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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

More than 3,000 children from Davao de Oro avail mobile kitchen

Davao de Oro---(Monday, May 4, 2020) More than 3,000 young children benefit the feeding program through the mobile kitchen (mobile kusina) of the provincial government of Davao de Oro.

A feeding program that promotes healthy and nutritious foods under the Kusina ng Kalinga (KNK) program of the province.

The mobile kitchen was first piloted in Barangay Union, Monkayo on April 24, 2020 where there was a total of 1,000 young children who availed of the nutritious and delicious foods that were served such us arrozcaldo and fried chicken.

On April 27, the team for the mobile kitchen went to New Bataan Resettlement Project-1 in Barangay San Roque, New Bataan, Davao de Oro where there was also a total of 1,432 children who availed the same of the said feeding program.

The province has targeted 14,000 children to feed through the mobile kitchen with nutritious foods especially in this time of crisis due to COVID-19.

The feeding program for the children using the Mobile Kitchen is one of the program of the Provincial Government that promotes spirit of volunteerism (bayanihan) were no one's left behind in Davao de Oro.

The provincial government also expressed their thanks and gratitude to the support from the Davao Multipurpose Seed Producers Cooperative (DAMSEPCO) for the 23 sacks of rice being donated for the continuing operation of the Mobile kitchen.

On the other hand, Governor Jayvee Tyron Uy also allocated his salary to support for the success of program together with his staff of the Provincial Governor's Office donated some amount from their own pocket.

"According to Governor Uy "padayon tang nagapakaon sa mga kabataan nga nagpuyo sa mga NHA ug GK Villages, nga aduna'y dako nga panginahanglan og pagkaon nga nutritious karong panahonan.

"He added that “dakong kalipay namo nga makita ang mga pahiyum sa atong mga kabatan-onan nga nagpuyo resettlements villages. Sobra 14,000 ang atuang target nga mga kabataan ang atong target nga mapakaon, ug dili ta muundang hangtod masiguro nato nga makakaon ug tarong ang tanang kabataan sa atong probinsiya.” (Rey Antibo, ID DDO)

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Liebe Landleute

Liebe Landsleute,

die weltweite Corona-Krise stellt uns alle vor enorme Herausforderungen. Der Lebensalltag der Menschen in den meisten Ländern hat in den letzten Wochen einschneidende Änderungen erfahren – hier in den Philippinen gilt in den vielen Provinzen seit Mitte März eine sog. Enhanced Community Quarantine, die mit umfassende Restriktionen verbunden ist. Ich hoffe, dass Sie in diesen ungewohnten Lebensumständen und trotz vieler Einschränkungen gut zurechtkommen, und wir bald gemeinsam zu einem normaleren Alltag zurückkommen können.

Die - nach derzeitigem Stand für Metro Manila sowie zahlreiche weitere Provinzen bis zum 15. Mai geltenden - Vorschriften der ECQ gelten auch für die Botschaft Manila, d.h. wir arbeiten seit Mitte März in einem Schichtsystem mit reduzierter personeller Besetzung und Nutzung von home-office-Formaten. Aufgrund der mit der ECQ verbundenen Vorgaben ist die Botschaft bis auf weiteres für den Besucherverkehr geschlossen, telefonische und e-mail-Erreichbarkeit sind selbstverständlich weiterhin gegeben und ausgebaut worden. Ich bitte um Verständnis, dass die Botschaft aufgrund der aktuellen Einschränkungen das gewohnte Dienstleistungsangebot, insbesondere im konsularischen Bereich, derzeit leider nicht erbringen kann. Uns ist klar, dass diese Situation für viele hier ansässige Deutsche schwierig ist, insbesondere wenn es um Fragen zu Pässen, Visa für Familienangehörige, Urkundenüberprüfungen etc. geht.

Auch unsere Honorarkonsuln in Cebu und Davao leisten in der aktuellen Situation Herausragendes – gerade sie sind an ihren Standorten von besonders harten Beschränkungen betroffen. Ein großer Dank gebührt daher Honorarkonsul Seidenschwarz sowie Honorarkonsul Döring und ihren Teams, die ehrenamtlich umfassende konsularische Hilfe leisten und Deutschen im Land Unterstützung gewähren.

In den letzten Wochen war die Betreuung gestrandeter deutscher Urlauberinnen und Urlauber der Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit, insbesondere die Organisation von Sweeper- und Repatriierungs-Flügen im Zuge des Rückhol-Programms der Bundesregierung. Das Repatriierungs-Programm der Bunderegierung richtete sich an gestrandete deutsche Touristen, nicht an hier ansässige Deutsche – bei etwaigen Ausreisewünschen stehen hierfür weiterhin kommerzielle Flüge von Manila aus zur Verfügung.
Die umfassende Einstellung inländischer Flug- und sonstiger Reisemöglichkeiten in den Philippinen stellt auch die Botschaft bei der konsularischen Betreuung gestrandeter deutscher Touristen vor besondere Herausforderungen – wir tun alles in unseren Kräften Stehende, um Transportmöglichkeiten zu organisieren und darüber zu informieren, aber angesichts der bestehenden Restriktionen können wir dies nur innerhalb der bestehenden Möglichkeiten tun.
In der täglichen Zusammenarbeit mit philippinischen Behörden erleben wir hervorragende Unterstützung unserer Anliegen, obwohl auch die philippinischen Behörden großen Belastungen ausgesetzt sind und bestrebt sind, die Krise bestmöglich zu bewältigen. Ich bitte daher um Verständnis, wenn es in Einzelfällen zu ärgerlichen Situationen gekommen sein mag. Ich bin sicher, dass hier dauerhaft ansässige Deutsche bereits viel Erfahrung mit philippinischen Behörden haben, was die Lage sicherlich in vielen Fällen erleichtert.

Auch weiterhin bleibt der Dialog mit den hier in den Philippinen vertretenen deutschen Institutionen eine wichtige Säule unserer Arbeit.
Die Professionalität und Flexibilität, mit der sich Goethe-Institut, GIZ, die Deutsche Schule Manila (GESM) und Deutsch-Philippinische Handelskammer (GPCCI) aber auch deutsche Unternehmen den Herausforderungen gestellt haben – und z.B. home-office-Möglichkeiten und online-Formate nutzen, ist sehr beeindruckend und trägt entscheidend dazu bei, in der hiesigen deutschen community, aber auch in der Kooperation mit philippinischen Partnern ein Stück Normalität sowie Stabilität zu gewährleisten, die gewachsene enge Zusammenarbeit fortzusetzen und den Gesprächsfaden nicht abreißen zu lassen.

Trotz der aktuellen Einschränkungen stehe ich in laufendem Kontakt mit Vertretern der philippinischen Regierung wie auch mit meinen Botschafter-Kollegen aus EU und anderen wichtigen Partnerstaaten. Mit unseren gemeinsamen Anstrengungen wollen wir zur Bewältigung der Corona-Krise beitragen und haben dabei auch die Anliegen und das Wohlergehen aller dauerhaft in den Philippinen ansässigen Ausländer im Blick.

