This might not be the typical expat blog, written by a German expat, living in the Philippines since 1999. It's different. In English and in German. Check it out! Enjoy reading! Dies mag' nun wirklich nicht der typische Auswandererblog eines Deutschen auf den Philippinen sein. Er soll etwas anders sein. In Englisch und in Deutsch! Viel Spass beim Lesen!
You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?
Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!
Friday, January 24, 2025
Regine the chameleon
It's a phrase that originates in the Arabic folk tale Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. It's what the genii said to the boy who conjured him. It is meant as a declaration of gratitude for having been released from the prison of the lamp, one that the genie makes in earnest. He will, up to the limit of three wishes, obey the boy.
Today, more often than not, when we use the phrase we mean it sarcastically, as a way of indicating that someone has us over a barrel. As autonomous modern humans, most of us have learned to be uncomfortable with ceding our behavior to the whims of others and to feel resentful when circumstances conspire to place us in the control of others. And even when we say or hear "Your wish is my command" spoken with the earnestness of the genii, we know that there are limits to any obedience, even if a great debt is owed.
When I was still a young boy, I was taught that there might be fairy creatures offering us three free wishes. We should always be wise enough to think it over very well and select the best wishes for our very own. Sure, there will always be classic stupidities regarding fairy-wishes. We are all human beings and don't belong to the fairy category.
Your wish is my command! And, there is someone who wishes at first a strong health, and - sure, he or she receives it, because good fairies never hesitate. And now and then? Here he is, for example, the healthy man is like a boulder in the surf, but surrounded by a world of war, flames and so-called military conflicts. But this man is still alive and as fit as a fiddler. Why should he wish for a strong health...?
In many fairy tales we can also find the one with unassuming manners, inconspicuous, poorly dressed-up, a little bit silly, mostly disregarded and easily to be overlooked. This guy has only one wish, such as eternal salvation and bliss with a little stool in heaven besides God.
If all human beings on this entire globe could be all around happy, which means to say: nobody must go hungry any more, nobody must be despairing, nobody must be worried about wars and catastrophes, and everybody could be able to enjoy health and happiness without bearing trials ... yes, if ... Then we wouldn't need fairy-wishes... .
Real life looks different. Real life is not a fairy tale. We need prayers and should be more respectful and friendly to each other.
Each one of us has his or her own three wishes. Me too. One of them is: I wish for peace on earth!
The poem “Mother Earth” is a beautiful description of the earth as a mother of everything, including all the objects in the world as well as human beings. The main idea of the poem is love of nature, and the role of the earth in being a part of nature's beauty.
Our Mother Earth is currently facing a lot of environmental concerns. Environmental problems like global warming, acid rain, air pollution, urban sprawl, waste disposal, ozone layer depletion, water pollution, climate change and many more affect every human, animal, and nation on this planet.
Our environment provides a wide range of benefits, such as the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink, as well as the many materials needed in our homes, at work and for leisure activities.
Healthy ecosystems clean our water, purify our air, maintain our soil, regulate the climate, recycle nutrients and provide us with food. They provide raw materials and resources for medicines and other purposes. They are at the foundation of all civilisation and sustain our economies.
The environment gives us countless benefits that we can't repay our entire life. As they are connected with the forest, trees, animals, water, and air. The forest and trees filter the air and absorb harmful gases. Plants purify water, reduce the chances of flooding, maintain natural balance and many others.
We hear about threats to the environment every day. Whether it’s the ravages of climate change, deforestation, or pollution, apocalyptic-sounding events fill the news cycle. It can be overwhelming and challenging to discern what exactly it all means. The environment – which includes everything from the ocean to the forests – impacts every area of life. Here are ten reasons why that’s important:
If you work in an office setting, you may not think about how the environment affects peoples’ lives and jobs. However, billions of people depend on the environment. Take forests, for example. Over 1.5 billion people rely on forests for food, shelter, medicine, and more. If crops fail, many turn to the woods. 2 billion (or almost 27% of the world’s population) earn their living from agriculture. Another 3 billion people depend on the ocean.
Caring for the environment could create millions of new jobs and help reduce poverty. In a report from the International Labour Organization, shifting to greener economies could create 24 million new jobs by 2030. Many fear that switching to green energy and more sustainable practices would cause more people to fall into poverty, but if green jobs take the place of old jobs, it does the opposite.
The loss of biodiversity has many negative consequences, but weakened food security is a big one. As the world loses animal and plant species, the ones that remain are more vulnerable to disease and pests. Our diets get less healthy, as well, which increases the risk for diet-related illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. Protecting environments like the forests and oceans ensures there’s food for every living thing.
Polluted air is a major issue in our world. 9 in 10 breathe unclean air, which impacts their health and lifespans. Health effects include developmental delays, behavioral problems, and diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Every year, polluted air contributes to the deaths of 7 million people. Trees are an especially effective filter. They remove air pollutants like nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide while releasing oxygen.
Environmental factors account for many infant and childhood deaths every year. Issues include a lack of access to clean water and clean air. Waterborne diseases alone kill about 1.4 million kids each year. To save the lives of children, healthy environments and basic rights like clean air and water are necessary.
The vast majority of medicines have origins in the natural world. As an example, chemicals from the Pacific yew tree led to the creation of two chemotherapy drugs. Scientists and pharmaceutical companies constantly look to the environment for new and better medicines. Unfortunately, about 15,000 medicinal plant species face extinction, so if they go, humans miss out on potentially life-saving drugs.
