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There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

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Friday, April 29, 2016

PDP-Laban says Trillanes' Accusations are Getting Ridiculous

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29 April 2016

PDP-Laban says Trillanes’ accusations are getting ridiculous by the day, calls him “inventor of the week”

“We won’t be surprised if next week, Mayor Duterte will be accused of hiding trillions of pesos," PDP-Laban spokesperson Atty. Paola Alvarez said regarding the accusations hurled by Senator Antonio Trillanes IV against her political party’s presidential bet, Davao City Mayor Rodrigo “Rody” Duterte.

“This is getting ridiculous by the day. Two days ago, Sen. Trillanes accused Mayor Duterte of having an undeclared P211 Million bank account. Today, he said the mayor’s accounts had P2.4 Billion worth of transactions. What’s next, Mayor Duterte is behind the $81 Million Bangladeshi bank heist? This is already the height of absurdity," Alvarez said.

"Sen. Trillanes should be voted 'inventor of the week'. He is becoming more of an inventor than a senator,” Alvarez added, reiterating the challenge made by Duterte for Trillanes to sign an affidavit before the tough-talking mayor opens his bank accounts.

“We call on Sen. Trillanes to execute an affidavit and reveal where and when he got his information and why he released it. Mayor Duterte already committed to open his bank accounts as long as Sen. Trillanes signs an affidavit. It’s now in his hands. If the senator is confident of his information, he wouldn’t mind signing his name to a legal document to back up his claim,” Alvarez said.

Alvarez also slammed the rivals of Mayor Duterte, whom she said have found it fashionable nowadays to sign bank waivers.

“When Mayor Duterte and Senator Alan Peter Cayetano signed a bank waiver and challenged their rivals to do the same, no single candidate heeded their call. Now that Mayor Duterte is leading the presidential election and is on the brink of victory, they not only joined Sen. Trillanes’ ridiculous accusations, they are now signing bank waivers left and right. It is downright hypocritical,” she said.

Alvarez asked Duterte’s supporters not to be distracted from making the Duterte-Cayetano win in the election and achieving real change. She said that in the coming days leading to the elections, her group expects more accusations will be thrown against their standard-bearer.

"As the enemies of change become more desperate, we expect the attacks to become more vicious. We are also afraid that this will be a prelude to a possible massive election cheating. Thus, we call on the supporters of the Duterte-Cayetano tandem and the general public to exercise extreme vigilance amid the confusion and lies being peddled by groups with the intention to deprive the people of their rightful choice this coming election," Alvarez concluded. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Marian Rivera Flaunts Sexy Figure Months After Giving Birth


MANILA – Four months since she gave birth to baby Maria Letizia, Marian Rivera wowed her social media followers with her beach-ready body.
In an Instagram post on Sunday, the actress flaunted her sexy figure while wearing a two-piece bikini.
The photo was taken in Busuanga, Palawan where she and her husband, actor Dingdong Dantes, took their daughter on her first vacation.
The celebrity family also spent their Lenten break in the beach paradise.

Only hours after the photo was posted, Rivera’s picture immediately garnered more than 46,000 “likes” and more than 1,000 comments.
Some netizens were sarcastically asking the actress if she actually gave birth, while others inquired about how she managed to get her sexy figure back so soon.
Rivera gave birth to Maria Letizia in November 2015.

The breakthrough?


It’s not the first time, that representatives of most countries have signed a document for a better world climate. Last Friday, the Paris climate deal has been signed in New York. By signing the four-month-old agreement, the nations pledged to join the fight against global warming.
UN chief Ban Ki-moon opened the ceremony on Friday, describing the accord as “history in the making” in his address to the UN General Assembly. Envoys from more than 170 countries signed the climate deal over the course of the day, setting a new record. “Today you are signing a new covenant with the future,” Ban told the gathering on Friday. “The era of consumption without consequences is over.”
For Germany, Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks was on hand to sign the commitment, which will then require ratification in parliament. Famous Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio also addressed the international officials, telling them they were the “last best hope” for saving the planet. “We can congratulate each other today, but it will mean absolutely nothing” if the envoys fail to implement the deal, DiCaprio said. And this also my opinion. And not only mine. Indeed, if the envoys fail to implement the deal, this signing a new covenant with the future will remain as a piece of scratch paper. Nothing else. Nothing more.
Despite Friday’s signing ceremony, most individual countries are still obliged to ratify the agreement in their own parliaments. Will this happened? And when? In New York, French President Francois Hollande said he would urge his parliament to ratify the accord “by the summer” of 2016. Hollande also called on the EU to “lead by example” and complete the procedure before the year is up. “There is no turning back now,” he said in a brief address to the assembly. Of course not Monsieur Presidente.
The agreement is set to come into force after 55 countries representing at least 55 percent of global polluters formally join it. International leaders have set 2020 as the target date, but many climate experts believe it could happen much sooner. In my opinion: it should happened sooner! On Friday, Beijing’s representatives announced China would ratify the deal by September. The US also intends to finalize the procedure during this presidential election year. They seem not yet to be in a hurry … !
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff (how long?) also spoke before the assembly in New York, pledging that her country would restore and reforest 12 million hectares (30 million acres) of forests and 15 million hectares of degraded pastures, but offering no timetable. Indeed, the country is in a “grave, serious moment.
International leaders agreed on a global effort to curb climate change in December last year. The deal aims to keep the global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) compared to pre-industrial times. Currently, average temperatures are almost 1 degree Celsius higher than before the industrial revolution. Countries are obliged to report on their progress and update their targets every five years. However, there is no penalty if the states miss their emission goals. A nation can also withdraw from the treaty, but not during the first three years after the deal goes into effect. After deciding to pull out, the national government would need to wait for a one-year notice period.
The document also encourages rich countries to help poorer states cut pollution and adapt to climate change. Although no exact amounts were specified, wealthy nations had previously pledged to provide $100 billion (89 billion Euro) annually by 2020.
Is it really the breakthrough? For the sake of our following generations, it should be!
Email: doringklaus@gmail.com or follow me in Facebook or Twitter or visit www.germanex patinthephilippines.blogspot. com or www.klausdoringsclassicalmusic.blogspot.com.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Netizens Delcare Duterte Winner of Third and Final Presidential Debate

