You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

free counters

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year of Disasters

Editorial (Friday 30, 2011) Mindanao Daily Mirror - with friendly permission by publisher and editor-in-chief "Tita" Marietta Siongco... .

"Year 2011 will exit to history tomorrow as the year of disasters for our country. Of the many typhoons that hit the Philippines this year. Ondoy and Sendong caused the heaviest damage in this supposed "tropical paradise" in terms of lives lost and number of families left homeless. Internationally, 2011 is considered "Record Year for Bad Weather".

Hopefully, Sendong which was not even considered a typhoon by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Administration (PAGASA) but only categorized as a "storm" spoiled the Christmas session as it devastated many areas with just a little over a week before Christmas Day. The Yuletide season is considered the joyous time of the year, especially by Filipinos who celebrate Christmas the longest in the world.

Hardest hit by Sendong was Northern Mindanao, particularly the neighboring cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan.  The combined death toll of the two cities reached over a thousand with still hundreds of missing. And just at the year was about to end, several areas  in Eastern and Southern Mindanao were hit by flash floods caused by heavy rains, incuding Surigao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Agusan del Norte, Compostela Valley in the Davao region and Bukidnon. Even nearby Tagum City was not spared by the storm wrath.
With just a few days before New Year, the town of Kapalong in Davao del Norte and Valencia City in Bukidnon were inundated by floodwaters. According to the MINDANEWS report which the  MIRROR carried in its front page yesteray, 10 out of 11 barangays in Valencia City were flooded with floodwaters rising up to four meters high in many homes, displacing no less than 1,150 families.

A heartening development in the wake of tragedy that hit Northern Mindanao a week or so before Christmas Day is that many provinces and cities in the country donated food, clothing, blankets, thousands of bottles of water and other relief materials to the flood victims in CdO and Iligan worth 2 million pesos, plus 1 million in cash.

And just the other day, the Jesuits in Cagayan de Oro donated a five-hectare land as relocation site for the Sendong victims in the so-called "city of the golden friendship".

Richard Heuberger and Paul Hindemith - Two Classical Composers

(Paul Hindemith)
(Richard Heuberger)

You can read more about them on my website:

Enjoy listening my radio show "Classics with Klaus Doring" every Sunday (also tomorrow January 1, 2012) from 2 to 4 p.m. (Philippine time) on "The Ede Radio Davao" 104.3 FM or via live stream .

Friday, December 30, 2011

Philippine Style of Taking a Bath

A red bucket placed upside down in tucked away in a corner of our bathtub. On top is a blue TAKO (or TABO), or a plastic bowl, the type that one usually receives as a complimentary gift for tupper ware orders. they both sit there inconspicuously, one on top of the other like two giants thimbles. On many mornings in my rush to get to the bathtub I have tripped over them, stubbing my toe and wailing to pierce the cold, silent air.

I would then remove the bucket and TABO or TAKO from the bathtub, place them gently on the floor and continue with my shower. I have often wondered why they were there. I knew their purpose and felt it was obsolete. I met them for the first time in 1982, when I stayed longer in the Philippines. I stayed in a boarding house. A continuous gush would mean someone was still using the bathroom and take a shower; just as I used the shower wastefully on many occasions and was scolded for it.

"At least turn the shower off when you lather", I was told many times by my landlord, "this  way you don't waste as much water." I would become annoyed with his admonition, yet secretly  I was pleased with the environmental concerns already  during the early 1980s here in Davao City. My landlord was in the right and, in my guilt, I shut the water off.
I learned that most people in the Philippines bathe using the ubiquitous bucket and TAKO or TABO because of the lack of a proper drainage system. The bucket would be filled with cold water from a pump, and the bather would pour water over his head with TAKO or TABO. In Germany I almost forgot this practice. During my returns to the Philippines and during several stays in hotels all over the Philippines this kind of taking bath or a shower really made an impact on me. 

I never thought that a bucket and a TAKO or TABO would ever become significant for me, but then the sword and the ploughshare have become the symbols of war and peace. Up to now in my house in the Philippines... .

As the water splatters onto the bathtub, I would think of the people who must bath daily this way as a ritual... .

Frohes Neues Jahr 2012 / Happy New Year 2012




Tuesday, December 27, 2011

DOST XI Energy Audit Team Now Ready to Serve the Region

People get excited about their savings account earning interests. But, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Regional Office XI (Mindanao) has seen a better idea to invest into something that earns three or five times that of bank interests. An "energy audit" is a good first step toward realizing those money savings by making your place more energy efficient.

With today's increasing production cost, it is important to identify areas by which production cost can be significantly reduced. One area identified by DOST is to improve the efficiency of energy utilization among industries. Many industrial establishments are now becoming conscious of their energy usage due to increased energy costs. In response to these needs, the DOST Regional Office XI has a Davao Region Energy Audit & Management (DREAM) Team, which can help the industries in the region.

DREAM Team is a multi-agency group with members from the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers (IIEE), the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), the University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP), the University of Mindanao (UM), and DOST XI. The team is now ready to provide energy audit services to all interested industries in the region. DREAM team will help industries in setting energy conservation goals, identify areas where energy wastes can occur, relate energy consumption to production, improve the process/equipment efficiencies, and recommend energy saving opportunities.

