You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Monday, February 6, 2023

Heftige Erdbeben erschüttern die Türkei und Syrien: Stärke 7,4 und 7,9 - Zahlreiche Todesopfer bestätigt

Schweres Erdbeben erschüttert die Türkei und Syrien. Das Epizentrum lag nach Angaben des Geoforschungszentrums Potsdam in beiden Fällen nahe der Stadt Gaziantep unweit der Grenze zu Syrien.

Schweres Erdbeben erschüttert die Türkei und Syrien. Das Epizentrum lag nach Angaben des Geoforschungszentrums Potsdam in beiden Fällen nahe der Stadt Gaziantep unweit der Grenze zu Syrien. © Screenshot GFZ

Gleich zwei heftige Erdbeben erschütterten in den frühen Morgenstunden den Südosten der Türkei und den Nordwesten Syriens. Das Ausmaß der Katastrophe ist noch nicht absehbar.

  • Schweres Erdbeben erschüttert Türkei und Syrien: Mindestens 200 Menschen sind ums Leben gekommen
  • Starkes Erdbeben der Stärke 7,8 erschüttert Grenzregion: Rettungsteams suchen aus dem ganzen Land werden zusammengezogen
  • Dieser News-Ticker zum katastrophalen Erdbeben in der Türkei und Syrien wird regelmäßig aktualisiert.

Schweres Erdbeben erschüttert Türkei und Syrien: Mindestens 200 Menschen sind ums Leben gekommen

In der Türkei starben mindestens 76 Menschen, wie die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu am Montag unter Berufung auf die Katastrophenschutzbehörde Afad berichtete. Mindestens 440 Menschen seien verletzt worden. In Syrien seien zudem mindestens 99 Menschen ums Leben gekommen, berichtete das Staatsfernsehen unter Berufung auf das Gesundheitsministerium. 

Update von 6.18 Uhr: In der Nacht hat ein schweres Erdbeben Teile der Türkei und Syrien verwüstet. In Syrien sind nach Regierungsangaben mindestens 42 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. 200 Menschen wurden in den Provinzen Aleppo, Hama und Latakia verletzt, wie der stellvertretende syrische Gesundheitsminister Ahmed Dhamiriyeh der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Sana sagte.

Laut Sana stürzten in zahlreichen Städten Gebäude ein. Fotos zeigten, wie Rettungsteams Menschen auf Tragbahren wegtrugen. Der Leiter des Nationalen Erdbebenzentrums Raed Ahmed sagte laut Sana, dies sei das stärkste Beben in Syrien seit 1995.

Update von 5.50 Uhr: Bei den Erdbeben in der Südosttürkei sind nach Medienberichten mindestens 38 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Zahlreiche Menschen seien verletzt worden, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur DHA am Montag unter Berufung auf lokale Behörden. In der Provinz Sanliurfa seien mindestens 15 Menschen ums Leben gekommen, berichtete DHA unter Berufung auf den Gouverneur Salih Ayhan. Der Gouverneur der Provinz Malatya, Hulusi Sahin, meldete demnach 23 Tote. 

Auch in Syrien wurden Todesopfer gemeldet. Das schwere Erdbeben nahe der Grenze der Türkei zu Syrien hat alleine in Syrien nach Regierungsangaben 42 Menschenleben gefordert. 200 Menschen wurden in den Provinzen Aleppo, Hama und Latakia verletzt, wie der stellvertretende syrische Gesundheitsminister Ahmed Dhamiriyeh der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Sana sagte. Laut Sana stürzten in zahlreichen Städten Gebäude ein. Fotos zeigten, wie Rettungsteams Menschen auf Tragbahren wegtrugen. Der Leiter des Nationalen Erdbebenzentrums Raed Ahmed sagte laut Sana, dies sei das stärkste Beben in Syrien seit 1995.

