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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Sunday, April 10, 2022


Music - from the Greek "mousikos" and pertaining to one of the nine muses in the Greek mythology - is the art of combining sounds or sequences of notes into harmonious patterns hopefully playing to ears and satisfying to our emotions. An insipid and dry explanation - I must confess. 

Can you, my dear reader, imagine a life without music? For me, it would be such a monotonous and boring world. I don't think only about the musical "mayfly" or the so-called "musical nine days wonder". Music doesn't consists of Groove or Techno alone. I am not against these or other music trends, because each generation has its own music development. But we have greater riches of different kinds of music by going back to the Middle Ages, the Renaissance (which means 'rebirth'), the Baroque Age, the Classical Period, and the Romantic Era up to 1900. The Western tradition of music has its origins in the chant tradition of the Early Christian Era.

Everybody can develop his  or her own passion of music. When I was four or so, I grew up already with those kinds of music. I asked my parents voluntary if I could get piano lessons. It was easy for us because the church organist at that time was our neighbor and a proud owner of a grand piano. I listened my first organ recital composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. My passion of music was in stage of development that made it possible for me to join the school band. The Beatles - and Rolling Stones later - era followed - much to the disappointment of my parents and grandparents, who still dreamed of their music, such as Jazz and Swing back to the Golden Twenties.

Everybody has his or her own music philosophy. I learned from my dentist friend in Los Angeles, that her patients lose their state of anxiety by listening soft background music during having their teeth attended to. A gynecologist explainEd, that if a pregnant woman mostly listens to classical music, her child might hear, learn, find out and experience another (better?) development then other children. 

The church reformator Martin Luther (1483-1546) explained it in this way: "Many times, when I was in terrible darkness, I prayed - and I listened music, which delivered and refreshed me!" The German poet and composer E. T. A. Hoffmann said 1801: "If you start simply being speechless, music will take over!" And Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), without doubt one of the true and just awesome Western composers said: "Music is utmost revelation then an wisdom and philosophy!" 

"I feel like flying after entering a church, praying and listening the music of heaven!" the German poet Friedrich Schiller (1759-1809) philosophized about music in his drama "Maria Stuart".

A simple melody can make feel us happy, sentimental, smiling or crying, aggressive or relaxed. A form of light entertainment in which songs, dialogue, dance, and humor are combined with a not too serious plot is as much as important then a dramatic opera or the single musician or street singer, not being a man of culture, but entertaining us people.

Let's develop our own passion of music, so that we might see the great resources for our daily life, if we accept, that music plays a rule in it. Make music - not war!

What is one food you'll never eat in the Philippines?


Woodworms, also known as “Tamilok” by the locals in Palawan island. They serve it raw with lots of vinegar.

As the name implies, they love chewing on wood, LOTS of wood. It wasn’t long before the locals decided to experiment on the slimy fuckers and found out that they are edible——-Thus, the delicacy was born!


Anyway, I was at Palawan last month and a nice lady approached me and asked me if I wanted to try the local delicacy. She showed me what it looked like…and to be honest, it didn’t look bad at all.

The presentation was beautiful! If I didn’t know what it was.. I would’ve ate it without second thoughts.

So, I decided to give it a try, even though my old man warned me. But, I just shrugged him off and YOLO’ed the thing.

Bear Grylls would be proud!

The taste wasn’t awful, it somehow reminded me of oysters. The spicy vinegar really helped.


After a few hours of ingesting the worms.. I felt sick! It was like a warzone in my stomach. I then had to endure the agonizing pain for an hour because I was on a scheduled tour with other people.

After the tour was over, I literally ran to the nearest restroom and finally relieved myself! *Phew*

Who would’ve known that a bunch of worms could cause so much trouble? So, I made a vow to myself that I’m never gonna touch those again. EVER!

Saturday, April 9, 2022

A taste of Twitter’s Tinola War

Chicken Tinola

Last year, Twitter cooked up a storm when Tinola hit the trending topic. A lot of people went around slandering the famous Pinoy dish. Some netizens even posted negative tweets saying stuff like ”Tinola is only chicken boiled in water” or how they “Haven’t had a single Tinola dish that’s actually delicious.” Of course, a hot take like this on Twitter did not go unnoticed. Netizens had so much to say about it, one of the Twitter threads gained over 15.6K Likes. Not only that, several social pages on Facebook joined in on the conversation! Facebook posts from Kabalastugan and FTTM garnered more than 3K shares.

Netizens were quick to call out the slanderers and defended the underrated Pinoy dish. 

