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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Friday, June 18, 2021

WITH BEETHOVEN UNDER PALMS (XIX): Chapter XIX: A big step towards the future


During our return flight from the Philippines to Berlin, I started dreaming of hosting a radio show in the Philippines. But more on that later, it should still take some time. For Rossana and I there were many trips to do again. Barbara and Ronald always offered to drive us to the airport. They already knew our dreams to emigrate to the Philippines.


Rossana was very interested in German history. So it made sense to travel to the southern parts of Germany: Munich, Nuremberg, Bamberg or Bayreuth. My then criminal law and editor invited us to Bayreuth. Unforgettable days awaited us. 


Bayreuth, the place for the annua; world famous Richard Wagner Festival. Richard Wagner (22 May 1813 in Leipzig – 13 February 1883 in Venice) was a German opera composer. He was one of the most important opera composers in Germany during the Romantic period. Apart from some music that he wrote as a student he wrote ten operas which are all performed regularly in opera houses today.


Rossana was so proud of this historic place to be able to have her picture taken: the statue of Cosima Wagner, 
born Francesca Gaetana Cosima Liszt; 24 December 1837 – 1 April 1930), daughter of the Hungarian pianist and composer Franz Liszt and Franco-German romantic author Marie d'Agoult.

Our good friend Joachim had meanwhile arranged a job as fashion consultant at a large department store chain in Berlin. But in the coming years we would be back and forth between Berlin and the Philippines several times. I started shooting video reports from my travels.


And then it happened. The property right next to Rossana's birthplace was offered for sale. My mother looked at us with wide eyes. "You have to know that. I do believe that one day you will want to spend your retirement years in the Philippines", she replied in a firm voice.  We bought the property, had a wall built around it and prepared it buildable.


Back in Berlin, I asked Rossana to visit the Philippine Embassy together with me. "What are we supposed to do there?" she asked. She was shocked by my answer.

(To be continued!)

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Typical Filipino (XXI) - Typisch Philippinisch (XXI): "Ningas kugon" - Schnelle Sprinter, aber keine Dauerläufer

Viele Projekte starten mit der Geschwindigkeit eines Rennwagens, um nach wenigen Kilometern festzustellen, dass das Tanken vergessen wurde. Die Tendenz der Filipinos, ihren anfänglichen Enthusiamus auf halber Wegstrecke zu verlieren, kann man mit einem rasch erlöschendem Strohfeuer (NINGAS KUGON) vergleichen. Es fehlen  Ausdauer und Stehvermögen , wenn nach dem Startschuss Hindernisse den Schwung abbremsen. Ein möglicher Grund liegt vielleicht darin, dass die so wichtigen harmonischen zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen Widersprüche, Kritik oder gar Ablehnung eines Projekts nicht dulden. Wenn kein anderer das Feuer schürt, erlischt der Funken und stirbt das Projekt.

Many projects start at the speed of a racing car only to find after a few kilometers that refueling has been forgotten. The tendency of Filipinos to lose their initial enthusiasm halfway through the road, can you compare it to a quick extinction in the flash in the pan. There is a lack of stamina when obstacles slow down the swing after the starting shot. One possible reason is that the important harmonious interpersonal relationships do not tolerate contradictions, criticism or even rejection of a project. If no one else starts the fire, the spark dies and the project dies.

ERIC (filipinosaround@gmail.com) 

Teacher, Public Speaking and Life Coach, Book and Poem Writer, Folkloric dancer and choreographer, a father, friendly and an admirer and beholder of natural beauty...God believer...

describes it as follows:

Ningas Kugon’ – a common Filipino trait

Yes,  what  is  “ningas kugon”?   For  the sake of  literal interpretation so  that  it  is  easily  understood,  allow  me to dissect  what  the phrase  means:  ningas means  “in flame”,  it  could also be a “spark” that could eventually turn  into  fire,  something that  could also  be “burning”.   There  are many  ways of interpreting  it  but,  basically  those  are  the  straight  out  meaning  in English as they are in Tagalog  and of course  if you come from a  different province in the Philippines,  the word  might  have  a contrasting  significance.  But  for  purposes  of understanding,  we shall make use of  how it  is  commonly  understood.  Going to the  ‘kugon’ –  it  actually  refers to a tall, perennial grass used in thatching. Its scientific name is  Imperata cylindrica.

Etimologically,  the  English word ‘cogon’ is from the Spanish cogón, while in  Tagalog,  it is  expressed and spelled as ‘kugon’.

Cogon grass is called  by  the Japanese as bloodgrass and is considered a noxious weed that’s a more invasive species than kudzu in the southeastern United States.

The  two words  put  together is  “flaming cogon grass”.  As  a  Filipino cultural  trait,  it  refers to the Filipino cultural trait of  enthusiastically starting things, but then quickly losing enthusiasm soon after. So  if  you try  to lit  up  a  ‘cogon’ you would observe  how it will just  burn into flames and poof!, gone afterwards!

Correlating  ‘ningas  cogon’  to the Filipinos  could be rooted  from the fact  that at  times  or  in  more ways  than  one,  Filipinos  tend  to leave problems  unsolved or  projects  undone   because  of lack of knowledge  on how  to resolve  or fix  the problems  thus,  it  is “better”  to  leave  it,  but,  the truth is, it  is more of  the lack of  understanding of the root  of the problems.

In short,  that  cultural  trait  has  been  attributed to the Filipinos  for  years and  somewhere along the years,  it  appears  that  Filipinos  themselves – not  all but  some –  have  admitted or even owned,  such a character  trait.   The  reality  though  is  different,  because  we know full well that we are much more  than  what that  preconceived attributions say  of  Filipinos  than what we  actually  are.  It  is  a negative  connotation  which  we ourselves  have  proven to be a  mere attribution outside  of  the fact.

