You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Thursday, November 7, 2024

Die Konsequenzen der Ehe: Das sollten Paare über Steuern, Erbe und Rente vor der Hochzeit wissen

München – Nicht jeder, der heiratet, macht sich darüber Gedanken, was eine Ehe rechtlich gesehen überhaupt bedeutet. Dabei hat eine Heirat große Auswirkungen. 

„Die Ehe bringt finanzielle Vorteile mit sich, speziell beim Punkt Ehegattensplitting“, sagt Eugen Häuser von der Stadtsparkasse München. Relevant wird das Thema bei der jährlichen Steuererklärung: „Hier werden beide Einkünfte zusammengenommen und durch zwei geteilt, was zu einer geringeren Steuerlast führen kann“, sagt Häuser. „Das macht daher vor allem dann Sinn, wenn einer der Partner Gutverdiener ist und der andere weniger verdient.“ Im Steuerrecht heißt das: Die beiden werden „zusammenveranlagt“.

Mehr Geld nach der Heirat: Ehepaare sparen viele Steuern im Jahr

Die Experten des Portals Finanztip rechnen bezogen auf das Steuerjahr 2023 vor: Hat ein Single ein zu versteuerndes Einkommen von 50.000 Euro und wird einzeln veranlagt, zahlt er 11.343 Euro Einkommensteuer. Ehepaare oder eingetragene Lebenspartner zahlen demnach bei einer Zusammenveranlagung und einem gemeinsam zu versteuerndem Einkommen von 50.000 Euro nur 6560 Euro Einkommensteuer – das sind 4783 Euro weniger. Dass der Unterschied in dem Beispiel derart groß ist, liegt daran, dass in dem Beispiel angenommen wird, dass einer der beiden Partner bei der gemeinsamen Veranlagung nichts verdient. 

Und es gibt noch einen Vorteil einer gemeinsamen Veranlagung: „Ein Vorteil ist auch, dass man eine gemeinsame Steuererklärung machen kann und man nicht zwei getrennte Steuererklärungen machen muss“, sagt Häuser. Das sei vor allem für diejenigen sinnvoll, die ihre Steuererklärung ohne Steuerberatermachen.

Ehepaare haben kein gemeinsames Vermögen: Nur der Zugewinn zählt

Manche junge Paare sind der Ansicht, dass es nach der Hochzeit nur noch ein einziges, gemeinsames Vermögen gibt. „Es ist aber ein Mythos, wenn gesagt wird, dass beiden alles gehört, das stimmt nicht“, sagt der Münchner Rechtsanwalt Erkan Elden und ergänzt „die gesetzliche Güterreglung ist die Zugewinngemeinschaft.“ Gemeint ist der Vermögenszuwachs während der Dauer der Ehe, relevant wird das etwa im Falle einer Scheidung. 

Ein Rechenbeispiel von „Finanztip“ macht klar, was unter einem „Zugewinn“ zu verstehen ist: Ein Mann besitzt bei der Heirat 10.000 Euro. Bis zur Scheidung hat er ein Vermögen von 25.000 Euro zusammengespart. Seine Frau hatte zu Beginn der Ehe 5000 Euro und bei Scheidung 6000 Euro. Der Zugewinn des Mannes sind 25.000 Euro minus 10.000 Euro, also 15.000 Euro. Der Zugewinn der Frau sind 6000 minus 5000 Euro, also 1000 Euro. Der gemeinsame Überschuss an Zugewinn ergibt sich, indem man beide Werte miteinander verrechnet: 15.000 Euro minus 1000 Euro, das ergibt 14.000 Euro. Die Hälfte davon, also 7000 Euro, kann die Frau im Falle einer Scheidung von ihrem Ex-Mann verlangen.