Shots were fired and Tinola defenders fought back hard.

A lot of users also pointed out the deep connection they have with the dish ever since they were kids.

And when you wake up with a killer hangover from a night of drinks and partying, Tinola is here to save the day.

However, what really made Tinola so dear to a lot of Filipinos is its simple ingredients and recipe. For most Pinoys, Tinola is the first-ever dish they learned how to cook at home. It’s usually tied to a heartwarming memory of their parents or grandparents teaching them their ways to cook it. No matter the difference in experiences, one thing they share in common is getting in on the secret to a flavorful bowl of love. A surefire way to level up Tinola– Knorr Chicken Cubes.

No matter how you cook your Tinola–with papaya or sayote–I think we can all agree that every spoonful of this hearty dish feels like a warm hug from our childhood. So make it even more special and flavorful with Knorr Chicken Cubes! 

Davao de Oro under state of calamity


THE entire province of Davao de Oro was declared under state of calamity on Friday, April 8, 2022, due to the recent heavy rains resulting in many families that were evacuated.

The Sangguniang Panlalawigan, headed by Vice Governor Maricar Zamora, signed Resolution 1813-2022, declaring the entire province under state of calamity.

This is upon the recommendation of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council headed by Governor Jayvee Tyron Uy.

According to the resolution, the state of calamity in the province was due to the low pressure area (LPA), a weather disturbance that caused continuous heavy to torrential rains on April 5 and 6.

The LPA had affected several municipalities in the province, resulting in the suspension of classes and work, and the pre-emptive and forced evacuation activities among residents.

Based on the initial rapid damage assessment and needs analysis conducted by the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (PDRRMC), several houses, infrastructures, livelihoods, crops and other agricultural products were damaged, along with the powerlines.

"In order to facilitate expedient delivery of services to the affected individuals and/or communities in our Province, a declaration of State of Calamity is deemed necessary," the resolution states.

In a situation report provided by the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, as of April 5, a total of 896 families were affected from reports received in Monkayo, Compostela, New Bataan, Mawab, while 353 internally displaced families were reported in Monkayo and Mawab. Meanwhile, two persons were reportedly missing.

According to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) Heavy Rainfall Warning No. 3 issued at 8:10 p.m. on Tuesday evening, Davao de Oro and Davao Oriental were placed under Red Warning Level due to the continuous rising of water levels which possible severe flooding in low lying areas and landslides in mountainous areas.

Possibility of LPA developing into tropical depression not ruled out — PAGASA

The LPA was seen 375 kilometers east of Surigao City, PAGASA said in an advisory issued at 11 a.m.

MANILA, Philippines — State weather bureau PAGASA said Friday it is not ruling out the possibility of a low pressure area off Mindanao becoming a tropical depression.

The LPA was seen 375 kilometers east of Surigao City, PAGASA said in an advisory issued at 11 a.m.

“The development of this LPA into a tropical depression is not ruled out. It is embedded along the Intertropical Convergence Zone affecting Visayas and Mindanao,” it said.

According to PAGASA, the weather disturbance will dump moderate to heavy rains over Catanduanes, Albay, Sorsogon, Eastern Visayas, Surigao del Norte, Agusan del Norte, northern portion of Surigao del Sur, and Dinagat Islands in the next 24 hours.

Meanwhile, light to moderate with at times heavy rains will be experienced over the southern portion of Quezon province, Romblon, Marinduque, and the rest of Bicol region, Visayas and Mindanao.

“Under these conditions, scattered flooding and rain-induced landslides are likely, especially in areas that are highly or very highly susceptible to these hazards as identified in hazard maps and in areas with significant antecedent rainfall,” PAGASA said.

Metro Manila will experience isolated rainshowers or thunderstorms due to localized thunderstorms on Friday.

Weather forecasters are also monitoring a tropical cyclone outside the Philippine area of responsibility. It was last seen over 2,000 km east of Mindanao. — Gaea Katreena Cabico

Palm Sunday

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for the Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City

Email: roycimagala@gmail.com

WITH the celebration of the Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, we mark that triumphal procession of Christ as King that would lead to his passion, death and resurrection.

We should not fail to note the intimate relationship between what is truly to be a king and the need to go through the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord. If we want to share the kingship of Christ since we are supposed to be patterned after him, we have to understand that we need to suffer and die with him in order to resurrect also with him in glory. (cfr. Rom 6,8)

The underlying message of Palm Sunday despite the gory details of the Lord’s passion is that of hope, joy and victory. We should never miss this message if we want the celebration of the Lord’s passion a meaningful one.