Insofar as  I am concerned,  it  is  a  misnomer  in the Filipino culture  that  could even lead  to discrimination to us as Filipinos and to our  culture in general.  It  has  been proven  for years that Filipinos are hard workers,  and those  who  are  abroad working  are sacrificing  for the sake of their  families  and loved ones left  behind in the Philippines,  is  a demonstration of  NOT being a ‘ningas kugon’.  Filipinos  have made themselves  worthy  to any society  they face.  Experience  tells us  that.  Although  a  saying holds  true  ‘that in any  forest  there is a snake’  but,  the  Filipinos have shown integrity  and  dignity,  and  in  the midst  of the problems  the country and its people are  facing  now, our  nature  is  to prosper,  and it may  not  come  now  but  surely,  later.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

BPSK successes pilot implementation of “Usapang Kalusugan.”


Davao de Oro Province--- The “Bayanihan Para sa Karunungan” or the BPSK of PLGU-Davao de Oro successes pilot implementation of the “Usapang Kalusugan” under its Nutrition Education Component which aims to empower local community members on health and nutrition.

This nutrition education component of the BPSK acts on the issue of malnutrition in DdO through sustainable education talks. In collaboration with other offices, Usapang Kalusugan delivers education concerning nutrition, health, food security, and sanitation in schools and communities.

Last June 12, 2021, at Barangay Golden Valley, Mabini Davao de Oro the Usapang Kalusugan became part of the Outreach Program of PLGU-Davao de Oro to Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA) in the province.

The pilot implementation of the program became successful as BPSK partners with the Department of Education-Davao de Oro (DepEd-DdO), Provincial Agriculturist’s Office (PAGRO), Provincial Health Office (PHO), Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO), Provincial Veterinary’s Office (PVO), Kusina ng Kalinga (KNK), and Women’s Development Program.

Various inputs were given to the community throughout the day such as food preparation and meal planning, animal production, utilization of indigenous vegetables, basic food groups, nutrition in an emergency, environmental sanitation, and talks about the “Liwanag ng Pamilya Program”, rights of child and their responsibility, and rights of parents and their responsibility which is essential for a good foundation of parenthood.

The program also includes the distribution of vegetable seeds for the community, an exhibit of container vegetable gardening, and a cooking demonstration.

Meanwhile, in the advent of the hybrid mode of learning, BPSK also partnered with “Serbisyo Oro Mismo” (SOM) which led to the creation of “Usapang Karunungan”, an online education platform that promotes educational programs and information. The program continues to broadcast relevant topics pertaining to education via social media platforms, radio, and television.

With its various components and through collaborative efforts, “The Bayanihan Para Sa Karunungan” continues to deliver its services all-out. (Jasteen Abella, Information Division Davao de Oro)

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Typical Filipino (XX) - Typisch Philippinisch (XX): "Mukha" - das Gesicht


The mukha (face) is targeted by the trillion-dollar cosmetics industry. They pour a big percentage of their marketing strategies into selling facial formula to men and women who desire smoother, finer, fairer skin, and wish for well-arched eyebrows, inviting eyes, taller nose, younger lips and glossy, healthy hair.

In Filipino culture pagmumukha, or the "impact of the face" demands more than cosmetic application. Such impact may be light and pleasant (magaan), refreshing (maaliwalas), and smiling or happy (masaya) which more than compensate for the lack of beauty with or without cosmetics. The opposite impact of course, even in a beautiful face, may be heavy (mabigat), sour (maasim), and problematic (problemado).

Filipinos legen großen Wert auf ihre Fassade. Die äußere Fassade ist von höchster Bedeutung. Sie unterscheiden klar zwischen äußerlichem Anschein und innerem Selbst. Ehemänner werden niemals mit anderen über Auseinandersetzungen mit der Ehefrau sprechen, denn dies würde auch ihre Schwächen beleuchten. Viele unglückliche Ehen bestehen, "bis der Tod sie scheidet", so sehr beide darunter leiden mögen - nur um in der Öffentlichkeit den Schein zu wahren.

Für manche Filipinos zählen gar ausschließlich Äusserlichkeiten, so daß sie versuchen, ihre Illusionen anderen zu verkaufen. Filipinos haben ein besonders feinsinniges Gespür für derartige Oberflächlichkeiten. Sie bezeichnen solches Gaukelwerk als BALATKAYO (Heuchlerei) oder PAKITANGTAO (öffentliche Show). Konsequenterweise beurteilen Filipinos eine Person nach ihrem inneren Selbst (LOOB), das den Charakter bestimmt.

Filipinos attach great importance to their facade. The outer facade is of paramount importance. They make a clear distinction between outward appearances and inner self. Husbands would never speak to others about arguments with their wives, as this would highlight their weaknesses.The aim of unhappy marriages is to persist "until death dies them part" - as much as both may suffer - just to keep up appearances in public.

For some Filipinos only appearances count, so they try to sell their illusions to others. But they have a particularly fine feel for such superficialities. They call such jugglery work hypocrisy or public show. Consequently, Filipinos judge a person according to their inner self, which determines their character. 


I remember my childhood. I heard this question many times, when I refused to be a "good boy". Growing up, we're all taught to follow the rules. Wait your turn in line. Fill in the bubble of the right answer. Eat your dessert last. Tie your shoes and tuck your shirt in. Don't ask stupid questions. But adults are allowed to ask this question. We're rewarded for caution and deliberation, punished for coloring outside the lines.

Over time, we're shuffled into groups based on test results and pursue careers based on our credentials and degrees. I found myself again in a publishing house.  We eventually file into offices where we are required to dress a certain way, talk a certain way; behave a certain way. At some point along this journey, the world designates you as "creative" or "non-creative" with most people falling into the latter category. Actually, I always found myself creative. Well... . Yes, I have always known that creative thinking is necessary for success.

Good ideas - bad ideas! The EXAGO blog based in Lisboa/Portugal and  Curitiba/Brazil shows us some examples of how bad ideas can lead to good ideas.

Most people will have heard the basic mantra of brainstorming: there is no such thing as a bad idea. With this premise in mind, people are encouraged to share any idea they have without fear of ridicule or judgement. While some concepts may not be achievable, these so-called ‘bad ideas’ can often be necessary stepping stones to good ones.

