Filipino motorists can finally heave a sigh of relief after roughly three months in financial squeeze at the pumps as diesel prices will be on rollback by P11.45 per liter and gasoline prices will also be cut by P5.45 per liter.
This might not be the typical expat blog, written by a German expat, living in the Philippines since 1999. It's different. In English and in German. Check it out! Enjoy reading! Dies mag' nun wirklich nicht der typische Auswandererblog eines Deutschen auf den Philippinen sein. Er soll etwas anders sein. In Englisch und in Deutsch! Viel Spass beim Lesen!
You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?
Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Das Auswärtige Amt gibt bekannt: Philippinen
Philippinen: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise (Teilreisewarnung)
Letzte Änderung:
Aktuelles – COVID-19 (Einreise, Durch- und Weiterreise, Beschränkungen im Land, Hygieneregeln)
Sicherheit (Terrorismus)
Natur/Klima (Tropenstürme und Überschwemmungen)
Lagen können sich schnell verändern und entwickeln. Insbesondere die COVID-19-Bestimmungen unterliegen laufenden Änderungen.
Wir empfehlen Ihnen:
- Verfolgen Sie Nachrichten und Wetterberichte.
- Achten Sie auf einen ausreichenden Reisekrankenversicherungsschut
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Angesichts der weltweiten COVID-19-Pandemie bestehen weiterhin Risiken bei internationalen Reisen, insbesondere für Personen ohne vollständigen Impfschutz. Hierzu mehr unter COVID-19. https://www.auswaertiges-amt.d
Bestimmungen zur Einreise ändern sich mit der Pandemielage häufig. Bitte informieren Sie sich zusätzlich auf der Webseite der Regierung der Philippinen
Die Einreise für vollständig geimpfte Ausländer ist für touristische Aufenthalte und Geschäftsreisen bis zu längstens 30 Tagen möglich, wenn sie unter Executive Order No. 408 (s. 1960)
Für länger als 30 Tage geplante nicht-touristische oder nicht-geschäftliche Aufenthalte der Visumskategorie 9 (a) ist ein „Entry Exemption Document (EED)“ erforderlich.
Die Einreise für vollständig geimpfte Inhaber von Langzeitvisa anderer Kategorien ist unter den unten genannten Bedingungen ebenfalls möglich.
Nicht vollständig geimpften ausländischen Reisenden wird die Einreise verweigert.
Als vollständig geimpft gilt, wer einen Impfnachweis über eine in den Philippinen erfolgte vollständige Impfung oder einen von den Philippinen anerkannten ausländischen Impfnachweis vorlegt. Deutsche Impfnachweise in Form des gelben WHO-Impfbuches oder das Digitale COVID-Zertifikat der EU werden anerkannt. Kreuzimpfungen werden akzeptiert, eine einfache Impfung nach einem durchgemachten Infekt ist hingegen nicht ausreichend.
Die Quarantänevorgaben richten sich nach dem Nachweis des Impfstatus der Reisenden:
• Vollständig geimpft mit anerkanntem Impfnachweis, negativer PCR-Test nicht älter als 48 Stunden oder negativer laborbasierter Antigentest nicht älter als 24 Stunden (Antigentest gilt nicht für Inhaber von Langzeitvisa) vor Abflug → keine Quarantäne, Selbstbeobachtung auf Symptome für sieben Tage. Verpflichtende Kontaktaufnahme mit den lokalen Gesundheitsbehörden bei Auftreten von Symptomen.
• Vollständig geimpft, aber kein anerkannter Impfnachweis, negativer PCR-Test nicht älter als 48 Stunden vor Abflug → Quarantäne in Quarantäne-Einrichtung, Buchung muss bei Abflug vorliegen, PCR-Test am fünften Tag, nach negativem Ergebnis Entlassung und Heimquarantäne bis zum 14. Tag.
• Die Quarantänevorgaben für Kinder unter 12 Jahre, die nicht geimpft werden können, richten sich nach den Vorgaben für begleitende Sorgeberechtigte/Eltern.
