You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Saturday, January 4, 2025

Embracing healthier choices in 2025: A call to action


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As we step into 2025, it is imperative that we reflect on the importance of our lifestyle choices, particularly our dietary habits, and their profound impact on our health,  The rise of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers, and chronic respiratory conditions has become a global concern, with unhealthy diets being a significant contributing factor.  

The Department of Health (DOH) on Jan. 2 expressed concern on the increase in NCD cases, such as acute stroke, acute coronary syndrome (ACS), and bronchial asthma during the holiday season. Acute stroke cases went up from 12 cases recorded on Dec. 23, to 146 cases on Jan. 2, 2025, with two fatalities, with majority of the patients aged 45 to 64 years old. Cases of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS), or sudden changes of blood flow to the heart, including heart attack, increased from two cases on Dec. 22, to 74 on Jan. 2, with one fatality. Most patients were aged 55 to 74 years old.

The cases, which were monitored only in two hospitals in Metro Manila, mirrors the global trend of NCDs. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), NCDs account for 71 percent of all deaths worldwide, with 80 percent of these deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries. The Philippine Statistics Authority reported that NCDs are responsible for a significant portion of the country’s mortality rate, with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes as among the top killers.

Unhealthy diets, characterized by high consumption of sugars, salts, saturated fats, and trans fatty acids, are major risk factors for NCDs. These dietary choices can lead to obesity, hypertension, and elevated blood sugar levels. Excessive salt intake is linked to increased blood pressure, a leading cause of stroke and heart disease. Similarly, diets high in processed sugars contribute to obesity and insulin resistance, paving the way for type 2 diabetes.

Adopting a healthy diet is a powerful factor in preventing NCDs. Consuming more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into daily meals can significantly reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. For example, diets rich in fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals that boost the immune system and combat oxidative stress, a contributor to cancer development. Whole grains are excellent sources of fiber, aiding in digestion and helping to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, thus preventing diabetes.

The first step toward change is awareness. Practical steps to healthier eating starts with understanding the nutritional content of foods to enable us to make informed decisions. Reading food labels, moderating portion sizes, and limiting the intake of processed and fast foods are practical steps. Reducing the consumption of sugary beverages and opting for water or natural fruit juices can decrease calorie intake and reduce the risk of obesity.

Combining healthy eating with regular physical activity extends the benefits of making healthier choices. At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week can help maintain a healthy weight, lower blood pressure, and improve overall cardiovascular health. Brisk walking is an accessible option that can be incorporated into daily routines.

Addressing the surge in NCDs requires a collective effort. Government initiatives such as policies that regulate the marketing of unhealthy foods, especially to children, are essential. Community programs should educate and encourage healthy lifestyle choices.

The journey to better health begins with a single step – make a healthier choice.

Mehr Geld 2025: Zahlreiche Rentner profitieren von maßgeblicher Anpassung

München – 2025 kommen mehrere Änderungen bei der Rente, die ab dem 1. Januar in Kraft treten. Eine dieser Änderungen wird vielen Rentnern einen finanziellen Vorteil verschaffen. Es handelt sich dabei um die Anpassung der Zuverdienstgrenzen bei der Erwerbsminderungsrente – eine Rentenform, die Personen erhalten, die aufgrund von Krankheit nicht mehr oder nur eingeschränkt arbeiten können. 

Die Erwerbsminderung wird anhand der Anzahl der Stunden bemessen, die die betroffenen Personen noch arbeiten können. Eine halbe Erwerbsminderungsrente wird gewährt, wenn sie zwischen drei und sechs Stunden täglich arbeiten können. Wer maximal drei Stunden arbeiten kann, erhält die volle Rente. Bis zu diesen Grenzen ist eine Arbeit und somit ein Zuverdienst problemlos möglich, also auch ein zusätzliches Einkommen.

Rentner profitieren 2025: Hinzuverdienstgrenzen bei Erwerbsminderungsrente steigen

Mit Beginn des neuen Jahres können Rentner mehr dazu verdienen, ohne dass dies auf ihre Renten angerechnet wird. Die Hinzuverdienstgrenzen für Renten aufgrund verminderter Erwerbsfähigkeit steigen 2025 auf 19.661 Euro für Bezieher einer vollen Erwerbsminderungsrente, verglichen mit 18.558,75 Euro im Jahr 2024. Bei Renten aufgrund teilweiser Erwerbsminderung liegt die Hinzuverdienstgrenze bei etwa 39.322 Euro, im Vergleich zu 37.117,50 Euro im Jahr 2024. 