Bad ideas can sometimes have great potential, they just need to be picked apart and refined. That’s where collaboration comes in: by bringing in your community to provide valuable inputs, ideas can be improved upon collectively to ultimately lead to business success.

It can also happen that ideas may seem outlandish but which hold real value. The key is to identify the assets of a ‘crazy’ idea and invest in developing it to bear fruits. It can however be difficult to spot such an idea, particularly for larger companies. The following  three steps could prove useful so that companies do not miss out on the good of ‘bad’ ideas:

Re-framing seemingly problematic ideas may just need re-framing. Rather than discarding it completely, look at the problem and the solution, and explore other paths that could lead to possible breakthroughs.

Listen to all stakeholders regularly – their insights can help move towards a better version of an idea. The individual expertise and experience of each employee can help mold an idea to add value.

You should want to get more ideas fast, but you should also make sure that idea generation is effective to help you make your way through the fog and achieve real, measurable success.

Embracing bad ideas is part of the idea generation process, which has proven to be more effective in companies that nurture a culture of innovation and encourage creativity and innovation across the board.

Mark Twain expressed once: “There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.”

I strongly agree with him.

Philippine native tree that resembles Japan’s cherry blossoms grows in Rizal

 A closer look at the flowers of the Salinggogon tree. (Photo from Masungi Georeserve)

by Vina Medenilla, Manila Bulletin

Many Pinoys are fascinated by the famous cherry blossoms of Japan. Now, there is no need to travel far because there are native trees in the Philippines that are just as beautiful as the Sakura. 

Among thousands of native flowering trees in the country is Salinggogon (Cratoxylum formosum). It is one of the tree species with pink blooms that are likened to cherry blossoms. 

Salinggogon trees can grow up to 35 meters tall. It thrives in various forests around the country, specifically in Rizal, Bulacan, Polilio, Mindoro, Guimaras, Negros, and Mindanao. 

Masungi Georeserve, a privately-led conservation area in Baras, Rizal, is home to numerous endemic and indigenous flora and fauna, including 50 Salinggogon trees. 

Salinggogon trees are said to grow on hill slopes with clay soil. Since Masungi is found in the uplands of Rizal, this species naturally grows well in the area. They say that it is highly possible that there are more Salinggogon inside Masungi, too.

Salinggogon flowers usually last for two to three weeks during the dry season. It blooms before new leaves start to regrow. The tree flourishes in full sun and requires at least six hours of sunlight every day.

A Salinggogon tree stands out in the middle of the forest.

Masungi preserves this species through manual weed control, which allows the tree to acquire all the nutrients and other resources it needs. 

“We implement enhanced and constant forest enforcement on the ground. This includes the patrolling and monitoring performed by our forest rangers in our reforestation site,” said Masungi Georeserve. 

They also share photos and details about Salinggogon trees through social media in hopes of raising awareness on the importance of forests and encouraging the public to protect and act on them. 

Salinggogon trees are at risk from activities like illegal logging, charcoal making, and timber poaching. This is why it is vital to promote and educate more individuals about native trees like Salinggogon.  

“Our team is also in close contact with scientists and botanists, such as those from the UPLB Museum of Natural History, who provide research and technical support to our team.” Masungi plans to continue consulting the experts in terms of the propagation of trees growing on their premises, including the Salinggogon.

Salinggogon trees can be found on the Discovery and Legacy trails of Masungi Georeserve, but those in the latter are yet to mature. 

Photos from Masungi Georeserve Foundation Inc.

For more information, visit Masungi Georeserve’s website.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

This litsong baka is Filipino netizen's latest food craze


by John Legaspi, Manila Bulletin

When you ask Pinoys about lechong manok (roasted chicken), Andok’s is among the brands to come up in the conversation. Since its establishment, the homegrown restaurant has been the go-to place of many Filipinos thanks to its sumptuous food offerings, from dokito to its juicy liempo, which are best paired with a cold bottle of beer. 

This time, the beloved rotisserie introduces a new product, the litsong baka, and netizens are going crazy about it. Among many foodies online groups, the roasted beef earns top recommendation from Facebook users. But is it really worth the hype? Here’s what people have been saying about it.

Tender and savory

Many laud the litsong baka for being soft and juicy, far from the gummy texture they are expecting. The meat is cut into slivers making it easy to eat. Topping the critics is its smoky flavor that, according to netizen Edward Vange Arriba, is a hallmark flavor of the brand as it is the same taste you get from the roasted chicken and liempo. 

Facebook page Tasteful Adventures describes it as the “perfect substitute to the usual roasted chicken,” and says that the beef is tender, savory, and overall satisfying. 

Perfect dipping sauce

An order of the listong lechon comes with a vinegar dip. While the acidity from the sauce compliments the barbecue notes of the beef, many diners recommend trying it with gravy for a different experience. Toyomansi with chili also gives it a more Filipino touch. 

Versatile meat

While the roasted beef is good on its own, many praise it for its culinary flexibility, and netizens attest that it still tastes good even a day after. Some advise to include it in a bowl of ramen, perfect for the gloomy weather we are having. Others recommend using it to make quesadilla or a sandwich. Korean culture fans would definitely love to eat it samgyupsal style with lettuce and a few Korean sides. Now, you don’t need a griller at home to make that happen.

It’s affordable

The listong baka gets a 10 out of 10 when it comes to its price. A 500 grams order costs P320, and it’s not too bad. As netizen Raymond Pasiliao said, “where else can you buy cooked beef in this quantity at this price?”

DENR video captures rare visit of killer whales in Antique

RARE SIGHTING. A screenshot of one of the Orcas spotted by tourists and environment officers on May 31 in Libertad, Antique. (DENR-CENRO Boracay/MANILA BULLETIN)

By Dennis Principe

Manila Bulletin

A pod of killer whales was seen gallivanting off the coast of Libertad in Antique that created a rush of excitement among divers who witnessed the rare sighting.

A post by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in Western Visayas stated that there where at least six orcas spotted in the area where a calf was also seen swimming next to its mother. The rare sighting happened May 31 and was posted by the DENR’s regional agency on June 8.

