You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Friday, April 12, 2019

Are Filipinos Asian?

The Philippines is part of South-east Asia geographically. But many Filipinos feel a closer attachment to the West.

Are Filipinos Asians or Pacific Islanders? Is the Philippines part of South-east Asia, Oceania or the Pacific Islands?
Officially, of course, Filipinos are categorized as Asians and the Philippines as part of South-east Asia. But describing Filipinos as Pacific Islanders isn’t necessarily wrong either. In fact, for a long time, Filipinos were known as Pacific Islanders.
The Philippines used to be called the Philippine Islands of the Pacific, and when the Americans first arrived more than a century ago, they described the Philippine Islands as ‘orphans of the Pacific.’
What would have happened if the country hadn’t been united? Luzon, the largest island in the north of the Philippines, could have become a territory of China or Taiwan, while Mindanao in the south could have become a province of Malaysia or Indonesia. The formation of a bigger nation state composed of the Philippine Islands, Taiwan and parts of Malaysia and Indonesia could have been another possibility.They might well have been referring to the geographical distance of the country from mainland Asia. Composed of more than 7000 islands, the Philippine archipelagic state was a political creation of Western colonizers. It was Spain during the 16th century that united the major islands of the Philippines—if it hadn’t occupied the islands, the Philippine nation state wouldn’t have existed.
Philippine society evolved differently from other Asian nations. For example, the Philippines (aside from Timor Leste) is the only Christian-dominated nation in Asia. The blending of Western and native cultures created a unique society that’s neither Western nor Asian.
Many Filipinos are unsure about their identity and although they believe they’re Asians, many also feel closer to the West, especially the United States. Indeed, they seem to be prouder of their Western upbringing than their Asian identity. This colonial mentality has been identified as one of the negative traits of many Filipinos.
South-east Asia is defined as a purely geographical concept in the Philippines and Filipinos often don’t appreciate nor understand the cultural and religious practices of their neighbours. They’re also unaware of Indochina politics.
The Philippines was used as a launch pad by the United States during the Vietnam War. But while panic swept the rest of the region when Cambodia and Thailand almost went to war over a border dispute, the Philippines didn’t express any sense of alarm over the situation.
To Filipinos, their place in South-east Asia is just an accident of geography. This is unfortunate, because the Philippines’ detachment from mainland South-east Asia could have been maximized to exert political leadership in the region. By not being involved with the numerous squabbles in Indochina, the Philippines could have played the role of objective arbiter in the various regional conflicts and disagreements.
But Filipinos seem to be more interested in political events in the West. Instead of ignoring their neighbours, Filipinos should embrace their connection with South-east Asia. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Unbekannte Vorfahren auf den Philippinen

Neue Frühmenschen-Art entdeckt

Öberzähne von Homo luzonensis CCH6.
(Foto: Callao Cave Archaeology Project/dpa)
Es gibt einen Neuling im menschlichen Stammbaum: Auf einer philippinischen Insel werden Knochen gefunden, die einer bisher unbekannten Frühmenschenart gehören. Nach seinem Fundort Luzon wird sie Homo luzonensis genannt.
Die Menschheit ist um eine Art reicher: Homo luzonensis heißt ihr neu beschriebener Vertreter. Überreste des Frühmenschen waren auf der philippinischen Insel Luzon in der Callao-Höhle entdeckt worden. Die Zähne und Knochen weisen sowohl Merkmale des modernen Menschen Homo sapiens als auch des Vormenschen Australopithecus auf, berichten Forscher in der Fachzeitschrift "Nature".
Verwendung nur in Zusammenhang mit der Studie.jpg
Callao-Höhle auf Luzon - hier wurden die Fossilien des Homo luzonensis entdeckt.
(Foto: Callao Cave Archaeology Project/dpa)
Im Jahr 2010 hatte die Gruppe um Florent Détroit vom Nationalen Museum für Naturgeschichte in Paris und Armand Salvador Mijares von der University of the Philippines in Quezon City einen Mittelfußknochen aus der Höhle wissenschaftlich beschrieben. Hinzu kamen weitere Funde in derselben geologischen Schicht: Fuß- und Fingerknochen, ein unvollständiger Oberschenkelknochen und Backenzähne. Die Anthropologen gehen von mindestens drei Individuen aus. Mit der sogenannten Uran-Thorium-Methode wurde das Alter einer zusammengehörenden Reihe von Backenzähnen auf ein Alter von mindestens 50.000 Jahren bestimmt.
Die Größe und die Kauflächen der Zähne weisen Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Neandertaler (Homo neanderthalensis) und dem modernen Menschen auf. Der Übergang vom Zahnschmelz zum Zahnbein und die Zahnwurzeln ähneln hingegen eher den Vormenschen Australopithecus und Paranthropus. Auch die Fuß- und Fingerknochen sehen wie die von Vormenschen aus: Sie sind viel stärker gebogen als bei modernen Menschen.

