You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Friday, December 27, 2024

Weitere Belastung für Rentner 2025: Was Senioren über den Pflegebeitrag wissen sollten

Berlin - Ab dem 1. Januar 2025 wird es eine erneute Erhöhung des Pflegebeitrags geben, das haben Bundestag und Bundesrat noch vor Weihnachten beschlossen. Vorangegangen waren Warnungen aus der Pflegekasse, die auf eine drohende Zahlungsunfähigkeit der Pflegeversicherung zu Beginn des Jahres hingewiesen hatten, sollten die Beiträge nicht steigen. 

Pflegebeitrag steigt 2025: Pflegekasse wäre sonst pleite gegangen

Ab Januar 2025 müssen Erwerbstätige mehr Geld für den Pflegebeitrag aufbringen. Aktuell beträgt der allgemeine Beitragssatz in der Pflegeversicherung 3,4 Prozent des Bruttoeinkommens. Für Personen mit mehr als einem Kind sind die Beitragssätze nach der Anzahl der Kinder gestaffelt und fallen geringer aus. 

Die Erhöhung um 0,2 Prozentpunkte wurde von Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) im November kurz nach dem Bruch der Ampel-Koalition angekündigt. Seinem Ministerium zufolge werden dadurch jährlich zusätzliche 3,7 Milliarden Euro generiert.

Regierungssprecher Steffen Hebestreit betonte bei der Bekanntgabe, es sei „notwendig, den Beitragssatz kurzfristig anzuheben, um die Zahlungsfähigkeit der Pflegeversicherung sicherzustellen“. Er fügte hinzu, dass die Finanzierung des Pflegesystems ein „drängendes Problem und eine immense Herausforderung“ darstelle und behauptete: „Eine große Pflegereform ist unumgänglich“. Das Ziel dieser Reform müsse es sein, die Pflegeversicherung „strukturell gut aufzustellen“.

Höhere Beiträge ab Januar für die Pflege: Tabelle zeigt die Erhöhung

Hier eine Übersicht über die Erhöhung des Pflegebeitrags: 

BeitragssatzAuswirkungen bei 2000 Euro Gehalt (brutto).... bei 2500 Euro... bei 3000 Euro... bei 4000 Euro
Pflegebeitrag Kinderlose 20254,2 %- 84 Euro- 105 Euro- 126 Euro- 168 Euro
Beitrag für Personen mit 1 Kind3,6 %- 72 Euro- 90 Euro- 108 Euro- 144 Euro
Beitrag für Personen mit 2 Kindern3,35 %- 67 Euro- 83,75 Euro- 100,50 Euro- 134 Euro
... mit 3 Kindern3,1 %- 62 Euro- 77,50 Euro- 93 Euro- 124 Euro
... mit 4 Kindern2,85 %- 57 Euro- 71,25 Euro- 85,50 Euro- 114 Euro
mit 5 oder mehr Kindern2,6 %- 52 Euro- 65 Euro- 78 Euro- 104 Euro

Die Beiträge werden bei Erwerbstätigen zwischen Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber aufgeteilt. Kinderlose zahlen einen zusätzlichen Beitrag von 0,6 Prozent alleine, also ohne Beteiligung des Arbeitgebers.

Für Rentner und Rentnerinnen gelten andere Regeln: Keine Erhöhung des Pflegebeitrags im Januar

Für Rentner und Rentnerinnen gelten andere Regelungen. Die Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV) informiert, dass solche Beitragserhöhungen aus technischen Gründen immer nur zum 1. Januar oder zum 1. Juli berücksichtigt werden können. Dafür ist jedoch eine Vorlaufzeit von mindestens drei Monaten erforderlich – für den Jahresbeginn kam der Beschluss der Regierung dafür zu spät. Daher steht fest, dass Rentner und Rentnerinnen erst ab Juli die höheren Beiträge zahlen werden und nicht, wie alle anderen, schon ab Januar.

Rentner und Rentnerinnen müssen den Pflegebeitrag vollständig selbst tragen. Daher kommt auf sie eine höhere Belastung zu. Die DRV geht daher davon aus, dass die Rentenerhöhung um 0,1 Prozentpunkte höher ausfallen wird, um diese Belastung abzufedern und das Rentenniveau zu wahren. Die aktuelle Prognose sieht eine Rentenerhöhung von 3,6 Prozent vor. 

