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Monday, June 10, 2024

The GMA Gala is back: A spectacular celebration for GMA’s 74th anniversary



  • Sparkle GMA Artist Center announced the exciting news on their Instagram account with a teaser video featuring the Network’s biggest stars, igniting a buzz online and thrilling fans.

Alden Richards and Heart Evangelista.jpg
Alden Richards and Heart Evangelista

Following its resounding success last year, the “GMA Gala”—the glamorous and dazzling gathering of the biggest and brightest Kapuso stars—returns to celebrate the 74th anniversary of GMA Network.

Sparkle GMA Artist Center announced the exciting news on their Instagram account with a teaser video featuring the Network’s biggest stars, igniting a buzz online and thrilling fans. 

Sparkle's post read, "Lights, camera, action✨The GMA Gala is back! The moment we’ve all been waiting for is here – the grand return of the biggest event in the Philippine entertainment industry, the #GMAGala2024! Get ready to witness the stars shine like never before ��"

The inaugural GMA Gala in 2022 served as a fundraiser, with all donations and pledges supporting the construction of a new school building for Magallanes Elementary School in Limasawa Island, Southern Leyte through the GMA Kapuso Foundation (GMAKF).

Last year’s GMA Gala, held in July 2023 at the Marriott Hotel in Newport Pasay City, also doubled as a fund-raising event. The glamorous evening raised P1 million for the benefit of the GMA Kapuso Foundation (GMAKF). 

Atty. Felipe L. Gozon.jpg
Atty. Felipe L. Gozon
Atty. Annette Gozon-Valdes, Ms. Judith R. Duavit-Vazquez and Ms. Laura J. Westfall.jpg
Atty. Annette Gozon-Valdes, Ms. Judith R. Duavit-Vazquez and Ms. Laura J. Westfall

The Network’s most prominent celebrities graced the event, including Marian Rivera, Dingdong Dantes, Heart Evangelista, Alden Richards, Dennis Trillo, Jennylyn Mercado, Bea Alonzo, Barbie Forteza, David Licauco, Bianca Umali, Ruru Madrid, Julie Anne San Jose, Rayver Cruz, and many more.

Additionally, ABS-CBN's top executives, along with Kapamilya personalities Vice Ganda, Anne Curtis, Jhong Hilario, Vhong Navarro, and Joshua Garcia, were in attendance

The GMA Gala 2023 was a perfect occasion for the artists, executives, media partners, and collaborators to come together for one special, sparkling night.

While GMA Network has yet to announce the venue and theme of this year's gala, anticipation is definitely building for another event featuring the country’s biggest celebrities and personalities.

Check out images from 2023:

Marian Rivera and Dingdong Dantes.jpg
Marian Rivera and Dingdong Dantes
Dominic Roque and Bea Alonzo.jpg
Dominic Roque and Bea Alonzo
Allen Ansay and Sofia Pablo.jpg
Allen Ansay and Sofia Pablo
Anne Curtis.jpg
Anne Curtis
Beauty Gonzales.jpg
Beauty Gonzales
Bianca Umali and Ruru Madrid.jpg
Bianca Umali and Ruru Madrid
Cory Vidanes and Carlo Katigbak.jpg
Cory Vidanes and Carlo Katigbak
Gabbi Garcia and Khalil Ramos.jpg
Gabbi Garcia and Khalil Ramos
Herlene Budol.jpg
Herlene Budol
Isko Moreno.jpg
Isko Moreno
Janeena Chan, David Licauco, Ms. Rikki Escudero-Catibog, Barbie Forteza and Tim Yap.jpg
Janeena Chan, David Licauco, Ms. Rikki Escudero-Catibog, Barbie Forteza and Tim Yap
Jennylyn Mercado and Dennis Trillo.jpg
Jennylyn Mercado and Dennis Trillo
Jessica Soho.jpg
Jessica Soho
Julie Anne San Jose and Rayver Cruz.jpg
Julie Anne San Jose and Rayver Cruz
Sanya Lopez.jpg
Sanya Lopez
Megan Young.jpg
Megan Young

‘Bagong Pilipinas’ hymn, pledge now in flag rites

 PAST AND PRESENT | Preparations are underway at the Aguinaldo Shrine for the celebration of the country’s 126th Independence Day on Wednesday. President Marcos on Sunday said the struggle for independence continues in upholding “our freedom in our territory and sovereignty.” —Photo by Richard A. Reyes, Philippine Daily Inquirer

By: Melvin Gascon - Reporter / @melvingasconINQPhilippine Daily Inquirer / 05:55 AM June 10, 2024

MANILA, Philippines — President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has issued an order to government offices and public schools to include the singing of the “Bagong Pilipinas” (“New Philippines”) hymn and reciting of the pledge during their flag rites, “to further instill the principles of the Bagong Pilipinas brand of governance and leadership” among state personnel and employees.