Mit den besten Grüßen,
bleiben Sie gesund,

Anke Reiffenstuel

Davao de Oro gives out tilapias to Covid-19 Checkpoints

Davao de Oro Province--- As front-liners province-wide continue to take risk, providing safety and healthcare to the general public, another act of gratitude will be given unto them.

It can be recalled that the Provincial Government of Davao de Oro distributed vegetables packs to every front-liners province-wide for the past 15 days. Through the coordination of the Provincial Government of Davao de Oro, a total of 3,000 kilograms of tilapias will be distributed to COVID-19 checkpoints along the highway within Davao de Oro from Congressman Dong Mangudadatu of Maguindanao’s 2nd District.

Various checkpoints in highways from the municipalities in district 1 and 2 will receive the packs. “Daghan kaayong salamat sa pagsupporta diri-a sa mga front-liner, kalipay namo nga makadawat ani nga hinabang nga gikan sa atung panggamahanan” said a front-liner from Pantukan, Davao de Oro.

For District 1, a total of 20 COVID-19 checkpoints from the municipalities of Montevista, Monkayo, Compostela, New Bataan, and Maragusan received 576 kilograms of tilapia together with 18 checkpoints from the municipalities of Nabunturan, Mawab, Maco, Mabini, Pantukan and Laak who received 610 kilograms. Military checkpoints in some areas in the province also received the packs.

As humanity’s fight with the dreaded disease continues, Davao de Oro ensures the welfare of every front-liner who serve as heroes in this time of distress. (Jasteen Abella, ID DAVAO DE ORO)

Photocaption tilapia distribution---Through the coordination of the Provincial Government of Davao de Oro, a total of 3,000 kilograms of tilapias will be distributed to COVID-19 checkpoints along the highway within the province from Congressman Zajid "Dong" Mangudadatu of Maguindanao’s 2nd District. (Photo by Ronel Alvarez)


My column in Mindanao Daily, BusinessWeek Mindanao and Metro Cagayan TIMES

Very often - sometimes too often! - the thought is back! Especially nowadays, while experiencing ECQ and staying in our own four walls. ... If we wake up in the morning (or even many times in the middle of the night), the thought is back. Sometimes, the thought will not let us sleep. The "act of thinking", the "reflection", the "opinion" or the "serious consideration", no matter, how we describe it - our memory and conscience is always with us as a permanent companion.

We brood over unsettled problem. Sometimes, we bear unfair treatments, arrogance, ignorance, incompetent know-it-all-betters, and unbearable oddballs, who inexorable love to make our life a hell while living themselves a disorderly life.

We would not like to be distracted, but we're toying with some good ideas how we could throw overboard all that "human garbage". What will come next is a matter of conjecture.

Of course, I've got my ideas, but I'm not a mind reader. Too many trains of thought make us thoughtless and absent-minded -  especially in difficult and important daily life situations.

Does waiting and/or sleeping solve our problems? Or is it just again in time? Our life's central idea should not be, that while waiting, time solves all our problems. Thoughts should intensify, condense and deepen plans follow by actions.

It's good and helpful to carry thoughts in us all the time. Incomprehensible, or better unfinished thoughts, no matter whether positive or negative, should be slept on, before tiredness outstrips us with supersonic speed.

Sometimes, we feel that our thoughts and ideas can't be fulfilled with life. Where the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways; but where the heart is weak, it will find a thousands excuses. If doubts begin to take roots, we should rouse from pink-tinted idealism or wear down and annihilate nightmares and erase and wipe out such thoughts and ideas.

If our thoughts are good and have the chance to be fulfilled in action, especially if "the other side" is prepared and willing to step on to such a bridge of life, we might get a support and words of encouragement.

And, if not? No action?

Maybe it is God's will to keep and protect us from a careless, rash, disadvantageous and uneasy action. Every new day gives us new inexhaustible possibilities to survive, to bear trials and to start a new beginning. We overlook and fail to notice many chances in lie through our sluggishness and laziness while thinking and dreaming of unequaled and unfulfilled ideas.

My dear readers: as always stay safe.

Bundesregierung verlängert Reisewarnung bis zum 14. Juni

Das Kabinett hat ein ganzes Bündel von Maßnahmen zur Corona-Krise beschlossen. Urlauber im Wartestand müssen sich weiter gedulden. Ob die Geduld von Pflegekräften angesichts von Einmal-Prämien anhält, wird sich zeigen.

"Auswärtiges Amt rät weiter vom "sorgenlosen Reisen" ab
Die Bundesregierung hat die weltweite Reisewarnung für Touristen wegen der Coronavirus-Pandemie bis mindestens 14. Juni verlängert. Ein entsprechender Vorschlag des Auswärtigen Amts wurde vom Kabinett angenommen. Damit sind die Pfingstferien in einzelnen Bundesländern, aber noch nicht die Schulferien im Sommer betroffen, die erst ab 22. Juni beginnen.

"Weiterhin starke und drastische Einschränkungen"

Das Auswärtige Amt begründete die Verlängerung in der Kabinettsvorlage damit, dass "weiterhin mit starken und drastischen Einschränkungen im internationalen Luft- und Reiseverkehr und weltweiten Einreisebeschränkungen, Quarantänemaßnahmen und der Einschränkung des öffentlichen Lebens in vielen Ländern zu rechnen" sei. Die Reisewarnung gelte "bis auf weiteres fort, vorerst bis einschließlich 14. Juni 2020".

Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas hatte die Warnung Mitte März für alle touristischen Reisen ins Ausland ausgesprochen - ein beispielloser Schritt. Bisher gab es solche Warnungen nur bei einer Gefahr für Leib und Leben, vor allem für Kriegsgebiete wie Afghanistan oder Syrien. Eine Reisewarnung ermöglicht eine kostenlose Stornierung von bereits gebuchten Reisen.

Maas will keine Prognose für die Reisesaison im Sommer geben. Die Bundesregierung könne nach wie vor "kein sorgenloses Reisen" empfehlen, sagte Maas in Berlin. Niemand könne versprechen, dass die internationale Reisewarnung nach dem 14. Juni aufgehoben werden könne. "Eine europäische Lösung wäre wünschenswert", sagte der SPD-Politiker. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Verläufe der Pandemie sei aber auch nicht auszuschließen, dass es bei der Reisewarnung zu Differenzierungen kommen werde. Was die Bewegungsfreiheit in Deutschland betreffe, so werde die Bundesregierung darüber am 6. Mai mit den Ministerpräsidenten der Länder beraten.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Database for stranded persons launched


THE Davao City Government, on Monday, April 27, opened a database center for individuals stranded within and outside the city.

The City Tourism Operations Office (CTOO) launched the Davao City Stranded Persons Database Center (DCSPDC) wherein stranded individuals must report to the center their situation by providing the following details through the center's provided text hotline and e-mail address posted on the City Government of Davao and CTOO Facebook page.