Mehr Geld in der Rente: Das sollten 2025 Rentner und Rentnerinnen wissen.
Mehr Geld in der Rente: Das sollten 2025 Rentner und Rentnerinnen wissen. © IMAGO/Rainer Berg

Weniger Rente im Juli durch rückwirkende Zahlung der Pflegebeiträge

Wenn der höhere Pflegebeitrag im Juli 2025 erstmals auch von Rentnern und Rentnerinnen gefordert wird, wird er zeitgleich mit der Rentenerhöhung kommen. Die Pflegebeiträge werden dann rückwirkend für die Monate Januar bis Juli abgezogen. Das bedeutet, dass bei der Rentenerhöhung gleichzeitig 1,2 Prozent (6 x 0,2 Prozent) einbehalten werden, um die rückwirkenden Pflegebeiträge zu entrichten. Die erste Rentenerhöhung im Juli fällt daher 1,2 Prozent niedriger aus, bevor die Rentner und Rentnerinnen dann die Erhöhung wirklich spüren. Zur Veranschaulichung ein Beispiel:

Renate bezieht 2024 eine monatliche Brutto-Rente von 1100 Euro. Im netto zahlt ihr die DRV monatlich 895,40 Euro aus. Im Jahr 2025 gibt es eine Rentenerhöhung von 3,6 Prozent. Ihre Rente erhöht sich also um 39,60 Euro im Monat brutto. Allerdings spürt sie zum 1. Juli 2025 nicht die 39,60 Euro mehr, da ihr erstmal die Pflegebeiträge rückwirkend abgezogen werden. Bei 1100 Euro sind das 13,20 Euro, die die Rentenversicherung zusätzlich einbehält. Sie bekommt netto also im Juli 912,15 Euro ausgezahlt. Ab August sind es dann 925,35 Euro im Monat.

Rentner und Rentnerinnen zahlen in der Regel den Pflegebeitrag von Kinderlosen, da der niedrigere Beitrag für Personen mit Kindern nur solange gilt, bis diese 25 Jahre alt sind. 

Ein Sprecher des GKV-Spitzenverbandes erklärte, die Erhöhung des Beitragssatzes verschaffe der Pflegeversicherung „nicht mehr als eine Atempause, die bestenfalls bis zum Ende des nächsten Jahres reicht“. Auch wenn derzeit „vieles politisch unklar ist, so ist heute schon sicher, dass die Reform der Pflegeversicherung im kommenden Jahr ganz oben auf die politische Agenda gehört.“

Thursday, December 26, 2024

MOVIEGOER: 'Isang Himala' wins praise from everywhere



  • If you go by Facebook posts, coming both from ordinary netizens and informed film buffs, Isang Himala has created its own great little miracle. 

Following the premiere of "Isang Himala" by Creazion Studio at SM North on Dec. 19, the industry is abuzz with stories about how beautiful, how wonderful, this re-imagination of the iconic 1982 film has turned around.

If you go by Facebook posts, coming both from ordinary netizens and informed film buffs, Isang Himala has created its own great little miracle. Those who have seen the film praise it for its soul, the stirring music, the deep emotions the characters and the story convey, and the lasting impact it leaves. Perhaps even the sense of nostalgia that it evokes. Three and more cheers go to its director, Pepe Diokno, who was named best director in last year’s MMFF for his work in Gomburza.

Based on the landmark film by Ishmael Bernal, Isang Himala is now seen through the eyes of Aicelle Santos as the new Elsa, the healer of barrio Cupang who becomes a national sensation after news about her capacity to heal people spreads like wildfire. Stepping into the   highly challenging role originated by            

National Artist for Film and Broadcast Arts, Nora Aunor, the singer-actress, said she and the entire cast were energized when the superstar embraced them after watching the play in 2003 from which the film is based. 

Nora Aunor is making a special cameo in"Isang Himala," which can be seen towards film’s end. Pepe Diokno said he didn't want to do the film without Aunor in it.

Pepe told ABS-CBN: “When she came in, couple of takes. Not just done, perfect. Watching her deliver, kung paano niya i-imbibe yung mga salita ni Sir Ricky (Lee), to see that process up close was just amazing.” 

Pepe also said, his goal is not to get awards, but to give the audiences a new experience.



Equally getting good reviews are Green Bones, My Future You, and The Kingdom.

By far, it is said that all 10 entries in this year’s MMFF are quite good, a fine harvest of Filipino creativity.

Have you come across that story? The Philippines ranked third, following the United States and France, in a list of countries that loved to follow pornographic sites. Tailing us are Mexico and the United Kingdom.  