Ein Brautpaar steht während ihrer kirchlichen Trauung in einer Kirche vor dem Altar. (Symbolfoto)
Ehe und Geld: Darauf kommt es an (Symbolfoto) © Imago

„In der Ehe handelt allerdings jeder Partner mit seinem Vermögen selbst. Erst bei der Trennung wird der Zugewinn getrennt“, sagt Häuser. „Nur das Vermögen, das während der Zeit der Ehe entsteht, ist gemeinschaftliches Vermögen und muss im Fall einer Trennung aufgeteilt werden.“

Ehevertrag klingt „unromantisch“ aber kann sinnvoll sein

Es gibt aber auch die Möglichkeit, die Zugewinn-Regelung zu umgehen. Mit einem Ehevertrag. Gerade, wenn einer der Partner über ein großes Vermögen verfüge oder in einem Familienunternehmen engagiert sei, komme man um einen Ehevertrag kaum herum, sagt Rechtsanwalt Elden. Eugen Häuser von der Stadtsparkasse bestätigt das und ergänzt: „Während der Dauer der Ehe kann ein Unternehmen schnell wachsen, wodurch das Vermögen enorm steigt. Im Fall einer Scheidung kann es dann passieren, dass das Unternehmen zerschlagen werden muss, um das Vermögen zu trennen – mit einem Ehevertrag lässt sich das aber verhindern.“ 

Denn im Ehevertrag werde die Vermögensteilung im Trennungsfall definiert. „Ein Ehevertrag ist auch kein Tabuthema mehr“, sagt Häuser. „Die Leute entscheiden sich in erster Linie zu heiraten, und wissen in der Regel auch, wie es um das Vermögen des anderen bestellt ist, weshalb den meisten Leuten mit Vermögen klar ist, dass ein Ehevertrag Sinn macht.“ Sein Tipp: Das Thema vor der Heirat offen ansprechen, „auch wenn es unromantisch klingen mag“.

Eine Möglichkeit für einen Ehevertrag: Man behält die Zugewinngemeinschaft grundsätzlich bei, schließt aber das Familienunternehmen per Vertrag davon aus, erklärt Elden. „Und da geht es in erster Linie darum, das Familienunternehmen zu schützen und nicht etwa darum, dem Partner etwas vorzuenthalten.“ Unterhalt Aber selbst bei einem Ehevertrag gilt: „Ehepartner sind immer rechtlich verpflichtet, dem anderen Partner finanziell beizustehen“, sagt Häuser. „Der besserverdienende Partner muss den anderen, der beispielsweise aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht arbeiten kann oder in Mutterschutz ist, finanziell unterstützen.“  Auch für gemeinsame Kinder gebe es Unterhaltspflichten. Rechtsanwalt Elden ist aus der eigenen Praxis aber kein Fall bekannt, in dem ein Ehepartner versucht habe, die Unterhaltspflichten gegenüber dem Ehepartner oder der Ehepartnerin rechtlich durchzusetzen, denn das würde das Ende der Ehe besiegeln. „Aber klar ist, dass man in der Ehe für einander einstehen muss, auch mit Geld in Form von Wirtschafts- und Taschengeld – aber die genaue Höhe ist nicht geregelt und muss gegebenenfalls ermittelt werden.“

Scheidung hat Folgen für Rente und Erbe: Das sollten Paare wissen

Nicht jede Ehe geht in die Brüche, aber die Möglichkeit, dass das passiert, besteht immer. „Nicht nur die Scheidung, bereits die Trennung hat finanzielle Folgen“, sagt Rechtsanwalt Elden. „Ein Ehegatte kann von dem anderen Unterhalt verlangen, bei Kindern gibt es zudem Unterhalt für die Kinder.“ Wie hoch dieser Unterhalt ist, ist in der sogenannten Düsseldorfer Tabelle geregelt. Und neben dem Zugewinn, der am Ende geteilt wird, hat eine Scheidung auch Folgen für die Rente. Der juristische Fachbegriff heißt „Versorgungsausgleich“. Elden sagt: „Wenn die Ehe geschieden wird, werden auch Rentenansprüche, die während der Ehe erworben wurden, hälftig geteilt.“. Das gelte für gesetzliche Renten genauso wie für die private Altersvorsorge. 

