You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Philippines Ranks 15th in Global Survey on Financial Inclusion

 (The Philippine Star)

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The Philippines placed eighth with a score of 94 percent in country commitment and seventh place in terms of regulatory environment with a score of 89 percent.
MANILA, Philippines - Washington-based think tank Center for Technology Innovation (CTI) has ranked the Philippines 15th out of 21 countries in terms of access and usage of affordable financial services.
The Philippines earned 68 percent of the total possible points based on the 2015 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FIDP) Report prepared by John Villasenor, Darrell West, and Robin Lewis.
The FIDP report is the first of a series of annual reports examining financial inclusion activities around the world.  It ranked the 21 countries which have committed to improving financial access and usage using 33 indicators spanning four dimensions:  country commitment, mobile capacity, regulatory environment and adoption.
The Philippines placed eighth with a score of 94 percent in country commitment and seventh place in terms of regulatory environment with a score of 89 percent.
Countries ranked according to financial and digital inclusion. Brookings Institute /
It received its lowest score of 40 percent to place 15th in the adoption dimension as it got low marks in financial institution account penetration, debit and credit card use as well as mobile money use.
Business ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
In terms of mobile capacity, the Philippines got a score of 89 percent to rank eighth.  The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas has permitted mobile network operators Smart Communications and Globe Telecom to offer their respective mobile money services.
According to the report, the Philippines developed two of the earliest mobile financial services schemes with Smart’s Smart Money launched in 2001 and Globe’s GCash introduced in 2004.
As of 2014, there were about 111 mobile subscriptions per 100 people in the Philippines as individuals could hold more than one subscription. Registered e-money accounts increased 34 percent to about 27 million in 2013.
The number of micro-banking offices increased to 465 in 2013 from 370 in 2012 and the number of local government units (LGUs) that did not have access to a bank branch but did have access to a micro-banking office increased to 56 from 50.
Of the 604 unbanked LGUs in 2013, 398 had access to alternative financial services providers – so only four percent of the total Philippine population technically remained fully financially excluded.
The report noted that the BSP was the first central bank in the world to establish an office, the Inclusive Finance Advocacy Staff, dedicated to financial inclusion.
It said the Philippines has been very active in taking leadership roles in international organizations for increased access to financial services.
To make financial services more accessible, the BSP is working with industry leaders to design governance and operational structures for a national retail payment system, which is being developed with the support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) through the E-PESO project.
Moreover, the BSP is working on a draft national payment systems law and associated regulations.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Are you angry enough?

