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You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Saturday, June 6, 2020

Das Auswärtige Amt gibt bekannt


Zur Eindämmung der COVID-19-Erkrankung ist derzeit bis auf weiteres Ausländern die Einreise in die Philippinen landesweit verboten; erteilte philippinische Einreise-Visa wurden für ungültig erklärt. Ausnahmen gelten ausschließlich für Flugzeugbesatzungen, für Familienangehörige (Ehegatten, Kinder) von philippinischen Staatsangehörigen sowie für Diplomaten und Angehörige internationaler Organisationen, die in den Philippinen akkreditiert sind. Diese unterliegen jedoch nach Einreise einer 14-tägigen Quarantänepflicht.

Eine Ausreise ist Ausländern, die sich im Land aufhalten, jederzeit erlaubt. Die zwischenzeitlich unterbrochenen regulären Verkehrsverbindungen zwischen den Inseln des Landes werden seit dem 3. Juni 2020  teilweise wieder aufgenommen. Die Regierung der Philippinen hat die seit Mitte März 2020 geltenden, landesweiten Quarantänemaßnahmen seit dem 1. Juni 2020 mit der „IATF resolution No. 40“ geändert. Es bestehen weiterhin umfangreiche Einschränkungen für die Versorgung und für die Bewegungsfreiheit. Es gilt eine nächtliche Ausgangssperre von 20 Uhr bis 5 Uhr.

• Wenn Sie zurzeit zu Gast in den Philippinen sind, prüfen Sie Rückreiseoptionen und nutzen Sie vorhandene Ausreisemöglichkeiten. Die Reisemöglichkeiten aus den Philippinen sind zurzeit beschränkt, jedoch werden weiterhin einige Verbindungen angeboten, die Ausländer nutzen können.
• Verfolgen Sie die lokalen Medien, und folgen Sie den Anweisungen der Behörden.
• Informieren Sie sich auf der Internetseite der Deutschen Botschaft Manila, auf Facebook und auf Instagram.

In Afrika und Asien lernen immer mehr Menschen Deutsch

Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung des Auswärtigen Amts, des Goethe-Instituts, der Deutschen Welle, des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdiensts und der Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen

Das Interesse an der deutschen Sprache bleibt weiterhin ungebrochen: Wie die Erhebung „Deutsch als Fremdsprache weltweit“ zeigt, lernen weltweit mehr als 15,4 Millionen Menschen Deutsch. Die Instrumente zur Förderung von Deutsch als Fremdsprache zeigen nachhaltige Wirkung. Nach wie vor gibt es in Europa die meisten Deutschlernenden, aber insbesondere in Afrika und Asien gewinnt Deutsch an Bedeutung. Die Zahl der Schulen, die Deutschunterricht anbieten, ist von 95.000 im Jahr 2015 auf rund 106.000 Schulen gewachsen. Die sprachliche Qualifizierung von Fachkräften aus dem Ausland spielt in der Deutschförderung eine zunehmend wichtigere Rolle. Digitale Lernangebote erfreuen sich wachsender Beliebtheit. Die Erhebung wird alle fünf Jahre vom Auswärtigen Amt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Goethe- Institut, der Deutschen Welle, dem DAAD und der Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA) veröffentlicht.

In Europa lernen weiterhin die meisten Menschen Deutsch (11, 2 Millionen Deutschlernende). Dabei verzeichnen vor allem die Nachbarländer Dänemark, die Niederlande, die Tschechische Republik und in Frankreich (+18 % auf 1,185 Mio.) steigende Wachstumszahlen. Auch in Russland, das 2015 noch den größten Rückgang aufwies, wächst erneut die Zahl der Deutschlernenden um 16 % auf insgesamt 1,79 Millionen. In einigen europäischen Ländern hingegen ist ein Rückgang der Deutschlernenden zu verzeichnen: So ist Polen zwar weiterhin das Land mit den meisten Deutschlernenden weltweit (1,95 Millionen), allerdings ist die Zahl seit 2015 um 15 % gefallen. Der Abwärtstrend gilt auch für Ungarn.

Der Austritt von Großbritannien aus der EU könnte wird das dort jetzt schon abflauende Interesse an Deutsch (-25 %) vermutlich noch weiter ankurbeln.

Außerhalb Europas fällt ein außerordentlich hohes Wachstum von fast 50 % in Afrika auf. Zu den afrikanischen Ländern, in denen die Zahl der Deutschlernenden gestiegen ist, gehören Ägypten, Algerien und Côte d'Ivoire. Ein weiterer wichtiger Wachstumsmarkt der deutschen Sprache liegt in Asien, vor allem in China. In den USA ist hingegen ist ein Rückgang bei den Deutschlernenden um 15% zu vermelden.

Die Erhebung zeigt auch: Deutsch wird in erster Linie an Schulen gelernt. Während 2015 weltweit ca. 95.000 Schulen Deutschunterricht angeboten haben, sind es heute rund 106.000 Schulen. Ein erfolgreiches Instrument der weltweiten Förderung von Deutsch als Fremdsprache ist die Initiative „Schulen: Partner der Zukunft" (PASCH): Inzwischen nehmen daran etwa 2.000 Schulen mit mehr als 600.000 Schülerinnen und Schüler in über 100 Ländern teil. Die PASCH-Initiative wird in Kooperation mit der ZfA, dem Goethe-Institut, dem DAAD und dem Pädagogischen Austauschdienst der KMK durchgeführt. In den Schulen wird ein modernes Deutschlandbild vermittelt und es findet eine intensive Beschäftigung mit der deutschen Sprache und Kultur statt.

Deutsch eröffnet darüber hinaus Zukunftschancen durch Zugang zu einem der weltweit besten Hochschulsysteme und zu einem attraktiven Ausbildungs- und Arbeitsmarkt. An den Hochschulen lernen aktuell 1,27 Millionen Studierende Deutsch. Im Vergleich zu 2015 ist ein leichter Rückgang von rund 60.000 weniger Deutschlernenden zu vermerken. Mit dem Deutschen Sprachdiplom und den Abschlüssen an den Deutschen Auslandsschulen der ZfA erlangen jährlich rund 20.000 Absolventinnen und Absolventen weltweit den Zugang zum Studium in Deutschland, 45 % davon beginnen ein Studium in Deutschland. Auch das Bildungsprogramm „Studienbrücke“ des Goethe-Instituts und des DAAD fördert einen leichteren Zugang zur deutschen Hochschullandschaft.

Die sprachliche Qualifizierung von Fachkräften wird angesichts des neuen Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetzes der Bundesregierung in den nächsten Jahren eine essenzielle Aufgabe der Vermittlung von Deutschkenntnissen sein. Insgesamt ist die Zahl der Deutschlernenden in der Erwachsenenbildung von rund 433.000 im Jahr 2015 auf 374.000 gestiegen. An den Goethe-Instituten lernen insgesamt rund 309.000 Menschen Deutsch, das ist ein Zuwachs von rund 73.000 Sprachkursteilnehmerinnen und –teilnehmern im Vergleich zu 2015. Dieses Wachstum ist zurückzuführen auf die wachsende Bedeutung der sprachlichen Qualifizierung von Fachkräften.

