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Friday, September 1, 2017

Goodbye Malaysia - Hello Philippines

Goodbye Malaysia; Hello, Philippines

In Photo: Foreign Secretary Alan Peter S. Cayetano waves the Southeast Asian Games Federation flag after receiving it from Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) President Jose Cojuangco Jr. and outgoing SEA Games Federation President Tunku Imran Tuanku Ja’afar of Malaysia during the closing ceremony on Wednesday night at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium in Kuala Lumpur
THE 29th Southeast Asia (SEA) Games Kuala Lumpur has officially concluded in a colorful and vibrant ceremony as hosts Malaysia celebrate in style the 145-gold medal feat in the region’s biggest sporting extravaganza at Bukit Jalil National Stadium on Wednesday night.
The Games cauldron, which was lit by Malaysian diving sensation Nur Dhabitah Sabri on August 19, was completely extinguished at exactly 10.17 p.m. (Malaysian time), marking the end of an exciting 12 days of action which saw Malaysia achieving its target of becoming the overall champion.
Malaysian Prime Minister YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak earlier declared the Games closed at precisely 10.13 p.m.
Over the last two weeks, 4,709 athletes and 2,381 officials gathered in Kuala Lumpur and competed in 404 events over 38 sports. Host Malaysia formed the biggest contingent of 844 athletes and 390 officials.
Earlier on Wednesday, Malaysia raked in another six out of the seven gold medals contested in diving (2), ice skating (3) and weightlifting (1) to complete its gold medal haul to 145.
Thailand took home 72 gold medals for second spot, followed by Vietnam with 58, Singapore 57, Indonesia 38, Philippines 24, Myanmar seven, Cambodia three and Laos two.
Brunei ended its campaign with five silver and eight bronze medals and Timor Leste managed three bronze medals.
The 30th edition of the Games will be hosted by the Philippines in 2019.
It was a a proud moment for Malaysia and Games organizers, Malaysia Organising Committee (MASOC), which, besides its massive achievement on the field amassing 323 medals, also earned recognition from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for its great efforts in organizing the Games.
IOC Executive Board member Ng Ser Miang of Singapore presented MASOC Chairman YB Brig Gen Khairy Jamaluddin, also the Malaysian Youth and Sports Minister, with a special trophy.
The traditional hand over of the SEA Games Federation flag to 2019 Games host Philippines was simple but meaningful with outgoing SEA Games Federation president Tunku Imran Tuanku Ja’afar of Malaysia presenting the flag to Philippines Olympic Committee president Jose Cojuangco who then handed it to the Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano, who will the lead in organizing the country’s first hosting of the Games since 2005.
KLSEAG2017 News

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