We have to realize that we need to suffer. Why? Because in the first place, suffering is a consequence of our sins, not to mention our weaknesses, mistakes, and the fact that we have to contend with a supernatural goal that simply goes beyond our natural human powers.

Suffering is unavoidable in this life. No matter how much we try to avoid or ignore it, it will simply come. In fact, the ultimate suffering that no one is exempted from is death. It will come one way or another, sooner or later.

But if we follow what our Christian faith tells us, suffering indeed holds great value in our life. From something to run away from, it has become a goal to pursue, because as long as our suffering is experienced with the spirit of Christ, it becomes good news, not bad news.

Every suffering we have should be an invitation for us to go back to Christ, to be converted again, that is, to identify ourselves with him through the work of the Holy Spirit, so we can effect in our mortal flesh that very transformation that took place in Christ, who died and rose from the dead.

This is the challenge we have—how to go beyond mere human considerations of our suffering so as to savor its ultimate religious value. We need to develop the skill to escape from the self-focusing dynamics of suffering when considered only humanly, to be able to hitch ourselves with the saving dynamics of Christ’s suffering.

Are we just content with complaining and groaning and moaning when we suffer? Or do we start as soon as we can to enter into the more glorious dimensions that our suffering offers?

When Christ said, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me,” (Mk 8,34) he for sure does not mean that he’s leading us to our self-annihilation.

Far from it. It will rather lead us to our self-fulfillment. It is asking us that instead of our own selves, we should have Christ as the center of our attention always, the very core and substance of our consciousness. We need, of course, to exercise our faith to live by this divine indication.

Let’s always remember these words of the Psalms, “In my distress I called upon the Lord, and he heard my voice.” (18,6) These words should be carved deep and hard into our mind and heart, so we can always remain at peace and with great hope despite our weaknesses and sinfulness, and all the many other things that can cause us anguish—difficulties, trials, failures, setbacks, etc.

Friday, April 8, 2022

IATF allows rapid antigen test as entry requirement

MANILA. A foreign passenger wearing a protective mask as a precaution against the spread of the coronavirus pushes his cart as he arrives at Manila's International Airport in the Philippines on Thursday, February 10, 2022. (AP)


ARRIVING international travelers can now present as a travel requirement a result of a rapid antigen test conducted by a healthcare professional, said acting presidential spokesperson Martin Andanar Wednesday, April 6, 2022.

He said the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on Emerging Infectious Diseases has approved it, and the test may be done in a healthcare facility, laboratory, clinic, pharmacy, or other similar establishments from the country of origin of the traveler 24 hours before departure.

Previously, the IATF only approved laboratory-based antigen test results from arriving foreign passengers.

On February 10, for the first time since the start of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic in 2020, the National Government allowed the entry of tourists from non-visa countries.

The acceptance of travelers from visa-required countries started on April 1.

The National Government also lifted the mandatory isolation protocols for arriving passengers.

Among the conditions are foreign travelers should be fully vaccinated, except for children, while they are also required to present a negative Covid-19 RT-PCR test result taken 48 hours prior to their trip, or a negative antigen result taken 24 hours before departure.

They are also only required to self-monitor within seven days upon their arrival and report to the local government unit of their destination if they manifest any symptom of Covid-19.

Andanar said the IATF also approved the acceptance and recognition of the national Covid-19 vaccination certificates of Bangladesh, Mexico, Panama and Slovak Republic, for purposes of arrival, quarantine protocols, as well as for inter zonal/intrazonal movement.

The IATF directed the Bureau of Quarantine, the Department of Transportation – One-Stop-Shop and the Bureau of Immigration to recognize only the proofs of vaccination thus approved by the IATF. (SunStar Philippines)

Do we really believe in Christ?

By Fr. Roy Cimagala *

IT’S a question that we have to ask ourselves, since there are many indications that even those who profess to believe in Christ do so more out of formality. They do not really know him, much less, love him, because if they do, they would be burning with desire to follow him and to bring him to others.

In the gospel, many of the leading Jews during Christ’s time were always skeptical of him. They even went to the extent of doing him harm, and eventually of putting him to death. (cfr. Jn 10,31-42) Some of the people, of course, believed in him, due to the miracles and the splendid preaching he did. Truly, Christ was and continues to be a sign of contradiction.

We have to understand that with Christ, it is not enough to know him. We also have to love him. With Christ, to know him truly is to love him also. In fact, we cannot say we really know him unless we love him too, that is, we become like him. 

