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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Philippines moves closer to allowing divorce

By BBC London

Anti-divorce protestersImage copyrightAFP/GETTY
Image captionDivorce remains illegal in the Philippines, which has a large Catholic population.
The Philippines' lower house of Congress has passed a divorce bill on the third reading, moving the country closer to legalisation.
The bill passed despite opposition from President Rodrigo Duterte, who had his own marriage legally annulled.
However, for divorce to become legal the Senate also has to pass a bill in favour, and even then Mr Duterte could still use his veto to strike it down.
Worldwide, divorce is only illegal in the Philippines and Vatican City.
Over 80% of people in the Philippines describe themselves as Catholic, and the church has a powerful influence in the country.
Congresswoman Emmi de Jesus said the bill was filed because of a "clamour of women trapped in abusive relationships", who need the government to give them a means out of "irreparable marriages".
The Divorce Bill, or House Bill 7303, passed with 134 votes in favour and 57 against, with two abstentions.

What can Filipinos currently do to get out of a marriage?

Currently, the only means to end a marriage legally in the Philippines is annulment.
Such a ruling requires a civil case in which spouses have to undergo mental health tests and testify in court, all in a bid to have a judge declare a marriage invalid.
Such cases can last up to ten years and are generally expensive. President Duterte won his annulment before he entered office.
His spokesperson, Harry Roque, said the president feared the divorce bill would cause problems for the children of divorced couples.

What would the new bill allow?

This divorce bill would mean a court ruling could dissolve a marriage if it is deemed "irremediably broken", allowing individuals to remarry another person of the opposite sex.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte pictured in the Philippines on 20 December 2017.Image copyrightEPA
Image captionPhilippine President Rodrigo Duterte had his marriage annulled before he entered office.
The bill would also give courts the power to decide custody "in accordance with the best interests" of minors. Children under seven could not be separated from their mothers unless there were "compelling reasons" to do so.
Opposition leader Edcel Lagman, one of the bill's sponsors, said that in such divorce cases, "there is no more marriage to protect or union to destroy because the marriage has long perished".
The bill does not end the "steadfast commitment of the state to protect and preserve marriage", he said.
In any case, divorce will not become legal in the Philippines unless the Senate passes a so-called counterpart bill, which the upper house has not even drafted.
Legislators have advanced numerous divorce bills since 1999, but until now they have all failed to pass committee stage.
Polls suggest a narrow majority in favour of divorce in the Philippines.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Coastal communities in Davao City benefit from German-funded resiliency project

Dr. Roland Schissau, Deputy Head of Mission of the German Embassy (front row, 3rd from right) with representatives from the coastal barangays, Tambayan Center for Children´s Rights and beneficiaries in front of an on-going construction of public toilets (on concrete stilts?!) as part of the aid project.

The German Embassy visited Badjao and other less-developed coastal communities (Barangays 21-23) in Davao City. They benefit from a 3-year project funded with EUR 650,000 (around Php 40 million) by the German government. The project is implemented by Tambayan Center for Children´s Rights and German aid organization Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe. Together, they provide training on disaster-resistant construction, waste disposal and handling of electricity to prevent fires. These communities live in very precarious circumstances and are constantly threatened by flooding. Flooding from polluted sea or nearby river water leads to much wanting sanitary conditions in the area. The project therefore also seeks to improve general hygiene and fight waterborne diseases. Building public toilets consequently is an important part of the German engagement. The embassy got a hands-on impression of the challenging living circumstances, but even more impressive was the community’s commitment to undertake a collective effort to improve them. The visit was very well received and triggered a lot of joyfulness and laughter.

Dr. Schissau visits the community of Badjaos who received training in disaster resilient construction.