Erstmals in der Erhebung berücksichtigt wurden digitale Lernangebote. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Online-Lernmöglichkeiten insgesamt an Bedeutung gewinnen und zukünftig noch wichtiger werden – bei der Vermittlung der deutschen Sprache wie bei der Ausbildung von Deutschlehrkräften. In der Erhebung nicht mehr berücksichtigt wurde die Zeit während der Corona-Pandemie. Die in der Studie betrachteten digitalen und mobilen Lernangebote der Mittlerorganisationen haben in der Zeit ab März 2020 erhebliche Nutzungszuwächse verzeichnet: Aktuelle Zugriffszahlen („Visits“) auf die Lernplattform des Goethe-Instituts zeigen einen bedeutenden Anstieg in der Nutzung von Online-Angeboten während weltweiter Kontaktsperren und Schließungen für Publikumsverkehr von Sprach-und Bildungseinrichtungen. Während im Mai 2019 rund 326.000 Visits zu verzeichnen waren, sind es im Mai 2020 über 1,2 Millionen Visits. Die Nutzung der Online-Deutschkurse der Deutschen Welle hat sich im gleichen Zeitraum auf 4,2 Millionen Visits verdoppelt.

Der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Deutsch an vielen Orten steht jedoch ein Mangel an Deutschlehrkräften entgegen: Die Qualifizierung von Lehrkräften genießt daher hohe Priorität in der Förderung des Auswärtigen Amts und bei den Partnern. So sorgen Aus- und Fortbildungsprogramme wie „Dhoch3“ des DAAD oder „Deutsch Lehren Lernen (DLL)“ des Goethe-Instituts für eine bessere Aus- und Weiterbildung für Lehrkräfte.

Unter Federführung des Auswärtigen Amts erfasst das „Netzwerk Deutsch“ alle fünf Jahre gemeinsam mit lokalen Arbeitsgruppen die Daten zu den Deutschlernenden weltweit. An der Datenerhebung 2020 haben das Goethe-Institut, der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD), die Deutsche Welle und die Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA) mitgewirkt. Das Goethe-Institut koordinierte die Datenerhebung und bereitete die Daten auf.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

DDO mobile kitchen served 13K children in GK and NHA villages!

Davao de Oro--- More than 13,000 young children from the villages and resettlement sites of the province of Davao de Oro benefited from the feeding program serving fried chicken and arozz caldo through the mobile kitchen (mobile kusina).

A feeding program that promotes healthy and nutritious foods under the “Kusina ng Kalinga” (KNK) program of the province.

On June 2, 2020 a total of 200 children from the Gawad Kalinga (GK) villages in GK Li'l Baguio and GK LBC of the municipality of Maragusan, Davao de Oro benefited the free feeding program of the provincial government headed by Gov. Tyron Uy.

Mark Tenio KNK Focal person said that more than 13,000 children were already served out of 14,000 target children of the entire province to be fed through the mobile kitchen with nutritious foods especially in this time of crisis due to COVID-19.

He added that the Mobile Kusina was already operating for almost 2 months in serving free foods to the children living in the GK and NHA sites of the province.

On May 26, 2020, a total of 700 children also availed of the free feeding program at the National Housing Authority (NHA) resettlement sites in Kidawa, Laak Davao de Oro.

Tenio expressed his thanks to the program partners headed by Governor Uy and other private sectors for the donations (in kind or in cash) to be used for the duration of the program.

“Akoang kinasingkasing nga pagpasalamat sa mga volunteers gikan sa pag sugod og hangtod karun nakauban nato sa matag adlaw ang Bayanihan Para sa Karunungan (BPSK), Provincial Women's and Development Council (PWDC) headed by Maam Sholai Lim, Provincial Governors Office, NHA in charge, uniformed personnel, Youth for Peace, Sangguniang Kabataan (SK), Compsotela Valley Scholarship Program (CVSP) alumni and scholars , DYA in camanlangan, Beutyderm and Dumper party list thru Congressman Claudine Bautista og uban pa,” said Tenio.

The mobile kitchen was first piloted in Barangay Union, Monkayo on April 24, 2020 where there was a total of 1,000 young children who availed of the program.

Makawala sa kakapoy , Bisan pa sa ulan og kainit sa panahon nga makita ang mga bata nga nalipay og nabusog sa mobile kitchen sa probinsiya kauban sa mga volunteers nag padayun muserbisyo sa kabataan sa nagkadaiyang villages ug resettlements sites. Sarap maging bata ulit, bisan pa sa panghitabo sa kalibutan pero para sa ilaha parang wala lang, the KNK focal person said.

The Mobile Kitchen is one of the program of the Provincial Government that promotes spirit of volunteerism (bayanihan) were no one's left behind in Davao de Oro. (Rey Antibo, ID Davao de Oro)

35 ka mga estudyante sa CTCSM nga nakahuman sa 14-Day Quarantine nakauli na

Human sa ilang 14-Day Quarantine gitabangan sa gobyerno nga makauli sa ilang pinuy-anan ang 35 ka mga estudyante sa CTCSM, ug door to door ang gihimong paghatud kanila diha sa ilang tagsa-tagsa ka panimalay.

Gisugdan ang pagpanghatud sa Mayo 30,2020 ug gisulti ni LDRRMO Ritchie Jermia nga ang probinsya mismo maoy naghatud Door to Door sa mga taga Davao City ug Panabo City. Sa mga taga-other regions ang probinsya maoy naghatud kanila ngadto sa EOC sa ilang lugar nga mao say naghatud kanila paingon sa ilang pinuy-anan.

Pick-up sa ilang EOC diha kapitolyo ang mga taga Agusan del Sur. Samtang, ang tulo nga mga taga Davao De Oro gisundo sa ilang Mun. EOC nga mao say naghatud kanila sa ilang panimalay.

Niadtong Mayo 29,2020 nahuman ang ilang 14-Day Quarantine sulod sa usa ka komportableng quarantine facility sa kapitolyo sa Nabunturan, ug kini gitapos sa usa ka fellowship dinner atol sa closing program kauban mismo si Gov. Jayvee Tyron  Uy nga nanghatag og P3,000.00 nga pabaon sa kada usa kanila aron aduna silay pocket-money panahon sa ilang pagbiyahe.

Sayo sa buntag niadtong adlawa adunay nagkadaiyang pampering services sama sa libreng gupit ug libreng nail care services nga gidalit ngadto sa kada usa kanila sa Prov'l Women Development Council (PWDC) nga una nang nanghatag kanila og lamiang mga snacks kaduha sa usa ka adlaw gikan sa pagsugod hangtud nahuman ang ilang 14-Day Quarantine sa Davao De Oro.