Marcos issued Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 52 on June 4, a copy of which was released to the media on Sunday, directing “all national government agencies and instrumentalities, including GOCCs (government-owned and -controlled corporations) and educational institutions, such as SUCs (state universities and colleges)” and encouraging local government units (LGUs) “to integrate the recital of the Bagong Pilipinas Hymn and Pledge in the conduct of the weekly flag ceremonies, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations.”

The circular, signed by Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin, takes effect “immediately” and contains a copy of the said hymn and pledge.

“For this purpose, the heads of all national government agencies and instrumentalities shall ensure that the Bagong Pilipinas hymn and pledge, which are annexed to this circular, are properly disseminated within their respective institutions and offices,” Bersamin said.

The Presidential Communications Office was asked to implement effective measures to communicate and disseminate the Bagong Pilipinas hymn and pledge to all government agencies and the public.

In his directive, Marcos invoked Republic Act No. 8491, or the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines, which required all government agencies and LGUs to conduct flag-raising rites on Mondays and flag-lowering on Fridays.

The law authorizes the Office of the President to issue rules and guidelines for the proper conduct of the flag ceremonies, the President said.

He also cited his MC 24, which launched his administration’s Bagong Pilipinas brand of governance and leadership and directed all agencies and instrumentalities, GOCCs and SUCs “to be guided by the Bagong Pilipinas principles.”

“Bagong Pilipinas is characterized by principled, accountable and dependable government, reinforced by unified institutions of society [and] envisioned to empower Filipinos to support and participate in all government efforts in an all-inclusive plan towards deep and fundamental social and economic transformation in all sectors of society and government,” the President said.

Echoes of ‘New Society’

In Congress, Sen JV Ejercito said Malacañang’s order does not seem to be “a very good idea.”

“Lupang Hinirang, Panatang Makabayan and Panunumpa sa Watawat are more than enough to instill nationalism and love for country,” he pointed out.

“Adding a hymn and another pledge will already be too much,” he added.

House Deputy Minority Leader France Castro on Sunday urged the President to rescind the directive, calling it “self-serving and [a] martial law remnant.”

Castro, the ACT Teachers party list representative, claimed that Mr Marcos’ MC 52 was an attempt at indoctrinating government workers and the youth on the “Bagong Lipunan” (“New Society”) branding and revisionism of history. “Bagong Lipunan” was the predominant theme of the President’s father and namesake during the martial law regime in the 1970s.

Senators Alan and Pia aid over a thousand Cebuanos in two-day support initiative



June 9, 2024

 Senators Alan and Pia aid over a thousand Cebuanos in two-day support initiative

The path to recovery from difficult situations became clearer for more than a thousand Cebuanos when the offices of Senators Alan Peter and Pia Cayetano provided support to residents on June 5 and 6, 2024.

Barangay Health Workers (BHW), Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS), Day Care Workers (DCW), and women’s group leaders in Catmon and Mandaue were the primary beneficiaries during the two-day support initiative.

On June 5, 2024, the Cayetano siblings' offices visited Catmon to assist a total of 500 individuals to bolster their income.

“This will help them buy rice, ayun talaga ang kailangan nila dito,” former Vice Mayor Earl Oyas said when asked where the beneficiaries will use the assistance given.

“Makakatulong din ito pambili ng school materials for their kids, kaya salamat po talaga,” he added.

The aid can also be utilized to cover daily expenses and meet the essential needs of the beneficiaries, providing them with crucial financial support.

Along with Oyas, former Mayor and Incumbent Councilor Dan Jusay and Barangay Captain Karem Joromo played important roles to ensure that the residents of Catmon receive the much-needed support.

On the second day, June 6, 2024, 512 residents of Mandaue received aid from the offices of the sibling senators.

During this visit, the offices of the sibling senators also met with women's groups from an earlier event held by Senator Pia on March 7, 2024 in Cebu.

The success of the Mandaue event was made possible through the efforts of local government units and Representative Lolypop Ouano-Dizon.

The two-day program in Catmon and Mandaue was a partnership between the Cayetano siblings and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) through its Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) program.

AICS aims to assist individuals facing difficult circumstances by providing a range of support services tailored to their specific needs. This includes educational aid, food, transportation, medical support, burial services, and financial help.

