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There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kopfschmerzen nach Temperaturumschwung: Münchner Arzt verrät Tipps für Wetterfühlige


München – Mehr als die Hälfte aller Deutschen bezeichnet sich als wetterfühlig. Zumindest laut einer Umfrage des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD) von 2015. Die häufigsten Beschwerden: Kopfschmerzen, Müdigkeit, Abgeschlagenheit, Gelenkschmerzen und Schlafstörungen. Dass das Wetter Einfluss auf die Gesundheit haben kann, da sind sich auch Wissenschaftler einig. Der DWD gibt daher sogar sogenannte Biowetterprognosen mit Gefahrenindizes für Wetterfühlige heraus. Sie sollen besonders Personen mit Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden und asthmatischen oder rheumatischen Erkrankungen helfen. 

Anmerkung der Redaktion: Dieser Text ist bereits in der Vergangenheit auf tz.de erschienen. Er hat viele Leserinnen und Leser besonders interessiert. Zum Wetterwechsel bieten wir ihn daher erneut an.

Münchner Arzt klärt über Wetterfühligkeit auf – „Wetter ist halt nicht nur Temperatur“

Für genau diese Personen sind laut Prof. Dr. Jörg Schelling, Hausarzt im Münchner Umland, die Biowetterprognosen auch gedacht. „Ich halte die Prognose durchaus für sinnvoll. Wenn man auf etwas vorbereitet ist, was am nächsten Tag oder am nächsten Wochenende auf einen zukommt, dann kann man sich da auch schon einstellen und läuft nicht ins offene Messer“, erklärt er im Gespräch mit unserer Redaktion. 

Plötzlicher Temperaturwechsel kann bei Wetterfühlige zu Kopfschmerzen führen. (Symbolbild)
Plötzlicher Temperaturwechsel kann bei Wetterfühlige zu Kopfschmerzen führen. (Symbolbild) © IMAGO/blickwinkel (merkur.de-Collage)

Wetter sei eben nicht nur Temperatur und ob es draußen nass ist oder nicht. Es sei eben auch der Luftdruck, die Zusammensetzung der Luft und die Luftfeuchtigkeit entscheidend. Für Menschen mit bestimmten Vorerkrankungen, bestehenden Beschwerden oder geschwächtem Kreislaufsystem stellt ein starker Umschwung durchaus eine Herausforderung dar.

Wetterumschwünge führen zu mehr Patienten in Praxen

Vor allem starke Wetterumschwünge würden dafür sorgen, dass in den Praxen mehr Patienten auftauchen. Wenn es schlagartig warm wird, haben Menschen mit Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden, Nierenerkrankungen und Rheuma mehr zu kämpfen. Wird es kalt, können Menschen mit Arthrose stärker leiden. Eine höhere Luftfeuchtigkeit macht Atemwegserkrankten wie Asthmatikern und Menschen mit chronischer Bronchitis zu schaffen und kann im schlimmsten Fall sogar zur Atemnot führen. 

Für Symptome wie Kopfschmerzen und Migräne sind die Veränderung vom Luftdruck sowie die Lichtintensität entscheidend. „Auch wenn die Sonne plötzlich sehr stark blendet, nachdem das längere Zeit nicht der Fall war, kann das die Migräne verschlimmern.“

Tipps für Wetterfühlige: Notfallplan zurechtlegen

Hilflos ausgesetzt sind Betroffene dem Wetter jedoch nicht. Sie können sich laut Schelling „einen Notfallplan“ zurechtlegen. Heißt konkret: „Brauche ich eine bestimmte Tablette mehr zum Beispiel, ändere ich vielleicht meinen Tagesablauf, belaste ich mich weniger, gehe ich weniger raus in die Hitze und mache ich mir weniger zusätzlichen Stress mit irgendwelchen Terminen.“ Für chronisch Kranke ist zudem wichtig, den Medikationsplan anzupassen, wie zum Beispiel bei Diabetes oder Niereninsuffizienz.

