You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Sunday, February 4, 2024



Father Bacareza was my  mentor from the first beginning during the 80s. I learned a lot from him. He opened many doors for me for future publications.

Philippine-German or German-Philippine relations are an undeniable reality for Filipinos and Germans who see in many examples of cultural exchange and mutual economic cooperation  and several gestures if mutual friendship.

As Philippine Ambassador to Germany, Her Excellency Minerva Jean A. Falcon stated in 2005: "Philippine-German relations are built on the strong foundations that link the people and culture of both countries.

In this era of globalization and with the emergence of the information age, Philippine-German relations have reached high gear.

As my mentor Fr. Gene (Hermogenes Bacareza) stated before: "If this book can inspire at least a reader to promote the friendly relationship between the Philippines and Germany, the efforts of the author shall have been achieved.

It's been a long time now. And what is it like these days?

(To be continued!)


Pater Bacareza war von Anfang an in den 80er Jahren mein Mentor. Ich habe viel von ihm gelernt. Er hat mir viele Türen für zukünftige Veröffentlichungen geöffnet.

Die philippinisch-deutschen bzw. deutsch-philippinischen Beziehungen sind eine unbestreitbare Realität für Filipinos und Deutsche, die in vielen Beispielen des kulturellen Austauschs und der gegenseitigen wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit sowie in mehreren Gesten gegenseitiger Freundschaft sehen.

Als philippinische Botschafterin in Deutschland erklärte Ihre Exzellenz Minerva Jean A. Falcon im Jahr 2005: „Die philippinisch-deutschen Beziehungen basieren auf den starken Grundlagen, die die Menschen und die Kultur beider Länder verbinden.“

Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung und mit dem Aufkommen des Informationszeitalters haben die philippinisch-deutschen Beziehungen einen Höchststand erreicht.

Als mein Mentor Pater Gene (Hermogenes Bacareza) sagte zuvor: „Wenn dieses Buch zumindest einen Leser dazu inspirieren kann, die freundschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen den Philippinen und Deutschland zu fördern, sind die Bemühungen des Autors erfolgreich.“

Es ist schon lange her. Und wie ist es heutzutage?

Iloilo athlete is Miss Universe PH contender


Alexie Mae Caimoso Brooks, the athlete and contender for Miss Universe Philippines, continues to be a story of sheer determination.



But the 22-year-old Alexie never had an easy life.  She literally never knew her parents, including her Ilongga mother and her Black American father who met in Lebanon when her mother was working as an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW).

After Alexie was born in Manila, an uncle took her to the mountain barangay (village) of Buga in Leon, a town in central Iloilo province. It was her grandmother Lola Basing, her aunts and uncles who raised her.

As a young girl, Alexie was bullied for her skin complexion.  Rocks were even thrown at her.

Despite the traumatic experiences, Alexie soldiered on and never complained. 

To help her Lola Basing make ends meet, Alexie would accompany her grandmother to Iloilo City to sell vegetables.

It was more than a decade ago when a coach saw Alexie’s prowess in athletics and that led to a sports scholarship at Iloilo National High School (INHS) in Iloilo City.

From there, Alexie won the high jump competition at Western Visayas Regional Athletic Association (WVRAA) and Palarong Pambansa.

Alexie clinched a sports scholarship at the National University. In 2022, she was named Most Valuable Player (MVP) by the University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP).

Alexie later represented the country in the Southeast Asian Games in Vietnam.

It was Alexie’s sideline in modeling that led to her discovery as a contestant for Miss Iloilo, which she won last January. 

It was Alexie’s phrase of “abanse babae” that would garner her attention as a woman with brains, brawn, and beauty.

Dr. Jayson Ibañez: Philippine Eagle conservationist


With a population of about 400 pairs left in the wild, the critically endangered Philippine Eagle needs utmost protection against deforestation, poaching, and other human activities that contribute to the loss of its habitat.



Thanks to the dedicated people at the Philippine Eagle Foundation who are tirelessly for the conservation of the rare Philippine Eagle.

One of the most important figures in the eagle’s conservation efforts is Dr. Jayson Ibañez, research and conservation director, at the Davao-based Philippine Eagle Foundation.

For nearly 30 years now, Ibañez, who obtained a PhD degree at Charles Darwin University, has dedicated his career for the conservation of the Philippine Eagle.

The seasoned conservationist pioneered research on Philippine Eagle home range, survival, and habitat use through radio, satellite, and GPS/GSM telemetry.

Under his watch, his team studied 26 eagles with state-of-the-art telemetry technology that improved the scientific knowledge on Philippine Eagles.