 (Gilbert M. Cabahug PAO-ID DDO)

Ysalina Bridge

Davao de Oro agriculture reports response on COVID-19

The Provincial Agriculturist Office (PAGRO) of the provincial government of Davao de Oro reported their initiatives and actions for food security and contingency plan in response to Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

As of May 25, 2020 report during the Provincial Inter-Agency Task Force (PIATF) Virtual Meeting, they were able to allocate a total of P15Million pesos for the provision for food security on agriculture and fisheries for COVID-19 emergency situation for the rice, corn and vegetables commodities. They also allocated fuel and other assistance for the operation of the KADIWA on Wheels per cooperative for the Palengke Bound for Barangay (PBB).

PAGRO has allocated a total of 2,727 Liters of Gasoline and 6,979 Liters of Diesoline as of May 24, 2020 as fuel assistance through Kadiwa on wheels for the continuing operation of the PBB.

According to Minda Agarano, PG Head of PAGRO, "with the assistance, as of April 14 to May 15, 2020, more than Php8M estimated sales was generated by the 48 vendors from the six (6) participating municipalities namely: Compostela, Monkayo, Mawab, Maco, Pantukan and Laak servicing 83 barangays."

Meanwhile, as of May 6, 2020 a total of 1,231 rice-farmer-beneficiaries for the Rice Farmer Financial Assistance (RFFA) program of the Department of Agriculture (DA) with P5,000 each for the first batch within the 10 municipalities of the province with 940 cash cards were already distributed through the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP).

For the 2nd Batch, a total of 303 slots farmer-beneficiaries were allotted with cash cards. For the 3rd batch, a total of 1,090 slots for ongoing verification from LBP and will be released thru payroll list pay out not in cash card.

On the other hand, for the rice seeds positioning 600 bags of inbred seeds were already distributed directly to IA participated in early planting (QTA) and for the High Yield Technology Adoption (HYTA) 2,897 bags hybrid seeds with varieties: M20, US88, Bigante Plus, Longping Variety and SL19 were already delivered and positioned to the bodegas of Municipal Agriculturist Office (MAGRO) of the 11 municipalities.

As of May 22, 2020, 4, 069 bags out of 19,680 bags of inbred seeds at 20kgs/bag with Varieties: Rc 222, Rc 160, Rc 216, Rc 402, and Rc 480 were partially delivered to the municipality of Compostela 2,000 bags, New Bataan 1,054 bags, Montevista 1,015 bags and the remaining seeds will continue to deliver until last week of June 2020.
(Rey Antibo, ID DDO)

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


My column in Mindanao Daily, BusinessWeek Mindanao and Metro Cagayan Times

ONCE upon a time, I drifted back on my lifetime's way. My niece told me: that's a matter of aging. I smiled. Anyway, drifting back to old memories is not bad. That's sometimes really helpful.
During my journey back, I suddenly  saw a nameplate: Heavenly Department Store. I came closer. The door opened itself wider and wider. A swarm of angels gathered together. One of them presented a shopping basket to me. "Enjoy your shopping, but do it carefully!" Everything what a Christian needs, could be bought in this department store. If one couldn't carry everything home, one could be back next day, get the last bit and buy even more.
At first, I bought PATIENCE, the quality of enduring with calmness. LOVE, the human affection, was in the same shelve. A little bit deeper, I found SYMPATHY, the sharing of emotion, interest, and desire, and COMPREHENSION, the capacity of the mind to perceive and understand together with APPRECIATION, the setting of a valued one.
I added packages of WISDOM, the knowledge and the capacity to make use of it and additional bags of FAITH, the belief especially in a revealed religion. I relaxed a couple of minutes and then, I looked for STRENGTH, the important power or vigor and bravery and fearlessness. They should help me to continue my forward to future. I thought myself, that I shouldn't forget MERCY, the leniency shown to a guilty person, and REDEMPTION, the deliverance from sin.
My basket was already stuffed and I started looking for the cashier. One the way there, I found the PRAYER. I needed it to avoid running dead straight into a sin. An angel advised me also never to forget PEACE AND JOY, hymn of praise and chant.
Now it was really time to pay all those things. But the angel smiled and told me, "Take everything with you, where ever you may go." I asked, "What do I owe you?" The angel answered, "Nothing, somebody paid already your bills long time ago. His name was Jesus!"
I found this fabulous and wonderful fantastic story in my published documents from September 1988, during my time in Abra while writing a column for the mission oriented TINIG NG BAYAN - a magazine for Filipinos abroad. This here is a revised version, because my opinion is, that, no matter, where we are living on this globe especially noawdays in 2020, we should try to project this timeless legend on to our very personal daily life. You'll find out, that it helps to survive in our life struggles. It's important to realize that we must be able to administer wise our valuable treasure of vital life energy, instead of fritter away with it such as knick-knacks.
My dear readers: stay safe  - as always... .

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Davao de Oro at your Fingertips

Davao de Oro Province--- Making information readily accessible to all especially Dabawenyos, the Provincial Government of Davao de Oro launches the “DDO iPortal”, a mobile application which features all Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU)-related services that can be accessed online.

As the world currently experiences the pandemic, individuals worldwide start to embrace the new normal. The face-to-face interaction is now done virtually by applications available in the online world. The “DDO iPortal” has 9 (nine) major features making the Provincial Capitol accessible in just a single tap.

The features are: "E-services" which enables the provincial local government authorized employees to view and print daily time records. Authorized program coordinators can also track program funds utilization and document processing status; "Bayanihan Efforts" for news updates of all bayanihan initiatives led by the PLGU Davao de Oro; "Serbisyo Oro Mismo!" the official net-teleradio of the province wherein users can watch live news coverage or replay segments; "Emergency Hotlines," a hassle-free emergency response directory that allows users to dial their desired agency with just one tap; "Call DdOC" which serves as an online consultancy linked to the official page of the 4 provincial hospitals and its official hotline numbers.

Other features include the "Government Orders" which serves as a databank of all executive orders signed this 2020; "Online Palengke" a virtual market that easily links consumers to suppliers; "Online Bagsakan" a virtual platform that directly links (farmers) producers to wholesalers and lastly the "Tourism and Investments" that features the scenic and landmark views, dining accommodation, pasalubong centers, festivities and other activities in Davao de Oro.

In its interface, a map of Davao de Oro can be found which showcases destinations in its 11 municipalities. The application can now be downloaded for free at the Google Play Store.

(Jasteen Abella, ID DAVAO DE ORO)

Limited consular services available

Please be informed, that the German Honorary Consulate in Davao City offers limited counter operations from Mondays until Thursdays from 9 - 10:30 AM too. No walk-ins allowed. Appointments via 082 - 227 1761 or 0915 - 219 9002 or davaocity@hk-diplo.de . Strictly limited to 3 persons daily.

Monday, June 1, 2020

35 stranded CTCSM students return home

... after 14-day quarantine

Davao de Oro-- After 14-day quarantine, 35 stranded students of Community Technical College of Southern Mindanao (CTCSM) in Maco, Davao de Oro finally returned to their respective hometowns and reunited with their families.