With him, these two spiritual operations of ours merge into a unity, although they have different directions. In knowing, the object known is in the knower. It has an inward movement. The knower possesses the known object. 

In loving, the lover is in the beloved. It has an outward movement. It is the beloved that possesses the lover. The lover gets identified with the beloved. The lover becomes what he loves.

In knowing, the knower abstracts things from his object of interest and keeps them to himself. In loving, the lover gives himself to the beloved. In a sense, the lover loses himself and identifies himself with the beloved.

Of course, there are many things that we know but which we do not have to love, or even that we should not love. We can know a lot of evils, but we should never love them. If anything at all, our knowledge of them is just for the sake of prudence.

But whatever good we know, we should also love, otherwise we would fall into some anomaly of inconsistency. Whatever is good, we should not be content with knowing it only. We should love it. Let’s remember what St. Paul said in his first letter to the Corinthians in this regard:

“Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if anyone loves God, he is known by God.” (8,1-2)

And we can add that if one is known by God, he somehow already knows everything that he ought to know since God, who possesses him because he loves God, knows everything. In other words, he shares the knowledge of God.

Since Christ is for us the highest good we can have, we should both know and love him to the max. We should not just know him and not love him, nor should we just love him without knowing him—or at least, trying to know him the best way that we can, since being God, Christ has aspects that are a mystery to us, that is, beyond our capacity to know him fully.

We can know Christ by studying the gospels and the Church’s teachings about him. But in order to love him, we should put this knowledge of God into practice, converting it into our life itself, to such an extent that we become “another Christ.”

* Chaplain Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE), Talamban, Cebu City

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

ABS-CBN, GMA Network sign historic deal

(Top row from left) Gilberto R. Duavit Jr., Felipe S. Yalong, Atty. Annette Gozon-Valdes, Jose Mari R. Abacan. (Bottom row from left) ABS-CBN’s Mark Lopez, Carlo L. Katigbak, Cory V. Vidanes, Ricardo B. Tan Jr., and Olivia Lamasan

by Stephanie Bernardino, Manila Bulletin

GMA Network hosted a historic contract signing with ABS-CBN to license some of Star Cinema’s most popular and well-loved movies.

The news was confirmed by the two media giants via simultaneous reports on “TV Patrol” and “24 Oras” on April 5.

Present during the virtual event were GMA Network President and Chief Operating Officer Gilberto R. Duavit Jr.; Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Felipe S. Yalong; GMA Network Films, Inc. President and Programming Consultant to the Chairman and CEO Atty. Annette Gozon-Valdes; First Vice President for Program Management Department Jose Mari R. Abacan; Vice President for Corporate Affairs and Communications Angel Javier-Cruz; Assistant Vice President For Program Management Department Mitzi Garcia; and Assistant Vice President for Corporate Communications Jojo Aquio.

In attendance from ABS-CBN were Chairman Mark Lopez; President and Chief Executive Officer Carlo L. Katigbak; Chief Operating Officer for Broadcast Cory V. Vidanes; Group Chief Financial Officer Ricardo B. Tan, Jr.; Managing Director of ABS-CBN Films Productions Olivia Lamasan; Head of International Sales and Distribution Pia B. Laurel; Vice President of Corporate Communications Kane Errol C. Choa; PR Director Christelle Belmonte; and PR Manager Tonichi Tataro.

“Every storyteller’s dream is to have as many people as possible experience their creations. And now, because of the kindness of our friends at GMA, we have the special opportunity to bring our Kapamilya stories to a new audience. We hope the Kapuso find joy and inspiration in viewing our Star Cinema movies, and we also look forward to a new era of friendship and cooperation within our small industry,” said Katigbak.

Duavit said: “Because the significance of our partnership today ushers in the possibility of a far broader set of conversations, potential partnership, and cooperation that will have the benefit not only neutrally to GMA and ABS-CBN but as importantly, if not, perhaps, more importantly to the benefit of the public we both serve, the Filipino viewer. Looking forward since we have, as they say, broken the ice. There’s great optimism that these conversations will continue or start and continue, and we look forward to the possibility of this type of opportunity again, moving forward.”

Some of the notable movies that will air on GMA-7 include “Alone/Together,” “How to Be Yours,” “Till My Heartaches End,” “Ang Babae sa Septic Tank,” “Ang Cute ng Ina Mo!,” “It Takes a Man and a Woman,” “Just The Way You Are,” “Fantastica,” “Can We Still Be Friends?,” “Finally Found Someone,” “No Other Woman,” “Won’t Last A Day Without You,” “Must Be…Love,” “The Panti Sisters,” “Isa Pa With Feelings,” “James & Pat & Dave,” “Kay Tagal Kang Hinintay,” “Feng Shui,” “Suddenly It’s Magic,” and “I Love You, Hater.”