Die Rettungsorganisation Weißhelme sprach ihrerseits von Dutzenden Toten. „Wir reagieren mit allem, was wir können, um diejenigen zu retten, die unter den Trümmer liegen“, sagte der Leiter der Gruppe, Raed Al Saleh. „Die Lage ist sehr tragisch“, sagte ein Mitglied der Gruppe.

Ursprungsmeldung: Istanbul - Zwei heftige Erdbeben der Stärke 7,4 und 7,9 haben kurz nacheinander am frühen Montagmorgen den Südosten der Türkei erschüttert. Das Epizentrum lag nach Angaben des Geoforschungszentrums Potsdam in beiden Fällen nahe der Stadt Gaziantep unweit der Grenze zu Syrien. Demnach ereigneten sich die Beben gegen 4.17 Uhr (Ortszeit/2.17 Uhr MEZ) und 4.28 Uhr (Ortszeit/2.28 Uhr MEZ) in einer Tiefe von 10 Kilometern. Bei den Erdbeben in der Südosttürkei sind Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Das sagte der türkische Innenminister Süleyman Soylu am Montag, ohne eine Anzahl zu nennen.

Cultural Center of the Philippines begins much-needed transformation

CCP President Margie Moran-Floirendo with various equipment for the Main Theater. PHOTOS BY RENE H. DILAN

Beginning this year, the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) is closed to make way for its much-needed three-year redevelopment. The goal is to transform the iconic structure into a state-of-the-art center for artistic excellence and cultural celebration.

The CCP is already over 50 years old and so retrofitting and refurbishment are necessary for it to continue to perform its roles as the premier national institution promoting Philippine arts and culture.

The planned redevelopment will retain the iconic architecture and focus on structural improvements including upgrading its fire, drainage, electrical and environmental protection systems as well other building codes.

Moreover, the project is a climate change adaptation measure that will integrate sustainable features to improve energy and water efficiency, to name a few. "The building has gone through leaks, corrosions, and flooding and other issues from various typhoons and earthquakes over the years. We are also looking at technological and aesthetic upgrades responsive to CCP's future programs and activities, particularly the comfort, safety and overall experience of performers, audiences, employees and other stakeholders," CCP president Margie Moran-Floirendo said in a statement.

CCP will also add facilities to make the building gender-responsive and inclusive for persons with disabilities, senior citizens and more, fulfilling its vision of being a globally competitive, self-sustaining and future-ready destination.

The initial budget of P900 million was allocated for the rehabilitation of the CCP Main Building, initially coming from the proposed budget for an Artist Center. The Pasay City Government is set to give the greenlight to kick off the first phase of the project, concentrating on the improvement of the center's main performance venues — Tanghalang Aurelio Tolentino and Tanghalang Nicanor Abelardo — as well as the relocation of offices and theaters. This will take up about 40 percent of the budget, while the rest will be appropriated for the second phase, which will cover the repair of facilities such as the hydraulic lift, Freight elevator, LED lights, Rigging system, acoustics. But given the scale and ambitions for the project, more funds may be needed.

Throughout the project, CCP reaffirmed that it will continue its operations and will take it as an opportunity to work with artistic communities and bring its programs closer to the people in different parts of the country. On top of continued live performances and training, CCP will also strengthen its online presence.

"We hope that through our increased geographical presence and more outreach activities, the public will know that we are relentless in offering arts and cultural experiences for people from all walks of life. While we are temporarily closing our home, our commitment to fulfill our duties will even be intensified," said Moran-Floirendo added.

The redevelopment of CCP supports the national priority to accelerate the reopening of travel and the economy and the creation of jobs. It also aligns with the CCP's mission as the premier arts and culture institution of the Philippines to strengthen the Philippine brand.

"We are rebuilding a center for culture and arts that will push the country forward. We request everyone's support and trust that the endeavor will set the stage for further creative and cultural development as well as international collaborations, showcasing the unique talent and spirit of the Filipino," Moran-Floirendo ended.