Für den normal gesunden Menschen, der sensibel auf Wetter reagiert, hat Schelling keine guten Nachrichten. „Also man kann tatsächlich gegen die Naturgewalten nichts tun.“ Es gebe keine einfache Gegenmaßnahme, er glaubt allerdings, dass allein das Bewusstsein helfe, dass ein Wetterumschwung bevorsteht. „Und dann natürlich parallel sich nicht hineinsteigern und in Angst verfallen, sondern wissen, dass auch das vorübergeht“, rät Schelling. „Das Wetter ist ja zum Glück wechselhaft und im Regelfall dauern diese Umschwünge ja meistens nur wenige Tage“.

Kneipp-Anwendungen, wie Wechselduschen oder Saunagänge hält Schelling für keine schlechte Idee. So kann sich der Körper an Temperaturwechsel gewöhnen. Einen fundierten, wissenschaftlich nachgewiesenen positiven Zusammenhang gibt es dafür allerdings nicht, betont er.

Klimawandel trägt zu Umschwüngen bei: „Grundsätzlich wird das Wetter instabiler“

Insgesamt befürwortet Schelling die Biowetterprognosen zur Gesundheit. Bei manchen Wetterportalen ist aber auch Vorsicht geboten. Einige geben bestimme Skalen für die möglichen Symptome eines Wetterumschwungs heraus. So kann pro Tag eingesehen werden, ob das Wetter in den nächsten Tage zum Beispiel Kopfschmerzen, Reizbarkeit oder die „Bereitschaft zu Depression“ beeinflussen könnte. „Da muss man natürlich aufpassen, gerade wenn es um die psychosomatischen Beschwerden geht, wenn es um Kopfschmerzen geht, wenn es um Stimmungsschwankungen geht, dass man da auch sehr vorsichtig damit umgeht und sich nicht zu sehr verunsichern lässt.“  

Klar ist, dass Wetterumschwünge in den nächsten Jahren wohl nicht weniger werden. „Durch die Klimaveränderungen wird es sicherlich nicht normaler werden“, erklärt Schelling. „Man darf das jetzt natürlich auch nicht immer hochstilisieren zur totalen Panik, aber dass grundsätzlich das Wetter instabiler wird, dass wir alle starke Wetterumbrüche und Veränderungen erleben, dass sich der Rhythmus der Jahreszeiten teilweise auch verändert hat, das ist nicht nur gefühlte Realität, sondern auch messbare Realität.“ (tkip) 

Monday, September 9, 2024

A reversal of roles for Kate and Kyline in ‘Shining Inheritance’


Jerry Donato - The Philippine Star 

September 9, 2024 | 12:00am

Sparkle GMA artists Kate Valdez (left photo) and Kyline Alcantara will show their versatility by taking on bida and kontrabida roles as Inna Villarazon and Joanna De La Costa, respectively, in ‘Shining Inheritance.’ It’s a reversal of roles for them as compared to their 2019 film, ‘Black Lipstick,’ where Kyline was the lead star. Joanna is a spoiled brat, while Inna is a kind and responsible sister. They are up for the challenge to do dramatic scenes that showcase the emotionality of their characters and present a sense of realism to the audience.

MANILA, Philippines — Young Kapuso actresses Kate Valdez and Kyline Alcantara have proven their acting mettle by taking on diverse roles — from straightforward to significant and yes, kontrabida (villainess) to bida (female lead).

In “Shining Inheritance,” the first local adaptation of a K-drama series in the GMA Afternoon Prime, which premieres today at 4 p.m., Kate and Kyline come together to bring the characters Inna Villarazon, the bida, and Joanna De La Costa, the kontrabida to life.

It’s a reversal of roles for them, which is in contrast to their 2019 film, “Black Lipstick,” where Kyline was the lead.

“When I learned that Kyline was also part of the project, I got excited. Naka-sama ko na siya sa ‘(Black) Lipstick,’ (I worked with her in the movie) where she was our lead (star),” said Kate in a recent press conference for “Shining Inheritance,” adding that it thrilled her because she wanted to work with Kyline again in which the latter would portray a character that stands in the way of hers.

