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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Siquijor has magic - it's true!


By: Raf C. Sobrepeña 
Having heard many good things about the beauty of Siquijor and seeing photos of what it offers, I arranged a trip to the so-called “Island of Black Magic.”
It wasn’t so much about the mystical stories of witchcraft surrounding the island, as an excuse to travel and appreciate the country’s beauty one island at a time, that set us off.
Maldives of the Philippines
Before heading to Siquijor itself, my friends and I took a detour to Majuyod sandbar, an hour’s drive in a van from Dumaguete airport where we landed. There’s a video on social media that hails it as the “Maldives of the Philippines.”  We wanted to see it for ourselves.
It was only 15 minutes by boat from the drop-off point in Bais. There was a cottage waiting for us in the middle of the sea at the edge of the sandbar.
Since we made prior arrangements, lunch was ready the moment we got there.
After lunch, it was time to bring out our inflatables and float on the tide to enjoy the water surrounding the cottage.
Once the low tide came in at around midday, the sandbar emerged. Immediately we grabbed our drinks, hung out on the newly surfaced area and buried our feet in the sand. It was just like having a pool in the morning and a beach in the afternoon—only way better.
When the sun was about to set, we headed back to Dumaguete to spend the night and prepare ourselves for the main attraction.
Getting there
Getting to Siquijor was not as easy as I thought it would be. There were less boat trips on weekends, so we took the earliest departing ferry at 7 a.m.
An hour and a half into the two-hour ride, the water turned into a rich, clear blue—all the way to the port.
It heightened our excitement of exploring the majesty of Siquijor.
Cambugahay Falls
We rented a coaster and headed straight to our first stop on the island, the Cambugahay Falls.
When we got there, some went straight to the top of the falls and plunged into the lake. The others took their time, dipped in the water and positioned themselves right under the waterfalls to shower. Who wouldn’t want to start their day with a cold and refreshing swim by a waterfall?
After everyone was revved up and endorphins were high, we took a crack at the famous swing set up by the locals. This is probably one of the most known sites of Siquijor posted on social media.
We wasted no time in trying it and released the inner Tarzan in all of us. Successful and unsuccessful summersaults or backflips were attempted repeatedly.
It was an exhilarating experience to catapult up into the air and land in the water;  twice or thrice of doing this was simply not enough. Really, everyone must try this at least once!
Salagdoong Beach
Less than an hour away is a public beach called Salagdoong where locals and tourists can enjoy the crystal-clear and blue water. There are numerous cabanas along the shoreline, which was the setting for our lunch.
Adding to the beach’s charm were the 20-to 30-feet-high platforms for cliff-diving created by the locals. Confronting one’s fear of heights and plunging into the sea is a great way to build up an appetite for lunch.
Coco Grove Siquijor
Accommodations were at Coco Grove which was only an hour away. This developed resort has one of the best beaches in Siquijor. A large stretch of white sand is surrounded by turquoise water. There are also hundreds of coconut trees planted around the resort.
This was the place to revel or reflect, depending on one’s inclination.
It was hard to leave and our journey back to Manila came with a heavy heart. Still, the experience created many happy memories of an enchanting  island.
There were plenty of stories and photographs to bring back and share. That, I believe, is the true “magic” of Siquijor. It allows us to discover, and rediscover, and ultimately fall in love with our country—again and again.

Read more: http://lifestyle.inquirer.net/235652/235652#ixzz4HqpqmPsr
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Friday, August 19, 2016

International Media: Negative Philippine Image

 (The Philippine Star) 

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A close friend of mine has been sending news about the Philippines as reported outside our country.  I am shocked at how one-sided it can be: always negative and oftentimes demeaning about our leadership.  In my opinion, this negativity can be easily defused, even offset, if the Presidential communications team placed a priority on communicating with the international media in this country and abroad.
Allow me to cite some recent stories in the foreign press that highlight our challenge:
The Economist commented on a series of anti-crime measures carried out by President Duterte’s administration, arguing that the President’s “ill-conceived war on drugs” will make the Philippines “poorer and more violent”, and that investors will “flee” if the “rule of law erodes”.

The Economist, Aug. 13, 2016 – War against crime in the Philippines: A harvest of lead

 “Mr. Duterte would have the world believe that the Philippines’ corrupt and ineffective police have suddenly become omniscient—able to tell innocence from guilt and decide who may live and who should die. When he menacingly read out the names of more than 150 officials deemed connected to the drug trade, at least two of those whom he fingered were already dead. It would be comical were the consequences not so horrifying. One recent picture shows a distraught woman cradling her husband lying dead next to a sign, pusher ako (“I am a drug pusher”)—a tropical version of Michelangelo’s “Pietà”.
Right now Mr. Duterte seems beyond restraint. When the chief justice demanded proper arrest warrants, Mr. Duterte threatened to impose martial law. But Filipinos and their foreign friends must keep exerting pressure on him.”
“Filipinos’ desire for instant retribution will, surely, turn to horror, hatred and revenge. The rule of law will erode. Investors, who have made the Philippines one of globalization’s winners in recent years, will flee. The only winners will be the still-lurking insurgents. Mr. Duterte’s ill-conceived war on drugs will make the Philippines poorer and more violent.”