Wer heiratet, sollte sich auch über die erbrechtlichen Konsequenzen im Klaren sein: „Sofern testamentarisch nichts anderes verfügt ist, wird der Ehegatte mit der Eheschließung ein gesetzlicher Erbe“, sagt Erkan Elden. Auch finanziell hat das Folgen: „Mit der Eheschließung liegt der Freibetrag für Erbschaften schlagartig bei 500.000 Euro. Und bei Schenkungen kann dieser Freibetrag alle zehn Jahre angewandt werden“, sagt der Anwalt. Eugen Häuser erläutert, dass über diesen Freibetrag hinaus geringere Steuersätze für Ehepartner gelten, es gehe hier los bei sieben Prozent. „Erst ab einem großen Vermögen von über 26 Millionen greift der maximale Steuersatz von 30 Prozent“, sagt Häuser.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

12 books to kick off your exploration of classics


12 books to kick off your exploration of classics


Ah, the classics—timeless masterpieces of literature, endlessly reprinted, adapted into films, plays, and series and countless retellings. These celebrated tales have elevated their authors to a status of immortality.

Despite their enduring appeal, however, classics often face skepticism, even among voracious readers. The classics can be intimidating to read due to their dense language, unfamiliar cultural contexts, and misconceptions about their accessibility.

But these book recommendations will change that perspective. Here are 12 engaging books to get you started:

M2M adds Cebu, Davao stops to 'Better Endings' tour

Norwegian pop duo M2M M2M via Instagram

Kristofer Purnell -

November 5, 2024 | 3:14pm

MANILA, Philippines — Norwegian pop duo M2M is doubling its Philippine stops next year yet again after announcing stops in Cebu and Davao.

Last week, M2M revealed tickets for the initial sole stop in Araneta Coliseum on May 1 sold out, prompting the addition of a second Manila concert the following day in the same venue.

The duo, composed of Marit Larsen and Marion Raven, then announced the "The Better Endings" tour will also be stopping in Davao's SMX Convention Center and Cebu's Waterfront Hotel.

Both concerts will be right after the two nights in Manila — first the Davao concert on May 3, then the Cebu concert on May 4.

Tickets for the newly added concerts will go on-sale in the SM Tickets website on November 16 at noon.

M2M rose to fame after their song, "Don't Say You Love Me," was chosen as the soundtrack for "Pokémon" movie. 

The duo released their debut album "Shades of Purple" in 2000 with other hit songs "The Day You Went Away," "Mirror Mirror," "Everything You Do," "Pretty Boy," and "Girl In Your Dreams."

A second album followed in 2001, but a year later, Marit and Marion went separate ways to pursue solo careers.

Is German a more efficient language than English?


Profile photo for Steven Haddock
Steven Haddock
Compliance Officer
38 following

Insufferable know-it-all, mostly law, science, politics and Canadian football.


Efficiency is largely a measure of how many words you need to communicate ideas. Some languages are better at this than others. English isn’t actually that bad compared to a language like French.

English - I am going shopping today because I need some butter.

French - Je vais faire du shopping aujourd'hui parce que j'ai besoin de beurre. (In English - I am going for shopping on the day that is today for the cause that I need the butter)

German doesn’t use helper verbs like English and instead incorporates tense, which makes it a bit shorter

German - Ich gehe heute einkaufen, weil ich etwas Butter brauche.

Save one entire word. That’s typical of how German can be briefer than English.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

From Isolation to Inclusion: Beiersdorf Philippines, Watsons, and Plan International Commit to Drive an Empowered Future for Young Women

Renewed partnership launches programs supporting girls’ mental health and career development

Executives from Beiersdorf Philippines, Watsons, and Plan International renewed their partnership and signed a declaration of support as a continuing commitment to the agenda of accelerating social change for young women. From left: Watsons Group Senior Category Manager, Zyra Tino Obias Plan International Portfolio Manager for Gender Equality and Inclusion, Twyla David Watsons Director for People Innovations Projects, Jose Arriola Beiersdorf Sales Director, Jacques Baisa Watsons SAVP for Marketing Communications, PR & Sustainability, Sharon Decapia Plan International Executive Director, Ana Maria Locsin Beiersdorf Country Manager, Nimisha Jain Plan International Program Director, Cathy Seco Beirsdorf Head of Route to Markets, Josefa Manese

Girls hold the power to shape a brighter, more inclusive future—but far too many are held back by enduring biases and barriers that silence their voices, leave them isolated, and restrict their ability to realize their full potential. As the world celebrates the international Day of the Girl (IDG), there is a rousing call to action to create a world where girls are supported, included, and empowered to dream beyond limits. 