For residents stranded outside Davao City, they must provide the following: their name, date of birth, mobile number, address in Davao, address currently in, the starting date in the city he or she got stranded, purpose of travel, and persons travelling with and its relationship.

While for persons stranded in Davao, they must submit their name, date of birth, mobile number, address in Davao, the starting date when he or she got stranded in Davao City, home address, city/municipality/province where he or she originates, purpose of travel in Davao City, and persons travelling with and their relationship.

CTOO, in an online post, said DCSPDC will respond to their text or email for additional information.

Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio announced the creation of the center on Saturday, April 25, after receiving various complaints from individuals, especially Dabawenyos stranded outside.

As of now, those stranded outside Davao Region still cannot enter following the extension of the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ), as recommended by the Interagency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID).

Duterte-Carpio also emphasized that according to the IATF-EID, air travel ban inside the region is still prohibited as airport operation is still limited to cargo transport.

Opening the center, the mayor said, is the only help the City Government can do to help those stranded passengers.

The mayor also emphasized the need to collate data from those who were stranded outside the region, in order for the city to prepare their isolation facilities.

She said they would be immediately required to go under 14-day quarantine in case the regional lockdown will be lifted.

However, in Davao City, the city needs to capacitate its isolation facility to more than 1,000 beds.

As of now, she said the city has a current total of 415 bed to its 11 isolation facilities.

"Kung magpasulod daw ta og, let's say, 500 ka tao ang atong 415 ka beds is not enough to accommodate new wave of infection sa mga musulod (Our current 415 bed capacities is not enough to accommodate new wave of infection if we would allow entry of 500 people outside the region)," Duterte-Carpio said in a radio interview on 87.5 FM Davao City Disaster Radio.

But she said those who wanted to leave the city can still go out, provided that the city or town they go home to can cater to them.

The mayor, meanwhile, received reports that certain local government units are working on to usher back home their stranded residents inside Davao City. These are Davao Oriental and a certain province of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Duterte places Misamis Oriental, Cagayan de Oro under General Community Quarantine

By MDN Digital News Team
 April 24, 2020

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Misamis Oriental - President Rodrigo Duterte yesterday announced he is placing Misamis Oriental, Cagayan de Oro City and other areas tagged as moderate risk areas and low-risk areas, under general community quarantine starting May 1, 2020.
The president has also approved the recommendation of the Inter-Agency Task for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases extending enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) in Metro Manila, CALABARZON and Central Luzon until May 15.
The presidents pronoucements was re-echoed by his presidential spokesperson, Lawyer Harry Roque during a televised briefing aired on mainstream media and on social media on Friday morning.  
The presidential spokesperson said that regions and provinces that will be placed under general community quarantine are those considered and identified as moderate and low-risk areas, to include the following:
Moderate-risk areas:
Abra, Ilocos Norte, La Union, Cagayan, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya, Marinduque, Camarines Sur, Aklan, Capiz, Samar, Western Samar, Zamboanga Del Sur, Lanao del Norte, Misamis Occidental, Misamis Oriental, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Maguindanao, Negros Occidental, Negros Oriental, Siquijor, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental, Sultan Kudarat, Lanao del Sur.
Low-risk areas:
Apayao, Mountain Province, Ifugao, Kalinga, Ilocos Sur, Batanes, Quirino, Aurora, Palawan, Romblon, Camarines Norte, Sorsogon, Masbate, Guimaras, Bohol, Biliran, Eastern Samar, Leyte, Northern Samar, Southern Leyte, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, Bukidnon, Camiguin, Davao Occidental, Sarangani, Agusan del Sur, Dinagat Island, Surigao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Agusan del Norte, Basilan and Sulu.
For areas tagged or identified under general community quarantine, the following will be observed:
* workers and sectors in category I, II and III may continue to work or operate in phases;
* the general population may go out of their homes only for purposes of accessing basic necessities;
* in any case, those with ages below 21 years old and those 60 years old and above as well as those with ages ranging from 21 years old but below 60 years old but who reside * with co-morbidities or other risk factors shall stay home;
* non-leisure stores in malls and shopping centers may partially open;
higher education institutions may continue classes to finish the academic year and issue credentials to students in accordance with guidelines as may be issued by the Commission on Higher Education;
* priority and essential construction projects may resume in accordance with guidelines as may be issued by the DPWH;
* public transportation may operate at a reduced capacity in accordance with guidelines as may be issued by the DOTr;
* local government units shall enforce curfew at night for non-workers; and
airports and seaports may operate insofar as the unhampered movement of goods.

DDO launches Palengke Bound to Barangays (PBB)

Davao de Oro---If Pasig City Mayor Vico Sotto has its Mobile Palengke, Davao de Oro (DDO) also launches a Palengke Bound to Barangay (PBB) in the entire province during the implementation of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) due to the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

Through the initiatives of the provincial government of DDO headed by Governor Jayvee Tyron Uy in cooperation with the eleven (11) municipal local government units and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as well as the private sectors of the province to bring the marketplace available in all barangays of DDO.

The PBB was being piloted in Maco, in partnership with Barangay Poblacion and the Poblacion Market Vendors Association. It was immediately followed and replicated in five (5) towns of DDO namely the municipalty of Mawab, Maco, Pantukan, Compostela and Laak.

Aside from the PBB the Pharmacy Bound for Barangays in the municipality of Laak was also launched through its mobile palengke so that they can sale medicines in the far-flung barangays.

"Nahitabo kini tungod sa pagtinabangay ug kolektibo nga paningkamot sa tanan. Gusto pud namo pasalamatan ang DTI para sa mga PPE ug tarpaulin, sa mga MLGU sa ilang wala'y pagduha-duha nga kooperasyon ug sa pagpangita og mga sakyanan aron magamit nga mobile palengke," said Governor Uy.

The provincial government also pomised that they will provide 15-liters of fuel every PBB per day just to ensure that they can always went to the barangays loaded with their products.

On the other hand, with most of the local shops closed, DDO also established a Facebook-based marketplace dubbed as ‘Online Palengke’, where business enterprises can continue their services, and where the residents can buy their daily needs.

During the project launching at the Serbisyo Oro Mismo Neteleradyo program, Governor Uy stressed that this innovation can stir up the local economy even if the province is under the ECQ.

He also encouraged the residents to join the Online Palengke group in their municipality via Facebook group.

Gov Uy disclosed that all the municipalities in the province have their own Online Palengke, managed by the respective LGUs.

Aside from the PBB and online palengke the provincial government will also conduct a mobile kitchen feeding program that will be launch on April 24, 2020 at the muncipality of Monkayo, Davao de Oro. ( Rey Antibo, ID Davao de Oro)

Photocaption PBB---Photo taken at Barangay Melale, Laak, Davao de Oro for the Palengke Bound to Barangay and Pharmacy Bound to Barangay on April 22, 2020.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

German Embassy Manila announces ...