Prior, GMA teased about the historic collaboration.

“Ang mga pelikulang napapanuod sa GMA, madadagdagan. Dahil ang dating impossible, mangyayari. Abangan ngayong Abril,” said the voice-over, while the logos of GMA Pictures, Regal Entertainment, Viva Films, and OctoArts Films were being flashed on screen. “The START of new age of television,” this text also appeared,  emphasizing the word “STAR.”

This is not the first time that GMA and ABS-CBN have joined forces.

In 2020, Kapamilya star Kathryn Bernardo worked with Kapuso actor Alden Richards on the highest-grossing Filipino film “Hello, Love, Goodbye,” directed by Cathy Garcia-Molina and produced by Star Cinema.

𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐫𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 “𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄" 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐜𝐲

Amidst increasing incidents of abuses and exploitation in the online world, the provincial government of Davao de Oro called for immediate prevention and response activities to safeguard the people on the internet by providing an environment conducive to the free and healthy flow of information.

The online world brought a negative impact on the lives of people where fake news, identity theft or scams, cyberbullying, sexual exploitation, and harassment are rampant on any social media platform. With this, the PLGU-Davao de Oro per Executive Order No. 0043.2021 “An order creating the Safe Space Online initiative” creates advocacy for the people to promote the responsible use of social media and provide an online space that is in accordance with allowed community policy rules and regulations. 

This advocacy is inspired by R.A 11313 also known as the “Safe Space Act” which would help each individual to be responsible for the safety use of the internet especially on filtering information and what should we take in. 

Moreover,  this serves as a network of support targeted against the vulnerable such as women and other sexual minorities, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, the elderly, and others, so that they will be guided with the right information, combat foul, discriminatory, and malicious language and feel that they are far from any physical and emotional abuses. 

Furthermore, this assures that teachers, parents, students, the youth, and the entire public have access to the free content online along with the Prevention, Protection, and Empowerment principles.  “Digital Parenting” is also provided so that parents and teachers give proper guidance, support, and control over what the child sees or does on the internet or social media. Also, the importance of “Data Privacy” is highlighted so that each individual will be responsible for controlling his or her personal information over where it is used on the internet. 

On April 1, 2022, the “Safe Space Online Advocacy” (SSO) in Davao De Oro was officially launched via Zoom and Serbisyo Oro Mismo (SOM) neteleradyo. During the launching, some of the attendees are DepEd teachers and students represented by Dr. Hilda Opeña, Education Program Supervisor in English-DepEd DDO Division, State Colleges and Universities students, Municipal Women Council Presidents in DDO headed by  Sholai Lim, Chairperson-Provincial Women Development Council, Michael L. Uy, Information Center Manager-PIA Davao de Oro, Kim Khael Calabio, Supreme Students Government Provincial President, and Atty. Niel John Villarico, PG Department Head-Provincial Legal Office. 

Guest Speaker Renee Boy Binondo, Regional Coordinator-Council for the Welfare of Children Region XI gave his insight on the use of social media platforms. “We recognized that one out of three internet users are under 18 years old but also we would like to associate with this that more women are using this internet gadget and in perspective also, unsang klaseng pag gamit sa mga kababainhan ug kabataan ug kalalakihan sa pag access aning internet, then rapidly increasing internet penetration. Estimated that over 120 million na mga kabataan naga adtu nagyud online especially that explains our two years lockdown pandemic ug distance learning offered by the Department of Education. Then, the digital world provides critical opportunities to learn, connect, and play, but also amplifies and creates risk. I’ve heard gyud na maayu ang digital world, maayu ang mga instruments but also dunay disadvantages if we don’t put mechanisms and systems that would protect the people” Binondo said.

Hence, this advocacy was created by the task group led by Fe F. Maestre, PAO-Information Division Supervisor, with its members Joyzel R.  Odi, PAO-Information Technology, and Communication Development Office, Josephine M. Frasco, Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer, Atty. Niel John R. Villarico, Provincial Legal Officer, Zenith Maceda, PGO-Women Development Program , Edu C. Macabatas , PGO-Bayanihan para sa Karunungan (BPSK) , Allin Joy M. Camile and  Arianne Dacalos from Provincial Governor’s Office. (Jaynus Fernandez PAO-IPRD)