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Thursday, September 21, 2017

German Embassy: Germany supports conservation of Philippine Biodiversity in 160 protected areas

++ Germany supports conservation of Philippine biodiversity in 160 Protected Areas ++
The German-funded Protected Area Management Enhancement (PAME) Project recently held its final event to mark the end of this successful initiative. The project aimed to preserve Philippine biodiversity and was funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) as part of its International Climate Initiative (IKI) from 2012-2017.
Through the 5-year project worth EUR 9 million (around Php 536 million) 56 new terrestrial and marine protected areas covering 170,000 hectares were established and representatives from government, communities, civil society and academe were trained in biodiversity assessment/monitoring, regulation and law enforcement, ecotourism and livelihood.
Among the sites supported were the Negros Occidental Coastal Wetlands Conservation Area, Cleopatra’s Needle Forest Reserve, the oldest forest in Palawan, and the Balinsasayao Twin Lakes Natural Park, a booming tourist destination in Negros Oriental.
In his keynote speech during event, Ambassador Dr. Gordon Kricke highlighted the project’s success as a testimony to the invaluable German-Philippine bilateral cooperation towards biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.
++ Germany supports conservation of Philippine biodiversity in 160 Protected Areas ++
The German-funded Protected Area Management Enhancement (PAME) Project recently held its final event to mark the end of this successful initiative. The project aimed to preserve Philippine biodiversity and was funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) as part of its International Climate Initiative (IKI) from 2012-2017.
Through the 5-year project worth EUR 9 million (around Php 536 million) 56 new terrestrial and marine protected areas covering 170,000 hectares were established and representatives from government, communities, civil society and academe were trained in biodiversity assessment/monitoring, regulation and law enforcement, ecotourism and livelihood.
Among the sites supported were the Negros Occidental Coastal Wetlands Conservation Area, Cleopatra’s Needle Forest Reserve, the oldest forest in Palawan, and the Balinsasayao Twin Lakes Natural Park, a booming tourist destination in Negros Oriental.
In his keynote speech during event, Ambassador Dr. Gordon Kricke highlighted the project’s success as a testimony to the invaluable German-Philippine bilateral cooperation towards biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) implemented the project in partnership with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Biodiversity Management Bureau.

GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) implemented the project in partnership with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Biodiversity Management Bureau.

Friday, September 15, 2017

A European dilemma?

A European dilemma?