Friday, March 16, 2018

One year total closure of Boracay recommended

By Analou De Vera, Manila Bulletin
Total closure for a maximum of one year was recommended by the interagency task force to address the looming environmental problems that the world-famous Boracay Island is now facing.
The joint recommendation was announced during a meeting on Thursday attended by Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Roy Cimatu, Tourism Secretary Wanda Tulfo-Teo and Interior and Local Government Officer-in-Charge Eduardo Año.
The inter-agency task forced tasked to rehabilitate Boracay led by DENR Secretary Roy Cimatu (right), DILG OIC Sec. Eduardo Año and DOT Sec. Wanda Tulfo-Teo (left) issued a joint declaration recommending the total closure of the island to address several environmental issues. (DOT / MANILA BULLETIN)
The inter-agency task forced tasked to rehabilitate Boracay led by DENR Secretary Roy Cimatu (right), DILG OIC Sec. Eduardo Año and DOT Sec. Wanda Tulfo-Teo (left) issued a joint declaration recommending the total closure of the island to address several environmental issues.
The government officials proposed to President Duterte the “closure of the Boracay Island as tourist destination for a maximum of one year effective one month after its declaration,” said Cimatu, as he read the joint recommendation of the three agencies.
Cimatu stated that closing the island to tourists will give them ample time for the undisrupted implementation of the different measures that will be undertaken “to restore and eventually sustain Boracay Island as a prime tourism destination.”
The following measures were recommended by the agencies during the proposed closure of the Island:
  • Upgrading of the sewerage system including the sewer lines to meet the requirement of the entire island as a major tourist destination;
  • Installation of all required solid waste management facilities and mechanisms in addition to full compliance with the provisions of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act;”
  • Removal of illegal structures in forestlands and wetlands, easement areas and even geologically hazardous areas such as those with sink holes;
  • Road widening/ construction, pipe laying and excavations; and
  • Rationalization of transport system.
The total closure will take effect 30 days after President Duterte declared a state of calamity in the island. “We are recommending to the President the declaration of the State of Calamity and then after a month, declaration of the closure of Boracay,” Año said.
Meanwhile, Teo said they already coordinated with the different airlines for rebooking of flights and encouraged tourists to visit other travel destinations in the country.
Cimatu said that from 2016, their monthly monitoring results revealed high concentration of fecal coliform in Bulabog beach, which is located at the eastern portion of the Boracay Island.
The Bulabog beach, according to Cimatu, is frequently use by tourists for kite boarding sports. “There are incidents of tourists complaining of skin diseases which included a foreigner complaining on TV” Cimatu said.
In terms of solid waste management, Cimatu reported that about 90 to 115 tons of garbage is being generated per day, “however, the LGU (local government unit) can haul out only 30 tons per day, hence leaving 85 tons of waste in the island per day.”
Cimatu also added that the island’s centralized Materials Recovery Facility has been converted into a dumpsite.
Moreover, the agencies initially identified that there were 937 illegal structures within the forestlands and wetlands, as well as 102 establishments were illegally built within the easement areas, Cimatu said.
After a month that the agencies have started the cleanup, “numerous non-compliant establishments were issued notices of violations and show cause orders, and some establishments conducted voluntary demolitions,” Cimatu noted.
“Nevertheless, much remain to be done to restore the island to its pristine condition,” Cimatu said.

Bataan agricultural fair features ...

...longest, biggest fruits, veggies

By Philippine News Agency
Bataan’s Provincial Agriculture Office opened Wednesday an agri-trade fair featuring the longest and biggest fruits and vegetables produced in the province.
(via 1bataan website / MANILA BULLETIN)
(via 1bataan website / MANILA BULLETIN)
The office showcased the “pinaka” or “the most” — the longest bunch of ornamental and commercial bananas; the biggest coconut, kamoteng kahoy (cassava), papaya, squash, kamote (sweet potato), ube (purple yam), and gabi (taro); and longest string bean, ginger, upo (bottle gourd), okra (lady finger), and sili (chili pepper), among others.
“The Provincial Agriculture Office has been holding this fair annually to inspire and encourage the farmers to join in the programs and to produce the best products,” Louie Rodis, provincial agriculturist, said.
“The sizes of fruits and vegetables are not ordinary, excess in standard size,” Rodis said, adding that the participants in the “pinaka” contest will be awarded prizes.
She described the purple yam as the best, noting that its size “is not a standard one”, which she attributed to proper land preparation and the use of organic fertilizer.
Ube can be harvested after six to 10 months of planting.
Various agriculture products and equipment are also on sale in the one-week agri-trade fair.