Knochen und Zähne erinnern an Homo floresiensis

Gebogener Fußknochen des Homo luzonensis CCH4.
(Foto: Callao Cave Archaeology Project/dpa)
Insgesamt sind die Knochen und Zähne verhältnismäßig klein und erinnern deshalb an eine andere Menschenart, die 2003 auf der indonesischen Insel Flores entdeckt wurde: Homo floresiensis. Sie wirkte gegenüber den zur gleichen Zeit lebenden Menschenarten wie Homo neanderthalensis und Homo sapiens zwergenhaft. Manchmal wird Homo floresiensis darum auch "Hobbit" genannt. Die Eigenständigkeit der Art ist bis heute umstritten.
In einem Kommentar in "Nature" nennt Matthew Tocheri von der Lakehead University in Thunder Bay (Ontario, Kanada) den Fund eine "bemerkenswerte Entdeckung eines menschlichen Verwandten, die in den kommenden Wochen, Monaten und Jahren zweifellos viele wissenschaftliche Diskussionen auslösen wird". Tocheri mutmaßt, dass Homo floresiensis und Homo luzonensis beide Nachkommen von Homo erectus sein könnten, die sich auf ihren jeweiligen Inseln über Hunderttausende von Jahren getrennt entwickelt haben.

Insellage Grund für eigenartige Entwicklung

Auch Faysal Bibi vom Naturkundemuseum in Berlin vermutet in der Isolation durch die Insellage den Grund für die eigenartige Entwicklung von Homo luzonensis. "Wären die Knochen auf dem Festland gefunden worden, wäre das für die Wissenschaftsgemeinde ein Schock." Bibi verweist auf zahlreiche endemische Arten von Säugetieren auf Inseln, die schon vor Hunderttausenden von Jahren vom Festland getrennt waren. Sie weisen oft das Phänomen der sogenannten Inselverzwergung auf: Die Körpergröße nimmt über Generationen hinweg deutlich ab. Endemisch werden Arten genannt, wenn sie nur in überschaubaren, abgegrenzten Regionen auf der Erde vorkommen.
Jean-Jacques Hublin vom Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie in Leipzig hält einen eigenen Artnamen für den entdeckten Frühmenschen für berechtigt: "Die Knochen und Zähne dieser Menschen unterscheiden sich vom allem, was wir kennen." Ihn wundert auch nicht, dass sich die Entwicklung der Gattung Homo durch neuere Funde immer vielfältiger darstellt: In 1,5 Millionen Jahren hätten die Nachkommen des Homo erectus eine viel größere Diversität entwickelt als der Homo sapiens in den letzten etwa 100.000 Jahren, nachdem er Afrika verlassen hatte.

Monday, April 8, 2019

High Tech gets me down


Once upon a time, when I was still single: I woke up early morning. I got into the kitchen longing for a cup of coffee or even two, while feeling this terrible rheumatic pain. I slide a a cup of water into my ten-year-old microwave. I felt a little bit chagrined because I never figured out how to use it other than heat water for instant coffee of a one-minute-fast-food soup.

Some time later: My freezer showed its red emergency light a couple of days. I tried to ignore it even knowing that this indifference could only let that problem become more worst. A friendly neighbor, a really blessed high-intelligent electrician, solved the problem within a minute.