Dedicated to their advocacies, the Cayetano siblings strive to support Filipinos in need, helping them recover from challenging situations.###

Testament besser nicht zu Hause aufbewahren


Eine Rentnerin schreibt ein Testament

Wohin mit dem selbst verfassten Testament? Die Verwahrung in den eigenen vier Wänden ist im Zweifel nicht die beste Idee. © Christin Klose/dpa-tmn

Das Testament steht. Bleibt nur die Frage: Wie macht man es den Erben am besten zugänglich? Ein Experte klärt auf.

Bonn - Ein selbst verfasstes Testament einfach zu Hause aufbewahren? Das hält der Bonner Fachanwalt für Erbrecht Eberhard Rott für keine gute Idee. Einige Gründe sprächen dafür, es lieber beim zuständigen Amtsgericht vor Ort zu hinterlegen.

Laut Rott sei das Risiko zu groß, dass Hinterbliebene den letzten Willen der verstorbenen Person in dessen eigenen vier Wänden gar nicht finden. Hinzu kommt eine Verlustgefahr - etwa durch einen Brand oder einen Wasserrohrschaden. 

Auch der Missbrauch des letzten Willen ist im Fall der privaten Aufbewahrung eines Testaments denkbar. So ist nicht ausgeschlossen, dass Hinterbliebene ein Testament verändern oder vernichten, falls ihnen 

Solche und andere Szenarien bleiben aus, wenn das Testament beim zuständigen Nachlassgericht hinterlegt ist. Teuer ist das nicht. Für die Aufbewahrung zahlt der Erblasser oder die Erblasserin einmalig 75 Euro. Weitere 15,50 Euro fallen dafür an, dass das hinterlegte Schriftstück im Zentralen Testamentsregister der Bundesnotarkammer erfasst wird. dpa

Sunday, June 9, 2024

World Food Safety Day: A call to prepare for the unexpected

World Food Safety Day: A call to prepare for the unexpected

E CARTOON JUN 7, 2024.jpg

World Food Safety Day, observed every June 7 since 2018, is a global reminder that the food we consume impacts our health, communities, and future generations. This year’s theme, “Food safety: Prepare for the unexpected,” resonates deeply in a world where one in 10 people falls ill due to contaminated food. 

Ten percent of the population falling ill due to food contamination is a cause for concern. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), contaminated food causes over 200 diseases ranging from diarrhea to cancers that affect millions worldwide. From mild discomfort to severe illness, the consequences are far-reaching.

And what is alarming is the vulnerability of children. The WHO said that 40 percent of foodborne disease burden is on children under five years old. With their fragile immune systems, this demands utmost vigilance and attention from healthcare services.

With foodborne diseases affecting a big chunk of the global population, food safety challenges could strain healthcare systems, disrupt economies, and burden families. This is why ensuring food safety is crucial in the prevention of illnesses.

To address food safety concerns, the government should enforce stringent regulations—from production to harvest, processing, storage, distribution, all the way to preparation and consumption. It should also invest in early detection systems to swiftly address disease outbreaks; and engage in educational campaigns to raise public awareness about safe food handling practices.

On the part of the private sector, it should ensure supply chain integrity. Food producers, processors, and retailers must prioritize safety every step of the way. It should practice transparency to build consumer trust. It is also necessary to engage in industry-wide collaboration to ensure safer products.

Another step to ensure food safety is to practice smart shopping. Always check labels, expiry dates, and storage instructions.

Proper cooking is another measure and practicing hygiene at home will go a long way in attaining food safety. Always cook meat and other types of food thoroughly, wash fruits and vegetables to avoid cross-contamination.

In the event of food-related illnesses, report it promptly to health or local authorities.

In line with this year’s theme, everyone should keep in mind that preparing for the unexpected is crucial in ensuring food safety at home, in public, and elsewhere.

Conducting risk assessment could jumpstart one’s preparation. This is vital in identifying potential hazards and planning responses. Another important step is setting emergency protocols by establishing crisis management procedures. Community engagement is another vital measure. By involving local communities in food safety initiatives, the public is assured that precautionary measures are in place right at the grassroots.

This is why the observance of World Food Safety Day is crucial as it raises awareness about food safety, promotes preventive measures, and manages foodborne risks. 

As we celebrate World Food Safety Day today, let’s keep in mind that our choices ripple across the globe. By preparing for the unexpected, we nourish not only our bodies but also a safer, healthier world. Let’s stand together to make every meal a celebration of life and well-being.

New crowns, P1 million cash prize for 60th Binibining Pilipinas



  • Prizes for this year's winners were also revealed. The two runners-up will receive P400,000 each, while the new Bb. Pilipinas International and Bb. Pilipinas Globe titleholders will get P1 million each.