Somehow, I really felt touched while listening. In his State of the Union speech, European Commission President Juncker has praised the bloc for “bouncing back” after 10 years of crises. He has outlined bold proposals for the Eurozone, trade and migration. Is it too late?
Well, the Commission Chief has ruled out Turkish EU membership “in the foreseeable future.” No wonder.
Then,  Juncker has called on European states to help improve the “scandalous” conditions in Libyan migrant centers to prevent people fleeing Africa to Italy by way of the Mediterranean. Longtime overdue!
Next, there were warm words for Balkan candidate countries. Sure.
Also, the future EU tax policy should be approved by a majority of member states, rather than the existing unanimity requirement, Juncker said. Is there really a chance for this. I doubt!
Of course, many Europeans call Juncker’s speech as ‘Wind back in Europe’s sails’.  Of course, in my opinion, last year, European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker had little to cheer about in his flagship address before the European Parliament. If anything, it was a call to stop the collapse of the EU.
Now, a year on from Brexit and with European economies on the upswing, Wednesday’s State of the Union speech struck a far more optimistic note, as Juncker praised the bloc’s achievements over the last 12 months and laid out his vision for its future.
“After 10 years of crises, economies are on the rise and the European Union is bouncing back” he said. “The wind is back in Europe’s sails, it now has a window of opportunity.” Oh yes – so very true!
Indeed, let’s throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the harbor. Catch the trade winds in our sails. It’s indeed high time for protecting European businesses. On strengthening Europe’s trade program, Juncker said that, “Europe has always been an attractive partner to trade with, and now countries from all over the world are knocking on our door.”
Juncker cited the bloc’s recent trade agreements with Canada and Japan, and called on a speedy conclusion to ongoing talks with Mexico and the South American trading bloc, Mercosur. Juncker also said talks should also begin with Australia and New Zealand.
Regulatory reforms aimed at protecting European businesses from undesired foreign takeovers and investment were also among the proposals made by the former Luxembourg prime minister. Europe cautious as China buys up foreign companies.
On migration, Juncker announced that the European Commission would outline a new migrant deportation policy by the end of the month. In a call for increased border security on Europe’s borders, the European Commission president emphasized the need to unburden countries, such as Greece and Italy, where many migrants have landed. “Italy saves Europe’s honor,” said Juncker, praising the Mediterranean nation for its perseverance and generosity in its handling of the crisis. I strongly agree!
Juncker’s proposal could be music to the ears of French President Emmanuel Macron, who has argued that the Euro needs its own, stronger institutions to prevent another debt crisis. However, the proposal will likely be met with tepid reactions in Germany/Berlin, which has largely dismissed reform calls for the common currency.
Juncker also endorsed an EU-wide adoption of the Euro currency. Denmark and Sweden, who in referendums both rejected the Euro, would be exempt. No doubts, when German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble welcomed Juncker’s idea for pan-EU use of the Euro, but said the same conditions must be met by all member states.
“It’s good that he’s applying some pressure and picking up the tempo,” for adoption of the Euro across the bloc, said
Strong words for Poland, Hungary and Turkey
Brussels’ recent tensions with Poland and Hungary have prompted concerns over the safe-guarding of EU values in eastern Europe. “Those states who are not capable of demo-cracy, are not worthy of Europe,” Juncker said.
The governments of both countries have taken an illiberal turn in recent years. The Polish government’s decision to push through judicial reforms allowing the government to elect Supreme Court judges has led the Commission to threaten invoking “Article 7” of the European Treaty, which would suspend Poland’s EU voting rights and even cut off EU funding. True!
That attack was also aimed at Turkey, which he accused of “creating ground for membership talks to fail” and “moving away from the European Union in leaps and bounds.” Ankara’s attitude “rules out EU membership for Turkey in the foreseeable future,” the European Commission President said.
There were, however, warm words for the western Balkan states, which Juncker said should have a realistic chance of joining the EU by 2019.
An European Dilemma? It depends ….

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Promoting European Cultural and Educational Diplomacy in the Philippines

NOTES FROM THE EU DELEGATION By Franz Jessen (The Philippine Star) | 

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The year 2017 marks a landmark year in EU-Philippines cultural relations since this coming weekend, we will be launching the 20th edition of the European film festival in Shangri-La Plaza, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, before going to other cities in the Philippines. And what better way to mark this milestone than to feature a fusion of the best of classical and contemporary films from Europe with the finest mix of select Filipino films? Twenty-four films from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and Norway are showcasing their masterpieces from the enchanting and not so distant past, together with carefully crafted contemporary films.
Throughout the years, Cine Europa has evolved to become a dynamic festival which offers a broad selection of high quality European and Filipino films, giving the audience all around the country the opportunity to enjoy and to appreciate the values and the rich cultural heritage from Europe. Cine Europa was born out of the friendship between the European Union and the Philippines and has now become a buzz word in the film industry as it boasts of more than 45,000 moviegoers and enthusiasts attending the screenings since it started in the country.
Promoting cultural diversity has been one of the main objectives of the European Agenda for Culture since 2007. The EU is also a strong supporter of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.