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25 April 2016

Netizens declare Duterte winner of third and final Presidential Debate

For the third time in a row, netizens favored presidential candidate and Davao City Mayor Rodrigo “Rody” Duterte's performance in the PiliPinas Presidential Debate on Sunday (April 24), according to Rappler, a social media news organization.

Garnering an overwhelming 65.63% of the total votes, the tough-talking mayor won the first part of the debate. Administration standard bearer Manuel Roxas II and Senator Miriam Santiago were a far second with 12.5%, followed by Sen. Grace Poe with 8.13%, and Vice President Jejomar Binay with 1.25%.

The first part of the town hall debate featured representatives of different sectors, such as a fisherman, an OFW, and a Muslim. They directed questions at the five presidential candidates on issues covering the West Philippine Sea, overseas Filipino workers, and traffic in Metro Manila.

Rappler's respondents once again declared Duterte the winner of the second round of the debate, with 65.97% of the total votes. Roxas came in second with 17.12%. Santiago was at third with 11.27%, followed by Poe with 3.97% and Binay with 1.67%.

The second part of the debate featured a Fast Talk portion, where the moderators asked the candidates whether they agreed or disagreed with various issues, such as a Marcos burial in the heroes' cemetery, and house arrest for former President Gloria Arroyo.

"Duterte won the debate, not mortally wounded"

Meanwhile, political analysts weighing in on the upcoming presidential elections praised Duterte's performance in the third and final presidential debate.

Speaking before ABS-CBN’s “Huling Harapan,” Manila Bulletin’s Leandro Coronel stressed that, out of all the candidates who participated in the debate, Duterte proved to be the clear winner.

“Duterte was not mortally wounded contrary to what we expected because of the issues (that have been thrown against him). The clear winner (in the debate) was Duterte,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, in Rappler’s blow-by-blow coverage of the debate, De La Salle University assistant professor Richard Heydarian pointed out how the Davao Mayor was able to show his political will in trying to address Mindanao’s enduring problem on terrorism. #

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Life's Quintessence

Life’s quintessence

Almost 16 years ago, a good friend of mine gave me a book written by the establisher and founder of the Scotish Free Church, Thomas Chalmers, who lived from 1780-1847. During this time, I resided already in the Philippines for good and did some marketing work in the former Bishop Thibault Media Center near the San Pablo Church in Juna Subdivision in Davao City, while writing a column for the Catholic Herald and hosting radio shows for the former DXGN 89.9 FM “Good News Radio”.
Chalmers treated life’s quintessence with plenty  flowering words. Yes, don’t be afraid and do live for something… !
Human beings live, move and have to pass away – free from worries, but unknown and un-noticed. They live such an irreproachable life -reputable, but so incomprehensible and inscrutable. Chalmers was very right….
Why do people live like that even knowing they have to leave the platform of life one day? Why are people sometimes afraid to live and allow something or someone to block them-selves? Still in my mind is one statement of Brother Francis Castro from the Little Brothers of Jesus. I quoted it several times already and it really became my life’s motto: “I feel the burning flame inside me that makes me jump out of the bed … and hurry to work!”
Life’s quintessence can be also this: Kindness, by helping the blind man crossing a street; hospitality, by practicing generous reception of strangers and guests (my very first impression, when I step on Philippine soil in June 1976!); helpfulness, by taking care of some-body, who is weak and dependent….
Believe me: your moment of virtue will never be destroyed by time’s storm. Henri Nouwen, a devotional writer and speaker, whom I also admire very much, spent two hours daily bathing, shaving, dressing, and feeding a man, who was so profoundly  could not speak or walk. Very clear, in that daily act of loving, Nouwen exemplified the compassion and sacrifice of Christ.
Love and mercifulness shared with people, who cross our path – and nobody will forget us. In our daily life, we do have plenty of situations, where we could show our real calling. Good deeds are shining like stars from heaven. Deeds of love and service may not seem to be an efficient use of time and energy, but they are never wasted. Our life doesn’t run clock-counter-wise. The clock’s hands are the time dictators of everyone. So: do live for something!
Email: doringklaus@ gmail.com, or follow me in Facebook or Twitter or visit wwwgermanex patinthephilippines.blogspot.com or www.klausdoringsclassicalmusic. blogspot.com .