Nähere Informationen können bei der philippinischen Botschaft
Alle Reisenden (ausgenommen Diplomaten) müssen sich vor Einreise über das Portal „One Health Pass
Informationen zu eventuellen Erfordernissen für Flugreisen erteilen die einzelnen Fluggesellschaften.
Durch- und Weiterreise
Reisen zwischen den Provinzen sind eingeschränkt möglich, die Einreiseregularien variieren stark. Es müssen teilweise Gesundheitszeugnisse, ein negativer PCR- oder Antigentest oder Impfnachweise vorgelegt werden. Die Nutzung öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel ist zunehmend nur noch für geimpfte Personen erlaubt. Dies betrifft auch Inlandsflug- und Fährverbindungen.
Die Ausreise ist Ausländern, die sich im Land aufhalten, jederzeit erlaubt. Manche Fluggesellschaften verlangen für den Reiseantritt in den Philippinen einen negativen PCR- oder Antigentest oder einen Impfnachweis.
Für die Einreise über die Flughäfen in Manila, Clark und Cebu bestehen Kontingente. Fluggesellschaften erhalten ihre Kontingente mit geringem zeitlichen Vorlauf, was zu kurzfristigen Umbuchungen oder Flugstornierungen führen kann.
Beschränkungen im Land
Die Quarantänemaßnahmen sind regional unterschiedlich. Derzeit gilt im Großraum Manila eine niedrige Quarantänestufe mit teilweise Einschränkungen in der Bewegungsfreiheit. Stadtbezirke können diese Einschränkungen eigenständig verschärfen.
Die zwischenzeitlich unterbrochenen regulären Verkehrsverbindungen zwischen den Inseln des Landes wurden wieder aufgenommen, können jedoch jederzeit kurzfristig wiedereingestellt werden.
Die touristische Infrastruktur ist eingeschränkt, einige Hotels und Resorts sind geschlossen.
Im öffentlichen Raum (in Gebäuden, aber auch im Freien) gilt die Pflicht, einen Mund-Nasen-Schutz zu tragen. Es gibt das Gebot, sozialen Abstand zu wahren. Massenansammlungen sind eingeschränkt zulässig.
Monday, March 21, 2022
Pinoy pop rising
by Jules Vivas, Manila Bulletin
Much can be said about the local entertainment industry, in particular, the performing arts.
Young performers today have shown great potential, enthusiasm, and passion. Homegrown singers exemplify vocal prowess and charm on par with Korean idols, a huge hit in the Philippines right now.
Pinoy talents are becoming increasingly popular abroad. There’s SB19, a five-member boy group that made history by being the first Filipino artist to chart and debut at the Billboard Next Big Sound chart. Ben&Ben emerged at the top of the Melon Realtime Search Chart in South Korea and is the most-streamed Filipino artist on Spotify with over billions of streams.
These are only two prime examples, and there are far more Pinoy talents out there who deserve recognition. The thing about the Filipino’s consumption of music is that we tend to support more foreign and international artists over our own. It takes international acclaim for Filipino artists to be truly acknowledged.
A venue for local talents to celebrate the best of Original Pinoy Music (OPM), the first-ever Tugatog Filipino Music Festival is set to take place on June 18, this year. The annual event by Ant Savvy Creatives and Entertainment Inc. elevates Pinoy Pop (P-Pop) to new heights and helps uplift Filipino musicians, both prominent and rising, to the global stage. A play on the words Tugtog (music), Tugtug (heartbeat), and Tugatog (peak), the concert gathers some of the youngest, most promising Pinoy performers on a single platform.
P-Pop is not solely entertainment. It’s now about embracing our roots and heritage at a time national identity needs to be relearned and re-established.
“We’ve worked on many memorable live concerts with Ant Savvy Creatives in these past years and every time we needed to mount a new concert, we had to inevitably raise the bar higher,” says Miggy Tanchanco, festival show director. “Even during the pandemic when we had to build a digital concert together, we knew we were breaking new ground when it came to creating a unique music experience for the Filipino audience.”