Heeding this call, Beiersdorf Philippines, Watsons, and Plan International Pilipinas reaffirmed their partnership to intensify initiatives toward the upliftment of girls in the country.  

Working side by side for two years now, the tripartite collaboration unites the members’ respective focus into a joint agenda charged to accelerate social change for young women. From last year’s programs and discussions about girl’s rights, gender equality, equitable and quality health services and economic resilience, the partnership expands their programs to include pressing concerns on understanding the disempowering impact of social isolation among girls, promoting mental health and wellbeing, as well as creating pathways for career development. 

Beiersdorf Philippines donates ₱1 million for the continuation of Watsons and Punlaan School Apprenticeship Program that aims to equip scholars with skills needed to succeed in the health and beauty retail space. In photo from left: Beiersdorf Country Manager, Nimisha Jain, Watsons SAVP for Marketing Communications, PR & Sustainability, Sharon Decapia, and Punlaan School Director Kai Nabatar.

As a brand that cares beyond skin, NIVEA of Beiersdorf, advocates for an inclusive society and aims to foster social cohesion through its global social mission, NIVEA CONNECT. Addressing the rise of social isolation among young women is critical because loneliness and lack of social connection increase their vulnerability to social injustices and hinder their overall development.


Beauty retailer Watsons, on the other hand, aims to inspire holistic wellbeing, positivity and acts of care and kindness towards people, communities, and the planet. Part of its Sustainability goals under the People Pillar are their efforts to provide scholarships and career opportunities for the youth.

Meanwhile, Plan International Pilipinas, a development, humanitarian, child and youth-girl-centered organization working in the Philippines has been at the forefront of advancing children’s rights and equality for girls since 1961. According to Plan International Pilipinas, girls' mental health is one of the core foundations for their success and well-being. By prioritizing self-care and seeking support, they empower themselves to thrive in both their careers and personal lives. Moreover, advocating for girls’ overall wellness is part of its agenda for girls’ rights and empowerment. It encourages them to exercise their rights, prioritize their overall health, and shape their futures.

The panel discussion helped guests understand how social isolation disadvantages girls, what are interventions and solutions needed to stop the stigma, and how communities can create a support system for those in need. In photo from left are Beiersdorf Sales Director, Jacques Baisa, Plan International Portfolio Manager for Gender Equality and Inclusion, Twyla David and Watsons SAVP for Marketing Communications, PR & Sustainability, Sharon Decapia

For their IDG celebration, the three organizations mounted an event entitled “From Isolation to Inclusion: Empowering Girls, Shaping Futures,” that brought various stakeholders delivering learning modules on financial literacy, digital literacy, and career guidance to help girls from Punlaan School prepare for the future of work and navigate livelihood opportunities and professional empowerment. 


Beiersdorf Philippines Country Manager Nimisha Jain in her opening remarks said, “NIVEA’s CARE BEYOND SKIN Sustainability Agenda is guiding all our actions across three critical areas: consumer, society and environment, forming a holistic approach. We want to “Care beyond Skin” by empowering women so that they can thrive. She also shared findings from a NIVEA global study on social isolation which revealed that young people between 16-24 (38%), hybrid workers (52%), and heavy social media users (34%) feel the most isolated in society. She explained that breaking the cycle of social isolation entails building connections, fostering community, and having access to mental health resources, which are key components of NIVEA CONNECT.


“This partnership today is a perfect example of all three elements coming together. I am confident that with our willing & committed partners, we can make a meaningful impact to empowering young women and transition them from Isolation to Inclusion”


For the panel discussion, Beiersdorf Philippines Sales Director Jacques Baisa, Watsons SAVP for Marketing Communications, PR and Sustainability, Sharon Decapia, and Plan International Pilipinas Portfolio Manager for Gender Equality and Inclusion Twyla David dived deep into social isolation - how it has disadvantaged girls for centuries, interventions and solutions needed to stop the stigma, and how communities can create a support system for those in need. 