“This is the first time we encountered orcas in our lifetime,” posted Mylene Arboleda, manager of Dive Gurus Boracay.

Orcas are the largest member of the Delphinidae family or the dolphins. It’s the same family where the long-finned pilot whales and short-finned pilot whales belong.

Orcas are known for their distinct black and white patterns and intelligence, thus, regarded as the smartest animal on the planet. They are the top or apex predators in the ocean.

RARE SIGHTING. A screenshot of one of the Orcas spotted by tourists and environment officers on May 31 in Libertad, Antique. (DENR-CENRO Boracay/MANILA BULLETIN)

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

LOOK: Miss Trans Global Philippines 2021 is from Iloilo City

by Jane Kingsu-Cheng, Manila Bulletin

It’s definitely a great way to start Pride month with the announcement of the winner for Miss Trans Global Philippines 2021.

Posted on the official facebook page, “Congratulations to our Miss Trans Global Philippines 2021 Albiean Revalde of Iloilo City! A woman of the globe transcends beauty of all forms. At the young age of 19, our Miss Trans Global Philippines 2021, shows that our future is in the youth. Together, let us change the patriarchal narrative of what pageants ar —where beauty is diverse, inclusive and purposive.”


Monday, June 7, 2021

Cebu City’s supply of vaccines to run out after Tuesday, June 8

THE supply of the AstraZeneca vaccine in Cebu City is expected to last only until Tuesday, June 8, 2021.  Dr. Jeffrey Ibones, City Health Department officer-in-charge, said they only have 3,800 doses available and these are all intended for the first dose.

Ibones, in an interview on Sunday, June 6, said they are still waiting for the next delivery of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccines from the Department of Health 7.

“We are just relying on the supply coming from the national government,” he said. He hopes it will arrive soon so the City’s vaccine rollout will not be disrupted again. Ibones said the City will resume vaccination on Monday, June 7.

He said all the four vaccination sites in the city – University of Cebu (UC) Banilad campus, Robinsons Galleria, SM Seaside City and UC Senior High School campus – are administering the first dose.

The City has inoculated more than 47,000 individuals, while more than 11,000 have completed their vaccination. The number does not include individuals inoculated under the Project Balik Buhay Vaccination Initiative and workers in hospitals. More than 150,000 individuals have registered for the City’s vaccination program through pabakunata.com.

Meanwhile, data provided by the Cebu City Emergency Operations Center show that there are 455 beds available in the city’s isolation facilities.

At the Cebu City Quarantine Center, which can accommodate patients with severe conditions, only 39 are occupied. The other 121 beds are empty.bThe three remaining operational barangay isolation centers have a total of 247 beds available with only 156 beds occupied, while isolation hotels still have 87 rooms with only 39 beds occupied.

The EOC data also show that the hospitals in the city have a safe occupancy rate of 20.5 percent, as of Friday, June 4. The World Health Organization considers the critical care occupancy alarming if it breaches 60 percent.bAs of Saturday, June 5, Cebu City logged 419 active cases.

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in March last year, Cebu City, which has a population of nearly a million residents, has recorded a total of 24,454 cases with 23,171 recoveries and 864 mortalities. (JJL)

WITH BEETHOVEN UNDER PALMS (XVIII): The Year of a Serious Decision

Chapter XVIII: The Year of a Serious Decision

It was on a wonderful Sunday morning during breakfast. My mother opposed all the advice of her friends and decided to move to Berlin to live with Rossana and me in another cute apartment. "Then you don't always have to drive almost 1,000 km back and forth to visit me on a free weekend", she said. She moved into a wonderful one person apartment in Berlin near to us.

"You have probably booked your next vacation in the Philippines? What do you think if you just take me with you this time?" The question didn't shock Rossana and me. It was our dearest wish for some time. As always said, done. The flights were booked. Berlin - Frankfurt. Frankfurt - Manila, a nonstop flight with Lufthansa. Manila - Davao by Philippine Airlines. 

We arrived safe and sound  in March 1993. The big Hallo and the incredible warm welcome from the family in the Philippines shocked my mother and she burst into tears. "Why have so many in Germany warned me against going to the Philippines?" my mother asked. Rossana and I couldn't answer her questions.


All so-called good hard blows from her German friends were lost in the flight. Even her family doctor had urgently advised her never ever  to travel to the tropics, in this case to the Philippines, because of her instable, cancerous health.When my mother sent him a picture card and told that she was fine and enjoying her stay in the Philippines her doctor no longer replied even after she returned to his clinic in Berlin.

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During our vacation, we got  very distinguished visitors in our house: Davao Archbishop Fernando Robles Capalla together with parish priest Father Allan. Capalla was born on Nov. 1, 1934 in Leon town, Iloilo province. He was ordained priest on March 18, 1961, and was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Davao by Pope Paul VI on April 8, 1975 . His episcopal ordination and installation was on June 18, 1975. The same pope appointed him as Prelate of Iligan on April 25, 1977 and he was installed on May 26, 1977. He became Bishop of Iligan when it was elevated to a diocese by Pope John Paul II on Nov 15, 1982 . He served as Apostolic Administrator of Marawi from Oct. 17, 1987 until 1991. On June 28, 1994 he was appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Davao , and on November 6, 1996 , was appointed Archbishop of Davao. He was installed as third Davao archbishop on November 28, 1996.

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Meeting the bishop gave me an incredible opportunity to become a columnist as well as a  radio host in the Philippines. I met Father Dexter Veloso, the station manager of DXGX 89.9 The Good News Radio, a member of the Catholic Media Network as well as the chief editor of the Davao Catholic Herald.

(To be continued!)

Saturday, June 5, 2021



US-President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Ours is a government of liberty, by, through and under the law. No man is above it, and no man is below it."

Since we are back in MECQ, we do have to obey the old (new) quarantine laws - whether we like it or not. But there are many more laws without thinking about the pandemic.

“Do not steal your neighbor’s property!” “Don’t drive your car on the sidewalk!” And all the rest of it. How many times a day does someone tell you what to do? How often do you have to stop yourself from doing what you want, because you know that this action is prohibited or wrong?