Laut der Deutschen Rentenversicherung gibt es neben der gesetzlichen Hinzuverdienstgrenze auch eine individuelle Grenze für Bezieher einer Erwerbsminderungsrente. Diese richtet sich nach dem höchsten Verdienst der letzten 15 Jahre vor Beginn der Erwerbsminderung. In einigen Fällen können die Betroffenen also mehr verdienen. Die Rentenversicherung bietet hierzu Beratung an.

Rentner profitieren vom Rentenpaket II
Früher als geplant die Füße hochlegen und in Rente gehen. Mit der Altersteilzeit ist das möglich – doch es gelten Bedingungen. © Stephan Scheuer dpa

Wer mehr als die Grenzen verdient, muss eine Kürzung der Rente in Kauf nehmen. Bei beiden Formen, also der vollen und der halben Erwerbsminderungsrente, wird das Gehalt zu 40 Prozent auf die Rente angerechnet. 

Bezieher von Erwerbsminderungsrenten profitieren ab 1. Januar von längerer Zurechnungszeit

Zusätzlich zu den Zuverdienstgrenzen erhöht sich zum 1. Januar 2025 auch die sogenannte Zurechnungszeit bei der Erwerbsminderungsrente. Die Höhe der Rente richtet sich, wie die reguläre Altersrente auch, nach den bisherigen Beiträgen der Versicherten. Da die Versicherungszeit jedoch deutlich kürzer ist als das übliche Renteneintrittsalter und entsprechend weniger Rentenpunkte gesammelt werden konnten, gibt es die Zurechnungszeit.

Diese wird den Betroffenen gutgeschrieben. Konkret handelt es sich dabei um den Zeitraum vom Eintritt der Erwerbsminderung bis zum regulären Renteneintrittsalter. Dieser steigt schrittweise bis 2031.

Friday, January 3, 2025

True love goes all the way

By Fr. Roy Cimagala


Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City


INDEED, that is how true love is. It never says enough in itself-giving. If it would cost one’s life, so be it. It would always take the initiative, never waiting for some favorable conditions to start loving. It may involve some episodes of anger, but it would always end with mercy.

We can learn these qualities of true love from the first reading of the Mass of Tuesday after Epiphany Sunday. (cfr. 1 Jn 4,7-10) “Let us love one another, for charity is of God. And every one that loves, is born of God, and knows God,” it says. 

And it describes the extent to which this love goes in this way: “In this is charity: not as though we had loved God, but because he has first loved us, and sent his Son to be a propitiation for our sins.”

It obviously would look impossible for us to have that kind of love which we are meant to have since we are supposed to be God's image and likeness, sharers of his life and nature. We should not waste time worrying about that apparent impossibility. We are told that as long as we do our part, imperfect as it is, it would be God himself who would do it for us and with us!

If we truly love God and everybody else, with a love that is nothing less than a participation of the love God has for us and as commanded by Christ to us, then we will never say enough in our self-giving. 

Even if such an attitude would already seem to be going beyond common sense, our reason and other human and worldly standards that we usually use to measure our love, we would still go on giving ourselves, never saying enough. We would just give and give, even if we seem to consume ourselves in death.

This is, of course, an overwhelming prospect, but that is what true love is. It is some kind of madness that knows no limits. It is given without measure, without cost, without any calculation.

And even if such total self-giving is not reciprocated, it would still go on loving. It is purely gratuitous. Even more, even if it is not only unreciprocated but is also violently resisted and rejected, it would still go on loving.

Obviously, if we are to rely only on our own powers, there is no way we can have this kind of self-giving. This can only take place if we are truly identified with Christ, if we have his grace and are corresponding to it with all that we have got.

It’s only in this condition that we can go beyond the limits of our natural self and above the usual drama in life. We of course have our limitations, physical, mental, emotional, etc. And yet, as long as we are truly with Christ, we can still manage to give ourselves unstintingly. The spiritual and supernatural in us through Christ would enable us to give ourselves despite our natural limitations and worldly conditions.

It is God’s grace that does the trick. It’s when we correspond sincerely to God’s love for us that we get a self-perpetuating energy to do our best in any given moment. It’s when we can manage to do the impossible.

We need to help each other to do and give our best in whatever task we have out of sheer love for God and neighbor. The appropriate training should be established in homes, schools and everywhere. The proper climate and environment should be created for this purpose.