Davao Norte boosts tourism activities

By Ruth Palo, Manila Times

DAVAO CITY: The Davao del Norte provincial government has recently launched a program aimed at boosting the tourism industry and economic activities in the province.

The program dubbed #DavNorTravels is a flagship initiative of Gov. Edwin Jubahib's administration, with the goal of showcasing the natural and cultural beauty of Davao del Norte to both local and international tourists.

"DavNor Travels is not just a tourism program but a step towards making Davao del Norte a destination of choice for tourists and investors alike. With this program, we aim to create new job opportunities, stimulate local businesses and boost the local economy," Jubahib said.

With its diverse cultural heritage, breathtaking natural wonders and rich history, Davao del Norte has much to offer to tourists, and through the #DavNorTravels, both local and foreign tourists alike get to experience the province's best.

"Our goal is to make Davao del Norte a hub for tourism and economic growth, and I am confident that with the support of our local government units, the private sector, and the community, we can achieve this. I invite everyone to visit Davao del Norte and experience its rich culture, beautiful landscapes and warm hospitality."

Jubahib alongside other provincial officials led by provincial tourism officer Noel Daquioag, visited the famous tourist and emerging destinations in the towns of Santo Tomas, Talaingod, New Corella and Panabo City, among other areas.

The province's contingent was also joined by local government officials, business leaders and community members. It can be recalled that the Jubahib administration funded several tourism-related infrastructures in various local government units in a bid to position the province as a prime tourism destination in the Davao Region.

In 2023, the Jubahib administration funded P3.84 million to operationalize Davao del Norte's Sustainable Tourism Development Program to boost the tourism industry and stir economic activities in the province.

The tourism industry in the province is classified as sun and beach tourism, diving and marine sports tourism, education and agri-tourism, sports tourism, MICE, events tourism, cultural tourism, and ecotourism.

The province has identified three major areas of destination where people can visit and go.

These are the Island Garden City of Samal with its white sand beaches, diving sites, and water sports, the vast banana plantations in the mainland and the highland journey in nature and culture that include waterfalls, rivers, springs, and lakes at the towns of Kapalong, New Corella, Asuncion, San Isidro and the Ata-Manobo Cultural village in Talaingod.

With its commitment to sustainable tourism and the preservation of cultural heritage, the #DavNorTravels program is poised to become a game-changer for the province and its people.

Magnitude 4.5 aftershock rocks Davao de Oro — Phivolcs

by Ellalyn De Vera-Ruiz


A 4.5-magnitude aftershock rocked Davao de Oro shortly before Sunday evening, Feb. 5, said the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) in an earthquake bulletin.

Phivolcs said the quake struck 7 kilometers northwest of Compostela, Davao de Oro around 5:59 p.m. 

It was felt at Intensity V (strong) in Nabunturan, Davao de Oro; Intensity II (slightly felt) in Compostela and New Bataan in Davao de Oro; and Intensity I (scarcely perceptible) in Maco, Davao de Oro.

Phivolcs’ instruments also recorded the tremor at Intensity I in Davao City.

The 4.5-magnitude quake was determined to be an aftershock of the 6.0-magnitude tremor that jolted Davao de Oro on Feb. 1

Phivolcs said the 6.0-magnitude earthquake was generated by the movement along the Philippine Fault—a major tectonic feature that transects the whole Philippine archipelago from northwestern Luzon to southeastern Mindanao. 

Metro Manila’s air temperature dips to 20.6°C

by Ellalyn De Vera-Ruiz, MB

Metro Manila (UNSPLASH FILE)

Metro Manila’s air temperature dropped to 20.6 degrees Celsius (°C) on Sunday morning, Feb. 5, making it the region’s coldest day so far this year.

Based on the data of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), the 20.6°C air temperature was recorded at the Science Garden monitoring station in Quezon City around 6 a.m. 

PAGASA attributed the cold weather to the prevailing northeast monsoon or “amihan.”