In closing, let me greet our readers here at Manila Bulletin with a Happy New Year full of blessings and more opportunities!  

Denise Julia shares her side on BJ Pascual controversy



  • At the end of her Instagram story, Denise mentioned that she would speak to BJ personally about what happened. 

Denise Julia 

Filipino R&B singer Denise Julia is finally addressing the controversy between her and celebrity photographer BJ Pascual.

The controversy began when BJ mentioned that Julia's team tried to cancel their scheduled shoot the night before it was set to take place. BJ decided to call off the shoot himself and paid the cancellation fees, according to the celebrity photographer during an appearance on Killa Kush podcast uploaded on YouTube. 

Denise recalled on Instagram stories that her team had contacted BJ's team in May regarding a project. The "B.A.D." singer explained that BJ's team sometimes took a long time to respond, and ultimately, both sides could not reach an agreement on the budget.  

"Despite us following up many times and not getting replies for weeks at a time, we were patient and pushed back our deadlines to accommodate BJ's schedule [because] we knew he was booked and busy," Denise explained. "I had to move my release date because I wanted to respect the fact that he was working and he had a lot of things to do."

Denise also shared screenshots of her conversation with BJ's manager.

"BJ's team did not get back to us about this budget despite my manager checking in and following up to make sure that the budget is doable to begin with because we can't really have a shoot date without us being sure if the budget is even feasible for them," she said.

"Because on our end, we understand if this is not something that they can work with. We would've pulled back immediately already from the start if they had only told us that this is not doable for them, that's not the price range that they can work with. We will respect that," Denise added. 

The singer revealed that their initial budget of P650,000 was raised to P800,000 for the shoot, which included a music video. This was still less than the P1 million estimated by Pascual's team.

In the end, Denise explained that her manager was trying to "figure out ways to make [the shoot] work out for respect for BJ's team and their time and efforts" and said that her team didn't cancel the shoot.

"I know in the podcast they said I was the one who canceled the shoot, but in reality, my manager was still trying to make it work. He suggested pushing the shoot to a later date so that none of the team's efforts go to waste and also so that cancellation fees don't incur, but ultimately in the end, BJ's team, not us, canceled the shoot, citing the differences in our production processes," she said.

However, Denise took the blame for not reaching out to BJ after the incident happened.

"It was because I didn't know the extent of his frustrations until everything aired out on social media and it blew off of proportion. It is something that I will take with me as I move forward with work," she said.

At the end of her Instagram story, Denise mentioned that she would speak to BJ personally about what happened.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Why Dipolog City should be your next travel destination

Get to learn the hidden gem known as the Gateway to Western Mindanao


  • Dipolog is renowned for its awe-inspiring sunsets. As the day ends, head to the Boulevard’s peaceful grounds to witness the sky painted in hues of orange, pink, and purple. 

Known as the “Gateway to Western Mindanao,” Dipolog City is a treasure trove of natural wonders, cultural heritage, and culinary delights. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a taste of history, this charming city offers an experience like no other.


The iconic Dipolog Boulevard 

Stroll along the famed Dipolog Boulevard, a picturesque coastal promenade that stretches over 1.6 kilometers. This lively spot is perfect for morning jogs, afternoon bike rides, or simply unwinding with the sea breeze. In the evening, enjoy the vibrant atmosphere as food stalls come alive, offering a wide array of local street food and delicacies.


STUNNING VIEW Enjoy the colorful sunsets seen from Dipolog Boulevard (Photo Ambibo).jpg
STUNNING VIEW Enjoy the colorful sunsets seen from Dipolog Boulevard (Photo Ambibo)


Stunning sunsets that take your breath away 

Dipolog is renowned for its awe-inspiring sunsets. As the day ends, head to the Boulevard’s peaceful grounds to witness the sky painted in hues of orange, pink, and purple. It’s a photographer’s dream and a moment to cherish with loved ones.


The challenge and beauty of Linabo Peak

For adventure seekers, Linabo Peak is a must-visit. Known for its "3003 Steps to Heaven," this trail rewards hikers with panoramic views of Dipolog City and neighboring towns. It’s also a spiritual journey, marked with Stations of the Cross along the trail.


RELAXATION AT ITS FINEST Royal Farm Resort comes with lush gardens and a refreshing pool to take a relaxing dip in (Photo Royal Farm Resort).jpg
RELAXATION AT ITS FINEST Royal Farm Resort comes with lush gardens and a refreshing pool to take a relaxing dip in (Photo Royal Farm Resort)


Relaxation and comfort at Royal Farm Resort

After exploring Dipolog’s attractions, retreat to the tranquility of Royal Farm Resort, where nature meets comfort. With lush gardens and a refreshing pool, the resort offers a perfect balance of relaxation and adventure. It’s the ideal home base for discovering all that Dipolog has to offer.


