You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Rente beantragen: Diese Punkte müssen Sie dabei unbedingt beachten

Renteneintritt: Diese Angaben benötigen Sie beim Antrag

Eine Dame sitzt gut gelaunt an ihrem Laptop.
Es ist wichtig, die Rente rechtzeitig zu beantragen – bestimmte Fristen müssen dabei beachtet werden. © Westend61/IMAGO Fünf Angaben benötigen Sie für sämtliche Rentenanträge, erklärt die Deutsche Rentenversicherung:
  • Rentenversicherungsnummer
  • Angaben zur Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung
  • Steueridentifikationsnummer
  • Personendokument (Personalausweis, Reisepass, Geburtsurkunde oder Stammbuch in Kopie)
  • Internationale Kontonummer – IBAN – und die internationale Bankleitzahl BIC 
  • Damit der Antrag möglichst schnell bearbeitet werden kann, sollten Sie im Vorfeld bereits weitere Dokumente zusammensuchen. Unter anderem sollten Sie checken, ob Ihre Versicherungszeiten vollständig sind. Ab dem Alter von 55 Jahren wird Ihnen Ihr Versicherungsverlauf automatisch alle drei Jahre automatisch zugeschickt, erklärt die Stiftung Warentest. Sollten Sie Kinder haben, benötigen Sie deren Geburtsurkunden. Auch Nachweise über Berufsausbildungen sind wichtig. Sollten Sie bevollmächtigte Personen haben, geben Sie zudem die schriftliche Vollmacht ab. Wenn in Ihrem Leben Beamtenzeiten vorliegen, benötigen Sie das Festsetzungsblatt der Versorgungsdienststelle. 

Je nach Rentenart gibt es verschiedene Fristen zu beachten. Renten aus eigener Versicherung – also Renten, die sich aus der eigenen Anwartschaft des Versicherten ableiten – sind die Altersrente, Erwerbsminderungsrente sowie Erziehungsrente. Für sie gilt generell eine dreimonatige Frist – sofern alle Voraussetzungen für die Rente erfüllt sind. Wenn der Antrag später gestellt wird, beginnt die Rente in der Regel auch erst mit dem Antragsmonat – Sie müssen somit auf viel Geld verzichten. 

Hinterbliebenenrente wird zwölf Monate rückwirkend ausbezahlt

Anders gestaltet sich die Situation bei Hinterbliebenenrenten – also Waisen-, Witwen- und Witwerrente. Da gilt nämlich: Wird die Rente später als zwölf Monate nach dem Sterbedatum beantragt, wird sie zwölf Monate rückwirkend bezahlt, und nicht erst ab dem Antragsmonat.

Im 21. Jahrhundert müssen Rentenanträge nicht mehr postalisch eingereicht werden. Sie können den Rentenantrag ganz bequem online einreichen auf der Website der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung. Die Stiftung Warentest rät dazu, sich beim Antrag helfen zu lassen – beispielsweise bei den Beratungsstellen der Rentenversicherung –, da es nicht nur um Rentenbeginn und Rentenhöhe handelt, sondern auch um einen möglichst flexiblen Übergang in den Ruhestand, Steuerfragen oder Hinzuverdienstgrenzen.

Rentenbescheid sollte überprüft werden

Wenn Ihre Rente bewilligt wird, erhalten Sie einen entsprechenden Rentenbescheid. Diesen gilt es ausgiebig zu überprüfen. Wenn Sie einen Fehler entdecken, sollten Sie Widerspruch einlegen. Sie haben dafür einen Monat Zeit. Ausnahme ist, wenn Sie im Ausland arbeiten. Dann sind es drei Monate.

Cayetano joins support for BEZA bill, will explain reservations



March 18, 2024

 Cayetano joins support for BEZA bill, will explain reservations

 Senator Alan Peter Cayetano joined the chamber on Monday in showing support to the creation of the Bulacan Special Economic Zone and Freeport Act (BEZA), a measure that seeks to establish a special ecozone to host the new airport being built in Bulacan, albeit with reservations.

This after the Senate passed on third reading Senate Bill No. 2572 or the BEZA Bill on March 18, 2024 with 22 affirmative votes, zero negative votes, and zero abstentions.

Cayetano voted yes to the measure but said he will submit an explanation of his reservation.

Last week, he took to the floor to ask a number of clarificatory questions to Senator Grace Poe, sponsor of the Bulacan Ecozone bill.

Top of his inquiry was on the importance of having comprehensive studies and cost-benefit analyses provided by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA).