German Embassy Manila
++Schließung der Botschaft für den Publikumsverkehr bis auf Weiteres++

Aufgrund der gegenwärtigen COVID-Krise muss die Botschaft Manila bis auf Weiteres für den Publikumsverkehr geschlossen bleiben. Die philippinische Post kann derzeit keine Postsendungen an die Botschaft ausliefern. Sie können die Botschaft telefonisch montags bis freitags von 08.00 Uhr bis 14.00 Uhr über unser Krisentelefon unter +63 2 8702 3030 kontaktieren (zur E-Mail-Erreichbarkeit siehe die unten stehenden Informationen).

In dringenden Notfällen ist die Botschaft außerhalb der vorgenannten Zeiten täglich ab 14.00 Uhr (am Wochenende ab 08.00 Uhr) bis 24.00 Uhr unter +63-917 867 3000 zu erreichen.

Auf der deutschen Version unserer Webseite stehen Ihnen im Kapitel “Konsularservice” unter “Informationen für gestrandete Urlauber” einige nützliche Dokumente zum Herunterladen zur Verfügung.

++Unterstützung für festsitzende Deutsche++

1.) Um die noch im Land festsitzenden ausreisewilligen Deutschen gezielt beraten und unterstützen zu können, hat die Botschaft folgende E-Mail-Adressen eingerichtet:

- Für Betroffene auf Luzon oder Mindoro: Luzon.Konsularbetreuung@gmail.com

- Für Betroffene auf Mindanao oder Siargao: Mindanao.Konsularbetreuung@gmail.com

- Für Betroffene auf allen anderen Inseln: Visayas.Konsularbetreuung@gmail.com

Bitte wenden Sie sich an die für Ihren Aufenthaltsort zutreffende Email-Adresse. Die Botschaft hat am 16.04. letztmalig die Einträge des bis dahin genutzten Portals des Rückholprogramms genutzt und alle mit Stand 15.04. eingetragenen Personen von der betreffenden neuen regionalen E-Mail-Adresse aus anschreiben.

2.) Das Portal des Rückholprogrammes der Bundesregierung unter www.rueckholprogramm.de wird betreffend die Philippinen nicht mehr bedient. Daher brauchen Sie dort keine Einträge mehr vorzunehmen beziehungsweise zu aktualisieren..

3.) Die Empfehlung für alle Deutschen im Land, sich in die Krisenvorsorgeliste “ELEFAND” einzutragen, gilt weiterhin. Dies gilt auch für noch festsitzende Urlauber, die sich bisher lediglich im Portal des Rückholprogrammes eingetragen hatten.

++aktuelle Reisemöglichkeiten von philippinischen Inseln nach Manila++

Die deutsche Botschaft steht mit Botschaften anderer Staaten und der philippinischen Regierung in Kontakt, um noch auf philippinischen Inseln festsitzenden Urlaubern eine Reise nach Manila zu ermöglichen. Die deutsche Botschaft wird betroffene Deutsche, für die in Zusammenarbeit mit Botschaften anderer Staaten eine Reisemöglichkeit eröffnet werden kann, gegebenenfalls umgehend kontaktieren.

Die spanische Botschaft wird am Donnerstag, 23.04. für ihre Landsleute Flüge von Puerto Princesa, Siargao und Cebu nach Manila und von dort einen internationalen Anschlussflug nach Madrid durchführen wird. Einige Restplätze konnten für betroffene Deutsche gesichert werden. Deutsche, die in die Passagierlisten der spanischen Flüge von der spanischen Botschaft aufgenommen werden konnten, haben von den Botschaften Deutschlands und Spaniens genaue Informationen zum Verfahren erhalten.

++Reisemöglichkeiten nach Deutschland++

Der Einsatz von Sonderflügen der Bundesregierung aus den Philippinen nach Deutschland im Rahmen des Rückhol-Programms für hier gestrandete deutsche Urlauber ist beendet.

Ungeachtet des aktuell stark eingeschränkten Angebots finden weiterhin einige Flüge internationaler Fluggesellschaften statt, mit denen eine Reise nach Deutschland möglich ist. Von weiteren Gesellschaften sind Überlegungen bekannt, in der nahen Zukunft weitere Reisemöglichkeiten nach Europa anzubieten.

Qatar Airways bietet Flüge von Manila via Doha nach Frankfurt und München an.; Gulf Air vorerst bis Ende April jeweils sonntags einen Flug von Manila via Bahrain nach Frankfurt . Sie können über die täglich aktualisierte Facebook-Präsenz des “Ninoi Aquino International Airport” ersehen, welche Flüge derzeit aus Manila stattfinden.

In Manila nehmen Hotels ausreisewillige Touristen, die aus anderen Landesteilen in die Hauptstadt kommen, um das Land mit einem internationalen Flug zu verlassen, für die Zeit des Zwischenaufenthaltes auf.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass derzeit sämtliche Reisende (also auch Deutsche), die nach Deutschland einreisen dürfen, einer 14tägigen Quarantäne-Pflicht nach Ankunft dort unterliegen.

Unverbindlicher Hinweis: Ein deutschsprachiges Reisebüro in Manila kann Tickets für die Flüge mit Qatar und Gulf Airways von Manila nach Deutschland vermitteln (Gulf Air einschließlich innerdeutschem Anschlusstransport mit der Deutschen Bahn möglich). Adressabhängig kann auch ein Transfer zum Flughafen Manila vermittelt werden. Buchungen können über WhatsApp +41 765 86 7070 angefragt werden. Das Reisebüro kann keine Inlandsflüge in den Philippinen vermitteln.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Healthy food during lock down ...


When letters were the only form of written 

correspondence, signing off was obvious. Actually I am still  adopting that old tradition. No matter, if it comes to letters or emails. It's just a matter of respect and education.

If addressing a sir or madam, it was unambiguous. You concluded "yours faithfully". When writing to a specific person – for example, a Mr or (hey, ladies first!) – it was simple, your letter would always be signed off "yours sincerely". Only missives to family or close friends would ever finish with a "love from" or "with much love, yours".

For many people, there's a weird status thing when it comes to the more blunt you are in emails. I'm asking myself, why? An email is just a letter - an online one ... .

Sad to say,  the arrival of email has disrupted this etiquette, making the rules far less obvious. Indeed, for many of us there are no rules. A whole subculture of personalized email sign-offs has emerged everything from "TTFN" to "peace out". And of course, it’s not just what we say but why we say it. Neither in English nor in any other language. I get the same stuff in German written emails and even letters or text messages.

"Emails have become the medium of business, leisure, family, love and everything,” says children’s author Michael Rosen. When we sign off emails, we try to give off the "right vibe", he adds. He says it’s all about how we want to come across to the recipient. "Thoughtful, grateful or just very, very busy?" Oh sure, we are all so very, very busy... .

Some of the most successful business people are notoriously blunt in email communication – if they even bother with a sign-off at all.