German Aid for the People of Mindanao

The German government funds the work of almost 50 Filipino non-governmental organizations in Mindanao. For the first time, on the invitation of the German embassy they all met each other in Davao City recently to discuss their experiences, successes and challenges. They engage in a broad variety of activities: peace building, health care, disaster prevention, human rights, income generation, education, renewable energy and many more. Through this manifold engagement Germany aims to provide support especially to poor and marginalized communities. Participants of the meeting confirmed that the gathering in Davao was highly useful: it established new networks and linked previously unconnected actors, all of them contributing at grassroots level to improving life in Mindanao. Germany will continue to support organizations in the region.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Bus operators want inclusion in new Davao transport system

By Philippine News Agency

Two Davao-based bus operators have expressed participation in the city’s High Priority Bus System (HPBS) project, which is now a work in progress with the help of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
FILE PHOTO: Davao map. (Google Maps/MANILA BULLETIN)
FILE PHOTO: Davao map. (Google Maps/MANILA BULLETIN)
Davao City planning head Ivan Cortez said the bus operators are already operating in Davao City, but begged off to name the operators.
Cortez said the HPBS is a PHP3.6 billion transport project. The feasibility study conducted by a consultant commissioned by ADB will be submitted to Department of Transportation (DOTr) by the end of the month.
“Once the FS is submitted to the DOTr, it will have time to package everything but not necessarily taking in 100 percent what the consultant has proposed,” he said. In turn, DOTr will submit the feasibility study to the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Investment Coordination Committee (ICC) by May 2018.
Earlier, Kelly Bird, the ADB country director for the Philippines, said the design of the project will be completed in 12 to 18 months.
The design includes the bus terminals in five to six locations, bus stops, bus lighting stations and other related infrastructure.
Cortez also said that under the bus system project, the units will be provided by the private operators who will be accredited to be part of the system. A minimum of three operators and a maximum of six can be accredited. He said it is open for international bidding although most of the time if there will be international bidders they partner with the local bus operators in the bidding.
“The HPBS is funded through a sovereign loan as what the Department of Finance earlier announced,” he said. He said the loan component will cover the infrastructure and social development package.
Cortez was hopeful the target for the proposed HPBS in Davao City will be implemented in 2021 although Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio wants it in the next two years.
“We will work this out with the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board on the possibility,” he said.
In the modernized public transport, the buses plying the routes will have an electronic digital system where the routes are displayed with wifi and can accommodate passengers of about 50 to 100 depending on the kind of bus.
He said the entire road network of the city will be covered by the system with buses passing through 29 routes from the current 1,032 routes of the jeepneys.

I want to be alone ...


My column in Mindanao Daily

I CAN be a reluctant socialiser. I’m sometimes secretly pleased when social plans are called off. I get restless a few hours into a hangout. Maybe, I'll not be invited any more. Or not such often.... I even once went on a free 10-day silent meditation retreat – not for the meditation, but for the silence.

So I can relate to author Anneli Rufus, who recounted in Party of One: The Loners’ Manifesto: “When parents on TV shows punished their kids by ordering them to go to their rooms, I was confused. I loved my room. Being there behind a locked door was a treat. To me a punishment was being ordered to play Yahtzee with my cousin Louis.”

Several years ago in one of my write-ups, I wrote about loneliness or in other words: splendid isolation.

Asocial tendencies like these are often far from ideal. Abundant research shows the harms of social isolation, considered a serious public health problem in countries that have rapidly ageing populations (though talk of a ‘loneliness epidemic’ may be overblown). In the UK, the Royal College of General Practitioners says that loneliness have the same risk level of premature death as diabetes. Strong social connections are important for cognitive functioning, motor function and a smoothly running immune system.