It seems like we have laws, rules, and regulations to oversee just about everything. We don’t always like these rules. Yes, you can count me in! Yet to live in a civil society, we must have some rules to follow.

Laws are rules that bind all people living in a community. Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself.  We have laws to help provide for our general safety.  These exist at the local, national and international levels.

Our bible answers my question i.e. in Deuteronomy: Be careful to obey all these regulations I am giving you, so that it may always go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is good and right in the eyes of the Lord (12:28). Deuteronomy repeats verbatim many of the laws given in Exodus or Leviticus as well in Numbers. Yet it is far from a rule book.It focuses on motives, why people should obey laws.

Since senior citizens at the age of 65 are not allowed to leave the house at the moment, I obey the law and enjoy my home office by writing, doing translation work and online teaching. 

Filipina connects with her roots through farming with her family in the Netherlands


by Patricia Bianca Taculao, Manila Bulletin

There’s more to farming than providing people with food and other necessities. To some, it’s an efficient way to connect with their roots, especially if farming has been an integral part of their childhood.

Joy Tenizo, a former OFW turned housewife, found herself connecting with her Filipino roots despite being in a foreign country through farming. 

“My husband had no idea how to grow plants, but because I am from the Philippines, specifically in the province of Iloilo, I grew up seeing my parents do farming, and we have lots of flowers at home,” she said.

Using her experience in farming, Tenizo taught her husband how to grow flowers and crops.

Tenizo is married to Wessel Weijenberg, a project engineering manager of Thales, an electronics manufacturer in Hengelo, Netherlands.

The couple has a six-year-old daughter named Avery and a three-month-old son named Dylan. The family lives in the east of the Netherlands, close to the German border. 

Starting their farming journey 

According to Tenizo, their family started gardening in 2019, just before the pandemic started. They rented 200 square meters of land from the government and paid €30 per 100 square meters. 

She added that they were inspired by their travels since they encountered many naturally grown vegetables and flowers.

The family grows crops and flowers on a 200 square meter land that they rented from the government.

Farming has also served as a way for their family to bond. Tenizo channeled her Filipino roots and experience to teach her family how to grow food and flowers as she did back in Iloilo. Presently, the family grows flowers like tulips, roses, hydrangea, sunflower, dahlia, lavender, chrysanthemum, zinnia.

Tenizo said that tulips grow in abundance on their rented land even though it requires little maintenance from them. And not only do these look nice, but they can also be sold for extra income since the Dutch are fond of this particular flower.

One of the most prolific flowers in their garden are tulips.

Farming for their personal consumption 

Aside from the flowers, Tenizo and her family also grow fruits like grapes, apple, pear, strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry, along with vegetables like beans, potato, cucumber, tomato, garlic, onion, leeks, celery, eggplant, zucchini, spinach, okra, and ampalaya.

Tenizo and her family also grows fruits like grapes.

Tenizo shares that all their flowers and crops grow abundantly from spring until late autumn. 

“During autumn and winter, it is not possible to grow plants and vegetables except in greenhouses, which are mainly located in the west of the Netherlands,” Tenizo said. 

But even though the family managed to grow a variety of crops and flowers even with little maintenance, it wasn’t exactly a walk in the park as they had to deal with some challenges along the way. 

“One of the challenges is how to remove aphids,  snails, and weeds because we don’t use pesticides,” Tenizo said. 

They wanted to keep growing their crops as naturally as possible since they consume the produce themselves and the couple wants to keep their young kids from being exposed to harmful chemicals. 

Another challenge that Tenizo faced when growing their vegetables is the unideal conditions to grow some varieties that are a staple in the Filipino culture. 

“My husband loves okra and ampalaya, so I decided to try but because of the climate here, it was not successful,” she shared.

According to Tenizo, her husband loves okra and ampalaya. But due to the conditions in Netherlands, they weren’t successful in growing them.

But this didn’t discourage Tenizo as she decided to grow other varieties like beets (Beta vulgaris), cauliflower, and broccoli that are well-accustomed to the climate and environmental conditions in the Netherlands. 

Former OFW turned housewife Joy Tenizo may not have been completely successful in growing Filipino varieties of vegetables, but she still managed to connect to her native roots by teaching her family how to farm and sharing the fulfilling experience with them. 

She now enjoys seeing her family bond over planting and harvesting their crops or basking in the beauty of their flower garden. And since the family grows their plants as naturally as possible, they get to contribute to the preservation of the environment, something that the couple hopes to instill in their two, young kids.

Tenizo’s farming venture shows that growing food does more than just feed people. It also helps people connect to their roots and form bonds that transcend time, space, and even cultures.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Rufa Mae Quinto cries as she washes dishes in the US

Published June 3, 2021, 8:14 PM

by Robert Requintina, Manila Bulletin

Stranded in the US, comedienne Rufa Mae Quinto-Magallanes got emotional when she revealed she had a hard time adjusting to motherhood.

“Tuwing nakikita ko yung mga artista, sasabihin ko sa sarili ko, tuwing naghuhugas ako ng plato, ‘after everything I’ve done, sumikat ako sa Philippines, ito lang ba ang bagsak ko? Maghugas ng plato? Hirap na hirap ako nu’ng una. Umiiyak-iyak pa ako. End of the world na para sa akin nu’ng una ko dito,” said Rufa Mae during an interview by Pia Arcangel for the show “Tunay Na Buhay” on GMA recently. (Every time I see movie stars, after all my achievements in show business, is this all I will do? I will just end up washing the dishes? I used to cry. I thought it’s the end of the world for me).

But Rufa Mae said she has adjusted to her ordinary life in the US. She’s happy taking care of her family, especially her daughter Alexandria.

“Ako lahat dito kaya wala ka na talagang time para sa kung anu-ano. Kung hindi importante o trabaho, hindi na ako dapat lumabas kasi mag-fall down yung bahay.” (I am so busy here that’s why I don’t have time for other things. If it’s not that important, I don’t go out anymore).

She added that she misses show business so much.