To encapsulate the magic of P-Pop, Tugatog promises to combine the best elements of live and recorded performances to create visually stunning experiences. Think digital P-Pop Party. It would be purely online in compliance with the health protocols amid the pandemic.
Tugatog not only celebrates artists but our identity in music as Filipinos. It also gives consumers a chance to support Filipino talents. “This way, we are able to honor the different voices that keep the community alive and contribute to building the culture and craft of Filipino music. Every voice, every sound, and every beat—that is what Tugatog is all about,” explains Anj Heruela, executive strategy and communications officer of Ant Savvy Creatives & Entertainment Inc. She adds that talents serve as inspiration to others, through their music and stories of hard work to reach their status now.
Featured in the first edition of the music fest are Alamat, BGYO, Bini, Litz, MNL48, PPop Generation, Press Hit Play, VXON, 1st One, among others.
Tugatog Filipino Music Festival will be held virtually in June 2022 via the online streaming website TicketMelon. Live chat will be open for viewers to engage and interact with each other while the show is ongoing. VIP tickets are priced at ₱2,700 while Premier at ₱1,800. Tickets may be purchased at Those buying tickets until March 31 get a 30 percent discount.
“In the future, we hope to bring the Tugatog experience to fans all over the Philippines. We want to take Tugatog to different regions so we can also feature local artists in the lineup. We want Tugatog to be the platform that not only brings artists to audiences in different regions but also puts a spotlight on talents from all over the country,” says Su Matias, chief executive officer.
P-Pop is not solely entertainment. It’s now about embracing our roots and heritage at a time national identity needs to be relearned and re-established. It serves more meaningful purposes, including connecting us, healing the broken, freeing the soul, and generally opening up whole new doors, shaping perspectives, and reflecting who the Filipinos are today.
@tugatogph |
PH still at ‘very low risk’ for Covid-19
PH are still at ‘very low risk’ for Covid-19 amid rise in infections in other Asian countries — OCTA
The Philippines remained under “very low risk” classification for Covid-19 despite the surge in cases in neighboring countries, the independent research group OCTA said on Sunday, March 20.
Based on the update shared by OCTA fellow Dr. Guido David on Twitter, the Philippines’ overall Covid-19 risk classification remained “very low” with an average daily attack rate (ADAR) of 0.47, as of March 18.
The ADAR or incidence rate refers to the number of new daily cases per 100,000 population.
The Philippines averaged 527 cases daily over the past week, with a growth rate of negative (-) 22 percent.
Moreover, Timor-Leste, Taiwan, Cambodia, and China were also at very low risk for Covid-19, David said.
OCTA uses the internationally-developed Covid Act Now metrics to determine the risk levels of specific areas.
However, David noted the surge in fresh cases in South Korea, Vietnam, China, and Laos.
China registered the highest weekly growth rate at 362 percent, followed by Laos (185 percent), South Korea (42 percent), and Vietnam (38 percent).
(C) Manila Bulletin
Beware of the problem of over-familiarity
By Fr. Roy Cimagala *
By Fr. Roy Cimagala
Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)
Talamban, Cebu City
“AMEN, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place.” (Lk 4,24) With these words, Christ is telling us to be wary of our usual tendency to take the very important things related to God, our faith, our spiritual life, for granted. Especially these days when we are bombarded with a lot of distractions, we need to be doubly guarded to avoid falling into this anomaly of over-familiarity.
That’s when we can give an appearance of piety when there is hardly anything in it, because we may just be going through the motions of praying and availing of the sacraments, and still we fail to be in touch with God and to show that fact with our deeds.
Over-familiarity is a common and usual danger to all of us. It is due to the limitations of our human condition that can lead us to take many things, even the important ones, for granted.
Instead of seeing God in everything and being amazed and excited about it, we only see the externals and go through some routine that usually has the bad trait of deadening our sensibilities, if not our faith, then our hope and charity.
We need to see to it that no matter how we are physically, emotionally or otherwise, we have to be spiritually and morally amazed at God in all situations of our life. This is always possible, though it may require some effort, even heroic, extraordinary effort sometimes.