"I want Bulacan to develop… Ang simpleng tanong ko lang, kung walang study na scientific, [ibig sabihin] nanghuhula lang tayo. Ang problema ng Pilipinas, marami tayong shortcuts," the independent senator said during the plenary session on Wednesday, March 13, 2024.

Cayetano said the measure cannot assert that the Bulacan Ecozone will benefit the country without a proper study.

“I'm really curious and excited for Bulacan to have a super economic zone. On the other hand, it's the first time na y’ung buong province will be part of an economic zone so I'm a little bit concerned about the feasibility and how it will work," he explained.

Other topics that Cayetano also touched on concerned the boundary limitations of the ecozone, a balanced composition of the BEZA board, land conversions being conducted through law, and the importance of BEZA being gambling-free.

The discussion took almost three hours. Senator Francis Escudero, who joined the back and forth with Senators Poe and Cayetano, conveyed his appreciation to Cayetano at the end of their discussion.

“My sincere thanks and appreciation to the gentleman from Taguig and Pateros for his genuine concern in protecting the Filipino people and our country in preventing abuse and learning from the experiences of the past. I thank him as well because I learned a lot,” Escudero said in his closing statement on the bill last March 13, 2024.

On Monday, March 18, after the measure’s passage on the floor, Senator Grace Poe and Majority Leader Senator Joel Villanueva thanked Cayetano for his invaluable contribution in refining the measure.

“I would like to convey my gratitude to Senators Escudero, Gatchalian, and Cayetano. Special mention to Senator Cayetano for refining the bill in making sure that we read the bill not just once, twice, or three times, and adhered to many constitutional provisions,” Poe said as bill sponsor on Monday afternoon.

Villanueva, who hails from Bulacan, also thanked Cayetano for “making this bill even more responsive to the needs of our constituents.” ###

The 34 Very Best German Sayings…EVER! (XIII): Mit der Tür ins Haus fallen

Welcome, Linguaholics! Today we will take a deep dive into German sayings…and there is definitely a lot to be explored here! If your native language is English, some of these sayings might sound familiar while others most certainly won’t ring a bell.

So, without further ado, let’s get right to the point! We will start with German saying No. 1….and will end this roller coaster ride when we arrived at German saying  No. 34! Fasten your seat  belt and let’s goooo!

By Marcel Iseli

13. Mit der Tür ins Haus fallen

German Saying Mit der Tür ins Haus fallen

It is unclear where this saying actually comes from. But it certainly makes for a great saying that is easy to understand. The door (Türe) in the German saying “Mit der Tür ins Haus fallen” represents the separator of the public sphere and the private sphere. 

You could also say that it separates what happens outside (the public world) and inside (behind doors, at home, etc.). 

That said,  “Mit der Tür ins Haus fallen” signifies that somebody is not respecting that barrier between the outside and the inside world and is, therefore, going like a bull at a gate (is, for instance, asking something too private or intimate, before actually establishing a formal relationship, all by respecting the general rules of conversation.)  


Example: Sorry, dass ich gerade so mit der Tür ins Haus falle, aber möchtest du mit mir ins Kino gehen?  



Sorry to drop in on you like this, but would you like to go to a movie with me?  


Ich habe Linguaholic im Jahr 2013 gegründet, weil mich Sprache schon immer fasziniert hat.

Alles begann, als ich mein Übersetzungsstudium (Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch) in Winterthur, Schweiz, begann.

Als ich etwas später einen Urlaub in Asien machte und schließlich (per Zufall oder nennen wir es Schicksal) in China landete, war ich von der chinesischen Sprache und den chinesischen Schriftzeichen im Besonderen sehr fasziniert.

Diese Besessenheit von chinesischen Schriftzeichen und die Unmöglichkeit, mit den Menschen in China zu kommunizieren, veranlassten mich schließlich, ein weiteres Studium zu beginnen und schließlich Sinologie (Nebenfach: Linguistik) an der Universität Zürich zu studieren.

Für mich ist die Liebe zur Sprache und Linguistik eine ewige Liebe.

Und deshalb habe ich schließlich Linguaholic ins Leben gerufen: Eine Plattform, auf der Linguaholics miteinander reden, über Sprache philosophieren und ihre sprachlichen Fragen einbringen können.

Linguaholic besteht heute aus einem Sprachforum und einem Blog.

Auf dem Linguaholic-Blog schreiben mein Team und ich über Themen aus dem Bereich Sprachenlernen, mit den Schwerpunkten Englisch, Deutsch, Japanisch und Spanisch.

Linguaholic ist mir eine Herzensangelegenheit. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger.

Vielen Dank euch allen, dass ihr Teil dieser Bewegung seid!