Put simply, an energy audit determines how much energy your company uses and figures out ways to slash consumption. An audit can show how to save electricity, such as by switching to less-energy-hungry bulbs and appliances. An audit can determine the efficiency of your air condition system. You may notice, for the first time, costly gaps around windows and doors, thanks to the audit.

Interested companies may inquire on how to avail of the DREAM Team services and fees at telephone number 082 - 221-5428 and look for Engr. Benjamin V. D. Estrelladao, Jr., the DREAM Team Focal Person. Happy savings!

Strategic Response to the Panama Disease in Davao City

DOST officials led by Secretary Mario G. Montejo, met on December 9, 2011 with banana growers and exporters, researchers and heads of local line agencies to discuss the next steps in the ongoing united response against the Panama Disease or Fusarium Wilt (FW) of banana.

"We acknowledge the urgency of the issue", said Sec. Montejo as he assured the body of department's moves to come up with immediate and long-term S&T-based solutions for the management of the disease. He further shared that the Department is streamlining its process to shorten its response time. For instance, approval for a full project proposal may not be needed for release of funds, as long as the proposed concept is sound. Also, appropriate S&T-based interventions will be implemented simultaneously in affected areas while the more-in-depth R&D will be on-going.

Specifically, the Secretary pushed for the "S&T Intervention in Managing the Fursarium Wilt in Davao". This R&D Program is slated to come up with disease management measures and develop a resistant variety. DOST and the Philippine Council of Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources and Development  will fund and coordinate the conduct of this program.

First among the proposed projects is the use of biological control agents against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, the fungus which causes FW. The physico-chemical characteristics of soils will be studied to determine why some soils seem to suppress the disease.

The project will also work on developing varieties that are resistant, locally-adapted and approximate the fruit quality of the prevailing Cavendish varieties. The Secretary hoped to enlist the assistance of the Taiwanese government in obtaining germ plasma for this purpose. 

For its part, the Department of Agriculture XI organized Task Force Fusarium to push local quarantine ordinances and promote the disease management protocol. Currently several towns have adopted policies to restrict the movement of planting material in infected areas. Together with the Filipino Banana Growers and Exporter Association, they are promoting the disease management protocol through development and distribution of information materials, and through protocol briefings.

NEDA XI Director Ma. Lourdes D. Lim, who chairs the Regional R&D Coordinating Council of the Southern Mindanao Agriculture and Resources R&D Consortium, welcomed the DOST's proposed moves. As Vice Chair also of the Regional Development Council, she put the full force of the various members behind the common initiative. 

Before 2002, Philippine bananas were largely resistant to the disease. While other countries were reeling from the effects of FW infestation, the country was ex-industry and eventually became the world's second largest banana  exporter.   

Friday, December 23, 2011

Froehliche Weihnachten! Merry Christmas!



Karl Amadeus Hartmann - A Figure Unique in German Music

Karl Amadeus Hartmann is indeed a figure unique in German music - the only composer to stay put and defy Adolf Hiter for the duration of the Third Reich...

Check out more here:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lapis at Papel... Kulang pa Project -

The Batch 81 Holy Cross of Mintal LAPIS AT PAPEL...KULANG PA PROJECT is an outreach program and is holding a monthly gift giving of pencils, pad papers and other educational materials for day care center kids in, especially in the remote areas of Davao City.

The communities have been to serve in 2011 in different parts of Davao City and celebrated the first anniversary last December 17, 2011 after the last gift giving for this year 2011.

Barangays Manambulan and Guianga are the next target areas. More people are badly needed to encourage and support the Batch 81 Holy Cross of Mintal.

Please conact President/Coordinator Emma Linda Malacaste Diolola-Ocampo:

Monday, December 19, 2011


(Today's Editorial of Mindanao Daily Mirror - with friendly permission of my publisher and editor-in-chief 'Tita" Marietta Siongco.)

What is with us?

We pretend to defend decency in public office, yet we condone abominations like a midnight appointment. We mouth motherhood statements about the blight of corruption, yet we whine about bold measures aimed at weeding out the crooks. We purport allegiance to the Constitution, yet we use, nay misuse, the same sacred instrument to compromise earnest efforts to better our society. We say one thing, yet mean another.

This sums up our pathetic national discourse over the last months. For how explain the rank inanities favoring such a widely discredited figure aas Chief Justice Renato Corona? What must we make for the throng that lapped up his street language late last week, clinging to his post as if he were the High Court itself, and taking the President, no less, to task as a -take note- dictator?

How else explain the public statements of such bodies and individuals like the IBP (which cavalierly invoked the constitutional principle of separation of powers, as if any of those institutional powers were beyond criticism), Sen. Joker Arroyo (who, not unlike, of all people, Sen. Bongbong Marcos, critized the Chief's Justice's impeachment at the House), former Sen. Nene Pimentel (who said he wasn't happy with the swift impeachment process), and confessed GMA friend Fr. Eliseo Mercado (Mindanao's very own peace advocate who painfully noted that Gloria Arroyo was being "demonized as if she were the personification of evil.")

Are we missing something?

... .

We're a confused people - unworthy of, or desperate for, principled, modern leadership.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Natural Disaster in Mindanao

 The tropical storm Washi (Sendong) struck the northern coast of Mindanao with very heavy rain in a region not accustomed to typhoons, causing rivers to burst their banks, sweeping many residents out to the sea.