The candidates of 60th Binibining Pilipinas beauty pageant (Images by Noel Pabalate)

Bb. Pilipinas International Angelica Lopez and Bb. Pilipinas Globe Anna Lakrini unveiled the new crowns to be bestowed to their respective successors during the 60th Binibining Pilipinas press presentation held at the New Frontier Theater in Araneta City on June 7.

Both crowns, created by jeweler Manny Halasan, featured ethical diamonds and were designed based on the iconic Binibining Pilipinas logo.

Prizes for this year's winners were also revealed. The two runners-up will receive P400,000 each, while the new Bb. Pilipinas International and Bb. Pilipinas Globe titleholders will get P1 million each.

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Nico Locco (Instagram)

The 40 lovely candidates of the 60th Binibining Pilipinas pageant showed off their pasarela skills as they slayed the runway during the press presentation.

The new crowns of 60th Binibining Pilipinas

Wearing one-piece black swimsuits from Dia Ali by Justine Aliman, the candidates charmed the members of media and pageant sponsors with their fierce performance in a spectacular program produced by Aika Events and Productions.

During the press presentation, the pageant media voted for Miss Photogenic (Face of Binibining Pilipinas). The result will be announced during the finals.


The much-awaited grand coronation night of the 60th Binibining Pilipinas pageant, a night of glamour and anticipation, will be held at the Smart Araneta Coliseum on July 7.

Martin Nievera, Gary Valenciano, and SB19 will perform during the finals. Former Binibini queens Catriona Gray, Nicole Cordovez, MJ Lastimosa, and Kylie Versoza will also grace the event, adding to its grandeur.

Bb. Pilipinas International Angelica Lopez 
Bb. Pilipinas Globe Anna Lakrini 



Saturday, June 8, 2024

The History of The Philippines Before Magellan (3000 BCE - 1521 CE)

Climate records keep getting shattered. Here is what you need to know


WASHINGTON — Month after month, global temperatures are setting new records. Meanwhile, scientists and climate policymakers warn of the growing likelihood that the planet will soon exceed the warming target set at the landmark Paris 2015 climate talks.

Making sense of the run of climate extremes may be challenging for some. Here's a look at what scientists are saying. 


What climate records have been broken recently?

The European Union’s climate-watching agency Copernicus declared last month that it was the hottest May on record, marking the 12th straight monthly record high. Separately, the World Meteorological Organization estimated that there's almost a one-in-two chance that average global temperatures from 2024 to 2028 will surpass the hoped-for warming limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times that was agreed in the Paris talks.

And one more: Earth warmed at a slightly faster rate in 2023 than 2022, a group of 57 scientists determined in a report in the journal Earth System Science Data. 

Are climate scientists surprised?

Not really. Many climate scientists say warming trends are following what they have studied and predicted based on the buildup of carbon dioxide from rising fossil fuel use.

In 2023, the levels of those heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere reached historic highs, according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Carbon dioxide, in particular, which is the most abundant and important of the greenhouse gases produced by human activity, rose in 2023 by the third-highest amount in 65 years of recordkeeping, NOAA said.


What do the shattered records mean for humans?

More suffering. Human-induced climate change has brought wild weather swings, increasingly unpredictable storms and heat waves that stay over a particular area for longer periods of time. 

An Asian heat wave this spring forced schools to close in the Philippines, killed people in Thailand and set records there and in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Maldives and Myanmar. Weeks of heat waves across parts of India last month also closed schools and killed people.

Life won't end if temperatures exceed the 1.5-degree limit, but things will get worse, scientists say. Previous U.N. studies show massive changes to Earth’s ecosystem are more likely to begin between 1.5 and 2 degrees Celsius of warming, including eventual loss of the planet’s coral reefs, Arctic sea ice, some species of plants and animals — along with even worse extreme weather events that kill people and damage infrastructure.

“The Paris threshold is not a magic number. Reaching that level of warming over a multiyear average will not cause a noticeable uptick in the impacts we’re already witnessing,” said Jennifer Francis, a scientist at the Woodwell Climate Research Center in Massachusetts.


What can be done?

Climate scientists are steadfast that fossil fuel use must be phased out to stave off the worst consequences of climate change. The burning of fossil fuels — oil, gas and coal — is the main contributor to global warming caused by human activity.

“Until greenhouse gas concentrations level off, we will keep breaking temperature records, along with increasingly frequent and intense extreme weather events,” said Francis.

Renewable energy has been growing fast, but needs to grow faster still. Efficiencies are being studied, developed and rolled out all across the economy — in the ways we heat houses and buildings, for example, cook our food and make cement — but scientists say the need to adapt is urgent.