"There's a weird status thing when it comes to the more blunt you are in emails, the more you can be (blunt) because you're senior in the company," says author Emma Gannon, recalling the editor of a famous newspaper whose response to pitches was often just a curt "yep" or "nope".

Although being succinct can convey a certain authority and status, it also communicates a dose of self-importance or arrogance. And we’ve all dealt with bosses who fire off email edicts of "is this done?" or "update me on that".

Even if they are not so direct, many emailers (email senders?)  like to convey a sense of being busy by using or adapting abbreviations. So "kind regards" becomes "KR", or "yours" may do away with pesky vowels to leave "yrs". Heaven forbid!

"When someone signed off 'BR' for 'best regards', I just thought they were cold, brrr," says Gannon. And, in my opinion, sorry to say, I even don't reply anymore after receiving such correspondence. Oh sure, we are all busy, but there should be just a minimum of respect, if I communicate with someone. In business or personal. By letter, email or text message.

Many times, there are those who pare it down to the absolute minimum, signing off with simply their name or even just the initial letter of their forename. Others might omit a sign off altogether. While this may come across as peremptory or rude, at least it avoids misinterpretation.

Nearly formal but not totally formal, but they're not as informal as 'CU in a MNT on bus OMW'.

Some people swing the other way and end their emails with an altogether friendlier tone. While most would consider that kisses have no place in a business environment, they often creep into emails – and sometimes from people the recipient has never even met. For some, an "x" at the end of an email is a friendly end note; for others it is totally inappropriate.

What’s clear is that some British terms used to end emails just do not translate well. A casual "cheers" is frequently used as a sign off on UK emails, but can be utterly perplexing for other nationalities. Not surprising when a hearty "cheers" also can be used for clinking glasses at the pub, or to thank a checkout person at the supermarket. Here we have to deal with British and American English.

For author Michael Rosen, emails now occupy a halfway house between texts and letters.

"The key thing is that emails aren't the same as letters. I position them in my mind as a sort of halfway place between texts and hard copy letters: nearly formal but not totally formal, but they're not as informal as 'CU in a MNT on bus OMW'," says Rosen. I strongly agree with him.

And, he adds given their place in this ambiguous no-man’s land of communication, it follows that there will continue to be a whole raft of ways to say "goodbye".


In times with Covid-19, I can only say: people stay safe. And sad to say but it will never be the same again.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

++Schließung der Botschaft für den Publikumsverkehr bis auf Weiteres++

++Schließung der Botschaft für den Publikumsverkehr bis auf Weiteres++

Aufgrund der gegenwärtigen COVID-Krise muss die Botschaft Manila bis auf Weiteres für den Publikumsverkehr geschlossen bleiben. Sie können uns montags bis freitags von 08.00 Uhr bis 14.00 Uhr über unser Krisentelefon unter +63 2 8702 3030 kontaktieren.

In dringenden Notfällen ist die Botschaft außerhalb der Krisentelefonzeiten von 14.00 bis 24.00 Uhr unter +63-917 867 3000 zu erreichen.

Auf der deutschen Version unserer Webseite stehen Ihnen im Kapitel “Konsularservice” unter “Informationen für gestrandete Urlauber” einige nützliche Dokumente zum Herunterladen zur Verfügung.

++Reisemöglichkeiten für deutsche Touristen, die auf philippinischen Inseln festsetzen++

Die deutsche Botschaft steht mit Botschaften anderer Staaten und der philippinischen Regierung in Kontakt, um noch auf philippinischen Inseln festsitzenden Urlaubern eine Reise nach Manila zu ermöglichen. Über sich bietende Möglichkeiten werden wir hier informieren. Für Betroffene steht das Portal www.rueckholprogramm.de weiterhin zur Verfügung - bitte halten Sie bei Interesse Ihren Eintrag dort weiterhin täglich aktuell.

++Reisemöglichkeiten nach Deutschland++

Der Einsatz von Sonderflügen der Bundesregierung aus den Philippinen nach Deutschland im Rahmen des Rückhol-Programms für hier gestrandete deutsche Urlauber ist beendet.

Ungeachtet des aktuell stark eingeschränkten Angebots finden weiterhin einige Flüge internationaler Fluggesellschaften statt, mit denen eine Reise nach Deutschland möglich ist. Von weiteren Gesellschaften sind Überlegungen bekannt, in der nahen Zukunft  einmalig nach Europa anzubieten.

Qatar Airways bietet Flüge von Manila via Doha nach Frankfurt und München an. Beginnend am 12.04.2020 bietet Gulf Air jeweils sonntags Flüge von Manila via Bahrain nach Frankfurt an.

In Manila nehmen Hotels ausreisewillige Touristen, die aus anderen Landesteilen in die Hauptstadt kommen, um das Land mit einem internationalen Flug zu verlassen, für die Zeit des Zwischenaufenthaltes auf.

Unverbindlicher Hinweis: Ein deutschsprachiges Reisebüro in Manila kann Tickets für die Flüge mit Qatar und Gulf Airways von Manila nach Deutschland vermitteln (Gulf Air einschließlich innerdeutschem Anschlusstransport mit der Deutschen Bahn möglich). Adressabhängig kann auch ein Transfer zum Flughafen Manila vermittelt werden. Buchungen können über WhatsApp +41 765 86 7070 angefragt werden. Das Reisebüro kann keine Inlandsflüge in den Philippinen vermitteln.


My column in Mindanao Daily News, BusinessWeek Mindanao and Cagayan de Oro Times.

I love both. Veggies and any kind of meat. While staying at home due to the "house arrest",  I fund much more time and came across a new slogan: pass the beans, hold the beef to save yourself and the planet.

I suddenly felt guilty while really enjoying a wonderful steak for lunch today. With salad of course. But here is the thing:

Humans need to eat more beans and lentils and less red meat to protect the planet and our own health, researchers said. Meat intake for adults would be limited to 14 grams per day, that's about half a slice of bacon. Again: half a slice of bacon!  How many slices did you take for your breakfast today?

Where did I get all this stuff? Food production and consumption must change drastically to avoid millions of deaths and "catastrophic" damage to the planet, according to a study published already on January 16, 2019 in the scientific journal The Lancet.

The key to both goals is a significant shift in the global diet and would mean eating about half as much sugar and red meat and twice as many vegetables, legumes, fruits and nuts, the study found.

Researchers from the EAT-Lancet Commission said, and allow me to quote, that if people followed the "Planetary Health" diet, more than 11 million premature deaths could be prevented each year, greenhouse gas emissions would be cut and more land, water and biodiversity would be preserved.

The diet would see adults limited to 14 grams of red meat a day (about 30 calories — a quarter-pound burger patty contains roughly 450 calories), no more than 29 grams of poultry (around one and a half chicken nuggets) and 13 grams of eggs, or just 1.5 eggs per week.

The diet is the result of a three-year project commissioned by The Lancet and involving 37 specialists from 16 countries.

