You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Maritime industry excellence: Affirming PH as Pearl of the Orient Seas

by Manila Bulletin

Addressing the Philippine Maritime Industry Summit 2023 at the Manila Hotel recently, President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. said: “Given that the Philippines is a maritime nation, I believe that it is time for us to make the maritime industry once again a top priority.”

The President anchored his call on the country’s reputation as the world’s primary source of maritime seafarers. One out of every four seafarers plying cargo and passenger leisure vessels is a Filipino — and this is well recognized in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) where the Philippines holds a seat in the IMO Council. The Council is the executive organ of the IMO that is responsible for supervising the work of the Organization.

The Philippines is one of 40 Council members. It is one of 20 states in category C “which have special interests in maritime transport or navigation and whose election to the Council will ensure the representation of all the major geographic areas of the world. The other 20 countries in Categories A and B are the “states with the largest interest in providing international shipping services” or the owner of shipping companies; and “the states with the largest interest in international seaborne trade. Among those In Category A are the United States, China, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Korea. Category B includes India, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, France, and Germany.


The Philippines is the world’s primary source of maritime manpower, constituting 25 percent of the global seafarers and bringing a total of $6.71 billion in remittances in 2022. Notably, Indonesia, Cyprus and Greece the countries’ competitors, are also well- recognized in the IMO.

The Maritime Summit called attention to a much broader field covering 10 domestic shipping in support of the Philippine nautical highway development; 2) Development of shipping services for tourist destination areas; 3) Development of coastal and inland waterways transport systems; 4) Strengthening the safety standards of Philippine-registered fishing vessels; 5) Development of a global maritime hub; 6) Enhancement of maritime safety; 7) Enhancement of maritime transport security in the Philippines; 8) Maritime innovation and knowledge center; 9) Development of competitive and highly skilled Filipino maritime professionals; and 10) Implementation of the Philippine strategy on maritime environment protection.

This year’s summit comes at the midpoint of the 10-year roadmap which projects that the maritime industry’s contribution to the economy will double to P1.44 trillion once the Maritime Industry Development Plan is fully implemented in 2028. The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) says this is aligned with the eight-point priority agenda of the Marcos administration that seeks to accelerate economic growth.

Responsible agencies must step up their efforts. State-of-the-art physical and human infrastructure must be put in place to ensure the attainment of world-class capabilities and customer-friendly services. Excellence in the maritime industry will affirm the Philippines’ heritage as the Pearl of the Orient Seas.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Why this 86th Araw ng Dabaw is special


Why this 86th Araw ng Dabaw is special

Published March 6, 2023, 12:05 AM

by John Tria


John Tria
John Tria

As I began writing this I was flying over the Cotabato provinces as the full international flight made its final approach to the Francisco Bangoy International Airport. Disembarking minutes thereafter, I noted the renovations being done in the terminal to expand it to meet an increasing number of visitors.

More international flights to the city are expected and an improved and expanded terminal is always a good thing to prepare for these. I look at other similar airports around the world and note how expansions and improvements are continuous to accommodate more travelers. These visitors will discover the city’s new attractions, business prospects, food and diverse and welcoming culture. 

As of press time, a good number of visitors have graced the city. The March 1 Araw ng Dabaw opening activities kicked off the 86th birthday of the city, held face-to-face for the first time in years with many events that visitors and residents will find interesting such as pageants, musical performances and cultural and culinary events over the next month. Check these out at

Likewise, the Meetings, Incentives Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE) conference was held and the Mayors Night was truly a feast for the eyes and palate, with fruits and food galore, oozing with class and the colors of the various cultures of the city in dance and song. The national shipping conference also drew its share of delegates, taking place in a city that will be a strategic port in ASEAN.

These visitors were also greeted by the city’s rising skyline and urban core with commercial zones and townships and mixed-use building projects proceeding. The view is even more impressive when seen from above when you land at the Davao International Airport. The city now has more parks, a bigger city library with a coffee shop run by a major cooperative and a new tourist center. In particular, visitors must not forget to visit the Poblacion commercial center in the middle of the city, where souvenir items can be purchased and brought home.