“I’m really grateful, and I’m thankful that she is Joanna to my Inna,” shared Kate. “I’m able to create (and form) my Inna because of (how she has built) Joanna and how she breathes life into Joanna... I’m happy to be able to have worked with you (Kyline).”

For her part, Kyline also expressed gratefulness to Kate, whose portrayal of Inna has complemented and completed her depiction of Joanna.

The production notes on the GMA Entertainment page describe Joanna as a spoiled brat, which is a stark contrast to Inna’s kind and responsible nature.

“Mahirap yung eksena, pero kung may ka-eksena ka na kasing galing ni Kate at nitong mga kasama natin sa stage, nagiging madali yung mahirap na eksena (doing dramatic scenes is tough, but if you’re with Kate and the rest of the actors here, who are really good, anything challenging becomes easy),” said Kyline.

Thus, the Sparkle GMA artists are up for the challenge to do some intense sequences that showcase the emotionality and personality of Inna and Joanna. It’s a way to present a sense of realism to the audience.

Prior to getting into their characters and giving a highly-emotional scene a go, the two stars would seek each other’s permission and collaborate on how to go over it, shared Kyline and Kate.

It speaks of their dedication and professionalism when it comes to their work.

Veteran actress Coney Reyes can attest to it. She shared that the two have their own ways to play a role, but they’re serious with it.

“They know what they’re doing. They’re studying,” said Coney, who is delighted and proud of working with the young bunch of talents featured in the series.

Since Joanna is a far cry from the bida roles she has played before, Kyline was also asked about portraying kontrabida this time.

“I requested my team (that I would like to) play kontrabida again because I miss playing a complex role and Joanna is really complicated,” said she. (She) is also kind, pero may ginagawa lang siya na hindi maganda (but she is doing something that’s not admirable or not good). Joanna is feisty and also aggressive.”

Becoming Inna on screen, on the other hand, has allowed Kate to further see the clear distinction in essaying a lead role.

“There’s a big difference,” shared she. “(From someone) who came from portraying a kontrabida role to (playing) inaapi (someone helpless)… Honestly, it’s draining… You have to convince yourself (that you’re Inna) na hindi ako magaling and all the negativity na sinasabi ng kontrabida characters (who is not good enough and you imbibe those negative thoughts villain characters have about Inna).”

To deliver what’s expected of her, Kate needs to focus on her role, but she gives herself the time to take a break, particularly during rest days, from inhabiting the life of Inna.

Regarding the pressures of being the lead star and the possibility of being upstaged by others, Kate never thinks about them. Her goal is to do justice to her role.

One of the signs that she’s doing the right thing or on the right track is the approval of the show’s director and writers. It only means that they’re happy with her portrayal.

The “Shining Inheritance” story will revolve around the three families of Villarazon, De La Costa and Abrigo, according to its web page.

Aurea, the owner of De La Costa Food Corporation, has to figure out her rightful heir or heiress.

Inna will meet the billionaire Aurea and from then on, life will never be the same again for them.

(Watch ‘Shining Inheritance’ weekdays after its premiere.)


"You are like salt for the whole human race" (Matthew 5, 13).

My late grandmother (born 1899!) taught me many things regarding daily life. I really admired her and didn't care to travel hundreds of miles to her house located in the former East Germany - just to spend a few hours there. The wall and border which separated Germany into two, aggravated such journeys many times. Still in my mind are innumerable thoughts on how to convent bible sayings into reality.

Salt plays a crucial role in maintaining human health. It is the main source of sodium and chloride ions in the human diet. Sodium is essential for nerve and muscle function and is involved in the regulation of fluids in the body. Sodium also plays a role in the body's control of blood pressure and volume.

Salt of the earth: People during various activities and occupations. "Black" and "white" meet each other, shake hands, smile... . An old woman selling vegetables in the market. She looks tired but her features still show hope and peace... . Young people, walking through a shopping mall - laughing, joking, being happy... . Fishermen at the shore doing their work in sorting nets... .