This is especially clear from cases of extreme social isolation. Examples of people kept in captivity, children kept isolated in abusive orphanages, and prisoners kept in solitary confinement all show how prolonged solitude can lead to hallucinations and other forms of mental instability.

But these are severe and involuntary cases of aloneness. For those of us who just prefer plenty of alone time, emerging research suggests some good news: there are upsides to being reclusive – for both our work lives and our emotional well-being.

Social anxiety is the single most common psychological problem according to innumerable survey results worldwide. The Magnificent, gorgeous and excellent isolation, resulting out of being nervous when meeting people is really the opposite. The state of being isolated reminds me of being in a hospital with an infectious disease.

Does the project of giving a speech or going to a social gathering give you the willies?

Relax, there are always ways and solutions to help you by teaching you "never to be nervous again."

I have been always the most silent pupil in elementary and high school. I was ashamed even to talk to or with my teachers. Several terrible school records have been the result. But, I wanted to become a journalist. I am still one. And, I am teaching in Davao at the University of Southeastern Philippines, as some of you might know already.

During college times and while writing my first articles, I learned from my first boss, a daily news publisher, to avoid being nervous while meeting people. I was always prepared. Preparation for any communicating situation is a must. I have been invited to many parties and gatherings. I always asked for the guest list. I scanned all newspapers and browsed in the net.

One key benefit is improved creativity. Gregory Feist, who focuses on the psychology of creativity at California’s San Jose State University, has defined creativity as thinking or activity with two key elements: originality and usefulness. He has found that personality traits commonly associated with creativity are openness (receptiveness to new thoughts and experiences), self-efficacy (confidence), and autonomy (independence) – which may include “a lack of concern for social norms” and “a preference for being alone”. In fact, Feist’s research on both artists and scientists shows that one of the most prominent features of creative folks is their lesser interest in socialising.

One reason for this is that such people are likely to spend sustained time alone working on their craft. Plus, Feist says, many artists “are trying to make sense of their internal world and a lot of internal personal experiences that they’re trying to give expression to and meaning to through their art.” Solitude allows for the reflection and observation necessary for that creative process.

A recent vindication of these ideas came from University at Buffalo psychologist Julie Bowker, who researches social withdrawal. Social withdrawal usually is categorised into three types: shyness caused by fear or anxiety; avoidance, from a dislike of socialising; and unsociability, from a preference for solitude.

There are gender and cultural variation, of course. For instance, some research suggests that unsociable children in China have more interpersonal and academic problems than unsociable kids in the West. Bowker says that these differences are narrowing as the world becomes more globalized.

Still, it turns out that solitude is important for more than creativity. Since ancient times, meanwhile, people have been aware of a link between isolation and mental focus. After all, cultures with traditions of religious hermits believe that solitude is important for enlightenment.

Recent research has given us a better understanding of why. One benefit of unsociability is the brain’s state of active mental rest, which goes hand-in-hand with the stillness of being alone. When another person is present, your brain can’t help but pay some attention. This can be a positive distraction. But it’s still a distraction.

Daydreaming in the absence of such distractions activates the brain’s default-mode network. Among other functions, this network helps to consolidate memory and understand others’ emotions. Giving free rein to a wandering mind not only helps to focus in the long term, but strengthens your sense of both yourself and others. Paradoxically, therefore, periods of solitude actually help when it comes time to socialise once more. And the occasional absence of focus ultimately helps concentration in the long run.

L learned, if your personality tends toward un-sociability, you shouldn’t feel the need to change. Of course, that comes with caveats. But as long as you have regular social contact, you are choosing solitude rather than being forced into it, you have at least a few good friends and your solitude is good for your well-being or productivity, there’s no point agonizing over how to fit a square personality into a round hole.

So feel free to de-clutter your social calendar. It’s psychologist-approved.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Happy Araw ng Davao 2018!

City Government of Davao

Here is the schedule of the activities for the 81st Araw ng Davao! Are you excited? Don't miss out THIS YEAR's events!