In 2016, for the first time, the EU adopted a “Strategy for international cultural relations” that focuses on advancing cultural cooperation with partner countries across three main strands: supporting culture and education as engines for sustainable social and economic development; promoting intercultural dialogue for peaceful inter-community relations; and reinforcing cooperation on cultural heritage.
In a globalized world, we are convinced that cultural and educational cooperation can counter stereotypes and prejudice by nurturing dialogue, open-mindedness, dignity and mutual respect. Inter-cultural dialogue can help prevent conflicts and foster reconciliation within and between countries. Culture and education can help contribute to address global challenges such as the integration of refugees, countering violent radicalization and the protection of the world’s cultural heritage. Culture and education can also be tools to deliver important social and economic benefits. According to the UNESCO’s Culture for Development Indicators (CDIS), culture contributes between 1.5 and 5.7 percent of GDP in low and middle-income countries, thus reflecting differences in the policy and institutional framework, the level of social participation and education, and the degree of freedom of expression.
Apart from the film festival, this year, the EU delegation in Manila has taken the initiative to organise a series of cultural symposiums to promote intercultural dialogue between the EU and the Philippines. We also recently organized a What’s EUr story essay writing competition with the end in view of involving young people to tell their own experiences, insights and impressions about anything related to the European Union. Most of the stories were about travels to the EU member states and it has been like a journey in Europe through the power of words that touch and strike the senses.
Opinion ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
The EU cultural strategy also includes an educational component through the Erasmus + program whose objective is to promote mobility and inter-university cooperation with partner countries. Between 2014 and 2020, the EU is financing 180,000 scholarships for students and staff involving Europe and other parts of the world. The EU is also supporting the establishment of Erasmus+ alumni groups. Worldwide, EU studies are expected to reach over 250,000 students every year through teaching and outreach activities.
The Erasmus+ programme has evolved over the years and has substantially supported intercultural understanding through co-operation with third countries. This program has greatly contributed to promoting the EU as a center of excellence in learning and research.
For this academic year, the Philippines has the highest number of awardees of Erasmus Mundus scholarships among the ASEAN countries with 37 beneficiaries. The Erasmus+ Program will allow them to pursue MA and PhD programs in different universities across the European continent. Since 2004, more than 200 Pinoy students and lecturers have benefitted from the programm. The scholarship covers air travel to Europe, tuition fees and a monthly living allowance between P55,000 and P138,000.
Like every year, the European Union Delegation to the Philippines is organising a European Higher Education Fair to promote the European Higher education system. The fair will take place on 18 October in Shangri-La Plaza, Mandaluyong. Once again, the EU Delegation will rely on students and alumni to become living testimonials of how European higher education can engage into borderless and immeasurable opportunities.
Culture and education indeed form part of the EU soft diplomacy tools yet their impact is powerful and enormous enough as they not only reach out to the minds but to the hearts of their audiences.  
* * *
(Franz Jessen is the Ambassador of the European Union.)

Monday, September 11, 2017

Loosing Faith?

Loosing faith?

A friend of mine started talking with me and mentioned the good old days. Yes, those were the days my friend! Well, we all know: times have changed. More natural disasters, more wars, more people all over the world who are loosing their faith.
To be or not to be. Sein oder nicht sein. Shakespeare. To say it clearly: without faith, we’re really nothing.
Faith is belief; believe in us, in our works, talents and our personalities. We should also believe in our parents – or much better, in our whole family including the black sheep, which can be found every where.
We should believe in our friends, even it seems to become very difficult many times.
Please remember, my dear readers: without faith will we reach the rock bottom. Don’t say, it’s a likely story.
The German poet Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1815) has mentioned in his drama “Maria Stuart”: “Even the word might be dead, but faith keeps it alive!” Chapter I of Second Thessalonians gives encouragement to all Christians, who were undergoing persecution for or because of their faith. Yes, faith is really not everybody’s thing, or “not everyone has faith”.
“If I have faith, that can move mountains” (First Corinthians 13,2).
Faith is a tantamount to convincing and conviction. Richard Wagner (German classical composer and poet, 1813-1883) found the following lyric: “Blessed are those people, who know how to live their life in humility and faith.”
So, let’s even continue believing in our governments or the institution church. Faith means also a belief specially in a revealed religion. Faith is trust or reliance. Faith is indeed a pledged word. Yes, I know.
Faithful love is loyal, reliable, exact and honorable love. Faithful love means even to love your enemy.
Allow me to close this column with a Chinese proverb: “People without faith in themselves cannot or will never survive!” – Worth to think about it!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Red charity Gala to showcase Filipino designs