Rufa Mae said that she and her husband went to the US to celebrate Valentine’s Day in February 2020.  Due to the pandemic, they have been staying abroad for more than one year now.

But Rufa Mae said that she is scheduled to return to the country anytime this year.

Infections rising again, with Mindanao cases growing faster

MANILA. A health worker conducts a Covid-19 swab test on a resident as they monitor cases in a village in Quezon City on May 31, 2021. (AP)

THE uptick in new coronavirus infections nationwide has become more evident over the past week, with Mindanao's case growth outpacing those in the National Capital Region (NCR) and the rest of Luzon, the Department of Health (DOH) Epidemiology Bureau noted Thursday, June 3, 2021.

On Thursday, the DOH case bulletin listed 7,217 new cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) and 199 additional mortalities, the highest in the last seven days, as 141 cases that were previously tagged as recoveries were validated as deaths.

New infections have gone past 5,000 for nine consecutive days while deaths have exceeded 100 for seven out of the recent eight days.

These brought the cumulative case count to 1,247,899. There were 34 duplicates, including 16 recoveries, that were removed from the total.

The number of active cases climbed to 55,790, now comprising 4.5 percent of the total count, as recoveries were fewer at 3,483 than the new cases. Total recoveries went up to 1,170,752, or 93.8 percent of the total.

The additional mortalities raised the death toll to 21,357. The case fatality rate remained at 1.71 percent.

The daily positivity rate has also been increasing, reaching 14 percent on June 1 out of 44,197 samples tested, while testing output has been on a downtrend.


Dr. Alethea de Guzman, director of the Epidemiology Bureau, said in a media forum Thursday that cases nationwide averaged 6,691 per day from May 27 to June 2, nearly 30 percent higher than the 5,214 daily average from May 20 to 26.

Three regions, namely NCR, Cagayan Valley and Cordillera, continued to post high average daily attack rates, exceeding the DOH benchmark of 7 per 100,000 population.

Twelve regions continued to post positive two-week growth rates and are classified as moderate risk. Six of these 12 regions are in Mindanao, three in the Visayas and the rest are in Luzon.

The 12 regions are Zamboanga Peninsula, Caraga, Northern Mindanao, Mimaropa, Western Visayas, Soccsksargen, Ilocos, Davao, Central Visayas, Bicol, Eastern Visayas and Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

The daily tally of cases in Mindanao regions is just a fraction of those in the NCR Plus, but De Guzman said they noted that these were increasing faster as reflected in a steep incline in the epidemic curve.

“As cases continue to increase, there’s a risk of cases rising exponentially,” she said.

Of the three regions in the Visayas, Western Visayas posted a faster growth in cases compared to Central and Eastern Visayas, which are seeing a gradual increase.

Health system

De Guzman also said they were closely watching regions with high healthcare and intensive care unit (ICU) utilization rates.

Cagayan Valley is at high risk with an healthcare utilization rate (HCUR) of 71 percent and ICU occupancy of 78 percent as of June 1.

In Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula, Bangsamoro and Northern Mindanao are at high risk with ICU occupancy of 91 percent, 83 percent and 71 percent, respectively.

The ICU occupancy rate and HCUR in Central Visayas have gone down to 30 percent and 33 percent, respectively, as of June 1.

The regions with ICU occupancy rates of more than 60 percent were Bicol (69 percent), Western Visayas and Soccsksargen (both at 68 percent), and Caraga (64 percent).

On Wednesday, Davao Region with 368 new cases showed up on the list of regions with the highest number of new cases, after NCR (954), Calabarzon (775), Central Luzon (533) and Western Visayas (391).

Among the cities and provinces, the highest new cases on Wednesday were recorded in Cavite (285), Davao City (226), Quezon City (222), Laguna (183) and Batangas (150).

The daily average of new cases in the country peaked at around 10,800 in the week from April 9 to 15, but went down to 7,595 in the period from April 29 to May 5 and plateaued for most of May.

De Guzman said the daily average went down to 6,410 on May 6 to 12, 5,827 on May 13 to 19, and further to 5,214 on May 20 to 26.

Covid-19 deaths have decreased to 77 a day in May from 111 a day in April, but the daily average of 77 was still higher than the 2020 peak of 69 in August. (Marites Villamor-Ilano / SunStar Philippines)

Thursday, June 3, 2021



Chapter XVII: Off to the New World

Sometimes it takes an outsider to point out what's great about a culture. That's exactly what Czech composer Antonin Dvorak was when he came to the U.S. at the end of the 19th century, an immigrant thrown into a new world and new sounds.

Out of that experience, he wrote a symphony for America: Dvorak's Symphony No. 9, subtitled "From the New World," has become one of the world's most beloved orchestral works. It also produced a melody that is a hymn and an anthem to what American music can be.

In February 1992, Rossana and I reached the New World, the United States of America after two flights with British Airways from Berlin to London and then from London to Los Angeles. It was my second stay in the U.S. In 1975, I visited America and Canada already for a tent tour visiting the complete west coast of both nations up to Alaska.
This time, we visited some members of our family, who emigrated to Los Angeles and San Diego after our wedding in 1983. 


Uncle Boy, Auntie Gigi, our nephews Dustin and Bebeng as well as their partners reside in Santa Monica until now. 



The sprawling beach and consistently sunny weather of Santa Monica is less than 15 miles from downtown Los Angeles, significantly adding to the seven million visitors this seaside city receives each year. The epitome of Southern California coastal appeal, Santa Monica has an energy spurred by the lapping waves of its western border, and a visceral excitement found on the pedestrian-friendly streets, buzzing with activity well into the night.
Rossana and I forgot Germany for several weeks. Uncle Boy asked several times whether we didn't want to emigrate to them. Our heads spun ... . 


"Let's visit Mexico first and then we decide where we are emigrating!" Rossanna said this so seriously that all believed it. But we only reached Tijuana and returned back to the U.S. as soon as possible.



The Universal Studios Hollywood, Griffith Park and Griffith Observatory, Disneyland Resort, Venice Beach, Long Beach, or The Original Farmers Market - really unforgettable, intoxicating weeks. We would meet Uncle Boy and Auntie Gigi again after years in Davao City.