Another example: In the car I fumbled with the new digital radio. Before I know it, I'd tilting sideways at a 45-degree angle, trying to drive and figure out the radio's numerous controls at the same time. I know, this was more than dangerous: an urgent, uncomfortably close horn jolted me upright. Chastened, I only managed to turn the radio off and drove in silence.

Do you know how to operate your telephone unit in the office, if you urgently have to transfer a wrong-dialed incoming long distance call to the right person and his local number? No call forwarding available...!You have been using the system for a year or even longer, but you have never mastered the transfer function. "Just a moment please, hang on," you say as you hit a button and accidentally cut the caller off. 

How to change paper roll in fax machine, if you are still using one at these really high tech times? How to change the ink cartridge of my printer? Yes, the printer will not work unless all cartridges  are installed properly. Let's hit the button, and let's be patient for 90 seconds or so, and then - hopefully... .

Instructions and manuals looked like blueprints for an air plane construction. Have you ever studied how we use our high tech appliances? Our modern homes are filled up with sophisticated gadgets that are rarely used to their full potential because they are simply too complicated to operate. 

A good friend of mine confessed just yesterday: "I am still ignorant on computers. Just let me ride a carabao, and I am more comfortable rather than touching computers!"

We buy all these machines but become frightened by the profusion of switches and buttons and operate just the basic functions. I really smiled, when I found a quotation of Donald A. Norman, former head of the Department of Cognitive Science at the University of California, San Diego regarding his new digital watch: "You would need an engineering degree to work this. Well, I have an engineering degree. Give me a few hours, and I can figure out this watch. But why should it takes hours?" 

Good question, Sir. Norman and also Charles Owen, former professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology fault manufactures for largely ignoring consumers. Instruction manuals are written almost as an afterthought instead of being translated into plain language.

Sorry, up to this moment high tech still gets me down! And I am pretty sure, I am not alone with this problem... .

Friday, March 29, 2019

As you make your bed ...

... so you must lie on it!

Well, I remember, how many times I started to whine,when I had to go to bed. Still being as happy as a sand boy, I only got one thing in mind. Stay up, stay up...! My eyes became already quadrangular because of terrible tiredness, but, I didn't care! Adults life at night must be really mysterious - and, we kids shouldn't be with them any time. Tears, screaming, up to six or even ore times getting up, running to the living room, where they are still gathering together and enjoy... .

Every night - yes, but the most worst has been the so-called (?) "siesta", actually just another interruption of games and fun. During those times, at the second half of my life, am I happy having the chance to take a nap - especially during weekends.

While being still young (?), we actually don't need a bed. The bed is just only used to cry out our love-sicknesses - and later, to share again with a loved-one.

And then? Time came, where we shared our bed with someone - whole days and nights under one blanket. Better don't get up any more? Everything "important" happened in the bed: love-nights, endless telephone calls, full of life and weary of life books, intimate breakfasts...

Then, the bed suddenly changed. It became a simple floor mattress while getting a massage to cure the terrible back pain. I also remember an extendable couch and all those stupid ceremonious constructions such as "futon" or "water-bed"!

And then? Here we are in our special health bed with body friendly mattress and adjustable bed construction. Hey, if I only could lie down earlier...! And then? We're lying in our luxurious unit, called bed, and we can't fall asleep because all thoughts of the day harass, bother and haunt us. We roll from one side to another and start counting stupid sheep: 898, 899, 900, 901 - sleep NA LANG!) - or continue counting... .

Sometimes, I envy Leonarda da Vinci - Italian painter, scholar and technician, 1452-1519), who only needed 15 minutes sleep (but every four hours). On the other hand, German physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) needed to sleep 12 full hours daily being able - as he said - to think and probably change the world.

Yes, if, we become sick and had to stay in bed, we might start hating it - no wonder! And our death-bed might become one of the wonderful clouds in heaven... .

