You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow / Gestern, heute, morgen

Do you always count the days up to the next legal holiday without being on duty? Or do you start as early as September longing for Christmas? And do you wish the weeks or months to hopefully pass by like an assault up to the next possible salary increase?

Many times we are really too much in a hurry while feeling uncomfortable if we noticed how time flies. We have no time for some one or something, or even for ourselves. We don't make time for some one of something or even for ourselves.

When I was still a teenager, I was longing for the time to be a grown up already. Later, I enjoyed listening to my grandmother's stories such as "Once Upon A Time" or 'When I Was Young" from her "yesterday's life".

After a couple of years, especially while observing that time really flies like a rocket to the moon, I always have the same question in my mind: Are the present hours and days less valuable? 

These days between Christmas and New Year, between yesterday and tomorrow, I used to slow down and to relax. I even ignore my cellphone most of the time. I hide at a secret place to unwind. 

The next turn of the year is just around the corner. For most of us it's the time  to come to our senses. The future prospects smile at us already. What might the New Year 2011 bring us? Another hectic schedule of course! But hopefully also happiness, joy and health. 

Is life in future easier, nicer, more charming and being more fulfilled compared to the present? Many of us retreat into the past and forget their present existence. A possible topsy-turved world of a golden youth tries to let us forget that also the past have had its share of disappointments, pains, tears, darkness, as well as desperate days. Dreamy and sleepy days - yes, lost days, irretrievable time... .

I am glad and happy being able to live a wonderful life as an expatriate here in the Philippines - together with my family and many very good friends. It hasn't been easy during the first years. Now we stand on our own feet, because we worked hard and adjusted very well. 

Happy New Year to all of you and May God bless us!

My Parents' Music - Klaus Doring's Classical Music

My Parents' Music - Klaus Doring's Classical Music

Enjoy reading. Viel Spass beim Lesen.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My 2011 Wish List

At any corner we do find and read wish lists. Each one of us has such a list. I am sure, you too! 

Talking about a wish list for the coming new year 2011 I really love to mention at first HEALTH IS WEALTH!

Do I try ignoring financial crises? Of course, not! But sometimes I love to escape from such topics - and, maybe you, my dear reader, too.

Still with me is a flyer, I got of one of my former colleagues, a professor of philosophy at the University of Southeastern Philippines, where I am still teaching German language. I must confess, I like these ten points of a wish list.

1. I will not strike back, if someone is rude, if someone is impatient, if someone is unkind. I will not respond in a like manner. 
2. I will ask God to bless my enemy. If I come across someone who treats me harshly or unfairly, I will quietly ask God to bless that individual. I understand that this enemy could be a family member, neighbour, co-worker, or a stranger in this country.
3. I will be careful about what I say. I will carefully choose and guard my words being certain that I do not spread gossip.
4. I will go the extra mile. I will find ways to help sharing the burden of my friend.
5. I will forgive. I will forgive any hurts and injuries that come my way.
6. I will do something nice for some one, but I will do it secretly, and not, because this some one demands it from me. I will reach out anonymously and bless the life of another.
7. I will treat others the way I wish to be treated. I will practice the golden rule "Do unto others as I would have them do unto me" - with every one I encounter.
8. I will raise the spirit of someone disheartened. My smile and my words can make the difference.
9. I will eat less and nurture my body. I will eat only healthy foods.
10. I will grow spiritually. I will spend a litle more time in prayer. I will find a quiet place.

I wish us all a 


Yes, HAPPY!!! Happiness should be really unending - it has to be sustained. Happiness is a life-saver.



Sunday, December 19, 2010


Einige Wochen herrschte doch eine gewisse Aufregung. Warum sendet die Deutsche Welle nur das ueberwiegend englischsprachige Programm ASIA+ ueber SKYCABLE? Mehrere Anfragen bei lokalen SKYCABLE-Bueros blieben ohne befriedigende Antworten - oftmals erhielt man nur die Antwort: Wir wissen auch nicht!

Ich schickte mehrere emails an die Deutsche Welle in Berlin und bekam sofort Antworten von Frau Julia Becker, DW-TV Fernsehdirektorin in Berlin, und Herrn Manuel Burkhardt von der Fernsehdirektion-Zuschauerdirektion in Berlin. Schliesslich rief mich Herr Manfred Kritsch, den ich schon seit einigen Jahren kenne,  vom Vertrieb/Asien (und auch zustaendig fuer die Philippinen) aus Bonn an.

Herzlichen Dank an Herrn Kritsch, der, nach mehreren Gespraechen mit SKYCABLE Manila, erreichte, dass wir nun alle wieder das ueberwiegend in deutscher Sprache ausgestrahlte Programm DW-TV ASIEN sehen duerfen.