For those who have visited the city before, apart from the usual post-convention side trips taken by delegates, new locations within the city have become popular such as mountain resorts in the highlands of Marilog, with coffee shops, glamping sites and coffee shops and resorts offering unique experiences such as strawberry and fruit picking, “sea of clouds” views that makes an impressive instagrammable view. A more peaceful environment has made this possible.


What does this all mean?

More visitors and residents are expected to participate in these events. Many businesses will be on hand to deliver essential services, and an off-season harvest of Marang and Durian fruits will be on hand for guests to taste. These events and new attractions will surely drive the growth of the local economy, creating more jobs and income opportunities for service enterprises and the value chain that supports them: the farms and transport contractors.

The 86th birthday is special because it allows us to see the vibrant, peaceful diversity of a Davao recovering and looking to the future. Vistors coming here are introduced to the Davao the resident and their family. Talk to them and they will gladly share how their family came to Davao and you will hear stories of opportunity and growth, with a vibrant pride of place I cannot find in many other parts of the country.

Happy birthday Davao!


Sturmtief kommt: Warnung vor „Wintergewitter, dass man die eigene Hand vor Augen nicht mehr erkennt“


Von: Martina Lippl

Wetter in Deutschland: In einem Streifen von Hamburg bis nach Brandenburg ist mit „Nassschnee“ zu rechnen.
Wetter in Deutschland: In einem Streifen von Hamburg bis nach Brandenburg ist mit „Nassschnee“ zu rechnen. © Screenshot Twitter/DWD/imago

Frühling steht beim Wetter gerade kaum auf dem Programm. Die nächste Woche wird richtig ungemütlich. Es sieht nach fiesem, nasskaltem Winterwetter aus.

München – Schmuddelwetter – ein Mix aus Regen und Schnee – ist angesagt. Der Montag (6. März) startet fast überall mit Schneefällen, Schneeregen oder Graupelschauer. In einem Streifen von Hamburg/Bremen bis Brandenburg erwartet der Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD) „Nassschnee“ bis zu 5 Zentimeter nach den aktuellen Modellberechnungen. Dazu ist es teils frostig bei bis -4 Grad. In den Morgenstunden warnen die DWD-Wetterexperten vor Glätte. Die Schneefallgrenze liegt sonst bei 400 Metern. 

Winter-Rückfall in Deutschland: Luftmassengrenze bringt Wetter-Chaos

Eine Luftmassengrenze sorgt dann auch noch am Dienstag (7. März) für mehr Turbulenzen. Im Norden ist Sturm angesagt. Das Sturmtief Björn zieht von der Nordsee rein und hat es in sich. „Im Küstenumfeld sind wiederholt schwere Sturmböen (10 Bft), vereinzelt auch orkanartige Böen (11 Bft) aus West zu erwarten“, twittert der DWD. Wann und wie genau der Wind weht, bleibe jedoch noch unsicher. In der Nacht auf Mittwoch sind im Bergland kräftige Schneeschauer mit 10 bis 20 Zentimetern Neuschnee „gering wahrscheinlich“. Das klingt noch sehr vorsichtig. 

Vor „Wintergewittern, also Schneeschauern, zum Teil mit Whiteout-Gefahr“, warnte dagegen Meteorologe Dominik Jung bereits. Da komme auf einen Schlag so viel Weiß vom Himmel, dass man „die eigene Hand vor Augen nicht mehr erkennt“. Es soll der Winter-Höhepunkt im März sein. Durch die extreme Trockenheit bestehe aktuell aber auch eine massive Waldbrandgefahr.