It can be recalled that the students were stuck for nearly two months within the campus while the province was placed under enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) to contain the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19).

The Provincial Inter-Agency Task Force (PIATF) of Davao de Oro facilitated the fetching of the students last May 16, 2020.

Upon fetching, they immediately underwent health screening using the rapid diagnostic test to further check if the students were not manifesting flu-like symptoms linked to Covid-19. After being tested, they were referred to the BFP Building in the Provincial Capitol Complex for their 14-day quarantine commenced.

The students were given psychosocial activities from the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO) as a means not just to combat boredom and remedy for their homesickness but also enhancement for personality development, overall behavior and attitude in life.

Part also of their daily schedule which they helped plan and organized included “getting to know” activities, physical exercises, and film viewing. The students were also given spiritual session through the Provincial Spiritual Development and Values Restoration program (PSDVRP) to hear and pray for guidance and protection from the crisis.

The Provincial Health Office conducted daily medical check-up to monitor their health status. Safety measures were also observed by the team in providing their service. Meal plan including nutritious foods were also served by the Kusina ng Kalinga program to ensure that the basic needs of the stranded students under quarantine will be provided.

“Mapasalamaton mi sa lokal nga panggamhanan sa Davao de Oro sa panguna ni Governor Jayvee Tyron L. Uy inubanan sa DepEd, PHO, PSWDO ug uban pa kabahin sa pagtabang arun maka uli mi sa tagsa-tagsa namu ka pamilya”, their team leader said.

Prior to boarding, goods as well as school bags, grocery items, financial assistance, and medical certificates were given to each student as proof that they are tested negative from the virus after being quarantined.

“Daghang salamat sa inyung dakong kooperasyon sa mga aktibidadis nga gihatag sa inyuha sulod sa 14-day quarantine dinhi sa atuang probinsya nga part usab sa atuang health protocol batok sa COVID-19. Hinaot nga sa inyuhang pag-uli sa tagsa-tagsa ka mga panimalay malipayon mo nga makauban ang inyuhang pamilya”, Governor Jayvee Tyron L. Uy said as he personally bid goodbye to the students. (Rheafe Hortizano, PAO-ID Davao de Oro)

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Lufthansa muss Start- und Landerechte abgeben

Die EU hat grünes Licht für das Lufthansa-Rettungspaket der Bundesregierung gegeben. Doch ein Kompromiss-Detail dürfte der Airline gar nicht passen: Sie muss in Frankfurt und München auf sogenannte Slots verzichten.

Bundesregierung und EU-Kommission haben sich bei langwierigen Verhandlungen zum Rettungspaket für die schwer angeschlagene Lufthansa auf einen Kompromiss geeinigt. Demnach muss die Airline Start- und Landerechte, sogenannte Slots, in Frankfurt am Main und München abgeben. Die Vereinbarung sieht vor, dass die Lufthansa insgesamt acht Flugzeuge - vier in Frankfurt und vier München - mitsamt der dazugehörigen 24 Slots abgibt. Damit könnten Wettbewerber an den beiden Heimatflughäfen der Lufthansa jeweils eine eigene Basis errichten.

Management stimmt Auflagen zu

Der Vorstand der Lufthansa akzeptiert die von der EU-Kommission verlangten Auflagen für das neun Milliarden Euro schwere Rettungspaket. Das habe das Management beschlossen, teilte das Unternehmen in der Nacht zum Samstag mit. Der LH-Aufsichtsrat und die Hauptversammlung müssen aber noch zustimmen.

Staatshilfe darf nicht zur Wettbewerbsvorteil führen

Für die EU-Kommission, deren Zustimmung zu dem deutschen Rettungspaket notwendig war, hatte Wettbewerbskommissarin Margrethe Vestager gefordert, dass im Gegenzug für staatliche Hilfen an die Lufthansa Start- und Landerechte an Wettbewerber abgetreten werden müssten. Vestager begründete dies mit der Bedeutung der Slots für den Wettbewerb. "Wenn jemand mit ihnen (Lufthansa) konkurrieren will, braucht er Slots an einem Flughafen", sagte die Dänin.

Nach Informationen aus Verhandlungskreisen hatte die EU ursprünglich die Slots von bis zu 20 Flugzeugen gefordert. Deutschlands größte Fluggesellschaft hatte zunächst die Abgabe von drei Flugzeugen angeboten.

Versuch, die Pleite abzuwenden

Die Lufthansa und die Bundesregierung hatten sich am Montag auf staatliche Hilfen in Form von drei Milliarden Euro Krediten, sowie sechs Milliarden stillen Einlagen und einem Aktienpaket für den Staat an der Airline von 20 Prozent geeinigt. Schon diese Gespräche hatten sich wochenlang hingezogen, weil es in der Regierung einen Streit darüber gab, wie stark der Staat sich als Geldgeber künftig bei dem Unternehmen einmischen kann.

Die Corona-Pandemie mit den folgenden Reisebeschränkungen hat die Geschäfte der Lufthansa, wie auch die der Mitbewerber, nahezu zum Erliegen gebracht hat. Die Lufthansa-Gruppe transportierte im April und Mai gerade noch ein Prozent der Fluggäste im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Einzig das Luftfrachtgeschäft lief eingeschränkt weiter. In dem Konzern mit rund 138.000 Beschäftigten stehen deswegen Zehntausende Arbeitsplätze auf der Kippe.

qu/mak (dpa, afp, rtr)

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Bundesregierung will Reisewarnung für 31 Länder aufheben

Rechtzeitig zur Ferienzeit will Deutschland ab dem 15. Juni die weltweite Reisewarnung aufheben – allerdings nur für europäische Länder. Reisehinweise sollen künftig die Risiken für jedes Land aufzeigen. Dafür gibt es bereits eine Blaupause.

Die Bundesregierung will die weltweite Reisewarnung für Touristen ab dem 15. Juni für 31 europäische Staaten aufheben, wenn die weitere Entwicklung der Corona-Pandemie es zulässt. Neben den 26 Partnerländern Deutschlands in der Europäischen Union gehören dazu das aus der EU ausgetretene Großbritannien und die vier Staaten des grenzkontrollfreien Schengen-Raums, die nicht Mitglied in der EU sind: Island, Norwegen, die Schweiz und Liechtenstein.

Das geht aus dem Entwurf für ein Eckpunktepapier mit dem Titel „Kriterien zur Ermöglichung des innereuropäischen Tourismus“ hervor, der möglicherweise bereits am Mittwoch im Kabinett beschlossen werden soll und der Deutschen Presse-Agentur vorliegt.

Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas (SPD) hatte die weltweite Reisewarnung am 17. März ausgesprochen – ein bisher einmaliger Schritt. Bisher wurden Reisewarnungen nur bei einer Gefahr für Leib und Leben vor allem in Krisengebieten wie Syrien oder Afghanistan verhängt.