A big thanks to Mrs. Julia Becker, DEUTSCHE WELLE TV Director and Mr. Manuel Burkhardt, and especially to Mr. Manfred Kritsch, Asia Distribution, who called me several days ago and talked with SKYCABLE Manila. DW-TV ASIEN, mostly broadcasting in German language, is again back in SKYCABLE.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Die Heilige Nacht im Wandel der Zeit

Als ich ein Kind gewesen,
das ist schon lange her,
da war Weihnachten noch ein Erlebnis,
ein Maerchen und noch viel mehr.
Es gab nur keine Geschenke,
denn wir waren ja nicht reich,
doch diese bescheidenen Gaben
kamen dem Paradiese gleich.
Da gab es Aepfel und Nuesse,
mitunter auch ein paar Schuh',
und wenn es die Kasse erlaubte
ein kleines Pueppchen dazu.
Wie war doch das Kinderherz selig
ob all der herrlichen Pracht,
und es war ein herrliches Raunen
um die Stille Heilige Nacht.

Dann wurde ich aelter und groesser
und wuenschte mir das und dies
und hoerte auf, an das Christkind zu glauben
und verlor dabei das Paradies.
Dann kam der Krieg mit all' seinen Leiden
mit Hunger und mit Not,
da wurde ich wieder bescheiden
und war dankbar fuer ein stueck Brot.

Wir alle wurden da kleiner
und nur ein Wunsch hatte die Nacht,
wir wollten vereint sein mit unseren lieben
in der Stillen Heiligen Nacht.
Doch der Wunsch erfuellte sich selten,
denn die lagen da draussen und hielten die Wacht,
und wir waren einsam und weinten
in der Stillen Heiligen Nacht.

Und als der Krieg dann endlich zu Ende
wuchs eine neue Jugend heran,
und die hatte dann auch ihre Wuensche
an den lieben Weihnachtsmann.
Nur die waren nicht klein und bescheiden,
denn der Wohlstand kam in das Land,
die Wunsche wurden groesser und groesser,
und das Schenken nahm ueberhand.
Nun wir gewuenscht und gegeben,
und keiner fragt nach dem Wert,
vergessen sind Krieg und Armut
und die Stunden am einsamen Herd.
Aus dem schoensten der christlichen Feste
hat der Mensch einen Jahrmarkt gemacht,
er wuenscht sich vom Besten das Beste
und vergisst den Sinn der Heiligen Nacht.

Where do I belong?! Thoughts on reverse culture shock

Where do I belong?! Thoughts on reverse culture shock

A very interesting article by SHELLY D. LANE, Ph.D. Thanks a lot for sharing it with us...
Eine wirklich interessanter Artikel von Dr. SHELLY D. LANE. Vielen Dank... .

Friday, December 17, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Party German Community Davao/Mindanao and International Friends

Four Filipina beautiful spouses - and many more have been there!

Vier huebsche philippinische Ehefrauen - und da waren noch viel mehr!

More and more guests arrived - not only from Germany and the Philippines, but also from France, Japan, UK, Finland and other countries.

Mehr und mehr Gaeste treffen ein - nicht nur von Deutschland und den Philippinen, aber auch aus Frankreich, Japan, England, Finnland und anderen Laendern.

A Christmas celebration, which united not only Germans and Filipinos but also other nationalities.

Eine Weihnachtsfeier, die nicht nur Deutsche und Filipinos aber auch andere Nationalitaten vereinte.

Susie Rexrodt, GMA - TV reporter, Fernsehreporterin und Rossana Balcom-Doring, my wife, meine Ehefrau, MC's, Moderatoren der Veranstaltung.

The Manisan Dancers and Singers performed a German-Philippine Christmas Music medley. 

Die Manisan Dancers and Singers erfreuten mit einem deutsch-philippinischen Weihnachtslieder - Medley.

Parlor Games,prizes and fun!

Gesellschaftsspiele, Preise und viel Spass!

Among others, also three of my German class students from USEP University of Southeastern Philippines joined and enjoyed the event.

Auch drei meiner Studentinnen vom Deutschkurs an der USEP University of Southeastern Philippines waren dabei und hatten viel Spass.

Merry Christmas! Froehliche Weihnachten!

Und ein grosses Dankeschoen an die Sponsoren / a big thank you to our sponsors PAGCOR Casino Filipino Davao City (Generalmanager Arthur Malatag und Marketing Direktorin Dara Abanilla), Grand Regal Hotel (raffle: 1st prize one overnight stay with breakfast) and Swiss Deli Davao City (Markus and Romano). 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Noble Mind and Heart

In times of WikiLeaks releases, truth commission, natural disasters (Cancun?), global  economical problems and (again) dwindling hopes of several people around me, dreaming (not only) of a White Christmas but a better future, I do feel inspire to put the cart before the horse.