Based on PAGASA’s data, the top 10 stations that recorded the lowest air temperature throughout Sunday were:

Baguio City (13.0℃)

Tanay, Rizal (18.3℃)


Malaybalay, Bukidnon (19.0°C)

Basco, Batanes (19.1°C)

Laoag City, Ilocos Norte (19.4℃)

Abucay, Bataan (19.8°C)

Baler, Aurora (20.5°C)

Sinait, Ilocos Sur (20.5°C) 

Science Garden, Quezon City (20.6°C)

Casiguran, Aurora (21.0°C)

PAGASA expects cold surges due to the northeast monsoon until the end of the month.

According to the weather bureau, surface air temperatures are expected to be generally slightly below to slightly above average in most parts of the country except for a few areas that may experience cooler than average (Coron, Romblon and Maasin) and warmer than average (Iba, Dipolog and Misamis Oriental) temperatures from January to March.

PAGASA said that the gradual weakening of the northeast monsoon is expected in March, signaling the onset of dry and warm season in the country because the air temperature will gradually increase.

Hidilyn Diaz named PSA’s Athlete of the Year

by Manila Bulletin Sports

There’s still plenty of gas left in the tank for Hidilyn Diaz.

More than a year since giving the Philippines its first gold medal in the Olympics, the Filipina weightlifter hasn’t slowed down yet and reached another milestone in her storied career.

Hidilyn Diaz will be honored with her third PSA Athlete of the Year trophy in the last five years. (File Photo/AFP)

Diaz, 31, finally stamped her class in the IWF World Weightlifting Championships behind a dominant sweep of the women’s 55-kilogram class during the 88th edition of the meet held at the Gran Carpa Americas Corferias Convention Center in the Colombian capital of Bogota. 

Behind a golden treble, the Zamboanga City native ruled the snatch with a lift of 93kg and 114kg in the clean-and-jerk, for a total of 207kg and a breakthrough in the world meet following five failed bids in previous campaigns.

The special feat completed Diaz’s bucket list of winning a gold in international events, from the Southeast Asian Games, Asian Games, World Championship, all to the way to the Olympics, a feat no other Filipino athlete in history had ever achieved.

In recognition of the latest in a long line of honor she brought to the country, the Philippine Sportswriters Association (PSA) will bestow Diaz anew with the Athlete of the Year award.

The humble Filipina weightlifter will be honored with her third Athlete of the Year trophy in the last five years during the traditional San Miguel Corporation (SMC)-PSA Awards Night on March 6 at the grand ballroom of the Diamond Hotel.


In all, this will be the fourth Athlete of the Year honor for Diaz, making her only the third person since 2000 to win the award four times after world boxing greats Manny Pacquiao and Nonito Donaire Jr.

“Hidilyn Diaz was the unanimous choice as Athlete of the Year for 2022 by the Philippine Sportswriters Association. Her latest triumph is a testament to her being a true world-class athlete who continues to be an inspiration to the Filipino people since her historic gold medal win in the Tokyo Olympics,” said PSA president Rey Lachica, sports editor of Tempo.

The gala night presented by the Philippine Sports Commission and Cignal TV, won’t be possible without major backers Philippine Olympic Committee, Tagaytay City Mayor Abraham ‘Bambol’ Tolentino, MILO, Rain or Shine, 1Pacman Rep. Mikee Romero, Philippine Basketball Association, OKBet, and ICTSI.

The year that passed was truly memorable for Diaz, who also won a silver medal in the 2016 Rio Olympics.

An enlisted personnel of the Philippine Air Force with the rank of Staff Sergeant, Hidilyn kicked off her 2022 campaign by retaining the gold in the women’s 55kg event during the 31st Southeast Asian Games in Vietnam last summer.

Two months later, she entered a new phase of her life by marrying long-time coach and fiancé Julius Naranjo in Baguio City. 