The New York Times, Aug. 11, 2016 – Killings of Drug Suspects Rise to 525 in the Philippines

“Human rights have been sacrificed in the conduct of the anti-drug drive, with those holding the gun assuming the roles of both accusers and executioners,” left-wing protest leader Vencer Crisostomo said. “It is impossible to ascertain innocence or guilt if the accused are simply shot on the spot.”
“The Duterte regime’s war on drugs is bound to fail if it continues to rely on extrajudicial killings led by a corrupt and abusive police and military hierarchy, Crisostomo said, adding that the illegal drug trade is a symptom of deeper social problems, like rising poverty, joblessness and hunger, “which cannot be wiped out by bullets alone.”

New Europe Belgium, Aug. 11, 2016 – Philippine president insults US ambassador

“As reported by The Washington Post, Duterte said: “As you know, I’m fighting with (US Secretary of State John F. Kerry’s) ambassador. His gay ambassador, the son of a whore. He pissed me off”. He was speaking in Tagalog, the main language of the Philippines……”
“But Goldberg is not the first dignitary to be subjected to crude comments from Duterte. Before becoming president, Duterte had used the same “son of a whore” word to describe the pope.”

Channel News Asia, Aug. 11, 2016 – Duterte’swar on drugs leaves jails bursting, sees mass surrenders

Another person feeling the effects of Duterte’s war on drugs is Don Morado Pacheco, owner of Pacheco funeral parlours. He says that since Duterte became president, the number of bodies being delivered to his 21 outlets across Manila has more than doubled.
 “Some people say funeral services are good business right now, but it’s really hard,” he said. “We’re exhausted. First, we’re physically tired because we pick up so many bodies. Second, it’s a sorrow for us because we are forced to ask for payment from families who are poor and have a hard time making payment.”
At a time when so much is going right for the Philippines it is a shame that the story that the international community is reading is not the story that will support efforts to promote more job-creating foreign direct investment, promote increased levels of tourism, and win our country support in the international affairs arena. 
Beyond local politics, our spokespersons have a responsibility to communicate the successes our country is achieving and the important role we are playing in world economic and political affairs. At the moment, it is clear that no one is focused on efforts to project a positive image to the international community.  I have always felt that every government should have staff assigned to address international communications 24/7.   During the time of President Ramos, each department secretary was tasked to report on newsworthy items on a daily basis. Using that input, the Palace press office was able to identify applicable stories for both the local and foreign press and this effort contributed to the rising reputation of our country and its leadership.
Experience has shown, if we don’t tell our own story, others will, and we won’t be happy with the results. Our countrymen are great story tellers, we just have to do a better job telling the very positive Philippine story to those around the world who are only getting one view of the change taking place in our country.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Foreign Contractors Decry Tight Regulations in the Philippines

 (The Philippine Star) 

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ECCP president Guenter Taus said there is currently huge interest among European companies to participate and invest in the country’s construction industry but are being held back by existing equity limitations.
MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines is missing out on a lot of opportunities in foreign investment and technology in the construction industry given existing restrictions on international contractors, the European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP) said.
ECCP president Guenter Taus said there is currently huge interest among European companies to participate and invest in the country’s construction industry but are being held back by existing equity limitations.
“There is a lot of interest from Europe coming in provided we can straighten out the issues we have in licensing, especially with PCAB (Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board). Once those obstacles are overcome there should certainly be a big boon for European companies to come and work on these,” Taus said.
“We have limitations in the engineering part of what foreign firms can do in the Philippines. There’s a 60-40 rule and in order to get it done you need to get a PCAB license in order to legally operate and that’s a challenge for multinational companies,” he added.
Taus said any investment in the construction industry is easily in the billion-peso range which is why the Philippines is missing a lot due to such restrictions.
Aside from foregone investments, foreign contractors and construction companies are also capable of introducing new technologies to the country.
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“We hope under this administration we will finally get this issues straightened out,” Taus said.
The ECCP has long been lamenting the lack of full involvement of international contractors in the country as it is considered as one of the factors hindering infrastructure development.
“If the Philippines wants to continue growing the economy, the lack of infrastructure needs to be addressed. This can only be done with the involvement of international contractors that will bring latest technologies to the country. But you cannot expect these companies to bring the technology, bring the money, carry the risks and then control only 40 percent of the venture,” ECCP vice president for external affairs Henry Schumacher has said.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Three Manilatyer Bars to Cool One's Heels in After Today's Anti-Marcos Burial Rally