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Are you angry enough about our state of affairs in the Republic of the Philippines?
The thought has begun to surface as millions of Filipinos come to terms with the fact that the Self-Righteous Brotherhood occupying Malacañang are a bunch of incompetent and insensitive dolts who punctuate their failures with off the cuff remarks that only serve to incense the public. Filipinos have been known to be tolerant even of stupidity and mediocrity but the PNoy Misadministration has obviously broken all records as far as achieving nothing is concerned.
The one thing they have managed to be consistent about is to accumulate those who they call  “critics,” “haters,” and a vast number of angry Filipinos whose quality of life and productivity have deteriorated due to what many believe is PNoy’s indifference or insulated mindset to the day to day hardship of Filipinos. His big picture notion of making the Philippines a serious regional or global player, his insistence on passing the twisted version of the BBL, his obsession with out-doing his predecessor, or solidifying his imaginary “Matuwid Na Daan” have cost millions of Filipinos a high price in terms of their quality of life and personal finances.
For many, the formerly moral aspiration for the “Tuwid Na Daan” has crumbled under his form of selective justice, his failure to make his minions account for their non-performance and questionable conduct, and for ignoring the people’s plea for action and service from government.  Simply put his much-adored “Tuwid Na Daan” has become nothing more than the Tagalog translation of the proverbial phrase: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Judging from the chaos, congestion and immobility on Metro Manila roads, airport and pier, it would be safe to say that we have found our hell on earth.
And like lost souls in the abyss, all we want now is to be able to bring back the travel time to the traditional 1 to 1.5 hours, it used to take instead of the 3 to 4 hour kidney and bladder busting ride. All we want is to be able to ride the MRT and LRT without having to get into fights with fellow Filipinos as a way of expressing or releasing our anger at a government and a President whose sole obsession is to insure the continuity of their failed governance.
So now we begin to read posts on social media mildly suggesting or asking: How should we express our anger, our frustration and how can we make this government act? There are now those suggesting a 3-day strike the same way citizens in Latin American countries have displayed their displeasure. Some suggest tax holidays or boycotts. One or two suggests giving the PNoy administration a taste of its own medicine by staging EDSA 3 or 4 (depending on who’s counting).
Opinion ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
These, Mr. President, are the initial snowflakes for “the winter of our discontent” that may come way before the May elections. Many of us do not have deep pockets to see us through and clearly people are losing their patience and waking up to the realization that something has to be done, something needs to be done, and history shows that the people ultimately does something about governments that betray and ignore their basic needs. Cory Aquino led one, Gloria Arroyo led the second, Urban poor almost had their very own EDSA3, so a fourth one is not all too impossible.
*      *      *
The PNoy Misadministration would have us think that the reason for gridlock is progress as evidenced by the various construction projects, roadwork and infrastructures that are being put up. The PNoy administration is not the first administration or government to put massive infrastructure projects. Marcos, Ramos, and Arroyo had a lot but to their credit the gridlock did not turn EDSA into a parking lot almost everyday of the week even past the truck ban.
Ramos and Arroyo were concerned and sensitive to public displeasure resulting from being stuck in traffic. I know that Gloria Arroyo would call and nag then MMDA Chairman Bayani Fernando every time she heard reports of traffic jam or whenever she herself was caught in a traffic jam. Government officials were held responsible and expected to do something, that led to the no-arrest policy on main roads where the priority was to get vehicles moving as fast as possible. Under the regime of the righteous brotherhood no one is held responsible, they blame each other and when that no longer works with angry people then they say: “Sorry po,” “we beg for your patience and understanding.” That Mr. President does not fix the problem or get the job done.
In terms of vehicle and road use or the lack of it, we the Filipino people are one very oppressed and abused lot. When we buy cars, we pay for everything involved in making the cars, buses etc. We pay the duties and taxes on those products, we pay the duties and taxes on the fuel and other accessories that go into the vehicle and in order to drive or ride said vehicles, we pay for registration, insurance, license, medical exams, air pollution tests and road users tax.
The government collects the duties, taxes and VAT on our vehicles, on the fuel, collect money on the insurance, the LTFRB franchise and then on the road users tax! The Philippine government is the biggest business interest, profiteer and competitor but the worst in terms of investments, product development and customer service or relations. In other words, it is the biggest FREE LOADER that subscribes to UNLI TAX!
The so-called PPP or Public Private Partnership projects on infrastructure is the biggest scam of them all where the government actually gets private partners to bid and pay the government a concession fee to build the projects and then pass the bigger bill to Filipino citizens. In effect, the PNoy Misadministration is taxing all of us even the dead and their estates but none of that money goes to major infrastructure that we badly need. After taking as much as 50% or more for income tax and VAT, travel, road users tax etc., the government enters into a conspiracy with developers to make us, the Filipino people, pay for every time we use highways, airports, power etc.  So we are paying for everything and still getting nothing! That should make you angry enough!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Tornado in Pikit, Mindanao

The Tornado hits 3 villages in Pikit and destroys 154 houses

KIDAPAWAN CITY– At least 154 houses, including two madrasahs and a mosque, were destroyed when a tornado or a violent whirling windstorm hit three villages in Pikit, North Cotabato, around 545 p.m., Thursday.
Tahira Kalantongan, municipal disaster risk reduction and management officer (MDRRMO) of Pikit, said the strong tornado surprised residents of barangays Manaulanan, Pamalian, and Punol – all located near the Rio Grande de Mindanao, one of the country’s largest rivers located in Central Mindanao.
Of the damaged houses, the worst hit was Barangay Punol with 141; Pamalian, 8; and Manaulanan, 2.
Two madrasahs and a mosque in Barangay Punol were also destroyed when tornado hit the village.
Aside from houses, several trees were also uprooted, reports said.
Of the victims, worst hit were from Barangay Punol, who, until today, still suffer from the effects of flash floods.
The village is still underwater, according to Kalantongan. Yet, they refuse to leave homes.
Many of them used bancas as their temporary shelter.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Konsularsprechtag in Davao City der Deutschen Botschaft Manila