I don't know how you feel right now, my dear readers while getting to know this: "We are in a catastrophic situation," said co-author Tim Lang, a professor at the University of London and policy lead for the EAT-Lancet Commission that compiled the study. We are indeed in a catastrophic situation because of the Covid19. But climate change is still far from over ... .

Lang said feeding a growing population of 10 billion people by 2050 with a healthy, sustainable diet will be impossible without transforming eating habits, improving food production and reducing food waste. "We need a significant overhaul, changing the global food system on a scale not seen before," Lang said.

Life-threatening diseases  including obesity, diabetes, malnutrition and several types of cancer are linked to poor diets.
Researchers said unhealthy diets currently cause more death and disease worldwide than unsafe sex, alcohol, drug and tobacco use combined. Honestly, it's difficult for me to believe this.

The dietary changes would be felt more in some regions than others. For example, people in North America eat almost 6.5 times the recommended amount of red meat, while people in South Asia eat only half the amount suggested by the planetary diet.

Meanwhile, meeting the targets for starchy vegetables such as potatoes and cassava would require big changes in sub-Saharan Africa, where people on average eat 7.5 times the suggested amount.

"More than 800 million people have insufficient food, while many more consume an unhealthy diet that contributes to premature death and disease," said Walter Willett of Harvard University. "If we can't quite make it, it's better to try and get as close as we can."

Beans of beef? What's your decision at the moment? Hard to give the correct answer in times of Covid19.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

COVID-19 in Davao region contained

By Chrislen Bulosan, ABS-CBN News

DAVAO CITY — With no new surge in coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases, a health official here believes the virus has been contained.

Dr. Leopoldo Vega, Medical Center Chief of the Southern Philippines Medical Center (SPMC) said the area has not recorded additional cases on April 10 and April 13. 

The tally remained at 90 confirmed cases, as of April 13. Of this, 52 have recovered while 14 died.

“The condition is controlled in a certain way because for the last two weeks, we haven’t started to see any kind of surge… We have a good number of recoveries. We have controlled the COVID but we cannot put our guards down because we might have a second wave,” Vega said. 

Vega added the hospital already carried out 1,908 COVID tests, as of April 11.

But a mass testing is not yet possible so the facility is trying to do a rapid testing, with frontliners being prioritized.

Davao City has the highest is the entire region with 74 confirmed cases.

Tally of positive cases in Davao City:


From Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio’s tally, Talomo District has the most number of confirmed patients.

A barangay lockdown may be imposed, but Duterte-Carpio would prefer a "household lockdown" instead, where residents are barred from leaving their homes. 

The entire Davao Region is placed under enhanced community quarantine until April 19. There is no directive from the local government yet for an extension.

Davao de Oro Online Markets

With most of the local shops closed, the provincial government of Davao de Oro established a Facebook-based marketplace dubbed as ‘Online Palengke’, where business enterprises can continue their services, and where the residents can buy their daily needs.

During the project launching at the Serbisyo Oro Mismo Teleradyo, Governor Jayvee Tyron Uy stressed that this innovation can stir up the local economy even if the province is under the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

“Kini is to spur economic activity jud and to provide platform para sa atoang mga micro, small and medium enterprises na maka-negosyo gihapon despite sa atong situation ron na gina-experience tungod sa COVID-19,” Governor Uy said. (This is really to spur economic activity and to provide platform for our micro, small and medium enterprises to continue doing business despite the current situation we are experiencing due to COVID-19).

Governor Uy encouraged the residents to join the Online Palengke group in their municipality via Facebook group.

“Dili lang ta mabored sa atong mga balay. At least maka income-income ta, labi natong adunay mga backyard farm na makabaligya sa atong Online Palengke.” (We should not be bored at our own houses. We can at least make income (through this platform), especially those who have backyard farms that can sell (their produce) at the Online Palengke.)

The governor disclosed that all the municipalities in the province have their own Online Palengke, managed by the respective local government units.

“Nag-meeting man ta atong niaging adlaw kauban atong mga mayor, ug niuyon sila na maghimo aning Online Palengke,” he said. (We meet (online) with our mayors the other day, and they agreed to establish the ‘Online Palengke.)

Governor Uy also emphasized that the Online Palengke will promote innovations, better products, and reasonable prices because of healthy business competition.

“Ang akoa ani, aside sa matabangan nato ang atong mga micro, small and medium enterprises, makakita pud ta ug mga maayong mga produkto gikan sa atong probinsiya” (For me, aside from helping our micro, small and medium enterprises, we can also look at better products manufactured in the province.)

He also reminded the administrators of the group and the public to be guided by the suggested retail prices set by the Local Price Coordinating Council in this time of the pandemic.
According to Republic Act 7581, all prices of basic necessities are frozen under state of calamity or emergency.

Agencies like the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Health (DOH), and Department of Energy (DOE), have already posted the suggested retail prices of the commodities under the respective offices’ jurisdiction.

The chief executive also bared that the DTI has advised that the Online Palengke will not require business permits as of this time of crisis.

“Ang sulti sa DTI sa akoa na karon nga anaa pa ta sa State of Public Health Emergency, gihatagan pa ug lee-way kung wala pay business permit ang mamaligya. Apan paghuman niini, kinahanglan na jud ta magrehistro sa atong negosyo.” (The DTI told me that in this time of the State of Public Health Emergency, we will give lee-way to entrepreneurs who do not have business permits to do business. But after this, we will require them to register their businesses.)

The governor also added that he is thinking of establishing a province-wide Online Palengke soon.
Aside from the Online Palengke, the provincial government of Davao de Oro will be launching soon a mobile marketplace named as the Palengke Bound to Barangays (PBB).

“Ang tumong nato ani, aron maabot sa atong mga lagyo na barangay, especially sa mga IP area nato, ang mga basic na palaliton para sa ilang pang adlaw-adlaw nga panginabuhi sama sa preskong isda, karne, mantika ug uban pa,” he said. (Our purpose is for the farflung barangays, especially those in the IP area, to have access to buy basic necessities for their daily living like fish, meat, cooking oil and others.)

Governor Uy bared that the PBB is being piloted in Maco, in partnetship with Barangay Poblacion and the Poblacion Market Vendors Association.

He said that the members of the association have their own schedule and will visit as a group three to four barangays a day.

“Lisod naman gud ang mode of transportation nato sa panahon sa ECQ, so gipaduol na nato atong mga serbisyo pareho aning Online ug Mobile Palengke sa atong mga katawhan.” (Mode of transportation is difficult nowadays in this time of the ECQ, so we bring our services like the Online ug Mobile Palengke closer to the people.)


DOH asks public to stop smoking to prevent spread of COVID-19

By Janine Peralta, CNN Philippines

Smokers made up more than 25 percent of COVID-19 patients in China who were in the intensive care unit and in need of ventilators, DOH warned.