Philippine Daily Inquirer
By: Pocholo Concepcion
IN MANILA, the years 1983 to ’86 saw massive street rallies in the aftermath of the Ninoy Aquino assassination. At night, the bars in Ermita and Malate provided respite to those days of disquiet.
Today, Aug. 14, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, many of those who had marched to Liwasang Bonifacio and Malacañang before the Edsa People Power Revolt will gather at the Lapu-
Lapu Monument near the Taft Ave. side of Luneta to participate in the Citizens’ Assembly Against the Marcos Burial in LNMB (Libingan ng Mga Bayani).
The call to this rally—which began as a post on Facebook—has gained momentum and is expected to draw thousands, rain or shine.
After the rally, in the afternoon or early evening, it might be a good idea to unwind; there are at least three bars near Luneta to cool one’s heels.
FRED’S Revolucion owner Derek Soriano has opened a second branch of his bar in Escolta. ALEXIS CORPUZ
FRED’S Revolucion owner Derek Soriano has opened a second
branch of his bar in Escolta. ALEXIS CORPUZ
Fred’s Revolucion,
Named after bar owner Derek Soriano’s grandfather, Fred’s Revolucion is the place to enjoy a good variety of local and foreign beers including Pinatubo Magma and European brands Hoegaarden and Chimay. It also offers craft beers from its smorgasbord-tap station. There are also choices for whisky drinkers.
Fred’s Revolucion, First United Building, 413 Escolta St., Sta. Cruz, Manila; open Tuesdays to Sundays, 5-11 p.m.
DJ Sonny Tugade at Blue Room in Malate FACEBOOK.COM/BLUEROOMMALATE
DJ Sonny Tugade at Blue Room in Malate FACEBOOK.COM/BLUEROOMMALATE
Blue Room, Malate
Formerly named Jazz Rhythms and still operated by the same owner, Blue Room features some of the best classic rock, jazz and pop records played by its resident DJs including Sonny Tugade.
The beer is served ice-cold; there’s good red wine, too, which you can enjoy with tuna belly, pork sisig, buffalo chicken wings, and our favorite, crispy tenga.
Blue Room, 615 J. Nakpil St., Malate; tel. 5246870, 0918-9300314
Café Adriatico, Malate
This restaurant, the most prominent landmark in the Remedios Circle since the ’80s, is also a nice place to have some drinks along with its tapas and pica-pica.
The ground and second floors are always full as the night wears on, but there are al fresco tables where you can see Malate’s street life.
And if you stay longer you’ll be tempted to order from its wide and interesting menu that includes steaks, seafood, and our all-time favorite, Lola Ising’s Adobo.
Cafe Adriatico, 1790 Adriatico St. Malate; tel. 7388220
The Chainsmokers
Closely following two concerts Charlie Puth (tonight, Aug. 14, Kia Theatre) and In the Mix (Aug. 18 SM Mall of Asia Arena), is The Chainsmokers show on Aug. 19 also at MOA Arena.
This American DJ duo composed of Andrew Taggart and Alex Pall first gained fame with its 2014 single “#Selfie,” and its 2015 single “Roses.”
After releasing its debut EP, “Bouquet,” in October 2015, a single, “Don’t Let Me Down,” featuring vocals by young singer Daya, came out last February and peaked at No. 3 on the US Billboard Hot 100.
SM Tickets, tel. 470-2222; log on to smtickets.com
“THE GREATEST Love of All: The Whitney Show” features South African singer Belinda Davids.
“THE GREATEST Love of All: The Whitney Show” features South African singer Belinda Davids.
Whitney Houston tribute
A tribute concert, dubbed “The Greatest Love of All: The Whitney Show,” features South African singer Belinda Davids interpreting the classic hits of the late pop superstar, to be held Aug. 26, 7 p.m., IEC Pavilion, Cebu City, and Aug. 27, PICC, Pasay City.
SM Tickets, tel. 4702222 or log on to smtickets.com; and TicketWorld, tel. 8919999 or log on to ticketworld.com.ph

Read more:http://lifestyle.inquirer.net/235242/3-manila-bars-to-cool-ones-heels-in-after-todays-anti-marcos-burial-rally#ixzz4HNnozLts
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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Low Pressure Area Spotted Off Batanes


PAGASA said moonsoon rains over Metro Manila, Ilocos Region, Central Luzon, CALABARZON and the provinces of Mindoro and Palawan may trigger flashfloods and landslides. Philstar.com/File photo
MANILA, Philippines – The state weather bureau is keeping a close eye on a low pressure area inside the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR).
As of 4 a.m. Saturday, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said the low pressure area was located at 350 kilometers north of Itbayat, Batanes. 
The state weather bureau, meanwhile, warned the public of southwest monsoon affecting Luzon and Western Visayas. 
In its Saturday forecast, PAGASA said there will be moonsoon rains over Metro Manila, Ilocos Region, Central Luzon, CALABARZON and the provinces of Mindoro and Palawan, which may trigger flashfloods and landslides.
Western Visayas and the rest of Luzon will experience cloudy skies with light to moderate rains and thunderstorms. 
"Partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rainshowers or thunderstorms will prevail over the rest of the country," PAGASA said.
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"Moderate to strong winds blowing from the southwest will prevail throughout the archipelago and the coastal waters will be moderate to rough," it added.