You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Deutsche Blaskapelle in Mindanao/German Brassband in Mindanao (II)

Das war schon eine Ueberraschung und eine riesengrosse Freude, als der Musikverein Kressbronn waehrend seiner Philippinen-Konzertreise auch nach Mindanao kam und zweimal in Davao City auftrat - einmal im People's Park und am naechsten Tag in meinem Lieblingsresort auf Samal Island, dem "Paradise Island Park and Beachresort".

Dies war die erste deutsche Band oder Kapelle, die jemals nach Mindanao bzw. nach Davao gekommen ist. Wir hatten alle viel Freunde und Spass bei philippinischer, internationaler und natuerlich deutscher Musik.

Vielen herzlichen Dank Musikverein Kressbronn - und kommt bald wieder!


Photos taken by Ricardo P. Balcom.

German Brassband in Mindanao/Deutsche Blaskapelle in Mindanao

It has been 20 years ago, when a band from the US performed in Davao City. This has been the first German Brassband from Kressbronn (near the German-Swiss border) being on a concert tour in the Philippines and performing twice in Davao City: at first in the People Park and next day on Samal Island, in my favourite beach resort "Paradise Island Park and Beachresort".

We all had a lot of fun listening Philippine, international and -of course- German music. Enjoy the photos.

Fiestas, fiestas, fiestas... .

Filipinos love Fiestas. Meanwhile, and after living in the Philippines more then 11 years, I love such Fiestas too.

Let's start next month. Musikahan sa Tagum is a week-long musical extravaganza featuring the city's best bands, choral groups, rondalla and dances in a musical competition. The Musikahan is the opening salvo of the Mindanao Regional Festival ahead of the the April Caracoles Festival of the Island Garden City of Samal Island and many more other festivities.

Every February, the streets of Tagum City come alive with festival colors, marching music artists, dancing ladies in full regalia, and wild cheering. it's enough to keep both locals and tourists (and of course expats!) singing and dancing to the beat of the music, and more than enough to captivate any music lover's heart. Don't miss it... .

Also in February you should visit Jose Abad Santos, Davao del Sur. Immerse in the culture of Jose Abad Santos through Kapyaan Festival, a celebration of gratitude for a bountiful harvest. The feast beckons (again) BOTH local and foreign tourists as well as expats to participate in activities like street dancing, musical contents, and float parades.

The month March will bring us many more festivities:

The week long Araw ng Tagum (March 1-7) commemorates Tagum's establishment as a city in 1998. As the provincial capital of Davao del Norte, Tagum is one of the fastest-growing cities in Mindanao and has been cited as one of the 20 most viable and most competitive sites in the Philippines in 2005.

In March one can also experienced the IGACOS Festival (Island Garden City of Samal). Accentuated by Samalenos'frenzied revelry in a fluvial parade of boats, banca race, and sand sculpture competitions, Igacos Festival is a celebration that shows Samal Island is more than the usual island sun, sand, and sea.

March 14-16: Araw ng Davao. One way to catch the soul Davao city is indeed to witness the vibrant feast that commemorates this city's charter day. A window to the oneness of this multicultural city, where I really love to live since 1999 for good, is a showcase of festivities that exhibit the culture , passion, and art of Davaoenos. Major events of the festival include an opening ceremony featuring tri-peoples offering and historical vignette performances, trade fair and flea market, and among many other things the search for the "Mutya ng Dabaw", the city's ambassadress of goodwill.

Two more exciting fiestas are waiting for you at the end of March: The Kuradang sa Dalan in Panabo City, Davao del Norte: Release your energy in an estatic street dancing and wriggle your body to the beat of the gongs in Panaboans' way of celebrating a bountiful harvest. Or go to Kapalong, Davao del Sur: In this colorful celebration that features trade fairs and culture shows. The star of the event is the banana, Davao's number one export and the largest contributor in the economy.