Mental health is complex. It’s the result of factors such as genetics, lifestyle, relationships, and the environment. Researchers have studied the effects of nature and green spaces on mental health for years. Many studies show a significant benefit. In a 2019 review in Current Directions in Psychological Science, researchers found that green spaces near schools encourage cognitive development and better self-control in children. Another review from Science Advances learned that nature is associated with better happiness, well-being, and a sense of purpose.
Humans drive climate change. In the 6th report from the IPCC, the authors determined that the last decade was the hottest in human history and we can now link specific weather events to human-made climate change. Climate change’s effect on the environment is hard to overstate. Diseases, droughts, severe weather events, and more threaten plants, animals, and humans. If fossil fuel emissions aren’t reduced immediately, the environment will become uninhabitable.
It’s challenging not to feel hopeless in the face of environmental disasters and climate change. However, we can’t afford to be hopeless and there are many solutions we still have time to implement. Protecting plant and animal species, conserving healthy green spaces, and reducing emissions will make a difference. Humans can save the planet for future generations by caring for the environment.
We are all thankful to our Mother, the Earth, for she gives us all that we need for life. She supports our feet as we walk about upon her. It gives us joy that she continues to care for us as she has from the beginning of time. To our mother, we send greetings and thanks. But how long???
What is your contribution to keep Mother Earth alive?
„Jahrhundertsturm“ bringt Wetter-Chaos: Monster-Orkan rast mit bis zu 250 km/h auf Europa zu
Von: Dominik Jung
Europa steht vor einem der heftigsten Stürme der Geschichte. Éowyn entwickelt sich zu einer Naturgewalt, die das Festland mit rekordverdächtigen Böen treffen soll.
München – Am Donnerstagabend (23. Januar) erreicht der „Jahrhundertsturm“ Éowyn Westeuropa mit beängstigender Stärke, wie Diplom-Meteorologe Dominik Jung von wetter.net erklärt. Er zeigt sich äußerst besorgt: „Das ist ein lebensgefährlicher Monstersturm. In Irland und Großbritannien drohen schwere Schäden. Innerhalb von nur 24 Stunden ist der Luftdruck um mehr als 24 Hektopascal gefallen. Diesen Vorgang nennt man Bombogenese.“
Die Rede ist von Böen mit Geschwindigkeiten zwischen 200 und 250 km/h – ein Rekordwert für Europa. Dieser Orkan hat sich außergewöhnlich schnell entwickelt und verstärkt, was die Gefahr noch erhöht. Die betroffenen Länder bereiten sich auf eine Katastrophe vor, während Experten weitere Stürme in den kommenden Wochen prognostizieren.
Jahrhundertsturm in Westeuropa: Großbritannien und Irland in Alarmbereitschaft
Besonders Irland und Großbritannien seien im Zentrum des Orkans und erwarten die schwersten Schäden. Meteorologen warnen vor Stromausfällen, umgerissenen Bäumen, überschwemmten Küsten und zerstörten Gebäuden. Behörden rufen die Bevölkerung auf, in ihren Häusern zu bleiben und sich auf extreme Wetterbedingungen vorzubereiten.
![Die Karte zeigt die Windspitzen bei Orkantief Éowyn. Die Legende reicht nicht aus.](https://www.merkur.de/assets/images/36/833/36833389-die-karte-zeigt-die-windspitzen-bei-orkantief-eowyn-die-legende-reicht-nicht-aus-NHBG.jpg)
Der Sturm droht laut Jung nicht nur die Infrastruktur massiv zu beeinträchtigen, sondern auch den Reiseverkehr zu lähmen. Flugausfälle und Zugverspätungen werden bereits erwartet. Für die Küstenregionen gilt höchste Alarmstufe, da meterhohe Wellen und Sturmfluten möglich sind. Der Orkan wird nicht nur für Sachschäden sorgen, sondern birgt auch Lebensgefahr für all jene, die den Warnungen nicht Folge leisten.
Wetter in Europa: Jahrhundertsturm bringt milde Frühlingsluft nach Deutschland
Während Westeuropa mit den verheerenden Auswirkungen des Orkans kämpft, hat Éowyn für Deutschland ganz andere Konsequenzen: Statt Schneeflocken bringt der Sturm milde Frühlingsluft ins Land. Am Samstag (25. Januar) werden Temperaturen zwischen 10 und 17 Grad erwartet. Damit ist laut Experten das „Game Over“ für alle Winterträume besiegelt. Auch wenn Deutschland von den extremen Windgeschwindigkeiten verschont bleibt, muss mit Sturmböen und ungemütlichem Wetter gerechnet werden. Doch für Schneeliebhaber bleibt die Enttäuschung groß: Ein richtiger Wintereinbruch scheint mit Blick auf die nächsten Wochen immer unwahrscheinlicher.
wetter.net - das Wetter auf den Punkt gebracht!
Dieser Artikel entstand in einer Content-Partnerschaft mit wetter.net. wetter.net bietet Ihnen alles Wissenswerte rund um Wetter und Klima. Auf unseren Seiten finden Sie weltweite Stadt- und Ortsprognosen für die nächsten 14 Tage und das für die ersten 7 Tage in 1-stündiger und für die nachfolgenden Tage in 3-stündiger zeitlicher Auflösung. Wettervorhersagen, Niederschlagsradar, Messwerte, Wetterwarnungen, Deutschlandwetter und Wetter-News informieren über die aktuelle Entwicklung sowie die kommenden Stunden und Tage.
Orkan Éowyn zeigt laut Jung eindringlich, wie schnell und unberechenbar die Natur zuschlagen kann – und wie der Klimawandel extreme Wetterphänomene begünstigt.
Thursday, January 23, 2025