By Analou De Vera

The Red Charity Gala, one of the most awaited charity fashion events in the country, will once again showcase another creative talent of a Filipino designer, while at the same time raising funds for worthwhile causes.
Now on its ninth year, The Red Charity Gala 2017 will bring to the runway the creations of designer Joey Samson.
FASHION SHOW FOR A CAUSE – Kaye Tinga (third from left), designer Joey Samson (fourth from left) and Tessa Prieto-Valdez pose beside models during the press conference Wednesday for the Red Charity Gala at the Manila Hotel. The event will be held on October 14. (Jay Ganzon | Manila Bulletin)
FASHION SHOW FOR A CAUSE – Kaye Tinga (third from left), designer Joey Samson (fourth from left) and Tessa Prieto-Valdez pose beside models during the press conference Wednesday for the Red Charity Gala at the Manila Hotel. The event will be held on October 14. (Jay Ganzon | Manila Bulletin)
The event will be held on October 14 at The Shangri-La at the Fort, Taguig City, with the support of Bench, as part of the clothing brand’s 30th anniversary.
During the event’s press conference at the Manila Hotel on Wednesday, Samson gave a glimpse of some of his creations.
With the theme ‘PilgrimAge,’ this year’s gala “pertains to a journey, a religious devotion, and a voyage to a sacred place.”
“This collection will be a balancing act. It will run the gamut from tradition to something a bit outre, remixing looks and reshuffling garment elements,” said Samson.
“I want the clothes to be a revival of old wardrobe favorites, as if relics of a long passage, at the same time, something with a sense of familiarity, with a contemporary feel transitioning from conventional, street, to ceremonial,” he added.
Samson, being the Red Charity Gala honoree for this year, joins the league of world renowned Filipino designers who previously graced the event such as Dennis Lustico, Furne One, Michael Cinco, Cary Santiago, Ezra Santos, Jojie Lloren, Lesley Mobo, and Chito Vijandre.
“Joey is coming from a different design philosophy which I think is a good breather and a different change. It’s about time that his creation comes on stage,” said society figure Tessa Prieto- Valdes, one of the key persons behind The Red Charity Gala along with Ms. Kaye Tinga.
Also present during the press conference were The Manila Hotel President Atty. Joey Lina, and The Manila Bulletin Vice Chairman and Executive Vice President Dr. Emilio C. Yap III.
Talents for a cause
Valdes said that for nine-long years, they have been supporting the Philippine fashion industry for a good cause.
“We are so proud that we have already built so many homes, like 300 homes already in Mercedes, Samar, and also helped with so many daycare centers. We’ve also built their library and a multi-purpose center,” Valdes told The Manila Bulletin.
“We’ve done multiple daycare centers in Taguig as well and also helping with the Makati and Taguig Red Cross,” she added.
Aside from supporting the Philippine Red Cross and the Assumption High School Batch 1981 Foundation, “we are also adding this year the foundation of Jewelmer which help farmers and their families,” she said.
According to Valdes, their main target is to help the underprivileged children.
“We really aim to primarily make our charities for children because we feel that those underprivileged children have really no chance of bettering their life. And even if we feel that we can’t really help as much, somehow, slowly we can create a dent in helping them,” Valdes explained.
This year’s Red Charity Gala event is presented by Bench in cooperation with the following sponsors: Globe Platinum, Megaworld, SunLife Financial, Fuentes Manila, Jewelmer, Omega, Philippine Airlines, Remy Martin, Robert Blancaflor, Abitare Internazionale, The Manila Hotel, Adworks, Bluewaters Sumilon Resort Beach, Emperor Watch and Jewelry, Royal Gem, Viking Range, W/17, World Travellers, Auro Chocolates, Gardenia, Goldilocks, and The Botanist.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Andanar: Mocha asked permission to continue performing

By Argyll Cyrus Geducos

The Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) said Assistant Secretary Margaux “Mocha” Uson was given permission to honor her entertainment contracts when she entered public service.
This as the former sexy performer and one of President Duterte’s most prominent supporters went under fire after it was reported that she was performing at Resorts World (RW) Manila despite the ban on government officials to enter casinos.
Communications Secretary Martin Andanar, in a text message, explained that Uson actually asked for permission to continue performing but said they will continue looking into the matter.
“Mocha asked permission to honor her entertainment contracts when she joined government. Anyhow, we are still looking into the matter of Mocha performing inside RW,” Andanar said.
However, he said he would discourage the social media personality from performing in such establishments.
“Mocha can still perform if she wishes pero (but) I would discourage her from performing in places like casinos,” Andanar said.
The Palace official also said that they would “look into the matter” in line with President Duterte’s Memorandum Circular No. 6 which prohibits government officials from entering gambling places.