Not yet enough? In April there'll be another festival of gratitude for the rich environment, the Pista sa Kinaiyahan in Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur. It is celebrated through tree planting and coastal and mountain clean-up.

Enjoy and have fun!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Expat-Thoughts (II)

I remember the movie "Cinema Paradise" directed by Guiseppe Tornatore: After 30 years absence a man returns to his childhood village. Actually he is terrible afraid, that all impressions might overcome him - but it doesn't happened. Well, of course, he is touched. He remembers himself as the small boy living in this place. But the man is through with the past. The presence is more important for him, even this presence couldn't have become like that without the past time in that small Sicilian village in South Italy.

A lot of expats might experienced in the same way. I did it too. 

To become a real grown up - as a German saying goes - we must learn to forget many things of our childhood. is that really so? I guess, it depends... .

If we have waited long enough, we might be able to return "to earlier places" but WITHOUT melancholy or wistfulness. Good advice. But speaking about myself: I haven't seen my home town in Germany since 11 years. I am pretty sure, that a certain melancholy will touch my heart. Sometimes we'd like to reply with Bob Dylan: "It's alright, Ma, I am only bleeding!"

Yes, I must confess, I mostly got a melancholy heart while visiting places of the past. Maybe that's the reason, why didn't visit my home country since 11 years. Nothing will remain as in yesterday. Nothing can be found again in its origin.

Mabuhay  Filipinas!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Expat Thoughts

Very often - sometimes too often! - the thought is back. If we wake up in the morning (or even many times in the middle of the night) - the thought is back. The "act of thinking", the "reflection", the "opinion" or the "serious consideration", no matter, how we describe it - our memory and conscience is always with us as a permanent companion.

We brood over unsettled problems. Sometimes we bear unfair treatments, arrogance, ignorance, incompetent know-it-all-betters, and unbearable oddballs, who inexorable love to make our life a hell, while living themselves a disorderly life.

We would not like to be distracted, but we're toying with some good ideas how we could throw overboard "all that garbage". What will come next is a matter of conjecture.

Of course, when I started my expat life here in the Philippines, I also got my ideas. But, too many trains of thought made me thoughtless and absent-minded especially in difficult or important daily life situations. Slowing down while experiencing another culture shock... .

Sometimes we feel that our thoughts and ideas can't be fulfilled with life. Where the heart is willing, it will find a thousands ways; but where the heart is weak, it will find a thousand excuses. I experienced this too during my first one or two years as an expat in the Philippines.

Every new day gives us new inexhaustible possibilities to survive - but many times we overlook and fail to notice many chances in life through our sluggishness and laziness while thinking and dreaming too much of unequaled and unfulfilled ideas.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Party in Institute of Languages/USEP Davao City

It was indeed a very wonderful and meaningful Christmas Party in the Institute of Languages of the University of Southeastern Philippines. It's really an honour for me being invited to teach German language in this university.

The VP for Academic Affairs Dr. Daniel T. Ugay, Jr., the VP for Administration Dr. Rodulfo C. Sumugat, my good friend the Executive Director of the Institute of Languages Dr. Patricia O. Elbanbuena, our Administrative Assistant Shella Lariosa, teacher colleagues such as Joan Jontilano and Jojean Retardo-Kwak, Professor Fernando Magdato, Jr. from the Lifelong Studycenter, and many visitors from different university departments joined us.

The inspirational talks of the two vice presidents and Ma-am "Pattie" said it: "It's really an honour and privilege to be part of the USEP-family"!


Promotion on my own account: Start for new enrolments and for re-enrolments regarding the German Course will be on January 4, 2010.


Monday, December 28, 2009

10th Christmas in the Philippines/10.Weihnachtsfest auf den Philippinen

This has been our 10th Christmas in the Philippines together with some family members - and, I must confess, it was wonderful.

Dies war das 10. Weihnachtsfest auf den Philippinen zusammen mit einigen Familienmitgliedern, und, ich muss sagen, es war wunderschoen.