Following a brief rest, Diaz was back in active competition and soon after, conquered the world with her golden feat in Bogota.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Get free VIP tickets and more to BLACKPINK’s ‘Born Pink’ concert at PH Arena with Globe

by Jonathan Hicap

K-pop girl group BLACKPINK will be holding their “Born Pink” world tour at the Philippine Arena in Bulacan on March 25 and 26.

For those who were not lucky to score tickets, here is your chance. Globe is giving away VIP with Soundcheck tickets and more to BLACKPINK’s concert through various promos that are available until Feb. 15. 

BLINKs can get the highly coveted concert tickets in five ways:

– For Globe Prepaid customer, subscribe to GO+400 via the GlobeOne app

– For Globe Postpaid customer, apply or renew to the ONEPlan 1799 or 1999

– For Globe Platinum customer, apply for Globe Platinum ONEPlan or GPlan Plus 

– For Globe At Home Prepaid WiFi customer: Subscribe to FamSURF999 via the GlobeOne app

– For Globe At Home Postpaid customer: Apply for GFiber Plan 1699

The promo is open to all Globe Prepaid, Postpaid, Platinum, Home Prepaid Wifi, and Globe At Home Postpaid subscribers nationwide. There are several tickets up for grabs for lucky BLACKPINK fans for March 25 and 26.

Globe is making BLACKPINK’s “Born Pink” world tour the ultimate stan experience yet for BLINKs and Globe subscribers with promos on the way.

Be on the lookout for exclusive merch and more unique on-ground experiences during the two-day concert. Join Globe KmmunityPH to get first dibs.

To know more about how you can win the VIP with Soundcheck event tickets, visit

Saturday, February 4, 2023

PHILIPPINES MOUNTAIN CABINS - Best Views In Malaybalay City! (Bukidnon)

BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN CABINS, FOGGY RIDGE VIEWS... THIS WAS SUCH AN AWESOME DAY IN MALAYBALAY CITY, BUKIDNON! I have been to this part of Mindanao many times, but I have never explored this part of Malaybalay... and wow is it ever a must visit! Driving up a dirt road, within minutes I was experiencing cool temperatures, beautiful ridges, and finding myself drinking hot chocolate (sikwate) at mountain cabin cafes! Certainly these must be some of the best views in Malaybalay! I definitely want to come back to the places I explored on this day with my motor in Mindanao, and having an overnight hangout with barkada. I can only imagine waking up at one of these mountain cabins... the view and cool temperatures must be amazing! Malaybalay Bukidnon... so great motoring around!

A lover's day

Valentine’s Day, also called Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14. It originated as a Western Christian liturgical feast day honouring one or more early saints named Valentinus, and is recognised as a significant cultural and commercial celebration in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country.

Several martyrdom stories associated with the various Valentines that were connected to February 14 were added to later martyrologies, including a popular hagiographical account of Saint Valentine of Rome which indicated he was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. According to legend, during his imprisonment, Saint Valentine healed the daughter of his jailer, Asterius, and before his execution, he wrote her a letter signed Your Valentine as a farewell.

The day first became associated with romantic love within the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. In 18th-century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as valentines). In Europe, Saint Valentine’s Keys are given to lovers as a romantic symbol and an invitation to unlock the giver’s heart, as well as to children, in order to ward off epilepsy (called Saint Valentine’s Malady). Valentine’s Day symbols that are used today include the heart-shape outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards.

Being married for more then 40 years now, Valentine's Day lets me always recall lovely moments from the past.

In a very old issue of PHILADELPHIA NEWS, which is still on my desk, columnist Larry Fields confessed: "I lead a life of wine, women and song (by the way, a wonderful waltz by the Austrian king of waltz Johann Strauss!) - it's cheaper than petrol, food and rent!"

Well, some marriages are made in heaven. You know some? I do. The best of the rest are down-to-earth. Maybe also yours? I am blessed and happy to celebrate my  wedding anniversary next month.