I started Linguaholic back in 2013 because language had always fascinated me.

It all started when I began my Translation Studies (German, French, English) in Winterthur, Switzerland.

A bit later, when I went on a holiday in Asia and ultimately ended up in China (by coincidence or let’s call it destiny), I was highly fascinated by the Chinese language and Chinese characters in specific.

This obsession with Chinese characters and the impossibility to communicate with the people in China finally led me to start yet another degree and to eventually major in Sinology (Minor: Linguistics) at the University of Zurich.

For me, the love of language and linguistics is an eternal love.

And that’s why I ultimately called Linguaholic into being: A platform where Linguaholics could talk to each other, philosophize about language and bring their linguistic questions to the table.

Linguaholic as of today consists of a language forum and a blog.

On the Linguaholic blog, my team and I write about topics in the field of language learning, with a focus on English, German, Japanese and Spanish.

Linguaholic is a matter close to my heart. No more, no less.

Thank you all very much for being part of this movement!

Monday, March 18, 2024

8 Philippine sites added to UNESCO World Heritage tentative list

STAR / File

MANILA, Philippines — Eight sites were submitted by the Philippine delegation to be included in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)’s tentative list of World Heritage sites.

Marc Jayson Cayabyab - The Philippine Star 

The prospective sites are the sugar cultural landscape of Negros and Panay, the historic towns and landscape of Taal volcano and its caldera lake, the colonial urban plan and fortifications of the Walled City of Manila, the Agusan Marsh wildlife sanctuary, the Kitanglad and Kalatungan Mountain Ranges: Sacred Sites of Bukidnon, the Samar Island natural park, the extension of the Cordillera rice terraces and the extension of the Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary-Pujada Bay.

According to UNESCO, world heritage sites are “places on Earth that are of outstanding universal value to humanity and as such, have been inscribed on the World Heritage List to be protected for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.”

The Philippines sought the inclusion of the potential heritage sites on Feb. 2.

There are 16 more pending Philippine sites included in the list in 2015, 2006 and 1993.

One pending site is the Chocolate Hills Natural Monument, a declared UNESCO geopark, where controversy has arisen due to the construction of cottages and a swimming pool on its foothills.

The others are the Mt. Mantalingahan Protected Landscape, Mayon Volcano natural park, Turtle Islands wildlife sanctuary, Tabon cave complex, Cagayan Valley paleolithic archaeological sites, Butuan archeological sites, extension of the Philippine Baroque churches, Mt. Malindang Range natural park, Mt. Pulag national park, Apo Reef natural park, El-Nido-Taytay managed resource protected area, Coron island natural biotic area, Mt. Iglit-Baco national park, Northern Sierra Madre natural park and Batanes protected landscapes and seascapes.

The Philippines has six properties inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage list – the Baroque churches of the Philippines, the historic city of Vigan, the Cordillera rice terraces, the Mt. Hamiguitan Range wildlife sanctuary, the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River and the Tubbataha Reefs natural park.

There are 1,199 properties worldwide inscribed in UNESCO’s heritage list.

Walled City

The historic walls and forts of Intramuros in Manila have a chance to be recognized as a World Heritage Site.

The 67-hectare Walled City was erected using primarily volcanic tuff and brick through a plan in 1571 during the term of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, the Philippines’ first Spanish governor-general, according to Intramuros’ entry posted on the UNESCO World Heritage Convention website.

The area within the walls of the current Intramuros district was the city of Manila during the Spanish colonial period.

SB19 Pablo collaborates with WWF-Philippines as Earth Hour 2024 music ambassador



  • The annual Earth Hour celebration will be held at the Kartilya ng Katipunan in Manila City for its 16th anniversary. 

Pablo x Earth Hour Philippines.png

SB19 leader Pablo is WWF-Philippine's new Earth Hour Music Ambassador who will be the main guest of the annual switch-off event in Manila City on March 23, 2024.

“Pablo, for us, represents the passion and resilience of Filipinos, and we want these qualities to be front and center for the annual Earth Hour celebration, which will be the 16th anniversary in the Philippines,” Earth Hour Philippines National Director Atty. Angela Consuelo Ibay said. 

“As SB19’s songwriter, creative director, and CEO of their label, Pablo has masterfully infused his music with Filipino culture, flavor, and style. Earth Hour is a global grassroots movement for the environment and we celebrate it in our own unique Filipino way. Pablo is the perfect ambassador for Earth Hour,” Ibay said.

The annual Earth Hour celebration will be held at the Kartilya ng Katipunan in Manila City for its 16th anniversary. Earth Hour Philippines was celebrated for the first time in the Philippines back in 2008 at the CCP Complex grounds.