Hinweise statt Warnung

Die Aufhebung der Reisewarnung soll nun gerade rechtzeitig vor der Ferienzeit das Startsignal für grenzüberschreitenden Sommerurlaub in Europa geben. Man lasse sich dabei von dem Gedanken leiten, „dass die Wiederbelebung des Tourismus wichtig ist sowohl für Reisende und die deutsche Reisewirtschaft als auch für die wirtschaftliche Stabilität in den jeweiligen Zielländern“, heißt es in dem Entwurf aus dem Auswärtigen Amt.

Die Reisewarnung soll durch individuelle Reisehinweise ersetzt werden, die für jedes einzelne Land die Risiken aufzeigen sollen. Um einen möglichst guten Schutz der Touristen vor einer Corona-Infektion zu gewährleisten, will sich die Bundesregierung in der EU für eine Reihe gemeinsamer Kriterien einsetzen.

Unter anderem schlägt sie die Übernahme der Obergrenze von 50 Neuinfektionen auf 100.000 Einwohner innerhalb von sieben Tagen durch die anderen europäischen Länder vor. In Deutschland führt eine Überschreitung dieser Grenze zu einer Wiedereinführung von bereits abgeschafften Anti-Corona-Maßnahmen.

(C) WELT 2020

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Sometimes, we feel our life is turning miserably. Our negativity doesn't allow us to keep our eyes, ears - and, most important! -  our minds, hearts and souls opened. Were reaching our breaking point.

For many people around us, the "new normality" because of lock-down and so many more new restrictions results in physical and mental illnesses. 2020 - a year we never expected to be like this. And, it's not yet over ... .

As I said several years ago here: this breaking point can be the prelude to our strongest moment. It is when we reach our breaking point, that we discover our real strength. Allow me to ask you, my dear readers, "What happens to you or with you when you reach your breaking point?" Do you face it or do you run away?

I'll be giving you a very simple answer: If you face it - you break it. If you run away (and/or close your ears, eyes and mouth) - it surely breaks you!

Every day in quarantine - a dull reality! Many of us will answer this question with a big YES!  When boredom strikes ... . Actually we do like to cover a newborn day already with grey veil? Each day has a new face, but nowadays, we don't have the strength to watch its countenance. Of course, not every day has adventures and highlights.

But we enjoy quarreling and arguing. With other people and even with ourselves. Yes, we're all experiencing new normality.

Contrary to what might be expected, I look back on experiences that, at the same time, seemed especially desolating and painful with a particular satisfaction. Indeed, everything I have learned, everything that has truly enhanced and enlightened my existence, has been through affliction and not through happiness.

If it ever were to be possible to eliminate affliction from your earthly existence, the result would not be make life delectable, but to make it too banal and trivial to be endurable.

By observation, we can feel that many of us need help to manage the everyday life. We need something that would keep us going as we journey through life. Many times we can also learn from other people and their experiences.

And here is one more thing: Affection is the humblest love - it gives itself no airs. It lives with humble and private things: soft slippers, old clothes, old jokes, and the thump of a sleepy dog's tail on the kitchen floor. The glory of affection, the disposition of mind, the good will and tender attachment, is that it can unite those who are not "made for one and another", people. Who, if not out down by fate in the same household or community, would have nothing to do with one and another.

For me life has been a thing of ups and downs in approximately equal measure. I don't have something sensational to report every day about my progress. Often, I wonder if fulfillment in life is necessarily tied to change for the better. Even now while experiencing "new normality" ... .

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

German Honorary Consulate in Davao City reopens

Please be informed that due to so many requests the German Honorary Consulate in Davao City for Mindanao is reopening starting next Tuesday May 26, 2020 following the strict health and hygiene measures. Personal appointments are limited to 3 clients per day and only after setting an appointment via 0915 219 9002 or 082 227 1761. NO WALK-INS ALLOWED! 

If you miss your scheduled appointment, you shall set up anew appointment because you'll be entertained on your scheduled appointment only. For your guidance.

Monday, May 18, 2020


When tragedy strikes, it's easy to harden our hearts and cry out, "God, why did you let this happen?" Maybe then, we started praying. Before, when everything goes smooth, we would not even think a minute about praying... .

In times like now, while dealing with the corona virus and all the related circumstances, many of us might starting praying again. Each of us has concerns to fight with. Financial and  natural health problems - worries about our future - our businesses, education etc. etc. pp.

"To be a Christian without prayer, "said protestant Martin Luther, "is no more possible than to be alive without breathing." Prayer is the only way of becoming what God wants us to be. This is the reason, why Jesus spent many hours in praying.

Unquestionable, our daily needs bring us to a place of prayer. Confronted with danger, natural disasters or other  tragedies, as I mentioned earlier, we look for God's help. Difficult times always cause the hearts of men to turn to God into prayer.

Let me ask you: How long has it been since your're brought your burdens to God? Since when  did you ask His forgiveness for your shortcomings?

During my home office time, I spent a lot for hours in my library. I found a very interesting book:  "People in Prayer". The author Dr. John White reminds us that prayer is a divine-human interaction and it is always God who takes the initiative. White write: "God speaks and we respond. God is always speaking. To hear his voice is not usually a mystical experience. It consists merely of a willingness to pay heed to God who lays a claim to our lives."

Yes, God always speaks. It is up to us whether we will listen and respond to Him. Many think we are the ones who initiate prayer. But prayers begin and end with God.

There was a time, I wasn't in the mood to pray any more. It seemed that God didn't listen my prayer any more. I didn't get what I prayed for. Of course, not... ! That's not the meaning of praying to God. All my wishes will be granted? Heaven forbid!

Sometimes, after we have prayed, God's answers may puzzle us. But as time times goes by and as events unfold we see God's purpose in his answers. We might get a larger vision, what HE likes. Not what WE like... .

Think about it for a moment: How does the idea that prayer begins and ends with God affect me now? Do I have the habit of listening to god? How do I respond to Him? How do I usually pray?

I confess that long time ago I have been trying to persuade God to change other people in my surroundings or circumstances. Nothing changed. Of course not, what a fatal attraction? I got confused because God never granted my requests. Meanwhile I got God's answers to my prayers. Maybe very simple: I was willing to let God change me... .This is how each one of us should start. Happy endings. Because I prayed according to His will... .

Talking about prayer, we also have to mention the probably most down-earth book in the bible which is  Proverbs. Its education prepares you for the street and the marketplace, not the schoolroom The book offers the warm advice you get by growing up in a good family. It covers small questions as well as large: talking too much, visiting neighbors to often, being unbearable cheerful to early in the morning. Proverbs simply tells how life works most of the time.

I always love to quote proverbs, which express truth about life in an elegant, witty kernel. You should not hunt through it for proverbs you might like. You should study the whole book to get its overall point of view. This takes time, for Proverbs covers dozens of subjects in the subtle detail.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Deutscher Kanzleramtschef: Keine Pflichtimpfung gegen Coronavirus.