The cities of Iligan and Cagayan de Oro were transformed into mud-filled waterways choked with vehicles and downed trees.

Also Davao City, where I am residing was placed under unusual Storm Signal One. Heavy down pours followed. Storms are indeed rare this far south of the country, and Davaoenos have always boasted that the city is free of storms and typhoons...

Climate changes?!

German Christmas Party 2011 in Davao City/Deutsche Weihnachtsfeier 2011 in Davao City

Ein Bild sagt mehr als Worte. A pixture says more then words...

Trotzdem sind hier einige Worte: Ein grosser Teil der Deutschen Gemeinde in Davao traf sich zu einer wunderbaren Weihnachtsfeier mit Besinnlichkeit, Spass und einem excellenten europaeischen Buffet (kreiert von Freund und General Manager Wolfgang Pfuner) im Apo View Hotel, Davao City.

Members of the German Community gathered together during a wonderful Christmas Party with joy and fun and a wonderful European Buffet (a creation of friend and General Manager Wolfgang Pfuner) in Apo View Hotel in Davao City.

Wann geht's denn endlich los? When shall we start? 

 Spiele und Spass - hier mit den beiden MC's Susie Rexrodt und Rossana Balcom-Doring und einigen weiblichen Kandidaten... 
Games and fun - here with MC's Susie Rexrodt and Rossana Balcom-Doring and some female candidates...

 Merry Christmas to all of you. Ein Frohes und Gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest   Ihnen allen!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Season of Homesickness

(A repost of my column "IN MY OPINION" from MINDANAO DAILY MIRROR - December 16, 2011).


Much could be written or told about all the wonderful places worldwide. A lifetime would not be enough to discover the whole world. Millions of Filipinos migrants are still working and living in many countries all over the world. But those Filipinos are so occupied and tired with work, that in a half-day of not working, they don't even have the energy to go out anymore.

They prefer to rest instead. they work until dawn. There's even no more time for letters or send emails anymore. They get up early next day to do the same activities. Again and again... . They fail to appear on dates or appointments even schedules were already set. On the last minute going out on a free half-day, but suddenly guests arrive who need to be served for example. All these and more make it very diffcult for the OFWs to find time even for themselves.

Christmas time should let uns remember and remind us of our beloved ones somewhere out there. Being "there" is something like being in a garden of roses. Everybody is free to pick up flowers, but surely everybody will not find that easy because the roses are on top of the thorns. being abroad is even more complicated then that.

Indeed, much has been written and talked about homesickness of mind and heart - especially during Christmas season and the time between yesterday and tomorrow.

Many Filipinos stay in countries, where deep winter is reigning right now. Wearing three jackets a day, warm winter clothes and, from the start one must be always on top form, but not only lively but also egantly.

Homesickness usually attacks, when 'your people abroad" receive unpleasant notes from home, as I heard many saying before: "Problema at magpadala ka ng pera!"

The loved ones overseas even try to save  a little amount for airfares just in case they need to  come immediately to their families in the Philippines. many times they consider the difficulty and complication in sending money home. Many imes they even can't afford to visit the Philippines for a long time... .

Homesickness comes, when we hear that one of the boys at home doesn't want to go to school anymore. Homesickness comes when misunderstandings between husband and wife or closed friends arise... .

How about me? Sure, homesickness comes along also for me, especially during this time. Even living in the Philippines as an expatriate for good since 1999, I still do miss my home country Germany and many people there. Season of homesickness... .

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mr. and Miss Photogenitic Grand Finals in Davao City

Deutscher Konsularsprechtag/German Consular Day in Davao City

Die Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gibt bekannt, dass am

Donnerstag, den 20. August 2015
von 8.30 bis 12.30 Uhr und von 14.00 bis 17.00 Uhr

ein Konsularsprechtag stattfinden wird in der University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP), Board Room, Office of the President, Inigo Street, Haupteingang (in der Naehe der N. Torres, Cervantes und Porras Streets), Barangay Obrero, Davao City (hinter dem Victoria Plaza Mall), Tel./Fax 082-227 1761und 0915-219 9002. Ansprechpartner ist der Leiter der Rechts- und Konsularabteilung der Botschaft, Herr Ulrich Koehler!

Bitte beachten Sie, dass wegen biometrischer Daten (u.a. Fingerabdruecke) nur noch vollstaendige Antraege auf Ausstellung vorlaeufiger Reisepaesse und Kinderreisepaesse  - NICHT jedoch Antraege fuer Europapaesse - entgegengenommen werden koennen.

Leider koennen Visaantraege in Davao City NICHT gestellt werden. Die Visaabteilung in Manila ist nicht mit der University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP) in Davao City vernetzt. Bitte haben Sie Verstaendnis, dass aus diesem Grund auch Fragen zu einzelnen Visaantraegen NICHT beantwortet werden koennen!

Fuer eine erforlgreiche Bearbeitung Ihres Anliegens (z.B. Beurkundungen, Beglaubigungen etc.) setzen Sie sich bitte rechtzeitig zwecks Vorbereitung der Urkunde(n) mit der BGotschaft in Verbindung.