Moreover, Ibañez also contributed to PEF’s “culture-based conservation” approach that engages marginalized Indigenous People communities in species and nature conservation programs.

“We realized that more than 80 percent of the eagle habitats of Mindanao are within the ancestral domain of the indigenous peoples,” Ibañez said. This made the indigenous communities the front liners in environmental protection.

Under the program, the PEF is conducting extensive education in indigenous communities as well as providing them with livelihood programs. 

Along with the PEF team, his conservation work has also contributed in protecting the watersheds to help strengthen natural defenses against environmental hazards and calamities.

His accomplishments in the field of conservation have earned him numerous awards and recognitions from local and international communities.

Among them are Bronze Award from the UK-based BP Conservation Program in 2004, Biodiversity Recognition Award from the government in 2015, and Second Place for the Yale International Society for Tropical Foresters (ISTF) Innovation Prize-Biodiversity Conservation edition in 2015.

Ibañez  was also a recipient of Whitley Fund for Nature (WFN-UK) conservation awards in 2015 and received a continuing grant award in 2017 which is also referred to as the Green Oscars that recognizes and supports conservationists from around the world who are making a difference through grassroots and science-based approaches.   

The most recent recognition was the Charles Darwin University Alumni Awards given last November.



  • His demise was announced by his son PJ on social media. He did not reveal the cause of death.

Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 9.58.44 PM.png
Deo Endrinal (Instagram)

Deo Endrinal, head of Dreamscape Entertainment Television of ABS-CBN, has passed away, it was announced on Feb. 3

His demise was announced by his son PJ on social media. He did not reveal the cause of death.

PJ's full post:  

"This has to be the hardest caption that I will ever post.

"Thank you daddy for everything, you have been the best father not just to me but to everyone that has known you. We will always remember how fortunate we are that you were in our lives.

"This will definitely be a hole in my heart and will leave a scar; but I know that you’re finally free from pain and now happily dancing in heaven cause you’ll definitely be the life of the party up there.

"We might be grieving now but instead of the sadness we should be celebrating the life you lived and shared with us and for that we’ll always be grateful.   "For now, Rest in Paradise Daddy, I love you so so much."

Prior to Dreamscape, Deo was also a writer and producer for ABS-CBN. Dreamscape Entertainment is behind the popular Kapamilya shows Linlang, Senior High, Pira-Pirasong Paraiso, FPJ's Batang Quiapo, Dirty Linen, and more.

PJ has yet to announce the interment details for his father.

Typical Filipino (XXXIX) - Typisch Philippinisch (XXXIX): Richtig oder falsch? - Right or wrong?


Testen Sie Ihr Wissen und Verständnis und kreuzen Sie die folgenden Aussagen als richtig oder falsch an:

(R) (F) 1. Am Totengedenktag Allerseelen gehört es sich auf keinen Fall. sich für den Friedhofsbesuch mit Proviant einzudecken und diesen an den Gräben zu verschmausen.

(R) (F)  2. Die Warenpreise in Einzelhandelsgeschäften und auf öffentlichen Märkten sind fest, und Sie sollten niemals zu handeln versuchen.

(R) (F) 3. Männern und Frauen berühren sich nie in der Öffentlichkeit - Menschen gleichen Geschlechts tun es sehr häufig.

(R) (F) 4. Man beurteilt Sie nach Ihrer äußeren Erscheinung.

(R) (F) 5. Christen sind auf den Philippinen eine Minderheit.

(R) (F) 6. Philippinische Bauern essen mit den Händen.

(R) (F) 7. Die Universität des Heiligen Tomas in Manila ist älter als die amerikanische Harvard Universität.

(R) (F) 8. Büroangestellte sehen in der nachmittäglichen Kaffeepause eine Einrichtung, die dem Arbeitsklima und der Arbeit förderlich ist.

(R) (F) 9. Sie können ohne Sorge Gegenstände im Garten oder unverschlossenem Auto zurücklassen.


1. Falsch

2. Falsch

3. Richtig und Falsch

4. Richtig

5. Falsch

6. Richtig

7. Richtig

8. Richtig

9. Falsch


Test your knowledge and understanding and mark the following statements as true or false:

(R) (W) 1. It is definitely not appropriate on All Souls' Day. to stock up on provisions for the visit to the cemetery and eat them at the graves.

(R) (W) 2. Prices of goods in retail stores and public markets are fixed and you should never attempt to bargain.

(R) (W) 3. Men and women never touch each other in public - people of the same sex do it very often.

(R) (W) 4. You are judged by your physical appearance.

(R) (W) 5. Christians are a minority in the Philippines.

(R) (W) 6. Filipino farmers eat with their hands.

(R) (W) 7. The University of Saint Tomas in Manila is older than the American Harvard University.