It would be good if we develop the attitude of simply having to begin and begin again in our spiritual life, not allowing whatever difficulty and challenge we have to tackle to dominate us. Neither falling into anger, bitterness, self-pity and sadness, nor just drifting into familiarity, complacency and routine could properly handle those difficulties and challenges.
What we need to do is to continue, without letting up, having to begin and begin again. This is a practical law of life that we should apply in our daily affairs. Let’s not get too sentimental and wait for some strong inspiration before we move. With a simple act of the will, let’s just do it—that of having to begin and begin again.
We have to be more aware of this danger of over-familiarity and install the necessary defenses against it. More than that, we have to aggressively cultivate the art of always being amazed at God and at all his works. That should be the proper state for us to be in.
We have to understand, though, that this abiding state of amazement that we should try to develop is simply not a matter of sensations. Of course, it would be good if we can always feel amazed and in awe. But given the limitations of our bodily organisms, we cannot expect that to happen all the time.
The ideal abiding state of amazement is more a matter of conviction, of something spiritual, moral and supernatural. It should be the result of grace that is corresponded to generously and heroically by us.
It is a state of amazement that sooner or later, of course, will have some external manifestations like an aura of serenity and confidence even in the midst of great trials and suffering. It will most likely show itself in the lilt in one’s voice, optimism in his reactions to events, a smile, a warm word of praise and encouragement to others, etc.
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Sometimes, we might ask ourselves: What is the sense of doing this and that? What is the meaning of life? I am sure, each and every one of us looks for a good life.
When you're struggling in life, take assurance in the fact that everyone else struggles like you do. We may not have similar struggles, but it's still a struggle nonetheless. If struggles didn't exist, we'd have no way to appreciate the beauty and wonders of life.
Sometimes, we seem to remain very optimistic. We think it's easy to always find a good life. Most of the time, we are in doubt or, we even choose to be unhappy without any reason at all. To wake up in the morning with pessimism and fall asleep at night, dissatisfied and unhappy - yes, that makes life miserable.
Face it: Living a good life is not living a life without problems. Living a good life comes from acknowledging, facing, and then transcending each problem as it comes. If you let the problems get you down, you'll always be down. Choose instead to let the problems get you up, get you going, and get you working on solving them
On the other hand: Without happiness and satisfaction there is indeed no space for peace in our hearts and minds. Therefore there is no domestic harmony and logically, no peace on earth. The meaning of happiness is trying to manage life even with big problems, difficulties and trials. I learned this from Filipinos after staying in the Philippines as an expatriate for good since 1999.I was really surprised to experience mutual happiness, friendship, love, unity and communal spirit with relatives in my surroundings. Even during the really not easy last three years.
Of course, I also found myself in very negative situations. I observed people, who seem to live an easy go lucky way of life. But, they were like actors and actresses on stage, wearing incredible masks and pretending to be what they are not.
Hence, in Greek, they are the so-called hypocrites. Maybe also you and I belong to them from time to time. Fear of rejection or displeasure of other people are becoming our daily friends. In society, it's called "good public relations". Politely greeting and smiling with a set of purpose: to win them there for business.
William Congreve (1670-1729), English dramatist shaped the English comedy of manners through his brilliant comic dialogue, his satirical portrayal of the war of the sexes, and his ironic scrutiny of the affectations of his age. His major plays were The Old Bachelor (1693), The Double-Dealer (1693), Love for Love (1695), and The Way of the World (1700).In his "Preface to Dryden", he wrote: No mask like open truth to cover lies as to go naked is the best disguise.
So, what really counts for us in life? Success? Power? Strength? Money? Is it contentment? Is it peace on earth? Is it peace in our homes? Zest for life?
Let us go through life's journey: From time to time, we have been babies bubbling like a brook on the first blush of spring. We hurried up, unaware of problems and troubles, being unconscious of time, as adults we worried and became conscious of money. Then, suddenly, we looked at our faces, the first wrinkles, and the bald patch on the forehead, the first grey hair. We observed our teeth falling out and our eyeglasses got thicker and our bones crack here and there.