This yearly global switching off of lights will be observed from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm, local time. Over 190 countries and territories around the world will also follow suit as part of this one-of-a-kind global grassroots movement for nature. Since the first Earth Hour in Australia in 2007, millions of people worldwide participate every year in Earth Hour with the partnership of governments, businesses, civil-society groups, making it an authentic movement of humanity for the environment.

In partnership with the Manila City Local Government, the program will be held at the Kartilya ng Katipunan beside the city hall building, with the iconic Manila Clock Tower as the backdrop. Aside from Pablo, performers include Ched and Lirah Bermudez.

"All of us Filipinos are going to feel the impact of climate change through extreme storms, flooding, heatwaves, and droughts,” Ibay said. “Such a complex and multi-sectoral problem will likewise require solutions from all levels of society.”

“This is why Earth Hour is such a great platform to convene government, businesses, civil-society organizations, the academe, and of course, the very vocal and influential youth,” Ibay said. “Bringing everyone together for us to tackle and solve plastic waste pollution and environmental degradation is Earth Hour 2024’s main theme.”

Prior to the ceremonial switch-off at 8:30 pm, there will be a solutions fair for partner non-government organizations and social enterprises. The event will also mark the official start of the Earth Hour virtual run organized by Pinoy Fitness.

Visit to learn more about events happening this Earth Hour around the world. Follow WWF-Philippines on social media for updates and events related to Earth Hour Philippines 2024. Lend your support to the environment with the official Earth Hour hashtags #EarthHour2024 and #BiggestHourForEarth.

The 34 Very Best German Sayings…EVER! (XII): Butter bei die Fische



Marcel Iseli

12. Butter bei die Fische

German Sayings Butter bei die Fische

This German saying sounds a little off. In fact, it sounds ungrammatical to a speaker of modern high German. Butter BEI DIE FISCHE?

Why is it DIE and not something like BEI DEN Fischen? or maybe Butter ZUM Fisch? Well, to be honest, I don’t know. But I will investigate that, and if something comes up, I will make sure to share it with all of you guys here.

Now, let’s get to the meaning of Butter bei die Fische, though. This German saying simply means that one should get to the point. So, one should not (anymore) beat around the bush.

Oh, and by the way, earlier in this article, we have seen that we do have a neat German saying for “to beat around the bush,” which is “um den heißen Brei reden,” remember?

But how the hell would you go about using “Butter bei die Fische” in an actual German sentence, then? Don’t worry. I will clear things up for you. NOW.  



A: Kannst du mir 30 Euro leihen?

B: Wozu brauchst du das denn?

A: Ich muss mir nen neuen Pullover kaufen! Geht das also in Ordnung?

B: Ich hab eben selbst nicht so viel Geld, hmm……lass mich mal überlegen….

A: Aber jetzt mal Butter bei die Fische! 30 Euro ist doch nicht viel, das kannst du mir doch ohne Probleme geben!

B: Ja, du hast eigentlich recht. Ok, hier hast du sie.   



A: Can you lend me 30 euros? B: What do you need it for? A: I have to buy a new sweater! So is that okay?

B: I don’t have that much money myself, you know…let me think about it for a while…uhmm….

A: Come on, man. Let’s be real! 30 Euro is not that much, I am sure you can afford it!

B: Yes, you are actually right. Ok, here you go!    

BI urges public to exercise 'extreme caution' in online travel arrangements


The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has urged the public to exercise extreme caution in making online travel arrangements.

“By raising awareness and promoting vigilance among travelers, we can effectively counter cybercrime and ensure a safer online environment,” said BI Commissioner Norman Tansingco.

Tansingco said prospective travellers should verify the legitimacy of websites and service providers before providing any personal or financial information. 

He urged the public to report suspicious websites and online activities to the Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC).

He reminded the public of  the existence of fake eTravel websites and other online scams.

He said that eTravel, which was launched earlier this year, “abolished the paper-based arrival and departure cards, as well as the quarantine form” and “serves as the single data collection platform for arriving and departing passengers” as well as “establishes an integrated border control, health surveillance, and economic data analysis.”

Last March 123, the CICC launched the "Online Bantay Lakbay” that was made in partnership with the Department of Transportation (DOTr) and Scam Watch Pilipinas. 

Tansingco said the “Online Bantay Lakbay” aims “to raise public awareness and combat travel scams, particularly those conducted online.”

“The Bureau of Immigration fully supports the 'Online Bantay Lakbay' initiative, which plays a crucial role in safeguarding the public against fraudulent travel schemes,” he also said.