In Deutschland soll es keine Impfpflicht gegen SARS-CoV-2 geben. Das sagte Kanzleramtschef Helge Braun den Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe. Wenn es einen Impfstoff gebe, könne jeder sich freiwillig impfen lassen. Wer das nicht wolle, müsse das Risiko einer Infektion selbst tragen. Der CDU-Politiker äußerte die Hoffnung, dass es zwischen Anfang und Mitte nächsten Jahres einen Impfstoff für die breite Bevölkerung geben wird. Wenn sich dann möglichst viele Menschen immunisieren ließen, würde es keine Beschränkungen mehr geben, und Deutschland könne zum normalen Leben zurückkehren.

SP approves Anti Covid-19 Discrimination Ordinance

Davao de Oro Province--- As the human race continues to fight this dreaded disease, another  battle against stigma unfolds as some chose to discriminate others who were associated with the virus, but the golden province of Davao de Oro continues to fight in the spirit of “Bayanihan” and unity among its constituents.

Confirmed, probable and suspects of COVID-19 including our health workers and other front-liners were discriminated by others. Various reports of discrimination includes eviction from their homes, declined service in public transportation, markets, eateries, oppression due to fear of acquiring the infection and some were avoided from their place of origination.

As Davao de Oro prioritizes the good of all its constituents, the provincial government issued the Provincial Ordinance No. 68-2020. The ordinance is known as “Anti-Covid 19 Discrimination Ordinance of the Province of Davao de Oro” which will combat the widespread stigmatization on the basis of one’s medical condition and profession.

Bringing the entire province to its peak for years, the Provincial Government sees to it that normalcy and order will be brought to its land amidst the emerging crisis as well as protection of its constituents   from unjust discrimination from fear and panic by the public.

The Ordinance covers the protection of all front-liners and individuals who were Covid-patients that have recovered or the former PUIs and PUMs from acts of harassment, violence and discrimination; denying access to public services, programs, and facilities; denying access or admission to medical and other health services as well as private and public establishments and transportation services that are open for the general public. They are also protected from utterance and slanderous online post that provoke discrimination as well as physical and verbal harassment.

Individuals who were associated with the disease such as PUIs and PUMs together with probable, suspected and positive cases were also protected from discrimination and harassment and from unauthorized disclosure of their personal information to the public in any means. Respective families of these individuals were also protected in any forms of discrimination and harassment.

“Importante nga proteksyonan nato ang atuang mga front-liners, so naghimo kita pinaagi sa Provincial Ordinance No. 68 ug usa ka ordinansa nga gipasa sa atuang Sanggunian, diin nagabawal kita sa any act of discrimination sa atuang mga frontliners. Gina-dili pod nato ang pagbiay-biay including na gani sa mga discrimination acts sa mga probable, suspects, PUMS, PUIs ug positive nga na cleared from any medical authorities. Ginadili pod nato ang pag discriminate sa ilaha,” said Vice-Governor Maria Carmen Zamora.

A fine ranging from Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000) to Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000) will be imposed to persons who will commit any of the acts and/or imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months, or both, at the discretion of the court.(Jasteen Abella, ID DAVAO DE ORO)

From the Office of the City Mayor Davao

Friday, May 15, 2020

Auswärtiges Amt: Aktuelle Reisewarnungen Philippinen

Letzte Änderungen:
Aktuelles (Taifunwarnung, COVID-19)


Ab dem 14. Mai 2020 soll der Taifun Vong Fong/Ambo auf Ost-Visayas treffen und bis 16. Mai 2020 in Richtung Norden und Luzon ziehen. Der Taifun kann heftige Regenfälle und Winde mit sich bringen, die zu Überschwemmungen und Beeinträchtigungen der Infrastruktur in der Stromversorgung und bei Verkehrswegen führen können.

• Beachten Sie Wettervorhersagen und insbesondere Taifunwarnungen wie beim Joint Typhoon Warning Center oder beim philippinischen Wetterdienst „Pagasa“ .
• Beachten Sie bei einer Sturmwarnung die Hinweise zu Wirbelstürmen im Ausland bzw. die Hinweise des Bundesamts für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe.
• Vermeiden Sie Aufenthalte in den möglicherweise von dem Taifun betroffene Gebiete.
• Folgen Sie stets den Anweisungen lokaler Behörden, auch im Fall von Evakuierungen.

Zur Eindämmung der COVID-19-Erkrankung ist derzeit bis auf weiteres Ausländern die Einreise in die Philippinen landesweit verboten; erteilte philippinische Einreise-Visa wurden für ungültig erklärt. Ausnahmen gelten ausschließlich für Flugzeugbesatzungen, für Familienangehörige (Ehegatten, Kinder) von philippinischen Staatsangehörigen sowie für Diplomaten und Angehörige internationaler Organisationen, die in den Philippinen akkreditiert sind. Diese unterliegen jedoch nach Einreise einer 14-tägigen Quarantänepflicht.

Eine Ausreise ist Ausländern, die sich im Land aufhalten, jederzeit erlaubt. Es bestehen aber keine regulären Verkehrsverbindungen zwischen den Inseln des Landes. Ausländern, die sich auf Luzon aufhalten, ist es aber möglich, sich auf dem Landweg nach Manila zur Ausreise über den internationalen Flughafen zu begeben, wenn sie ein Flugticket mit sich führen und die Ausreise innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden bevorsteht oder sie eine Hotelbuchung bis zum Abflug nachweisen können.

Seit dem 17. März 2020 gelten bis vorerst zum 31. Mai 2020 für die philippinische Hauptinsel Luzon und die anderen Ballungsgebiete um Cebu und Davao strenge Quarantänemaßnahmen, die nur kurze Einkäufe und für wenige ausgenommene unerlässliche Wege zur Arbeit erlauben. Es gilt eine nächtliche Ausgangssperre (20.00 Uhr bis 05.00 Uhr). Für den Großraum Manila (Metro Manila) gelten seit dem 15. März 2020 Ein- und Ausreisesperren auf dem Land-, See- und Luftweg. Ungeachtet einer leichten Ausweitung der Ausnahmen vom generellen Ausgangsverbot innerhalb der von Metro Manila ab dem 16. Mai 2020 sind für einzelne Gemeinden dort zusätzliche Beschränkungen wie zum Beispiel Verbote, das Gemeindegebiet zu verlassen in Kraft oder können kurzfristig erlassen werden.

Für die Philippinen wurde eine Rückholaktion für deutsche gestrandete Reisende durchgeführt.

• Wenn Sie zurzeit zu Gast in den Philippinen sind, prüfen Sie Rückreiseoptionen und nutzen Sie vorhandene Ausreisemöglichkeiten. Die Reisemöglichkeiten aus den Philippinen sind zurzeit beschränkt, jedoch werden weiterhin einige Verbindungen angeboten, die Ausländer nutzen können.
• Verfolgen Sie die lokalen Medien und folgen Sie den Anweisungen der Behörden.
• Informieren Sie sich auf der Internetseite der Deutschen Botschaft Manila, auf Facebook und auf Instagram.
• Bitte beachten Sie unsere fortlaufend aktualisierten Informationen zu COVID-19/Coronavirus, insbesondere die derzeitige Reisewarnung vor nicht notwendigen, touristischen Reisen.