We start the familiar line: "When I was young... ." And we realize our mortality. Death could knock at our door any time. We feel humbled. We have mellowed.
Have I done no wrong? Have I been selfless or selfish? Have I been mission-oriented since then? Have I lived a life worthy in God's eyes? What really counted for me? Ano ang mahalaga? Paniniwala? Pag-asa? O kaya pagbibigayan at pagtutulungan?
City sets up booths for vax certificate
By Maya Padillo -SunStar Davao
Dr. Michelle Schlosser, spokesperson of the Davao City Covid-19 Task Force, said Dabawenyos can now access their vaccination certificate at the VaxCertPH booths set up at the different malls in Davao City.
The VaxCertPh booths were opened at SM Lanang Premier, Abreeza Mall, Gaisano Mall Bajada, SM Ecoland, and Gmall of Toril.
The opening of booths aims to give Dabawenyos the convenience of accessing their vaccination certificate because back then it was difficult for them to download their vaccination certificates online for international travels and travel to other LGUs.
Before we had had mga concerns asa nila kuhaon ang ilahang mga vaccination certificate for those who want to travel abroad and to other LGUs na nanginahanglan ug certificate. I would like to announce na ang atoang mga VaxCertPh booth is already available sa atoang mga different malls Wala na’y rason na maglisod sila ug download sa online ug avail sa online,” Schlosser said.
The vaccination certificate can be availed by those planning to travel abroad since countries are now requiring people entering their territory to be fully vaccinated. It will also serve as proof that an individual has completed the required doses.
“I hope this will serve as our answer sa inyong concerns before na puwede namo maka pa-print or maka-avail sa inyong vaccination certificate which will be needed sa mga international travels and other LGU travels,” Schlosser said.
Davao City has been chosen for the pilot implementation of the digital vaccination certificate which can be done only online in October last year. However, the booth only catered to those Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who are required to secure a digital vaccination certificate.
Meanwhile, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) that set up the VaxCertPH information technology system for the issuance of vaccination certificates was reported updating the system with added security features and information on booster shots received.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Philippines' Kathleen Paton crowned Miss Eco International 2022
Jan Milo Severo -
MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines' bet Kathleen Paton won the 2022 Miss Eco International crown held in Triumph Luxury Hotel in Egypt earlier today.
During the first question and answer round, Kathleen talked about water pollution.
Kathleen Paton shows Philippine flag backwards in departure for Miss Eco International 2022
"Water pollution is a huge issue in the Philippines. A lot of Filipinos actually don't have access to clean drinking water. And I believe it is a right for every single human being, especially to my [fellow] Filipinos, to have access to clean water," she said.
"Therefore I aim to work with a company called 100 for All to give free access to water by giving out water filtration systems not just to one family, but to the whole community," she added.
In the final round, Kathleen was asked: “As a titleholder, you're a public figure. Do you think it's important to stay neutral on controversial social issues or to use your title to promote your own belief, and why?”
"It is a very tough question in all honesty because we are at the forefront of opinions and negativity every single day, especially on social media. I do believe as a leader and as someone who is very influential in society, we sometimes have to use our voice in a very neutral state of mind because we have a very influential position. But in doing so, we also need to use our voice in order to motivate other people to stand up for what is right, and I think that takes a lot of good moral compass," she answered.
Kathleen is the second Miss Eco International winner from the Philippines after Cynthia Thomalla won the crown in 2018.
Mauree Montagne and Kelly Day won first runner-up in 2009 and 2021, respectively.
Germany warns against Russian anti-virus use
By BBC-news
Germany's cyber-security authority has warned against using anti-virus software from Russian headquartered company Kaspersky. The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) issued the statement in light of the conflict in Ukraine.
Russian information-technology businesses could be spied on or forced to launch cyber-attacks, it said.
Kaspersky told BBC News the warning had been "made on political grounds" and it had no ties to the Russian government.