Maybe at the end of this piece I'll tread the footsteps of other bloggers, columnists or commentators. So be it!

Pride comes before a fall - but never magnanimity, The dictionary defines magnanimity as in greatness of mind and generosity of heart especially in forgiveness. Often times Filipinos are really a magnanimous people having the quality of being high souled, rising above pettiness or meanness and the generosity in overlooking injury or insult.
The late Harry Emerson Fosdick, a famous Protestant teacher wrote: "No man ever saved anybody, or served any great of left any enduring impress, who was not willing to forget indignities, bear no grudges. The world's saviors have all, in one way and another, loved their enemies and done them good!"
Magnanimity, applied to relations between nations and people, transforms hostility into helpfulness. No "West Berlin inhabitant" (and count me in!) will forget the U.S. airlift during the East German-Russian blockade, when the so-called "raisin bomber planes" kept West-Berlin and its people alive. 

What quality in human character do you consider the most admirable of all? How about the tolerance toward another's viewpoint without smugness? How about refusal to judge another's action or motives without first knowing what lies behind them?

U.S. writer Clarence W. Hall said before: "Magnanimity must be developed and habitual by practice, but it's a virtue that sweetens and glorifies life."

People with a noble mind and heart are fond of day dreams. Of course, fantasies don't have to be a flight away from reality. In fact, psychologists are discovering since long time, that day dreams can play a creative role in self-development and a better mutual understanding. They are also one of the best things for the well being of a family - and a whole nation.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Jolliest Season in The Philippines

Many times I have been asked, if I am a preacher or pastor. I am not any of them. I was born and grew up in a parish house. While treading on different paths around the globe, through life, God has been more or less my permanent compadre. This might explain the "religious touch" in many write ups from time to time.

When the Christmas spirit sweeps through the Philippines, i learned how this spirit infects residents, tourists and a lot of expats alike with its gaiety.

The "official" Christmas season in the Philippines stretches from December 16 to January 6, but Christmas carols began already in October, and the season decorations stay up until the end of January. I remember my time as radio host in the Philippines: requests for Christmas tracks started already in September (!). They didn't surprise me while being on air for almost five years... .

Spanish missionaries introduced Christianity in the Philippines in the early 16th century. Many Christmas customs are derived from European roots. A creche is commonly found in church yards and on store facades, but often the carabao and the chicken have replaced the ox and ass. Humble farmers and fishermen bring offerings of fruits and fish to the babe in the manger. Real evergreen trees or the real Christmas tree, which can be found in Europe or other parts of the globe are rare in the Philippines. Filipinos have devised imaginative rattan representations, or "silver trees' fashioned with aluminium foil.

No dwelling or business address however, is too humble to display a "parol", the traditional star shaped Japanese paper and bamboo lantern that is a unique Christmas symbol in the Philippines. There are plenty of examples nationwide which show us how to celebrate the jolliest season of the year. 

Las Pinas (near Manila!) is very well known for its lantern makers. Have you seen already the marketplace overflowing with fanciful designed lanterns? San Fernando, Pampanga is famous for its spectacular lantern parade on Christmas Eve.

Yes, the Philippines celebrates the longest Christmas season worldwide infecting every one with gaiety. Count me in...!

I feel very touched when the "Gloria in excelsis Deo' rings triumphantly. After midnight families gather together around a table of traditional fare: foods and gifts. Towns are filled with wonderful and biosterous parties, noisemakers, and fire workers (NOT in Davao City!).

For me as a foreigner, who experienced the jolliest season of the year many times already, it is always an unforgettable event. 

Merry Christmas and Maligayang Pasko!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cute - But Please Don't Wait For the Bite!

I love dogs since my childhood. I still have seven dogs here in the Philippines. Here are some puppies. Aren't they cute???

Without timely treatment, rabies infection is 100 percent fatal. Rabies is the best example of an illness in which prevention is better than cure, as it is a vaccine-preventable disease. 

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), more than 55,00 people die of rabies every year, with dog bites as the cause of 99 percent of rabies deaths. Every year, more than  15 million people worldwide (!) receive post-exposure prophylaxis, preventing an estimated 327,000 rabies deaths annually.
Following the official announcements rabies remains a significant public heath concern in the Philippines where only 25 percent of dogs are vaccinated against the viral infection and only 17 (!) rabies diagnostic laboratories are currently in operation. 

Come and visit me and my dogs. Yes, they are very cute - not only as puppies. And, if they might bite you, youhave nothing to worry!

Mr. Eric van Oppens, president and CEO of Novartis Healthcare Philippines voiced it out very clearly: 

"Our commitment to increase public awareness on rabies begins within the company and among our employees. Rest assured that we will expand our rabies awareness campaign to include the general public. This is our humble contribution to preventing and controlling rabies in the Philippines!"