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

University in Bohol Goes Solar to Cut Power Costs

By: Leo Udtohan, Philippine daily Inquirer

AN EMPLOYEE of Holy Name University in Tagbilaran City checks the 1,100 solar thin-film panels installed on the school’s rooftop.  HNU is the first academic institution to fully integrate solar-power energy system in Bohol province and the Visayas. LEO UDTOHAN/INQUIRER VISAYAS
AN EMPLOYEE of Holy Name University in Tagbilaran City checks the 1,100 solar thin-film panels installed on the school’s rooftop. HNU is the first academic institution to fully integrate solar-power energy system in Bohol province and the Visayas. LEO UDTOHAN/INQUIRER VISAYAS
TAGBILARAN CITY—Officials of Holy Name University (HNU) gathered on the rooftop of the school’s Scanlon Building on Friday to inaugurate solar photovoltaic power plant.
“We are not only saving electric bill, but HNU is helping conserving the environment. It is equivalent to planting more than 2,000 trees,” said Fr. Vicente L. Uy, the school’s vice president for administration.
Uy said the plant would reduce HNU’s monthly bill of P700,000 by at least P100,000.
“We believe there are other (sources of) energy in the environment we could tap. Solar energy is safer and cheaper. We really contribute to the cooling of the earth,” said Fr. Francisco Estepa, HNU president.
Formerly known as Holy Name College and Divine Word College of Tagbilaran, HNU is a Catholic, private, coeducational school run by Society of the Divine Word (SVD). It offers programs in elementary, secondary, undergraduate and graduate levels and has a student population of 7,200.
The solar plant, composed of 1,100 solar thin film panels, can produce 100 kilowatts of electricity, said Rynor Jamandre, president of Orion Group International Inc.
He said concerns about pollution, environmental degradation and resource depletion had led to an increasing awareness of the importance of developing solar energy.
Founded in 1947, HNU is the first academic institution to fully integrate solar-power energy system in Bohol and the Visayas. Other universities in Manila have tapped solar energy—La Consolacion College, Manuel L. Quezon University, St. Scholastica’s College and Mapua Institute of Technology.
HNU’s solar power plant is the largest thin-film solar installation in the country, Jamandre said. Most projects, he noted, were using crystalline solar panel.
The power production can be remotely monitored from Android or iPhone devices.
Jamandre cited the many advantages of solar power.
“You save your energy bill every month; the roof will always be cooler because you have a cover of solar panels. And the most important is we save on carbon emission. It’s very important because global warming is a reality. We are doing our part to make it happen one project at a time,” he said.

Philippine Folk Dance Kappa Malong Malong

Die Deutsche Botschaft Manila gibt bekannt:

Sicherheitshinweis für deutsche Staatsbürger auf den Philippinen:

Die deutsche Botschaft weist darauf hin, dass am 09. Mai 2016  in den Philippinen nationale, regionale und lokale Wahlen durchgeführt werden. Seitens der philippinischen Behörden sind bereits Maßnahmen ergriffen worden, damit die Wahl ohne Störungen durchgeführt werden  kann. Zu diesem Maßnahmen gehören unter anderem die Einrichtung von Check-points in der Nähe von Wahllokalen und das Verbot des Tragens von Waffen im öffentlichen Raum, welches für die Zeit vom 10. Januar 2016 bis 8. Juni 2016 angeordnet wurde. Verstöße gegen das Waffenverbot können mit Haftstrafen bis zu 6 Jahren geahndet warden, Ausländern droht zusätzlich noch die Deportation nach Verbüßung der Haftstrafe.

Bei früheren Präsidentschaftswahlen kam es im Kontext von Wahlkampf und Wahlen immer wieder zu Anschlägen und Ausschreitungen. Die Botschaft rät daher allen deutschen Staatsangehörigen,  während des jetzigen Wahlkampfes, am Wahltag und an den nächsten Tagen nach der Wahl  Menschenansammlungen und politische Versammlungen zu meiden und sich in den Medien aktuell über jeweiligen Entwicklungen vor Ort, inclusive zusätzlicher Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zu informieren.“