Informationen und Formulare finden Sie auf der Webseite 


The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany would like to inform you that the Head of the Legal and Consular Section, the First Secretary, Mr. Ulrich Koehler, will hold office on

Thursday, August 20, 2015
from 8:30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.  at the University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP), Board Room, Office of the President, Inigo Street, Main Gate (near N. Torres, Cervantes and Porras Streets), Barangay Obrero, Davao City (at the back of Victoria Plaza Mall).

Please note that due to biometric specifications only complete applications for German Temporary Passports and Children's Passports can be accepted. Applications for Regular Passports with biometric specifications (e.g. fingerprints) CANNOT be accepted.

Unfortunately, visa applications CANNOT be accepted as well. Inquiries regarding visa applications will NOT be answered and should be directed to the Visa Section of the Embassy. 

Kindly contact the Embassy well in advance in case legal documents have to prepared.

You may also visit our website 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Hot Chocolate, Rain and More Classical Music - RELAX KO

After writing the whole day,  I  enjoy now,  as I said, a hot chocolate, more rain, and especially more classical music of  Alexander Glasunoff and  Karl Goldmark.

Stamp Out Corruption at Its Root

While the brouhaha brought on by the Arroyo arrest drama continues, it will be well for us if we stopped for a while and pulled back a little to see the big picture in all this. While it is true that Malacanang is currently focused on former President Gloria Arroyo who has been charged with electoral sabotage, she is but a part of the grand whole, that is, an entire system of corruption that has allowed her and her ilk to take the entire country down the road of decay and disarray. After all, Arroyo did not invent cheating at the polls - it was there long before she came to power, and if we are not careful, it can be still part of our collective lives long after she is gone.


One of the biggest mistakes our people have made in the years after the 1986 People Power uprising was the continued dependence on personalities to lead us instead of putting up a cohesive system that would guide us no matter who is at the helm. Each president that has arisen since martial law has made a sort of cult around himself and herself, such that their respective administrations had risen or fallen on their strenghts alone. This has been especially true of Presidents Joseph Estrada and Gloria Arroyo, who ruled with own brand of iron fists that ultimately led to heir downfall. With personalities playing too strong a role in politics , it was inevitable that the democratic system itself would become weakened - too weakened to respond when it is abused.

It is thus incumbent upon the current president to disabuse the minds of the people that he and he alone holds the answer to every problem we are facing. To his credit he has done that, but he must be careful also to see to it that the system is strenghened and not just used to prosecute past sins. We understand President Aquino's fervor in running after Mrs. Arroyo; after all, that is a campaign promise that he intends to keep. But if all he does is drive his predecessor to prison, then he shall have missed out on the chance, to institute real change in Filipino politics and society. Corruption is not a one-man or one-woman operation, and singling out specific individuals can only go so far. What government must do is run after the core of problem and stamp it out at the very root. Otherwise we will be doomed to live the same spectacle we are currently experiencing over and over again.

(Today's - December 8, 2011 Editorial "Mindanao Daily Mirror" published also here with friendly permission of my publisher and Editor-in-Chief "Tita" Marietta Siongco).

Human Rights Day in The Philippines

The observance of the Human Rights Day on December 10, 2011 centers on calling a stop to impunity in the Philippines. The government will join the global celebration of the International Human Rights Day that anchors on the theme: "End Impunity! Make Human Rights our Way of Life!"

Commission on Human Rights Regional Director Attorney Alberto Sipaco, Jr. explained on the meaning of the theme as to put "an end to crimes" and making the law enforcement "stronger with much political will".

Sipaco defined impunity as to "the state where people can just commit crimes without being apprehended." He said also: "If there's impunity, we might develop the culture of violence, and people might accept this state. If this happens, what kind of future can we give to the generations to come?" he told the Philippine Information Agency.

Very well said, Sir!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

DOST brought STARBOOKS to Davao City

A humble contribution of the Department of Science and Technology to the world of education was introduced by its Davao Regional Office on November 17, 2011 at NCCC Mall, Davao City called STARBOOKS.

STARBOOKS or the S&T Academic and Research=Based Openly-Operated Kiosk Station is a new academic resource for students and researchers. STARBOOKS contains thousands of digitized science and technology resources in various formats (text and video/audio). STARBOOKS aims to create interest of students to enroll in the field of Science and Technology; encourage great and curious minds to develop new ideas, such as inventions and innovations; and inspire one's capacity for entrepreneurship and research.

DOST XI Regional Director, Dr. Anthony Sales, said that the STARBOOKS will support the students and teachers alike while undertaking research. Dr. Sales added that STARBOOKS complements the scholarship program of the DOST as it enhances the science capabilities of students from all levels in the region.

Likewise, STARBOOKS is helpful to our entrepreneuring kababayans in the countryside as it provides technology videos ranging from food processing to laundry soap making and other livlehood materials.

DOST is looking forward to the availment of the STARBOOKS by Local Government Units (LGUs), Non-Government Organizations, Educational Institutions and Private Institutions to make Science and Technology Information accessible to every Filipino. In fact, Councilor Jose Louie Villafuerte representing Mayor Sara Duterte during the RICE 2011, is optimistic of getting one for the City of Davao.

DOST XI welcomes stakeholders who are interesting in putting up a STARBOOKS in their area. All that is required are computer, pod, space measuring 3m x 4m (with specifications for physical set up of the kiosk), mandatory training, and a focal person. 