The event culminated with the turnover of the Php 1 million donation from Beiersdorf Philippines for the continuation of Watsons and Punlaan School Apprenticeship Program where students are trained with a TESDA certified curriculum to gain skills needed to succeed in the health and beauty retail space.  Participants are also assured of a permanent job as Pharmacy Assistants in Watsons after they successfully complete the program.


Lastly, the tripartite partnership was renewed in a MOA signing and formal declaration of support, reinforcing the institutions’ continued collaborative efforts. 

In her opening remarks, Beiersdorf Country Manager, Nimisha Jain, discussed that social isolation makes girls all the more vulnerable to injustices thus the company advocates for an inclusive society and aims to foster social cohesion through its global social mission, NIVEA CONNECT

Watsons SAVP Sharon Decapia pointed out, “At Watsons, we understand that our responsibilities go beyond helping people care for their health and bring out their innate beauty. For us to be able to help girls become the best version of themselves, we have to open up avenues for learning and understanding what the future will be like, and what issues can affect them. This is what we have been doing with our partners - we are preparing them to be capable leaders of their families and communities.” 


Plan International Pilipinas Executive Director Ana Maria Locsin said, “Today, we stand united with Beiersdorf and Watsons in our shared commitment to transforming the lives of Filipino girls and young women. The theme of this year’s partnership event on social isolation resonates deeply with our mission of advancing children’s rights and equality for girls in the country.” 


“Gender equality and inclusion serve as powerful tools for understanding the barriers that prevent girls from accessing quality education, livelihood opportunities, and meaningful participation in decision-making. We firmly believe that when girls are empowered and included, they envision brighter futures for themselves and become catalysts for change, helping shape a world where we are all equal.”


For NIVEA, the fight against social isolation goes beyond the Philippines as it looks to set up local NIVEA CONNECT projects with partners in forty countries by 2026. All its efforts are in service of Beiersdorf’s long-term commitment to champion a more inclusive society.

Optum Philippines champions continuing education as key to solving nursing crisis


Optum’s research underscores the importance of supporting continuing education and creating stronger career paths for clinicians, both of which can positively impact their livelihood and encourage more individuals to enter or stay in the profession.

STAR / File — Edd Gumban

Jap Tobias -

November 5, 2024 | 1:20pm

MANILA, Philippines — For years now, the Philippines has faced a nursing shortage, also referred to as the "nursing crunch." 

Filipino nurses continue to seek opportunities abroad or pursue alternative careers, citing low pay, heavy workloads and limited growth as their reasons. 

For Optum Philippines, the largest global in-house capability center in the country, addressing this issue at the root requires innovative, multi-faceted solutions. As an advocate of life-long learning, the company believes that the Optum Health Education Global platform will provide support for healthcare professionals with the tools they need to excel in their profession which will help mitigate the nursing shortage.

Philippine nursing shortage: A complex issue

A May 2022 article by Rowalt Alibutud, published in the Journal of Global Health, highlighted the global shortage of approximately 5.9 million nurses. Additionally, according to reports, nurse shortage in the Philippines has reached 127,000 and is expected to more than double to 250,000 by 2030.

What’s driving the shortage? A myriad of factors, turns out. 

Ivic Mueco, managing director for Optum Philippines, explains to in an exclusive interview, “Our research shows that it’s not just low pay or working conditions affecting their decision to leave; it’s also the lack of career progression. In the Philippines, there isn’t a clear career progression path that will draw a picture of success for talented nurses. ” 

She emphasizes that career growth is often overlooked as a driver of the shortage, yet it is a crucial factor in retaining nurses within the country.

While the government has made efforts to address the shortage, such as through the Clinical Care Associates program and the Philippine Nursing Practice Act of 2022, Mueco stresses that more needs to be done. 

“We recognize the government’s recent efforts, but through the nursing forums that we’ve held over the past two years, we’ve learned that the nursing shortage is a complex issue that requires collaboration from various stakeholders,” she says.

Interprofessional education, a path forward?

Optum’s research underscores the importance of supporting continuing education and creating stronger career paths for clinicians, both of which can positively impact their livelihood and encourage more individuals to enter or stay in the profession.

Mueco points out that “offering clearer and more attractive career paths for nurses in the Philippines can increase the possibility of them staying to pursue opportunities in the country.” 