Sicherheit - Teilreisewarnung
Vor Reisen in folgende Regionen oder Gebiete gewarnt:
- Zamboanga Peninsula (Region IX)
- Northern Mindanao (Region X)
- Davao-Region (Region XI) mit Ausnahme des Stadtgebietes von Davao City
- Soccsksargen (Region XII)
- Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
- Inseln des Sulu-Archipels
- Süd-Palawan mit Ausnahme von Puerto Princesa
Von nicht erforderlichen Reisen in andere Regionen von Mindanao und in der Mindanao-See wird abgeraten.

General Community Quarantine in Davao City

The City Government of Davao released on Thursday morning a DRAFT of the executive order on the specific guidelines IF the city will officially shift to GENERAL COMMUNITY QUARANTINE.

Series of 2020


SECTION 2. GUIDELINES. The following guidelines of the GCQ:

1. OMNIBUS GUIDELINES. The Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of the Community Quarantine in the Philippines is hereby adopted for the implementation of the GCQ in the city.

2. QUARANTINE. No one can come out of their house except those using a Food and Medicine pass (FM pass) or those allowed to work under GCQ;

3. GCQ EXEMPTED WORK. Department of Trade and Industry Memorandum Circular 20-22 series of 2020 and its Annex is hereby adopted to enumerate all the offices, establishments and industries allowed to operate during GCQ.

4. GCQ NOT EXEMPTED WORK. All private offices and business establishments who are GCQ exempted, whenever needed, may operate a home office or work from home system for their employees. They shall not be allowed to open to the public or accept clients or customers in their houses.

5. VULNERABLE SECTOR. Any person below twenty-one (21) years old, those who are sixty (60) years old and above, those with immunodeficiency, comorbidities, or other health risks, and pregnant women, including any person who reside with the aforementioned, shall be required to remain in their residences at all times, except when indispensable under the circumstances for obtaining essential goods and services or for work in permitted industries and offices. (Omnibus Guidelines Sec. 3 No.2)

6. INDISPENSABLE DEFINITION. Sec. 3 (7) OF THE Omnibus Guidelines provide that individuals below the age of 21 years old and those 60 years and above may enter malls only when indispensable under the circumstances for obtaining goods and essential services or for work. Indispensable shall mean necessary because of peculiar circumstances, e.g. senior living alone, emergency, doctor’s clinic inside mall, etc.

7. FM PASS. The Food and Medicine pass (FM pass) shall be used to buy food, medicines or go to the hospital. Two (2) individuals can be named on the pass but only one (1) named person therein can use it at any given time. The FM pass must be used with a valid ID to verify the name indicated therein;

a. FM pass with last digit 1,3,5,7,9 can only be used on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, FM pass with last digit 0,2,4,6,8 can only be used on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, FM pass can only be used from the hours of 5:00AM to 9:00PM. The FM pass cannot be used on a Sunday.

b. Groceries, supermarket, wet market, pharmacy, drugstore must require the presentation of a GCQ exempted workers ID or FM pass and valid ID before entering the store. The establishment can refuse entry if the person is found to violating the rules on the use of the FM pass;

c. The establishment can implement reasonable rules within their premises during the GCQ to protect their employees;

8. CLUSTERING. The clustering of barangays in a district for the purposes of travel is hereby lifted. However, for the protection of the public and to control the spread within a specific community only, everyone is advised to avoid the areas identified to be Very High Risk and Medium Risk based on the risk assessment made. This list shall be published in a separate document.


a. The schedule of the ban of trucks along the highways is hereby lifted;
b. All vehicles must implement physical distancing inside their units;
c. Jeepneys shall set-up the approved physical distancing seating arrangement with barriers;
d. Private vehicles and Taxis with 1 driver and 1 passenger in front and 1 at the back, observing physical distancing;
e. Tricycle with 1 driver and 1 passenger in front and 1 at the back, observing distancing;
f. Single rider motorcycle or bicycle;
g. Free bus rides from the government;
h. All passengers must present a GCQ exempted employee ID or FM pass whenever required to do so by the driver or law enforcement;
i. Privately employed drivers shall present an employee ID or a certification from his employer and a xerox copy or mobile phone picture of the employer’s ID;

10. SELF-PROTECTION MEASURES. Everyone shall wear face masks in all public places even when inside offices and establishments and must observe at least one (1) meter physical distance from other individuals. Regular handwashing with soap and water should be strictly followed by the employees. Alcohol stations must be available for clients and customers.

11. NEW NORMAL RULES. All offices, schools, institutions, establishments, farm, factories, work site and places of worship must create their New Normal (NN) rules in preparation for the lifting of the quarantine. NN rules shall be implemented until vaccine or medicine becomes available for the public or until lifted by the government. NN rules should institute infection control measures which shall include wearing of face masks, at least 1-meter physical distancing, regular handwashing, regular disinfection of premises and all other no touch/ no contact rules that can be implemented;

12. MASS GATHERING. All public and private mass gatherings are prohibited. Any gathering of more than 10 individuals is considered a mass gathering. Government aid distribution must strictly follow physical distancing.

13. RELIGIOUS CEREMONY. All religious ceremonies, meetings, prayers and gatherings are prohibited. All faith-based groups are requested to make available online ceremonies for their members;

14. GOVERNMENT OFFICES AND NGO/FOUNDATION. All Government offices must be on full operation despite the shifting schedule, work from home arrangements and other work arrangements;

15. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. All private and public educational institutions can implement a skeletal workforce to prepare for online enrollment procedures or any other system that will not create mass gathering and violate physical distancing rules. All institutions should prepare for online classes, distance learning, take home modules, home school program and other programs which do not require students to come to class until face to face classroom instruction may be allowed. The Department of Education Order 007, Series of 2020 dated 11 May 2020 is hereby adopted;

16. LAW ENFORCEMENT RANDOM INSPECTION OR CHECKPOINT. All individuals on the streets or in vehicles whenever asked by law enforcement or barangay checkpoints, must present their GCQ exempted employee ID card or Food and Medicine pass with valid ID whichever is applicable;

a. GCQ and curfew exempted workers need an FM pass to buy food or medicine;

17. LIQUOR BAN. No liquor, alcohol or any other intoxicating drink shall be sold, served or consumed in public until after the quarantine is lifted. Liquor ban shall be 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

18. CURFEW AND EXEMPTION. The curfew hours shall be from 9:00PM to 5:00AM. Within the curfew hours, people cannot go out of their houses, except if cases of emergencies or if going to work in the exempted sectors/frontline offices. The workers in offices, establishments and industries allowed to operate under DTI MC 20-22 series of 2022 are exempted from curfew;

19. SARI-SARI STORE. Sari-sari stores shall be closed from 6:00PM – 6:00AM. They shall not allow people to stay or loiter around the premises;