Metro Manila (CNN Philippines) — The Department of Health on Wednesday urged the public to stop smoking as smokers and vapers are at greater risk of contracting the deadly COVID-19.

The DOH stressed that smokers are vulnerable to the complications brought by the novel coronavirus.

“Dahil po rito pinapakiusapan namin ang mga smokers na huminto na sa paninigarilyo para sa inyong kapakanan at kalusugan” said Dr. Beverly Ho, special assistant to Health Secretary Francisco Duque in an online briefing.

[Translation: Because of this, we are asking smokers to stop smoking for your protection and health.]

The department cited data from China stating that more than 25 percent of COVID-19 patients in the East Asian country who either died, needed more ventilators or were housed in intensive care units, were smokers. DOH also urged the public to avoid inhaling secondhand smoke.

Smoking weakens the body, the agency said, making it sensitive to respiratory ailments such as colds, which are also linked to COVID-19. Flu-like symptoms such as high fever, coughs and sneezing are considered red flags for the viral infection.

According to the World Health Organization, cigarettes also increase the risk of hand-to-mouth transmission of the virus.

Health officials around the world have repeatedly emphasized the importance of keeping your hands off one's face and washing them with soap. This is because viruses that affect the respiratory system often enter the body through nose and lips. On the other hand, washing hands with soap kills off the bacteria.

Exhaling smoke also aids in spreading the virus in the air, DOH said. COVID-19 is spread through small droplets from the nose or mouth when people infected with the virus cough or sneeze.

Another way to protect oneself from contracting the disease is by wearing masks or face covers. The government has already mandated this practice in Luzon.

However, the WHO has stood firm against putting on masks unless the person is sick. WHO said that due to a looming shortage, the medical frontliners must be given priority to access protective gear.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Davao de Oro gives 8-in-1 vegetable seeds and bio-fertilizers

Davao de Oro Province--- With the serious threat brought by COVID 19, boosting our immune system while the communities are at home quarantine remains a challenge. Due to the strict implementation of the Regional Lockdown and Enhanced Community Quarantine brought by the dangers imposed by Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), access to fresh and healthy goods may now be limited and may compromise opportunities of getting a well-balanced diet.

Through the initiative of the Provincial Agriculturist’s Office (PAGRO) of Davao de Oro in partnership with the Department of Agriculture XI- High Value Crops Development Program, an 8 in 1 Vegetable (Pinakbet) seeds and Bio Fertilizers were given to homes who are willing to cultivate vegetables in their backyards. For more access to everyone, PAGRO coordinates with every Municipal Agriculturist as well as officials in the barangay level following guidelines of the Community Quarantine for a much safer and equitable distribution of the seeds.

A total of 954 clients coming from Pantukan, Maragusan, Montevista, Laak, Maco, Mabini, Nabunturan, Women’s Sector, walk-in and social media clients were already accommodated. The catered figure since the first distribution up to the present are expected to grow in the coming days. The limited access to fresh goods especially vegetables directly equates to the consumption of highly processed foods, which tend to be high in fats, sugar and salt and are not essentially good for the body.

“Pinaagi sa akong gulayan, dili lang nako masiguro nga healthy ang ginakaon sa akong pamilya apan nahimo napod nako ni nga stress reliever. Malipay pod ko makahatag ug gulay sa akong mga silingan sabay pag-awhag kanila sa pag pananom niini.” said Anna Rose Gauiran Lomigo, the Federation President of Davao de Oro Women Farmer’s Association.

Davao de Oro ensures the welfare of its constituents in a bird’s eye perspective encouraging them to cultivate vegetables and hit two birds; relieving stress and providing a healthy meal to upgrade the body’s defense system. (JasteenAbella, ID DAVAO DE ORO)

Photocaption Pagro--- 8 in 1 for everyone! Through the initiative of the Provincial Agriculturist’s Office (PAGRO) of Davao de Oro in partnership with the Department of Agriculture XI- High Value Crops Development Program, an 8 in 1 Vegetable (Pinakbet) seeds and Bio Fertilizers were given to homes who are willing to cultivate vegetables in their backyards. PAGRO coordinates with every Municipal Agriculturist as well as officials in the barangay level following guidelines of the Community Quarantine for a much safer and equitable distribution of the seeds. (photo by PAGRO)

Monday, March 23, 2020

German Embassy Manila/Deutsche Botschaft Manila

German Embassy Manila


Das neue Portal der Bundesregierung unter www.rueckholprogramm.de ist seit dem 19. März in Betrieb. Bitte nutzen Sie dieses unbedingt und beachten Sie dabei:

- ERNEUERN SIE IHRE REGISTRIERUNG FÜR JEDE BETROFFENE PERSON dort TÄGLICH - ohne tägliche Neuregistrierung verfällt Ihr Eintrag.

- Melden Sie JEDE BETROFFENE PERSON MIT EINER EIGENEN ANMELDUNG im Portal an und erneuern Sie die Anmeldung täglich. Eine Erwähnung weiterer zusammengehöriger Betroffener im Feld “Mitreisende” genügt NICHT.

- Eine Eintragung in der “ELEFAND”-Deutschenliste führt NICHT automatisch zur Erfassung im Portal des Rückholprogrammes.









Please note:

1.) Currently there are international commercial flights operating out of Manila with a lot of vacant seats.

2.) The German government is working to get further special repatriation flights for stranded German visitors scheduled. Tickets for such flights will have to be paid by the passenger (after repatriation). In order to be eligible and receive confirmation for seats on such flights you MUST register daily under www.rueckholprogramm.de.

3.) Exact dates for further repatriation flights cannot at this stage be predicted, delays of announced flights remain possible. Concerned German tourists are strongly recommended to avail of any available international flight by commercial airlines to repatriate soon. If you intend to leave, do not wait for special repatriation flights as a seemingly “more convenient” option.

4) Special repatriation flights are set up for stranded tourists. Other Germans residing on a long-term or permanent basis in the Philippines can only be transported on such flights if no more tourists are present at check-in and seats are still vacant.

5.) The Embassy is aware that especially visitors stranded on islands in the mid- and southern Philippines experience particularly severe difficulties in boarding transport to Cebu or Manila. The Embassy in close cooperation with its EU partners is pursuing solutions with the Philippine government. Realistically though, not all situations might be solvable within the next few days.

6.) The Philippine Department of Tourism (DoT) currently operates “point to point” buses from Clark Airport to Manila NAIA Airport. The DoT furthermore assists in finding accomodation in Manila and Clark for tourists on the way to outgoing international flights. Please contact

- for Metro Manila: Wooddrow Maquiling via +63 998 9978687

- for Clark: Carol Uy via +63 906 2488 338

Alternatively, accomodation in Manila or Clark can be found via AirB&B.