For more information please contact Mr. Eric C. Colmenares at telephone 082 - 22154 28.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hugo Distler and Max Fiedler

(Hugo Distler)

 (Max Fiedler)

There are innumerable classical music composers. Classical (music) means -  looking back. Looking up to the 17th or even 16th century... .The music of those gifted composers have been and is still unique and awesome. 

You are ready to relax. You are ready to rewind. You are ready to pray. You are ready to watch your life from the other side of the moon...

Try it here: 

Pinky Webb - A Very Special Host

I am with Philippine media since the 1980s. Printed media, radio broadcasting and Philippine Television. I have commented about Philippine Television very harsh and opened several times. For example, I really don't like the way, news are being delivered... .

Anyway, Pinky is different. Pinky is unique. She belongs to the two of the country's distinguished broadcast journalists. Pinky Webb (and Alvin Elchico) will be anchoring ABS-CBN's flagship prime time newscast "TV Patrol Weekend" to bring us the biggest and latest news stories relevant to the Filipino house holds. 

Good luck to you, Pinky - and, of course also to co-anchor Alvin Elchico.

Searching for the King

CHRIST FELLOWSHIP CHURCH (with  the address: 777 V. Mapa, Davao City)

in cooperation with




a dramatic Christmas Musical by David T. Clydesdale - on Sunday, December 18, 2011 at 6 p.m. and on Sunday, December 25, 2011 at 5.30 p.m. Admission is free.

"Two different worlds seeking the truth. A biblical story of a Magi as he follows the star of Bethlehem parallels the contemporary story of BENJAMIN, a soldier stationed in the Middle East 2,000 years later who is looking up the same stars. Both are searching for the truth , and they both find it at the foot of the manger."

For more details and information please contact Liza Faye or Karin, The Edge Radio Davao 104.3 FM: 0922-8519603, 0921-6482243, 082 - 2973215.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Boon or Bane? FACEBOOK!

Boon or bane? I am in Facebook since several years. Today's headline "Paolo cries IMPOSTOR" in Mindanao Daily Mirror (my home daily!) shocked me and many other Facebook joiners too.

A "mystery girl charges expenses from her fake Facebook account"... .
Councilor and friend Paolo Duterte has warned business owners and Facebook users from acknowledging "another" Paolo Duterte, who has apparently conducted extortion activities via food orders.

"I have never interacted in the social networking site, because I don't have any," the councilor said. Sad to say, there is one.  And I am still in "this friend list" in FACEBOOK.

This marks the first time a city officer has been victimized by cyber crime. Honestly, it's not easy for me to 'keep my Facebook account clean"... .

DOST Secretary Visits UP Mindanao Sago Palm Biotech

(DOST XI Regional Director Dr. Anthony Sales with this author)

(DOST Secretary Mario G. Montejo)

Department of Science and Technology Secretary Mario G. Montejo together with the Undersecretary for Regional Operations Carol M. Yorobe and the Regional Director Dr. Anthony C. Sales visited the University of the Philippines Mindanao Sago Palm Biotechnology Laboratory Facilities and Research Program in Tugbok District, Mintal, Davao City.

The DOST Central Office provided funds in the amount of about PHP 23 million for the UP Mindanao Biotechnolgy Program. 

Sago palm is the current focus of the UP Mindanao program and is indigenous to Mindanao and some of the Visayan islands and the harvestable logs are unutilized. 

The Secretary is affirmative of the programs and initiatives of UP Mindanao.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

German Community Christmas Party in Davao City/Deutsche Gemeinde Weihnachtsfeier in Davao City

Alle Jahre wieder. Auch dieses Jahr... .

Es wird wieder eine Weihnachtsfeier der Deutschen Vereinigung in Davao City/Mindanao geben, und zwar am Samstag, den 10. Dezember 2011 im Apo View Hotel.

Weitere Einzelheiten erfahren Sie unter
082 - 227 1761 (Rossana Balcom-Doring)...

Christmas Party German Community in Davao City/Mindanao  on Saturday, December 10, 2011 at the Apo View Hotel. For further details and information please contact Rossana Balcom-Doring (Tel. 082 - 227 1761).

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Positive of Toxic Chemicals Christmas Gifts???

Popular Christmas gift items such as painted toys, glasses and mugs tested positive with nasty chemicals known for damaging a child's brain - and future!

"This is the outrageous truth that we have discovered after subjecting 50 product samples to chemical analysis." lamented Thony Dizon, coordinator of the EcoWaste Coalition's Project Protect.

"64 percent or 32 of the 50 samples we tested contain mind boggling amounts of toxic  metals such as lead that are totally unacceptable for products meant to spread Christmas cheer," he said. 

Toxicologist Dr. Bessie Antonio, a resource person o the EcoWaste Coalition, said lead in consumer products can endanger human health, especially among kids."

"Lead exposure can damage the brain, lower a child's intelligence, decrease a child's attention span and cause delays in a child's speaking, reading and learning skills", added Antonio, who is also the President of the Philippine Society of Clinical and Occupational Toxicology. 

In its latest investigation on the toxicity of children's products in the market, the EcoWaste Coalition bought a variety of affordable toys and gift items from street vendors at Carriedo Street in Quiapo, Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz and Juan Luna Street, Divisoria in the city of Manila.

The probe, conducted amid brisk sales of holiday goodies as Christmas nears, was also arranged to draw attention to the UN-recognized rights of children's to health and safety as the "Universal Children's Day" is observed on November 20.