1993 was planned again for the Philippines. My mother, a cancer survivor and then age 70 expressed an amazing wish out of the sudden ... .

(To be continued!)

Typical Filipino (XIX) - Typisch Philippinisch (XIX): "Balagtasan" - Debatten


The first balagtasan took place on April 6, 1924, at the Instituto de Mujeres in Tondo, Manila. The event was held at the Instituto de Mujeres (Women's Institute) as part of the celebration of Francisco Balagtas' birth anniversary. The two protagonists of the poetic debate were poets José Corazón de Jesús and Floranto Collantes. The verbal joust became popular among both the masses, intellectuals, and the debutantes. This led to the adaptation of similar literary forms such as the bukanegan by the Ilocanos named after the father of Iloko literature, Pedro Bukaneg. Filipino poets in the Spanish language, specifically Jesus Balmori and Manuel Bernabe, also engaged in balagtasan competitions, and their poetic jousts featured and immortalized in the book with the title Balagtasan: Justa Poetica (1927), with a prologue written by Teodoro Kalaw. Balagtasan saw a significant decline after the death of de Jesus in 1932.

Die traditionelle Debatte legt Wert auf die Form, nicht auf den Inhalt; auf den Vortrag und blumige Bildersprache, nicht auf Logik und Themen. Auf den Philippinen zählt weniger, was man sagt, als wie man es sagt. Dichterwettbewerbe erfreuten sich in der Vergangenheit grosser Beliebtheit. Heute sind sie nur noch in kleinen Städten zu finden. Weil gute zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen das Klingenkreuzen harter Wortgefechte verbietet, scheint der Streit der Ideen Filipinos im allgemeinen nicht besonders anzprechen. Vielmehr ziehen sie die richtige Formulierung vor, um Freunde zu gewinnen. Es ist ein gewandtes Wortspiel, um ein Lächeln auf die Lippen zu zaubern. Die perfekte Strategie, Ärger zu zerstreuen. Ernsthafte Diskussionen und Auseinanderseztungen über Ideen werden auf Konferenzen und Gesprächsrunden kaum aufblühen, Debattenteilnehmer übergiessen oftmals ihre Argumente eifrig mit Zuckerguss oder verwässern sie, um Streit und Erregung zu vermeiden.

The traditional debate focuses on the form, not on the content; on the lecture and flowery pictures, language, not on logic and themes. In the Philippines, what you say matters less than how you say it. Poetry competitions were very popular in the past. Today they can only be found in small towns. Because good interpersonal relationships forbid the cross-cutting of words. The argument of ideas does not seem particularly appealing to Filipinos in general. Rather, they prefer the right wording to make friends. The perfect strategy to dispel anger. Serious discussions and arguments about ideas will hardly flourish at conferences and round tables. Debate participants often eagerly frosting or enhancing their arguments to avoid arguments and excitement.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

An intoxicating love


US musician and author Ted Gioia argues in his excellent book Music: A Subversive History (2019): "At every stage in human history, music has been a catalyst for change, challenging conventions and conveying coded messages – or, not infrequently, delivering blunt, unambiguous ones. It has given voice to individuals and groups denied access to other platforms for expression. Pop music has often been dismissed as "lightweight" given its young audience, simple snappiness and mainstream status, but those elements are really where its strength is concealed. Pop songs don't originate themes of mental wellbeing, equality, liberty, activism – but they do transmit them to the broadest platforms possible".
Snap the radio on, zip to any station, and what are you likely to hear? Love songs. Songs of new love, songs of disappointed love, songs of grateful love, songs of crazy love. I still remember my time as a radio host in Davao City several years ago playing the Hits of the 60's, 70's and 80's. Nothing has changed. Times change, but through history the flow of love songs is a constant.
Plenty of people are surprised or even shocked to find an explicit love song in the bible - complete with erotic lyrics. But "Song of Songs" is exactly that. It shows no embarrassment about lovers. Consequently, intermittent attempts have been made  to rule "Song of Songs" out of the bible. It's like making it "for adults only". Imagine, my dear reader, in 16th century Spain for instance, professor Fray Luis de Leon was dragged out of his classroom and taken to jail for four years. His crime? He translated "Song of Songs" into Spanish.
If you start reading "Song of Songs", you will find out that this book conveys a very different atmosphere from most modern love songs and pop music. Since love songs are always popular, many people approach "Song of Songs" with great expectations. However, readers often find the book much different from what they had expected. One is the poetic imagery. Second: "Song of Songs" is hard to follow. One part  doesn't seem connected to the next.
Try to explore the "Song of Songs". One thing is for sure. You'll learn a lot about the love between God and His people.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Typical Filipino (XVIII) - Typisch Philippinisch (XVIII): "Utang na loob" in Geschichte - "Utang na loob" in history


Historiker und Politikwissenschaftler behaupten, die politischen Führer der Philippinen hatten sich bei den Verhandlungen zwischen den USA und den Philippinen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg selbst in eine unvorteilhafte Ausgangslage versetzt, weil sie die amerikanische "Befreiung" der Philippinen von Japan unter den Vorzeichen von UTANG NA LOOB bewerteten.

Historians and political scientists claim the political leaders of the Philippines had out themselves in an unfavorable position in the negotiations between the USA and the Philippines after WW II because they assessed the American liberation  of the Philippines from Japan under the auspices of UTANG NA LOOB.

So stellten die erdrückenden amerikanischen Rechte die Eingang in die philippinische Verfassung fanden, und die Wiedereinrichtung von US-Militärbasen unverhältnismäßige Konzessionen dar, die den USA aus einem Gefühl der Verpflichtung, UTANG NA LOOB zurückzuzahlen, zugestanden wurden.

The overwhelming American rights that found their way into the Philippine constitution, for example, and the re-establishment of US-military bases represented disproportionate concessions that the US granted out of a sense of obligation and then repay UTANG NA LOOB.