Salt on earth: Many things can be like that. Not only during mass service in the church. Not only by preaching. Also touching the hands of my distressed friend, listening to my lonely neighbour; remembering someone and writing him or her a letter or an email. I join others by helping, working, laughing, playing, singing. I listen to love's melody.

Salt of the  earth: Christian life doesn't always mean possessions or property. Christian life is doing something, it's collecting one's thoughts. It's giving and receiving. It's a hug or a smile or a comforting talk. Christian life means having as Christian acting people in my surroundings.

Salt on earth: Of course, as we all know: too much salt is also dangerous to our health. But if we plan to live without any salt, we might fail to survive also. Do you know that wars have been waged and nations have been extinguished because of salt. Salt is more than a simple stabilizer.

Before the refrigerator was invented, salt was a miracle of daily life. Salt made foodstuffs well. So, let's think about it: if we are part of earth's salt, who are we? Do we bring rottenness or do we preserve and keep our surroundings well?

We should be salt on earth as in  cleaning, helping and healing, but not salt, that brings caustic, corroding and mordant poison in other's life.

Salt on earth without being dumb, mute, silent, stale, and incompetent!

Alas Women bow anew to Saga Hisamitsu Springs



  • Alas Pilipinas Women showed great resolve before succumbing to nine-time Japan champion Saga Hisamitsu Springs, 25-14, 25-21, 25-19, in an invitational game on Sunday, Sept. 8, at the Philsports Arena in Pasig City.

Alas Pilipinas Women showed great resolve before succumbing to nine-time Japan champion Saga Hisamitsu Springs, 25-14, 25-21, 25-19, in an invitational game on Sunday, Sept. 8, at the Philsports Arena in Pasig City.


Alyssa Solomon unloaded two points and joined forces with Eya Laure, Fifi Sharma and Vanie Gandler to give the Nationals a 16-12 second-set lead before the Japanese quickly regrouped to regain the momentum for the victory.

Opposite hitter Mika Yoshitake spearheaded Hisamitsu Springs with 16 points including 14 attacks while Ayane Kitamado poured all her nine points on kills as the visiting Japanese team swept the weekend event.

Sae Nakajima also scored for the Japanese with nine points including seven attacks.

Alas Women head coach Jorge Souza de Brito said the two-game exposure against the Japanese team is a big boost to the team in future international stints like the Southeast Asian Games in Thailand next year.

“We need to give exposure to all of them... We need more matches at this level. We need international-level play since we’re the national team,” said de Brito.

Aespa bags grand prize; NewJeans, ITZY win at The Fact Music Awards Day 2


K-pop girl group Aespa took home the grand prize on the second and final day of the 2024 The Fact Music Awards (TMA) held at Kyocera Dome in Osaka, Japan on Sept. 8. 

The Korean music awards ceremony, emceed by Jun Hyun-moo and Seohyun, was held for two days on Sept. 7 and 8, and was hosted by media outlet The Fact. 


Aespa (X)NewJeans1.jpg

NewJeans (X)ITZY1.jpg

ITZY (X)TheFact_NCTWish.jpg

NCT Wish (X)TheFact_&Team.jpg

&Team (X)The_Fact_UNIS.jpgUNIS (X)


JO1 and NewJeans (X)TheFact_xikers.jpg

Xikers (X)TheFact_KissofLife.jpg

Kiss of Life (X)

This was the first time that the TMA was held outside South Korea to celebrate the news site’s 10th anniversary. 

On the second day of TMA, Aespa won the grand prize, the highest award based on single and album scores (60 percent) and judges’ score (40 percent). They also won Listener’s Choice and Artist of the Year. 

"We've prepared so hard this year, so we feel dazed but also so grateful. There were times when the members weren't in good condition, but it feels like we're being rewarded. We're really grateful to our fans,” Aespa said as they received the award, according to The Fact. 

NewJeans, which headlined the Coke Studio Ultimate Fandom Concert in Manila on Sept. 5, won four awards: Worldwide Icon, World Best Performer, Artist of the Year and Musinsa Popularity Award. 

NCT Wish garnered the Next Leader award, JO1 won Artist of the Year and TMA Popularity Award, and &Team bagged the Global Generation award. 