Our attitude regarding a - or - our bed changes from time to time, but the bed remains as what it is: a bed. A bed in every apartment, in every house, in every hotel room or in every guest room in our house. Everything, the world may change, but there will be always a bed, which lures and tempts, waits and threatens. Our bed, a flight and escape castle, a safe and secure place. 

If we only would have known this at the age of 5 or 6 or so... !

Real-life 'Glorious'

Female celeb who are at least 20 years older than their partners

Ai Ai delas Alas believes it’s about time stories about older women in relationships reach mainstream popularity, so the viral hit that was the trailer of “Glorious” was welcomed by the screen veteran, herself with a partner decades her junior.
Screen veteran Ai Ai delas Alas and husband Gerald Sibayan have a 29-year age gap. Instagram: @msaiaidelasalas
Delas Alas is nearly 54, while her husband, Gerald Sibayan, is turning 25 this month, making their age gap nearly three decades.
A similar situation is portrayed in “Glorious,” starring Angel Aquino and Tony Labrusca — one of the first original movies made for ABS-CBN’s revamped iWant streaming service.
“Yes! 50 is the new 20! Super relate kami,” delas Alas told, quoting a tagline from the film’s viral trailer. “Dapat noon pa may movie na ganyan. Dati ko pa ‘yan gustong gawin! Wala!”
Watch more in iWant or
In one of the scenes shown in the trailer, the characters of Aquino and Labrusca openly discuss how outsiders perceive their relationship, including that it’s about leeching off the older woman. They agree that’s not the case.
“Meron talagang pag-ibig na hindi lang pera-pera,” delas Alas said. “Hindi naman lahat, pag may edad 'yung lalaki o babae, pera na agad. Puwede namang nagmamahalan din, ‘di ba?” 
Delas Alas and Sibayan are not the only showbiz couple where a woman happens to be much older than her male partner. In photos, here’s a look at other “Glorious” pairings, past and present, with at least 20 years of age gap:

Ai Ai delas Alas and Gerald Sibayan

Age gap: 29 years

Klaus Döring's Classical Music/Klaus Döring's Klassische Musik: We've worked out John Williams' secret ...

Klaus Döring's Classical Music/Klaus Döring's Klassische Musik: We've worked out John Williams' secret ...: ... to starting a great melody, and it's unbelievably simple Is this John Williams' secret ingredient?

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Business and Environment

My column in Businessweek Mindanao and Mindanao Daily News.

Honestly, the environment and climate change matters me most. Watching the daily news and the never ending horror stories about killing thousands of people due to natural disasters make me sad and sometimes helpless.

Is it already too late? The UN panel on climate change has warned that governments worldwide must act fast if the impact of global warming is to be limited at a manageable cost. Its annual report will form the basis for a global climate deal "as soon as possible".

Governments will have to reduce greenhouse emissions to zero by 2100 if the impact of climate change is to be kept in check at an affordable cost, a United Nations report said last Sunday. Such reports are not new. Only the dates are being changed year by year!

Anyway, if rapid steps were not taken to cut the emissions, however, the price could rise considerably, it said, warning that a failure to curb global warming by the end of the 21st century "will bring high risks of severe, widespread and irreversible impacts globally." I am not an expert, but allow me to question if it will be really at the end of the 21st century?

Such an "irreversible impact" would occur, for example, if Greenland's vast ice sheets were to melt, which could result in the swamping of coastal regions and cities. It's melting already. Please check out my last week's column in this publication.

The effects of climate change were already evident in an increase in extremes of heat, heavy rainfall, the acidification of the world's oceans and a rise in sea levels.

According to the report released by the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC), the cost of reducing carbon-dioxide emissions in the short term would not brake global growth to any great degree. It said annual projected growth of 1.6 to 3.0 percent a year in consumption of goods and services would be cut by just 0.06 of a percentage point per year if immediate action were taken.

The report is a 40-page synthesis summing up 5,000 pages of climate change studies already published since September 2013. The studies establish with 95-percent certainty that almost all global warming seen since the 1950's is man-made. Imagine - since the 1950's!!!

The document, which has been edited  by officials from more than 120 governments meeting in the Danish capital, Copenhagen, has been furnished guidelines for a UN deal on global warming scheduled to be struck at an international summit in Paris already in late 2015.