Wetter in Deutschland: Dauerregen und Schnee

Nach dem Sturmtief am Dienstag im Norden sieht es vor allem im Schwarzwald, dem Allgäu, dem Bayerischen Wald nach Dauerregen aus. Innerhalb von 24 Stunden sind ab Mittwoch bis zu 50 Liter pro Quadratmeter möglich, teilt der DWD in seiner Wochenvorhersage für Wettergefahren (Stand: 5. März, 11 Uhr) mit. In den Staulagen der östlichen Mittelgebirge wie Thüringer Wald, Erzgebirge und Rhön erwarten die Wetterexperten Schneefall mit bis zu 20 Zentimetern Neuschnee innerhalb 24 Stunden.   

An den Küsten ist mit Schnee- und Graupelschauern zu rechnen. Auch einzelne kurze Gewitter sind möglich. Die Höchstwerte liegen zwischen 2 und 6 Grad. Im Süden bis sogar bei 9 Grad. Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob sich das Wetter dann langsam wieder etwas beruhigt. Die Wettermodelle sind sich in Richtung Monatsmitte aktuell noch uneins, ist beim Wetterportal zu lesen.

UP turns back UE for first win in women’s volleyball

by Manila Bulletin Sports

University of the Philippines barges into the win column after a four-set win against University of the East. (UAAP Media)


University of the Philippines recovered from its opening-set stumble to turn back University of the East, 21-25, 25-18, 25-19, 25-20, and pick up its first win in the UAAP Season 85 women’s volleyball tournament on Sunday, March 5, at the Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay City. 

The embattled Fighting Maroons finally ended their 0-2 misery at the expense of the Lady Warriors, who, in turn, absorbed their third straight loss in as many games. 

UP, which has raised issues concerning its team manager dated last Jan. 29 and circulated online on Wednesday, March 1, managed to bring itself in the win column despite the controversies surrounding them.

Nina Ytang erupted for a career-high all-around performance of 20 points built on 12 attacks, seven blocks and an ace. 

Stephanie Bustrillo also came through with 16 points off 10 attacks, three blocks and three aces, while Alyssa Bertolano added 10 in their offensive production. 

After dropping the first set, UP would go on to dictate the tone of the next two sets to gain the upper hand over UE.  

“Siyempre very thankful kasi iyon nga, unang panalo. Ang dami pa rin naming mga kulang kanina pero of course kailangan namin ma-appreciate kung gaano ka-okay iyong ginalaw namin. And hopefully, mag-work hard pa kami sa susunod sa mga susunod na games. Sobrang competitive ng mga next games, so ready lang kami,” said UP head coach Shaq delos Santos. 

Janeca Lana led the Lady Warriors with 14 points, while Vanessa Bangayan chipped in 13 in the losing effort, as they slid to a 0-3 record in the standings. 

Magnitude 5.3 quake jolts Davao de Oro — Phivolcs


Published March 6, 2023, 8:09 AM

by Ellalyn De Vera-Ruiz, Manila Bulletin

A 5.3-magnitude earthquake jolted Davao de Oro early Monday morning, March 6, based on the earthquake information issued by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs).

Phivolcs said the quake struck 22 kilometers southeast of New Bataan, Davao de Oro around 4:43 a.m.

It was felt at Intensity IV (moderately strong) in New Bataan, Maco, and Mawab in Davao De Oro; Intensity III (weak) in Nabunturan, Davao De Oro; Intensity II (slightly felt) in Laak, Davao De Oro; and Intensity I (scarcely perceptible) in Bislig City, Surigao del Sur.

Phivolcs’ instruments also recorded the tremor at Intensity IV in Nabunturan, Davao de Oro and Intensity II in Davao City.

It said the earthquake was tectonic, which means it was caused by the movement of an active fault near the area.

Moreover, Phivolcs said the earthquake may have caused damage to houses, buildings, and other infrastructures.

It advised the public to stay vigilant as aftershocks may occur.