7.) Unverbindlicher Hinweis: Ein deutschsprachiges Reisebüro in Manila informiert, weiterhin Buchungen für kurzfristig aus Manila oder Clark in das Ausland startende Flüge vornehmen zu können. Bei Interesse kontaktieren Sie bitte per WA +41 765 867070 oder rufen Sie +63 2 8812 3196 an. Dieses Reisebüro ist NICHT beteiligt an den Sonderflügen der Bundesregierung zur Rückholung. Das Büro nimmt KEINE Vormerkungen dafür entgegen.

8.) possible “sweeper flights” from different islands to Cebu or Clark:

The Philippine government is setting up “sweeper flights” from different islands to the international airports in Cebu or Clark  to enable the visitors to leave the couuntry with international flights. To board sweeper flights (as well as point-to-point busses from Clark to Manila NAIA Airport) authorities require tourists to present an ticket for an outward international flight leaving the Philippines within the following 24 h.

Sweeper flight Information is provided at short notice and can change likewise. For latest information please contact the DoT regional, local or port/airport Offices. Additional information:

SIARGAO: sweeper flights to Clark on 23 March at 10.00 h and 14.00 h.

EL NIDO: for sweeper flights contact AirSwift, Mr. Arvid Acosta via +63 917 841 7771, via Facebook-message to http://facbook.com/talindak oder via the AirSwift Airport Office.

PALAWAN: contact the DoT Office in Palawan via +63 917 1270977 or via dot4b.ppc@gmail.com and provide full name, date of birth, email address and WA telephone number.

ILOILO: contact the DoT Office Iloilo via

iloilocitytourism@gmail.com or via +639981780226; focal person is Junel Divinagracia.

DUMAGUETE: contact the city tourism office in Dumaguete for transport to Cebu

CATICLAN to Manila sweeper flights planned for Thursday, 26 March by the Philippine government.

DAVAO: Civil Defence regional Office opposite the International Airport: +63 82 297 7915; the office provides further telephone hotline numbers on their Facebook site.

DoT Davao staff: Director Tanya Rabat-Tan +63 920 900 5518; Zubeirah +63 977 8510 903; Joanilee +63 917 1783 762; Katherine +63 917 1696 215; Kervin +63 908 7542 654; Clarence +63 906 0171 717


Die deutsche Botschaft ist bis auf weiteres für den Publikumsverkehr geschlossen. Deutsche im Land werden gebeten, sich in die Krisenvorsorgeliste “Elefand” einzutragen.

Die Botschaft ist für Fragen zum Rückholprogramm tagsüber bis 19.00 h telefonisch unter +63 (0)2 8702 3030 erreichbar.

In dringenden Notlagen können Sie die Botschaft danach unter +63 917 867 3000 erreichen.

Verfolgen Sie auch die Botschaftsseiten bei Facebook und Instagram (#Germanyinphl).

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Department of Tourism Region XI Davao CIty


German Embassy Manila


Das neue Portal der Bundesregierung unter www.rueckholprogramm.de ist seit dem 19. März in Betrieb. Bitte nutzen Sie dieses unbedingt und ERNEUERN SIE IHRE REGISTRIERUNG dort TÄGLICH - ohne tägliche Neuregistrierung verfällt Ihr Eintrag. Bitte beachten Sie ferner, dass eine Eintragung in “ELEFAND” die Registrierung im Portal des Rückholprogramms nichts ersetzt. Die Adresse deboma02@gmail.com der Botschaft wird nicht mehr bedient.






Please note:

1.) Currently there are international commercial flights operating out of Manila with a lot of vacant seats.

2.) The German government is working to get further special repatriation flights for stranded German visitors scheduled. Tickets for such flights will have to be paid by the passenger (after repatriation).

3.) Exact dates for further repatriation flights cannot at this stage be predicted. Concerned visitors are strongly recommended to consider any available international flight by commercial airlines to repatriate soon.

4.) The Embassy is aware that especially visitors stranded on islands in the mid- and southern Philippines experience particularly severe difficulties in boarding transport to Cebu or Manila. The Embassy in close cooperation with its EU partners is pursuing solutions with the Philippine government. Realistically though, not all situations might be solvable within the next few days.

5.) The Philippine Department of Tourism (DoT) assists in finding accomodation in Manila an Clark for tourists on the way to repatriation or other outgoing flights. Please contact

- for Metro Manila: Wooddrow Maquiling via +63 998 9978687

- for Clark: Carol Uy via +63 906 2488 338

Alternatively, accomodation in Manila or Clark can be found via AirB&B.

6.) Unverbindlicher Hinweis: Ein deutschsprachiges Reisebüro in Manila informiert, weiterhin Buchungen für kurzfristig aus Manila oder Clark in das Ausland startende Flüge internationaler Gesellschaften vornehmen zu können. Bei Interesse kontaktieren Sie bitte ruckflugeph@gmail.com oder per WA +41 765 867070. Dieses Reisebüro ist NICHT beteiligt an den Sonderflügen der Bundesregierung zur Rückholung. Das Büro nimmt KEINE Vormerkungen dafür entgegen.

For possible “Sweeper Flights” from Cebu to Manila please contact Ms Judilyn Quiachon or  Ms. Riza, +63 32 4121980, or the DoT Office in Mactan/Cebu, +63 917 7112509.

Sweeper flights from SIARGAO to Clark are offered for holders of an international onward ticket for a flight within the next 24 hours at times indicated below. Please contact the DOT Office at the Airport.

→ 22.March
1. 12:25 Uhr
2. 13:25 Uhr

→ 23. March
1. 10:00 Uhr
2. 14:00 Uhr

EL NIDO: please contact  Mr. Arvid Acosta via +63 917 841 7771, via Facebook-message to http://facbook.com/talindak oder via the AirSwift Airport Office, for any immediate concerns following new movement restrictions.

Stranded tourists on PALAWAN are asked to contact the DoT Office in Palawan via +63 917 1270977 or via  dot4b.ppc@gmail.com and provide full name, date of birth, email address and WA telephone number.

Stranded tourits in ILOILO are asked to contact the DoT Office Iloilo via

iloilocitytourism@gmail.com or via +639981780226; focal person is Junel Divinagracia.

All foreign nationals in DUMAGUETE should go to the city tourism office in Dumaguete for transport to Cebu, open for tourists with an onward ticket within the following 24 hours.

Sweeper Flights from CATICLAN to Manila for tourists upon presentation of a ticket for international onward travel within the following 24 hours::

22 March → 13:00 h
23 March → 10:00 and 14:00 h

Please contact the DOToffice at the Airport.


Die deutsche Botschaft ist bis auf weiteres für den Publikumsverkehr geschlossen. Deutsche im Land werden gebeten, sich in die Krisenvorsorgeliste “Elefand” einzutragen.

Die Botschaft ist für Fragen zum Rückholprogramm tagsüber bis 17.00 h telefonisch unter +63 (0)2 8702 3030 erreichbar.

In dringenden Notlagen können Sie die Botschaft danach unter +63 917 867 3000 erreichen.

Verfolgen Sie auch die Botschaftsseiten bei Facebook und Instagram (#Germanyinphl).