The samples, mostly imported from China. were bought and tested for heavy material. None of the products indicated toxic ingredients on their labels, which were generally incomplete or totally lacking.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Filipino Time versus Juan Time

I have been witnessing the "Juan Time" - launching last Thursday here in Davao City as consultant of DOST Department of Science and Technology Region XI Mindanao. This is a re-post of the Editorial of "Mindanao Daily Mirror" (November 19, 2011), with friendly permission of my publisher Ma-am "Tita" Marietta F. Siongco... .

" With the end in view making all Filipinos from all walks of life throughout the archipelago conscious of coming to appointments on time, the regional office of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) launched last Thursday the Philippine Standard Time dubbed "Juan Time" during the opening of the First Regional Invention contest and Exhibits. The DOST hopes that the launching of "Juan Time" will change the "Filipino Time" mindset of our people. So, from here on it is also our fondest wish that people will no longer be late in attending meetings, conferences and all gatherings, including parties. Sad to say, for so long many people have developed the bad habit of coming to appointments late on the fallacious excuse of observing "Filipino Time",meaning arriving to appointments 30 minutes to one hour late.  - So, to avoid setting back the start of an affair, some people deliberately make the official schedule of an event, including social activities like weddings one hour ahead. On the other hand, many people refer to arriving on time as "American Time" because Americans and other Westerners are noted for coming to appointments at the scheduled time. ... . So, when it's six o'clock in the morning in one place, it's the same time throughout the 7,107 islands comprising the Philippine archipelago.

"Toda Max" Tops Philippine Television Rating

"Kapamilya Comedy" remains undisputed, as the polit episode of its newest member sitcom "TODA Max", starring he Philippines hailed Idol Robin Padilla, Price of Comedy Vhong Navarro and Pokwang, wins in the tv rating game. According to Kantar Media, "TODA Max" got a rating of 26.7 % last November 5, against 19.6% and 8.2% of the competing programs.

"TODA Max" was also hailed as the second most watched television program, following "Maalaala Mo Kaya" which got 29.3 %. The sitcom was also followed by other top rating Kapamilya network programs such as "Junior Master Chef Pinoy Edition" (23.7%) and "Wansapanataym" (20,7%). The cast of the show were overjoyed for this initial victory. Robin believes that "TODAA Max's" pilot episode captivated the hearts of the Filipinos not only because of its hilarity, but also for the rich Filipino values it offers.

Philippine television is not really my favourite. Even having many friends being connected with Philippine television stations, I try my very best to understand everything. A typical try of a foreign expat living in the Philippines... .

Friday, November 18, 2011

Being a Radio Host in The Edge Radio Davao 104.3 FM?

I have been a radio host in the Philippines from time to time since 1999, when I decided to stay in this wonderful country for good. Being on air has been just for fun. I wasn't thinking about earning a lot of money. I was happy being able sharing music from my private library with people tuning in the stations or following us via live stream.

Since some weeks I got the chance to be back on air. It wasn't just the music i am able sharing with my listeners. I got the chance again (since 2001, while leaving DXGN 89.9 FM The Good News Radio, a member of CMN - Catholic Media Networks) sharing wonderful classical music and some inspirational thoughts, direct from the bottom of my heart.

Now I am back on air. It's 104.3 FM "The Edge Radio Davao", also via live stream 

This radio station belongs to UCB Media Philippines. It is a non-stock, non-profit cooperation that raises up and operates a network of independcent FM radio stations play positive and contemporary Christian music.

The goal is to put up a network of media centers and contemporary Christian radio stations all over the Philippines. Right now, the media center is in Makati City and there are more FM stations in Lucena, Agusan del Sur, Kidapawan, South Cotabato and Pagsanjan. They are getting to rock Dumaguete and Laoag as well.
UCB Media is going around the nation and bring the latest and the best from  urban extreme games and local contemporary Christian music.

 (With my station manager Liza Faye...)

I am honoured  and blessed being part of it.

Again On The Top?

Mindanao Daily Mirror fellow columnist Bert Tesorero commented it very well:

"There are varied reactions among the local residents on the victory of the Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacguiao against his Mexican challenger Juan Marguez in a grudge fight in Las Vegas, Nevada, last Sunday. They feel dismayed or even frustrated that thePacman failed to topple the Mexican pug. Others even think Marguez won the fight just because he stunned the Filipino boxer idol with a couple of staggering power punches during the bout. But the ring judges gave the cards to Pacman and that's it."
Government driver Dodong Salvador of Sandawa Homes in Kidapawan City stated:
"Manny is old. His fist doesn't have strength anymore.  He is no longer the Manny of yesteryears!"
Kidapawan Bishop Romulo dela Cruz said Marguez could have gotten the nod of the judges if he had been more on the offensive. Manny was more like the challenger. We have to admire Marguez for the improvement he has shown. But I like the decision!"

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Launching of "Juan Time" during "RICE"

What time is it? Is your time the right one? Is it the standard time?

The Department of Science and Technology Regional Office XI will launch the Philippine Standard Time (PST) dubbed as "Juan Time" during the opening of the 1st Regional Invention Contest and Exhibits (RICE) today, November 17, 2011 at the Ground Floor Activity Area of NCCC Mall, Matina, Davao City.