20. WET MARKET. All wet markets/palengkes shall be closed everyday at 5:00PM for daily disinfection;

a. Residents from other clusters are prohibited to visit the markets in high risk areas such as Bangkerohan Market, Piapi Market and Agdao Market for their own protection;
b. All wet markets/palengkes must have an entrance, exit and one-way direction for people to go through. People cannot turn around and go back and cannot roam around the wet market/palengke;

21. MOBILE PALENGKE OR ROLLING STORE. Mobile Palengke, rolling store, grocery on wheels, or ambulant food vendors who are using different modes of transportation to sell basic food commodities in the barangays shall be allowed. Basic food commodities shall mean rice, bread, meat, poultry, fish, fruits and vegetables, cooking oil and other food condiments. There must be a maximum of 2 workers, 1 driver and 1 assistant who shall wear face masks and shall implement proper food handling;

22. WAKE UP AND BURIAL. Funeral Parlors, private and public cemeteries are mandated to impose a “family members only” wake and burial and at all times demand compliance and observance of (1) meter distance between family members, wearing of face masks and frequent hand washing with soap and water;

23. TELEPHONE MEDICINE. 911 shall operate a telemedicine project in coordination with volunteer doctors:

a. Pharmacies and drugstores must accept prescriptions that are in form of text messages wherein the sender is 911 to cater to patients who are accommodated by volunteer doctors conducting telemedicine in the city in coordination with 911;
b. In the absence of a doctor’s prescription, pharmacies and drugstores must allow citizens of their duly authorized representatives to avail of their senior citizen’s discount with the presentation of only their purchase orders/booklets and senior citizen ID;

24. EMERGENCY. There is no need for any ID or pass in the event of an emergency;

25. EXERCISE. Individuals are allowed to exercise or go out in the sun or get some fresh air provided that they are within a few meters from their houses.

SOURCE: City Government of Davao


Saturday, May 9, 2020

“Balik Dde Oro” for stranded Davao de Oro residents

Davao de Oro Province--- On account of COVID-19’s effect worldwide, fear continues to coat everyone’s heart. Daily activities were no longer the same as it was before and outside activities were being limited. Families wanted to be with each other as humanity continue to fight this dreaded disease.

As the Golden Province of Davao de Oro prioritizes the welfare of all Dabawenyos, a Return Home Special Program and humanitarian initiative called “Balik Dde Oro” was initiated by the Provincial Government.  The program intends to help residents and constituents of Davao de Oro who were currently stranded outside the province due to the different community quarantine policies implemented nation-wide to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus infection.

“Balik Dde Oro” partners with the 11 Municipal Local Government Units of the province. The program started its operation on May 4, 2020 and catered calls, text messages and online applications from Dabawenyos who wanted to get back home.  Hotline numbers coming from the municipal and provincial hub caters applications and served as the call center operation center and were operated by the municipal and provincial officers as well as volunteers from the scholars of the Compostela Valley Scholarship Program (CVSP).

The program includes guidelines and conditions for all applicants who intend to get back to their respective families in the province. The initiative was also made possible through the partnership with Smart Telecommunications who donated sim-cards for the Emergency Operations Center and "Balik Dde Oro" Operations Center.

To date, since it started its operation, it already received and catered a total of 389 applicants via call in the provincial hotlines. Stranded applicants were categorized into three (3): DDO residents stranded within Davao Region (Form 1), stranded outside Davao Region (Form 2) and Non-DDO residents stranded within our province (Form 3). There 183 applicants under Form 1; 188 applicants in Form 2 and 18 applicants in Form 3.

These individuals will still have to be verified and validated before being qualified to avail in the program. Each application will undergo validations such as: verification of residency from the municipal and barangay level, coordination with its respective family, submission of requirements such as health or quarantine certificate if there are any and if the applicant will abide to the terms and conditions of the program.

The conditions of the program includes undergoing a standard screening protocol and must be willing to undergo a 14-day quarantine period in the Barangay Isolation Unit (BIU) before going home, family of the applicant must provide them with food during the quarantine period provided that they will observe social distancing measures and wearing of protective gears during visits. The program is not applicable to those who will be going out of the province and does not cover the return trip and stranded passengers coming from “Lockdown” areas will automatically be declined.

According to Christine Dompor, Supervising Tourism Operations Officer IV of Davao de Oro, deadline of application was on May 7, 2020. For the upcoming days, dissemination and coordination to concerned EOCs will take place including the planning for the logistics. Schedules for the pick-up and transport for all qualified passengers will be posted on the official facebook page of the province after the arrangement of the logistics and coordination with EOCs from other provinces. Transport operations will start on May 16 onwards.

Davao de Oro continues to live with the spirit of “Bayanihan”, prioritizing the good of all its constituents leaving no one behind. (Jasteen Abella, ID DAVAO DE ORO)

Home Office

My column in Mindanao Daily, BusinessWeek Mindanao and Metro Cagayan Times

IN times of Covid-19 and ECQ or even GCQ, many of us are lucky working at home. For me it's a double-edged sword. I love to stay at my home office - on the other side, I miss my teaching and meeting people. Working at home - does this productivity come naturally, or can you learn it?
For some, working from home is a gift – a remarkable opportunity to focus and be hyper-productive, all the while finding time to play with the dogs and even exercise in short pants. For others – well, the transition isn’t quite as seamless. Some find all they’ve done with their eight hours is answer two or three emails, dream about a having a drink or discover their ‘cheese hour’.
It’s true, what British writer Meredith Turits said:  some people simply have dispositions and personality traits that enable them to better adjust to the new world of remote work than others. However, it’s not so black and white. You’re not necessarily destined to be good or bad at working remotely – some may just have to put in more effort than others.
Procrastination is never easier than when your superior isn’t looking over your shoulder. As long as the status light on your communication app is green, it’s easy to rush to the fridge and try to get something to eat or drink, or get into a YouTube hole, with no one any the wiser.
If it feels easier to procrastinate at home than in the office, it is for most: tele work is a “weak situation” with murkier expectations about behavior, says Timothy Pychyl, associate psychology professor at Carleton University in Ontario. In contrast, he points to a common situation: “In an elevator, we all typically ‘act elevator’, for example avoid eye contact with others, and keep our distance as [much as] possible …. The office is more of a strong situation with expectations for many things such as dress codes, arrival and departure times [and] time spent on or off task.” Weaker cues and lower accountability may make procrastination more likely at home.
And without the strong situation of an office, it’s quite a bit easier to dismiss unpleasant tasks and meetings with not very much welcome people. . When there’s a task on your plate you don’t want to dive into, or you’re banging your head against a wall with a tech problem, you’re testing your ‘frustration tolerance’, says Pychyl. Those who have a lower frustration tolerance are much more likely to procrastinate – they’re the people who get up from their desk and find a distraction.
I don't know how you my dear readers "survive" these times. Anyway, my very best wishes at the end: stay safe and healthy.