Happy Araw ng Davao 2018! 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Bulawan Queen Taga-Monkayo

Taga-Monkayo ang “2018 Bulawan Queen”

Compostela Valley Province--- Si Elaisa Monica M. Mascariñas sa lungsod sa Monkayo maoy gikuronahan ni Gov. Jayvee Tyron Uy nga “2018 Bulawan Queen” sa Compostela Valley human gideklarang mananaug sa mga hurado atol sa bag-o nahumang “Bulawan Queen Pageant Night” niadtong Marso 5, 2018 sa gabii nga ikaduhang adlaw sa lima ka adlawng selebrasyon sa “11th Bulawan Festival” ug 20th Founding Anniversary” sa probinsiya.

Parte sa Contest ang interview portion nga tungod sa maayong pagpanubag ni Miss Mascariñas misaka ngadto sa 90.20% ang  total points nga gihatag kaniya sa mga hurado, ug nagsunod kaniya si Bulawan Earth 2018 Princess Faye T. Fernandez sa Laak sa Total Points nga 87.60%.

Apil sad sa mga mananaug sa Major Awards sila 1st Runner Up Winner Recell Jean A. Bitanga sa Compostela, 2nd Runner Up Winner Goldy Bless Esmeralda sa Nabunturan, ug 3rd Runner Up Winner Marielle Zyra V. Go sa Mabini.

Dugang attraction sa “Bulawan Queen Pageant Night” ang Serenade Portion ni Cris Lawrence- usa sa mga labing sikat nga singer sa nasud nga mihatag sad og dugang pa nga mga paglingaw sa mga katawhang Comvaño.

Alas 8:00 sa gabii niadtong Marso 5,2018 gisugdan ang “Bulawan Queen Pageant Night” sa Opening Remarks ni Bulawan Festival Action Office SP Member Joanna Aileen Gentugaya ug human niini ang Festival Message ni Gov. Jayvee Tyron Uy.

Gipasabot sa gobernador nga timely ang pag-evolved sa Bulawan Queen karong tuiga ngadto sa taas nga lebel sa Beauty Contest tungod mas gipakusog ang Women Empowerment labi na nga International Womens’ Month ang Marso ug Womens’ Day ang Marso 8 nga Founding Anniversary sa Compostela Valley. (Gilbert M. Cabahug, IDS-Comval)

Philippines to declare state of calamity at Boracay Island


An aerial view of Boracay Island in the central Philippines. (Shutterstock)
MANILA: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Wednesday that he will declare a state of calamity in world-famous Boracay island amid continuing environmental concerns.

Twice named as the best island in the world in Conde Nast Traveler’s Readers’ Choice Awards, Boracay has been a popular destination with tourists who are drawn to its white, talcum-powder fine sands and warm, crystalline waters.

In recent years urban and environmental planners have been warning of environmental degradation at the resort which in 2017 posted a record 2,001,974 tourist arrivals.

In February, the president himself labelled Boracay a “cesspool,” describing its waters as “smelly.”

“You go into the water, it’s smelly. Smell of what? Shit,” Duterte said. He then ordered Environment Secretary Roy Cimatu to clean up Boracay within six months.

Following the president’s directive, a “mission team” was deployed by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to serve notices to establishments initially found to have violated environmental laws.

Members of the team likewise went to check if the establishments are properly connected to the main sewer lines or have their own wastewater treatment facilities, at the same time, identify those directly discharging untreated wastewater into Boracay waters.

Reports indicate that over 60 establishments, including five-star resorts, were found draining their untreated sewage water directly into the sea.

In his speech during the oath-taking of new government officials in Malacanang on Tuesday, the president announced that he was placing Boracay under a state of calamity.

He explained that this action would allow the government to extend assistance to those who are displaced financially.

Interior and Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) officer-in-charge Eduardo Ano has been put under orders by Duterte to “put an end” to Boracay’s problem in six months.

The president appealed to the public to work with the government to clean the island.

Meanwhile, Senate President Aquilino Pimentel III declared his support for a plan to close some parts of Boracay to tourists from June 1 to July 31.

“We must carefully assess the damage to the local environment and take the necessary steps for the clean-up. The process is more easily done and more effective if there are no tourists around,” Pimentel said.