This is where their free online platform Optum Health Education Global (OHEG) could be useful.

“By keeping nurses up to date with the latest practices, we can boost patient safety, improve patient outcomes, strengthen teamwork, expand preventive care, and improve recruitment and retention of healthcare workers,” she adds. 

Empowering nurses with OHEG

OHEG offers free online courses that are accessible on any device with an internet connection, allowing nurses to learn at their own pace.

Under the Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016, professionals must seek continuing education and obtain a specific number of units of CPD to renew their professional ID. Although essential, continuing education can come with costs that burden the already overworked and underpaid nursing workforce. 

“The platform gives them the flexibility to learn when it’s most convenient—whether during breaks or at home—without the need for extra transportation costs or time off work.” OHEG currently offers 37 courses designed specifically for Filipino nurses, with plans to add more,” Mueco explains.

These courses cover a variety of topics, from clinical best practices to specialized fields, ensuring that nurses have access to the latest knowledge and skills required in today’s healthcare landscape. 

“By offering free clinical education resources through OHEG, we can help equip nurses to excel and progress in their roles, and work more effectively in multidisciplinary teams, thus improving patient outcomes and job satisfaction,” Mueco adds.

A long-term vision for healthcare

While the nursing shortage remains a challenge, Mueco is hopeful about the potential of platforms like OHEG to contribute to long-term solutions.

“At Optum, we’re dedicated to developing upskilling programs and providing opportunities for continuing education and lifelong learning. We look forward to working together with other industry stakeholders on initiatives that will help tackle this important challenge,” she shares.  

She further emphasizes that “to overcome the nursing crunch, we need to empower our healthcare professionals with the tools and education they need to grow in their careers.”

By investing in education and professional development, Optum aims to improve nurse retention as well as healthcare services in general. Platforms like OHEG play a critical role in this vision, providing nurses with the resources they need to thrive in their careers while improving patient care.

And with continued collaboration with various stakeholders, Optum is committed to helping address the nursing shortage thereby resulting in a sustainable future for the healthcare industry in the Philippines.

Editor’s Note: This #BrandSpace story is created with Optum Philippines. It is published by the Advertising Content Team that is independent of our Editorial newsroom. 

Young lawyer chronicles stroke journey in memoir

Raoul Chee Kee

The image many of us have of a stroke patient is that of a person who walks with difficulty, one arm immobile with the fingers of that hand curled toward the chest. Their speech is slurred and they have a tendency to drool.

But what exactly happens when one gets a stroke? Young author Tracy Anne Ong was just beginning her law career in Cebu City when she had a stroke that affected her speech, eyesight, and ability to breathe and swallow. It would go on to weaken her left side and completely paralyze her right.

Ong was rushed to a hospital in Cebu before later being airlifted to Singapore where she underwent treatment and therapy.

Miss Universe announces 2024 judges, selection committee

Filipino fashion designer Michael Cinco with Bollywood star Malaika Arora at his fashion extravaganza for the launch of the first ever fashion residences FashionZ by Danube Properties in partnership with Fashion TV.

Earl D.C. Bracamonte -

November 5, 2024 | 9:23am

MANILA, Philippines — The Miss Universe Organization (MUO) has announced the names of the men and women who will comprise the judging panel during the Miss Universe 2024 final show in Mexico City.

They are:

Dubai-based Filipino designer Michael Cinco 

women empowerment advocate Gabriela Gonzalez 

art collector Gary Nader 

Austrian entrepreneur Eva Cavalli

star builder Emilio Estefan

Miss Universe Canada 2020 Nova Stevens

Colombian actress Fariana, and

celebrity dentist Camila Guiribitey

Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray will return as commentator, while actor Mario Lopez will reprise his role as pageant host. Miss Universe 2022 American-Filipino R'bonney Gabriel, on the other hand, will join the Voice for Change project judging panel.

The 73rd Miss Universe competition will unfold on November 16 (November 17, Manila time) in Arena CDMX in Mexico City.

Outgoing queen Sheynnis Palacios Cornejo of Nicaragua will crown her successor. Catch the nationwide broadcast of the coronation night over A2Z Kapamilya channel. Stay tuned!