Here are the winners on the second day of the 2024 The Fact Music Awards: 

Grand Prize (Daesang) - Aespa

Artist of the Year - NewJeans, Aespa, JO1, ITZY

Listener's Choice - Aespa

Worldwide Icon - NewJeans

Musinsa Popularity Award  - NewJeans

Today's Choice - UNIS

Hottest - UNIS 

World Best Performer - NewJeans, ITZY

TMA Popularity Award - JO1

Global Generation - &Team 

Global Hot Trend - Kiss of Life, Xikers

Next Leader - NCT Wish 

Winners on the first day of The Fact Music Awards (TMA) on Sept 7: 

Next Leader - TWS 

Hottest  - NEXZ

Global Hot Trend  - EVNNE, n.SSign

Hot Potential  - WOOAH, Young Posse

Global Generation  - Kep1er

Artist of the Year - TWS, NiziU, Kim Jae-joong

Today's Choice - TWS

Hot Stage of the Year - Kim Jae-joong

FanNStar App Category

Angel N Star - Lim Young-woong

Fourstar Award - Stray Kids

Best Music (Spring) - BTS’ V

Best Music (Summer) - Lim Young-woong

Best Music (Winter) -  Lim Young-woong

FanNStar Choice Award (Solo) - Lim Young-woong

FanNStar Choice Award (Group) - Plave

Rash judgments, detraction, calumny

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City

Email: roycimagala@gmail.com

THEY often go together and we are very much prone to them. Thus, we have to be properly guarded, training ourselves to practice restraint and to be quick to rectify once we fall into them.

We are reminded of this phenomenon in that gospel episode where the usual critics of Christ were observing closely whether Christ would cure a man with a withered hand. (cfr. Mk 6,6-11) They really did not know who Christ really was, and thus branded Christ as a violator of their man-made beliefs, laws and traditions.

Rash judgment is when one assumes as true without sufficient foundation, the moral fault of another person. Detraction is the unjust violation of the good reputation of another person by revealing something true but confidential about him. While calumny or slander is when what is imputed about a person is not true.

These moral anomalies usually come about when people indulge in what may be considered as a popular pastime, which is gossiping. To gossip is at least bad manners. If ever we have to talk about somebody with some of our friends, only nice, edifying things should be said.

We actually have no right to say negative things about others for the simple reason that the ones concerned would have no chance to explain and defend themselves and those talked to usually do not have any way to do anything about those negative things, since they have nothing to do with the persons gossiping about.

We have to be most careful when in a conversation the topic would touch on a certain person who is not there. If the tone is not positive, the most likely thing to happen is that the conversation will turn into backbiting and mudslinging. The temptation is usually strong, and many find it irresistible.

Even if the negative things said of a person are true, it is still wrong to gossip because that would be a form of detraction. It would still go against the commandment of charity which has as its finer points the demands of magnanimity, compassion, mercy, understanding, etc.

But what usually happens in that hush-hush tone of gossip is that the negative things said are not true or are already compromised, what with all the exaggerations and distortions and the voicing of biases and prejudices that are typical of gossip. In this case, one would commit calumny or slander which is a more serious offense against a person.

Gossips encourage rash judgments, silly loquacity and reckless considerations of persons. They actually dehumanize gossipers. They spoil the tongue by letting it have its way without the proper guidance of the right reason, let alone, charity.

Especially nowadays when we are into rapid communication, we have to be most careful with the words we are using. Words, which are a staple in our exchanges with one another and have great power of influence, need to be handled properly. 

Their quality both reflects and builds up the kind of person and society we are. We just have to make sure then that they do us what is truly good, that they contribute to the common good. We have to develop a keener sense of responsibility over them even as we grow in our sense of freedom in using them.

Sad to say, many now are the indications we are abusing the use of words. Gossips and idle talks are now going viral. All forms of defamation, whether of the detraction type or that of calumny, are spreading like wildfire. 

Loquacity seems to be the rule of the road nowadays, dumping us with all kinds of exaggerations, reckless words and stray insinuations.