Christmas in the Philippines - no more culture shock for me as before... .
Weihnachten auf den Philippinen - kein Kulturschock mehr fuer mich ... .

German, Philippine, and International Music in Davao City

ADI (Advanced Design & Innovation) Davao City presents the "Musikverein Kressbronn Brass Band" from Germany LIVE, featuring German, Philippine, and international music on January 9, 2010, at 7 pm at the People's Park, Davao City, and on January 10, 2010, at 11:00 am at the Paradise Park and Beach Resort on Samal Island. For further information you might call Luz at the Paradise Park and Beach Resort city office (082) - 234 2926.


Der Musikverein Kressbronn Brass Band von Deutschland ist fuer zwei Tage live in Davao City - und zwar am 9. Januar 2010 um 19 Uhr im People's Park und am 10. Januar 2010 um 11 Uhr im Paradise Park and Beach Resort auf Samal Island. Viel Spass bei deutscher, philippinischer und internationaler Musik.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Are YOU a credit card holder?

It's really amazing: three Philippine financial institutions took home top honours in MasterCard Worldwide's Hall of Fame Marketing Awards, which had its inaugural launch in Singapore on the first of December 2009.

Banco de Oro, Allied Bank and RCBC Bankard won three out of the ten awards - Best Cardholder Promotion, Most Effective Card Marketing Program and Best Usage Campaign (cross-border), respectively - for their outstanding marketing efforts in launching or promoting MasterCard card programs in South- and Southeast Asia. Their wins inducted them,along with 23 other Asian banks, into MasterCard's Marketing Hall of Fame. Congratulations.

I am glad to know that. As an expat it's necessary to know which bank should be choosed for money transfers from abroad, i.e. for pension transfers.


Es gibt unzaehlige Buecher, die sich mit dem Thema "Philippinen" beschaeftigen. Darunter findet der Leser (immer noch) jede Menge Reisefuehrer, die, kaum veroeffentlicht, schon wieder ueberholt sind. Davon habe ich "tonnenweise" (aeltere und ganz alte!) Ausgaben in meiner Buecherei.

Vor einigen Monaten erhielt ich vom Verlag Shaker Media GmbH in Aachen "noch ein Buch ueber die Philippinen" - aber, ein ganz Besonderes. Es ist Wolfgang Bethge's "Die Philippinen" mit wirklich grandiosen Einblicken in Natur, Kultur, Geschichte und Gesellschaft der Philippinen. Der Autor hat dieses Werk seiner philippinischen Ehegattin Eva A. Torres gewidmet. Eine wunderbare Geste - dieses in Leinen gebundene Epos faellt aus dem Rahmen vieler Buecher ueber die Philippinen, die ich jemals in den Haenden hatte.

Autor Bethe erwaehnt (zu Recht) das Resultat "aus einer nun doch schon mehrjaehrigen Bechaeftigung mit dem faszinierenden Land Philippinen". Natuerlich versteht sich das Buch als Ergaenzung zu vielen auf dem Markt befindlichen Reisefuehrern. Und, es ist das wirklich. Ich habe manche Stunde fasziniert gelesen - und noch viel dazu gelernt, wenn es zu bestimmten Themen ueber die Philippinen kam.

Das Buch bietet wirklich jedem etwas. Auswanderer, die hier schon leben - so wie ich, oder solche, die es werden wollen. Bethge's Werk gleicht einem Gemischtwarenladen - aber, das ist gerade das, was es so faszinierend macht.

Wolfgang Bethe, Die Philippinen, 314 Seiten, gebunden, 27 EURO,


Again another book about the Philippines - but, a very special one. It's unfortunately only in German. Really unfortunately, because an English translation would help many expats living in the Philippines to overcome the culture clash, which can't be avoid - where ever you live on this globe, or where ever you live in this beautful country named Philippines.