Konsularsprechtag in Davao City

Die Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Manila gibt bekannt, dass am  Donnerstag, den 20. August 2015 von 08.30 Uhr bis 12.30 Uhr und von 14.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr ein Konsularsprechtag stattfinden wird in der: 
University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP)
Board Room, Office of the President
Iñigo Street
Haupteingang (in der Nähe der N. Torres/Cervantes und Porras Streets)
Brgy. Obrero
Davao City (hinter der Victoria Plaza Mall)
Tel.: (082) 227-1761 und 0915-219-9002
Ansprechpartner ist der Leiter der Rechts- und Konsularabteilung der Botschaft, Herr Ulrich Köhler.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wegen der biometrischen Daten (u.a. Fingerabdrücke) nur noch vollständige Anträge auf Ausstellung vorläufiger Reisepässe und Kinderreisepässe – nicht jedoch Anträge für Europapässe – entgegengenommen werden können.
Leider können Visaanträge in Davao City nicht gestellt werden. Die Visaabteilung in Manila ist nicht mit der USEP in Davao vernetzt. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis, dass aus diesem Grunde auch Fragen zu einzelnen Visaanträgen nicht beantwortet werden können.
Für eine erfolgreiche Bearbeitung Ihres Anliegens (z. B. Beglaubigungen etc.) setzen Sie sich bitte rechtzeitig zwecks Vorbereitung der Urkunde mit der Botschaft in Verbindung (
The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany would like to inform you that the Head of the Consular and Legal Section, First Secretary and Consul Mr. Ulrich Koehler will be present on Thursday, August 20, 2015 in Davao City.
For further information: Telephone (082) 227 - 1761 or 0915 - 2199002. 

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Abu Sayyaf Behaeds Village Chief in Sulu

  (Philippine Star)

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The Abu Sayyaf group, known to have links with other terror groups in neighboring Indonesia and Malaysia, gained worldwide notoriety for bombings and kidnapping activities. photo
ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines - Abu Sayyaf insurgents beheaded one of its male captives they held hostage in Sulu province after negotiation for his safe release failed.
Navy Captain Roy Vincent Trinidad, chief of staff of the Naval Forces Western Mindanao and Joint Task Force Zambasulta, identified the victim as Rodolfo Bulagao.
Bulagao, a barangay captain of Aliguay Island in Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte, was abducted last May 4 along with Philippine Coast Guard personnel Seaman 2nd Class Gringo Villaruz and Seaman 1st Class Rod Pagaling.
Headlines ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
Trinidad said the decapitated head was found around 9:45 p.m. Tuesday by a civilian in Barangay Labah, Maimbung town.
The local police was immediately alerted and recovered the remains of Bulagao, which were brought to the Sulu Provincial hospital for proper disposition.
There was no immediate report on what prompted the execution of the victim though the Abu Sayyaf group issued threats last June to execute one of the three victims taken from Dapitan City if the government will not pay the huge ransom.
The group issued its warning through a video clip posted on social media, showing all three hostages.
In the more than three-minute video clip, each of the victims were directed to speak and appealed for their safety from the possible beheading.
“The reports we received, there was failure of negotiation,” Trinidad said without elaborating.
There were reports that the Abu Sayyaf group directly negotiated with Bulagao’s family, demanding P500,000 ransom in exchange for the release of the victim.
It was not clear how much ransom the Abu Sayyaf demanded for the release the two Coast Guard personnel.
Trinidad said the remains of Bulagao were scheduled to be transported by the Navy late Tuesday afternoon and the victim’s family requested for privacy from the media.
Trinidad said negotiation is still ongoing for the release of the two Coast Guard personnel and other hostages.
Among the captives still in the hands of the Abu Sayyaf group were foreigners Elwold Horns of Holland, Malaysian Thien Nyuk Fun, Cambodian Bernard Then Ted Fen, Korean businessman Noui Hong Sung and long-time captive Japanese national Toshio Ito.
The local victims were Mayor Gemma Adana of Naga town, Zamboanga Sibugay province, Coast Guard personnel Villaruz and Pagaling and three-year old Ace Jay Garban, a scion of a known political clan in Pitogo town, Zamboanga del Sur.