Options for limiting the amount of greenhouse gas emissions included improving energy efficiency and moving from fossil fuels to wind, solar or nuclear power, according to the study. Words of hope? What really happened since then?

"We have the means to limit climate change," then IPCC chairman Rejendra Pachauri said. Yes, sure. And?

"The solutions are many and allow for continued economic and human development. All we need is the will to change, which we trust will be motivated by knowledge and an understanding of the science of climate change," he added.

Did our global governments understand the science of climate change? And what are the logically following steps and law implementations?

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

15 Minutes Grand Fireworks Display

... ug Musical Concert nila Bamboo ug Eumee Capile

Compostela Valley Province-Puno sa nag lanog-lanog nga hugyaw sa kalipay, katawa, ug hudyaka ang tibuok kapitolyo sa  kapin 30 mil nga misaksi sa Grand Fireworks Display ug sa dakong Concert nila ni Bamboo ug Eumee Capile niadtong milabayng Biyernes (Marso 8,2019) sa gabii nga maoy nagsira sa usa ka semanang selebrasyon sa 12th Bulawan Festival ug 21st Founding Anniversary nga gipanguluhan nila ni Gov. Jayvee Tyron Uy; Cong. Maricar Zamora; Cong. Atty. Ruwell Peter Gonzaga; ug SP Members sa pagpanguna nila ni Vice Gov. Manuel “Way Kurat” Zamora ug Senior Board Member Arturo “Chiongkee” Uy.

Ang usa ka semanang selebrasyon sa 12th Bulawan Festival gitapos sa usa ka adlawng Foundation Day Celebration sa milabayng Biyernes ug unang hunat ang pag turn-over ni Cong. Maricar Zamora sa bag-o nahumang Phase-1 Construction sa sa P179 Milyones nga Legislative Building nga nahitabo human ang Pontifical Mass nga giselebrar ni Bishop Medel S. Aseo kauban ang kapin kon kulang 30 ka mga kaparian sa Diocese of Tagum nga na assign sa Davao Del Norte, Compostela Valley, ug sa Queen of Apostles College Seminary.

Dungan niini ang “Bulawanong Ani ug Parada sa Bulawan” diin Highlight sa kalihokan ang Prosperity Float, Music Pool and Headress Parade” nga nagsugod sa Poblacion Nabunturan paingon sa kapitolyo ug samtang kini nagapadayon gihimo sad diha sa kapitolyo human sa Ceremonial Turn-over ang Opening Program nga gitambongan ni Sen. Bong Revilla nga maoy mihatag og Keynote Message atol sa maong okasyon.

Unang hunat sa mga paglingaw gidalit sa mga inilang artista nga sila Glydel Mercado, Pauline Mendoza, Tonton Gutierrez, ug Shyr Valdez ngadto sa liboang mga kababayen-an nga nagtapok atol sa selebrasyon sa “Kasumaran sa Kababayen-an” nga gipanguluhan ni Bulawan Festival Director PWDC Chair Madam Sholai sa ala 1:00-5:00 sa hapon.

Apan  sa pagkagabii dala nila Cong. Maricar Zamora ug Gov. Tyron Uy pinaagi ni Bulawan Festival Director PWDC Chair Madam Sholai sila Bamboo, Yumi Capile, ug ang Local Davao Comedians nga milingaw pinaagi sa nindot nga mga awit ug pakatawa sa kapin kon kulang 30,000 mga katawhan nga misaksi sa giusang Prosperity and Unity Concert ug sa 15 minutos nga Grand Fireworks Display nga maoy nagtapos sa usa ka semanang selebrasyon sa 12th Bulawan Festival ug 21st Founding Anniversary sa Compostela Valley. (Gilbert M. Cabahug, IDS-Comval)

Our future on Earth


Yes, it's again the topic, we should really think about. Our future, but especially our children's future. Also here in the Philippines. Here's anew string of examples, my dear readers. But, don't expect only good news. 