Maybe you remember this: "Then the prince swept the lovely young maiden into his arms and carried her home to his castle. And they live happily ever after!" Indeed, they did.

What I would like to see is an autonomous in home affairs study of all these titles of nobility bearers seven years after their happily-ever-after marriages. or even earlier, because the so-called darned and tricky seventh marriage year could be even the first one already.

The truth is that life isn't made up of the continual highs found in the initial stages of courtship. Of course, flirting is fun and a wide groove exists. But after a while our system needs a rest. Unanimously we're in the second stage sooner or later and our marriage life badly needs a new outside coating.

All of a sudden, the partner prefers day and night watching all the sports channels, falls asleep while you're revealing your innermost secrets and even forgets the anniversary for the first or even second time . Just bear in mind: You've won each other's acceptance  and sometimes even feel terribly gloomy. This acceptance shouldn't be undervalued.

Even we see a house that has to be cleaned, many other things have to be organized, and the partner, who looks as fatigued and bored as you feel. Logical question: "That's it? That WAS it?"

And suddenly, we experienced the third stage and learned why it's worth the ups and downs. Maybe we men don't mention any more, how incredible she looks, but we enjoy bleating and grousing at her spending innumerable hours putting her together. But then, suddenly, we men unload the garbage without being asked for it.

Although no marriage is continually blissful - it can be pretty good most of the time. When we last through arguments, money worries, and kid's problems or slowly but surely coming up mid-life crises, we should face reality that our relationship is not always a big day celebration.

It's because the fundamental  reason for a marriage has outlasted the craziness of day-to-day living: we love each other. That's MY idea of "Happily ever after, indeed!"

And one more thing: in my opinion, Valentine's Day shouldn't be only on February 14. It doesn't matter if one is married or not.

Has warm, dry season already started? Here’s what PAGASA has to say

by Ellalyn De Vera-Ruiz, MB


The cold air from the northeast monsoon or “amihan” continues to be experienced in large parts of Luzon and Visayas although it is relatively weak compared to the previous weeks, said a weather specialist of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA).

“Sa mga nagtatanong kung simula na ito ng tag-init o warm dry season sa ating bansa, ang sagot po natin ay hindi pa (To those who are asking if this is the beginning of summer or warm, dry season in our country, our answer is not yet),” PAGASA weather specialist Benison Estareja said on Friday, Feb. 3. 

“Makakaranas pa rin tayo ng mga pagbugso ng amihan hanggang matapos ang Pebrero dito sa malaking bahagi ng Luzon, as well as Eastern Visayas habang sa unang bahagi ng Marso ay meron pa rin tayong amihan lalo na sa may Northern and Central Luzon (We will still experience surges of northeast monsoon until the end of February in large parts of Luzon, as well as in Eastern Visayas, while in early March, we still have surges of northeast monsoon, especially in Northern and Central Luzon),” he added.

Estareja said the northeast monsoon will continue to temporarily weaken in the coming days, before another surge of amihan by mid-February.

PAGASA defines amihan as cold winds from the northeast that bring rains over the eastern side of the country.

It also records the coldest day of the year during the northeast monsoon season.


The cool and dry season is from December to February, while the hot and dry season is from March to May.

In the next 24 hours, PAGASA said partly cloudy to cloudy weather with light rains due to the northeast monsoon or amihan may affect Luzon and Visayas.

Meanwhile, Mindanao will have partly cloudy to cloudy weather with isolated rain showers or thunderstorms.

PAGASA advised the public to stay vigilant against possible flash floods or landslides during severe thunderstorms.

According to Estareja, no new tropical cyclone will be seen entering the Philippine area of responsibility in the next few days, based on the latest weather forecast.

However, he said PAGASA monitored a cloud cluster over the Pacific Ocean. 

Estarejsa said Southern Mindanao may experience scattered rain showers and thunderstorms by Sunday, Feb. 5, due to the intertropical convergence zone.