DOST XI Regional Director, Dr. Anthony C. Sales said that the regional launching of "Juan Time" will change the "Filipino Time" mindset of the people. With "Juan Time", Filipino time will come to mean on time" and nobody will be late, "Dr. Sales added. The promotion of the use of the PST will set one common time among Filipinos across the archipelago's more than 7,100 islands.

On the other hand, 67 entries from the local inventors, researchers, and students will vie for the six invention contest categories:

1. Invention Category (Tuklas Award)
2. Utility Model Category
3. Industrial Design Category
4. Creative Research Category (Likha Award)
5. Student Creative Research Category (Sibol Award for High School) and
6. Student Creative Research Category (Sibol Award for College).

A cash prize ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 Pesos awaits the winners in each category. First prize winners of each category will represent the region to the National Invention Contest and Exhibits in July 2012.

Today's program: Opening Ceremony with "Acknowledgement of Participants" by Dr. Randell Espina, President of Davao Inventors Association followed by Welcome/Opening Remarks by Dr. Anthony Sales, DOST XI Regional Director followed by a message by Hon. Sara Z. Duterte, City Mayor Davao City as well the introduction of the guest speaker by Engr. Edgar I. Garcia, Director of TAPI. The Keynote Speech will be hold by Hon. Mario G. Montejo, DOST Secretary.

After the launching of JUAN TIME by. Hon. Mario G. Montejo Part, III will see the Ribbon Cutting" to be assisted by Hon. Sara Z. Duterte, Dr. Anthony Sales, Engr. Edgar I. Garcia, Dr. Randell Espina, Mr. Virgilio M. Sangutan, and Mr. Samuel M. Abrenilla.

Viewing of Exhibits and a Press Conference will be following.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

War Games

Pre-published in "Mindanao Daily Mirror" on November 11, 2011 (with friendly permission of my publisher Marietta F. Siongco)

I am talking about very special war games: wage war in the office of any other working place. I have written about it several times. Why again?

Again I observed a dramatic increase of these "war games" also in several Philippine companies and institutions. Let's keep in mind: We spend more time with colleagues than with our families, except we are working together with them in a family business, as I do. Anyway, we have a lot of occasions to commit and experience conflicts, disagreements, disputes, fights, rivalries, intrigues up to psychological terror. The war-like arguments at our working places claim more and more victims. People consider no sacrifice too great to act as tyrants, schemers and careerists while stopping at nothing.

The scape goats as well as the plotters can be found everywhere up to the executive floors, no matter if it's an ordinary company or church-based or government institutions.

Clever-dicks and hypocritical such as nice acting mask wearers, in all modesty, are the decline of every enterprise. Management consultants and doctors worldwide observe such phenomena in rapid rising. Where ever human beings have to cooperate and coordinate one can find different opinions. Sure, that's normal. But, the daily psycho stress makes body, mind and soul sick. It's many times NOT the hectic schedule in the office, no, it's the poisonous atmosphere caused by colleagues or the boss himself or herself. The principle of making the polluter pay is so simple: Well-considered good conduct by being kindly disposed towards someone but later a terrible back fighter, who enjoys any kind of gossip and harassment.

The worse working place conditions the more sick workers: a very simple explanation. But, progressive enterprises and institutions reorganize or remodel themselves. "Management by love" instead of oppression and modern slavery are the magic formulas. Quarrelsomeness - allowed or even supported by a management  forces only one thing: the economically bankruptcy and the bankruptcy of moral values. Intact human relations? How are they at your working place? 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Strawberries in Davao City? Sure! Why not!

Growing strawberries in Davao City? Is it possible? I love strawberries since my childhood. I missed them many times during my expatriate life here in Davao City. 

Growing strawberries in Davao City, is it really possible? We all know that strawberries in the Philippines come from its summer capital Baguio City. But , since connected with the DOST I learned, that with the Department of Science and Technology's assistance, it is now possible to grow strawberries in Davao City.

The DOST XI brought two experts on strawberry production technologies from La Trinidad, Benguet to New Calinan, Baganihan, Marilog  District, Davao City. The experts, namely, Mr. Sergio Gayao and Mr. Peter Bulangen, conducted a short lecture on strawberry production technologies, which includes different varieties and different characterics of the crop. The experts and the farmer members of Baganihan Agri-Eco Ventures Cooperative had a three-day encounter discussing the major requirements for a successful production of strawberries. 

The farmer-members of the Baganihan Agri-Eco Ventures Cooperative were grateful of the knowledge and skill they have gained during the said training. The members vowed to start and ensure the success of the project.

Of course, very important, there were also inputs on pest and disease control, which is the number one problem of the farmers. With the said training, they already understood the seasonality of strawberry production, the peak and low season.

So, the next time, we'll be visiting our supermarket, we should be proud to see that strawberries on the shelves are actually home-grown from Marilog, Davao City.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The DOST Regional Office XI and Its Director Anthony Sales

Since August 2011 I am also working as DOST consultant here in Bajada, Davao City. I learned that DOST Region XI Director Dr. Anthony Sales is really an active director with an outstanding staff. Dr. Sales, before working on the private sector (food business, tuna cans, frozen coconut milk) became DOST XI director in 2009.

The Mandate/Mission is very clear: Provide direction, leadership, and coordination of scientific and technological efforts and ensure that results are geared and utilized in area of maximum economic and social benefits for the people and being in service for the people in this region.