Harmonische zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen mit großzügigen Prisen Schönfärberei und PAKIKISAMA sind stets am Spiel beteiligt. Man sollte sich daher bewußt sein, daß in einem verborgenen Winkel eine ausgewogene Mischung  von UTANG NA LOOB, HIYA und AMOR-PROPIO der unbedachten Person in abgeschwächter Form auflauern kann.

More harmonious interpersonal relationships with generous sprinkles of whitewash are always involved in the game. One should therefore be aware that in a hidden corner there is a balanced mixture of UTANG NA LOOB, HIYA, and AMOR POPIO can ambush the thoughtless person in a weakened form.

Duterte signs law splitting Maguindanao into 2 provinces

PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte has signed into law a measure dividing Maguindanao into two provinces.

Republic Act 11550 creates Maguindanao del Norte and Maguindanao del Sur provinces.

Maguindanao del Norte includes the towns of Barira, Buldon, Datu Blah Sinsuat, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Kabuntalan, Matanog, Northern Kabuntalan, Parang, North Upi, Sultan Kudarat, Sultan Mastura, and Talitay. Its capital is Datu Odin Sinsuat.

The municipalities of Ampatuan, Buluan, Datu Abdulla Sangki, Datu Anggal Midtimbang, Datu Hoffer Ampatuan, Datu Montawal, Datu Paglas, Datu Piang, Datu Salibo, Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Datu Unsay, Gen. Salipada K. Pendatun, Guindulungan, Mamasapano, Mangudadatu, Pagalungan, Paglat, Pandag, Rajah Buayan, Sharif Aguak, Sharif Saydona Mustafa, Sultan sa Barongis, Talayan, and South Upi will be Maguindanao del Sur. Its capital is Buluan.

The Commission on Elections will supervise a plebiscite within 90 days from the effectivity of the law. The plebiscite will allow Maguindanao residents to ratify the law.

If the law is ratified, residents will elect governors, vice governors, members of the provincial board and other provincial officials during the May 2022 elections.

Maguindanao Representative Esmael “Toto” Mangudadatu, author of the bill, was elated by the passage of the law.

“Alhamdullilah, Alhamdullilah! Finally, the President has already signed into law the bill, May Allah bless and prosper our sincerest aspirations for the welfare and development of Maguindanao,” Mangudadatu said. (Third Anne Peralta-Malonzo, SunStar Philippines)

Friday, May 28, 2021

Typically Filipino (XVII) - Typisch Philippinisch (XVII): "Utang na Loob" - Schuld des inneren Selbst


Pakikisama vermittelt sich über persönliche Gefälligkeiten, genannt UTANG NA LOOB, wörtlich "Schuld des inneren Selbst".  UTANG NA LOOB ist eine komplizierte und weitreichende Angelegenheit , denn man muss seine persönlichen Verpflichtungen mit Zinsen zurückzahlen. Und da diese Art von Schulden sich aber nicht in genauen Zahlen berechnen läßt, entsteht so eine sich wendlose windende und ausweitende Spirale, die ein ziemlich verflochtenes Netz gegenseitiger Abhängigheiten aufgrund von UTANG NA LOOB webt. 

Pakikisama is conveyed through personal favors and really does blame the inner self. UTANG NA LOOB is a complex and far-reaching business because you have to repay your personal obligations with interest. Since this type of debt cannot be calculated in exact numbers, the result is a turn loosely winded and expand the spiral that weaves a fairly intertwined network of mutual dependencies due UTANG NA LOOB.

In seinen zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen ist jeder Filipino einem anderen durch UTANG NA LOOB verbunden und vice versa. 

UTANG NA LOOB geschichtlich betrachtet ist ein anderes Thema und wird im nächsten Kapitel behandelt.

Historiker und Politikwissenschaftler behaupten, die politischen Führer der Philippinen hatten sich bei den Verhandlungen zwischen den USA und den Philippinen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg selbst in eine unvorteilhafte Ausgangslage versetzt, weil sie die amerikanische "Befreiung" der Philippinen von Japan unter den Vorzeichen von UTANG NA LOOB bewerteten.

Historians and political scientists claim the political leaders of the Philippines had out themselves in an unfavorable position in the negotiations between the USA and the Philippines after WW II because they assessed the American liberation  of the Philippines from Japan under the auspices of UTANG NA LOOB.

(To be continued!)

Increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Visayas, Mindanao flagged anew

 By: Analou de Vera

The Department of Health (DOH) once again flagged the increasing number of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases in Visayas and Mindanao.

DOH Secretary Francisco Duque III said that they were closely monitoring the situation in those areas.

“Nagpapakita ang Visayas ng pagtaas kung saan Region 6 ang may pinakamabilis na pagtaas lalong lalo na po ang siyudad ng Iloilo (Visayas is showing a rise in cases with Region 6 having the fastest increase especially in Iloilo City),” said the Health chief during the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday night, May 26.

“At ganun din sa Mindanao, Regions 9 and 10 ang may pinakamalaking itinaas habang tumataas din ang natitirang rehiyon (And also in Mindanao, Regions 9 and 10 recorded the biggest increase, while the cases in other regions are also rising),” he added.

Meanwhile, coronavirus cases in the National Capital Region and “the rest of Luzon continue to decline but at a slower pace.”

In his key message, Duque stated that “we cannot solely rely on the implementation of ECQ (enhanced community quarantine) and MECQ (modified enhanced community quarantine)” to curb the rising number of cases.

“Sa tuwing magpapatupad tayo ng enhanced community quarantine malaki po ang negatibong epekto nito sa ating ekonomiya at kabuhayan ng mamamayan natin (Every time we implement an enhanced community quarantine, it creates a negative impact on our economy and the livelihood of our people),” he said.

He noted that minimum public health standards and safety protocols must be “well implemented to counter potential surges in the future.”

“Hinihingi din namin ang tulong ng ibang mga sektor partikular na ang ating transportation, trade, and tourism, among others upang siguraduhin po na ligtas at protektado ang ating mga mamamayan (We also seek the help of other sectors particularly our transportation, trade, and tourism, among others, to ensure that our citizens are safe and protected),” said Duque.