(R) (W) 8. Office workers see the afternoon coffee break as an arrangement that is conducive to the working atmosphere and work.

(R) (W) 9. You can leave items in the garden or unlocked car without worry.


1. Wrong

2. Wrong

3. Right and wrong

4. Correct

5. Wrong

6. Correct

7. Correct

8. Correct

9. Wrong

Can I live in Germany for long without learning German?

Profile photo for Torsten Irion
Torsten Irion

Compensation Consultant1993–present

Studied at Technische Universität Darmstadt

Lives in Frankfurt am Main

Yes, but why would you?

a friend of mine lived in Germany for 5 years (after 5 years in Zurich), he worked as a compensation consultant for (big) banks and being from US he never bothered himself with the German language, since all the banks are using English as their lingua franca.

BUT: he hanged out only with his bank colleagues (yeah, with me and a few other social folk also), but spending 10 years in an environment, where your contacts are limited to just the (professional) folk around you with your language, never been really able to have some more deep, sophisticated conversations or even following regional TV, cinema and all that: what´s the point in all that?

To me it´s just a great waste of opportunity, it´s not making use of all the cultural (and human) diversity around you, so: YES, it´s possible (at least in the cities), but I strongly advise to spend some time (and money) to learn the language of the people around you, even if it´s only for some few years!

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Philippine Fairy Tales (XVIII) - Philippinische Märchen (XVIII): The Light of the Fly - Das Licht der Fliege


The firefly abounds everywhere in the Islands.


The King of the Air was in terrible rage,
For some one had stolen his ring;
And every one wondered whoever could dare
To do such a terrible thing.
He called all his subjects together and said,
“To him that shall find it I’ll give
Whatever he asks, and this bounty of mine
Shall last while his family live.”


Away went his good loyal subjects to search,
And no one remained but a fly.
“Be off!” said the King, “go and join in the search;
Would you slight such a ruler as I?”
Then up spoke the fly with his little wee voice:
“The ring is not stolen,” he said.
“It stuck to your crown when you put it away,
And now it’s on top of your head.”


The King in surprise took the crown from his head,
And there, sure enough, was the ring.
“No wonder you saw it, with so many eyes;
But what is your wish?” said the King.
“O King,” said the fly, “I work hard all the day,
And I never can go out at night.
I should like to go then and be gay with my friends,
So all that I wish is a light.”


“You shall have it at once,” said the gratified King,
And he fastened a light to the fly,
Who straightway returned to his home with the prize
That was worth more than money could buy.
So now you can see him at night with his light
And from him this lesson may learn:
To keep your eyes open and see the least thing,
And Fortune will come in its turn.

Überall auf den Inseln gibt es Glühwürmchen.

Der König der Lüfte war in schrecklicher Wut,
Denn jemand hatte seinen Ring gestohlen;
Und jeder fragte sich, wer es wagen könnte
So etwas Schreckliches zu tun.
Er rief alle seine Untertanen zusammen und sagte:
„Dem, der es findet, werde ich es geben
Was auch immer er verlangt, und diese Gabe von mir
Wird überleben, solange seine Familie lebt.“

Seine guten treuen Untertanen machten sich auf die Suche,
Und niemand blieb außer einer Fliege.
"Aus sein!" sagte der König, „geh und nimm an der Suche teil;
Würden Sie einen Herrscher wie mich herabwürdigen?“
Dann sprach die Fliege mit ihrer kleinen Stimme:
„Der Ring ist nicht gestohlen“, sagte er.
„Es klebte an deiner Krone, als du es weglegtest,
Und jetzt ist es auf deinem Kopf.“

Der König nahm überrascht die Krone von seinem Kopf,
Und da war tatsächlich der Ring.
„Kein Wunder, dass du es mit so vielen Augen gesehen hast;
Aber was ist dein Wunsch?“ sagte der König.
„O König“, sagte die Fliege, „ich arbeite den ganzen Tag hart,
Und ich kann nachts nie rausgehen.
Dann würde ich gerne gehen und mit meinen Freunden schwul sein,
Alles, was ich mir wünsche, ist ein Licht.“

„Du sollst es sofort haben“, sagte der zufriedene König,
Und er befestigte ein Licht an der Fliege,
Der mit dem Preis sofort nach Hause zurückkehrte
Das war mehr wert, als man mit Geld kaufen konnte.
So können Sie ihn jetzt auch nachts mit seinem Licht sehen
Und von ihm kann diese Lektion lernen:
Um die Augen offen zu halten und das Geringste zu sehen,
Und das Glück wird seinerseits kommen.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Mindanao : Philippines Hidden Gem #travel #philippines #trending #travel