denied entry in the Philippines if they stayed there 14 days prior to their arrival to the Philippines unless they were Filipino citizens who will be subject to testing and quarantine protocols.

Returning Filipinos are required to spend their first 10 days in a quarantine facility and the last four days at home. They also have to undergo RT-PCR testing on their seventh day.

Travelers transiting through the countries under Red list with proof they only stayed in the airport will not be considered as coming from a red country.

Meanwhile, the IATF also approved to honor the national Covid-19 vaccination certificates of individuals from Australia, Czech Republic, Georgia, India, Japan, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Turkey, and Samoa as recommended by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).

“The said recommendation is in addition to such other countries/territories/jurisdictions whose proofs of vaccination the IATF already approved for recognition in the Philippines, and without prejudice to such other proofs of vaccination approved by IATF for all inbound travelers,” said Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque.

“Accordingly, the Bureau of Quarantine, the Department of Transportation-One-Stop-Shop, and the Bureau of Immigration are directed to recognize only the proofs of vaccination thus approved by the IATF,” he added. (SunStar Philippines)

Sarangani Profile


Sarangani Southern Philippines’ front door to BIMP-EAGA, is the southern most province in the mainland of Mindanao. It is cut midway by the city of General Santos giving its two sections hammock-like shapes that hug the mountains and Sarangani Bay. Sarangani is surrounded by the Celebes Sea, Sarangani Bay, and the province of South Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat and Davao del Sur.

The Province is also a coastal zone of SOCSKSARGEN (South Cotabato, Cotabato Province, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani and General Santos), one of the country’s fastest growing development clusters.

Sarangani has seven municipalities (Alabel, Malapatan, Glan, Malungon, Maasim, Kiamba and Maitum) with 141 Barangays. Its vast beachfront, rolling hills and plains offers plenty of opportunities.

Major Industries: Aquaculture, Fishery, Agriculture Plantations and Tourism.

Power supply comes from the National Power Corporation (NPC) 69-KV transmission line and redistributed by a local electric cooperative, SOCOTECO II. The Southern Philippines Power Corporation (SPPC) stationed in Brgy. Baluntay, Alabel also supplies 55-MW from its diesel power plant, By 2015, Sarangani Energy Corporation, a coil-fired power plant located at Maasim will be operational with 200-MW capacity.

Water supply is sustained by spring development projects, construction of water systems and digging of artesian and swallow tube wells.

Telephone lines are connected in all seven towns of the province. All seven towns are now covered by the services of the cellular phone networks and wireless internet connection.

A 145Kms. world-class road network connects the seven municipalities and traversing through the city of General Santos, which maintains an international airport and a wharf. Commercial and rural banks provide business institutions and populace easy and efficient access to financial services in each municipality.

Taking a deep breath ...


Work, work, work. Now, it's really time to take a deep breath. Thank you Lord.

Preparing for the end times

By Fr. Roy Cimagala *

          THIS is just to be realistic. It’s not meant to scare us or

to be a killjoy or a wet blanket in our life. Not only do we all die.

There is also the end of time itself. Our earthly existence is just a

sojourn, a training and testing ground before we enter into our

definitive life for all eternity, hopefully in heaven with our Father

and Creator God.

          We need to develop a good and healthy sense of our life’s

end, which is our death that can come to us anytime, as well as the

end of time itself. If we follow our Christian faith, we know that

there is nothing to be afraid or anxious about in these truths of our


          We would know what truly is the purpose of our life here and

of our earthly existence in general. We also would know that we have

all the means to pursue that purpose properly. We are somehow reminded

of this truth of our faith in that gospel episode where Christ talked

about the end of the world. (cfr. Mk 13,24-32)

          But, yes, we have to develop a good and healthy sense of how

to end our life well, properly prepared to meet Christ in our

particular judgment as well as in our general judgment during Christ’s

second coming.

          Having a good sense of the end gives us a global picture of

our life that spans from time to eternity, and sheds light on the

present. It guides us. It gives us a sense of confidence and security.

It reassures us that we are on the right track, that we are doing


          The sense of the end motivates us to make plans always, to

be thoughtful and anticipative of things. It also teaches us a sense

of order and priority. It motivates us to set goals, make schedules

and the prudent use of time. Ultimately, it helps us to distinguish

between the essential and the non-essential in our life.

          A person who does not have a sense of the end is obviously

an anomaly. He tends to be lazy and prone to his personal weaknesses,

to drift off aimlessly and lose control of his life. Such person is

usually called a bum, a tramp or a vagrant.

          In this regard, we have to learn to look forward to the

second coming of Christ. That’s when Christ, the pattern of our

humanity and the savior of our damaged humanity, will come again to

make the final judgment on all of us, establishing the definitive and

eternal Kingdom of God that is meant for us. Obviously, we have to

prepare ourselves for it.

          This truth of our faith was implied when some leading Jews

once asked Christ when the Kingdom of God would come. To which, Christ

answered that “the coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed,

and no one will announce, ‘Look, here it is,’ or, ‘There it is.’ For

behold, the Kingdom of God is among you.” (cfr. Lk 17,20-25)

          This attitude of waiting, expecting and making the proper

preparation for the second coming of Christ should be learned by all

of us. And we can do that by strengthening our belief that Christ is

actually already with us. He is everywhere, around us and inside us.

We just have to develop the habit of looking for him in order to find


          Only with Christ, can we be properly prepared to face him in

the final general judgment during his second coming.

* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE), Talamban, Cebu City

Email: roycimagala@gmail.com