House Overwhelmingly approves universal health for all Filipinos

By Ben Rosario
Voting 222-7, the House of Representatives last night approved on third and final reading the bill providing universal health care for all Filipinos.
A consolidation of three different legislative proposals, House Bill 5784 or the Unviersal Health Coverage Act will amend Republic Act No. 7875, otherwise known as the National Health Insurance Act of 1995.
Principal authors of the consolidated bills are Reps. Harry Roque (Kabayan Partylist); Vilma Santos Recto (LP, Batangas); Angelina D.L. Tan (NPC, Quezon); Victoria Isabel Noel (An Waray Partylist); Rose Marie J. Arenas (PDP-Laban, Pangasinan) and Cheryl P. Deloso Montalla (NUP, Zambales).
HB 5784 underscores the right of every Filipino to have access to a comprehensive set of health services that will not “cause financial hardship”.
Under the bill, in-patient health services will be made available at zero- co-payment for the non contributory group and for those who opt for basic accomomdation, and a fixed co-insurance rates for all who opt for higher types of accommodation.
For outpatient service, zero co-payment in public facilities and fixed co-insurance in private facilities will be guaranteed.
HB 5784 mandates that within three years from its effectivity as a law, every Filipino shall have a guaranteed primary care provider. Within two years, the Philippine Health Security Corporation will implement a comprehensive outpatient benefit, including outpatient drug benefit, in accordance with the recommendations of the Health Technology Assessment Council.
In the bill, the current National Health Insurance Program will be renamed National Health Security Program which will provide health insurance coverage for all Filipino citizens, thus, guaranteeing access to medical care with the least financial risk.
“The program shall serve as a means for the healthy to help pay for the care of the sick and for those who can afford medical care to subsidize those who cannot,” the bill provides.
Members of the program will be categorized as contributory or those who are gainfully employed and non-contributory, referring to indigents, senior citizens and others to be identified by the Department of Social Welfare and Development.
HB 5784 also proposes to create the National Health Security Fund that will get funding from contributions from the program, national government allocation and health assistance funds from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office, the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation and local government units.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Filipinos in America

10,000 Filipinos face deportation as US changes immigration policy

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Standing on the step to the County Administration building, several groups address the crowd during a rally to show support for DACA in San Diego on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017. Almost 800,000 young immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children or overstayed their visas could see their lives upended after the Trump administration announced Tuesday it is ending the Obama-era program that protected them from deportation. Nelvin C. Cepeda/The San Diego Union-Tribune via AP
MANILA, Philippines — An estimated 10,000 Filipinos may be deported as the United States rescinds a program allowing undocumented immigrant children to stay legally in their country.

US President Donald Trump announced the formal dismantling of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which has given nearly 800,000 young immigrants a reprieve from deportation.
Trump gave the US Congress six months to come up with a law that would prevent the deportations of many as the people covered by the program.

DFA on standby to assist Filipinos facing deportation

The Philippine government will assist Filipinos who will be affected by the revocation of the DACA program, the Department of Foreign Affairs said.
"We will authorize, with certain limitations, the use of the Assistance to Nationals Fund and the Legal Assistance Fund to assist immigration-related cases such as those arising from the decision of President Trump to revoke the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals or DACA," Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano said.
The Philippines' top diplomat urged members of the Filipino community in the US to remain hopeful and to actively support the passage of new laws that would assist those who will be affected by the policy change.
"In any event, we are ready to welcome and assist our kababayans in whatever way we can if they are returned to the Philippines," Cayetano said.
According to Chargé d'Affaires Patrick Chuasoto of the Philippine Embassy in Washington, D.C., the DACA program provides temporary legal status, allowing qualified immigrant children from the Philippines and other countries to stay, study and work in the US.
The DACA program was part of an executive order that former US President Barack Obama issued in 2012 to protect undocumented immigrant children from deportation.
About 310,000 out of the 3.4 million Filipinos in the US are undocumented, Chuasoto said.