History unfolds in Davao City with its mayor for decades, Rodrigo Duterte to sit as the country’s new President by June 30 after being favored by more than 15 million Filipinos and counting on election day, May 9. It’s history for it’s the first time that the country’s president comes from Mindanao. It was a tough battle muddled with black propaganda that if it did bite, could have ruin the political career of the mayor. But it did not, in fact, the voters’ preference for the mayor shoot up. The dirty political scheme didn’t work to the dismay of his detractors and victory for his supporters.
However let bygones be bygones. The offering of friendship and healing by the mayor to his opponents which reflects the soft spot in him behind that robustness is proof he deserves the presidential post. Now that the people has made its judgment to all candidates, it would be best for everybody especially the losers to respect it. Accept and forget the pain of defeat. The country has a lot of problems to address. How could the new leaders fix this ailing country if it remains polarized fueled by bitterness and hate.
The stigma of dirty politics should be unleashed to pave the way for unity and reconciliation. This is easier said than done most especially to those who were victims of smear campaigns. But what else is new in Philippine elections. Dirty campaigns have been there since time immemorial. The politicians should have got used to it and just chew on all the election campaign residues for a day or two, then move on. Proclamation of the winners of the 2016 elections will be completed in next to no time. Speed up the healing and buckle down to work.
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