HOLY SIGHT Pay your respects over at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary and reflect on life (Photo Ambibo).jpg
HOLY SIGHT Pay your respects over at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary and reflect on life (Photo Ambibo)


A gateway to culture and history

Dipolog City is rich in history and cultural landmarks. Visit the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, a masterpiece linked to Dr. Jose Rizal, or explore local museums and galleries that tell the story of Dipolog’s heritage.


TASTY TREAT Enjoy a taste of Dipolog City by sampling a bottle of Montaño Sardines.jpg
TASTY TREAT Enjoy a taste of Dipolog City by sampling a bottle of Montaño Sardines


 The famous sardines

No trip to Dipolog City is complete without bringing home the renowned Montaño Sardines. Famous for their premium quality and delicious taste, these sardines are a symbol of Dipolog’s thriving seafood industry. Available in a variety of flavors, Montaño Sardines are a perfect gift or souvenir to share a taste of Dipolog with family and friends.


Experience Dipolog City today
With its captivating landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality, Dipolog City offers an unforgettable journey for every traveler. Whether you’re drawn to the stunning sunsets, the adventurous trek to Linabo Peak, or the comfort of Royal Farm Resort, Dipolog is a destination worth discovering.

Local band performs Rosé, Bruno Mars’ ‘APT.’ in BGC


Fans of K-pop star Rosé and Bruno Mars were treated to a pop-up performance of the hit song “APT.”  in Bonifacio Global City (BGC) in Taguig on Dec. 21. 

The Banda San Jose from Las Piñas performed “APT.,” “Number One Girl” and “Toxic Till The End,” all included in Rosé’s debut studio album “Rosie.” 



Rosé (Todd Owyoung) 




Banda San Jose (Photos from Banda San Jose's Facebook account)

In addition, the Banda San Jose also performed Mars’ greatest hits like "Uptown Funk," "Just the Way You Are," and "Locked Out of Heaven.”

“APT.” has topped the Billboard Global 200 and Billboard Global Excl. U.S. charts for nine weeks. 

“The Global 200 and Global Excl. U.S. charts, which began in September 2020, rank songs based on streaming and sales activity culled from more than 200 territories around the world, as compiled by Luminate. The Global 200 is inclusive of worldwide data and the Global Excl. U.S. chart comprises data from territories excluding the United States,” according to Billboard. 

According to Warner Music Philippines, Rosé’ has set the record for the highest monthly listeners on Spotify by a K-pop artist,  

Mars has amassed over 120 million monthly listeners on Spotify, making him the number one artist in the world, it added. 

Merry Christmas 2024 - Frohe Weihnachten 2024


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve 2024 weather: Shear line, ‘amihan’ to bring rains to Luzon, Visayas


Christmas Eve 2024 weather: Shear line, ‘amihan’ to bring rains to Luzon, Visayas

Parts of Luzon and Visayas are expected to experience cloudy skies with rain on Tuesday, Dec. 24, due to the shear line and the northeast monsoon, locally known as “amihan.”


In its weather forecast, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) reported that the shear line is currently affecting Southern Luzon and Eastern Visayas, while the “amihan” is influencing the rest of Luzon.

According to PAGASA, Eastern Visayas, the Bicol Region, Calabarzon, and Mimaropa will have cloudy skies with scattered rain showers and isolated thunderstorms caused by the shear line. 

Cloudy skies with rain due to the northeast monsoon are also expected in Metro Manila, Cagayan Valley, the Cordillera Administrative Region, Aurora, Bulacan, and Nueva Ecija.

The “amihan” will further bring partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated light rains across the rest of Luzon.

Meanwhile, PAGASA noted that the rest of the country will experience partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rain showers or thunderstorms caused by localized weather conditions.

PAGASA has warned of possible flash floods or landslides due to moderate to heavy rain, which may intensify at times, or during severe thunderstorms. 

As of 3 a.m., PAGASA reported that Tropical Storm “Romina” (international name: Pabuk) was located outside the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR), approximately 250 kilometers west-northwest of Kalayaan, Palawan (Pag-Asa Island). It has maximum sustained winds of 65 kilometers per hour (km/h) and gustiness of up to 80 km/h.