The BSI made no allegation of current problems with Kaspersky's products but said the conflict in Ukraine and Russian threats against the European Union, Nato and Germany brought with them the risk of cyber-attacks.
"A Russian IT manufacturer can carry out offensive operations itself, be forced against its will to attack target systems, or be spied on as a victim of a cyber operation without its knowledge or as a tool for attacks against its own customers," the warning said.
The BSI recommends Kaspersky anti-virus products are replaced with alternatives - but carefully, to avoid weakening defences.
In 2017, President Donald Trump signed legislation banning Kaspersky software's use within the US government
The same year, UK's National Cyber Security Centre announced it would write to all government departments, warning against using Kaspersky products for systems related to national security.
Following the BSI's warning, Eintracht Frankfurt football club spokesman Axel Hellmann told Bloomberg: "We have notified Kaspersky management that we are terminating [our] sponsorship agreement effective immediately.
Kaspersky said it would seek clarification from the BSI on its decision, which was "not based on a technical assessment of Kaspersky products", and how to address its concerns.
As a private global cyber-security company it "does not have any ties to the Russian or any other government".
Its data-processing infrastructure had been relocated to Switzerland in 2018.
And "the security and integrity of our data services and engineering practices have been confirmed by independent third-party assessments".
"We believe that peaceful dialogue is the only possible instrument for resolving conflicts," it said. "War isn't good for anyone."
Similar remarks by founder Eugene Kaspersky two weeks ago attracted strong criticism.
Gratitude connects us always with God
By Fr. Roy Cimagala *
THE parable about the ungrateful tenants (cfr. Mt 21:33-43,45-46) somehow reminds us about the importance of being thankful by reciprocating what we receive from God and from others. It keeps our relation with them alive and vibrant. Taking this duty for granted would actually alienate us from them, and thus suffer the consequences.
IT'S really for our own good. To be thankful to God for all his blessings to us, including especially his mercy, and to everyone is really for our own benefit rather than for any good we can give to them.
God does not need anything from us. What he wants is that we learn to be with him always since we are his children, created in his image and likeness. He wants to share his life with us. God loses nothing if we choose not to be with him. But without him, we are the ones who would lose everything.
A heart that is not thankful is an isolated heart. It’s a lonely heart that thinks it can live and do things simply by itself, in violation of our nature and what we actually feel deep in our hearts. It has no other way but to be unhappy.
A thankful heart will never be alone and sad. It recognizes the many blessings and good things that it continues to receive. And it knows where they come from, and also for what purpose they are given. It will always be happy.
To be grateful is a necessity for us. It does us a lot of good. It keeps alive the reality that we depend on God and others for everything. It strengthens our intimacy with him, and our awareness that whatever happens in our life, God is always in control.
It makes us keenly aware of the all-powerful and merciful providence of God. With that providence, we would know that even the dark, negative things in life have meaning and purpose. They, at least, give excitement and beauty in life, because life, without these elements and when it only has all things bright and rosy, would be boring.
It keeps us humble and simple, otherwise we start inventing things and distorting reality. It keeps our feet on the ground even as we let our mind and heart soar to high heavens.
We have to make sure that thanksgiving comes pouring out from our hearts everyday. In the Gospel of St. John, there’s a little expression that can serve as a spur for us to be thankful, words Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you only knew what God is offering…” (4,10)
It might be worthwhile to remember these words, if not to say it often during the day, to remind us about God’s loving providence over us. To be sure, he continues to intervene in our life. He can never be detached from us, indifferent to our needs.
This is our problem. We tend to take all the goodness of God for granted. We are notoriously short-sighted and narrow-minded. We hardly consider anything beyond what our senses can perceive, what our intelligence can understand. We fail to be guided by faith that allows us to see the spiritual and supernatural reality of our life.
We have to see to it that everyday, we are conscious that we are always thanking God and others. In fact, we need to continue lifting our hearts in thanksgiving all throughout the day, as a Latin phrase beautifully puts it: “Ut in gratiarum semper actione maneamus.” (May we always be giving thanks.)