We're experiencing in the Philippines a mild El Nino right now. "Mild" - because we might not be able to the see the end of the tunnel. Yes, it's summer - but... .

Greenland, the great island is being called already the 'Land of Ice on fire'. Why? A recent report says the Arctic may be ice-free by 2040. The Antarctic is also melting, albeit far slower, and in a less regular pattern. 

Yes, the Arctic is melting much faster than expected, and could even be ice-free in summer by the late 2030's, a report from the Arctic Council's Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program suggests. Previous studies had forecast an ice-free North Pole in summer by mid-century. Wow.  Different reports - different views.

While the outlook is bleak for the Arctic, there is a silver lining for the Antarctic: As I said before, the ice is melting at a slower rate than previously thought. Although glacier flow has increased since the 1990's, scientists from University of Leeds have found the melting rate to be only around a third of what was previously projected. A section of a glacier in Greenland was seen from NASA's Operation IceBridge research aircraft along the Upper Baffin Bay coast on March 27, 2017.

Operation IceBridge studies the processes that link the polar regions with the Earth's climate system. Rapidly changing polar ice means researchers need to use highly sophisticated airborne technology to measure annual changes in thickness and movement - on board a retrofitted 1966 Lockheed P-3 aircraft.

But the Antarctic is still melting. And a rapidly advancing crack in its fourth-largest ice shelf could soon see one of the largest icebergs ever recorded in human history break off into the sea.Scientists agree that global warming causes both the ice in the North and the South Pole to melt. Air temperatures are climbing, and so are water temperatures. This makes the ice melt faster. The period of winter, where the water is actually cold enough to freeze, is getting shorter, which means ice floes are getting smaller.

Greenland, home to the world's largest permanent ice sheet outside Antarctica, was being swept by wildfires already two years ago.. Yes, the land of ice was on fire. A really breath away taking situation. Scientists are keep on saying global warming and increased plant cover are likely factors. 

Honestly folks, it really scares me although experts say it is too early to draw firm conclusions linking the wild fires from all over the world to climate change because no long-term data is available to put the blaze in context. However, unusually warm and dry conditions  could have been a factor.

Although the origin of the global blaze (especially Australia or California) is unclear - with lightening and a stray cigarette as possible suspects - what is clear is how it has been spreading across remote areas of grassland and low shrub.  And Greenland's is indeed getting greener and greener. It conjures images of white, frozen expanses. But Box says global warming means it's getting greener all the time. "There's a shorter snow-cover season, and that allows the plant life to expand," he explained.

The Arctic is heating up around twice as fast as the global average. At the same time, rainfall around the world is also increasing - and that trend as well is more present in the Arctic. "More rain is a widespread symptom of climate change," Box said. "You get more precipitation - and where you get the biggest increase is in the Arctic."

Fact is: Greenland's ice sheets melt, that contributes to sea level rise. And if we add North- and South Pole and their vanishing ice and snow? Then yes, also the Philippines are in danger. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Facebook and Instagram down in the Philippines

... and parts of the world


Courtesy of
MANILA (UPDATED) - Facebook and Instagram users in several parts of the world reported that the social-network sites were inaccessible late Wednesday and early morning Thursday.
The California giant, which has more than 2 billion users, acknowledged the outage and is working to fix the problem.
"We’re aware that some people are currently having trouble accessing the Facebook family of apps. We're working to resolve the issue as soon as possible," a Facebook statement said on Twitter.
A short time later, Facebook indicated the outage was not related to an attack aimed at overwhelming the network.
"We're focused on working to resolve the issue as soon as possible, but can confirm that the issue is not related to a DDoS attack," Facebook said, referring to what is known as a distributed denial of service cyber strike.
According to the website, outages were heaviest in North America and Europe. Users in the Philippines, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan also experienced the glitch.
News site USA Today also reported that some users were experiencing issues on Facebook-owned photo app Instagram.
The hashtags #facebookdown and #instagramdown quickly topped Twitter's trending topics worldwide. 
Last November, a Facebook outage was attributed to a server problem and a September 2018 outage was said to be the result of "networking issues." - With a report from Agence France-Presse