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Friday, June 7, 2024

Lisa teases solo comeback; ‘coming soon’ video gets 14.4 million views on Tiktok


BLACKPINK member Lisa is gearing up for a solo comeback. 

On June 6, an email from Sony Music Entertainment carried the message “Lisa coming soon.” 

LLOUD, Lisa’s agency for her solo activities, posted a link to Lisa’s video about the announcement on TikTok. 

In 13 hours, the "coming soon - Lisa" video has garnered 14.4 million views, 3.7 million likes, more than 154,000 comments and shared by more than 162,000 times. 


Lisa's video on TikTok has garnered 14.4 million views in 13 hours (Screenshot from Lisa's video on TikTok)


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Lisa (Instagram)

Lisa’s comeback will mark her first under LLOUD and under the partnership with RCA Records, a label of Sony Music Entertainment. 

In April, Lisa and LLOUD announced a partnership with RCA Records. 

Under this, Lisa will release solo music under RCA but will have full ownership of all her recordings. 

“I’m super excited to be joining the RCA family and I am confident they are the best team to create a bigger movement in my solo career. Looking forward to showing the world everything we have been preparing,” said Lisa. 

Lisa will star in the third season of the HBO Original series “The White Lotus.” 

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