He added that while he understood the difficulty involved in closing the island for two months, he added: “It will be good in the long run for all stakeholders, including the tourists who are there for the natural beauty of the island.”

He noted that closing tourist destinations to preserve them is nothing new, as Thailand closed Koh Tachai island in May 2016 when record numbers of tourists threatened the natural environment.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Enjoying Lazy Days

My column for BusinessWeek Mindanao
An exciting week is still ahead! Several meetings and seminars with business people are waiting. And another great event. I am blessed and very happy looking forward to the Tagum City Musikahan Festival - engaging the world through the language of the soul. Thank you so much Honorable Mayor Allan L. Rellen for the invitation.

Indeed, you don't get anything for nothing in life. This is our life's main motto. This is our biography's epigraph - whether we like it or not. Many times, I stressed this already in different write-ups in distinct publications.

I am on my veranda as I write this, and although the month of March has just begun, only a few people seem to be in summer mood. Yes, also today the sky is cloudy and looks like rain. But a wonderful summer (?) breeze is around me, more and more flowers in my big garden are blooming. Summer or not - I am thinking again about some lazy days -somehow somewhere in future ... !

Hurray, doing nothing is really something. No, I am not talking about those people, who just hang out day-by-day and week-by-week by doing nothing and -maybe- just fed by someone. No, I mean doing nothing is really something great after a period  of really hard work. By the way, it doesn't matter, if it regards us or our children. 

Talking about our children: School vacations are coming soon, and yes, children also deserve several lazy days. If I talk about my nephews and nieces here, I am surprised to learn: summer school vacations are not equal to three months total laziness. There are dance-, gymnastic- or piano lessons as well as summer classes. Great, guys! I like that!

Of course, time off should be really time off. Days by the beach - with family or alone. Let's stay outside and do absolutely nothing structured. I love to do drawings, more write-ups (that's not work for me!) or reading. There are still books in my library, which need to be 'discovered'.

I still remember several lazy summer days, sitting in the blazing sun (shouldn't be done anymore of course!), eating a Popsicle, getting all sticky, and running away from the bees. Of course, while still in Germany, those old lazy summer days turned into lazy winter days too. Lazy days shaped and characterized my whole (especially professional) life until now.

Relaxation, meditation and reinvigoration are needed. Life, affected by the "burnout syndrom" needs to reanimate with energy. So let's rest for a while to acquire new energy. HAPPY SUMMER DAYS!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Aguirre lauds Philippine Accession to Budapest Convention

By Jeffrey Damicog, Manila Bulletin

Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II has lauded the country’s decision to join global efforts to fight cybercrime.
Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II testifies during the third leg of impeachment hearing against Supreme COurt Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno at the House of Representatives, November 28. (Kevin Tristan Espiritu / MANILA BULLETIN)
Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II
(Kevin Tristan Espiritu / MANILA BULLETIN)
The Senate on February 19 concurred with the Philippines’ accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime which was signed by President Duterte way back in December 2016.
“Our accession to the Convention will level the playing field between the Philippines and foreign counterparts in pursuing a common criminal policy aimed at the protection of society against cybercrimes,” Aguirre said in a statement.
“Indeed, it is a most welcome development. Thank you President Duterte and thank you to the senators who supported this milestone undertaking,” he stated.
With its accession, the Philippines will be joining 56 other countries as party to the Convention.
The Budapest Convention provides the needed mechanisms for the eradication of cybercrimes by facilitating their detection, investigation and prosecution both locally and internationally.
It will also provide arrangements for rapid and reliable international cooperation.
One of the main features of the convention is the establishment of central authorities which will enable State-parties to ensure the provision of immediate assistance for investigation and prosecution of cybercrime and cyber-related cases as well as for the collection of electronic evidence which may be situated anywhere in the world.
Under Republic Act No. 10175 (the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012), the Office of Cybercrime of the Department of Justice (DOJ) will be designated as the Ccntral authority in all matters related to international mutual assistance and extradition for cybercrime and cyber-related cases.