Coast Guard: No oil slick sighted in Boracay

by Tara Yap

PHILIPPINE Coast Guard personnel monitor the coast of world-famous Boracay Island after an oil slick from a sunken tanker in Oriental Mindoro reached Antique province. (PCG Western Visayas)

ILOILO CITY – No oil slick from the sunken tanker in Oriental Mindoro has been seen so far in Boracay Island, the country’s most famous beach destination in Malay town, Aklan province.

“We conducted monitoring since Saturday and we found none,” said Commander Jansen Benjamin, Western regional information officer of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), during a virtual press conference on Sunday, March 5.

The PCG was on alert on Saturday, March 4, after an slick reached three coastal barangays in Caluya town, Antique. 

Benjamin explained that Boracay, which is more than 27 nautical miles from Caluya, was spared because the wind was going the opposite direction.

“But of course, that could change if the course of the wind changes,” Benjamin cautioned.

The Department of Tourism (DOT) has issued an advisory to tourists at the resort-island to “take precautionary measures.”

“We are reminding our local governments and tourism establishments on the identified areas to provide assistance to tourists (if the need arises) to ensure their health and safety,” the DOT-6 added.


Old vs. New


A  traditional jeepney is pictured beside an air-conditioned minibus, often referred to as modern jeepney, along EDSA-Taft on Sunday. Drivers of the traditional jeepneys will join the week-long transport strike that will start on Monday to show their opposition to the phase out of traditional jeepneys. PHOTO BY J. GERARD SEGUIA

Let’s learn to be always forgiving

By Fr. Roy Cimagala *

THAT’S a clear mark of a true Christian. Christ has told us clearly: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” (Lk 6,36) There are no ifs and buts in these words. In fact, Christ continued to say: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you…For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (37-38)

Christ was and continues to be always merciful. How? Well, first of all, being the son of God, he emptied himself to become man. That way, he already adapted himself to our wounded, sinful condition. He identified himself with us so that we would have a way to identify ourselves with him. He preached the truth about God and about ourselves. 

He gave preferential attention to the sick, that is, the sinners. He was always ready to forgive, his mercy and compassion having no limits—“not only seven times, but seventy times seven times.” (Mt 18,22) He taught about loving the enemy and living it. He did not mind all the insults and mockeries that were poured on him just to accomplish his mission of saving us.

Even while hanging on the cross, he offered forgiveness to those who crucified him. And in the end, he assumed all our sins without committing sin by dying on the cross. In that way, he dealt death to all our sins, and with his resurrection he offered us a way for our own salvation and reconciliation with our Father God. He was thoroughly magnanimous. Yes, mercy is a clear mark of magnanimity.

We need to train our faculties—our intelligence, will, emotions, passions, memory, urges, appetites—to have this spirit of Christ of always being merciful. For this, of course, we need time, effort and a certain discipline to acquire this indispensable quality of a true Christian life.

Especially when we become a victim of some offense by someone, we really have to learn to forgive and to move on, focused on doing what we are supposed to do. We should avoid getting stuck with the offense, wallowing in anguish, complaints and hatred, and keeping resentments, grudges and desires for revenge. That’s why we need to deny ourselves, and carry Christ’s cross as Christ himself told us, to be able to do this.

Let’s remember that all of us have sins that need to be forgiven also. And as Christ said it clearly, we can only be forgiven if we also forgive others. “If you will forgive men their offenses, your heavenly Father will forgive you also your offenses,” he said. “But if you will not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive you your offenses.” (Mt 6,14-15)

Other relevant gospel passages are the following: “Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.” (Mk 11,25) “Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” (Lk 6,37)

What would be helpful here also is to develop a sporting spirit, so that even if we encounter failures, defeats, injustices, unfairness, etc., we would just go on with the game of life where we know God is always in control. With him, everything will work out for the good. (cfr. Rom 8,28)

* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE), Talamban, Cebu City


Sunday, March 5, 2023


Latest Travel Guide to the Philippines ✨ For Filipinos (Filipino):    • UPDATED TRAVEL GU...   ✨ For Balikbayans (Former Filipinos and their Families):    • FEBRUARY 2023: UP...   ✨ For Foreign Nationals:    • Latest Travel Gui...   🔴 All passengers bound for the Philippines must register to E-TRAVEL: Tutorial Guide for E-TRAVEL (ENGLISH):    • E-TRAVEL UPDATE: ...   Tutorial Guide for E-TRAVEL (FILIPINO):    • GAWIN MO TO BAGO ...   Source of Info: Philippine Exit Requirements for Foreign Tourists, Balikbayans, Duals, and Filipino Residents Abroad:    • AUGUST 2022: THIN...   👉🏽Filipino Tourists departing the Philippines may be required by Philippine Immigration to secure travel medical insurance. For this, you may check out Safetywing: 👉🏽Foreign Tourists, except those covered by Balikbayan Privilege, may be required by airlines and immigration to show an exit ticket. You may rent a ticket here to satisfy this requirement for just $14:

Bulawan Festival 2023, gipabati sa hilit nga lugar sa probinsya

Subay sa umaabot na selebrasyon sa Bulawan Festival 2023 ug 25th Founding Anniversary sa Davao de Oro, gipabati pag-usab sa panggamhanang probinsyal sa pagpangulo ni Governor Dorothy Gonzaga ang bulawanong selebrasyon niini sa mga hilit nga lugar sa probinsya. 

Karung adlawa, March 4, 2023, ubay-ubay nga mga probisyon ug serbisyo, mapa pang-edukasyon, panglawas, pang-agrikultura ug uban pa, ang nadawat sa katawhan sa Sitio Estabillo, Brgy. Andili sa Mawab.

Lakip niini ang libreng medical check-ups, gupit, tuli, alis bukol, vaccination, dental, maternal health services, animal health services, legal services, ug ang pagpanghatag sa mga school/hygiene supplies, tanom, tambal, food packs ug uban pa.

Namulong sa maong kalihokan si Governor Gonzaga diin mihatag og gibug-aton sa kamahinungdanon sa maong lakang ug pagsiguro nga ang matag lugar adunay access sa mga batakang serbisyo, bisan asa pa ang lokasyon niini. Gipasiugda usab niya ang papel sa security sector sa ilang presensya, hinungdan sa paghatag sa usa ka luwas nga probinsya ug arun mahatud ang mga angay nga serbisyo sa katawhan.

Mapasalamaton ug malipayon gayud si Brgy. Tribal Chieftain Angel Tabid sanglit nadungog gayud sa gobyerno ang ilang mga hanyu ug naghinaot usab sila sa dugang pa nga programa nga muabot kanila sama sa dugang dalan arun hapsay ang pagbiyahe sa ilang mga produktong uma ngadto sa sentro.

Dugang pa, gipakita sa katawhan ang ilang mainitong pagpasalamat pinaagi sa usa ka Cultural Dance Presentation nga nagtanyag usab sa dato nga kultura sa kumunidad. 

Nakigtimbaya usab sila 2nd District Rep. Congressman Ruwel Peter Gonzaga, BM Teodoro Arancon, Mayor Ruperto Gonzaga III, 28IB Commander Ronilo Desingaño, PSWDO head Josephine Frasco kauban ang mga local nga opisyales, kapulisan ug kasundaluhan. 

Sa musunod nga mga semana, pagahitabuon usab ang parehong serbisyo caravan sa Brgy. Ngan, Compostela, Brgy. San Vicente, Montevista, ug  Brgy. Ampawid, Laak sa umaabot nga March 11, 18 ug 25.

Ang Bulawanong Hatud Serbisyo kabahin sa mas dako nga inisyatibo sa gobyerno, kauban ang security sector, nga gitumong sa pagdala og kalambuan sa mga lugar ilabina sa mga kanhing conflict affected o vulnerable areas sa probinsya. (Jaynus Fernandez, Photos by Jonie Cadiz)