By 2020, the Philippines shall have developed a wide range of globally competitive products and services of high  technology content.

I learned from Director Sales, that the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) is the department's umbrella program  which has been strongly implemented in the region since 2002. SETUP has been assisting MSME's (Medium and Small Enterprises) through technical assistance/consultancy, infusion of new technologies, provision  of funds for technology acquisition, manpower training, packaging and labeling designs as well as product testing.

DOST Services are there to contribute to the socio-economic development of Mindanao. DOST XI offers a wide range of innovative services that include technology upgrading, laboratory analysis, testing and calibration, shelf-life testing of food samples, advisory services, technology trainings, and scholarships programs. Furthermore, the DOST-RSTL (Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory) - Davao is also an accredited water testing laboratory by the Bureau of Health Facilities and Services of the Department of Health as well as one of the recognized laboratories for fish and fishery products by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in Region XI.

One of several future ideas is the national project "Own technology and solar".

Dr. Anthony Sales, who likes reading novels and detective stories and enjoys relaxing at the beach or on his own farm with goats, pigs, chickens and ducks somewhere in Marilog voiced out this: We will continue to value honesty in public service, because our mission IS honesty and NOT corruption.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Standing By Myself?

(Pre-published in Mindanao Daily Mirror, Friday, November 4, 2011)

While being a columnist of "Tinig ng Bayan" (published in Abra) during the 1980s I remember our Taiwanese coordinator Cristina Lising-Geronga, who expressed herself in innumerable write-ups about the topic loneliness. Sure, "Tinig ng Bayan" has been a publication for Filipinos abroad. Loneliness, borne by Filipinos living abroad while missing their families in the philippines became a very "normal" expression.

During that time my late mentor Monsignor Professor Dr. Hermogenes E. Bacareza, Chaplain of the Philippine Community in Berlin, started together with me publishing "Ang Mabuhay". Believe me, "loneliness" became a main topic in many write-ups.

How comes that loneliness is still a general topic in so many families?

Loneliness has been called one of the main diseases of this century. It really doesn't strike not only the Filipinos abroad and their love ones back home. Too often loneliness is being followed by alcoholism, drug abuse and even suicide. Yes, loneliness becomes a modern day plague. I observed several people (also expatriates) trying to surround themselves with so-called "friends" only to find that such relationships are often shallow and unsatisfying.

Loneliness can be painful but being lonely or alone at that is not always a bad thing. Ask yourself, how do you use your time, if you are really alone? Do you simply let the time passes without doing anything at all? Why not use such time productively? There are many worthwhile activities to engage in, even if you are alone, such as reading, writing, listen to good (light?) music, play an (forgotten?) instrument, gardening... .

Reading the bible can be also very particularly beneficial. The  Word of God is "alive and exerts in power" and can take  our minds off ourselves.
To break the cycle of loneliness, one must be a giver. Let's keep an eye, not only and always on our personal interests but also on the interests of others. Look around and watch out who needs help, or who needs a real friend or good listener. Once you have spotted such a person, act! Thus, in order to have you must act like a friend. Luke 6:38 says, "Give to others, and God will give it to you!"

A blessed and relaxing Sunday to all of you!

Old Glory of Ambuklao Dam

SN Aboitiz Power successfully launched the 105-MW Ambuklao hydro-electric power plant in Benguet, bringing back to life the oldest  and what was once the biggest hydro power facility in East Asia from its 12-year slumber.

After an earlier formal ceremony involving dignitaries and national government officials, amore traditional launching ceremony was held last October 27 following rituals of the Igorot natives of Itogon, Benguet - the host community of the project in a wonderful environment...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Davao Food Safety Team Inc. Formed

The Davao Food Safety Team Incorporated (DFST, Inc.), previously Davao Food Safety Team (DFST) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) of Region XI (Mindanao), where I am presently working as consultant, was created to support the food processing projects in Southern Mindanao under the Small Enterprises Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP). an umbrella program which rationalizes and links all DOST services to address the technological needs of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with the concerted efforts of DOST regional offices, Research and Development Institutes, Council and other institutes of the Department.

The DFST Inc. is composed of equally competitive and knowledgeable professionals and service providers both from the government and private sector. The team is expected to play an important role in imparting and disseminating information on food safety regulations and requirements to food handlers for the continuing improvement production of safe, healthy and unadulterated foods for both local and export markets.

The DFST Inc. has been actively participating in food safety advocacy since its inception. It has been busy catering to requests for speaking engagements on awareness, full course training for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for LTO application ore renewal as well as plant layout and other pertinent food safety programs. 

Parallel to servicing the needs of the local food industry, are the numerous capability building up seminars and workshops participated by various food safety members. 

Existing for 5 years now, the group is composed of food safety practitioners who are experts on their respective fields, represented by specialists from the various public and private agencies. These include the Food and Drugs Administration, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Bureau of Plant Industry - Davao National Crop Research and Development Center, Davao City Water District, Department of Health, just to mention some among many others.

At current, the team has 25 food safety experts. It offers 25 Different Food Safety Modules. For more information, visit the group at the DOST 11 Regional Office, Corner Friendship-Dumanlas Roads, Bajada, Davao City, or you may call their staff, Ms. Loi Tolentino at numbers 082 - 227-1313 or 0932-4422221.